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1 | This sheet aggregates existing resources for capacity building needs assessments, especially related to Earth observations, GIS and related skills. Please add related related resources, following the existing structure. Please add your name/email in Column H in case we need to follow up. Thanks! REVISED 19 APRIL 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | RESOURCE TITLE | LINK | PRODUCED BY? | REVIEWED BY NA TEAM? (If yes, who and when?) | DATE | GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS | TECHNICAL AREAS COVERED | COMMENTS | WHO ADDED THE RESOURCE? | SUMMARY - 150 word description covering: aim, target audience, methodology, and scope | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | Examples | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Skills shortages, gaps and mismatches between supply and (future) demand | http://www.eo4geo.eu/download/eo4geo_d1-5-skills-shortages-gaps-and-mismatches-between-supply-and-future-demand_v2-2/?wpdmdl=4773&masterkey=5e454ec9238e2 | EO4GEO | 2019 | Europe, adding business perspective | Personel | Seeks to address to private sector skills gap | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Business processes and occupational profiles | http://www.eo4geo.eu/download/d4-1_business-processes-and-occupational-profiles_v2-0/?wpdmdl=4827&masterkey=5e45a07016892 | EO4GEO | 2020 | Europe, adding business perspective | Business Process | Analysis of business processes in order to find the missing skills lacking occupational profiles | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Preliminary needs assessment in the Caribbean | https://servir.ciat.cgiar.org/first-steps-for-servir-amazonia-in-the-caribbean/ | SERVIR | 2022 | Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados, Suriname, The Bahamas | DRR | Article detailing process of prducing needs assessment, does not include findings | SERVIR - Natalia Bermudez | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | User Needs Assessment Amazonia | https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/105879 | SERVIR/Amazonia/Colombia | 2019 | Colombia | Infrastructure (general) | SPANISH: report of needs assessment performed | SERVIR - Natalia Bermudez | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/107870 | SERVIR/Amazonia/Ecuador | 2020 | Ecuador | Infrastructure (general) | SPANISH: report of needs assessment performed | SERVIR - Natalia Bermudez | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/105880 | SERVIR/Amazonia/Peru | 2019 | Peru | Infrastructure (general) | SPANISH: report of needs assessment performed | SERVIR - Natalia Bermudez | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/105878 | SERVIR/Amazonia/Brazil | 2019 | Brazil | Infrastructure (general) | SPANISH: report of needs assessment performed | SERVIR - Natalia Bermudez | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Mapping the Engagement of the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme in Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Capacity Development | https://www.old.earthobservations.org/geo_blog_obs.php?id=564 | GEO | 2022 | Global | DRR, climate | Assesses GEO's Global Work Programme in a few areas including capacity "sharing". Interesting recommendations but not geographically specific | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Capacity gaps and needs related to the implementation of NDC's plans (National Determinated Contributions) | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/PCCB_TP_capacity%20gaps%20and%20needs_NDCs_final.pdf | UNCC - PCCB (Paris Commitee on Capacity Bulding) | 2019 | Global | Infrastructure (general) | Assessment of needs in Burundi, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Indonesia and Saint Lucia | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Technical assessment mission approach | https://un-spider.org/advisory-support/advisory-missions/technical-advisory-missions | UN SPIDER | Various | Global | Infrastructure (general) | Many countries assessed over years | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Needs Analysis Report (Geo Work Program) | https://geosecretariatgeneva.sharepoint.com/sites/GEOSecretariat/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FGEOSecretariat%2FShared%20Documents%2FGEO%2DS%2DDRIVE%2F04%20WORK%20PROGRAMME%2FPB%20MEETINGS%2F2023%2FPB%2D25%2FFor%20Web%2FPresentations%2FPB%2D25%2D3%2E6%2D1%5FGWP%5FActivities%5FData%5FPractices%5Fand%5FNeedsAnalysis%5FReport%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FGEOSecretariat%2FShared%20Documents%2FGEO%2DS%2DDRIVE%2F04%20WORK%20PROGRAMME%2FPB%20MEETINGS%2F2023%2FPB%2D25%2FFor%20Web%2FPresentations&p=true&ga=1 | GEO | Global | Link is private | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Diagnosis and Gap Analysis, Capacity Building Action Plan. Workgroup Disasters. 2019 | https://geo.cepal.org/en/contenido/GT-Desastres/pdf/190802_CBAP%20-%20diagnosis%20and%20gap%20%20analysis.pdf | UNGGIM - Americas | 2019 | Americas | DRR | Action plan for Americas distaster risk management | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
16 | National Earth Observation Assessment | https://usgeo.gov/uploads/EOA%202016%20for%20Release%20(Aug%202022).pdf | USGEO | 2016 | USA | Infrastructure (general) | Next assessment expected late 2023 | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | The Americas’ Spatial Data Infrastructure | https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/8/10/432 | National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico Ministry of National Assets, Santiago de Chile | 2019 | Americas | Infrastructure (data management) | Academic article | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Results of the 2020 AmeriGEO Regional Needs Assesment | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mSMlOH_tOgBNHVQCjoOUNAM5O3thveWDk6kYizFuaVA/edit#slide=id.g732b43d68a_0_11 | AmeriGEO | 2020 | Americas | Infrastructure (general) | Results of survey questions | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Results of the 2023 AmeriGEO Regional Needs Assesment | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1X9LXfZOXYyUg5LjpfxHj2E-mY850zcWJZ61kuqN5lLY/edit#slide=id.g299bf19e316_0_14 | AmeriGEO | 2023 | Americas | Survey conducted at September 2023 AmeriGEO meeting | Natalia Bermudez | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information in Central America | https://geo.cepal.org/en/contenido/proyectos/centroamerica/pdf/PAIGH%20Quarter%202%20report%20Signed%20final.pdf | Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) /ESRI | 2019 | Central America | Infrastucture (data management) | Survey results | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Demand for space/geospatial education and training and priority occupational profiles | http://www.eo4geo.eu/download/eo4geo_d1-3_demand_for_space-geospatial_education_and_training_and_priority_occupational_profiles_v2-1/?wpdmdl=3840&masterkey=5cfe849bd1fee | EO4GEO | 2019 | Global | Personel | Identification of demand for skills, competences and knowledge in the space/geospatial sector | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Coastal Needs Assessment Reports | https://coast.noaa.gov/needsassessment/#/resources | NOAA | Various | USA | Various | Many links to completed needs assessments | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | EUSPA User Consultation Platform | https://www.euspa.europa.eu/media-library/publications | EUSPA | Various | Europe | Infrastructure: the role of EU Space in infrastructure development, with a focus on key user requirements, trends and representative use cases. Renewable Energy: how Earth Observation (EO) and GNSS-based solutions can support the rapid transition towards renewable energies. EO-Platforms and Consumer Applications: a discussion on both improving access to space data and how to leverage that data for use in consumer, tourism and health applications. Aviation and Drones: how GNSS and EO can enable emerging operational concepts in the air, increase business opportunities and identify priorities for R&D and innovation. Maritime and Fisheries: discuss the needs of applications relying on GNSS and EO, which will be instrumental in defining potential new space data-based services. Emergency Management and Humanitarian Aid: applications for monitoring geohazards, post-crisis damage assessment and building inspection, with a special focus on supporting Ukraine. Insurance and Finance: an in-depth discussion on how to leverage the full potential of space data in fintech. Raw Materials: why EO and GNSS data and services are key for raw material resource exploration, operations and post-closure environmental management. | Links to completed assessments and others | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Expression of User Needs for the Copernicus Programme | https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/publication/commission-staff-working-document-expression-user-needs-copernicus-programme_en | EC | 2021 | Europe | Infrastructure (general) | Secretariat | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Technology Needs Assessment | https://tech-action.unepccc.org/tna-database/ | UN Environment Programme, UNEP Copenhagen | Various | Global | Various | Many completed assessments, focus on developing countries | Fair | |||||||||||||||||||||
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29 | Tools | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Online capacity assessment tool, training resources, case studies | https://www.cadri.net/ https://www.cadri.net/cadritool/home https://www.cadri.net/training-e-catalogue | Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) | Since 2007 | Global | DRR, Climate | UN-Red Cross partnership with lots of other global partners | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Current supply of space/geospatial education and training | http://www.eo4geo.eu/download/eo4geo_d1-1_current-supply-of-space-geospatial-education-and-training_v2-1/?wpdmdl=3836&masterkey=5cfe84423e22e | EO4GEO | 2019 | Global | Personel | Collection of EO/GIS training resources | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Participatory Mapping | https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/training/participatory-mapping.html | NOAA | 2015 | USA | Personel | Training in process of identifying resources, perspectives, and priorities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Toolkit to assess capacity gaps and needs to implement the Paris Agreement | https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/bodies/constituted-bodies/paris-committee-on-capacity-building-pccb/areas-of-work/capacity-building-portal/pccb-toolkit-to-assess-capacity-gaps-and-needs-to-implement-the-paris-agreement#Additional-resources-related-to-PCCB-toolkit | PCCB | 2022 | Global | Climate | Links to many resources | Fair | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Assessing Maturity at EO Activities at Country Level | Video Module Best practice guide | eShape | 2020 | Global | EO-specific | Uses EO "Maturity Indicators". Being considered by GEO CD-WG for use in doing national assessments. | Erin | |||||||||||||||||||||
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39 | Resources/Guides | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Coastal Needs Assessment Reports | https://coast.noaa.gov/needsassessment/#/resources | NOAA | Various | USA | Various | Many links to needs assessment-focused websites or documents | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | EUSPA User Consultation Platform | https://www.euspa.europa.eu/newsroom/news/user-consultation-platform-helps-set-course-eu-space-programme | EUSPA | 2022 | Europe | Infrastructure: the role of EU Space in infrastructure development, with a focus on key user requirements, trends and representative use cases. Renewable Energy: how Earth Observation (EO) and GNSS-based solutions can support the rapid transition towards renewable energies. EO-Platforms and Consumer Applications: a discussion on both improving access to space data and how to leverage that data for use in consumer, tourism and health applications. Aviation and Drones: how GNSS and EO can enable emerging operational concepts in the air, increase business opportunities and identify priorities for R&D and innovation. Maritime and Fisheries: discuss the needs of applications relying on GNSS and EO, which will be instrumental in defining potential new space data-based services. Emergency Management and Humanitarian Aid: applications for monitoring geohazards, post-crisis damage assessment and building inspection, with a special focus on supporting Ukraine. Insurance and Finance: an in-depth discussion on how to leverage the full potential of space data in fintech. Raw Materials: why EO and GNSS data and services are key for raw material resource exploration, operations and post-closure environmental management. | Format for stakeholders to share information | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | GEOGLAM Capacity Development Toolkit | https://earthobservations.org/storage/app/media/documents/GEOGLAM/GEOGLAM%20Capacity%20Development%20Guidance%20Document.pdf | GEOGlam | 2023 | Global | Climate, Agriculture | Guidance document on Capacity Development interventions | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Shortcuts capacity building guidance | https://www.crs.org/sites/default/files/tools-research/capacity_building_shortcut_final_highres.pdf | USAID/CRS/Red Cross | 2008 | Global | Various | Not specific to Earth observation but gives guidelines on how to conduct needs assessment | Fair | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Capacity Assessment Methodology User‟s Guide | http://content-ext.undp.org/aplaws_publications/1670209/UNDP%20Capacity%20Assessment%20Users%20Guide.pdf | UNDP | 2008 | Global | Various | Not specific to Earth observation but comprehensive | Fair | |||||||||||||||||||||
45 | CEOS Webinar Toolkit Needs Assessment Guide, 2021 | https://ceos.org/document_management/Working_Groups/WGCapD/2021_CEOSWebinarToolkit_NeedsAssessmentGuide_v1%20(May%202021).pdf | CEOS Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy WGCapD) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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49 | TBD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | UNGGIM resources | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | WMO framework | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | UNOOSA? | Secretariat | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Market/User's EO needs | - | EARSC | Europe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Assessment Climate and Agriculture & Forestry | USGEO | 2023 | USA | Secretariat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | RA III AND RA IV Survey On The Use Of Satellite Data - 2022 | https://sdr.ucr.ac.cr/supporting-documents | WMO Coordination Group on Satellite Data Requirements for RA III and RA IV | 2022 | Global | Not yet published | Secretariat | ||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Eurisy Sucess Stories database | https://www.eurisy.eu/stories/ | Eurisy | 2012-2024 | Europe primarily | Various | Eurisy | ||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Eurisy/EUSPA "Satellite-based Services for Disaster Risk Management" Workshop series | Greece report: https://www.eurisy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Disaster-Management-report-1.pdf | Eurisy | 2023 | Europe | Disaster Risk Management | reports of each national workshop, with national users survey data analysis. | Eurisy | |||||||||||||||||||||
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