A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | AJ | AK | AL | AM | AN | AO | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV | ||
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Country | Code | Region | Income Group | School Closures | As of | Date | Number of confirmed cases at time of closure | Planned Reopening | Planned Length of Closure (Weeks) | Closure extended? | Planned re-opening 2 | Details of closure | Reopening process started (Y/N/School year ended/Never closed) | Date reopening process started | Number of cases at re-opening | Total Weeks closed | Details of re-opening | Remote/online tuition? | Any distance learning? | Online | Radio | TV | Sending work home with students / providing hardcopies of materials | Distance curriculum available in multiple languages? | Details of language of materials | Parent guide? | Details of parent guidance | Education Emergency Plan? | National exams impacted? (Y/N) | National exams impacted? (Detail) | National exams impact (went ahead/ cancelled/postponed/ Planned for 2020/ held in new format/ by prior assessment) | Is exam impact dependent on grade level? (Y/N) | Plans for Special Education? (Y/N) | Special Education detail | Broader workplace closures? | Existing Cash Transfer Supplemented? | Details of Cash Transfer / social proection program | Other supports - Childcare | Other supports - Childcare (Detail) | Other supports - Meals | Other supports - Meals (Details) | Other supports - Other | Source | Source | Facebook Page | Official COVID Education Policy Document | Source for Re-opening | |
3 | Afghanistan | AFG | South Asia | Low income | Yes | 17 March | 22 | 1 month | 4 | Yes | Indefinitely | "All public (private education, Islamic education, literacy, and teacher training) programs are required of public and private institutions to refrain from working in their workplaces to prevent the gathering and preservation of their health and education" Schools are closed until September. | Yes | 22-Aug-2020 | 37953 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE agreed to the development of TV and radio lessons for secondary school students. "Director of education Schools have been closed for a month and students are in their homes for a month due to the outbreak of the disease. He said the education department would prepare a timetable for the remaining lessons after studying the lesson plan of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade science subjects in the schools and introduce well-trained teachers to streamline the teaching process through television and radio. Have done. The education director said in the city and districts he would recommend to his staff that at the appointed time, students would watch television in their homes to pursue their lessons." (From MoE facebook page on March 18) Teachers will be provided with training materials for distance learning. Comprehensive emergency/response distance learning plan available. The GoA is considering three potential alternatives for learning during school closures: 1) Self-learning; 2) Distance learning; 3) Small group learning. Description of self-learning from MoE emergency response plan: "All Social Science and Language subjects of General Education and Islamic Education of lower-secondary and upper-secondary grades will be self-learned by students according to the guidelines of the MoE. At same time, social science and language classes will be air timed through local radios. Social sciences and other core subjects of Islamic education will be self-learned from lower-secondary till upper-secondary levels. At the same time, teachers and principals will take this opportunity to build their capacity by following the guidelines of the MoE and the learning materials distributed by the MoE in a self-learning environment. " Small group instruction is recommended in remote areas without access to digital resouces. Distance learning program launched in May (Edtechhub blog) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Available in Dari and Pashtu | No | Yes (new) | Planned for 2020 | https://www-washingtonpost-com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/world/asia_pacific/afghanistan-coronavirus-crisis/2020/03/18/29b0ac8c-6875-11ea-b199-3a9799c54512_story.html | https://moe.gov.af/index.php/en/all-news https://twitter.com/hatsaandh/status/1252904262708977664/photo/1 https://edtechhub.org/2020/07/22/afghanistan-covid-19-brings-uncertainty-to-learning/ | https://www.facebook.com/MoEAfghanistan/?hc_ref=ARRaK3Wb6R-SAtjfLHwALd9oZ0ciT2xoynIrmxNphTmwCducy56HJZZmzeCxfhLnBsI&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARDRIMMw7sEXBg8AdN3I0TDhcoEI8aD4OZYWbTNiRIBYY2Tq9ZdPOL964ygY90FOUh01pKC-GOIzVrZfljfizgVOxdzAIPqHiCVxvt2UdlhKOfp-ytTRAwaxTe6OQ9GUnqHUnSJnqKkoQY_w_eDA-fXWwUUtYUfJdXt2no4IshTs0QZQO_M11MIBPzuAk5DgjCxxKAdHQ7fHNLZwQJNAhyw1va2FRVNii49CjUjX4ATRLoXlP66jrNUmkAMreGZoJ5vYwdK6xvxxXQ5STDRrqGQj2fpZRFT12JKsLjxfKLkxAhkk8hqgJz1wC40xbhg723FSw7FyQ8NtPZrNDSKl5_TNtw&__tn__=kC-R | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/afghanistan_moe_covid-19_alternative_learning_plan_-_eng.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
4 | Albania | ALB | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 9 March | 2 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | Indefinitely | Schools initially closed on March 9. Students in the last grade of upper secondary were permitted to return to school for 2 weeks on May 18 to prepare for exams. Other grades remained online until the conclusion of the school year. | Yes | 31-Aug-2020 | 9380 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Primary mode of instruction is through MoE's new official youtube channel MoE advertising lessons available through free platforms including Google Classrom, Zoom, Eztalks, and youtube. Some lessons also broadcast through radio and TV Encouraging assessment of home-based learning for students. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Parent guide to homebased learning available in Albanian. Videos for parents also available on MoE Facebook page. | No | High school students returned to school to prepare for state exams, held June 8-18 (source) | Went ahead | Yes | "Recipients of Ndihma Economike (flagship cash transfer program) will receive double the amount of benefit" (Gentilini) | Self-employed families receive cash benefit | https://balkaninsight.com/2020/03/09/albania-confirms-two-covid-19-cases-as-planes-grounded/ | https://www.facebook.com/arsimitsportitdherinise/ | |||||||||||||||
5 | Algeria | DZA | Middle East & North Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 12 March | 24 | 5 April | 3 | Yes | Closed after first death in Algeria | Yes | 21-Oct-2020 | 54839 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Launched television programs April 5. Includes television programs for students with disabilities. | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Primary school exams canceled; secondary school exams postponed until October. | Postponed | Yes | Yes | Television programs included for students with disabilities. | https://www.africanews.com/2020/03/16/coronavirus-south-africa-confirms-first-case// | http://www.education.gov.dz/ | https://www.facebook.com/EducationAlgerie/ | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | American Samoa | ASM | East Asia & Pacific | Upper middle income | Yes | 23 March | 30 days | 4 | Yes | 31-Aug-2020 | 0 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The Director of the Department of Education is directed to develop and implement plans to continue education for students studying at home" Students sent home with work packets on March 30 to intended to last for 4 weeks. | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | "Communicate with parents to share the schools’ action plan to continue to provide learning for all students at home during the school closures. Share student work packets with all parents to garner support at home." | https://www.doe.as/ https://www.doe.as/files/user/2/file/ASDOE%20SCHOOLS%20FINAL%20ACTION%20PLAN%20GUIDELINES(1).pdf | https://www.doe.as/files/user/2/file/2020-AMENDED-DECLARATION%20COVID%2019.pdf | https://www.facebook.com/americansamoagov.gov/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Andorra | AND | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 13 March | 2 | Yes | 2-Jun-2020 | 844 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/coronavirus-les-ecoles-fermees-des-lundi-l-epouse-de-justin-trudeau-contaminee-l-economie-en-berne-l-evolution-de-l-epidemie-en-direct-13-03-2020-8278959.php | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Angola | AGO | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 24 March | 0 | 15 days | 2 | Yes | 13 July | Plan for schools to reopen July 13 | Yes | 5-Oct-2020 | 5370 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "During the period of suspension of teaching activities, the document stipulates, teachers must assign and guide the carrying out of tasks for the home to students and the offices, provincial secretariats and municipal education departments must ensure scrupulous compliance with this guidance." Transmission of classes with didactic content broadcasted by the Tele Aulas channel, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Public Television of Angola. | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Postponement of exams | Postponed | https://allafrica.com/stories/202003200364.html | http://www.governo.gov.ao/VerNoticia.aspx?id=49543 | https://www.facebook.com/GovernodeAngola/ | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 19 March | 1 | 20 April | Urgent notice banner on MoE website March 19th at 9:30pm EST - no other details yet | Yes | 7-Sep-2020 | 95 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Tertiary institutions to move online. Google Classroom is recommended for secondary schools All primary schools should create a blog that could be used as an online learning platform for students, where no other online learning platforms are in use. Education Officers for administration will provide support. • In order to reach 100% of our learning population the following alternative measures should be put in place: o Create a buddy system where a parent (student) with internet and other capabilities is attached to a student who is unable to access that learning platform. Create an environment for sharing (e.g. telephone) for building community learning. o Start developing work sheets that could be disseminated to students, once a closure becomes eminent. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Links to outside article on supporting children in distance learning | Yes (new) | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | Yes | National School Meals Programme will continue to ensure that the most economically vulnerable students receive meals. | http://moest-antigua.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Coronavirus-Protocol-MoEST-13-02-2020.pdf.pdf https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | http://moest-antigua.org/homepage/# http://moest-antigua.org/2020/03/26/extension-of-school-closure/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/antigua_coronavirus-protocol-moest-13-02-2020.pdf.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
10 | Argentina | ARG | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 15 March | 56 | 31 March | 2 | Yes | Indefinitely | School closure extended indefinitely. Distance learning available. | Yes | 13-Oct-2020 | 894206 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Educational program available on public television and radio; via zoom with teachers; as well as online programming. Online training also available for teachers. "If you are a teacher we tell you that the National Institute of Teacher Training is giving free courses so that you can learn to use different digital tools." | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Additional cash transfer for social assistance beneficiaries (Gentilini) | Cash transfer for food support; in-kind/food vouncher scheme | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-15/guatemala-registers-first-death-from-coronavirus-health-minister-says | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-15/argentina-to-close-its-borders-for-15-days-to-combat-coronavirus-president-fernandez-says | https://www.facebook.com/educacionAR | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/argentina_resol-2020-108-apn-me.pdf https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/argentina_resol-2020-106-apn-me.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Armenia | ARM | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 16 March | 45 | 23 March | 1 | Yes | Indefinitely | "Taking into account the need for measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus and the instructions received from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, public schools, kindergartens, kindergartens, schools, sports schools, art schools, extracurriculars, colleges, colleges and universities have until March 23" "A Situation To Prevent The Continuation Of The Educational Process In General Education Institutions In The Situation To Be Planned for 2020 To The Maximum The MCSN Launched A Distance Education Resources Page - heravar.armedu.am" (This is the annoucement that closures are extended) Schools will not reopen until next school year. | Yes | 15-Sep-2020 | 46119 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE organizing distance learning platforms and offering an accelerated certificate course for teachers realted to distance learning beginning March 20th. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Parent and teacher resource page available from MoE. Materials are in Armenian. | Yes | School-leaving exams cancelled (source) | Cancelled | Yes | The government will provide $300M to businesses and citizens. Aside from support to firms, this includes $60M as extra social assistance payment to the Armenian citizens. (Gentilini) | Cash support to families who had to go on leave or were laid off because of the virus; in-kind/voucher support for food. MLSA in collaboration with the Armenian Red Cross will provide betweenone and three food and hygiene packages to 1,400 citizens. The packages willmainly go to elderly people living alone and people with disabilities,including Syrian-Armenian refugees and people in social housing. Theinitiative is funded from the State budget, while the Int’l Red Cross provides volunteers. (Gentilini) Wage subsidy Additional pension support | https://www.azatutyun.am/a/30485453.html http://escs.am/am/news/6168 https://www.azatutyun.am/a/30490989.html https://news.am/eng/news/567577.html | http://escs.am/am/news/6174 | https://www.facebook.com/MoESCS.Armenia/ | ||||||||||||||
12 | Aruba | ABW | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 16 March | 2 | 3 April | 3 | Schools began to reopen May 18; attendance is not mandatory. | Yes | 18-May-2020 | 101 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE making digital education platforms available. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | http://www.ea.aw/pages/english/ https://www.visitaruba.com/news/general/corona-virus-and-travel-to-aruba/ | http://www.ea.aw/pages/dea-cera-te-cu-3-di-april/ | https://www.facebook.com/educationaruba/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Australia | AUS | East Asia & Pacific | High income | Partial | 25 March | 2,364 | Localized closures. "Please contact your school or state or territory education department for information about school shut downs during the #coronavirus crisis" | Yes | 25-May-2020 | 7100 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The decision to not proceed with NAPLAN in 2020 has been taken to assist school leaders, teachers and support staff to focus on the wellbeing of students and continuity of education, including potential online and remote learning." Localized decisions being made about specific distance learning strategies | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | NAPLAN cancelled for 2020 | Cancelled | No | Yes | One cash payments for seniors as well as smaller one time payments for individuals and families (Gentilini) | Yes | (March 22) "Legislation in the @Aust_Parliament being introduced today will help families with the cost of child care and provide support for child care centres to remain viable during the #coronavirus emergency #COVID19Aus #coronavirusaus #ozedu" Legislation introduced March 25 | The government will provide a one-off $750 payment to social security, veteran and other income support recipients. (Gentilini) Additional pension support Wage subsidy | https://twitter.com/Eduspokesperson | https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/03/25/coronavirus-bindi-irwin-wedding-hours-before-australia-curfew/5076765002/ | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Austria | AUT | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 16 March | 1,648 | Indefinitely | Primary schools are only open as care centers for younger students who do not have care at home during the day; all secondary schools closed and teachers are encouraged to give work online; universities transitioning to online instruction. | Yes | 4-May-2020 | 15470 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | At secondary and university level | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Webpage with information, links, and resources for parents. Most materials are in German. | Yes | Temporary waiving of conditionalities to receive the childcare benefit (i.e. obligatory health examinations that usually have to take place at fixed times during pregnancy until age 5 of the child). (Gentilini) | "Cash assistance for one-person companies and freelancers affected by the crisis (e.g. service providers, artists, etc.) through a hardship fund, implemented by the Austrian Economic Chamber. Design details to be announced" (Gentilini) Paid sick leave Wage subsidies | https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/Ministerium/Informationspflicht/corona/corona_status.html https://www.austria.info/en/service-and-facts/coronavirus-information https://www.politico.eu/article/the-austrian-ski-town-that-spread-coronavirus-across-the-continent/ | https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/Themen/schule/beratung/corona/corona_fl/corona_unt_eltern.html | https://www.facebook.com/wissensministerium/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Azerbaijan | AZE | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 7 March | 13 | 20 March | 2 | Yes | "As it is known, according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers, from 10 to 20 March 2020 (first educational day of March) will be the purpose of prevention of infections and continuation of medical-prophylactic, disinfectant and other preventive measures in all educational institutions throughout the country. 27) the educational, training and educational process is suspended in all educational institutions and all activities related to this are postponed." | Yes | 15-Sep-2020 | 38403 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Video and game based lessons available online through the MoE "Lesson time" educational programming broadcast on TV. Timetable available of when different lessons will be on. Lessons broadcast in both Azerbaijani and Russian "Dear Students, Dear Parents, 5pm a week starting March 11, from 10am to 4pm, the "Culture" channel will launch a TV series called "Lesson Time". The program will cover all classes and provide brief explanations and instructions on the subject matter." "As a result of the collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Microsoft, students have been offered free access to the Minecraft Education Edition game-based learning environment." | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Television programmes broadcast in Azerbijani and Russian daily. | Yes | Many resources posted online for parents, teachers, and students. Nearly all are in Azerbijani. | Yes | The State Examination Centre (SEC) of Azerbaijan has cancelled a common final exam of the nine-year secondary education earlier scheduled for March 9 in four cities and 23 regions of the country. "The decision was made in accordance with urgent measures to prevent the risk that the coronavirus could provoke in Azerbaijan," the SEC announces today. The exam is postponed indefinitely (source) | Postponed | https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/03/12/world/europe/12reuters-health-coronavirus-azerbaijan.html | https://edu.gov.az/en | https://www.facebook.com/tehsil.gov.az | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Bahamas, The | BHS | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 16 March | 1 | 14 April | 4 | Yes | Indefinitely | Closed all schools after first confirmed case on the island. | Yes | 5-Oct-2020 | 4409 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE launching 'vitual school' - "Live" lessons for both primary and secondary school daily. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | All materials in English | Yes | Parent guide available for online learning and MoE's virtual portal. All materials are in English. | Yes | National exams for senior secondary school students are Monday Sept 14 and October 2 (source) [Previously: Exams delayed until mid-July. // Bahamas Junior Certificate (BJS) and Bahamas General Certification of Secondary Education (BGCSE) exams were held from 13 July. Grade Level Assessment Tests (GLAT) for grades 3 and 6 cancelled this academic year (MoE source)] | Planned for 2020 | Yes | https://www.ministryofeducationbahamas.com/ | https://www.bahamasvirtuallearning.com/parents.html | https://www.facebook.com/ministryofeducationbah/ | |||||||||||||||
17 | Bahrain | BHR | Middle East & North Africa | High income | Yes | 25 February | 23 | 2 weeks | 2 | All public and private schools closed initially for two weeks beginning Feb 25th and subsequently extended. | Yes | 25-Oct-2020 | 80255 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning materials and support for teachers to transition to online learning available through MoE. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Materials at the primary level available in Arabic, English, and French | Yes | Materials for parents available on MoE's distance learning portal. Most available in Arabic and English. | Yes | Schools in Bahrain to stop issuing paper examinations and instead hold them online (source) | Held in new format | Utility obligation support; unemployment benefits | https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/gulf/2020/02/25/Bahrain-suspends-all-private-public-schools-amid-coronavirus-outbreak.html | https://www.instagram.com/moebahrain/ | https://www.facebook.com/MOEBahrain/ | |||||||||||||||||
18 | Bangladesh | BGD | South Asia | Lower middle income | Yes | 18 March | 14 | Schools will remain closed until August 8th | Yes | 12-Sep-2021 | 1534341 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "To maintain continuity of sixth to tenth grade teaching during the closed period, the ongoing program of "My School in my house" is a routine of March 25, themed class on "Parliament Bangladesh Television". | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Television programmes broadcast in Bangla | No | Yes | O Level, IGCSEs, GCEs and A Level exams cancelled; instead students given predicted grades for the session of May 2020 (source) | Results allocated by teachers or prior assessment | Yes | Benefit under existing cash transfer will increase | Yes | Food subsidies (reducing price of rice) (Gentilini) | Wage subsidy | https://moedu.gov.bd/site/view/press_release/- | https://tbsnews.net/international/coronavirus-chronicle/bangladesh-confirms-first-coronavirus-death-57961 | https://www.facebook.com/moebdgov/ | ||||||||||||||||
19 | Barbados | BRB | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 19 March | 10 | Indefinitely | Ended school term two days early to have further consultations RE: COVID response (closed March 18th; originally scheduled for March 20) | Yes | 8-Jun-2020 | 92 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE advertising online distance learning through Google Classroom | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Online materials in English | No | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | https://mes.gov.bb/ | https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | https://www.facebook.com/METIBarbados | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Belarus | BLR | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | No | Spring holidays extended by one week and teachers are given the option of working from home through MoE's online portal. | Never closed | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Teachers given the option of working from open. Online portal available where teachers deliver the national curriculum. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Academic year finishe don time (May 30) and then 9th and 11th graders did take final exams, though the dates were adjusted (source). These were held in person; university entrace exams were also pushed back from June 13 to June 25 (source). | Postponed | https://edu.gov.by/en-uk/ | https://www.facebook.com/belarusminedu/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Belgium | BEL | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 16 March | 399 | Indefinitely | Decision made to close schools on March 12 effective March 16th. Schools instructed to still provide daycare for working parents. | Yes | 18-May-2020 | 55,559 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Regional governments discussing options including online, TV, and radio | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | In Wallonia and Brussels regions, high-stakes tests to be given online (source) | Held in new format | Yes | Schools remain open as childcare centers for parents in need | Utility/financial obligations support; additional unemployment benefits; healthcare insurance support (Gentilini) | https://www.politico.eu/article/how-europe-is-responding-to-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ | https://www.brusselstimes.com/belgium/100241/schools-out-how-belgium-is-preparing-for-the-school-suspension-flanders-wallonia-brussels-creches-schools-children-covid19-coronavirus/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Belize | BLZ | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 18 March | 0 | 2 weeks | 2 | All schools will close on March 20th for 2 weeks (announcement made March 18th). Initial closures extended indefnitely. Secondary school students can return to schools from June 15th to prepare for exams. Pre-primary and primary schools will begin to reopen August 10. | Yes | 12-Apr-2021 | 12503 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools are asked to share homebased learning programs with students which may include online tools and communication. To access daily online activities starting today Monday, March 23rd, 2020 at grade level for primary schools, please visit us at www.moe.gov.bz Online teacher training available to support teacher development and professional development hours. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Information for parents posted on MoE website. Materials are all in English. | Yes | Primary school exams suspended; CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | Yes | Yes | MoE delivering school meals and hygiene packs to students still in need to school feeding programs while at home | https://belizing.com/coronavirus/ https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | http://health.gov.bz/www/component/content/article/177-general-health/1023-belize-announces-new-measures-in-response-to-covid-19 | https://www.facebook.com/BelizeMOEYS/ | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Benin | BEN | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 8 April | 26 | Broader lockdowns and restrictions put in place on March 27th, but it's not clear whether this applies to schools at this time. | Yes | 11-May-2020 | 319 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Radio learning started May 6. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Students began to take national exams for the Primary Education Certificate on 6 July (source; source) | Postponed | https://twitter.com/gouvbenin?lang=en https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | World Bank contact. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Bermuda | BMU | North America | High income | Yes | 23 March | 0 | 30 March | 1 | Yes | Indefinitely | School closures announced with many other closures. Will be re-evaluated after first week. Extended following Easter break. | Yes | 25-May-2020 | 133 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools instructured to continue with remote learning programs on April 20. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | https://www.moed.bm/District/5847-Untitled.html | https://www.moed.bm/view/6220.pdf | https://www.facebook.com/BermudaPublicSchools/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Bhutan | BTN | South Asia | Lower middle income | Yes | 13 March | 1 | Indefinitely | Initially closed until March 19th. Order was extended indefinitely on March 18th. | Yes | 1-Jul-2020 | 77 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE released "Education in Emergencies" curriculum. "As an alternative to formal mode of delivery, instructions on key learning areas are delivered remotely through the use of broadcast and social media. This mode of lesson delivery may appear to pose inconveniences to assess students’ learning. In this juncture, lesson developers and presenters are reminded to make lessons interactive and experiential learning, and pose competency based or thought provoking questions during or at the end of every lesson. Students submit responses to these questions to their respective subjects teachers for assessment and grading their work" "During emergency, lessons are delivered through the use of television, radio and other social media in key stages and theme based approach. Lessons are delivered through BBS1 and BBS2 supplemented with Google classroom, Youtube, Wechats and other social media. The suggested broadcast timetable is provided." Counseling services will be available to students on Facebook through MoE/school counselors As part of the Bhutan Education Emergency Response Plan for the COVID 19 crisis, the Government made internet packages available to all public and private education students. The packages are available for students both in public and private from 7am to noon | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Available in English | No | Yes (new) | Yes | MoE put out some guideliens for supporting children with disabilities during COVID. The guidelines focus mostly on health. | http://www.education.gov.bt/index.php/notification-6/ http://www.education.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/FINAL-EIE-Curriculum-Implementation-Guidelines.pdf | https://www.facebook.com/pg/MoHBhutan/posts/ | https://www.facebook.com/SherigBhutan/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/bhutan_covid-19_response_plan_guidelines-for-curriculum-implementation.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | Bolivia | BOL | Latin America & Caribbean | Lower middle income | Yes | 12 March | 3 | 31 March | 3 | Yes | April 15 | School closure extended to April 15th on March 27th. | Yes | 1-Feb-2021 | 222447 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE implementing virtual learning platforms "The Ministry of Education invites you to visit the virtual library "Planeta de Libros: KeepReadingEnCasa" at the following link" | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Available in Spanish | Yes | Manual avaialble for parents, students, and teachers. Materials in Spanish. | Yes (new) | Yes | New cash transfer program launched (Gentilini) Waiving mortgages and other financial obligations | Yes | Cash transfer offered to support missed school meals. "The government introduced the Bono Familia program to compensate lowincome families who will not have school feeding meals during this time of quarantine. An amount of 500 Bolivianos (US$ 72.6) will be paid for each child in elementary school. The benefit will be delivered in April" (Gentilini) | Utility/financial obligation support | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-argentina/latin-american-countries-ramp-up-travel-bans-school-closures-over-coronavirus-idUSKBN20Z23G | http://dgfm.minedu.gob.bo/ap/web/ | https://www.facebook.com/minedubol/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/bolivia_pnce-2020.pdf | ||||||||||||
27 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 11 March | 8 | 15 days | 2 | Yes | 7-Sep-2020 | 21556 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Related to this, UNICEF in BiH has prepared and published on its website free digital distance learning tools with a lot of useful content for preschool and primary and secondary school students as well as teachers and other education professionals." | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | From MoE RE: distance learning materials: "It is an informal curriculum and the available contents are in English. Although the available content is not in the teaching languages or the official languages of BiH, we believe that it will be useful to many teachers and students who speak English." | No | Yes | (Gentilini) Assitance to low-incomes families and seniors Additional unemployment benefits | New cash transfers at the local level for elderly and low-income families; unemployment benefits (Gentilini) | http://www.fmon.gov.ba/Obavjest/Pregled/529 | https://www.facebook.com/fmon.gov.ba | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Botswana | BWA | Sub-Saharan Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 23 March | 0 | Indefinitely | Closure announced March 18th | Yes | 2-Jun-2020 | 40 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Daily schedule of radio programming available from MoE; e-learning available; educational television programming available on BTV. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Not yet affected as exams are in Oct/Nov/Dec period (source) | Planned for 2020 | https://twitter.com/BWGovernment/status/1240318319414185984/photo/1 https://twitter.com/BWGovernment/status/1255512164128956418/photo/1 | https://twitter.com/samirasawlani/status/1255549007989899266/photo/1 https://twitter.com/BWGovernment/status/1255512164128956418/photo/1 | https://www.facebook.com/thutomodingBotswana/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Brazil | BRA | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 17 March | 291 | 31 March | 2 | Yes | 31 May | To monitor the situation in the basic, professional, technological and higher education units, MEC created an online system that allows the integration of data on the coronavirus. The tool will gather information from the School Census (basic education) and Higher Education, as well as the number of infected people and institutions with suspended classes. On April 1 the federal government declared that minimum 200 days of instruction could be adjusted to take place outside of the orginally scheduled school year. Most of the coordination on school re-openings and distance learning are currently done by state governments. | Yes | 10-Aug-2020 | 3012412 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning mentioned by MoE for closed schools Primarily through 'Click School' app Poetry and other literacy programs available from MoE through YouTube Federal government releasing additional funds to improve the hygiene standards of schools. Free online literacy teaching training for parents and teachers to support them in instruction while schools are closed. Most states are using national TV channels for distance learning and online tools (including social media to communicate with parents). Some states include printed material for families without access to the internet. | Varies by location | Yes | No | Yes | No | May vary by state. No multilingual options available from MoE | Yes | Parent guides available in Portugese from MoE. Focused on building family litercy. Online training also available for parents to support with home-based literacy instruction. | Yes (new) | Yes | National high school exams scheduled for January 2021 | Postponed | Yes | Yes | Coverage of the Bolsa Família program increased by 1M households (Gentilini) Cash Transfer to informal workers of R$ 600 | Yes (some) | The federal government signed a law that authorizes, on an exceptional basis, the distribution of food purchased with resources from the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) to parents or guardians. The measure was taken because most public schools in the country have suspended classes. | New cash transfer for people in the informal labor market | http://portal.mec.gov.br/component/content/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86341:comite-de-emergencia-do-mec-define-primeiras-acoes-contra-o-coronavirus&catid=33381&Itemid=86 http://portal.mec.gov.br/component/content/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86581:mec-amplia-capacidade-de-comunicacao-a-distancia-em-universidade-e-institutos-federais&catid=12&Itemid=86 https://www.saopaulo.sp.gov.br/spnoticias/governo-do-estado-anuncia-programa-merenda-em-casa-para-700-mil-alunos/ https://www12.senado.leg.br/noticias/materias/2020/03/26/envio-de-merenda-para-estudante-deve-ter-aprovacao-rapida-aponta-presidente-da-ce | http://alfabetizacao.mec.gov.br/# http://portal.mec.gov.br/component/content/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86791%3Acoronavirus-saiba-quais-medidas-o-mec-ja-realizou-ou-estao-em-andamento&catid=12&Itemid=86 http://portal.mec.gov.br/component/content/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86791%3Acoronavirus-saiba-quais-medidas-o-mec-ja-realizou-ou-estao-em-andamento&catid=12&Itemid=86 | https://www.facebook.com/ministeriodaeducacao/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/brasil_medida_provisoria_934.pdf | |||||||||
30 | British Virgin Islands | VGB | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 17 March | 0 | 3 April | 2 | Schools officially closed until April 3 and easter break is April 4-19th making it so closures are effectively March 17 - April 20. | Yes | 21-Sep-2020 | 71 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Online teaching will be heavily used during this period using platforms including Cisco Wbex, CXC, Notemaster, Flow Study, Google Classroom and Class Dojo. The Minister for Education further stated that the ministry is holding discussions with telecommunications companies, potential donors, and other entities, in hopes of expanding access to technological resources and the internet. Further updates in this regard are forthcoming." MoE providing additional resources / technology to students without technology at home. MoE made laptops etc available to students in need to support remote learning. "These resources include laptops, device loan programme, video packages as well as commitment from telecommunication companies to lower prices of data packages or even special data package offerings for students and teachers." | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Materials in English. | No | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | https://bvi.gov.vg/media-centre/students-told-keep-learning-while-home | https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | https://www.facebook.com/BVIGovernment | ||||||||||||||||||
31 | Brunei Darussalam | BRN | East Asia & Pacific | High income | Yes | 21 March | 91 | Indefinitely | Brunei moved the school break up by one week (originally scheduled to start March 16 and was moved/extended to March 11th) Schools closed for all through June 2. Beginning June 2 only those sitting for exams can return to school for review classes. | Yes | 2-Jun-2020 | 141 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning platforms available. "DST in collaboration with Ministry of Education (MOE) and supported by Ministry of Finance and Economy (MOFE) and Unified National Networks (UNN) has introduced an educational data add-on bundle called EduPack." | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Students in high school expected to sit for exams in August, nearly two months later than in previous years (source) | Postponed | https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/coronavirus-brunei-reports-5-more-cases-bringing-total-to-six | https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Ministry-of-Education-Brunei-Darussalam-1522081884566064/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Bulgaria | BGR | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 13 March | 23 | 29 March | 2 | Yes | End of year | Schools closed from March 16-29th. Decision made March 13th. "The days from March 16 to March 29, 2020 will be absent at school. The decision comes as a result of an order of the Minister of Health issued in connection with the complicated epidemic situation related to the spread of COVID-19 in Bulgaria and the state of emergency declared by the National Assembly, as well as with the recommendations of the National Operational Staff." | Yes | 15-Sep-2020 | 18061 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning platforms available through MoE. "The order provides for the introduction of distance learning in schools. The Ministry of Education and Science has made recommendations to educational institutions for organizing and conducting non-attendance classes. Additional methodological and technical support is provided for schools and teachers to implement individual and specific plans for absenteeism." | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Letter with guidance from MoE available in Bulgarian. | No | Students in 7th and 12th grade returned to school to sit for their exams between June 1-17 (source) | Planned for 2020 | Yes | Expanding the coverage and scope of the home visiting services provided to elderly people and other vulnerable groups (people with disabilities), including the delivery of food and medicines | Unemployment benefits; disability pensions; unemployment benefits; wage subsidies | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-13/bulgaria-declares-state-of-emergency-over-coronavirus | https://www.facebook.com/%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE-%D0%B8-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-1557953497816581/ | ||||||||||||||||
33 | Burkina Faso | BFA | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 16 March | 2 | 30 April | 6 | Yes | Schools initially closed March 16th. | Yes | 2-Jun-2020 | 847 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | TV, radio, and onlie platforms available | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Postponement of exams (source) | Postponed | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/burkina-faso-covid-19-fight-complicated-war-displacement-200316053216529.html https://www.france24.com/en/20200319-burkina-faso-sub-saharan-africa-coronavirus-covid19-death-who-tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus | https://www.wakatsera.com/coronavirus-au-burkina-le-calendrier-de-reprise-des-cours/ https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Burundi | BDI | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | No | 25 March | Never closed | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools did not close | NA | No | Ninth graders sat for national exams from 9 June- 11 June (source) | Planned for 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Cabo Verde | CPV | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 21 September | 14 April | 10 | Distance learning opporutnities put into place to finish the academic year. | Yes | 1-Oct-2020 | 6024 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Educational program "Aprender e Estudar em casa" broadcasted on Television, Radio and available on Youtube. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Cambodia | KHM | East Asia & Pacific | Lower middle income | Yes | 14 March | 24 | Indefinitely | Yes | 1-Aug-2020 | 240 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning available through materials posted on Facebook and youtube by the MoE. Students can access via phone or computer. "KOICA Cambodia funded the launch of the Khmer e-learning platform called "Khmer Academy" that enables grade-school students 7 to 12 are accessible and free online lessons for coping with the disease 19." | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Available in Khmer | Yes | Information available for parents in Khmer | Yes | Minister of Education, Youth and Sports announced that exams for secondary and high school students would be postponed (source); The high school diploma examination will be held on December 21 and the lower secondary school diploma examination session on November 30 (source) | Planned for 2020 | https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1880510/cambodia-coronavirus-cases-double-to-24 | http://www.moeys.gov.kh/index.php/kh/ | https://www.facebook.com/moeys.gov.kh | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Cameroon | CMR | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 18 March | 13 | Indefinitely | Nothing as of March 19 | Yes | 1-Jun-2020 | 6397 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Since 6 April, daily educational programs are broadcasted on CRTV both in English and in French to assist learning from home, with special focus on exam preparation." (From UNESCO) | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Television programs broadcast in English and French. | Yes | ? Exam will be moved. See link (in French) | Postponed | http://www.minesec.gov.cm/en/accueil/ | https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori-51907641 | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3241854149166460&set=gm.1306431689746180&type=3&theater&ifg=1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Canada | CAN | North America | High income | Yes | 15 March | 244 | Dates and lengths of closures vary by province. | Yes | 1-Jun-2020 | 89741 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning varies by province | Varies by location | Yes | Yes | Varies by province | Yes (new) | Yes | Provincial exams cancelled in some places and rely on prior assessment | Results allocated by teachers or prior assessment | Offering sick leave benefits; cash transfer for those who don't qualify for employment insurance (Gentilini) | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/en/2020/canada-ministries-education-decisions-covid-19-6894 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Cayman Islands | CYM | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 13 March | 1 | 27 April | 6 | All schools closed until April 27th. MoE will re-evaluate on April 20th. | Yes | 26-Aug-2020 | 205 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "All government schools have implemented a variety of distance learning techniques and tools to ensure continuation of learning among their students.“Ahead of the announcement of school closures, we sent out a survey to parents to ascertain their access levels to technology, understanding capabilities vary per household. This aided efforts to implement contingencies for home learning. Further to the 1600 survey responses received so far, each school has provided educational instruction through a combination of channels including paper-based learning packages, a daily timetable, access to online platforms such as the Raz Kids, EDU365 Everest, Study Ladders, Purple Mash, Oxford Owl, Epic as well as access to PowerMath, English and Science Resources online,” stated Acting Director of DES, Tammy Hopkins.“We encourage parents to create a quiet workspace for children away from distractions and encourage them to maintain good learning and working habits,” Mrs. Hopkins. “This will allow you to simulate the classroom environment and maximise the learning effect.”Teachers will continue to communicate directly with parents and students through traditional communication methods such as telephone calls, WhatsApp messages and emails as well as through the use of Class Dojo, Edomodo, Google Classroom, Skype and Zoom." | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Available in English | Yes | Instructions for parents in English. "“We encourage parents to create a quiet workspace for children away from distractions and encourage them to maintain good learning and working habits,” Mrs. Hopkins. “This will allow you to simulate the classroom environment and maximise the learning effect.” | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | http://www.education.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/mehhome http://www.education.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/mehhome/pressroom/2014/Government%20Schools%20Outline%20Plans%20for%20Continuation%20of%20Learning | https://www.caymancompass.com/2020/03/12/breaking-1st-confirmed-case-of-covid-19-in-cayman/ https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | https://www.facebook.com/educationcayman/ | |||||||||||||||||
40 | Central African Republic | CAF | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 2 April | 6 | Coded as closed based on UNESCO database on April 2. No informaiton available yet. | Yes | 19-Oct-2020 | 4856 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The Central African Ministry of Education, UNICEF and Radio Ndeke Luka created and supported by Fondation Hirondelle in CAR, launched radio-based education programmes. Every day, at 5:05 p.m. Bangui time, numeracy and reading lessons in French and Sango, the national language, are broadcast to support the Ministry of Education's action for the affected children." (From UNESCO) | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Postponement of exams (source) | Postponed | https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/02/coronavirus-in-africa-breakdown-of-infected-virus-free-countries/ | https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Chad | TCD | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 20 March | 1 | Indefinitely | "As a result of this situation, lessons are suspended at all levels throughout the territory from this Friday until further notice. The decision was taken yesterday by the Minister of National Education and that of Higher Education who jointly signed an official statement." | Yes | 25-Jun-2020 | 860 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | E-learning platform available for secondary school students - created in April. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Television broadcasts in French and Arabic | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-chad/chad-confirms-first-case-of-coronavirus-government-statement-idUSKBN2162LO | https://www.presidence.td/fr-synth-1111-Vendredi_le_20_mars_2020.html https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Channel Islands | CHI | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Partial | 18 March | 6 | Indefinitely | Schools closed on Island of Jersey; some closures on others as well. Most cases are in Jersey. | Yes | 8-Jun-2020 | 564 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | No information | No | Waiting guidance on A-levels from UK government. | https://www.gov.je/Government/Departments/Education/Pages/index.aspx | https://www.facebook.com/GovernmentofJersey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Chile | CHL | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 13 March | 43 | 27 April | 6 | Initially closed for 2 weeks. Extended until April 27 on March 25th | Yes | 26-Oct-2020 | 502063 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE providing online learning opportunities with the following message for those without Internet: "students who do not have internet access at home, must follow the monthly work plan through their textbooks. In case they do not have texts yet, their agent must approach the establishment and request a printed copy." Educational television programming launched April 27. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Available in Spanish. | Yes | Resources available for parents and students online. Available in Spanish. | Yes (new) | Yes | MoE delivering school feeding baskets. | Cash transfer to those in informal sector; paid sick leave (Gentilini) | https://www.mineduc.cl/mineduc-activa-plan-de-accion-para-instituciones-de-educacion-superior/ https://twitter.com/Mineduc https://curriculumnacional.mineduc.cl/estudiante/621/w3-propertyname-822.html | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-13/chile-bans-large-public-events-over-coronavirus-fears-ahead-of-planned-protests | https://www.facebook.com/mineduc | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/chile_orientacionesmineduc_covid19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
44 | China | CHN | East Asia & Pacific | Upper middle income | Partial | 17 February | 70,548 | Indefinitely | Students were a school break when COVID initially broke out and were supposed to return to school on Feb. 17th. Return has been postponed indefinitely. Feb 17 - March 16 all schools closed. As of mid-March schools in some are starting to reopen. (Source from March) School reopenings delayed until May. | Yes | 27-Apr-2020 | 82,830 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | Gradual re-opening by city. April 27 - "Shanghai welcomed back pupils in their final years of middle and high school, while Beijing allowed students preparing for China's university entrance exam in July to return." Wuhan scheduled to open schools May 6. [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Primary and secondary schools were required by MoE to offer online learning opportunities for students. Lots of online and TV based educational programming available including web-based classroom instruction with teachers. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes (new) | Yes | University entrance exam postponed (source from MoE) | Postponed | Yes | Increase in Dibao cash transfer coverage and benefits (Gentilini) | Yes | Working with private sector to continue food distribution to students. | Waiving social security contributions; wage subsidy; training/activation measures (Gentilini) | https://america.cgtn.com/2020/02/19/how-does-the-chinese-education-system-cope-with-the-virus-outbreak-challenge http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-02/17/c_138792006.htm https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/china-life-returning-normal-coronavirus-outbreak-slows-200317084803189.html | https://edition.cnn.com/2020/02/28/asia/remote-school-education-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.devex.com/news/wfp-repackages-efforts-to-reach-hungry-children-as-covid-19-closes-schools-96878 | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/china_covid19_prevention_control_primary_middle_schools.pdf | https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52441152 | ||||||||||||||||
45 | Colombia | COL | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 15 March | 54 | 19 April | 5 | Children and young people from public education institutions from March 16 to April 19 will be on student recess and will not have face-to-face classes to protect everyone's health, at which time it is important that they remain at home. as a measure of self-care. | Yes | 29-Sep-2020 | 818203 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Annoucement to close schools followed by digital learning strategies. MoE offering online, TV, and radio instruction for all age groups. Also created resources for families to engage in home-based learning. For those without connectivity, the government is preparing a kit to learn from home organized by grade, including different resources. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Available in Spanish. | Yes | MoE created resources to help families engage in distance learning. Available in Spanish. | Yes (new) | Yes | Saber 11 - Calendario B (northern school calendar) postponed and options for rescheduling being explored (source) | Postponed | Yes | One additional cash payment to beneficiaries of flagship schemes (Gentilini) | Yes | "National Government issues regulations in the framework of the Emergency to guarantee the execution of the School Feeding Program for consumption at home." (March 26) This is a multi-ministry effort to ensure that students who would have school meals also have them at home. | New one-off cash transfer to families who work in the informal sector; utilities/financial obligation support. "A program called “Bogotá Solidaria En Casa” will provide poor and vulnerable families of the District with cash for the 23-day quarantine" (Gentilini) | https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Noticias/394006:El-Ministerio-de-Educacion-expide-Circular-20-ante-las-medidas-adoptadas-en-materia-educativa-para-ofrecer-garantias-de-salud-publica-a-la-comunidad https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/03/16/world/americas/16reuters-healthcare-coronavirus-colombia-borders.html https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Noticias/394531:Gobierno-Nacional-expide-normatividad-en-el-marco-de-la-Emergencia-para-garantizar-la-ejecucion-del-Programa-de-Alimentacion-Escolar-para-consumo-en-el-hogar | https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Noticias/393933:Gobierno-Nacional-anuncia-medidas-en-materia-educativa-para-ofrecer-garantias-de-salud-publica-a-la-comunidad | https://www.facebook.com/Mineducacion | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/colombia_circular_020_marzo_2020.pdf | |||||||||||
46 | Comoros | COM | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 23 March | 0 | Confirm date of closure - no info online. Coded as closed using UNESCO data. No confirmed cases as of March 25th. | Yes | 1-Jul-2020 | 303 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Congo, Dem. Rep. | COD | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 23 March | 18 | Indefnitely | Yes | 10-Aug-2020 | 9489 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | From UNICEF April 26: "Through educational radio programmes and learning kits, more than 25 million Congolese children will be able to continue their schooling despite the closure of schools as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Homework booklets for primary and secondary school children and adolescents will be distributed to all students in the DRC, including those living in remote areas. The MONUSCO-managed Radio Okapi and the Congolese National Radio (RNTC) have committed to broadcast two to three hours a day of classes on the main subjects of the primary cycle, including Math, French, reading and writing, health and environmental education and hygiene. For secondary cycle, special emphasis will be placed on Math, French, technology, life and earth sciences and information technology.... The Ministry of EPST launched a television channel, Educ-TV, at the beginning of the school closure, on which video content is broadcast and where many teachers give live lessons every day. As this television channel only covers Kinshasa and its surroundings, the Ministry of EPST decided to launch the learning project via FM radio stations." Voda Educ online learning platform available for primary and secondary school students. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | https://twitter.com/MinSanteRDC | https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/en/press-releases/drcs-ministry-primary-secondary-and-technical-education-launches-distance-education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Congo, Rep. | COG | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | No | 25 March | Yes | 12-Oct-2020 | 5118 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE has YouTube channel available with academic lessons. Tele Congo also has educational broadcasting. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Costa Rica | CRI | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 17 March | 50 | 3 April | 2 | Yes | 9 December | Initially 'at-risk' schools for 2 weeks on March 12 (23 cases at that time) and closed all schools on March 17th as cases reached 50 (April 3) MoE announced plans for the remainder of the school year to be conducted through distance learning. During this time, school meals will continue to be available to students. The school year ends in December. | Yes | 8-Feb-2021 | 196438 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Encouraging teachers to send work home with students. Teachers are using app called "Classroom". Various other apps made available by the MoE Televized support for setting up online learning Teachers will receive training the week of April 13-20, to support distance pedagogical mediation. "Open television programs that are produced in collaboration with SINART Costa Rica Media and the State Distance University, and are broadcast every day at 3:00 pm on channel 13, which can be reviewed on the MEP YouTube channel; Radio programs, with content for preschool and primary, that can be heard on our network; Autonomous work guides that help educators facilitate the learning process; Teacher training, with more than 50 free, online courses, which teachers must access as part of their development; In alliance with the State Distance University ( UNED ), the Open Learning Platform of the National Distance Education College (CONED) was made available to schoolchildren, in order to ensure that the student population can reinforce its academic process.; Also for high school students and their teachers, the Mathematics Reform Program, developed with the MEP , has more than 400 videos available on its website (https://www.reformamatematica.net/ ) explanatory, 400 practice exercises, with their respective explanations and an interactive blog; Friends for Learning ( ADA ), also has a range of courses that have been endorsed by the MEP; Reading Promotion Plan, "Stay at home and read a book", a technological plan to enhance the development of your reading skills and to contribute to the training of independent, self-critical readers with a positive taste for books and reading, with the virtual participation of dozens of libraries, through MEP's Student Life Facebook; Teaching and family initiatives that we have published and continue to publish on our networks, to encourage collaborative work; Emotional support for students, teachers and families, in order to cope with staying at home and new learning modalities, from a protocol created for this purpose." (From MoE, April 3) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Available in Spanish. | Yes | Available in Spanish. Materials on available online and some are broadcast on TV. This includes some resources for working with students with disabilities. | Yes | The fifth grade national mandatory assessment (Pruebas Nacionales de Fortalecimiento de Aprendizajes para la Renovación de Oportunidades Primaria, FARO) was cancelled. The national tests of formal education (Pruebas Nacionales de Educación Formal), have been delayed in order not to affect test performance. (source) Rescheduling of national tests for October, November, and December (source) | Planned for 2020 | Yes | MoE providing resources for parents about supporting students with disabilities. Highlights things like importance of maintaining routines. | Yes | Ministry of Public Education will deliver, from next week, food packages to families who have students in the educational system and use the canteen service. The measure is due to the temporary suspension of lessons due to the worldwide health emergency caused by the coronavirus COVID-19. Special food packages and sanitary items are delivered for families in extreme poverty (Gentilini) (April 3) Starting Monday, April 20, the student canteen services of the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) will carry out a second delivery of food to safeguard the right to food for students, given the closure of educational centers due to the pandemic at the level COVID-19 and the recommendation of the authorities of the Ministry of Health. | Guaranteed cash transfer continuation; pensions released early | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-argentina/latin-american-countries-ramp-up-travel-bans-school-closures-over-coronavirus-idUSKBN20Z23G https://ticotimes.net/2020/03/17/costa-rica-reaches-50-cases-of-coronavirus https://www.facebook.com/Ministerio-de-Educaci%C3%B3n-P%C3%BAblica-MEP-132635836805605/ | https://www.mep.go.cr/noticias/mep-inicia-acciones-educacion-distancia-despues-semana-santa-apoyo-estudiantes-familias-5 | https://www.facebook.com/Ministerio-de-Educaci%C3%B3n-P%C3%BAblica-MEP-132635836805605/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/en/2020/costa-rica-suspensi%C3%B3n-nacional-de-lecciones-como-medida-preventiva-protocolo-para-distribuci%C3%B3n | ||||||||||
50 | Côte d'Ivoire | CIV | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 16 March | 6 | 15 April | 4 | "Fight against # Coronavirus disease: the Ivorian government decides to close all pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education establishments for a period of 30 days from March 16, 2020 at midnight. (National Security Council)." | Yes | 25-May-2020 | 2423 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online homeschool platform available. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | https://www.informateur.info/coronavirus-fermeture-des-ecoles-en-cote-divoire-pour-un-mois/ https://www.africanews.com/2020/03/19/coronavirus-hub-impact-of-outbreak-across-africa/ https://www.facebook.com/gouvci.officiel?fref=ts | https://ecole-ci.online/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Croatia | HRV | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 13 March | 32 | 2 weeks | 2 | "1 through 4 elementary school students will be able to watch classes via HRT3 and Sport TV, and upper secondary students and high school students online. Parents who do not have the opportunity to leave their children home will still be able to take them to school, as there will be organized a ihvat and stay." | Yes | 11-May-2020 | 2196 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | TV lessons available primary school students; online options for secondary and university students. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Materials are available in a mix of Croatian, Bosnian, and English. | Yes | Parent guides related to helping students organized their days, access online material, etc. Guides are in English. | Yes | Exams have been postponed, such as the Croatian language and literature exam; no word on when high school seniors will take final exams (source) | Postponed | https://www.facebook.com/wwwvladahr https://www.total-croatia-news.com/lifestyle/42101-croatia-coronavirus-update | https://mzo.gov.hr/news/coronavirus-organisation-of-distance-teaching-and-learning-in-croatia/3634 | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/croatia_covid_organisation_distance_teaching_learning.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||
52 | Cuba | CUB | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 23 March | 40 | Until April 20th | 4 | "Marrero said it was partly because of public concerns about hygiene and crowding in schools that led the government to suspend classes for three weeks. They will resume on April 20 after spring break, depending on the status of the coronavirus outbreak." | Yes | 2-Sep-2020 | 4032 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online and TV-based distance learning available | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | School to reopen in september to finish this school year and take evaluations (source) | Postponed | No | https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article241303006.html | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-cuba/cuban-government-bans-cubans-from-leaving-island-suspends-schools-over-coronavirus-idUSKBN21B04M https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Curaçao | CUW | Latin America & Caribbean | High income | Yes | 17 March | 3 | 21 March | 1 | Length of school closings will be re-evaluated March 21 | Yes | 1-Jun-2020 | 19 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | None - currently a short term closing | No information | No | No | No | No | https://www.curacaochronicle.com/post/main/information-on-preschools-that-will-remain-open-during-the-corona-virus-crisis/ https://www.curacaochronicle.com/post/main/update-schools-close-from-tuesday-third-coronavirus-case-confirmed/ https://www.curacaochronicle.com/post/main/update-schools-close-from-tuesday-third-coronavirus-case-confirmed/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Cyprus | CYP | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 13 March | 10 | Indefinitely | Yes | 21-May-2020 | 923 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning being implemented by MoE. MoE is planning to offer additional support to families who lack proper technology and connectivity to access distance learning. Radio and television programmes will be available for younger children. Older children will access lessons online. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Available in Greek. | Yes | Information for parents available in Greek. | Yes | Postponing all exams until April 11 | Postponed | No | MoE offering grant for Cyprus students studying abroad to return home. | https://www.politico.eu/article/how-europe-is-responding-to-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://www.facebook.com/ypourgeiopaideias | ||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Czech Republic | CZE | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 12 March | 96 | Indefinitely | 25 May | All levels of schooling closed. Various distance learning opportunities available | Yes | 11-May-2020 | 8198 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE offering online learning resources for students, teachers, and parents. Radio programming will be available for younger children. Educational programming will also be available on TV and was developed by the MoE and Czech Television network. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Available in Czech. | Yes | Online materials and videos available to support families in distance learning. Resources available in Czech. | Yes | Postponed all end-of-school exams | Postponed | No | https://www.politico.eu/article/how-europe-is-responding-to-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://informace.rozhlas.cz/cesky-rozhlas-zaradi-do-sveho-vysilani-vzdelavaci-porad-pro-deti-8164505?fbclid=IwAR0xH38WiQ-Z53dBrUFN5mGgbnl1yar_CV-GCPN1pUbgQIN6SmiGRDNWq8sR%C3%A1dio http://www.msmt.cz/informace-k-vyhlaseni-nouzoveho-stavu-v-cr | https://www.facebook.com/msmtcr | ||||||||||||||||||
56 | Denmark | DNK | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 16 March | 674 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | Schools closed from Monday March 16. Decision initially made March 12. | Yes | 15-Apr-2020 | 6870 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | In some schools, parents aren't allowed inside school buildings, teachers aren't allowed to gather, and desks are spread out as much as possible. Students asked to wash their hands regularly. Some parents protesting reopening. ~ Reopened 5 days after peak daily new deaths [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Digital learning platforms available for students as well as support materials for parents; MoE created homeschooling guidelines and resources | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Online materials and daily videos for parents available from MoE in Danish. | Yes | "The graduation exams in 9-10 class is canceled and replaced by standpoint characters on diploma. [...] National tests are being carried out as planned for the students who are covered by the reopening. For those students who continue to receive emergency education through distance education, national tests are postponed to the absence period." | Went ahead | Yes | Wage subsidy covering 75% of wages ($3400) per worker/month to firms who agree not to layoff workers. (Gentilini) | https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/pressemoede-11-marts-i-spejlsalen/ https://www.facebook.com/undervisningsministeriet/ https://emu.dk/grundskole/gode-rad-til-undervisning-hjemmefra-i-forbindelse-med-covid-19 | https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/17/world/europe/denmark-schools-coronavirus.html https://www.uvm.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/uvm/2020/apr/200413-her-er-rammerne-for-genaabning-af-dagtilbud-skoler-og-uddannelsesinstitutioner | Letter to parents (in English): https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Brev-til-foraeldre-i-forbindelse-med-genaabning-_engelsk_.ashx?la=da&hash=08B2155E388F02BC745B08C0E05F91EDF19AB3EB Guidelines for a gradual, controlled reopening of schools and after-school programs: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Vejledning-til-skoler-og-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=1AE73D75F65CB5D36E593E14A3AB39A5960ED53A Instruction to management in schools and after-school programs: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Instruks-til-ledelser-i-skoler-og-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=E477CBA830F8F0647C723722026877119C2B8781 Instruction to staff in schools and after-school programs: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Instruks-til-personale-paa-skoler-og-i-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=307C5EE8A144B25C204E25E628EDFC9A6B5E6F2B Teaching materials: https://coronapaaskemaet.alinea.dk/ Leaflet for staff-members: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Information-til-medarbejdere-paa-skoler-og-i-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=D41D8869F541895BCB6220AC19D6294FAADC9A3C Planipolis: https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/controlled_reopening_of_the_danish_society_danish_police.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
57 | Djibouti | DJI | Middle East & North Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 23 March | 1 | 1 week | 1 | Yes | 9 April | "All private, public and consular schools as well as training centres closed from Monday 23 to Tuesday 31 March included" Announced March 18th "DUE TO THE CONTAINMENT INSTALLED, THE CLOSING OF PUBLIC, PRIV2S AND CONSULAR SCHOOLS AND TRAINING CENTERS IS EXTENDED FROM 1 TO 9 APRIL 2020 INCLUDED." Annoucement made March 26th | Yes | 6-Sep-2020 | 5387 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The continuity of learning will be provided by the ministry through television courses and tele-teaching. A detailed broadcasting schedule and the necessary instructions will be transmitted to this effect on the RTD waves. Parents are required to accompany their children to follow the courses that are for them on a regular basis" (MoE, March 26) "The Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Mr. MOUSTAPHA MOHAMED MAHAMOUD, brings to the attention of students and parents of students that the television and radio lessons as well as the distance education program will start from Wednesday, April 1 and this, for all school levels, ie from the 1st year to the final year class." (March 29) "PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ACCOMPANY THEIR CHILDREN TO FOLLOW THE COURSES THAT ARE FOR THEM ON A REGULAR BASIS" (MoE, March 28) Television programming introduced April 1. MoE also has e-learning platform available. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No parent guides available, but MoE suggests "PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ACCOMPANY THEIR CHILDREN TO FOLLOW THE COURSES THAT ARE FOR THEM ON A REGULAR BASIS" | https://www.facebook.com/MENFOP.cripen/?fref=ts/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Dominica | DMA | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 23 March | 1 | Indefinitely | Schools closed March 23 until further notice. | Yes | 7-Sep-2020 | 22 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning available while schools are closed and teachers are preparing activity packs to send home to students who do not have Internet. "The minister said that online classes are mainly being done via Google Classroom and are equipped with video communication software, Zoom, which has a capacity of up to one hundred (100) participants." | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/covid-19-students-are-participating-in-dominicas-online-learning-initiative-says-education-minister/ https://www.looptt.com/content/dominica-schools-closed-stop-spread-coronavirus | http://education.gov.dm/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Dominican Republic | DOM | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 17 March | 21 | 13 April | 4 | "Suspends teaching at all schools and universities until next Monday, April 13. To continue guaranteeing the feeding of public school students, the school feeding program will remain in force." | No | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning opportunities are being coordinated through the MoE and will be available via radio, TV, and through online platforms. MoE is being intentional about reaching those w/o Internet. "The guide for the entire educational community reaches homes that Right pointing backhand indexdo not have internet through a didactic space that is transmitted daily from 11:00 am to 12:00 m. by #CERTV, @Canal4RD and Educational Radio-TV" As an action to facilitate access to the internet, over 1,000 free public Wi-Fi access points have been set up. WhatsApp groups are giving specific support to teachers and parents and provide helpful content. MoE delivered laptops and other technical supplies to students in need. E-girls clubs established to support girls while schools are closed. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Available in Spanish. | Yes | Guidelines for parents available including youtube videos intended to help parents with distance learning. | Yes | The national assessment for 3rd grade students (Evaluación Diagnóstica Nacional d Tercer Grado de Primaria), has been cancelled (source) | Cancelled | Yes | MoE delivered additional materials to students with various disabilities to support learning at home while schools are closed. | Yes | Increase in coverage and adequacy of main CCT cash transfer to existing and new recipients. (Gentilini) | Yes | Government designing protocol to ensure food is delivered to students in need during school closures. Parent volunteers have organized to deliver food to families in need (from MoE, March 29) | https://twitter.com/educacionrdo https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-dominican-coronavirus-20200318-fedw3a473zcz5jkwh5d2xco4um-story.html | https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/how-countries-across-latin-america-use-technology-during-covid19-driven-school-closures?cid=SHR_BlogSiteShare_EN_EXT | |||||||||||||||
60 | Ecuador | ECU | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 16 March | 58 | Indefinitely | Yes | 22-Jun-2020 | 50,640 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE offering online education portal as well as support for families and teachers "Classes are suspended, teachers will provide full support to their students with activities to reinforce their knowledge, supported by the portal https://recursos2.educacion.gob.ec/ , through # TeletrabajoEc . Teachers may not request parents to purchase materials or print documents for any reason. The most remote areas or those without technological access will work with educational guides. Upon their return, the students will take an assessment to identify their progress and thus resume the curriculum" "A national educational platform is available with over 800 pedagogical resources, combined with the use of traditional media to broadcast educational content, through both radio and TV. A virtual classroom offers online sessions on a national scale. Psychological and pedagogical support is also being offered to respond to requests from parents and students. Assessment, as in most countries, remains a challenge and the government has decided that work during this period will not be graded nor count toward final course assessment." (WB) | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Some online materials can be accessed in Spanish or English | Yes | Parent resources available online | Yes | Exams being reschedule and alternative methods are being adopted for national assessments including Ser Estudiante, Ser Estudiante en la infancia and Bachillerato Técnico (source) | Postponed | Yes | Some teachers meeting with students who have disabilities in person | New cash transfer for workers in the informal sector Psychological and pedagogical support is also being offered to respond to requests from parents and students. | https://es-la.facebook.com/MinisterioEducacionEcuador/ https://news.trust.org/item/20200317163353-xxpq5/ | https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/how-countries-across-latin-america-use-technology-during-covid19-driven-school-closures?cid=SHR_BlogSiteShare_EN_EXT https://educacion.gob.ec/maestro-ensena-a-ninos-con-discapacidad-en-sus-casas-en-la-emergencia-sanitaria/ | https://es-la.facebook.com/MinisterioEducacionEcuador/ | |||||||||||||||||
61 | Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY | Middle East & North Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 15 March | 109 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | 15-Sep-2020 | 101177 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Ending school year early. Decisions about end of year exam varies by grade level. "developments and decisions resulting from the suspension of the study, including decisions regarding the evaluation of years of transportation, public certificates (middle and high school), technical education schools, applied technology and technical diplomas, as well as international certificates and Egyptian students abroad." (From MoE, March 26) Classes are 'livestreamed' daily online. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Changing / postponing exam requirements. Decision varies by grade level. | Postponed | Yes | Yes | "Ministry of Social Solidarity is planning to add 60,000 families to Takaful and Karama programs; also, increased payments are envisioned to women leaders in rural areas" (Gentilini) | One-off cash transfer for workers in the informal sector (Gentilini) | http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/365268/Egypt/Politics-/Egypt-closes-schools-and-universities-for-two-week.aspx | http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/50/1209/369166/AlAhram-Weekly/Focus/Egypt-goes-online.aspx | https://www.facebook.com/egypt.moe | |||||||||||||||||||
62 | El Salvador | SLV | Latin America & Caribbean | Lower middle income | Yes | 11 March | 0 | 3 weeks | 3 | "Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele said on Wednesday that all schools in El Salvador will be closed for three weeks due to coronavirus concerns, after governments in Panama and Peru took similar actions earlier in the day" | Yes | 6-Apr-2021 | 64431 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE implementing online learning platforms. "In addition to implementing a national platform with a repository of materials for delivery in various modalities (TV, multimedia, teacher communities), a set of orientation guidelines have been made available to teachers and students, and also to parents. Educational videos are being prepared (to be distributed via TV, YouTube and Facebook). Also, a national call center (accessible via email and WhatsApp) was set up to provide support to parents and students in delivery of educational activities." (From WB) | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Materials available in Spanish | Yes | Many resources for parents available online (including videos). Call center also established to support parents. All are in Spanish. | Yes | "If you are a student of Flexible Modalities, we will help you continue your learning from home while the suspension of classes lasts." (MoE Facebook page) | Yes | Initiative by the first lady: "Thanks to the efforts of the First Lady, the Social Welfare team prepares packages with first-rate supplies to alleviate the needs of families as during the national emergency" (From MoE 3/18) "schools that have food that is about to expire (in the first days of April) were asked to donate it to parents of the students" Multiple ministries seem to be working together for the provision of food for quarantined families | Utility subsidies Paid leave for at risk groups Sent school supplies home with students. | https://www.mined.gob.sv/noticias/item/1015504-la-ministra-carla-hanania-constata-la-entrega-de-orientaciones-pedagogicas-en-instituciones-de-educacion-superior.html https://www.mined.gob.sv/noticias/item/1015503-ministra-de-educacion-verifica-la-entrega-de-orientaciones-pedagogicas-para-los-estudiantes-de-colegios-privados.html https://www.mined.gob.sv/noticias/item/1015501-ministra-de-educacion-verifico-plan-de-continuidad-educativa-en-centros-escolares.html https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-11/el-salvador-shuts-classes-in-all-schools-on-coronavirus-fears | https://www.mined.gob.sv/noticias/item/1015508-especialistas-del-mined-trabajan-en-la-continuidad-educativa-de-los-estudiantes.html https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/how-countries-across-latin-america-use-technology-during-covid19-driven-school-closures?cid=SHR_BlogSiteShare_EN_EXT | https://www.facebook.com/minedsv/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/el_salvador_circular_7_2020.pdf | Instruction to staff in schools and after-school programs: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Instruks-til-personale-paa-skoler-og-i-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=307C5EE8A144B25C204E25E628EDFC9A6B5E6F2B | ||||||||||||||
63 | Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | Sub-Saharan Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 18 March | 3 | Indefinitely | Schools closed March 27 until further notice. | Yes | 1-Sep-2020 | 4,941 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Dads and moms, don't forget to remind the boys and girls to follow the educational program School at home. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Equatorial Guinea Television." (UNICEF EG Twitter) Government has also created an online platform with materials organized by grade level. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | https://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=15128 | https://escuelaencasa.gq/ | https://twitter.com/UNICEFGuineaEcu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Eritrea | ERI | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 27 March | 12 | Indefinitely | No information as of March 30 | Yes | 6-Jul-2020 | 215 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | https://www.africanews.com/2020/03/30/eritrea-missing-as-igad-leaders-forge-regional-coronavirus-plan// | Teaching materials: https://coronapaaskemaet.alinea.dk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Estonia | EST | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 12 March | 27 | Indefinitely | All schools with the exception of kindergarten instructed to close as of March 12. | Yes | 15-May-2020 | 1,766 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Estonia, the leading education nation in Europe (No 1. in PISA test in Europe), announced that it is humbled to share all of its digital education tools to support other countries’ education systems during the COVID-19 crisis. The list of tools that are internationally available are here: http://education-nation.99math.com/" No official MoE online platform but the MoE has recommended several online platforms. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Distance learning materials available in Estonian, Russian, and English. | Yes | Resources for parents available in Estonian, English, and Russian. | Yes | "We decided to postpone the state exam period due to the emergency situation. Also, exams, tests and proficiency tests at the language level will not take place in an emergency." (MoE, March 24) | Postponed | No | Wage subsidy; training/activation measures (Gentilini) | https://www.err.ee/1063202/esmaspaevast-on-koik-koolid-suletud-piiridel-taastub-kontroll https://www.politico.eu/article/how-europe-is-responding-to-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://www.hm.ee/en https://www.hm.ee/en/news/estonia-offers-its-digital-education-solutions-free-support-other-countries | |||||||||||||||||||
66 | Eswatini | SWZ | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 24 March | 4 | 20 days | 3 | Yes | mid-June | Government implemented movement restriction on March 24th. | Yes | 6-Jul-2020 | 1,011 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | None as of March 29 | No information | No | No | No | No | No | Not yet affected as exams are in the Oct/Nov/Dec period (source) | Planned for 2020 | https://twitter.com/EswatiniGovern1 | http://www.gov.sz/index.php/ministries-departments/search-and-menus-setup | https://www.facebook.com/pg/EswatiniGov/posts/?ref=page_internal | Leaflet for staff-members: https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2020/Corona/Genaabning/Skoler/Information-til-medarbejdere-paa-skoler-og-i-fritidsordninger.ashx?la=da&hash=D41D8869F541895BCB6220AC19D6294FAADC9A3C | |||||||||||||||||||
67 | Ethiopia | ETH | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 16 March | 5 | 30 March | 2 | Yes | 15 April | All primary and secondary schools are closed; higer ed institutions have transitioned to online instruction. National state of emergency announced April 8th. Planned to stay in effect for 5 months. School closures initially extended until April 15. Closures later extended indefinitely. | Yes | 20-Oct-2020 | 90490 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | (From Professor in Ethiopia) Primary level students are advised to follow radio lessons; secondary level students are advised to follow television lessons that can be accessed from home through satellite tv; all universities were closed and students are requested to return home without any arrangements about how to engage them from home. (From MoE) students are expected to do their part in preventing the disease at home without having to be distracted, while studying at home, reading their textbooks, and using Utelsat 8 west Frequency 11512 position vertical symbol rate 27500 Fed 7/8. We would like to remind you that parents should make the most of their time by attending classes and helping students stay focused on their education. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Take-home materials may be available in local language depending on normal curriculum. Broadcasts from MoE are currently available in Amharic. | No | Yes | Student sin grade 8 and 12 will take a national exam, though no date has been set. All other grades to move on without exams (source) | Postponed | Yes | https://twitter.com/FMoHealth/status/1239477278737924097 | https://twitter.com/PMEthiopia/status/1243495056360845312 | https://www.facebook.com/fdremoe/ | ||||||||||||||||
68 | Faroe Islands | FRO | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 12 March | 7 | Yes | 20-Apr-2020 | 184 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | Yes | Exams for graduating high school students are under consideration and will be adapted to circumstances (source) | Postponed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
69 | Fiji | FJI | East Asia & Pacific | Upper middle income | Yes | 19 March | 1 | Indefinitely | "On Thursday, Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama announced in a press conference that all schools and non-essential businesses in Lautoka, which is about 24km north of Nadi, would be closed until further notice" | Yes | 30-Jun-2020 | 18 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE has made materials available online; educational broadcasting available through two radio channels | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | School exams were postponed but are expected to be held for all grades - see source for specific exams by grade level (source) | Postponed | https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/coronavirus-arrives-in-fiji-prompting-school-closures-and-panic-buying-c-752869 | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/fiji_covid-19-response-budget-estimate-2019-2020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Finland | FIN | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 17 March | 272 | 13 April | 4 | Pre-primary institutions encouraged to stay open in order to support working parents Primary, secondary, and higher ed institutions closed. MoE encouraging distance learning for secondary and higher education. Also suggests arrangemetns will be made for those in need of special educaiton support services. "Finland's government will pass emergency legislation on Tuesday to close all its schools and universities from Wednesday among other measures in response to the spread of the coronavirus, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on Monday." (Aljazeera) | Yes | 14-May-2020 | 6,145 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning will be arranged for secondary and higher education. No concrete guidance from MoE on this as of 3.19 "Schools will make any necessary decisions on special arrangements for each pupil separately." (MoE, March 16) Some learning resources posted online by the MoE. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Some exams moved up by one week to complete before school closures implemented; Matriculation exams offered in condensed format | Went ahead | Yes | Yes | Unemloyment benefits; paid sick leave | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/toll-rises-coronavirus-tightens-global-grip-live-updates-200315231500487.html https://minedu.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/valtioneuvoston-linjaus-suosituksista-varhaiskasvatuksen-esiopetuksen-perusopetuksen-lukio-ja-ammatillisen-koulutuksen-korkeakoulutuksen-vapaan-sivist | https://gemreportunesco.wordpress.com/2020/04/07/the-peruvian-education-system-seeking-quality-and-equity-during-covid-19-times/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
71 | France | FRA | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 16 March | 2,876 | Indefinitely | "From Monday, until further notice, nurseries, schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, will be closed. For a simple reason: Our children and young people, according to our scientists, are the ones that spread the virus the quickest, even if they have no symptoms" | Yes | 11-May-2020 | 139,519 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | Plans to reopen schools for primary school students in May. Children will return to school in staggered year groups. [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Implementing "Learning Nation" program as of March 18th. "France Télévisions, Radio France, Arte and National Education are mobilizing to provide teachers, students from their families with quality programs linked to school programs. The programs broadcast on the air will thus be identifiable by the visual "Learning Nation". 'My class at home' resources Online resources available for parents and teachers. "All of these programs will also be accessible by podcast, streaming or replay on the ministry's websites or on the digital audiovisual sites and platforms. The Radio France application thus offers today a "Learning Nation" section including all the educational content of its channels." (MoE) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Most distance learning materials available in French | Yes | Materials available in French and English | Yes (new) | Yes | All national exams are canceled. They will be replaced by cumulative grades from the first quarters. | Results allocated by teachers or prior assessment | No | Encouraged home-based work for anyone able | Sick leave :Up to 20 days compensation for people in isolation; A transfer of Euro 1,500 will be provided to the self-employed and other SMEs as part of the solidarity fund; unemployment benefits (Gentilini) | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-france-macron/france-to-close-schools-to-curb-coronavirus-spread-macron-idUSKBN20Z3D4 https://www.education.gouv.fr/operation-nation-apprenante-303174 https://www.education.gouv.fr/ma-classe-la-maison-mise-en-oeuvre-de-la-continuite-pedagogique-289680 | https://www.education.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/2020-03/learn-more-about-insuring-educational-continuity--51966.pdf https://etudiant.lefigaro.fr/article/bac-2020-toutes-les-epreuves-sont-remplacees-par-le-controle-continu_c3255968-74bd-11ea-94e3-c0cc05dea6b9/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/france_covid19_circul.pdf | https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/21/lockdown-eased-netherlands-and-france-plan-to-re-open-primary-schools | ||||||||||||||
72 | French Polynesia | PYF | East Asia & Pacific | High income | Yes | 19 March | 6 | Indefinitely | Yes | 7-Sep-2020 | 738 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | No information | https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/411961/covid-19-french-polynesia-closes-schools-this-week | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Gabon | GAB | Sub-Saharan Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 14 March | 1 | 30 March | 2 | Yes | Indefinitely | Closed after one student was tested positive after coming back from France. | Yes | 9-Nov-2020 | 9022 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Distance learning available through television and online for secondary students. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | https://afrique.tv5monde.com/information/coronavirus-le-gabon-ferme-ses-ecoles-et-limite-les-visas-touristiques https://www.ouest-france.fr/sante/virus/coronavirus/coronavirus-le-gabon-ferme-ses-ecoles-et-limite-les-visas-touristiques-6779370 | http://www.education-nationale.gouv.ga/9-actualites/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Gambia, The | GMB | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 18 March | 1 | 21 days | 3 | Yes | Yes | 14-Oct-2020 | 3636 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education wishes to inform the public especially parents, caregivers and students, that starting Monday 23rd March 2020, radio and television stations all over the country will broadcast and air lessons between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 6pm daily." Daily remote learning schedule now available for April - June using radio, television, and online modalities. MoE and UNICEF have set up mobile feedback platforms through mobile phones for citizens to provide feedback on distance learning paltforms | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | 9th graders took the Gambia Basic Education Certificate Exam from 20 July - 28 July; this time was shortened from 9 days to 8 days (source; source)[Previously: WAEC Cancelled, 20 March (source)] | Went ahead | No | https://allafrica.com/stories/202003190223.html https://www.news24.com/Africa/News/gambia-announces-first-coronavirus-case-20200318 | http://www.edugambia.gm/ https://twitter.com/MobseTheGambia/status/1253501115557126144/photo/1 | https://twitter.com/MobseTheGambia | |||||||||||||||||||||
75 | Georgia | GEO | Europe & Central Asia | Upper middle income | Yes | 11 March | 23 | 1 April | 3 | School vacation extended for all levels of schooling and distance learning programs are being implemented through interagency collaborations | Yes | 15-Sep-2020 | 2562 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia has posted more than 15 Microsoft distance learning support for public schools administration, teachers, and students through a Prime Ministerial-led Interagency Coordination Council to prevent coronavirus. The productIt offers opportunities to help them conduct interactive online lessons." Various materials available online for teachers, studnets, and families including virtual classrooms and electronic libraries. " Georgian First Channel has launched an educational project – Teleschool (Teleskola). Within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and Georgian First Channel, the lesson timetable will cover all the subjects that are included in the National Curriculum. Experienced teachers will conduct the lessons. All transmissions will be provided by a gesture translator. In its first phase, lessons will be conducted for ethnic minorities in Georgian as a second language, Azeri and Armenian languages, while other subjects in Azerbaijani and Armenian languages will be gradually added." | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Televised lessons will be broadcast in Geogian, Armenian, and Azeri. Implemented online learning tools for teachers to make native language instruction available. | Yes | Online support available for parents in Georgian. | Yes | Televised lessons will include Sign Language interpreters. | https://agenda.ge/en/news/2020/742 | https://1tv.ge/en/news/georgian-first-channel-kicks-off-the-educational-project-teleschool-teleskola/ | https://www.facebook.com/emis.ge/?fref=mentions&__xts__[0]=68.ARDkKwZA2TXuX8sWgNCi1V27qgqy1bZndrpAqv4ymGJA0Q5DwAEXRFuhs4BVGZvQF7dlQhuQjSvJt3iOb6U8jwDOe5iLO35wyBjQNDPH3M1KQhXdXJLO7kaThpvKBh6NBCvIEAPk0dCnmTCU8K3KJx-ehkvedTvk4UlkCskjHBY2khGzYxotLTDNdfMNF5uG3zqUN4tPtfLo0z0OoUeiU0_F0-IBCQtn7XqYbdxqJIO6FJnYYHrq6ipLQZYJyZ9JXE1ayhuaB-Mvj2v576WtXUz2W7P3LmczQhztq3TBhNfZiib5WAqJ-OTuDyzQ_2fVErwPqyQ3-wwZyUglX5_xCQ5keg&__tn__=K-R | |||||||||||||||||||
76 | Germany | DEU | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Partial | 16 March | 3,062 | 20 April | 5 | Yes | 4 May | On March 13th, the decision was made for most schools to close through April 20th | Yes | 4-May-2020 | 166,152 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools designing individual solutions and the MoE launched 'School Cloud' online learning platform to supplement individual school offerings. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Information about online platform available in German. | No | Students still expected to sit their school-leaving exams (source) | Went ahead | Yes | Subdized reduced work time; "Parents who lose income due to COVID-19 can get easier access to child benefits. In addition, simplified process for a child grant (Kinderzuschlag) is put in place, with one-month income proof instead of 6 months. Payment amount is up to Euro 185/child/month until September." (Gentilini) | Subsidized social insurance contributions; paid sick leave; cash transfer for freelancers/self-employed | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-germany-schools/german-state-of-bavaria-closes-schools-to-slow-coronavirus-epidemic-dpa-idUSKBN2100SA | https://www.bmbf.de/de/karliczek-bund-unterstuetzt-in-krise-mit-digitaler-lerninfrastruktur-11242.html | https://de-de.facebook.com/bmbf.de/ | |||||||||||||||
77 | Ghana | GHA | Sub-Saharan Africa | Lower middle income | Yes | 15 March | 4 | Indefinitely | All levels of schooling closed except "“BECE [Basic Education Certificate Examination] and WASSCE [West African Secondary School Certificate Examination] candidates will be allowed to attend school to prepare for their examinations but with the required social distancing protocols" | Yes | 22-Jun-2020 | 14154 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication, has been tasked with to roll out distance learning programmes" (From DFID as of 13 July) Ghana Learning TV and Ghana Learning Radio have both been launched and are providing TV and radio lessons for KG-SHS. Online learning is also running for SHS. About 60% of students are using textbooks at home to continue studying. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | pre-tertiary students that have already registered for basic and secondary school exams will be allowed to attend revision classes. “BECE [Basic Education Certificate Examination] and WASSCE [West African Secondary School Certificate Examination] candidates will be allowed to attend school to prepare for their examinations but with the required social distancing protocols,” WAEC Cancelled, 20 March https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/covid-19-waec-postpones-2020-wassce.html WASSCE exam (end of SHS) and BECE exam (end of JHS) will be going ahead in July and August. | Planned for 2020 | Yes | Government will cover water bills of all Ghanaians for 3months. Health workers won’t pay taxes for 3 months and additional insurance is set up for them. Government will also offer to assistance to local companies to produce protective equipment | https://www.myjoyonline.com/news/national/livestream-akufo-addo-provides-latest-updates-on-coronavirus/ https://ghanahealthservice.org/covid19/cancelled.php https://twitter.com/DSD_GHS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3ADSD_GHS&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fghanahealthservice.org%2Fcovid19%2F | https://twitter.com/samirasawlani/status/1247107123336658945 https://twitter.com/gheduservice | https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofEducationGhana/ | https://ges.gov.gh/2020/04/29/covid-19-coordinated-education-response-plan-for-ghana/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
78 | Gibraltar | GIB | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Partial | 23 March | 6 | Indefinitely | Will no longer deliver national curriculum as of March 23rd, schools will transition to being child care facilitites for families who would otherwise leave their children with grandparents. This is due in part to the very low attendnace in schools over the past two weeks. "In the light of this, we have decided that, as from next Monday, schools will continue to provide a service to the community primarily by providing a safe environment for children of all workers who are not otherwise able to make suitable childcare provision without involving relatives over the age of 70 years." | Yes | 26-May-2020 | 154 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "Primary/Secondary schools have access to an online programme which provides children and their parents with a structured learning routine." (From UNESCO) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | schools will continue to provide a service to the community primarily by providing a safe environment for children of all workers who are not otherwise able to make suitable childcare provision without involving relatives over the age of 70 years." | https://www.facebook.com/gibraltargovernment/posts/3086577408054201?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBNFcMUORTFk4zR0xqL9InhJr_qCsi_VZTc8dQsANddvZAoClmNX4NinB97eGvgOaHIBayL4mYZWnDLWETmcF84K3B6_E4jMAfxuqMTq3K7WbhHLgfCm-zTNquYqWcfmdePJYpOTvCijpM6Kgq1iv7r2tEBOP77tEldKvnI__ZdqhflpiU2Wx-73xpixZbsHutDGMMGMTMyQcNzOFY8C1JuKWB40zw4QKsrEybusX7dGzu5n_MhTtICAaTcL6zMeNzMwym_UI59cVC1oScuOgbZO382ZsHHncWHRNn-n2VlGGUpZEk6z1Sp1Bk75UrtmFBKd0KoQtTvTScLTYgPrw&__tn__=K-R https://www.facebook.com/gibraltargovernment/ | https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | Greece | GRC | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 11 March | 89 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | April 10 | "By Joint Ministerial Decision, it was decided to ban the educational operation of all educational structures, public and private, across the country for the next 14 days. The measure concerns schools, universities and other educational structures overseen by the Ministry of Education." | Yes | 18-May-2020 | 2836 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE implementing online distance learning programs. Comprehensive online resources. Also implementing television programmes. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | All available in Greek; some also available in English | Yes | Resources for parents online; mostly in Greek. | Yes | (From MoE distance learning site) "The site enables textbooks to be automatically spoken through high quality synthetic voice to assist people with visual impairments as well as support services for the hearing impaired." | Cash transfer to employees of countries closed due to the virus; unemployment benefits | https://www.minedu.gov.gr/news/44404-18-03-20-den-xanetai-to-earino-eksamino-borei-na-kalyfthei-i-yli-sta-aei-meso-tis-eks-apostaseos-ekpaidefsis-i-akadimaiki-koinotita-na-vgei-brosta-se-afti-ti-megali-krisi-2 https://www.minedu.gov.gr/news/44337-13-03-20-eimaste-etoimoi-ksekina-i-eks-apostaseos-ekpaidefsi-stirizoume-tin-ekpaideftiki-koinotita-me-kainotoma-ergaleia https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/321366/greece-government-closes-schools-and-universities-nationwide-due-to-covid-19-outbreak-march-11-update-4 | http://photodentro.edu.gr/aggregator/ | https://www.facebook.com/MinEduGR/ | ||||||||||||||||
80 | Greenland | GRL | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 23 March | 1 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | Annoucement made March 18th that all primary schools would close on March 23rd for 2 weeks. | Yes | 14-Apr-2020 | 11 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE made a a repository of online content available for students and teachers in primary, secondary and vocational education. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | https://www.thelocal.dk/20200318/greenland-halts-all-air-traffic-to-island-to-limit-coronavirus-spread | https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Grenada | GRD | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 15 March | 0 | Yes | 7-Sep-2020 | 24 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online learning available | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. Primary level exams canceled. | Held in new format | Yes | https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | Guam | GUM | East Asia & Pacific | High income | Yes | 16 March | 5 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | 19-Jan-2021 | 7287 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Providing online instruction by subject. https://docs.google.com/a/gdoe.net/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Z2RvZS5uZXR8Z2RvZXxneDozZTM5NTNlYTFhYzEzNjJj | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | The Guam Department of Education is working to provide meals during the school closures. The GDOE has submitted a CNP Waiver Request for Seamless Summer Option to the USDA. The GDOE Grab-N-Go School Meals Program delivers no cost meals to children ages 18 and under, from both public and private schools, every weekday from 11am-1pm (except holidays and spring break which is April 6-10) | https://sites.google.com/a/gdoe.net/gdoe/ https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/pacific/412092/coronavirus-sixth-case-in-tahiti-two-in-new-caledonia | https://docs.google.com/a/gdoe.net/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Z2RvZS5uZXR8Z2RvZXxneDozZTM5NTNlYTFhYzEzNjJj https://sites.google.com/a/gdoe.net/gdoe/ https://twitter.com/guamdoe | https://www.facebook.com/GDOEInestudionCHamoru/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | Guatemala | GTM | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 16 March | 6 | 21 days | 3 | Decision to close after first death on March 15 | Yes | 4-Jan-2021 | 139419 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Lessons on broadcast daily on television and radio daily. "Do not miss the #AprendoEnCasa @Mineduc On the Government channel at 10:00 and 15:00 hrs. and channel 13 from 9:00 a.m. Monday to Friday and listen to it by @TGWdigital 107.3." MoE encouraging online lessons with tutors. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Materials available in Spanish. | Yes | Parent guides to homebased learning available online. Materials are in Spanish. | Yes (new) | Yes | Moving from school-based meals to take-home rations | Special transfer are planned to seniors and families with children (Gentilini) | https://thehill.com/changing-america/resilience/refugees/488118-guatemala-blocks-us-deportations-in-bid-to-prevent https://www.devex.com/news/wfp-repackages-efforts-to-reach-hungry-children-as-covid-19-closes-schools-96878 | http://www.mineduc.gob.gt/PrevencionCoronavirus/index.html | https://www.facebook.com/MineducGuate/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/guatemala_orientaciones-a-tutores-prevencion-covid-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
84 | Guinea | GIN | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 24 March | 4 | Indefinitely | All schools and universities closed on 24 March until further notice. Schools began reopening 29 June. | Yes | 29-Jun-2020 | 5342 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Online courses as well as radio and television broadcasting for students in exam grades. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes (new) | Yes | Postponement of exams (source) | Postponed | Government of Guinea will cover water & electricty costs for the next 3 months. Public transportation will be free for the next 3 months. Rent prices will be frozen until December 2020. Prices on pharmaceutical products &basic necessities are also frozen. | https://twitter.com/samirasawlani/status/1247409229813755905 | https://aminata.com/covid-19-guinee-le-gouvernement-ferme-les-ecoles-et-universites-jusqua-nouvel-ordre/ | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/guinee_mesrs-communique-no1-plan-de-riposte-covid-19.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Guinea-Bissau | GNB | Sub-Saharan Africa | Low income | Yes | 19 March | Yes | 5-Oct-2020 | 2403 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Nothing as of July 14. | No information | No | No | No | No | https://gw.usmission.gov/covid-19-information/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Guyana | GUY | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 16 March | 7 | 2 weeks | 2 | Yes | April 20 | All schools closed. Paid private lessons prohibited. Closure extended by an additional week on March 23rd. Schools now planned to re-open after the Easter break concludes on April 20th. | Yes | 9-Nov-2020 | 4484 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Creating opportunities for learning online as well as through television and radio "Radio broadcasts of the Interactive Radio Instruction continue daily on NCN Radio and Radio Mahdia, Bartica, Essequibo, Mabaruma, Lethem and Radio Paiwomak. | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Radio broadcasts available in multiple languages, including indigenous languages. | Yes | Homebased learning resources for parents available online. All resources available in English. | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. | Held in new format | No | "Vulnerable students and those with diminished access to education will also be catered to through social impact programmes that the Ministry is currently working on." | https://dpi.gov.gy/moe-to-engage-online-learning-amid-covid-19-concerns/ https://education.gov.gy/web/ https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2020/03/17/in-wake-of-confirmed-coronavirus-cases-guyana-slowly-grinds-to-a-halt-several-entities-temporarily-suspend-services/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article241249651.html | https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ https://www.education.gov.gy/web/index.php/mediacenter/external-sources/item/5670-covid-19-tips-to-keep-your-children-engaged-at-home | https://www.facebook.com/MinistryOfEducationGuyana/?hc_ref=ARSsp6IB3CGqlG217nyLc3kWJprEtaXdajT8XKw9EpL0UYItEgQLMW3x9Eb3VYrS1P8&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARBiPRl7QyJC3R13zzf4yqGICbAMOiKdxOFCJF5HAYLYiDU5EP6DSB2J4LTt4JXBirj2CEVOMFdNlnN6ZE5UegG1EoH6BzJF1XhqsDouL5dSML-oOf3bg3O95ts5hIFyNstrsKkLXu2d-RMoNtS1qmEsxqTwyxMhUh9PtVqPm_Ttkie-JIOjDT3mJ1aTq2RT-xBwTZFsPSZxJB7WLp6z_zmEPg50FUVHApqDiq2g5plYc3i_1T5RGa1FMFAKAaGTOUyanIWBB3HQaHaKXAk4xMkGgDKnyPRdLfLEA12fO4Cd4awbsRCgI81MN1JOPibULFtI1I9ToVjTGVTtb_eap0Grvw&__tn__=kC-R | ||||||||||||||
87 | Haiti | HTI | Latin America & Caribbean | Low income | Yes | 20 March | 2 | Indefinitely | Schools to close indefinitely after first two confirmed cases. | Yes | 10-Aug-2020 | 7634 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE is in the process of designing online learning opportunities. Aim to have them available in 2 weeks. (Posted March 23) "While being aware of the digital divide in Haiti which can limit the impact of this action, the ministry remains convinced that digital technology cannot be overlooked, a source of opportunity, at a time of the development of artificial intelligence and virtual classes that can compensate for the lack of resources in countries of the South, such as Haiti." Distance learning available online and television. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | MoE distributing meals to families in need. | https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article241212621.html | https://www.facebook.com/menfphaiti/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | Honduras | HND | Latin America & Caribbean | Lower middle income | Yes | 12 March | 2 | 2 weeks | 2 | All schools (public and private) ordered to close for 2 weeks and universities are suspended indefinitely. | No | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | In the framework of the emergency decreed by the Government of the Republic To prevent the spread of #COVID -19 in the country, students receive their classes through the television signal of the Honduran Channel @stvetelebasica | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Available in Spanish. | No | Yes | "Agribusiness unites to help the Honduran people in this HEALTH EMERGENCY, bringing to each home fruits, vegetables and basic grains during this quarantine that the country is experiencing today." (This is led by the Health Department) | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-argentina/latin-american-countries-ramp-up-travel-bans-school-closures-over-coronavirus-idUSKBN20Z23G | https://twitter.com/Educacion_HN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3AEducacion_HN&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.se.gob.hn%2F | https://www.facebook.com/SecretariaEducacionHN/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Hong Kong SAR, China | HKG | East Asia & Pacific | High income | Yes | 3 Feb | 20 April | 11 | Yes | 27-May-2020 | 1067 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Secondary students were delayed by four weeks before sitting for their exams (source) | Went ahead | One-off cash payment to all citizens; utility/financial obligation support (Gentilini) | https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/03/the-longest-holiday-parents-coping-with-coronavirus-school-closures-in-east-asia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Hungary | HUN | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 13 March | 32 | Indefinitely | Making tools available for teachers to engage in remote teaching and made all textbooks downloadable. Providing some suggestions for resources for distance learning, but this doesn't seem to be officially organized through the MoE. | Yes | 2-Jun-2020 | 3921 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "The government decided on the introduction of a digital distance (outside the classroom) working procedure for schools. The decision extends to all public education institutions, not including nursery schools, pedagogical assistance service institutions and institutions providing pedagogical services." | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | Only students taking the school-leaving exam being tested. The exam will only be held in written form, no oral exams. For all other years, exams are cancelled (source) | Went ahead | Yes | Yes | Extended maternity leave benefits for mothers currently on maternity leave. | Yes | "Providing school meals for children in a given settlement is a municipal responsibility, regardless of the institution type. The kitchens used for cooking school meals will continue to remain available; however, meals cannot be served for children in school buildings. Therefore, in the case of children where justified by circumstances, meals will have to be provided in the most optimal locally possible manner (for instance, delivery)." (From MoE) | Subsidized social insurance contributions; Labor regulation and loan repayment moratorium (Gentilini) | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-hungary-death/hungary-confirms-first-death-from-coronavirus-idUSKBN2120QD https://www.oktatas.hu/kozneveles/ajanlas_tantermen_kivuli_digitalis_munkarendhez/?fbclid=IwAR2bjbh2jKwBLBuu2a9gtyTG1uEpyr5WPpy21nAA34vEyZPpA-QO7pAa3DU | https://www.kormany.hu/en/ministry-of-human-resources/news/ministry-of-human-capacities-new-working-procedure-in-public-education-and-vocational-training-institutions | https://www.facebook.com/kormanyzat | ||||||||||||||||
91 | Iceland | ISL | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Partial | 13 March | 117 | 4 weeks | 4 | Closed all secondary schools and universities, special measures implemented for primary school. | Yes | 4-May-2020 | 1799 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE page provides on how to provide distance learning, but there are no regular planned programs. | No | No | No | No | No | Planned measures to increase consumption via benefits (Gentilini) From Government of Iceland releasing $1.6 billion response package: wage subsidies; state-backed bridging laons for companies; deferral of tax payments; financial support for tourism sector; one-off child benefit payment; access to private pension savings; refund of VAT for construction projects; public projects accelerated. | https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-13/iceland-restricts-public-gatherings-closes-schools | https://www.government.is/news/article/2020/03/13/Stricter-measures-to-slow-down-the-spread-of-COVID-19-/ https://www.government.is/news/article/?newsid=afa0d410-6b79-11ea-9462-005056bc4d74 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | India | IND | South Asia | Lower middle income | Yes | 13 March | 0 | 31 March | 3 | Yes | 21-Sep-2020 | 5487540 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Varies by state From national ministry: "Integrated Teacher Training Portal and Mobile App" MoE encouraging students to check out e-learning apps (some are being offered free of charge for the time being). "Browse through #SWAYAM's collection of diverse online courses starting from class 9th to PG level!" Encouraging teachers to participate in online trainings while not at school. "Teachers amidst the #CoronavirusOutbreak, take out time to brush up your skills or learn a new course. Check out #DIKSHA, a digital platform that allows you to improve upon your teaching craft." "Dear Students, to make sure that you stay connected with your studies even when you are away from school, we are soon launching e-classes on #SWAYAMPrabha DTH channels, full of #schooleducation content aligned with your ongoing syllabus. Time-slots of 4 hours daily has been approved on SWAYAM Prabha DTH Channels for selected states." Central Board of Secondary Education designing an alternative calendar for classes 1-12. | Varies by location | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Online materials available in multiple languages from National School Library. | Yes | All students in grades 1-8 will be automatically promoted to the next grade. Students in class 9 and 11 will be promoted on the basis of their internal assessments in school including projects, periodic tests, term exams, etc. that have been conducted till now. | Results allocated by teachers or prior assessment | Yes | Yes | Additional benefits to all those receiving benefits from the National Social Assistance Program (Gentilini) | Yes | Home delivery of school feeding meals (Kerala); additional in-kind/food benefits in some areas "The national government has asked state authorities to distribute grains or cooked meals to children’s homes or to provide parents with cash to ensure that students are still getting the basic nutrition they would be receiving from school lunches." (Devex) | Cash for informal workers (Uttar Pradesh); social security subsidies; labor regulations (Gentilini) | https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/patna/schools-colleges-in-bihar-to-remain-shut-till-march-31/articleshow/74618541.cms https://www.devex.com/news/wfp-repackages-efforts-to-reach-hungry-children-as-covid-19-closes-schools-96878 | https://www.ndtv.com/education/cbse-to-promote-all-students-in-class-1-8-2204397 https://indianexpress.com/article/education/ncert-to-develop-alternative-academic-calendar-for-classes-1-to-12-cbse-nic-in-6348231/ | https://www.facebook.com/HRDMinistry | |||||||||||||||
93 | Indonesia | IDN | East Asia & Pacific | Lower middle income | Yes | 16 March | 117 | Indefinitely | Implementing distance learning curriculum | Yes | 13-Jul-2020 | 76981 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Implementing distance learning curriculum thruogh MoE. Lessons will be available online as well as broadcast on television according to a daily time table. (Launched in April WB blog) "Teachers and parents are expected to realize meaningful education at home, and not just focus on academic or cognitive achievement...Teachers and parents must provide meaningful education, including understanding the Covid-19 pandemic." | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Most materials avaialble in Indonesian | No | Various resources available on MoE Facebook page, but nothing explicitly tageting parents. | Yes | "Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim, officially presented the cancellation of the National Examination (UN) in the 2019/2020 academic year. The omission of the National Exam applies to junior / equivalent and high school / vocational / equivalent education units in Indonesia taking into account the safety and health of students in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic....The Minister of Education and Culture said, in the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19 the conditions determining the graduation of students could be by holding a school exam (US), with the condition that the US did not physically collect students or the US could be done online." | Cancelled | Yes | Expansions of e-food vouchers by 33% for six months; increase in amount of existing cash transfer to poor households (Gentilini) | Yes | "The government provided extra funding for the national food subsidy program to support 15M low-income households. The expansion of e-food vouchers includes a 33% increase in benefits for six months. Such additional funding was for 4.6 trillion rupiahs" | https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesias-covid19-cases-rise-to-117-as-cabinet-members-take-test-for-coronavirus https://blogs.worldbank.org/eastasiapacific/indonesias-education-technology-during-covid-19-and-beyond | https://twitter.com/mandabeat/status/1249881912761561088/photo/1 | https://www.facebook.com/Kemdikbud.RI | |||||||||||||||
94 | Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN | Middle East & North Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 4 March | 2,926 | Indefinitely | Yes | 16-May-2020 | 118392 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Broadcasting lessons on television and online. MoE working to get access to lessons for teachers in remote areas. MoE seems to be relying primarily on television. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Mostly in Persian with the exception of language courses (Farsi and Arabic) | No | No | Students began taking final exams on 6 June (source) | Went ahead | Yes | (From MoE's distance learning plan) "special education schools and rehabilitation training centers participate in the program and 4023 students with special needs including autism, visual and hearing impaired, students with physical, motor, and mental disabilities, and students with learning disabilities. Learning problems" | Yes | New cash transfer program launch for 3 million families (Gentilini). For families w/o permanent jobs | Planning to cash transfer for informal workers (Gentilini) | https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/05/coronavirus-latest-updates-china-south-korea-cases.html | https://www.medu.ir/fa/news/item/1140231/%d8%a8%d8%b1%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%85%d9%87-%d8%a2%d9%85%d9%88%d8%b2%d8%b4-%d8%aa%d9%84%d9%88%db%8c%d8%b2%db%8c%d9%88%d9%86%db%8c-%d8%af%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%b4-%d8%a2%d9%85%d9%88%d8%b2%d8%a7%d9%86-%d8%af%d9%88?ocode=1000000229 https://www.medu.ir/fa/news/item/1140204/%d8%a7%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%a6%d9%87-%d8%ae%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a2%d9%85%d9%88%d8%b2%d8%b4%db%8c-%d9%88-%d8%aa%d8%b1%d8%a8%db%8c%d8%aa%db%8c-%d8%a8%d9%87-%d8%af%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%b4%e2%80%8c%d8%a2?ocode=1000000282 | https://www.instagram.com/p/B9a2MvUnprK/ | ||||||||||||||||
95 | Iraq | IRQ | Middle East & North Africa | Upper middle income | Yes | 5 March | 34 | 29 March | 3 | Yes | 29-Nov-2020 | 548821 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Broadcasting lessons on satelite TV, radio, and on YouTube | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Broadcasts are in Arabic | No | Yes | Currently debating the possibility of postponing or canceling national exams (concern over international response if exams are cancelled - MoE Facebook page) | Yes | (On MoE Facebook page) "Scouts to distribute food baskets to poor and needy families in various" | https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51751952 https://reliefweb.int/report/iraq/iraq-covid-19-situation-report-no-4-10-march-2020 | https://www.facebook.com/Iraq.Ministry.of.Education/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Ireland | IRL | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 12 March | 90 | 29 March | 2 | Yes | 19 April | All levels suspended until April 19. | Yes | 25-Aug-2020 | 28116 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | "In order to minimise the impact on teaching and learning all schools will be asked to continue to plan lessons and, where possible, provide online resources for students or online lessons where schools are equipped to do so. Schools are asked to be conscious of students that may not have access to online facilities and to consider this actively in their response." // Asked schools to prioritize online instruction for exam classes. Nothing systematic from the MoE as of March 20th | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Materials available in English. | Yes | Online resources including "Webwise parents' club" and parent resources for special education. All resources in English. | Yes | cancellation of Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle Oral and Practical tests | Cancelled | Yes | National Council for Special Education making resources available for distance learning. National Council for Special Education developing distance learning materials and supports for parents. | Yes | School meals will be available to those in need through Easter. Details of school programme available in document from planipolis link. | Supplementary benefits to the newly unemployed; sick pay (Gentilini) | https://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/12-march-2020-statement-from-the-department-of-education-and-skills.html https://twitter.com/ncseirl | https://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Announcements/information-for-schools-preschools-and-third-level-institutions-on-the-coronavirus.html https://www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-03-26.html https://ncse.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Supporting-Physical-Education-for-students-with-SEN-during-Covid-19.pdf https://www.pdst.ie/DistanceLearning | https://twitter.com/Education_Ire | https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/ireland_circular_0027_2020.pdf https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/ireland_guidance-on-continuity-of-schooling.pdf https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/ireland_schools-administration-during-public-health-emergency.pdf https://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/sites/planipolis/files/ressources/ireland_school-meals-programme-guidance-to-schools.pdf | ||||||||||
97 | Isle of Man | IMN | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 23 March | 5 | Indefinitely | "Chief Minister Howard Quayle MHK has today announced that schools in the Isle of Man will close to most children from the end of the school day on Monday, 23 March 2020 until further notice." All 5 high schools and 9 primary schools with special education needs support will remain open to provide care for vulnerable children and those who parents are classed as ‘key workers’ critical to the Island’s COVID-19 response. | Yes | 22-Jun-2020 | 336 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools are putting together online resources and homework packs to support home educating. Parents and children can also take advantage of free e-learning materials provided by entities such as the BBC. | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Materials available in English. | No | Yes | Cancellation of Key stage 4 and 5 external examinations (source) | Cancelled | Yes | "All 5 high schools and 9 primary schools with special education needs support will remain open to provide care for vulnerable children and those who parents are classed as ‘key workers’ critical to the Island’s COVID-19 response." | All 5 high schools and 9 primary schools with special education needs support will remain open to provide care for vulnerable children and those who parents are classed as ‘key workers’ critical to the Island’s COVID-19 response. | https://www.gov.im/coronavirus https://www.gov.im/about-the-government/departments/education-sport-and-culture/ | https://www.gov.im/news/2020/mar/22/schools-will-close-to-most-children-on-monday-afternoon/ | ||||||||||||||||||
98 | Israel | ISR | Middle East & North Africa | High income | Yes | 14 March | 200 | Indefinitely | "Israeli school children went back to their classrooms on Monday, though only virtually. Classes were held for students from elementary to high school level on videoconferencing and social media platforms in keeping with government mandated orders to shutter the schools' premises. The Education Ministry is employing an extensive distance learning curriculum that was crafted in anticipation of possible long-lasting rocket attacks from neighboring countries, leading to a suspension of normal educational activities." | Yes | 4-May-2020 | 16,193 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | Schools re-opening with a phased approach. "Kitted with masks and hand-cleaners, the first three grades of elementary school and the last two grades of high school were allowed back, redistributed in classes capped at 15 pupils to enforce social-distancing. If the move does not unleash fresh contagions, other grades and kindergartens may soon follow suit." (From Reuters, May 4) [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Virtual learning implemented; includes broadcast lessons "Continue to be with the students daily - the studios continue to teach. Writing sessions are also joined by writers' meetings from 8:00 to 17:45. The programs are tailored to grades 11-12, and include a rich variety of study content. Alongside the professions, films will also be broadcast in collaboration with Movieland Academy. Along with the Orna Porat Theater, children's and youth shows will also be broadcast in the system. There will also be a meeting with author Scroll Ron Feder and other enrichment activities. We have released the studio broadcast schedule for tomorrow (Thursday). We'd love you to join the broadcasts and enjoy a wide variety of educational content, Movies and play" | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | "Live broadcasts for 1st and 12th graders in Hebrew and Arabic languages" (MoE) | Yes | Parent guidance available in Hebrew. | Yes | Yes | All matriculation and other exams postponed | Postponed | No | Yes | "Due to the Division of Special Education, a learning system of the students are deaf and hard of hearing, invite students with special needs to join the campus distance learning "distance learning" courses in a variety of different subjects, between the ages of Sun-intermediate. The courses in Hebrew and Arabic." | Yes | "50 education centers (for ages 3-12) operate across the country for health care workers. The Ministry of Education has set pedagogical criteria for operating the centers, plan educational operating by volunteers" | Yes | (March 22) "Today, about 54,000 portions of food were distributed from the Ministry of Education's National Nutrition Program to veterans nationwide, initiated by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Social Services. Ten providers of the National Nutrition Program provided the dishes to the welfare staff and volunteers who passed through the elderly homes, asked for their well-being, and distributed the dishes." (SC: I'm not sure if this is targeted at students) | Paid sick leave | https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/coronavirus-cases-in-israel-spike-to-164-nearly-2-500-medical-officials-quarantined-1.8671075 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-15-2020/ | https://parents.education.gov.il/prhnet/parents/safety-emergency/emergency-learning | https://www.facebook.com/edu.gov.il | https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-israel-schools/hope-and-havoc-as-some-israeli-schools-reopen-under-coronavirus-curbs-idUKKBN22F0GW | ||||||||||
99 | Italy | ITA | Europe & Central Asia | High income | Yes | 5 March | 3,858 | 10 days | 2 | Yes | Initially closed schools for 10 days and then were extended until April 3rd | Yes | 14-Sep-2020 | 287753 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | Schools encouraged to offer online learning opportunities From MoE on March 20: "8.2 million euros are coming to schools to enhance distance teaching, in this moment of health emergency, through the figure of the digital animator. Each school will receive a contribution of one thousand euros which can be used for teacher training, including online, on innovative teaching methods." MoE hosted virtual session for students to share remote study tips: "The students exchanged tips and ideas to make their closeness felt and send a message of unity and strength to their towns, among the first to be declared red areas" From MoE: "Of these, 10 million can be used by educational institutions to encourage the use of e-learning platforms and to immediately acquire digital tools useful for distance learning, or to enhance those already in their possession. Paying attention also to the accessibility criteria for girls and boys with disabilities. Another 70 million will be used to make available to less well-off students, on free loan, digital devices for the use of distance learning. The remaining 5 million will serve to train school staff." (March 26) Will also be providing technology to students in need. | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Materials available in Italian. | Yes | 500,000 students in high school returned to school for oral part of exams; all written exams were cancelled (source). [Previously: Phased plan for exams. If schools resume by May 18, students will have an accelerated curriculum for 4 weeks and take national exams. If schools aren't back in session by May 18, other options are being explored including the possibility that all national exams canceled and students will automatically pass to the next grades even if they performed poorly in the first part of the academic year. MoE says all students will be able to start fresh during recovery year beginning September 1 and no one will be postponded/held back because of the disruption caused by COVID.] | Postponed | Yes | "The section of the website of the Ministry of Education dedicated to distance learning has been enriched. A thematic channel for inclusion via the web is now available: a tool designed to support and support the work of school managers, staff and teachers in online educational courses for pupils with disabilities." | Yes | "suspends all conditionalities related to the Guaranteed Minimum Income program" (Gentilini) | Yes | Childcare vouchers. The voucher can reach up to €1,000 for workers in the health sector and 600 for workers in other sectors. (Gentilini) Extension of parental leave for parents with young children | Wage subsidies for 80% of the wage for nine weeks; paid sick leave; labor market regulation | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-51743697 https://time.com/5797637/italian-grandparents-coronavirus-babysitters/ | https://www.miur.gov.it/web/guest/-/scuola-azzolina-firma-decreto-al-via-distribuzione-85-milioni-per-la-didattica-a-distanza https://www.repubblica.it/scuola/2020/04/02/news/maturita_-252977713/ | https://it-it.facebook.com/MIURsocial | ||||||||||||
100 | Jamaica | JAM | Latin America & Caribbean | Upper middle income | Yes | 13 March | 8 | 2 weeks | 2 | Closed for 2 weeks initially and will re-evaluate in 10 days | Yes | 9-Nov-2020 | 9542 | See 'Closure/Opening Dates (Global)' Sheet | [See 'school reopening tracker' sheet for details and updates] | MoE using hashtag #SchoolsNotOut "Those schools without internet connectivity will have materials to distribute so that they can continue their education at home" Started training for teachers to deliver online instruction immediately Television Jamaica offering educational programming "Education Ministry partners with RJRGLEANER Communications Group to provide educational content to students. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has partnered with the RJRGLEANER Communications Group to deliver live interactive teaching sessions across all its media platforms for high school students in Jamaica. The agreement will see the RJRGLEANER brands - Television Jamaica (TVJ), The Gleaner’s Youth Link, Music 99FM, jamaicagleaner.com, televisionjamaica.com, Television Jamaica You Tube, Jamaica News Network (JNN) and 1spotmedia provide live and pre-recorded content to students." | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Materials available in English. | Yes | Parent materials available in English. "The time at home should be considered homeschooling and the timetable should be used to guide the continuation of work across the core subjects – Mathematics, English, Reading, Literature, Reading Comprehension and Social Studies" (From MoE) | Yes | CXC announced changes in timing, length, and format ofCaribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) on March 26th. Exams will be held in July and will be administered in an e-testing format to allow results to be obtained more quickly. Content may also be shortened. Originally scheduled for April. | Held in new format | No | Yes | Suspension of conditionalities in flagship cash transfer scheme + one-off cash transfer for low-income workers (Gentilini) | Yes | "The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has reached agreements with Restaurant Associates of Jamaica, operators of the Burger King, Popeye’s and Little Caesars franchises and Restaurants of Jamaica, operators of KFC, to provide meals to students on the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH)." | Unemployment benefits | http://www.loopjamaica.com/content/schools-closed-14-days-jamaica-tackles-covid-19 https://www.cxc.org/may-june-strategy-2020/ | https://jis.gov.jm/karl-samuda-thanks-school-administrators-teachers-and-partners-as-moeyi-rolls-out-home-schooling-programme/ https://moey.gov.jm/education-ministry-partners-rjrgleaner-communications-group-provide-educational-content-students https://moey.gov.jm/parents-urged-provide-structure-students-home | https://www.facebook.com/MOEYIJamaica/ |