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Opening Words of Original Text
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Among "Best-Known Works of Bahá'u'lláh"? (hover to see note)Special Title
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Original Language(s)Approximate Word Count (hover to see note)
September 2024O Thou Who art my Lord and my God, my Master and my Support! Upon Thee do I rely and in Thee do I place my trust . . .اللَّهُمَّ يَا إِلهِي وَسَيِّدِي وَسَنَدِي عَلَيْكَ اعتِمَادِي وَاتَّكالِي . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháNasá’imu’r-Raḥmán, pp. 125–26PrayerAB03075 applicableNoneArabic390
September 2024O servants of the Abhá Beauty! The letter ye had addressed to Siyyid Taqí hath been perused and its contents noted . . .ای بندگان جمال ابهی، رقيم و نميقی که به جناب سيّد تقی مرقوم نموده بوديد ملاحظه و مضامين مفهوم شد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMuntakhabátí az Makátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 6, p. 187 (selection no. 268)

‘Andalíb, no. 86, p. 80
Tablet (with no prayers)AB02882 applicableNonePersian220
August 2024Praise be to God, Who hath caused the oceans of joy to surge with the breezes of blissful love on this celebrated day . . .الحمد لله الّذي موّج بحور السّرور بأرياح الحبّ والحبور في هذا اليوم المشكور . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháUnpublished text provided by granddaughter of the recipientsTablet (with one or more prayers)Uncataloged (with suggested edits)CompleteNot applicableNoneArabic450
August 2024The celestial orbs are each endowed with its own particular creation. This terrestrial sphere, which from a relative point of view is exceedingly small . . .کواکبِ آسمانی هر يک را خلقی مخصوص. اين کرۀ ارض که بالنسبه بينهايت صغير است . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháAmr va Khalq, vol. 1, p. 145Tablet (with no prayers)AB03635 applicableNonePersian120
June 2024O respected persons! Know that prophethood is a mirror that reflects the divine effluence and the celestial effulgence . . .ايها المحترمون اعلموا ان النبوة مرآة تنبئ عن الفيض الالهی و التجلی الرحمانی . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhiṭábát-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 1, pp. 3–8TalkABU0222 applicableNoneArabic1200
June 2024O daystar of remembrance and praise, and O mountain who art illumined with the flame of guidance! What a poignant melody was this . . .ای نیّر افق ذکر و ثنا، و ای سیناء منوّر به شعلۀ هدی! این چه نغمۀ جانسوز بود . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMakátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 1, pp. 424–26Tablet (with no prayers)AB01341 applicableNonePersian440
May 2024O godly Síná, and O kindred of two brilliant candles! In this mighty Cycle . . .ای سينایِ الهی و ای منتسبينِ دو شمعِ نورانی، در اين کورِ عظيم . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháINBA 84:445–46Tablet (with no prayers)AB01945 applicableNonePersian390
May 2024Blessed is the one who entereth the garden and maketh mention of God, his Lord, the All-Merciful . . .طُوبَی لِمَنْ یَدْخُلُ الْبُسْتَانَ وَ یَذْکُرُ اللّهَ رَبَّهُ الرَّحْمَنَ . . .Bahá'u'llá of VisitationBH03367íyárat-Námiy-i-‘Abdu'ṣ-ṢáliḥArabic450
May 2024O son of Rustam! In this day, valor and bravery—boldness, audacity, and wisdom . . .ای پورِ رستم، امروز شجاعت و مردانگی — جرأت و جسارت و فرزانگی . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháYárán-i-Pársí, p. 473 (selection no. 711)Tablet (with no prayers)AB10877 applicableNonePersian40
May 2024. . . Thy letter hath arrived. Thou hadst expressed dismay in the face of certain tests. What thou hast said is the truth, but call to mind the verses of the Qur’án . . .. . . نامۀ شما رسید. جزع و فزع از امتحانات فرموده بودید. حقّ با شماست، ولی آیاتِ قرآن را به خاطر آرید . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMuntakhabátí az Makátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 6, p. 61 (selection no. 85)Tablet (with no prayers)AB09300 applicableNoneArabic and Persian120
May 2024As to the supplication of one’s needs in holy places: Since those sites are associated with God . . .و امّا طلبِ حاجت در اماکنِ مقدّسه: چون آن اماکن منتسب به خدا است . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMá’idiy-i-Ásmání, vol. 2, pp. 29–30Tablet (with no prayers)AB00576 applicableNonePersian50
May 2024It is abundantly clear and evident that this Wronged Exile hath, from the very inception of the Cause, cherished no desire for Himself . . .این بسی واضح و معلومست که این مظلومِ غریب از اوّلِ امر از برایِ خود خیالی نداشته . . .Bahá'u'lláhINBA 35:156–58Tablet (with no prayers)BH02385 and Persian580
May 2024O thou who art turning thy face towards God! Open thine eyes to the Kingdom of the Unseen Realm, and with this prayer begin thy supplication . . .ای متوجّه الی الله، ديده به ملکوتِ غيبِ جبروت باز کن و به اين مناجات آغازِ نياز کن . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMajmúʻiy-i-Munáját-há: Ḥaḍrat-i-ʻAbduʼl-Bahá, pp. 285–86 (selection no. 255)Tablet (with one or more prayers)AB10568 applicableNonePersian80
May 2024O ye beloved of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá! The days of one’s life are even as the springtime; the wondrous beauty of the season of youth hath a special potency . . .ای عزیزان عبدالبهآء ایّام زندگانی را فصل ربیعست و جلوۀ بدیع سنّ جوانی را توانائیست . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMuntakhabátí az Makátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 2, pp. 264–65 (selection no. 371)Tablet (with no prayers)AB01329 applicableNonePersian200
May 2024Praise be to the Best-Beloved of the world, for through His most exalted Word, He hath seized the essences of the peoples . . .حمد محبوبِ عالم را که به کلمۀ علیا جواهرِ امم را اخذ نمود . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at BWC archivesTablet (with no prayers)BH03479 and Persian400
May 2024Lauded be Thy Name, O Thou Who art the Ocean of Faithfulness! I beseech Thee by Thine Own Self . . .سُبْحَانَكَ يَا بَحْرَ الْوَفَاءِ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِنَفْسِكَ . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá: Majmúʻiy-i-Munáját, vol. 2, pp. 93–94PrayerBH05774
May 2024O servant! Hearken to the voice of thy Lord—the Exalted, the Most High—from the right-hand of the Court of unfading splendor . . .أَنْ یَا عَبْدُ، اِسْمَعْ نِدَاءَ الرَّبِّکَ العَلِيِّ الأَعْلَى عَنْ یَمِینِ البُقْعَةِ البَقَاءِ . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at BWC archivesTablet (with no prayers)BH01993
May 2024This is a Tablet from God, the Almighty, the All-Wise, unto him who, when the Call was raised, turned towards it and exclaimed . . .کِتَابٌ مِنْ لَدَی اللهِ الْعَزِیزِ الْحَکِیمِ إِلَی الَّذِی إِذِ ارْتَفَعَ النِّدَاءُ أَقْبَلَ وَ قَالَ . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at BWC archivesTablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged
May 2024Rejoice in thine inmost soul and exult in the very essence of thy being . . .بَشِّرْ فِی نَفْسِکَ لِنَفْسِکَ ثُمَّ اسْرُرْ لِذَاتِکَ فِی ذَاتِکَ . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at BWC archivesTablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged
May 2024This Day is crying out these words, and likewise are the sun announcing them and the moon bearing their glad tidings . . .روز ندا می‌نماید و آفتاب مژده می‌دهد و ماه بشارت می‌گوید . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 47

Yárán-i-Pársí, p. 58 (selection no. 23)
Tablet (with no prayers)BH07091
April 2024The blessed Lote-Tree is mentioning one of His leaves, that this divine remembrance may cause her to attain the limitless outpourings of God’s grace . . .سدرۀ مبارکه يکی از ورقات را ذکر می‌نمايد تا ذکرِ الهی او را به فيوضاتِ نامتناهيۀ ربّانيّه فائز فرمايد . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 44Tablet (with no prayers)BH09410
April 2024Praise be to the Best-Beloved of all things, that through His abounding grace and plenteous mercies, He hath made His loved ones firm in their love of Him . . .حمد محبوب على الاطلاق را كه بفضل واسع و رحمت منبسطه احبّاى خود را بر حبّش مستقيم فرمود . . .Bahá'u'lláhLa’áli’u’l-Ḥikmat, vol. 1, pp. 180–82Tablet (with no prayers)BH01514 and Persian900
April 2024It is hoped that everyone may, after coming together through God’s all-encompassing Word, occupy themselves with His mention and praise . . .اميد چنان است كه كلّ به كلمۀ جامعه مجتمع شده به ذكر و ثنایِ حقّ مشغول شوند . . .Bahá'u'lláhKitáb-i-Badí‘ (Baháʼí-Verlag, 2008), p. 198Tablet (with no prayers)BH00004áb-i-BadíʻArabic and Persian370
April 2024O My Afnán! My peace and My glory rest upon thee. In truth, fairness hath ceased to exist, and oppression is readily apparent . . .يا افنانی، عليک سلامی و بهائی. فی الحقيقه انصاف مفقود و اعتساف مشهود . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, pp. 289–290Tablet (with no prayers)BH02558 and Persian410
April 2024No contradiction hath ever entered, nor will it ever enter, the hallowed realm of the holy Manifestations of God . . .تناقض را در ساحتِ اقدسِ مظاهرِ مقدّسۀ الهيّه راه نبوده و نخواهد بود . . .Bahá'u'lláhKitáb-i-Badí‘ (Baháʼí-Verlag, 2008), p. 62Tablet (with no prayers)BH00004áb-i-BadíʻPersian30
March 2024O servant of the Self-Sufficient! At the earliest dawn of the Morn of Truth, Shíráz became a retreat of mysteries . . .ای بندۀ حضرتِ بی‌نياز، شيراز در بدايتِ طلوعِ صبح حقيقت خلوتگهِ راز شد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháBisháratu’n-Núr (140 BE ed.), p. 464Tablet (with one or more prayers)AB05092 applicableNonePersian200
March 2024It is the day of the Festival of Naw-Rúz. Our festivals are exceedingly great; among all the peoples of the world, they are without peer . . .روزِ عیدِ نوروز است. اعیادِ ما خیلی عظیم است؛ در میانِ جمیعِ ملل نظیری ندارد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháNajm-i-Bákhtar, vol. 14, no. 12, p. 384TalkABU0991 applicableNonePersian400
March 2024My sister! Hearken to the voice of thy Brother as He suffereth at the hands of them that wish to slay Him without any proof . . .اختي اسمعي نداءَ أخيك حين الّذي ابتلى بين يدي الّذينهم أرادوا قتلَه من دون بيّنتةٍ . . .Bahá'u'lláhAfnán Libary, "Folder 18," p. 498Tablet (with no prayers)BH10514
March 2024Love, love, love. Love attracts the hearts, love captivates the souls. Even these massive globes revolve through the power of gravity, which is to say the force of love . . .محبّت، محبّت، محبّت. محبّت جاذب قلوب است، محبّت جالب نفوس است. حتّی این کرات جسیمه به واسطۀ قوّۀ جاذبه، قوّۀ محبّت، در گردشند . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhuláṣi’í az Kháṭirát-i-Jináb-i-‘Abdu’l-Mítháq Mítháqíyyih, pp. 72–73TalkABU0993 applicableNonePersian470
March 2024The acquisition of confirmations is dependent on teaching the Cause. If the teaching is stopped, then confirmations will likewise cease . . .حصول تأیید منوط به تبلیغ است اگر تبلیغ تعطیل شود تأیید نیز منقطع خواهد شد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhuláṣi’í az Kháṭirát-i-Jináb-i-‘Abdu’l-Mítháq Mítháqíyyih, p. 72TalkABU1832 applicableNonePersian220
March 2024The obligatory prayer is mandatory and incumbent upon all. Thou shouldst certainly invite everyone to fast and pray . . .نماز فرض و واجب بر کلّ. البتّه جمیع را به صیام و صلوة دعوت نمائید . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháAmr va Khalq, vol. 4, p. 94Tablet (with no prayers)AB06076 applicableNonePersian70
February 2024O thou who art young in years, O Badíʻ! Rejoice, for thou art mentioned by the Creator of the heavens and the earth . . .يا صغير السّنّ، يا بديع، ان افرح بما يذكرك بديع السّموات و الارض . . .Bahá'u'lláhINBA 45:219Tablet (with no prayers)BH04902 and Persian340
February 2024The Sun of Truth proclaimeth: O youth! Praised be God that, in the early days of thy life, thou hast attained the bounty of the Lord of all humanity . . .آفتاب حقیقت می‌فرماید: ای جوان، الحمد لله در اوّل ایّام به عنایت مالک انام فائز شدی . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15715, pp. 246–47)Tablet (with no prayers)BH02954 and Persian510
February 2024God grant that, in thy youth, thou mayest mention, praise, and serve the Cause of God . . .انشاء الله در جوانی به ذکر و ثنا و خدمت امر الهی فائز شوی . . Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15719, p. 193)Tablet (with no prayers)BH03329
February 2024O Ismá‘íl! God willing, thou hast attained His bounty and art ablaze, in thy youth, with the fire of divine love . . .يا اسمعيل، ان‌شاء‌اللّه به‌عنايت حق فائز باشى و در جوانى به‌نار محبّت الهى مشتعل . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 5 (2006 ed.), p. 180 (selection no. 131)Tablet (with no prayers)BH09609 and Persian140
February 2024O Ghulám! The gaze of God is directed toward thee from the horizon of this Prison. Strive that, in thy youth, thou mayest achieve and be illumined with a heavenly character and splendors supremely glorious . . .اى غلام، طرف اللّه از افق سجن به‌تو ناظر جهد نما که در جوانى به‌اخلاق رحمانى و انوار ابهائى فائز و منير شوى . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 6 (2006 ed.), p. 273 (selection no. 188)Tablet (with no prayers)BH05697 and Persian230
February 2024O thou who art young in years! Thy letter hath arrived before the divine Countenance and was perused. Praised be God, in the early days of thy life . . .يا صغير السّنّ، کتابت لَدَی الوجه حاضر و مشاهده شد. الحمد لِلّه در اوّل ايّام . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 52Tablet (with no prayers)BH09659
February 2024O youth! God grant that, through the bounty of the Most Merciful, thou mightest attain to His limitless outpourings . . .ای جوان، انشاء الله به عنايت رحمن به فيوضات نامتناهيۀ الهيّه فائز شوی . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 349Tablet (with no prayers)BH06468
February 2024O youth! God willing, through the bounty of the All-Merciful, thou hast attained the limitless outpourings of these divine days . . .اى جوان ان شاء اللّه از عنايت رحمن بفيوضات نامتناهيۀ ايّام الهيّه فائز باشى . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 7 (2006 ed.), p. 804 (selection no. 398).Tablet (with no prayers)BH08721
February 2024O servant of God, cast aside the veil and rend asunder thy garment! Grasp the chalice of guidance and become intoxicated in the love of Bahá! . . .ای بندۀ حق، پرده برانداز، گریبان چاک کن، جام هدی بدست گیر و در عشق بهاء مَی پرست شو . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháPayám-i-Bahá’í, no. 27, p. 1Tablet (with no prayers)AB09237 applicableNonePersian70
February 2024The world hath, through the ecstasy born of the Word uttered by the King of Eternity, been stirred to movement, but His servants are unaware of this, save those whom He hath been pleased to guide . . .عالم از جذب کلمۀ مالک قدم در حرکت و لکن عباد از آن غافل الّا مَن شاءَ الله . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 332Tablet (with no prayers)BH09436
January 2024O thou who art low in age but high in rank! Thou hast attained, in thy childhood, to such a station that the Lord of all humanity hath mentioned thee . . .يا صغير السّنّ، يا كبير المقام، قد بَلَغْتَ فى صغرك الى مقام يذكرك مالك الانام . . .Bahá'u'lláhINBA 45:218Tablet (with one or more prayers)BH08558 and Persian160
January 2024O Sháh-Valí! Sovereignty over both worlds lieth in thraldom to the Ancient Beauty, and kingship over this realm and the realm beyond consisteth in servitude to the Greatest Name . . .اى شاه‌ولى، سلطنت کونین بندگى جمال قدم است و شهریارى دو جهان عبودیت اسم اعظم . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháINBA 13:253–54Tablet (with no prayers)AB10527 applicableNonePersian90
January 2024O my dear daughter! Thy letter hath arrived. From the contents thereof, it hath become known that Rabindranath Tagore will quickly travel from India to America . . .ایدختر عزیز نامه‌ات رسید از مضمون معلوم گردید که رابین‌دراناث تاگور از هندوستان بامریکا خواهد شتافت . . .‘Abdu'l-Bahá (with no prayers)AB11891 applicableNonePersian180
January 2024O summoner to the Kingdom of God! On this journey, thou hast truly rendered the utmost service to the celestial Kingdom . . .ای منادی بملکوت اللّه فی ‌الحقیقه در این سفر نهایت خدمت را بملکوت الهی مجری داشتی . . .‘Abdu'l-Bahá (with no prayers)AB05794 applicableNonePersian150
January 2024O true friend! The prime requisite of love is that one give up one’s life for the Beloved, becoming an enamored wanderer . . .ای دوستِ حقیقی، شرطِ محبّت آن است که انسان جان فدایِ جانان نماید و سرگشته و سودایی گردد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháSálháy-i-Sukút, pp. 125–26Tablet (with no prayers)AB06771 applicableNonePersian150
January 2024O handmaid of God! My pen is rushing like a phoenix, but to what avail? For after all that rushing, it hath become fatigued and drained of ability . . .ای امة اللّه، قلم چون سمندر در جولان است ولی چه فائده که از کثرت جولان خسته و بی تاب و توان گشته . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMuntakhabátí az Makátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 3, pp. 172–73 (selection no. 239)Tablet (with no prayers)AB02042 applicableNoneArabic and Persian370
January 2024O Khadíjih, upon thee rest My glory! O My handmaid, upon thee be My bounty! Thou wast remembered before this Wronged One . . .یا خدیجه، علیکِ بهائی. یا اَمَتی، علیکِ عنایتی. ذکرت نزدِ مظلوم مذکور . . .Bahá'u'lláhComposite translation of two mss.: one in private hands, the other at the British Library (Or15715, p. 201)Tablet (with no prayers)BH07376 and Persian210
January 2024O thou who utterest the praise of God! If thou shouldst speak, speak of communion with Him. If thou shouldst seek, seek His peerless Beauty . . .ای ناطق به ثنایِ الهی! اگر بگوئی، از راز و نیازِ او گوی؛ و اگر بجوئی، جمالِ بی‌انبازِ او جوی . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháYárán-i-Qazvín, Munjadhibán-i-Jamál-i-Mubín, p. 536Tablet (with no prayers)AB06363 applicableNonePersian150
January 2024O sweetly singing pilgrim! Let remembrance be paid to the days when we were gathered like unto a flock of birds . . .ای زائرِ خوش الحان، یاد باد ایّامی که چون جوقِ طیور مجتمع بودیم . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháYárán-i-Qazvín, Munjadhibán-i-Jamál-i-Mubín, p. 64Tablet (with no prayers)AB05206 applicableNonePersian190
January 2024O remnant of three great souls! Thy distinguished uncle, the honorable Ḥájí Ḥasan, burned fervently day and night, with a face like unto a luminous moon, in the assemblages of ardent lovers and gatherings of enamored adorers . . .ای يادگارِ سه بزرگوار! عمویِ بزرگوارت، حضرتِ حاجی حسن، با رخی چون ماهِ روشن در انجمنِ شيدائيان و محفلِ سودائيان شب و روز پر شعله و سوز بود . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháINBA 88:231–234Tablet (with no prayers)AB00239 applicableNoneArabic and Persian1050
January 2024This is what hath been sent down from the heaven of eternity, wherein is expounded the station in which the Beauty of God is established on the throne of His Great Name . . .هذا ما نزل من سمآء القدم و فيه فصّل مقام الّذي فيه يستقرّ جمال الله على عرش اسم عظيم . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15696, pp. 106–07)Tablet (with no prayers)BH03560
January 2024O dear leader! Scientists believe there to be no substance upon the earth that moveth with the swiftness of the electric current . . .ای رئيس عزيز، اهل فنون بر آنند که هيچ مادّه‌ئی مانند سيّاله برقيّه در کره ارض سريع السّير و الحرکة نيست . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMakátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 8, pp. 95–96Tablet (with no prayers)AB05201 applicableNonePersian170
December 2023O Ghulám! Thou didst previously receive a Tablet from the Lord of humankind, and now, too, in token of His bounty unto thee, this Tablet of supreme sublimity and holiness is being revealed . . .ای غلام، به لوح مالک انام از قبل فائز شدی و حال هم فضلاً عَلَيک اين لوح امنع اقدس نازل . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 2, p. 61Tablet (with no prayers)BH08733
December 2023Every person must first think of educating themselves. Indeed, they must think of perfecting themselves, for it is necessary for one to first educate oneself . . .هر انسانی باید اوّل در فکر تربیت خویش باشد در فکر این باشد که خودش کامل گردد زیرا اوّل تربیت نفس خویش لازم است . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhiṭábát-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 3, pp. 107–08TalkABU0400 applicableTalk given at the home of Lady Blomfield, 24 December 1912Persian760
December 2023From time immemorial, the glances of God have been directed towards His loved ones, and they have been illumined with the light of the Sun of Truth . . .لازال اولیای الهی تحت لحاظ بوده‌اند و به انوار آفتاب حقیقت منوّرند . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15715, p. 227) and Payám-i-Malakút, p. 231Tablet (with one or more prayers)BH03015 and Persian470
December 2023O handmaid of God! The Ancient Beauty dwelleth in the Most Great Prison, and twenty handmaids of the Divine have, in their love for God . . .ای کنیز خدا، جمال قدم در سجن اعظم مستقرّ و عشرین نفس از اماء الهی حبّاً لله . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15710, pp. 21–22) and Payám-i-Malakút, p. 232Tablet (with no prayers)BH08741
December 2023Every handmaid who, in the Day of God, attaineth the wine of bounty is reckoned among the men and mentioned in the Book as one of the righteous . . .هر یک از اماء که در یوم الهی به رحیق عنایت رحمانی فائز شد او از رجال محسوب و از اخیار در کتاب مذکور . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15699, p. 70)Tablet (with no prayers)BH06325 and Persian240
December 2023O My handmaid! In this Day, every one of the handmaids of the earth who attaineth the greatest honor and the supreme bounty—which is the knowledge of God, exalted be His glory . . .یا امتی، امروز هر یک از اماء ارض به شرافت کبری و عنایت عظمی که معرفت حقّ جلّ جلاله است فائز شد . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15699, p. 121)Tablet (with no prayers)BH06804 and Persian250
December 2023In this Day, every handmaid who attaineth to the recognition of the Desire of the world is reckoned, in the Book of God, among the men.امروز هر يک از اماء که بعرفان مقصود عالميان فائز شد او در کتاب الهی از رجال محسوبBahá'u'lláhPayám-i-Malakút, p. 232Tablet (with no prayers)BH11217
December 2023With regard to the philosopher’s stone [iksír-i-a‘ẓam] and the discovery thereof, the Guardian has instructed me to write, “The practitioners of today’s sciences have yet to unravel its meaning . . .راجع به اکسير اعظم و کشف آن فرمودند بنويس «مقصود را ارباب علوم حاضره کشف ننموده‌اند . . .Shoghi EffendiMá’idiy-i-Ásmání, vol. 3, p. 15Letter written by Shoghi Effendi or on his behalfNot applicable applicableLetter to Jináb-i-Qá’im-Maqámí, 22 January 1946Persian50
December 2023Although you all have waited very long, praise be to God that the circumstances for us to meet were brought about . . .هر چند شما ها خيلی انتظار کشيديد وليکن الحمد للّه اسباب فراهم آمد که ملاقات شد . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhiṭábát-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 3, pp. 103–04TalkABU0923 applicableTalk given in Port Sa‘íd, 21 June 1913Persian450
December 2023We make mention of the one who attained to the lights of the Kingdom when the Almighty appeared, invested with manifest sovereignty . . .ذِکْرٌ مِنْ لَدُنَّا لِمَنْ فَازَ بِأَنْوَارِ ٱلْمَلَکِوتِ إِذْ أَتَىٰ ٱلْحَقُّ بِسُلْطَانٍ مُبِينٍ . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 6 (2006 ed.), p. 527 (selection no. 260)Tablet (with no prayers)BH07072
December 2023The shocking news of the ascension of the honorable Amín-i-Iláhí to the Abhá Kingdom was the cause of immeasurable sorrow and regret . . .از خبر وحشت‌اثر صعود حضرت امين الهی به ملکوت ابهی حزن و تأسّف و تحسّر بی‌پايان حاصل . . .Shoghi EffendiTawqíʻát-i-Mubárakih (1927–1939), p. 93Letter written by Shoghi Effendi or on his behalfNot applicable applicableLetter to the Central Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Tehran, July 1928Arabic and Persian250
November 2023Upon thee be salutations and praise, and on thee rest blessings and glory, O leader of the ministers and sovereign of the rulers, O resplendent sun among the officials and most luminous of all moons . . .عَلَيْکَ التَّحَيَّةُ وَعَلَيْکَ الثَّنآءُ و عَلَيْکَ الصَّلوةُ وَ عَلَيْکَ الْبَهاءُ يا سَيِّدَ الْوُزَراء وَ مَليکَ الْأُمَرآء وَ شَمْسَ الصُّدُورِ وَ بَدْرَ الْبُدُورِ . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháRisáliy-i-Ayyám-i-Tis‘ih, pp. 195–96Tablet of VisitationAB03275 applicableZíyárat-Námiy-i-Manúchihr KhánArabic340
November 2023Flower of God! How many are the dervishes who journeyed through the wildernesses of longing in remembrance of their Lord . . .گل مولی، چه بسیار از دراویش که در صحراهای شوق به یاد مولی سیّاح شدند . . .Bahá'u'lláhMá’idiy-i-Ásmání, vol. 4, pp. 218–19Tablet (with no prayers)BH02794ḥ-i-Gul-i-MawláPersian470
November 2023Convey to the divines these words of Bahá: “Ye have deemed Us to be deserving of blame. Why did ye turn away from the Seal of the Prophets?..."به علماء از قولِ بهاء بگو: ما به زعمِ شما مقصّریم، از خاتمِ انبیاء چرا اعراض نمودید؟ . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscripts held at the British Library (Or15724, pp. 169–170 and Or15726, pp. 117–118)Tablet (with no prayers)BH02754 and Persian400
November 2023Convey to the divines these words of Bahá: ‘Ye have deemed Us to be deserving of blame. What fault appeared...به علما از قول بها بگو ما بزعم شما مقصّريم، از نقطه اولی روح ماسواه فداه چه تقصيری ظاهر . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁyát-i-Iláhí, vol. 1, p. 340Tablet (with no prayers)BH08151
November 2023At a time when the government ruled with tyranny, the Covenant-breakers were a hindrance, and problems both internal and external were present . . .در زمانیکه حکومتْ مستبدّ[،] ناقضینْ مانع[،] اشکالات داخلی و خارجی حاضر[،] . . .‘Abdu'l-Bahá applicableTalk given in Port Sa‘íd, 23 June 1913Persian540
October 2023O holy Lord! Wish not for this long-standing servant to be sorrowful. Grant him heavenly joy . . .ای یزدان پاک این بندۀ دیرین را اندوهگین مخواه شادمانی آسمانی بخش . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMakátíb-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 1, p. 65PrayerAB00068 applicableNonePersian110
October 2023Humor in speech is like unto flavor in food.مزاح در کلام به مثابۀ ملح در طعام استBahá'u'lláhINBA 15:167Tablet (with no prayers)BH00758
October 2023Verily, thy Lord loveth humor on certain occasions and speaketh in jest.إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يُحِبُّ الْمَزَاحَ فِيْ بَعْضِ الْأَحْيَانِ وَ يَمْزَحُBahá'u'lláh (with no prayers)BH00041 IIArabic10
October 2023Verily, God hath spoken in the tongue of His creatures.
We are the lovers of Your Face,
We’ve shut ourselves in Your abode . . .
انّ الحقّ نطق بلسان الخلق
ما عاشقان روی تو ما عاکفان کوی تو . . .
Bahá'u'lláhḥ-i-Bismí al-MazzáḥArabic and Persian420
October 2023O Thou kind Lord! Thy servant, Sulaymán, grew weary of this world, that in the realm above he might seat himself upon the throne of Solomon . . .خداوندِ مهربانا، بندۀ تو سلیمان از این جهان بیزار شد تا در جهانِ بالا بر سریرِ سلیمانی نشیند . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháUnpublished manuscriptPrayerUncataloged applicableNonePersian60
October 2023O ye roses in the garden of guidance! Monsieur André arrived in the Holy Land and is now in Haifa . . .ای گل‌هایِ گلشنِ هدایت، جنابِ مسیو آندره وارد به ارضِ مقدّس گشت و الان در حیفا . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháTáríkh-i-Amríy-i-Hamadán, p. 353Tablet (with no prayers)AB02959 applicableNoneArabic and Persian190
October 2023O Ḥakím Áqá Ján! That which was promised in the Holy Books hath been made manifest . . .يا حکيم آقا جان، ظاهر شد آنچه در کتب موعود بود . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 3 (2006 ed.), p. 699 (selection no. 371)
Táríkh-i-Amríy-i-Hamadán, p. 199
Tablet (with no prayers)BH10925 and Persian80
October 2023Thy letter hath been presented before this Wronged One in this Most Great Prison. The servant-in-attendance read it aloud . . .قَدْ حَضَرَ کِتَابُکَ لَدَى الْمَظْلُومِ فِى هَذَا السِّجْنِ الْاَعْظَمِ وَ قَرَأَهُ الْعَبْدُ الْحَاضِرِ . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 3 (2006 ed.), p. 857 (selection no. 423)
Táríkh-i-Amríy-i-Hamadán, p. 199
Tablet (with no prayers)BH04779 and Persian290
October 2023God grant that, through His grace, thou mayest attain to that which is beloved in the estimation of the Lord of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob . . .ان شاءالله به عنایتِ الهی به آنچه الیوم نزدِ ربِّ ابراهیم و اسحق و یعقوب محبوب است فائز باشی . . .Bahá'u'lláhTáríkh-i-Amríy-i-Hamadán, pp. 258–59
Ḥadíqiy-i-‘Irfán, p. 59
Tablet (with no prayers)BH07529 and Persian190
September 2023Glorified be Thy name, O Lord my God! How can I move my lips to laud Thee, knowing as I do that my utterance . . .فسبحانک اللّهمّ یا الهی کیف احرّک شفتای بذکرک بعد علمی بانّ ذکری . . .Bahá'u'lláh
August 2023O Thou the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful! Bestow a heart like unto a clear and spotless mirror . . .ای رحمان ای رحيم دلی چون مرآت لطيف صافی عطا کن . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMajmúʻiy-i-Munáját-há: Ḥaḍrat-i-ʻAbduʼl-Bahá, p. 442 (selection no. 395)PrayerAB11178 applicableNonePersian50
August 2023May a praise effulgent and adorned, brilliant and exalted, ascend to the hallowed realm of nearness unto Him Who is the Beloved . . .حمد مشعشع مطرّز متلامع مترافع متصاعد هواء قرب قدس حضرت محبوبی است . . .Bahá'u'lláh (with no prayers)BH00775ḥ-i-Ḥamd-i-Musha‘sha‘
Arabic and Persian1850
June 2023This is a Tablet from Us unto him who, when he heard the Call coming from the direction of His Lord, the All-Glorious, replied . . .هَذَا كِتَابٌ مِنْ لَدُنَّا إِلَى الَّذِيْ إِذَا سَمِعَ النِّدَاء مِنْ شَطْرِ رَبِّهِ الأَبْهَى قَالَ . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 1 (1996 ed.), pp. 89–104 (selection no. 2)Tablet (with one or more prayers)BH00130ḥ-i-AḥbábArabic6850
June 2023Unto thee hath been sent, from the right hand of the All-Glorious, what was revealed for thee from the heaven of the clemency of thy Lord . . .قد أرسل إليك من يمين السّبحان ما نزّل لك من سمآء رحمة ربّك . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 1 (1996 ed.), pp. 268–69 (selection no. 60)Tablet (with no prayers)BH02858úriy-i-Dhabíḥ IIArabic560
June 2023Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! These are my hands; I have lifted them up to receive the descent of Thy mercy...فسبحانک اللّهمّ یا الهی انّ هذا ایدای قد ارفعتها لنزول رحمتک . . .Bahá'u'llá
May 2023Thou hast, by the grace of God and the limitless mercy of the Lord, attained to the greatest martyrdom, and this station surpasseth physical martyrdom . . .شما از فضل الهی و رحمت نامتناهی ربّانی بشهادت کبری فائزید و اینمقام فوق شهادت ظاهر است . . .Bahá'u'llá (with no prayers)BH00529
May 2023The petition written by you two believing and well-assured souls dated 5/9/1322 attained to the honor of perusal by that holy and blessed being . . .عریضۀ آن دو نفس موقنۀ مطمئنّه مورّخۀ ۵ / ۹ / ۱۳۲۲ به شرف ملاحظۀ وجود اقدس مبارک . . .Shoghi EffendiUnpublished manuscriptLetter written by Shoghi Effendi or on his behalfNot applicable applicableNonePersian190
May 2023O servants and maidservants of the All-Merciful! It can truly be said that, upon the Path of God, ye are in hardship and immersed in an ocean of toil and trouble . . .ای بندگان و اماء رحمن، فی الحقیقه در سبیل الهی در مشقّتید و مستغرق در دریای تعب و زحمت . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháGul-háy-i-‘Ishq dar Shúrih-zár-i-Tárík, pp. 51–52Tablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged applicableNonePersian140
May 2023O thou who art firm in the Covenant! Thy letter arrived, and it gladdened my heart and soul. It was redolent with the sweet-scented breaths of righteous souls . . .ای ثابت بر پیمان، نامۀ شما رسید و سبب شادمانی دل و جان گردید. نفحۀ مشکباری از انفاس نفوس ابرار داشت . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháGul-háy-i-‘Ishq dar Shúrih-zár-i-Tárík, p. 349Tablet (with one or more prayers)Uncataloged applicableNoneArabic and Persian340
May 2023O thou who art sorely tried on the Way of the Glorious Lord! Render thanks unto God that on the Path of Truth thou hast suffered persecution and endured affliction . . .ای مبتلای سبیل ربّ جلیل، شکر کن حضرت احدیت را که در راه حق اذیت کشیدی و مصیبت دیدی . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháGul-háy-i-‘Ishq dar Shúrih-zár-i-Tárík, p. 51Tablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged applicableNonePersian150
May 2023O thou who art firm in the Covenant! That which thou hadst written to Jináb-i-Manshádí hath been perused . . .ای ثابت بر پیمان، آنچه به جناب منشادی مرقوم نموده بودی ملاحظه گردید . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháGul-háy-i-‘Ishq dar Shúrih-zár-i-Tárík, p. 347Tablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged applicableNonePersian250
May 2023O thou who art firm in the Covenant! Thy letter was received, and thine intent became clear and evident. If the pen of this servant hath fallen short in writing...ای ثابت بر پیمان، نامه رسید و مقصود ظاهر و پدید گشت. اگر خامۀ این عبد در نگارش قصور نمود . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháGul-háy-i-‘Ishq dar Shúrih-zár-i-Tárík, p. 345Tablet (with no prayers)Uncataloged applicableNonePersian180
May 2023Last night, there was a theatrical performance about the birth of Jesus Christ. It was truly skillful to the utmost . . .دیشب تشخیص ولادت حضرت مسیح بود فی الحقیقه در نهایت اتقان بود . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháKhiṭábát-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-‘Abdu’l-Bahá, vol. 3, pp. 74–75. TalkABU0421 applicableTalk given at the Home of Lady Blomfield, 22 December 1912Persian770
May 2023O Thou Who art Self-Sufficient! Set those birds of the meadow on their flight . . .ای بی‌نياز، آن مرغان چمن را پرواز ده . . .‘Abdu'l-BaháMajmúʻiy-i-Munáját-há: Ḥaḍrat-i-ʻAbduʼl-Bahá, p. 274 (selection no. 244)PrayerAB00408 applicableNonePersian120
April 2023O Karím! Hear thou the voice of thy Lord, the Most Glorious, coming from the Divine Lote-Tree . . .أَنْ يَا كَرِيمُ أَنِ اسْتَمِعْ نداء ربّك الأبهى من السّدرة المنتهى . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 1 (1996 ed.), p. 453 (selection no. 200)Tablet (with no prayers)BH06954ḥ-i-Karím IIIArabic250
April 2023O Karím! Hear thou the Voice of thy Lord, the Exalted, the Mighty. He proclaimeth from the direction of this Prison . . .أَنْ يَا كَرِيْمُ اسْمَعْ نداء ربّك العليّ العظيم إنّه ينطق من شطر السّجن . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 1 (1996 ed.), p. 400 (selection no. 147)Tablet (with one or more prayers)BH04981ḥ-i-Karím IIArabic350
April 2023O Karím! Hearken to the Voice of the Most Bountiful [al-Karím]; He is, in truth, the Forgiver, the Merciful . . .أَنْ يَا كَرِيْمُ اسْمَعْ نِدَاء الكَرِيْم إِنَّهُ لَهُوَ الغَفُورُ الرَّحِيْم . . .Bahá'u'lláhÁthár-i-Qalam-i-A‘lá, vol. 1 (1996 ed.), p. 428 (selection no. 175)Tablet (with one or more prayers)BH04650ḥ-i-Karím IArabic330
April 2023This is the Tablet of holiness; upon it hath been written, by a Pen sacred and wondrous, the verses of God . . .هذا لوح القدس؛ قد رُقِمَ فیه من قلم قدس بدیع آیات الله . . .Bahá'u'lláhUnpublished manuscript held at the British Library (Or15694, pp. 627–28)Tablet (with no prayers)BH07301ḥ-i-Quds VII (self-given)Arabic240
April 2023This is the Tablet of holiness; We have expounded it from the Mother Book and sent it unto the one who hath believed in the Lord his God, the All-Merciful . . .هذا لوح القدس قد فصّلناه من امّ البیان و ارسلناه الی من آمن بالله ربّه الرّحمن . . .Bahá'u'lláhINBA 18:211–12Tablet (with no prayers)BH05173ḥ-i-Quds VI (self-given)Arabic280