A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | |
1 | first_author | year | social_media_platforms | raw_data_acquired | weeks | date_intervention_start | date_intervention_finished | rct_design | control_type | sample_id | construct | measure | control_n | control_mean_pre | control_sd_pre | control_mean_post | control_sd_post | reduction_n | reduction_mean_pre | reduction_sd_pre | reduction_mean_post | reduction_sd_post | pre_adjmean_diff | post_adjmean_diff | source | note | link | |||
2 | Alcott | 2020 | 1 | 4 | itt | treatment as usual | 1 | anxiety | European Social Survey well-being module (anxious item) | 1064 | 2.400 | 0.940 | 573 | 2.320 | 0.940 | post-test only - pre-test SDs assumed to be equal to post-test, mid-point of scale will be used as a placeholder for pre-test mean in both treatment and control (this does not effect the effect size); effects flipped so that higher depression/anxiety scores is positive | https://content.lesaffaires.com/LAF/lacom/facebook_quitting.pdf | |||||||||||||
3 | Alcott | 2020 | 1 | 4 | itt | treatment as usual | 1 | depression | European Social Survey well-being module (depressed item) | 1064 | 2.010 | 0.970 | 573 | 1.930 | 0.970 | post-test only - pre-test SDs assumed to be equal to post-test, mid-point of scale will be used as a placeholder for pre-test mean in both treatment and control (this does not effect the effect size); effects flipped so that higher depression/anxiety scores is positive | https://content.lesaffaires.com/LAF/lacom/facebook_quitting.pdf | |||||||||||||
4 | Brailovskaia | 2020 | 1 | itt | treatment as usual | 2 | depression | DASS - depression sub-scale | 146 | 4.840 | 4.350 | 4.070 | 4.080 | 140 | 5.210 | 4.890 | 4.690 | 4.690 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563220300868?casa_token=tLTDoJbZ8y0AAAAA:z3znzCrpYmekUcVt3ksczgddRuS_CxVsbrU1UPyPjZN6ePH-92gyjBZwwVxyBdYGCIdLwbZer18 | |||||||||||
5 | Brailovskaia | 2020 | 2 | itt | treatment as usual | 2 | depression | DASS - depression sub-scale | 146 | 4.840 | 4.350 | 4.450 | 4.450 | 140 | 5.210 | 4.890 | 4.320 | 4.570 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563220300868?casa_token=tLTDoJbZ8y0AAAAA:z3znzCrpYmekUcVt3ksczgddRuS_CxVsbrU1UPyPjZN6ePH-92gyjBZwwVxyBdYGCIdLwbZer18 | |||||||||||
6 | Brailovskaia | 2022 | instagram, twitter, facebook, tiktok, whatsapp, and more | 1 | treatment as usual | 3 | depression | DASS - depression sub-scale | 160 | 4.340 | 4.610 | 4.290 | 4.290 | 162 | 5.020 | 4.630 | 4.310 | 4.150 | https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10389-022-01751-x.pdf | |||||||||||
7 | Brailovskaia | 2022 | instagram, twitter, facebook, tiktok, whatsapp, and more | 2 | treatment as usual | 3 | depression | DASS - depression sub-scale | 160 | 4.340 | 4.610 | 4.440 | 4.720 | 162 | 5.020 | 4.630 | 4.160 | 4.110 | https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10389-022-01751-x.pdf | |||||||||||
8 | Faulhaber | 2023 | subject's top 3 most used platforms | 2 | itt | treatment as usual | 4 | anxiety | STAI | 131 | 42.000 | 11.446 | 43.400 | 11.446 | 99 | 40.900 | 9.950 | 37.400 | 9.950 | SEs converted to SDs | https://www.proquest.com/docview/2624899279?fromopenview=true&pq-origsite=gscholar&sourcetype=Dissertations%20&%20Theses | |||||||||
9 | Faulhaber | 2023 | subject's top 3 most used platforms | 2 | itt | treatment as usual | 4 | depression | CES-D | 131 | 18.800 | 11.446 | 19.500 | 10.301 | 99 | 18.400 | 9.950 | 13.700 | 8.955 | SEs converted to SDs | https://www.proquest.com/docview/2624899279?fromopenview=true&pq-origsite=gscholar&sourcetype=Dissertations%20&%20Theses | |||||||||
10 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 1 | treatment as usual | 5 | anxiety | STAI-S (state anxiety subscale) | 51 | 42.373 | 14.315 | 41.882 | 14.164 | 72 | 40.361 | 10.336 | 38.639 | 11.899 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
11 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 2 | treatment as usual | 5 | anxiety | STAI-S (state anxiety subscale) | 49 | 42.755 | 14.502 | 41.327 | 15.378 | 69 | 40.420 | 9.905 | 39.246 | 12.303 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
12 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 3 | treatment as usual | 5 | anxiety | STAI-S (state anxiety subscale) | 47 | 42.447 | 14.538 | 38.170 | 14.406 | 66 | 40.682 | 10.344 | 37.561 | 12.078 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
13 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 1 | treatment as usual | 5 | depression | BDI-II | 18 | 9.778 | 9.434 | 7.667 | 8.957 | 38 | 6.526 | 6.455 | 4.684 | 7.129 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
14 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 2 | treatment as usual | 5 | depression | BDI-II | 18 | 9.278 | 9.209 | 6.944 | 9.232 | 35 | 5.857 | 4.839 | 5.114 | 6.676 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
15 | Hunt | 2018 | facebook, instagram, snapchat | 1 | 3 | treatment as usual | 5 | depression | BDI-II | 47 | 9.660 | 11.208 | 9.298 | 13.441 | 66 | 8.182 | 7.634 | 6.015 | 7.830 | computed from raw data | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jordyn-Young/publication/328838624_No_More_FOMO_Limiting_Social_Media_Decreases_Loneliness_and_Depression/links/5be5a5cb299bf1124fc63279/No-More-FOMO-Limiting-Social-Media-Decreases-Loneliness-and-Depression.pdf | |||||||||
16 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 1 | treatment as usual | 6 | anxiety | STAI-S | 36 | 42.611 | 11.833 | 41.833 | 12.429 | 59 | 41.729 | 9.920 | 39.508 | 12.438 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
17 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 2 | treatment as usual | 6 | anxiety | STAI-S | 36 | 42.611 | 11.833 | 41.778 | 11.502 | 59 | 41.729 | 9.920 | 38.525 | 12.709 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
18 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 3 | treatment as usual | 6 | anxiety | STAI-S | 36 | 42.611 | 11.833 | 40.361 | 13.618 | 59 | 41.729 | 9.920 | 38.610 | 13.585 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
19 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 1 | treatment as usual | 6 | depression | BDI | 36 | 9.417 | 9.101 | 10.167 | 12.927 | 59 | 7.746 | 7.136 | 7.458 | 10.446 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
20 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 2 | treatment as usual | 6 | depression | BDI | 36 | 9.417 | 9.101 | 9.833 | 12.562 | 59 | 7.746 | 7.136 | 6.797 | 10.696 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
21 | Hunt | 2021 | facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat | 1 | 3 | treatment as usual | 6 | depression | BDI | 36 | 9.417 | 9.101 | 9.306 | 13.060 | 59 | 7.746 | 7.136 | 7.305 | 11.576 | computed from raw data | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.1.46?casa_token=gi7AEGd19SQAAAAA%3AUiMqfSiC7KAVE7XbYtWUBtyX3g_6qaMkg6G-Xy_rqnP7FBy1522VlUFaKMt0RCXyKCwt7OI1W542 | |||||||||
22 | Lambert | 2022 | facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok | 1 | treatment as usual | 7 | depression | PHQ-9 | 66 | 7.840 | 4.800 | 6.950 | 4.450 | 74 | 7.460 | 4.620 | 4.840 | 3.890 | https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cyber.2021.0324 | |||||||||||
23 | Lambert | 2022 | facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok | 1 | treatment as usual | 7 | anxiety | GAD-7 | 66 | 6.920 | 5.000 | 5.940 | 4.300 | 74 | 5.950 | 4.320 | 3.880 | 3.840 | https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cyber.2021.0324 | |||||||||||
24 | Mahalingham | 2023 | facebook, instagram, snapchat, and twitter, | 2 | treatment as usual | 8 | anxiety | DASS - Anxiety sub-scale | 49 | 5.650 | 4.190 | 5.120 | 4.290 | 44 | 6.210 | 5.030 | 5.210 | 4.530 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbtep.2022.101791 | |||||||||||
25 | Kleefeld | 2021 | facebook, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, snapchat, twitter, whatsapp, tiktok | 2 | treatment as usual | 9 | depression | PHQ-9 | 27 | 8.260 | 4.310 | 8.667 | 4.310 | 23 | 7.960 | 4.070 | 7.075 | 4.070 | is this even an RCT? Also, post-SD missing: post SDs approximated from pre-test | https://www.proquest.com/docview/2570123511?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true&sourcetype=Dissertations%20&%20Theses | ||||||||||
26 | Kleefeld | 2021 | facebook, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, snapchat, twitter, whatsapp, tiktok | 2 | treatment as usual | 9 | anxiety | GAD-7 | 27 | 7.700 | 4.870 | 8.182 | 4.870 | 23 | 7.960 | 5.320 | 7.383 | 5.320 | is this even an RCT? Also, post-SD missing: post SDs approximated from pre-test | https://www.proquest.com/docview/2570123511?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true&sourcetype=Dissertations%20&%20Theses | ||||||||||
27 | Thai | 2021 | broad social media use | 3 | treatment as usual | 10 | anxiety | GAD-7 | 16 | 8.260 | 5.800 | 9.096 | 5.817 | 22 | 13.290 | 5.710 | 8.540 | 4.270 | Missing statistics estimated via simulation of various values and averaging the values across 100,000 iterations that produced the same test statistics as what was reported in the table | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.6.481?casa_token=hqv9IJlcU-wAAAAA%3AJ_BfyJUH08MKFANqup3wdhDLJAQAtcNnGi0uYzs-sFftmNhlhf4fe-Ry-onNFSeFiIO0Q2RKN5t8 | ||||||||||
28 | Thai | 2021 | broad social media use | 3 | treatment as usual | 10 | depression | CES-D-10 | 16 | 11.180 | 5.120 | 10.852 | 5.178 | 22 | 15.560 | 4.870 | 14.752 | 5.032 | Missing statistics estimated via simulation of various values and averaging the values across 100,000 iterations that produced the same test statistics as what was reported in the table | https://guilfordjournals.com/doi/pdf/10.1521/jscp.2021.40.6.481?casa_token=hqv9IJlcU-wAAAAA%3AJ_BfyJUH08MKFANqup3wdhDLJAQAtcNnGi0uYzs-sFftmNhlhf4fe-Ry-onNFSeFiIO0Q2RKN5t8 | ||||||||||
29 | Tromholt | 2016 | 1 | 1 | treatment as usual | 11 | depression | CES-D + PANAS | 372 | 20.100 | 6.810 | 516 | 17.790 | 6.810 | post-test only - pre-test SDs assumed to be equal to post-test, mid-point of scale will be used as a placeholder for pre-test mean in both treatment and control (this does not effect the effect size); Scale flipped so higher is higher depression (score range = 9-45; reversed 45 - (X - 9)); 5-items from CES-D and 4-items for PANAS | https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/cyber.2016.0259?casa_token=o0SK1g_pFI8AAAAA%3A2JYMRY7jk2fvc2cgmYahDgv4gP3fi_AnoWLm_dLNnVyJKIBWGe8nFvvjefNNnFt-_qpjztVsRoSR_3A | ||||||||||||||
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