Goal 1: Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information
Goal 1 ThemesGoal 1 Specific ObjectivesActionsLeads
Data Discoverability, Interoperability
Increase engagementEngage with other groups working on lists/registries of services, standards, and tools (EC Committees/WGs, ESIP Clusters). Expand Interoperapedia and/or develop other training/education materials.IT&I Committee. Documentation Cluster.
Increase digital object identifiers use with data/data citation Assess RDA dynamic citation proposal to see if it would work with US data
If so, update ESIP citation guidelines accordingly; define strategy for implementing within ESIP. If not, provide feedback back to RDA, work with RDA on alternatives
Data Stewardship Committee, IT&T
Adapt an existing ontology to meet the needs of the earth science communityAdapt the existing W3C PROV-O Ontology ( to meet the needs of the Earth Science Provenance Tracing Community. In doing so, a new Ontology Data Model, which we call PROV-ES, is created. Enhance the value of Earth Science Information through presenting a machine-readable, database queriable system for communicating the provenance of Earth Science information, which is needed to facilitate traceability, reproducibility, and trust.Data Stewardship Committee, Semantic Web cluster
Develop a peer-reviewed journal article recommending various practices vis-a-vis identifiersAdapt and expand upon the previous Data Stewardship CommitteeÕs recommendations for unique identifiers for Earth System data objects to identify and recommend common and, perhaps, best practices related to the assignment, use, and maintenance of unique identifiers for data objects by data archives / repositories.Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Greg Janee (Data Stewardship Committee)
Convene a workshop concerning best practices for citing data that changes temporallyConvened an appx. 1/2 day workshop at the Winter 2015 ESIP Meeting concerning Dynamic Data Citation, in which various suggestions from the RDA were tested out on selected Earth Science data sets. Workshop was lead by Andreas Rauber Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology / TU Wien, AT.Ruth Duerr (Data Stewardship Committee)
Facilitate stakeholder user communities discover and access data useful for their decision-making and other applicationsCreate a common, ESIP-wide searchable inventory of data (satellite and other) and their characteristics (e.g., resolution)--but not duplicate existing services (e.g., GCMD)agclim cluster; energy&climate cluster
Open Search Best Practices and promotionFinesse best practices from real experience, help existing Open Search implementations to complyDiscovery cluster
Capacity Building and Education
Increase training and development related to ES data and informaticsSupport a face-to-face workshop for educators at summer meetings. Inventory existing opportunites for educators to learn about data analysis and consider if we can contribute. Reconsider ability to support additional partnerships. Consider transitioning focus from k-12 to undergrad/grad university audience, increase focus on teaching / learning about data.Education Committee, Climate Change
Increase expertise in Data Science / AnalyticsHold data science workshop at each meeting (e.g, create a data analysis tool kit and catalog)
Create a library of skills needed to be a Data Scientist (may include several sets of skills, depending on application).
With engagement of interested educators (some which are already part of the Federation), develop advanced degree curriculums of study to prepare Earth Data Scientists
Create a library of Earth science data analytics use cases
Analyze tools/techniques by which researchers perform their research; Categorize Earth science data analytics tools/techniques by types of research, types of users, difficulties, other findings, etc.
Data Analytic cluster, Software cluster . Documentation Cluster.
Product Usability
Promote authoritative data sourcesIdentify, promote and showcase trusted authoritative data sources/products for disaster decision making across all member organizations. Leverage Testbed Feedback mechanisms for interagency feedback on specific projects. Disaster cluster. Documentation Cluster.Products & Services
Curation of Earth Science Data
Compare and evaluate data policies on citation and managementOngoing work on the development of the AMS and AGU Data Policies/Recommendations. Publication of related editorial in all AMS journals.Matthew Mayernik, Nate James (Data Stewardship Committee)
Develop a standard concerning the elements behind the collecting and development of earth science data sets that merit long-term preservation. Publication of 2 papers concerning that standard.Ongoing development of the Provenance and Context Content Standard (PCCS). Extension of PCCS to physical objects. Submission of articles concerning the need for such a standard, describing ongoing work, and soliciting feedback to Eos, Transactions AGU and to D-Lib Magazine.Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Denise Hills, Ruth Duerr (Data Stewardship Committee)
Increase awareness of provenance and context information requirements within the Earth Science communityWrite papers targeted to specific communities:
library community (article in D-Lib Magazine)
Earth and Space science community (Article in Eos, Transactions AGU)
Data Stewardship Committee. Multi-author paper efforts led by Ruth Duerr (D-Lib article) and Denise Hills (Eos Article).
Ongoing Data Publication effortsDefine data publication, other actions TBANancy Ritchey, Ruth Duerr
Development and refinement of a matrix to be used for evaluating the maturity of a stewardship approach for a given datasetEvaluate the matrix for real-world examples, write brief reportRuth Duerr, Ge Peng, Chung-Yi Hou (Data Stewardship Committee)
Information Sharing
Help ESIP meeting attendees locate resources to support their tasks. Better prepare meeting participants for the resulting benefits.Create a collaboration forum / landing page for members to boardcast their needs, provide online resources and skill sets match maker toolESIP Leadership
Demo/showcase cross-agency connections and interoperabilityCreate a landing page for showcase and impact stories on cross agency collaboration and standards?IT&T
Help the community find tools that help them achieve their goalsPresenting our group's work at the Summer/Winter Meetings. Teaming up with Education & Data Analytics clusters to identify needs and possible collaborationsDrupal Working Group
Organizational Development / Communications / Community Engagement
Identify gaps in membership and target opportunities for new partners engaged in Earth SciencesIdentify types of members by speciality/discipline. Identify speciality and expertise gaps. Target new members based on gap analysisPartnership committee
Goal 2: Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications)
Goal 2: ThemesGoal 2: Specific ObjectivesActionsLeads
Technology Innovation and Transfer
Introduce technology innovation to accomplish this goal (i.e real time data sharing + collaboration) (tech infusion)Over the years the ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster (C3) introduced many new Cloud Computing related technologies and stories to the ESIP. C3 captures many presentations on our ESIP wiki. C3 should continue with this effort. C3 plans to create an inventory of all the technologies and projects the cluster looked at as knowledge for ESIP community. Continue to improve ESIP website. Leverage Testbed to socialize innovation and innovators.ExCom & Partnerships with Applied Science and ESDSWG; Products & Services Testbed; Cloud Computing Cluster
Introduce technology innovation - open searchPromote Open Search / Best Practices at conferences to enable interoperablity with new technologyDiscovery cluster
Organizational Development / Communications / Community Engagement
Engage the real-time data/sensors communities on data quality, provenance + metadata issues on the front end of data workflows(EC workshop, ESIP session)ESIP marketing arm to make connectionsEnvirosensing
Develop an understanding of communities’ needs through outreach to user communities. (e.g., decision makers, teachers, students) , a communication planCreate an ESIP marketing campaign including a communication plan, <Monthly telecons reaching out to industry and community, getting visibility via social networks via speaker plans> .<Success story with reaching to scientists>;<survey to Testbed/FUNding Friday project folks and ask if/how the project was useful/applicable/helpful in their careers/areas of expertise.>, <survey user needs>ESIP Leadership
Include innovative organizations that show promise of advancing practical Earth science information technology and management. Proactive in targeting and identifying new member orgs with key data domains that are not covered currentlyPartenrship committee
Capture success story in connectionsThe ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster (C3) will continue to reach out to new organizations and Cloud Computing professionals. C3 will continue to invite them to share their experience with ESIP. C3 has got the knowhow and expertise in Cloud Computing technology. Discovery cluster success story ECHO, IDN, CWIC collaboration. Open Search best practices have been employed to create a highly interoperable earth data discovery plaform on a truly global scaleCloud Computing cluster, Discovery cluster
Identify and apply ES data to decision makers for use in (planning, adaptation, situational awareness, response, recovery, decision making)Work with Disaster user communities to identify the information model and observations/outputs needed to enhance their decision making.Disaster cluster
Capture domain experts interpretation, analysis, insights and enrich + augment the data for the benefit of non-expert users. Re: “What am I looking at in this data? What does it mean? What are the implications?”This can tie into Semantic Web cluster activities on rich infomration model with ontologies; and then work with Disaster cluster on semantic search related topics Semantic Web cluster, Disaster cluster
Support the implementation of government-led earth observing programs such as the 2014 National Plan for Civil Earth Observations ( and the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Strategic Plan ( how collabroation areas/clusters can support the implementation of Earth
Observation Plans
Create an Observing System Cluster
Submit paper about ESIP Data Management Short Course. Update ESIP's online Data Management course to encompass latest developments in the academic literature and the evolving practices of Federal agencies. Pursue support through an EarthCube solicitation to increase the scope of such a course.Paper titled "Meeting the Needs of Data Management Training – The Earth Science Information Partners" submitted to "Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship" for publication consideration Spring 2015.

Preliminary investigations into the "EarthCube solicitation proposal for A Community-Driven Data and Knowledge Environment for the Geosciences" solicitation have begun. Kickoff discussions on updates to the Data Management course, regardless of what happens with the proposal, will commence April 2015.
Paper: Chung-Yi Hou. Update of course: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Ruth Duerr, Justin Goldstein, and other Data Stewardship Committee members TBA (after 3/16/15). EarthCube efforts: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Amanda Whitmire, Ruth Duerr, Jake Carlson.
Ongoing Data Publication effortsDefine data publication, other actions TBANancy Ritchey, Ruth Duerr
Development and refinement of a matrix to be used for evaluating the maturity of a stewardship approach for a given datasetEvaluate the matrix for real-world examples, write brief reportRuth Duerr, Ge Peng, Chung-Yi Hou (Data Stewardship Committee)
Goal 3: Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information and applications
Goal 3: ThemesGoal 3: Specific ObjectivesActionsLeads
Impact Metrics
Develop and share the story of how Earth science products make an impact from discovery, through development, to ultimate use. (“impact metrics”)Capture impact stories of how relevant data products and tools have helped decision making in the events of disasters.Disaster Cluster
Create impact metrics on the value of Earth Science data and informationAdd to Annual reportESIP Leadership
Measure socioeconomic value of new partnerships.Identify what value members bring to ESIP in regards to science knowledge and contributionParthership Committee
Organizational Development / Communications / Community Engagement
Share partner agency resources of educational value on social media (i.e. NASA, NOAA, NOAA Climate, CIMSS, SSEC, USGS, etc.)create a Social Media ClusterSocial Media Cluster, Education Committee, Climate Change Education cluster
Engage economists from NOAA , other agencies (invite them to talk at ESIP meetings). Agencies can learn from each other thru ESIPOn-going actionESIP Leadership
Follow-up from NOAA Big Data RFI to see what businesses thinking ROI/business models are for Earth science data/modelsESIP Leadership
Drupal platform as a communication toolProvide a list of science use-cases and applications that exist within the Drupal framework, hold workshops on how best to use Drupal, prioritizing the Drupal groups web presenceDrupal WG
Goal 4: Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation, supporting sustainable science data infrastructure)
Goal 4: ThemesGoal 4: Specific ObjectivesActionsLeads
Organizational Development / Communications / Community Engagement
Engage with other agency and international efforts, e.g. EarthCube, GEOSS, RDA, etc.Discovery Cluster: 1) Invited to speak at the RDA BigData workshop about the issues of data discovery writ broadly; 2) Working with EarthCube TAC on discovery/access issues. The ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster (C3) members are already involved in EarthCube, GEOSS, RDA, and NIST. C3 will continue to encourage our members to represent ESIP along with their own organization when participating these external efforts.;
Partner with similar-spirited efforts such as the EarthCube Testbed to grow synergy for ideas across communities.
Discovery cluster, Cloud Computing cluster, Products & Services
Engage broader range of climate change stakeholders - those who need to understand climate changed data and information to make effective decisionsPart of ESIP marketing strategyESIP leadership
Leverage Federation resources to support ongoing Adaptation Activities (i.e. Hampton Roads, Miami, mid-atlantic)ESIP leadership
Fostering inter-agency co-operationOpen Search Best Practice promotion has required the coordination of efforts from agencies as diverse as NASA, NOAA, JAXA, CEOS, ESA etc; provide processes for testing/feedback of projects across agencies through ESIP Testbed.Discovery; Products & Services
Engagement and participation with the Research Data Alliance, GEOSS, Council of Data Facilities, Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences (COPDESS)Ongoing work with the organizations described in Col. A above. Engage with COPDESS in their work listing relevant and trusted repositories for Earth Science data. The ESIP Data Stewardship Committee listserve has housed discussions on the COPDESS efforts.Ruth Duerr, Kirsten Lehnert (ESIP Data Stewardship Committee)
Show that ESIP has expertise to offerCloud Computing Cluster Contributions:
Continue to host technical seminars and demonstrate Cloud Computing projects that involves ESIP members at various agencies .
Testbed projects can be showcases for relevant climate projects and expertise.
Cloud Computing cluster; Products & Services
Current ESIP members actively engaged in these activities can intro broader ESIP engagementIdentify ESIP members actively engaged in specific Earth science activitiesPartnership committee
Impact Metrics
Develop a mechanism to capture success storiesESIP leadership
Technology Innovation and Transfer
Identify information model and technology that are relevant to science data infrastructure with the goal of streamlining the identification and provisioning of remote sensing data products to support the needs of different disaster types throughout the disaster life cycle.
Disaster cluster