A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Name | Store/Socials Link | Twitter @'s | Type of Clothing | Country/Continent | Country/State | NSFW? | General Overview/Personal Notes | Gendered? | Convention appearances? | Have Bought From | |||||||||||||||
2 | 0 Fox Shop | https://0foxshop.com/ | @0foxShop | Casual/Street | USA | No | Slick ass techywear, the maw rug! | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
3 | AbandonAmbition | https://www.etsy.com/shop/abandonambition | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Angy Paws | https://www.angypaws.com/ | @AngyPaws | Socksss/Queer | | No | Lots of really cool socks and arm warmers :3 | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
5 | argibi | https://www.argibi.art/ | @argibi_art | Casual | USA | Ohio | No | Furry | Andro/Fem | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ArkBarkArts | https://www.etsy.com/shop/arkbarkarts/?etsrc=sdt | @ArkBarkArt | Casual | USA | Maine | No | Cute colorful and fantasy designs, lotion bars :3 | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ArtByScragster | https://artbyscragster.com/ | @_scragster_ | Casual/Accessories/Queer | USA | No | Lots of cute accesories/gay/trans stuff | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Artkour | https://artkour.bigcartel.com/ | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | ArtSea Animal | https://www.artseaanimal.com/ | @ArtSeaAnimal | | No | I got married wearing a button up from them (I'm not kidding) | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
10 | ArtyChikle | https://artychikle.com/ | @artychikleshop | Casual/Undies | Mexico | Suggestive/NSFW | Undies | Masculine | | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Aurora Bloom Studios (Preorder Only) | https://aurorabloomstudios.square.site/ | @auroraabloom | Street | USA | No | Bimbo/Glitzy crop tops and Fursuits | Andro/Fem | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Awruff Gear | https://awruffgear.com/ | @AwruffGear | Casual | Europe | Slovenia | Suggestive | Techy designs | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
13 | Berry Meat | https://berrymeat.com/ | @BerryMeatArt | Casual | USA | Pennsylvania | No | Really cute comfy clothes, love the shark crop top | Unisex | Yes | Yes, shark crop top :3 | |||||||||||||||
14 | Bison Wares (Store Down) | https://www.bisonwares.com/ | @BisonWares | USA | No | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | BizzByFizz (Temporarily Down) | https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/BizzByFizz | @BizzByFizz | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | Bleucan | https://www.bleucan.fish/ | @Bleucan | Casual/Accessories/Dakis | USA | Suggestive | Plenty of chubby designs for dakis and keychains | Andro/Masc | | |||||||||||||||||
17 | Bold Kobold | https://t.co/vzj0FR9emT | Casual | | Yes/Suggestive | Dragons and sergals!!! | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
18 | BossMonsta | https://bossmonsta.com/collections/frontpage | @BossMonstaLV | USA | Nevada | N/A | PROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT :3 | Unisex | Yes | Yes, quite a few beans :3 | ||||||||||||||||
19 | BurrLife | https://www.burrlife.com/ | @Burr_Life | Casual | USA | No | XL/Bear | Masculine | | |||||||||||||||||
20 | Burubado | https://burubado.com/pages/merch-landing | @burubado_furry | Australia | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | Callamute (Closed Sept 10) | https://payhip.com/Callamute/collection/all | @Callamute | USA | N/A | Femme | | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Camp Howl | https://www.camphowl.com/ | @camphowl | Casual | USA | Georgia (State) | No | Furry, Big patterns covered in cute animals :3 | Unisex | Yes | Yes, a bandana! | |||||||||||||||
23 | Camp Mustelid | https://www.campmustelid.com/ | @CampMustelid | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | Canine Arcade | https://caninearcade.com/ | @CanineArcade | Grunge | | UK | No | Super cute canine femme clothes | Femme | | ||||||||||||||||
25 | Cool Art Store | https://www.coolart.store/ | @coolartcorner | Casual | USA | Caifornia | No | Cutesy | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
26 | Cosmell Cosplay | https://www.cosmellcosplay.com/ | @CosmellCosplay | Casual | USA | Michigan | No | Furry/Fursuits | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
27 | Coyotic Trouble | https://www.etsy.com/shop/CoyoticTrouble | @CoyoticTrouble | Casual/Street | USA | Colorado | No | Plenty of beautiful furry designs | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
28 | CozyTabby | https://cozytabby.fi/store/?c1=0 | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Crechure Apparel | https://kerpe.sumupstore.com/category/crechure-apparel | @CrechureApprl | Casual | Europe | Poland | No | Some cute casual designs, t u n a a m a t u e r | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
30 | Creep Cat Toy Co. | https://www.creepcattoyco.com/ | | N/A | BIG YEEN PLUSHIE YEAHHHHH | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | CROWCORPS | https://www.crowcorps.club/ | @CROWC0RPS | Casual/Street/Queer/Therian | USA | Suggestive | Fucking AWESOME gay ass designs holy shit i need | Unisex | | Yes, havent received yet | ||||||||||||||||
32 | Crowned Feline | https://crownedfeline.carrd.co/ | @CrownedFeline | Casual | USA | North Carolina | No | Furry | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
33 | Curlworks | https://www.curlworks.net/ | @curlworks_ | Casual/Queer | USA | Minnesota | No | Cute animal designs on casual clothes | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
34 | Dead Bomb Art | https://www.deadbomb.com/ | @DeadBombArt | Casual/Party | USA | Texas | Suggestive | Colorful Party Wear | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
35 | Deer Hudson | https://ko-fi.com/deerhudson/shop | @DeerHudson | | N/A | Super cool deer themed stuffs, reminds me of NITW | Unisex | Yes | Yes, some artwork | |||||||||||||||||
36 | DIFFUR | https://diffur.shop/ | @DIFFUR_SHOP | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
37 | DogzCrew | https://www.dogzcrew.com/ | @thedogzcrew | Casual/Party | Europe | No | Pup/Furry Party shirts | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
38 | Double dog | https://www.double-dog.com/ | | N/A | Andro/Fem | | Yes, some art and a shirt :3 | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | EmilyCreativeArt | https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmilyCreativeArt | @Emily_Creative | Casual/Accessories | Europe | Denmark | No | Lanyards/Keychains | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
40 | Entropy's Arts | https://entropys-arts.com/ | @EntropyStar | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | FeelsLikeInstinct | https://www.etsy.com/shop/feelslikeinstinct/?etsrc=sdt | @LikeInstinct | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | Feral Threads Co. | https://feralthreads.co/ | @FeralThreadsCo | Casual | | California | Suggestive | Furry/Undies | Unisex | | Yes, havent received yet | |||||||||||||||
43 | feramvsa | https://www.teepublic.com/user/feramvsa | @FERAMVSA | Casual | | No | General Cool Furry Designs | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
44 | Fractal Fissure | https://fractalfissure.com/ | @FractalFissure | Casual | | No | You know that one kid that wore linkin park? | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
45 | Fuki-stuff | https://fuki-stuff.com/ | @fukari_art | Emo/Grunge | Europe | Poland | No | Furry/Fantasy | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
46 | Furflux | https://furflux.com/ | @furfluxmerch | Casual | USA | Colorado | Suggestive | Cool folf designs :3 | Andro/Masc | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
47 | GAB Shiba | https://www.gabshiba.com/ | @gabshiba | Casual | Mexico | Yes | Suggestive Tees/Jocks | Masculine | | |||||||||||||||||
48 | Gentlefur | https://www.gentlefur.com/shop/ | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Gozi Goods | https://gozigoods.com/ | @lightskintiger | Casual/School Pride | | No | Gozi State Pride BABYYY | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
50 | Half Assed Designs | https://www.halfasseddesigns.com/ | @HalfAssedDesign | Street/Casual | | No | Furry | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
51 | Hey Its Zray | https://heyitszray.storenvy.com/ | @zrayUH | Casual/Queer | USA | Oregon | No | General Gay Furriness | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
52 | Howl Out (Store Down) | https://howl-out.com/ | @howl_out | Techwear | | No | Store isnt up, but they have really good stuff at cons | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
53 | HUFF PEEP SHOW | https://huff.fit/ | @HUFFleFLEUR | Casual/Street | | Suggestive | Folfs and huffing shit | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
54 | Hyena Agenda | https://hyena-agenda.com/ | @HyenaAgenda | Casual | USA | Arizona | No | Stylish Yeens | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
55 | itsMRKITTYS | https://www.etsy.com/shop/itsMRKITTYS | @ItsMrKittys | Silly | | Ohio | Suggestive (?) | Silly furry shirts+ | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
56 | Jackal Clothing | https://jackalclothingco.com/ | @ClothingJackal | Casual/Street | USA | No | Furry | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
57 | JustCats Clothing | https://justcats.fi/ | Street/Urban | USA | No | Punky streetwear | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||
58 | Kobold Shop | https://www.koboldshop.com/ | @koboldshop | Casual | | Suggestive (?) | Kobolds | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
59 | Lakemutt | https://lake-mutt.com/ | @LakeMutt | Casual | | No | Feeeeeesh | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
60 | LividPuppy | https://www.etsy.com/shop/LividPuppy | @LividPuppy | Girly (?) | | No | Girly crop tops | Femme | | |||||||||||||||||
61 | Lucky Dragon and Friends | https://sixthleafcloverstore.com/collections/lucky-dragon-and-friends | @luckydragonco | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
62 | Mango Island | https://www.mangoislandcreations.com/ | @mangoislandarts | Kigurumi | USA | Massachusetts | No | Custom Kigus | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
63 | MAWBomb | https://mawbomb.com/ | @MAWbomb | Casual | | Suggestive | General Furriness, Maws uwu | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
64 | Megane Dog Studio | https://www.meganedog.com/ | @MeganeDoodleDog | | N/A | Beanies!!! | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||
65 | Motel777 | https://www.motel777.xyz/ | | N/A | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||
66 | MothSprout | https://www.etsy.com/shop/Mothsprout | @Moth_Sprout | Casual/Street | USA | Ohio | No | General Furriness | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
67 | Moto Yote | https://www.theartofnicole.com/motoyote | @MotoYote | Canada | Ontario | No | Motorcycle/driving stuff | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Mythimorph Labs | https://mythimorph.square.site/ | @Mythimorph | USA | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
69 | Neonslushie | https://www.neonslushie.com/shop | @NeonSlushie | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
70 | Nomad Complex | https://nomadcomplex.com/ | @NomadComplex | Casual/Queer | Canada | British Columbia | Suggestive | Lots of awesome colorful designs, very pretty | Unisex | Yes | ||||||||||||||||
71 | NONSTOPPUP | https://www.nonstoppup.com/ | @NONSTOPPUP | Casual/Queer | | No | Cool casual furry shirts, Furry pride flag! | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
72 | NovCraft | https://novcraft-shop.de/products | @nov_craft | Casual | Europe | Germany | Suggestive | Leashes/Furry | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
73 | OccultTrash | https://occulttrash.com/ | @occulttrash | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
74 | Onix Angel Creations | https://onixangelcreations.square.site/ | @OA_Creations | Casual/Fursuits/Queer | Canada | No | Pretty, colorful designs with lots of pride! | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
75 | Orc Style | https://orc.style/ | @orcstyle | Casual/Tusks/Toys | | Suggestive/NSFW | Orc stuffs, some adult toys and tusks | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
76 | Otter and Odder | https://otterandodder.com/ | @OtterAndOdder | Casual | Canada | British Columbia | No | Accessories/Furry | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
77 | OWOChi | https://www.etsy.com/shop/OWOCHI | @OWOCHI_ | Casual | USA | South Carolina | No | Catgirls :3333333333 | Andro/Fem | | ||||||||||||||||
78 | Part Time Dragons | https://parttimedragons.com/ | @PartTimeDragons | Casual | USA | No | Furry/Fantasy | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
79 | Pawgyle | https://www.etsy.com/shop/Pawgyle | @Pawgyle | Assorted Accesories | USA | Indiana | No | Patches/Pins/Stickers | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
80 | PawPrint Press | https://store.pawprint.press/ | @pawprint_press | Casual | USA | Suggestive | Merch | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
81 | PawStar | https://pawstar.com/ | Casual/Accesories | USA | Wisconsin | No | Quality stuff, bought from them before | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
82 | PeachyMothShop | https://peachymothshop.com/ | @PeachyMothShop | Casual | USA | No | Proooooot/Eevee | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
83 | Phosfur | https://shop.phosfur.us/ | @blushpuppii | Casual/Fursuits | Canada | Ottowa | Suggestive | This website is so cool lol | Andro/Fem | | ||||||||||||||||
84 | Pink Social Club | https://imfeelingsocial.univer.se/ | @PINKSOCIALCLUB | Street | | No | Branded Streetwear | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
85 | Playing Possum Clothing | https://playingpossumcc.com/ | Casual | | No | Fantasy/DnD | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||
86 | PrismPaws | https://prismpaws.art/ | Casual | USA | No | Furry/Patches/Pins | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||
87 | Quothe the Raven | https://www.redbubble.com/people/theravenstash/shop | @SaladDogArt | Casual | USA | North Dakota | Suggestive | Cute raven/fantasy stuffs, funny suggestive candy corn | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
88 | RaiZap | https://www.raizap.com/ | @sdamned | Casual | USA | Arizona | No | Accessories/Prints | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
89 | Roar'n'Yip | https://roarnyip.com/ | @RoarnYip | Street | Europe | Germany | No | Techy | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
90 | Rogue Fang | https://roguefang.store/ | @roguefang_ | Underwear/Queer | Europe | Spain | Suggestive | Gay ASF, jockstraps | Masculine | | ||||||||||||||||
91 | Ropa Furry | https://www.stupidandtoxic.com/en | @Stupidandtoxic | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
92 | Rudderbutts (Store page down) | https://x.com/rudderbutts | @rudderbutts | Undies | Mexico | Suggestive/NSFW | Lots of undies, store page currently down :( | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
93 | sabaillustration | https://www.storenvy.com/stores/1191987-sabaillustration | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
94 | Sad Dog Club | https://saddogclub.com/ | @saddogclub | | N/A | Car Accessories! | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||
95 | Sanity x Rationelle | https://www.sanityxrationelle.ca/ | @sxr_apparel | Casual | Canada | Ontario | Suggestive | Furry/Accesories | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||
96 | Scaly Shop | https://scaly.shop/ | | N/A | Unisex | | ||||||||||||||||||||
97 | SimpleNick's | https://simplenicks.com/ | @simple_nicks | USA | No | Unisex | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||
98 | SloshDog | https://slosh.dog/ | @SloshDog | Casual/Vore | USA | Suggestive | Vore Store OwO | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||
99 | Sorbet Jungle | https://www.sorbetjungle.com/ | @SorbetJungle | | N/A | Unisex | | |||||||||||||||||||
100 | Spunky Stuff! | https://spunkystuff.bigcartel.com/ | Casual | | No | A shirt, mainly fun accesories | Unisex | Yes |