GrantOrganizationDueLimitTopicMembership feeNotesLink
National Geographic Early Career GrantNational Geographic SocietyApril 1, July 1$5,000Field research and explorationReplacement for YEG. Must be first opportunity to lead a project.
Kate A Barlow AwardBat Conservation TrustOctober£4,500Bat conservationBat conservation anywhere in world
Lewis and Clark Fund
American Philosophical Society
November$5,000Fieldwork and exploration
Travel and related project expenses, including personal equipment.
Centennial Pollinator FellowshipGarden Club of AmericaFebruary 6$4,000Causes of pollinator decline
rovides funding to a current graduate student to study the causes of pollinator decline, in particular bees, bats, butterflies and moths, which could lead to potential solutions for their conservation and sustainability.
American Society of Mammologists Grants-in-Aid
American Society of Mammologists
March 1$1,500Mammology$25
support of field or laboratory work in any area of mammalogy, or for the purchase of supplies and small items of equipment related to such research
Disney Conservation Fund The Walt Disney CompanyMarch$25,000Conservation
The fund supports the study of wildlife; the protection of habitats; the development of community conservation and education programs in critical ecosystems; and experiences that connect kids to nature across the globe. Graduate students can not directly apply but can be included in a Ph.D. level faculty project that is part of an established program or a new initiative that establishes objectives for a long term conservation impact. Requires pre-application due in November
AZA Conservation Grant Fund
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
March 15$25,000Conservation$40
Conservation-related projects in 1) animal health; 2) animal welfare; 3)Conservation education; 4) field conservation; 5) management and captive breeding; 6) research. Graduate students will have better success if listed as co-PI with their adviser.
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid-of-Research
The Scientific Research Society
March 15 / Oct 1$1,000Science$25
Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project. - See more at:
Montana Institute on Ecosystems MSU Graduate Enchancement Award
Montana Institute on Ecosystems
Spring$1,000Environmental sciences
Grant for MSU students in environmental sciences or related fields who need specific assistance for summer research, travel, publication support, etc. or who would like to convene a meeting, conference, or special project. Adviser must be part of the IOE. Announced in early spring.
ABS Conservation GrantsAustralasian Bat SocietyApril 29AUD 1500 Conservation of bats in Australasia$30
ASM Fellowship in Mammology
American Society of Mammologists
May 1$10,000 (varies)Mammology$25
A single graduate fellowship in mammalogy is provided annually by the Board of Directors of ASM at the recommendation of the Grants-in-Aid Committee. The amount of the award for the academic year 2010-2011 has been set at $10,000. The fellowship is intended to recognize current accomplishments in mammalogy, service to ASM, and the potential for a productive, future role in professional mammalogy. Applicants may be any graduate student member of ASM enrolled at a college or university for at least the fall semester of the forthcoming academic year and be engaged in research in mammalogy. Look here to see materials necessary to apply for this fellowship. Applications are due 1 May.
Albert R. & Alma Shadle Fellowship in Mammology
American Society of Mammologists
May 1$4,500 (varies)Mammology$25
A single graduate fellowship in mammalogy is provided annually by the Albert R. and Alma Shadle Endowment Fund. The award is made by the Buffalo Foundation at the recommendation of the Grants-in-Aid Committee of ASM. Generally, the award is approximately $4,000. The fellowship is intended to promote a professional career in mammalogy by allowing the recipient greater freedom to pursue research, but is not a grant in support of a specific research project. Applicants must be enrolled as graduate students in a college or university in the United States for the forthcoming academic year and be engaged in research in any area of mammalogy. Look here to see materials necessary to apply for this fellowship. Applications are due 1 May.
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden Conservation Support Fund
Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden
June 1 / Dec 1$5,000Conservation
To provide financial assistance for conservation-oriented projects/programs that promote preservation of the Earth’s biodiversity. Riverbanks encourages the submission of projects that have the potential for broad-based conservation and/or management impact in the following areas (not in order of priority): Field conservation initiatives (in situ); Habitat management and preservation; Zoo and aquarium-based programs for the scientifically managed breeding of endangered and threatened wildlife (ex-situ); Conservation education initiatives; Projects designed to enhance animal welfare; Projects that identify, assess and/or treat medical conditions affecting animals in the wild and/or managed captive environments.
Sophie Danforth Conservation Bio FundRoger Williams Park ZooJune 1$1,000Biodiversity & ecosystem conservation
Field studies and other projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation and projects that involve in-country collaborators receive the highest funding priority. Environmental education programs, development of techniques that can be used in a natural environment, and captive propagation programs that stress an integrative approach to conservation are also appropriate. Projects must directly affect biological conservation.To be eligible, must be
Earthwatch grantsEarthwatchJune 12variesCitizen science for research on environmental sustainability
We issue annual requests for proposals (RFPs) in the spring of each year. We work with principal investigators (PIs) to develop successful projects over an 18 month period prior to initiation of the field aspect of the project. For further information regarding the proposal timeline, please contact the Earthwatch Research Department at Requires submission of pre-proposal
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
Feb / June / Oct$25,000Species conservation
The Fund will consider grants for the conservation of any threatened or poorly known animal, plant or fungus species. The Fund is primarily interested in in situ species conservation work, but will consider applications for an ex situ project where it is demonstrated to be critical to the survival of the species concerned. Low success rate (9% funded applications)
Explorer's Club Student GrantsThe Explorer's ClubOctober$500-$5000Field research and exploration
Supports field reseearch proposals in a wide array of "environmental" disciplines, ranging from climate change, geosciences, water sciences, wildlife, conservation, plants, anthropology
Morris Animal Foundation GrantMorris Animal FoundationNovembervariesAnimal health
Grant proposals are accepted for small companion animals (dogs and cats), large companion animals (horses and llamas/alpacas) and wildlife, focusing on health issues. PhD students are eligible if they hold a DVM. Otherwise open to PhD/DVM post-docs or established PIs.
ABS Student and Devloping Nations Research GrantsAnimal Behavior SocietyLate Fall$2,000Animal behavior$25
Sub-wards given for best proposal, cetacean behavior and conservation, clinical animal behavior, and integration of conservation and animal behavior.
IDEA WILDIDEA WILDRollingProvides suppliesFieldwork supply for biodiversity research
IDEA WILD seeks to minimize the loss of biodiversity by empowering people on the front lines of conservation by awarding small equipment grants to conservation professionals around the world. These equipment grants advance biological research, conservation education, community outreach, conservation management, field training, and professional development in areas where it is needed most. By empowering both aspiring and veteran conservation professionals, IDEA WILD has been instrumental in establishing new protected areas, reversing the decline of species through innovative management plans, restoring damaged and critical habitat, and improving how local communities support and sustain their immediate natural resources.
Student Research Scholarships for Global Bat Conservation PrioritiesBat conservation internationalDecember 7$1000-$5000 Bat research & conservation
Open to graduate and undergraduate students; additional awards given for best proposals from women from developing countries, best conservation proposal, and best education / community advocacy; often focuses on specific geographic locations; topic changes every ~6 months
American Geographical Society Fellowship
American Geographical Society
November$1,500Geography, especially fieldwork$55
Christine Stevens Wildlife AwardAnimal Welfare Institutecontact$10,000wildlife study & wildlife conflict
created to stimulate and support efforts to devise new, nonlethal techniques and strategies and test existing products for the purpose of humanely remedying wildlife conflicts and to improve methods of wildlife study
Culberson & Hale grant for field research in lichenology
American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS)
February 1$500-750Lichens.
Fieldwork may focus on any area of lichenological, including systematics, evolution, genetics, physiology or ecology
Anderson & Crum grant for field research in Bryology
American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS)
February 1$500-750Bryophytes.
Proposed fieldwork may focus on any area of bryological research including systematics, evolution, genetics, physiology, or ecology.
CUASHI Pathfinder fellowship
CUAHSI Universities Allied for Water Research
October$5,000Water research
Graduate training in water science often focuses on a single field site, analytical, or modeling approach. The CUAHSI Pathfinder Fellowship program provides travel funds to graduate students in water science to make an extended trip to conduct and enhance their research. Fellowships are awarded to cover travel costs up to a maximum of $5000.This opportunity allows students to travel to an additional field site to conduct comparative research, collaborate with a research group, or work with researchers on adding an inter-disciplinary dimension to a water science project. - See more at:
Joan Mosenthal DeWind AwardXerxes SocietySpring$3,750Lepidoptera conservation
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund
American Museum of Natural History
February$500-$3500Fieldwork on North American wildlife
research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna - terrestrial and freshwater (rivers, lakes, streams), extant or fossil - are invited to apply to the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants. North America includes everything north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean.
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)
$25,000sustainable agriculture (broadly defined)
The Graduate Student Grants provide a maximum of $25,000 and may last for up to two years. Those eligible to apply are masters or Ph.D. students enrolled full time (as determined by the institution’s requirements) at accredited colleges or universities in the Western region. An applicant is eligible for only one grant during his or her graduate program. Proposals are due May 11, 2016. Proposals are reviewed by a technical review panel and the Western SARE Administrative Council selects proposals for funding in July. Award notifications are made in August.
American ornithological society student research awards (9 awards)
American Ornithological Society
January 27varies; some $1000+Ornithology
Mewaldt-King Award: These $1,000-$2,000 awards are designated in the memory of L. Richard Mewaldt and James R. King to support Master's and Ph.D.-level research. Research may be in any area of ornithology, but studies that involve demographics, breeding biology, or disease ecology may be particularly relevant, especially if the species is endangered, threatened, or otherwise of management concern. Studies of species from threatened ecosystems (e.g. old growth forest, wetlands) or with reference to large-scale conservation issues such as climate or landscape change are also of particular interest. Other awards specific to female ornithology grad students, non-smoking ornithology students (really), avian systematics, all aspects of avian biology, or wild birds.
Wildlife Conservation Society Grants & FellowshipsWildlife Conservation SocietyvariesvariesConservation
Some specific to NY Seascape Region (NY, NJ); reptiles; climate adaptation; Canada's boreal forests; others general to threatened species.
Garden Club of America ScholarshipsGarden Club of AmericaJan - FebvariesMANY! Botany, pollinator research, bird habitat, horticulture, desert studies, urban forestry, conservation & ecological restoration, coastal wetlandsMany grants in various areas
W Garfield Weston Fellowship Program
Wildlife Conservation Society - Canada
February 23$5000-20000Canadian conservation
Support research that is relevant to WCS Canada’s conservation objectives at our two long-term sites in the boreal region of Northern Ontario, and the Northern Boreal Mountains of Yukon and British Columbia. Research that takes place outside of these sites, but that generates relevant conservation information may also be eligible.
Provide all or partial funding for graduate-level, field research activities for students to carry out their thesis-related research. Fellowship awards are not intended to support student stipends; however stipends and salaries for field assistants are eligible.
Future conservationist award
Conservation Leadership programme
Announced 1 Sept12,500Conservation
Projects should improve local knowledge, skills and attitudes concerning conservation, and reduce threats to biodiversity. The results from the projects should inform national action plans and international conservation priorities.
American Geosciences Institute Scholarship Programs
American Geosciences Institute
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG)National Science FoundationNo longer offeredDissertation improvement
These grants provide partial support of doctoral dissertation research for improvement beyond the already existing project. Allowed are costs for doctoral candidates to participate in scientific meetings, to conduct research in specialized facilities or field settings, and to expand an existing body of dissertation research.
American Society of Naturalists Student Reseach Award
American Society of Naturalists
January$2,000Ecology, evolution, behavior$20
The ASN Student Research Awards support research by student members that advances the goals of the society: the conceptual unification of ecology, evolution, or behavior. n applicant must be a member of the ASN (membership is international), must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, must have passed to candidacy in a Ph.D. program or equivalent, and must be at least one year from completing the PhD.
Wilson Ornithological Society GrantsWilson Ornithological Society FebruaryvariesOrnithology$20
Grants for graduate students in avian research; independent researchers in ornithology; studies of bird movements; student-mentor teams.
Society of Systematic Biologists Graduate Student Research Awards
Society of Systematic Biologists
Systematics is the study of biological diversity and its origins. It focuses on understanding evolutionary relationships among organisms, species, higher taxa, or other biological entities, such as genes, and the evolution of the properties of taxa including intrinsic traits, ecological interactions, and geographic distributions. An important part of systematics is the development of methods for various aspects of phylogenetic inference and biological nomenclature/classificationThe Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) Graduate Student Research Awards assist students in the initiation (first two years) of their systematics projects and in the collection of preliminary data to pursue additional sources of support
Graduate Student Water Resource FellowshipMontana Water CenterNovember 23$2,000Water-related research (MT waterbodies given preference)
the goal of this program is to help support graduate students in the broad realm of water resource research. For example, funds may support the purchase of materials or supplies, travel to a scientific meeting, travel for research training, laboratory fees, etc.
Northwest Scientific Association Student Grant
Northwest Scientific Association
February 16$1,500Regional science research non field specific$20
This is aimed at helping fund materials and logistics costs for students. Wages for students and technicians as well as training costs are not covered.
Geologic Society of America Student Research GrantGeologic Society of AmericaFebruary 12,500Geosciences$45
This grant pays for student travel, sample analysis, materials cost, etc.
American Alpine Club Research GrantAmerican Alpine ClubJanuary 15$1,500Mountainous systems research
The AAC funds projects that contribute vital knowledge of our climbing environment, enrich our understanding of global climber impacts and support and improve the health and sustainability of mountain environments and habitats.
Montana Native Plant Society Small Grants ProgramMontana Native Plant SocietyJanuary 31$1,500Native plants of Montana
These grants are intended to promote native plant conservation through better understanding of our native flora and the factors affecting their survival. Preferences given to proposals that: 1) generate research data or public support that advances the conservation of native plants in the wild; 2) demonstrate initiative and cooperation with other organizations or agencies. Projects emphasizing operational costs, such as utilities or rent, will be less preferred.
Montana Academy of Science Student Research Grant Program Montana Academy of ScienceMarch 10$1,500Any research by Montana students
These competitive grants are intended to encourage and assist students with conducting scientific research projects at any Montana University, 4-year College, or Tribal College. Students who receive funding are expected to present an oral presentation of the results of their research at the 2018 MAS Annual Meeting (in Butte, MT). Grants requesting smaller dollar amounts may have a better chance of being funded than bigger grants. Awards will be made to the grants office or office of sponsored programs for disbursement of funds through the normal channels for extramural funding at each institution. No IDC will be paid as part of this program. The faculty member need not be a member of MAS at the time of application; however, if the grant is awarded, it is expected that the faculty member will join the Montana Academy of Sciences.
Montana Grain Grower's Association Scholarships
Montana Grain Grower's Association
April 1$1000 - $2500MSU students in various STEM fields
Montana Wildlife Society Small GrantsMT TWSMid-November$100-$1,000Activity in wildlife conservation
BCM Grant Program
Bat conservation and management
Jan 15, April 15, August 15$5,000Bat conservation and research efforts
Supports projects that have use of bat detectors/microphones, capture equipment (like mistnets, poles, harp traps, etc), Sonobat analysis software, and more
WNPS Plant Conservation GrantWashington Native Plant Society (WNPS)March$1,500Plants in Washington state
on-the-ground projects that will restore, improve, or support functioning native plant ecosystems in the State of Washington, USA. Successfully funded projects must provide public benefit and align with WNPS Conservation principles. Funds will be awarded based on the Conservation Committee's determination of which projects would bring the most significant ecological benefit and the likelihood of a project's long-term success. For questions please contact Becky Chaney, Conservation C=
ommittee Chair: 425-880-4220 or< ion_grant.html
SCB Graduate Student Research Fellowship AwardsSociety for Conservation BiologyApril 1$1,000Conservation$20
Students must demonstrate financial need toward completion of graduate degree and graduate research must contribute to SCB’s mission to advance the science and practice of conserving Earth's biodiversity. Graduate Student Research Fellowship Awards will support field work, including travel, materials or equipment required to conduct research by graduate student members of SCB.
Brevard Zoo Conservation Fund Brevard Zoo August 1$2000 - $7000ConservationN/A
Seaworld - Busch Gardens Conservation FundSeaworld / Busch GardensNovember 30$10k - $25k
species research, habitat protection, conservation education, and animal rescue and rehabilitation
Mission: To work with purpose and passion on behalf of wildlife and habitats worldwide, encouraging sustainable solutions through support of species research, animal rescue and rehabilitation and conservation education.
Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife Conservation FundFresno Chaffee ZooJune 1$1000 - $2000Conservation / habitat researchN/A
to promote understanding and enjoyment of rare, threatened and endangered animals and their habitats and to support zoological research that will directly benefit captive animal management. Geographic region of focus varies.
A.W. Franzmann and Distinguished Collegues AwardAlcesMarch 15CDN 1500
Moose biology & management or other ungulates or mammalian carnivores overlapping their range.
N/AOpen to US or Canadian graduate students.
Widlife disease association student scholarshipsWidlife disease associationspringvariesScholarships for research and travel awards for WDA conferences
They also offer small grants for disseminating wildlife disease knowledge.
MultipleScientific Exploration SocietyNovvariesFieldwork, photography, filmography
Might change year to year, mostly for fieldwork in "challenging locations"
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Young Scientists Summer Program
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
OctStipend & travelPolicy implications of ecological research
Travel to Austria June-Aug to work with IIASA scientists. Offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic and social change. Program areas include: advanced systems analysis, air quality, energy, evolution & ecology, ecosystems services and managment, world population, risk & resilience, transitions to new technologies, water. Apply during last 2 years of PhD.
Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Fall$9,000National science policy
Provides early career individuals with the opportunity to spend 12 weeks at the Academies in Washington, DC learning about science and technology policy and the role that scientists and engineers play in advising the nation.
Horowitz foundation for social policy grantsHorowitz FoundationDec7,500Research projects with social policy application
must be phd student who has defended proposal; cannot have Phd yet
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramNational Science Foundation
Ford Foundation Fellowship ProgramFord FoundationNovemberPredoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Although focused on diversity, fellowship is open to all US citizens in PhD program REGARDLESS OF RACE. Specific focus on those interested in a career in teaching and research at university level.
USDA National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grants Program (NNF)USDAOctober
Awards are specifically intended to support traineeship programs that engage outstanding students to pursue and complete their degrees in USDA mission areas. Applicants provide clarity about the philosophy of their graduate training, and relevance to USDA mission sciences, NIFA priorities and national science education policies and statistics. Applications are being solicited from institutions that confer a graduate degree in at least one of the following Targeted Expertise Shortage Areas: 1) animal and plant production; 2) forest resources; 3) agricultural educators and communicators; 4) agricultural management and economics; 5) food science and human nutrition; 6) sciences for agricultural biosecurity; and 7) training in integrative biosciences for sustainable food and agricultural systems.
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration FellowshipsNOAvariesvaries
Boyd Evison Student Fellowship for research in the Greater Yellowstone
Montana Institute on Ecosystems
February$10,000Graduate fellowship (MS and PhD)
Also includes Grand Tetons, JD Rockefeller Jr Mem Parkway and other public/private lands
PhD enhancement funds for GTA linesMSUMarch$18,000Teaching assisstantshipMust be requested by department for students
Monsanto Graduate Student ScholarshipMonsantoMay 1$25,000Master's students in STEM
PhD students not eligible. The Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship is part of our company’s broader focus on innovation and investment in agriculture. To meet the challenges the world faces in feeding nine billion people by 2050, investing in future leaders pursuing STEM careers in food and agriculture is key. The next generation of innovators will be the ones to ascend and meet the challenges of global food security.
NDSEG National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipDODDec 7 but variessimilar to GRFPRelevant to DODN/A
Relevant to DOD---looking through the BAAs (broad agency announcements) is where you'll find the specific part that is relevant to you
IIE Centennial FellowshipJulyFulbright alumni, focus varies
Ford foundation dissertation fellowship
ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention Academic Scholarship
ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention
June 26$1,000Women in STEMN/A
Open to graduate and undergraduate female STEM students. Why are you passionate about science, technology, engineering, or math, and how will your pursuit of these fields help preserve biodiversity, improve the health of our planet, or alleviate human suffering?
American Association of University Women
American Association of University Women
Dissertation fellowships, career development grants, grants for community action for education & equity for women, STEM master's programs
Native American Congressional InternshipUdall Foundation$1200 + allowence, travelNative americans
Open to Native American college, graduate, law students to live and work in DC during the summer. Interns will gain a better understanding of the government to government relationship and how they can use this knowledge on behalf of their tribes.
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
The Paul & Daisy Soros Foundation
November$25,000 stipend + tuitionImmigrants
Each Fellowship supports one to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program in the United States.
Latin American Student Field Research award
American Society of Mammologists
March$1,500Grad student citizens of latin american countries
The Latin American Student Field Research Award is made annually to support research projects in Latin America by graduate students. Eligible students must be citizens of Latin American countries, and their projects must be field-oriented investigations of natural history, conservation, ecology, systematics, wildlife biology, biogeography, or behavior.
Sigma Delta Epsilon (SDE), Eloise Gerry, Ethel K. Allen, Vessa Notchev, Jean Langenheim, Monique Braude, Nell I. Mondy, Elizabeth Weisburger, and Hartley Corporation Fellowships
GWIS Graduate Women in Science
January10,000 maxWomen in STEM$40Used for travel, supplies, publishing costs, etc
AbbVie Immunology ScholarshipAbbVie IncOctober$15,000 maxStudents with certain autoimmune disordersNA Amount dependent upon the type of degree pursued
Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. AlumniPartners of the americasRolling$500-10,000US Dept. of State program alumni (e.g., Fulbright recipients)
Research Training Exchanges in Ecoimmunology
East Asia-Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI)National Science FoundationNovemberSummer research in Asia, Pacific
Fulbright US Student Program
Fulbright Program, US Department of State
OctoberOverseas research & study
Funding for 10 months of study/research in foreign country. Benefits and application are country-specific.
CUASHI Instrumentation discovery travel grant (water research)
CUAHSI Universities Allied for Water Research
April$1,000Water research instrumentation
travel to visit colleagues to efficiently and economically learn new instrumentation. IDTG’s enable scientists to learn new instrumentation techniques in the water sciences by visiting other research sites and meeting with the respective site’s Principal Investigators to learn the details of hydrologic instrument installation, operation, maintenance, and data processing
Boren Fellowship
National Security Education Program
January$24,000Overseas study
Commit to working in federal government for one year. unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. Term of 12 weeks - one year for long-term cultural immersion & language learning combined with STEM project
United States to Australia Fellowship
American-Australian Association
October 15$30-$40kResearch in Australiatravel, living, studying expenses, research supplies
Student Research Travel Grants
MSU College of Letters and Science
February 1$500Travel and lodging to present at conferences
Graduate School Student Travel GrantsMSU Graduate SchoolRollingvariesOral presentations at conferences