What front-end are you using with Meteor?Are you using GraphQL with Meteor?Are you using Redis Oplog?Are you using database other than MongoDB?Have you heard about Meteor Community Packages?Which packages that you use are in dire need of an update?Which packages have you forked locally since they are no longer maintained and you need them?Would you be willing to financially support maintainers of community packages?If yes, what would be your preferred way. If no, why?Where are you from?What is your go to place to consume content about Meteor?If you receive community newsletter, how would you rate it?Anything you want to share?Are you hosting your Meteor apps on Galaxy/Meteor Cloud?If you did not answer "yes" to the above question, why not?What would you like to see added to Meteor Cloud?What would you like to see the community do?What question would you like to see answered by the community in the next year?What region would you like to see added to Galaxy?What is the oldest version of Meteor that you use in production?Are you using Meteor at work?If you are using Meteor at work, what is the size of your company?If you are not hosting on Meteor Cloud, where are you hosting? And why?If you are not hosting on the current version, what is preventing your update?
ReactYesNoNoYesi18nMaybeGermanyGitHub, ForumsSome of them1.6Yes50 ~ 100 peopleCustomers restrictionsCustomers restrictions
Blaze, ReactYesNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeCzechiaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Dev.to, Community NewsletterSatisfactoryYesap-northeast-1 / Asia Pacific (Tokyo)I'm always at the latest versionYes5 ~ 10 people
React, React NativeYesYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeVietnamMeteor Docs / Guide, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)GoodNoap-southeast-1 / Asia Pacific (Singapore)2.3Yes10 ~ 50 peopleGoogle Cloud. My app has some parts running PHP/MySQLI'm just lazy
Blaze, SvelteNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themAldeed:tabularRestivusMaybeGitHub sponsorsTurkeyMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)GoodNoUpgrade tabular and autoform or build an easy way to do all crud actions and data listing.What will happen to blaze. The flare project can update it and it can make things easy like in svelte.eu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)Before 1.0YesUp to 5 peopleDigital Ocean, the price and the uptime
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesPayPal, cryptoGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Dev.togood but I always get issues with the links and uBlockNoWe are government funded and have a strict policy for hosting and are only allowed to host anything (also mongo) on our own servers.Physical meetups1.12YesMore than 1000 peopleOur own datacenter, because it's part of our contractsCurrent milestones with priority
Blaze, SvelteNoNoNoYesWe switched almost all packages to npmNoneYesGitHub sponsorsAustriaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, TwitterGoodNoToo expensive for open source projects, especially if you run multiple small projectsFree for open source projectseu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)I'm always at the latest versionYes5 ~ 10 peopledigital ocean, I don't mind the overhead of managing a droplet when I get the full flexibility of a VM
ReactNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsGoodNosee aboveDevelop new publication strategies. Consider enterprise appeal of Webpack 5 features like Module Federation and bring that to Meteor. Diagnose and improve bundler performance.Can Meteor carve out a spot in enterprise architectures among micro-frontends and independent services / backends?I'm always at the latest versionYes100 ~ 500 peopleDO Droplets, deployed with MUP. Galaxy is cost-restrictive for our tier.
BlazeNoNoNoYesraix:pushMaybeNetherlandsMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterGoodYesSão Paulo region; and quality improvements to the features that exist. I feel like it has all I need but the features are not always that easy to use. Logs in particular are cumersome to usesa-east-1 / South America (São Paulo)2.2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleseveral old packages - haven't researched too deeply yet
BlazeNoNoNoYesNoUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, ForumsNoI don't care about Meteor Cloud :-/ I liked Meteor as an app framework, but frankly would prefer a DSL with nice ergonomics more resembling the initial Meteor app style1.4For some projectsMore than 1000 peopleSelf-hosting, because we are old-school.Projects are happily running and don't need to be rewritten just for JS ecosystem churn.
VueNoNoNoYesNothing for me currently, since I try to keep my reliance on third party packages to a minimum.Nothing.YesGitHub sponsorsEstoniaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, SlackKeep up the good work!Some of themUI improvements to make navigation easier. Some pages are hard to find (eg Billing page). Also adding new users to an organization is a bit confusing if I recall correctly. Feature wise, a self-configurable way to limit access to an app with VPC would be interesting, making it possible to offer internal apps to companies via Galaxy. Currently I think it's possible, but requires manual setup from Meteor Cloud admins.Keep maintaining a core set of packages.eu-north-1 / EU (Stockholm)2.3YesUp to 5 peopleAWS EC2 with Meteor-Up for some deployments in addition to Meteor Cloud. Cheap and fast. For apps where uptime is less critical.
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by thempauli:accounts-linkedin and slingshotslingshotMaybeColombiaMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsGoodSome of themAutomatic deploys when a branch of git is updated (like Vercel, Netlify)I think how it is, everything is awesomeHow to do proper SSR in Meteor with React and Meteor Publications/Methodsus-west-2 / US West (Oregon)2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleI use meteor up with DigitalOcean with the projects where money is important (Even though Meteor Cloud has the free version, it is not powerfull enough for some projects and with meteor up I can pay $5 for a good server in Digital Ocean). Dont take me wrong, I use Meteor Cloud for 2 big projects and it makes life much easier, I just have projects where we cant pay for the service.I have oauth for linkedin with pauli:accounts-linkedin. The package does not work in the latest versions of meteor (>= 2.3) so I cant update.
ReactNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themherteby:denormalize - blocking upgrade to 2.3
redis-oplog - forked to use https://github.com/cult-of-coders/redis-oplog/pull/358
MaybeCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Meteor Community SlackSome of them2.1Yes5 ~ 10 peopleGCP to manage it consistently alongside multiple non-js services via kubernetes while using other services/features offered inredi GCPherteby:denormalize via cultofcoders:grapher
BlazeNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themUseraccountsVarious autoform componentsMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, SlackGoodNoPricing would need to become more competitive before we could consider it again.2.3Yes5 ~ 10 peopleAWS ECS managed via Convox. Much cheaper, more flexible, and at least at the time we switched over from Galaxy, better performance.Just haven't upgraded yet.
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybemight be hard to get company to agreeUnited KingdomGitHubNo2.1For some projects10 ~ 50 peopledocker on in-house vms. want it to be local to the used environmentcoordinating mongodb upgrade
BlazeNoYesYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by them1) Blaze - not in a dire need but if it receive some love from MDG that would be awesome
2) Meteor should have defacto oauth packge. Using which developer can roll out their own oauth package.
3) push-notification
1) slingshot, 2) some modal package, 3) tabular 4) account-oauthMaybeIndiaMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsCould be more frequent-Noprovide 2 factor authentication.1) Educational resources. Current guide is good. but if we have some more educational resources like how to do x with meteor. I like what Filipe is doing with meteor streams.-ap-south-1 / Asia Pacific (Mumbai)1.6For some projects5 ~ 10 peopleDigitalOcean. - 2 factor authentication, and price.It just works.
Vue, React NativeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMeteor-desktop (you can fetch last updates from sharekey forked repo)AstronomyYesAt this moment, it would be by sponsoring (5 dollars per month), because I have just entered to work in a new company, so, maybe I will no longer have much time to make PRs or report bugs.MexicoMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Could be more frequentNoCheaper prices like Digital Ocean.Maintain meteor-desktop, astronomy, meteorhacks:ssr. Also, start to add/update type definitions (for typescript) for the most used packages (lascosta:method-hooks, alanning:roles, socialize:user-presence, peerlibrary:middleware, tunguska:reactive-aggregate, etc)Would you like atmospherejs packages to be migrated to npmjs?us-west-1 / US West (N. California)2YesUp to 5 peopleWe use Digital Ocean, because it is much cheaper than Meteor Cloud. We can have a VPS with 4GB of memory, SSD, 2vCPUs by 20 dollars/month, whereas Meteor Cloud for the almost same infrastructure you have to pay 230 dollars/month.We have sold some projects, so, it depends of the customer if he wants us to add more features and hence update meteor version.
Blaze, ReactYesNoYesNouseraccounts:coreuseraccounts:coreMaybeOne-time payment, perhaps per packageUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), SlackYesCode reviewsus-west-2 / US West (Oregon)I'm always at the latest versionYesUp to 5 peopleI had a tough time with the useraccounts:core package
Blaze, VueNoYesYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGitHub sponsorsUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsSatisfactoryNoKeep up the good work1.11Yes5 ~ 10 peopleDigital Ocean with mup, so much cheaper with similar features.Time to upgrade
ReactNoNoNoYesTypeScript types for Meteor. They are not officially maintained and we had to spend a huge amount of time understanding how to patch the types for them to be updated. There's also no guide to implement TS properly, like for the Users collection.TypeScript types.NoArgentinaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Forums, Community NewsletterSatisfactoryYesIt's good for now.Move to a bundling system like Vite or Snowpack. Meteor is too slow rebuilding for modern times, especially on Windows, when Vite and Snowpack are instant and give a huge productivity boost. We would have to abandon Meteor in some time if this is not solved properly.Official TypeScript support and a plan to change the build system to one like Vite or Snowpack, to be able to invest heavily on Meteor on the mid/long term.sa-east-1 / South America (São Paulo)2.3YesUp to 5 peopleNothing, just haven't published yet.
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMeteor testing suite, they could use some updatesYesGitHub sponsorsEgyptMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryYes- How have you heard about this survey?
- Suggest ways to improve Meteor.
- Do you intend on using Meteor in production for the upcoming years/Are you thinking of migrating off of Meteor? If so, why?
- Are you having any troubles scaling Meteor? If so, please mention them and how did you go about resolving them.
2Yes10 ~ 50 people
BlazeYesYesNoYesYesUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryNoCreate kitchen sink Meteor starter kits. Going from a fresh Meteor app to a complex production level app is hard. There are a lot of missing gaps.1.11Yes500 ~ 1000 people(a) we need a lot of flexibility in our infra and (b) at our scale it's much cheaper to self-host (we spend a LOT on hosting)It takes a lot of effort to QA our app on a new version of Meteor (because it is such a global change we need to be very careful)
BlazeNoYesYesYesaslagle:reactive-table, iron:routerMaybeone-off donation towards specific projects with specific milestones/deliverablesAustraliaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Community NewsletterGoodNo2.3For some projects10 ~ 50 peopleMulticore dedicated AMD Ryzen servers with NVMe SSDs for top performanceSome of my clients have specific update/release schedules
BlazeNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeChinaMeteor Docs / Guide, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)No2.3Yes50 ~ 100 peopleWe have our own server.Latest version is in testing.
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeOnce-off donation or monthly, it does depend on what I am supportingAustraliaMeteor Docs / Guide, ForumsGoodNoNodechef has bundled MongoDB hosting and Object Storage, they are keyWhat to expect for 3.0?I'm always at the latest versionNoSelf-hosted & Nodechef
ReactNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGitHub sponsorsPhilippinesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Dev.toGoodNoGrow :)1.9Yes10 ~ 50 peopleAWS. High cost in GalaxyApp is working and in maintenance mode
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesIsraelMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsGoodNo1.6Yes5 ~ 10 peopleon-prem, digitalocean
JadeNoNoNoYesI don't know. If there are newer packages or someone can help to upgrade, it's OK https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/3881 .CollectionFS etc https://github.com/wekan/wekan/tree/master/packages . account-lockout, because it required only 10 files and not any other dependencies https://github.com/wekan/wekan/commit/23e5e1e3bd081699ce39ce5887db7e612616014d . Markdown, so it uses markdown-it. OIDC, so it can login with Oracle OIM https://github.com/wekan/wekan/commit/ec8a78537f1dc40e967de36a02ea09cf7398318a . Etc, what are at packages directory, related details at https://github.com/wekan/wekan/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md .NoAll current income goes to my own monthly bills. Like currently, I'm waiting for payment from customer so I can pay remaining of my bills that are already late. Customer's payments are late because of bureaucracy. I don't have enough income even to hire additional developer to help with my workload.FinlandMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Community NewsletterGoodNoI don't knowHelp to upgrade Wekan to latest Meteor etc dependencies. I have tried for many hours to upgrade Wekan, and I have tried many times to start rewrite Wekan to use some other web framework, but no success yet. Help to find memory leaks in Wekan, because CPU and RAM usage keeps growing, and Wekan needs to be restarted. Help to optimize Wekan frontend bundle size like this https://github.com/wekan/wekan/pull/3871 . Help to scale Wekan, so it would work with more users, currently over 60 simultaneous users is too much. Help to adding indicator that saving data is still in progress https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/3071 , so that data would not be lost. Help adding MongoDB OpLog or Redis OpLog. I'm trying to upgrade Wekan Snap version that still uses Ubuntu 16.04 base with MongoDB 3.2.22 without OpLog, because I have not got newer base and MongoDB working yet with Snap. Docker version uses MongoDB 4.x.Is it possible to use other database than MongoDB with Meteor? Like SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc? And still keep realtime updates working? Current Wekan database queries are made with Javascript to MongoDB,eu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2YesUp to 5 peopleI host on servers donated by Linux Foundation/CNCF, IBM, MacStadium etc. Other users self-host. I can not afford to pay hosting myself.I have spent many hours trying to upgrade, without success https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/3881
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themsimple:restsimple:restYesFranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsSatisfactoryYeseu-west-3 / EU (Paris)I'm always at the latest versionYesUp to 5 people
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themkadira - not exactly a package but we need itkadira - not exactly a package but we need itMaybeRussiaMeteor Docs / Guide, Forums, Community Newsletter, my meteor telegram group "Meteor js russian"SatisfactoryNoSupport and improve kadira, that way we can tell meteor haters that we have best performance monitoring1.8Yes5 ~ 10 peopleA lot of functional and dependencies + there are actually a lot of changes on every meteor update, so it's a bit risky. Also limited budget.
Blaze, React, elmYesNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themfont awesomeNoAustriaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Some of themremote meteor shelleu-west-3 / EU (Paris)1.8YesUp to 5 peoplehosting on own machines required for some client for legal reasonstime cost of migration
ReactNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by them--YesGitHub sponsorsBelarusMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, ForumsNo--eu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2Yes100 ~ 500 peopleHetzner, Digital Ocean-
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themiron:routerMaybeApple PayRussiaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Could be betterNoeu-north-1 / EU (Stockholm)2Yes100 ~ 500 peopleDigital Ocean cos it has flexible plans
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeFranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterSatisfactoryNoIncluded database managed hostingeu-west-3 / EU (Paris)1.9NoOwn premises. Performances/price ratioTime to update everything
Blaze, React, SvelteNoNoYesNoNoUkraineMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHubNo1.8YesUp to 5 peoplevultr.com - so historically + convenient and inexpensive
Blaze, VueNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themI worry about most of them. And what worries me more is that Tiny is promoting packages in their marketing and docs that aren’t maintained anymore for yearsMeteor jobs, vivio:YesGitHub sponsorsNetherlandsMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)GoodIm writing about Meteor on Medium occassionally, I’ve been using it professionally for years, so yes would love to share experience.Some of themBetter secret management without settings json, deploy triggers from git and ci pipelinesUpdate Meteor docs to not reference packages that are deprecated / not maintained anymore

Fix the ecosystem, because a lot depends on these packages!

See questions to answer further down…
More focus on using meteor in enterprises like deploying and testing in CI, running on AWS, better ways to setup and run tests, support source maps. Show that Meteor can be easily used professionally and is not an mvp tool.

Deep dive in Meteor under the hood. How exactly do things work? People like Arunoda did amazing things by “hacking” into Meteor because they really understood the mechanics. There’s so much more possible when one understands the framework. There are tons of undocumented settings and vars one can access. Its very valuable to get these explained and documented
eu-west-2 / EU (London)1.6Yes10 ~ 50 peopleDigital ocean, triple the speed for 10 times less costRewrite all imports, coffeescript deps
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themmeteor-accounts-samlMaybeSpainMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsSatisfactoryNoeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)1.8Yes100 ~ 500 peopleAWS. The organization already had services thereLack of time
React, SvelteYesYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMost official onesYesMonthly subcriptionFranceMeteor Docs / GuideSatisfactoryBeware of Theodor’s Bluelibs( previously aka Kaviar), it’s about to kill MeteorNoAdd a BC major version to restart on even better basiseu-west-3 / EU (Paris)1.8For some projects10 ~ 50 peopleCleverCloud
ReactNoYesNoYesMaybeDenmarkMeteor Docs / Guide, Forums, Community NewsletterGoodYes1.11Yes5 ~ 10 people
BlazeNoNoNoYesMaybeIndiaMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Could be betterNoeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)1.8YesUp to 5 peopleCost
BlazeNoYesNoNoNoCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Yes1.4For some projectsUp to 5 peoplebcrypt and more
BlazeNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themcultofcoders:persistent-sessionYesOne-time license fees.United StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterCould be betterYou should ask which feature you would like to see added to Meteor. I just spent a lot of time getting a "Remember Me" (for 14 days) login functionality working. None of the packages touting this capability work (they don't survive a page refresh).Some of themPerformance improvements!!!Maintain more packages.2.1YesUp to 5 peopleNodeChef - better performance & Redis, MongoDB on same platformTime constraints to upgrade apps that work completely fine on current version.
VueNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, Video tutorials/news, ForumsGoodNo1.7YesUp to 5 peopleAWS. We are familiar with AWS.Client funding.
Blaze, ReactNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themUser accountsUser accountsYesUnited StatesGitHub, ForumsGoodNo2.2Yes50 ~ 100 peopleAWSLogin / User accounts related packages
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeTaiwanMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsYesap-northeast-1 / Asia Pacific (Tokyo)I'm always at the latest versionNo
Vue, SvelteNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themVue-related packages, especially vue-meteor-tracker (update to Vue 3).vue-meteor-tracker, akryum:vue-componentNoUkraineMeteor Docs / Guide, Forums, Dev.to, Community NewsletterSatisfactorySome of themEasy direct access to MondoDB (Mongo Express or similar)2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleOn OVH. We run a server anyway and it has much better perfomance than Galaxy can offer for a reasonable price.Lack of time.
Blaze, ReactYesNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGitHub sponsorsBrazilMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, ForumsSatisfactoryYesArticles and Videossa-east-1 / South America (São Paulo)1.8Yes10 ~ 50 people
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themReact Native Meteor OfflineMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterGoodSome of themAbility to launch in customer-owned VPCs, so that I can do my own egress and ingress control :)Who else has used MongoDB Change Streams with Meteor. We're using Change Streams, have integrated them with the merge box, and have been pleased with the results. Wish this was an officially supported path!I'm always at the latest versionYes10 ~ 50 peopleAWS. Need to have egress/ingress controlled VPCs for some applications
BlazeNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themSoftremovable,SoftremovableMaybeBrazilMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHubGoodI'm starting a personal blog with various topics, some them are about Meteor. I can share it, no problem, but my English isn't very well yet.NoPriceMore events, tutorials of real cases. Force to maintain Blaze up to date. It is a great frontend that solve more than 80% of case of web apps.Why Meteor has Brazilian guys working to company and the community don't pay attention to Brazil?sa-east-1 / South America (São Paulo)1.6For some projects5 ~ 10 peopleI created my own swarm cluster. Because is cheaper than Meteor Cloud.Time and money
ReactYesYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themflow router, fast renderNoSwitzerlandMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsNoget more stuff into core (routing, ssr hydration), find way to transition away from pub/sub1.8For some projects10 ~ 50 peoplekubernetesincompatible atmosphere packages
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themaccounts-ui for ReactYesPayPal subscriptionGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryActually "just" take care of MongoDB within Galaxy to be a one-stop-solution, plus polishing some classic packages (like accounts-ui) for modern frontend frameworksNoMongoDB for all container sizes without having to fiddle with additional providersstreamline the out-of-the-box experience when using react (the most popular frontend framework)From zero to CRUD app including frontend in react, with accounts and typescript-types for collections/methods.eu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)I'm always at the latest versionYesMore than 1000 peopleDigital Ocean, because Galaxy requires to bring an additional MongoDB provider
BlazeNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themToo many to list.NoCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Dev.toNoPrice it the same as AWS1.11Yes500 ~ 1000 peopleAWS. Cheaper. Better. More control
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGitHub sponsorsCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Dev.to, Community NewsletterGoodNon/aApproaching indie forums and market, especially php folks2YesUp to 5 peopleDigital OceanBusy with client requirements/business.
BlazeNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeAustriaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Yeseu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.3Yes10 ~ 50 peoplecurrently relaunchig the application anyway, not spending any ressources any more on the production version.
ReactYesNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybePolandMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs)Some of themeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)Before 1.0Yes10 ~ 50 people
ReactNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themlucasantoniassi:accounts-lockout, useraccounts:corelucasantoniassi:accounts-lockout, useraccounts:core, nimble:restivusMaybeUkraineMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs)SatisfactorySome of themFix buggy interfaceWrite more type definitionsTree shakingeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleOn DigialOcean. Because it's much faster and convenient that galaxy free plan (for apps in early development)
ReactYesNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterI don't remember seeing it lately.YesI'm just on the $9/month instance. We're pre-launch and will be launching soon and upgrading to a beefier server. Very rarely the app reboots --- I talked to Galaxy support and we think it's an out of memory error on this tiny server. But I'd like to know for sure. :)2.3YesUp to 5 peopleI'll update shortly.
ReactYesNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeGitHub sponsorsPolandMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsSome of themAt least catch up with what Monti APM is doing. From other things, improve the performance of the existing plans (more bang per buck) as well as more container sizes (increase only RAM or only CPU but not both).Integrating Node.js workers into the Meteor build system, getting rid of Fibers.2.2Yes50 ~ 100 peopleAWS and Google Cloud (using Docker); mostly because Galaxy is extremely overpricedA couple of internal ones, broken in 2.3 because of the accounts packages.
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesPatreon, OpenCollectiveNorwayMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Dev.toNoSmaller-scale plans?Update the documentation and modernize Meteor.eu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2For some projectsUp to 5 peopleDigitalOcean via meteor-up. It's cheaper.danopia:google-api
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeTurkeyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterCould be betterThank youNo2.2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleI am using dokku on ubuntu server
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themuseraccounts:coreMaybeDonationsGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Dev.toNoeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2Yes50 ~ 100 peopleDO kubernetes, cost & full controltime
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGitHub sponsorsGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsSatisfactorySome of themZero Config Mongo included in paid planseu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)I'm always at the latest versionYes10 ~ 50 peopleDigital Ocean
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsNoeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.3Yes5 ~ 10 peopleAWS Beanstalk via mup
ReactNoNoNoYesMaybeCzechiaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Community NewsletterGoodNoI'm always at the latest versionYesUp to 5 peopleIBM Cloud
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themThe worst ones have been taken on board already (mostly aldeed packages)aldeed:tabular, autoform-typeaheadYesGitHub sponsorsIrelandGitHub, ForumsSatisfactoryNoA sensible price/performance ratio.Grow :-)2.1Yes5 ~ 10 peopleElastic Beanstalk. Awful performance on galaxy.Some testing
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesMoney, references, paid workAustraliaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)GoodNoBring back Meteor's Mojo1.12Yes5 ~ 10 peopleAWS - cheaperHaven't got around to upgrading
BlazeNoNoNoYesraix:pushYessubscription?AustraliaMeteor Docs / Guide, ForumsSatisfactoryNo1.5YesUp to 5 peopleown mongodb instance - controlworking fine as is
SvelteNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themI’d like to see some packages brought tinder community to ensure their long term viability. Ground:db and push notifications come to mindYesUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryNoMaybe better APM. Right now Monti APM is getting the job done thoughGrow :). Meteor is great. I feel like it’s undervalued by developers I guess because of concerns around pub/sub and too much magic but I think it’s wonderful. Maybe some messaging to alleviate those concerns and point to the fact that any front end can be used would be helpful. Marketing is hard.us-east-2 / US East (Ohio)2.3YesUp to 5 peopleAWS. Last time I looked Meteor Cloud was twice the price for worse performance. I’m not sure if the performance issues were true but there were a few people in the community that reported issues. If Meteor Cloud had the same performance as running directly on AWS with elastic beanstalk I would reconsider but would probably still not be willing to pay 2x. The main value add would be support which I doesn’t seem worth paying double.Will be updating shortly
VueNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Yesca-central-1 / Canada (Montreal)I'm always at the latest versionYes5 ~ 10 people
ReactNoNoNoYesNoWhatever I'd pay, it would probably be cheaper in the long-run to rewrite the package instead, or cobble something together from other, npm packages.United StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)I've built the third version of ~redacted~ on Meteor back when Meteor was still pre 1.0. It's still running on that and I can't imagine what I would do without it. But it has to find a way to survive and I think that means it has to do *less*, not more. So I think things like the npm installer and shedding Blaze were really great ideas! The key feature no one is able to replace is the ease of synchronizing data to the client and being reactive to changes on the client. If people who are currently shunning meteor could just get that via an npm package "meteor-lite" or whatever one would call it, I think we would be seeing a lot more uptake again. Sure, it might seem like the meteor brand would get smaller by that, because now meteor is less, but like I said, I think less is more. And nobody thinks that React is small either, and that's "just a package", too.NoConvince more people to use Meteor. Somehow overcome the bad name it got -- which I don't understand.1.1YesUp to 5 peopleaws, cheaperI need to update my mup config to use a different node image and it takes time to test nothings breaks. It's production.
Blaze, VueNoNoNoYesI18nNoCzechiaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community Newsletter, PodcastGoodKeep up great work!NoMove to faster builds than izobuild?2.3YesUp to 5 peopleAws ec2, cost optimization
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeBelgiumGitHub, Forums, Community NewsletterSatisfactoryNoeu-central-1 / EU (Frankfurt)2.2Yes10 ~ 50 peopleAWS. It’s cheaper and for some reason, responses were faster on AWS.Faster version rollouts than usual, which is not a bad thing. But we have couple of forked packages which always need to be aligned with a new version.
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themGrapher, collection-revisions, and some moregrapher-reactYesWithout change price (from € to $)FranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Community NewsletterCould be betterNo2.2YesUp to 5 peopleScaleway with MUP. Easy deploy for lowcost.Account package update
BlazeNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeFranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryNoBefore 1.0Yes50 ~ 100 peopleOVH, cheaper, easier to customize
Blaze, VueNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMeteor VueMaybeAustraliaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)GoodNoMongoDBVue3 support1.9For some projectsMore than 1000 peopleCorporate line of business applications hosted on private networksWorking on upgrade
ReactYesNoYesYesNoNorwayWritten articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsNoeu-north-1 / EU (Stockholm)I'm always at the latest versionFor some projectsDigital Ocean - MUP is super easy and the price for Galaxy was to high at the time. This might have changed now, but everything is working fine in DO so I see no need to convert.
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themI was concerned about the aldeed autoform/simpl-schema packages since I was using them a lot. They seem to still be being maintained.NoUnited KingdomMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHubGoodI am not as active with Meteor now as I once was, but am pleased that Meteor is still moving forwards.No1.11For some projectsUp to 5 peopleHeroku. It was the best option at the time for my small deploy and I haven't bothered to check other options. My MongoDB is hosted with Clever cloudJust haven't got round to it
React, FlutterYesNoNoYesMaybe some native support for PostCSSMaybeSouth AfricaMeteor Docs / GuideSatisfactoryNoGitlab integrationaf-south-1 / Africa (Cape Town)1.8Yes5 ~ 10 peopleWe host on an Digital Ocean Kubernetes Instance through Gitlab. It just works and is very cost-effective.The app is still running fine on 1.8 :)
ReactYesNoNoNoMaybeFranceForumsSome of them2.1Yes10 ~ 50 peopleDigital Ocean (cheaper)
Blaze, ReactNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeUnited KingdomMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsSatisfactoryNo1.5For some projects10 ~ 50 peopleAzure. Company policy.If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themherteby:denormalizeaccounts-ui, denormalize, grapher, meteor-browser-tests, meteor-mocha, meteorx, meteor-slingshot, meteor-collection-extensionsYesSubscriptionSwitzerlandForumsGoodNoAdd big new features to meteor core. Make the project thrive like Zeit, or Gatsby, or React2.3Yes10 ~ 50 peopleGCP, because they have data-servers in my country, which is a strict requirement
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeDonations, exclusive packagesBrazilMeteor Docs / Guide, ForumsYesPush to deployCreate up to date content about MeteorWhat are the plans to improve SSR?sa-east-1 / South America (São Paulo)2.2Yes50 ~ 100 people
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themcult-of-coders/graphercult-of-coders/grapher with its outdated meteor dependenciesNoI am a contributor myself. There is a philosophy there which is the basis of every kind of community: you first take then you give back. You can start by giving back but you always give back. If you don't understand the philosophy, you are probably there for business not for the community and I like a business to be labeled accordingly.United Arab EmiratesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsIn general there is nothing new. I closely follow the forum and github and I get familiar with the changes in beta stage.I am interested to know more about the people in the community and what are they in the Meteor for. Is it a job, are they building their own businesses, do they have a dream and learn Meteor for that etc. Perhaps a kind of introduce yourself...NoIf I take Mongo and Node from Meteor Cloud I would like this to be cheaper than buying the services separately from different providers.commit codeI would like to see more about security and privacy. Privacy is hitting hard into the way we deal with users and I'd love to see, discuss, conceptualize more about Privacy in Meteor. In general I know the legal implications and how to do it but I must admit that I am less than scientific in my knowledge and interpretations.2.4YesUp to 5 peopleAWS due to cost considerationsn/a
ReactNoYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, ForumsSatisfactoryNo1.12For some projectsUp to 5 peopleDigital OceanTime
Blaze, ReactYesYesNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeDonationArmeniaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Dev.toGoodNous-east-2 / US East (Ohio)1.1Yes100 ~ 500 peopleAWS with EKS and dockerWe are using that in production and it has a lot of package conflicts so it's time consuming to get it to the latest version
Blaze, SvelteNoNoNoYesAll seems pretty good right now!ground:db, nicolaslopezj:roles, lookback:emails, svelte:blaze-integration (unmerged bug fix), kadira:blaze-layoutMaybeNot sure, but I would like to give something back to those whose packages I depend on for my [profitable] app. Maybe a monthly donation?United StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, ForumsSatisfactoryI rewrote ground:db in TypeScript with a similar API but some massive performance improvements, plus compatibility with the latest Meteor (ground:db uses internal APIs that have changed). I don't think I have time to maintain a package myself but I would like to share my work with the community somehow. It's a single file, 400 lines of code, being used in production with (knock on wood) no bug reports yet. I call it GroundedCollection. What would you suggest?No2.2YesUp to 5 peopleAWS Fargate. Before that, custom-built Docker Swarm cluster. Before that, Jelastic-powered PaaS. In hindsight, going with Meteor Cloud may have been a smarter call, but at the time it was cost-prohibitive.Nothing, will be on 2.4 with the next major deployment of my app.
ReactNoNoYesYes, I use packages that are maintained by themNoFranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)NoI'm always at the latest versionYes10 ~ 50 peopleOVH
ReactNoNoNoYesaccounts-drupalMaybeOne-off payment with an invoiceFranceMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Community slackNo1.9YesMore than 1000 peopleon-premises, because of costaccounts-drupal, filog, meteor_server_info
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeLithuaniaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Some of them2.3For some projectsUp to 5 peopleAWS EC2, have a credit thereJust need updating
ReactNoNoNoNometeor toysMaybeCanadaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Video tutorials/news, Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)YesMore infos on connected users (current subscribtions, method invocations, errors, etc)replaces all callbacks with promises1.5YesUp to 5 people
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themYesGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community Newsletter, SlackNoClient offline db ability1.9YesUp to 5 peopleCustom, for root server reasons
BlazeNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themmeteor-desktopYesSwitzerlandMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHubGoodNo1.8Yes5 ~ 10 peoplePrivate datacenter in Switzerland due to medical datameteor-desktop
Blaze, SvelteNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themNoneNoneMaybeCyprusMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Digging into the Meteor and packages source codeHad to unsubsince it was not too informativeNoN/A2.1For some projects5 ~ 10 peopleSelf-hosted on dedicated servers/k8sUsage of some legacy cordova plugins and custom packages which need to be updated as well
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeGeorgiaMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)Could be betterNoI'm always at the latest versionOn VPS! Cos' meteor cloud is overpriced
ReactNoNoNoNoMaybeMoldovaMeteor Docs / GuideYes1.12Yes10 ~ 50 peopleI'm not sure
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themMaybeCurrently my need is not great enoughGermanyMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHubSatisfactoryNo1.8YesUp to 5 peopledocker containers via root servers via manual docker and kubernetes clustersTime constraints, new apps are on 2.3
ReactNoNoYesNoNoUnited KingdomMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs)No2.1Yes10 ~ 50 peopleJust have existing application, that has dependancies on lots of packages.
ReactNoNoNoNoMaybeUnited StatesMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Forums, Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites), Community NewsletterSatisfactoryNo1.8YesUp to 5 peopleheroku, it was cheaper at the time I set it uplow priority
ReactNoNoNoYes, I use packages that are maintained by themground:dbground:dbMaybeVenmoUnited StatesGitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), ForumsSatisfactoryMeteor is still the easiest way to get up and running rapidly with production ready apps. Keep it up!YesSome way to track memory leaks in productionRework the structure of the parts of Meteor - it's build system is particularly opaque, and unnamed. It's hard to extend that, or to learn how to extend it. I'd love to be able to build React Native using Meteor, for example.Meteor needs to get out of its "prototyping tool" reputation. It can do that by:
1. Telling a much better dev ops story. This is vital - many businesses are dev ops centric.
2. Make the build system extensible, and much much better documented. Better even if it's a separate project, in the style of React Native's Metro.
2.3For some projects50 ~ 100 peopleGalaxy is expensive for some stuffNothing, I practice evergreen development.
Blaze, ReactNoNoNoNoMaybeBrazilMeteor Docs / Guide, GitHub, Written articles (Medium, Blogs), Stackoverflow (Stackexchange sites)SatisfactoryNoI'm always at the latest versionYes10 ~ 50 peopleAWS. Cost and scalability