Sample: Why does my partner not show emotional support?
Sample: What is the meaning of seeing death in dream?
Sample: How can I feel more self love
Sometimes I feel that I am again getting derailed and becoming the old self. Then I have to remind myself of all the changes in myself. Again I become positive. This cycle continues. Is this normal in the journey? This is pretty normal when we start our healing journey our mind doesn't accept it cuz it is conditioned in a certain way. remember healing is not a straight line up..its a zigzag and expect it to be like that..because that is how life also got created..vibrations are not straights..its up and down but eventually it oscillates up
how can we confirm that the person in our life is our soulmate?Answeres in podcast
Do angels really seek our permission for everything, even before healing us?Yesss..Nothing can happen without your free will. You always have a choice.
Does sharing big smiles, warm loving energy with angels signify anything?yess..their presence
While meditation not being able to see any guardian angel clearly and just listening their voice, can there be some reason behind. is there anything to be done for future meditations?It is ok if you cannot see mentioned above you gotta feel their presence
During our first encounter in life with angels how could I trust Archangel Michael more and was hesitant of Archangel Raphael touching me for healing? Raphael represents love and Michael represents might be resistant to love someone but you want to be protected when you do.
while meditation, heartbeat pumping fast and slow during different phases of meditation, what can be the reason behind.This is just your physical body upgrading to the energy that you are vibrating at.
How to overcome the repeating pattern in our life and how we can overcome our blockages how we can heal ourselves slowly but yet completely sometimes I am blank like nothing less...This can be different for different people, please contact me for a soul scan..that will give you why you are not able to overcome something
Currently I m going through Sadesati, second 2&1/2 yrs cycle. Though I have been very spiritually aligned since as long as I can remember, I completely embodied the journey only after Sadesati started. It's being easy to handle the shortcomings and challenges only through Meditations and becoming conscious about me and life. But at times it's difficult to trust everything is happening for me and not to me. No amount of healing or meditation seem to help. This is only at times, so how to trust the higher self and stay positive even during these times? You DO NOT need to stay positive. The whole purpse of Sade sati or any transformative phase of our lives is to make us look right into our shadows..and heal them. So do not expect it to be positive. But it will be transforming, strong and intense. How to truly go through this phase is to SURRENDER..I have a podcast episode on this..
I am unable to cut off people or connections who I have attracted in life for a reason because they become so important in my life. I can see I give myself all in for them in every aspect but either they don't be reciprocative of it or they just leave. I m not able to recognise or stop this cycle from repeating. Though I can see it's all lessons, they just repeat for me. This is especially with respect to my love life. Deal with your Fear of abandonement..this pattern repeats because we have not released this fear. Once you release this and transmute this into self love. It will stop. Message me for the mediation of self love if you already not have it
I am unable to remove my negative thoughts of my husband not loving me and he doesn't do simple things also whichwill create a podcast on this as it is a common problem
makes me feel that love and spark isn't there
for me Love is going simple things, appreciating but my husband doesn't notice my beauty or does small thingswill create a podcast on this as it is a common problem
as a tarot reader, or any service related to spirituality.. how to build up a boundary with family and friends and ask for charges. people usually seek "help" and don't wish to pay for "help" as we are suppose to help friends and family.. how to ask for my feeYou need to first of all tell yourself that you are doing a divine work..remind yourself of your own you know it is about energy if you do not take something in returm..there will be karmic imbalance on them...set this context with them..see only when you see your worth others will.
as I am new to healing world I am facing difficulties in imagining the things, manifesting and setting intentions strongly.. please help me how can i improve and how does this work?Practice this affirmation: I surrender my Ego and I surrender completely to the divine.
It is natural to have challenges initially..find yourself a mentor who can help you release these resistance. I persoanlly mentor students as can reach out to me as well
What can be the meaning of buying choorah(wedding bangles) in dream?Interesting..see it depends upon what are you feeling but here are some common explanatio -
1. Wanting to be married
2. Wanting to have an emotionally and physically intimate relattionship subconsciously but consciously not allown it
3. High energy in your root and sacral..emotionally charged up
How can I recognise my soulmate or twine flame ? Refer to the podcast I shared in group
How can I overcome a repeating pattern in my life ..The same is happening with every partner i have met till date .. Same kind of energy they carry . unstable, confused , not knowing what to do with their life with this connection? Please help.This can be different for different people, please contact me for a soul scan..that will give you why you are not able to overcome something

See overcoming pattern means understanding the rooy cause first..that can be done through energy scan
i have been in almost 8 year relationship with dis guy,been such long time together still due to some or other issues i dnt feel stability... its like something missing ... n whenever ask for commitment he is like how does it really matter we are together i have never left u i feel he is not supportive not emotionally available ... we end up argument dispute every month... both families too are against our marriage .. also many times we both hav experience in our dream my mum or dad found us we still together and very upset abt dis.. i m quite restless coz of all dis most of time . trying to self heal Hey love..this sounds really are holding strong..
Now there is something that universe wants you to realize..
Ask yourself - what makes you think you deserve to go through all this trouble and pain
What makes you believe that it is ok for you to go through this where you are not feeling valued?

Truly ask yourself.

I can also help you with this ..with 1:1 healing and energy scan..but first ask yourself
how to balance relationship and career , whenever i face relationship problem i m not able to focus on my career... This happens because we are made to believe that one cannot exist with other..its our conditioning
And also..the fact that we need to balance them. No we do not. There will be times when one area of your life will take kore time. So i do not feel its you who is blaming herself..there people around you too..who is making you feel this way..unintentionally or intentionally. Reflect on this - What are you actually wanting to feel by balancing this? Worthy? Because this happens..we wnat to do all these things vbeause we feel that we need to be this superwoman if we want to be loved and valued
been in marriage since 5 yrs..the amount of hardwork and efforts at the first are not there. even after telling emotionally unavailable my husband is what to to self heal and self loveVery interesting question..will make a podcast on many of you have asked this
What can be few daily practices which helps you protect your energy, stay in high frequency, and build as we go. Refer to this reel and read caption
Where to begin our spiritual journey from, please guide. How to know about our gifts from divineBeautiful question..will make a podcast on this ..thank you for asking
Love the reflection on the podcast about frequency and attracting the same match, I would like to know how to raise the frequency? Some steps or things that we can do raise our frequency, specifically feeling more empowered, confident, viibrant, magnetic. Lots of love xLovee your question..again I feel, many should know it..will create a podcast
how to be emotionally available for others who are seeking help, struggling with anxiety etc.. I end up ignoring calls because I feel I dont have the energy to deal with the emotions they are going to dump on me. i feel guilty for not being available. but also want to protect my mental health and my energy.ohhh you do not need to be emotionally available for people..that is not your purpsoe.. i can feel your empath.. and empaths end up feeling like that..feeling guilty...I completely get this..have been here. I will create a podcast on this..thank you for asking,..this is such a common problem
How can we discover our gifts?Beautiful question..will make a podcast on this ..thank you for asking
I dated for four years before marrying my husband now i have been married for last 14 years but my life has been changed drastically before marriage he was totally different now is does not care about me, he is abusive .Last year i found out he is involved in someone my world shattered from that moment .I have a 8yr old daughter and im not sure about where my relationship is going to lead plz help me .I have lost all my hopes and dont want to continue this horrible lifehave messaged you personally..will text
How do I know if my energies are low or if I am getting succumbed to the energy in the environment? I sense the energy but don't understand the source.again amazing question..will share some here and rest in an episode
1. See if you are feeling tired suddenly..feeling like eating more or eating less
2. Having disturbing dreams
3. Feeling irriated
4. Pain joints and back
5. Hair fall

There are many such signs..and you do not need to know the source..just close your eyes and ask archangel to release, cut chords and protect. Imagin a blue angel or light doing all can listen to theta waves mediation (On youtube) while imagining this
I am unable to trust people with their love and concern. I feel and think they have hidden agenda. They are not unusually expressive as I am.Heal your womb...most of this fear is in our womb. I am doing a womb healing session tonight at 9 pm..attend it or listen to its recording after that. Do it once every week
I am married for 9 years. but I still not get the confidence in me to bring a child in our marriage. this lack mentality is developed because of my husband's constant attention towards other women (not physically involved but through texts). it broke my heart. This 2022 November I found him doing the same and had a great issue. Now even though he says that he has stopped but I can’t trust him anymore, I want to but I can't. He's attentive but not 100% caring towards me. He recently contacted his long gone EX and asked why she left her and that void has transformed him for bad. Ours too a love marriage but everything appears to be so vague now. i feel now he thinks this relationship to be a burden or something which he needs to carry on with because his EX is married to a nice man and also a mother. she's simply passing her time talking to him.. It breaks my heart. Ahhh I am so sorry ❤️
I can understand it must be so painful for you.

Your body is rejecting to bring a baby because it will not want it to grow in this surrounding.
See a Man who is unhealed does cheating and have high sex drive and no matter how much a woman tries..he will not see the value..only way out is to start Valuing your own self and prioritizin yourself.

You are a complete woman and being a wife is jsut one of the roles you are playing...But if you go back to will see all other roles also improving. Your life is so much more than this, Ask yourself if you had a duaghter and going through something like this..what will you tell her?
I am not asking you to leave the relationship..I am asking you to come back to yourself..and then see what unfolds..I will create an episode on this too as..I cannot explain this here..but YOU ARE STRONG AND I BELIEVE IN YOU ❤️ The fact that we met has a purpose trust it
I was having 2-3 relationships earlier but it seems that i repeat a pattern everytime..All of them were emotionally available and wasn't into the relationship the way i was and the reason was all of them were hear broken damaged for their past relationships and hence they brought up all their grudge on me if their past relationships and strongly every time I attract this type of person only broken , unhealed damaged feels like i am drawn to this type of i want to know how should I break this same cycle and attract a healthy relationship where we both can evolve and be the best version of ourselves... Please help..
I'm trying a lot but I'm not able to put my life in a good routine like waking my early, going to gym, making breakfast and so on, not even for a single day. Whole day I feel like doing nothing but at the end of the day I'll be cursing myself that why m I not doing. Whole day I'll just be thinking about once I get a makeup booking I'll do this n that. But I want to make a good n healthy routine. Most importantly I wanna be little more disciplined
I have had failed relationships in terms of love. A former love keeps returning, we can't be together as a married couple. it distresses me. My husband has no love and won't let go of me since I am financially well off. He will take away my child. Will I have love back in my life?my career has a wave pattern inspite of the efforts put.
I need guidance for my career. I know my vision and purpose. I have worked for it since years. Now I am finally started and have brought it out but have not made any monetary progress. But, sometimes I doubt it. Is there any guidance for me to be sure of my path in career. If this is my path then what can I do to take it to the next level and when may I see results. I am myself aware of manifestation. I have manifested my love, my health, certain lifeststyle aspects. So right now my main focus is to attract the abundance in form of money and career. Any guidance on how to evolve more to attract money? What to do? These are two inter related questions. You may answer them as one or separately.
How to have that emotional release to let go of the past? What to do if it keeps relapsing in mind and wanting to go back to past person even when you know it's toxic but the self is stubborn on fixing the situation and hopeful that other person will change and things will be good?
In my job i have to work with people who are 10yrs younger than me and they never include me, even workwise I have my family responsibilities which does not allow me to spend more time or be flexible as they do. This is affecting my confidence and affecting the way am speaking very confused sometimes.
Please shed more light on past life regression and shadow work
i get confused with my hearts n mind taught 🙈 its like i m not clear with my taught wht i really Wanted. sometimes i feel like to dis . in other moment i feel dis way is also right... n end up messing up .. so i really dnt understand wht my heart saying n mind
hi shivangi, I have brokeup with my boyfriend a month ago, it was an end to 5year old relationship. now I am at peace but sometimes when I look at myself and my picture I don't like myself enough. I sometimes have such thoughts that I broken someone's heart, maybe I could have tried for longer but I knew I have given my 200% and things didn't changed, I didn't feel emotional connection between us for longest. Now i feel guilty sometimes when I prioritize his feelings more than mine. can you pls suggest to get rid of this?
I sometimes don't like my face in pictures and other time I get obsessed with myself n my beauty. can you please tell why is this so and what it is that I am lacking?
I feel I need emotional support sometimes from others, is this normal? or something I'm missing on and I need to do for myself? please suggest.
Do you think universe fights for souls to be together? Should we sign up for second chances in life?
after a series of heartbreaks , getting into new relationships become difficult, I start to evaluate situation ( overthink scenarios) , it gets difficult to trust MYSELF, whether im taking a right decision or not!
How to deal with fears and work on them?
Recently met someone who i felt and intense energetic pull towards, as if i had known them from a past life, the eye contact and energy was so intense. Is there a way we can confirm this?
I feel lost and confused when it comes to take decisions, how to overcome this and take a decision confidently.
I am 26yr old, I need to take a decision if I should move to abroad for higher studies or get married to a person who feels like a soulmate to me. Kindly guide
How do we practice Detachment?
I am unable to make a good relationship with my husband, though we both love each other but he is in the habit of stretching pity issues and fighting over it. What should I do? I want a peaceful relation.. normal relation.. please help
Lately, I am not feeling the zest for work, I was passionate and I still am but I am not sure if I am giving 100%. I tend to lose focus very often. I am also struggling a lot with my relations. I am always expected to handle everything and everyone and I am just tired now. For once, I want someone to take care of me and release me of this burden. I am unable to manage anything and I think my brain is fogged.