Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-04 23:44:267
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-04 23:48:067Alusian Standard Orders (lots here this turn)
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-04 23:58:387official diplomatic visit to Deutschreich by Empress Consort (diplo roll 10) seeking to establish long term factory contracts at 1.5 cost
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 0:05:477
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-05 0:14:097
K releases a series of posts through the Ethernet cafes calling into question the accounting of Aeldrum's null bombs and suggesting that some have gone missing in recent years [Anti-Morale: 8+1 = 9]
Just Dan - Kirvan ChurchShantine Government2021-04-05 0:14:577
Jan the Baptist gives a sermon directed at non-Kirvan slaves in all worlds urging them to convert to Kirvanism to be included in the emancipation effort. Sincere conversion to Kirvanism for slaves and their families will mean their freedom will be earned. Rolled oratory (1d12+4): result 15
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 0:18:087
Craig - Halifax NovascotiaKnights of Adarnum2021-04-05 0:21:527Turn 7 Budget Update
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-05 0:26:197
Look for any March Princes that may be dissatisfied with recent events in the Marches that we could turn or use as our agents in destabilizing the Marches [No Loyalty Like Addiction for Morale as Espionage: 8+1 = 9] with intel assist from Erato [Espionage 4 + 4 = 8]
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:26:377current factory distro: 670 to home, 300 to emancipation, 30 to Union, 50 to sermaye, 150 to deutschreich
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:27:277intel roll by beriak to discover KoA ringleaders of previously ID'd kirvan groups: 13 (10 cap + 3 investment)
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:36:057Coalition Joint Intel Check (roll of 12) - Giannis Polis personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:36:067Attempt to get hands on secret tech (roll of 13, I believe capped at 12) - Giannis Polis personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:36:077Attempt to find hard evidence of KoA interference in Alusia (roll of 15, I believe capped at 12) - Giannis Polis personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:36:087Attempt to identify Alusian friendly factions in Bishant (roll of 6) - Shantine Ambassador personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisShantine Ambassador2021-04-05 0:36:097Set up chess boxing world championship tournament - Shantine Ambassador personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:36:117Protect Paloctus - Squad Agent personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisGiannis Polis2021-04-05 0:36:117Attempt to convince the Shantarans to give him a world (roll of 11) - Giannis Polis personal action
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:40:457Round up KoA members - Squad Agent personal action
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-05 0:41:197
Intel roll in Delarma (result: 10, supported by Spymaster Isuelt) - start a line to our favorite pro-Alusian democratic candidate, sending weapons, cash, ask if he/she needs intel support, etc. (the usual covert action stuff)
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-05 1:00:247Start RSA project (1/2 turns) Beriak intervenes
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-05 1:25:007
Attached are 19/16 Aeldrum Orders, including economic costs. Additionally, a Personal Action from Bareth as well as from Emiir. Included here as they are State related. The last State Action is also unconfirmed, waiting for additional information, so it may change.
Kristen - FilikiBoV2021-04-05 1:26:297attempt to position our candidate for emperor to replace Claudius -- taking 5 on diplo
Kristen - FilikiBoV deputy2021-04-05 1:27:277assist bank in lining up our candidate -- also would like to take average unless you need me to roll, d10+3 Politics = 8
Craig - Halifax NovascotiaKnights of Adarnum2021-04-05 1:30:047Turn 7 - Faction Bonus Actions:
4. Establish KoA chapter in the Kingdom of Bec
Vince aka Guillarme du MontrealComte du Montreal2021-04-05 1:30:327
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 1:32:257
Claudius to be reassigned back to the army next turn and is positioned as a natural leader there (to allow for time for transition mechanics, preserve relationship with Cato, preserve status as a "thought leader" in that community). Emperor to occupy a new ceremonial leadership position in the army temporarily (which will later be filled by Claudius). New successor chosen from lineage to placate family (preference for the most progressive within the family - happy to chat about the mechanics of picking the specific successor if you want). [6, 2 = 8]
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-05 1:33:077Celebrate the new leadership role of Emperor Asterion within the Army as a signal of the values that have always made Fialta great [Morale: 8+1=9]
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD & Leadership2021-04-05 1:36:477About job training programs
Vince aka Guillarme du MontrealComte du Montreal2021-04-05 1:38:3371 Action: Spend 100 econ to prepare factories w/ Nebai for PC production
1 Action: Spend 30 econ to "patent troll" for null power generation
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 1:40:317Troop Recruitment - Stealth Recruit troops directly into stealth troop status (at nominal additional cost). Roll results: 1d12 = 6
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 1:46:547Rest of orders from imperium
Kristen - FilikiBoV2021-04-05 1:55:127note these are old and came at top of the turn, just putting in here for your records
Kristen - FilikiBoV2021-04-05 1:58:587invest in Alusia covertly -- intel 8
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-05 2:00:387
A new prince disseminates a political cartoon throughout the Marches highlight Gunnot as a pouppet being controlled by the Aeldman controlled by the Aeldman purse strings as he flails about to save his position. The prince also includes a message that we did not vote to join the Marches to be controlled by the Aeldman. [Anti-Morale: 10+1=11]
Kristen - FilikiFiliki2021-04-05 2:01:437assist Bank investment (which was a 6 Admin) -- taking average makes it 9 Finance/econ
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)Bakken2021-04-05 2:06:487
Conduct a series of public, recorded interviews with several of the new princes about how wonderful they and their people are doing under the Imperium since the vote. [Persuasion 9+3=12]
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusTenebrius2021-04-05 2:09:267Conduct general security sweep to see if marches, koa, Aledrum are mucking around in Imperium - espionage roll [12]
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusTenebrius2021-04-05 2:15:547Lay trap for Alusian spies at Deep Aether base [espionage 11]
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusTenebrius2021-04-05 2:16:077Lay trap for KoA at Black Pyramid [espionage 12]
Kristen - FilikiBoV2021-04-05 2:18:207buy a Rolls-Royce for every Imperial prince -- "just because we care about our national leaders". take 5 on Diplomacy
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusTenebrius2021-04-05 3:00:567Figure out what happened to Claudius. [9]
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFialta Emperor2021-04-05 3:08:468
Assess willingness of designated family member to assume the throne in the wake of the car bomb (whoever resulted from "New successor chosen from lineage to placate family" in the original order)
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFialta Imperial Government2021-04-05 3:52:068Post-crisis PR blitz regarding the car bomb - state funeral, day of mourning, "we will find those who are responsible", etc. for public consumption. [8]
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionEmperor personal action2021-04-05 3:54:298
Communicate with followers/friends of Claudius, especially in military, that they will have my full confidence as we navigate this crisis in a speech to a private gathering after the incident [Oratory 7]
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionDr. Thornhill2021-04-05 3:56:038Have Thornhill conduct a separate, private investigation into the circumstances of the bombing [5]
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-05 18:20:1971 Action: Investigate the Marches Financial Crisis (cost 296 Econ)
+2 for March Invitation, +1 for Full Financial Data, +1 for AeldNet, Intervention by Emiir
**(15)** Intelligence: 1d12+2+1 = 12, Emiir: ROLL FINANCE & ECONOMICS = 15 (1d12+7+2+1) (capped at 15)
**(11)** Intelligence: 1d12+2+1 = 8 , Emiir: ROLL LOGISTICS = 11 (1d12+4+2+1) (capped at 15)
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-05 18:20:3370 Action: Debt for Marches, Druz
300 Econ to Marches (3%)
200 Econ to Druz (0.5% 2 turns, 3% retroactive after)
Kristen - FilikiBoV spymaster2021-04-07 2:20:428Map out old military connections of Felix (son of Tevraklus), with an eye towards existing or potential Valdosian links -- Espionage d8+4=10
Kristen - FilikiBoV occultist2021-04-07 16:24:528
Ask an angel of Valdos about position on the Thalranese Marches -- noting points of concern at the moment are the Dres'Fialt sword and the option of economic interference to destabilize Gunnot. occultist also rolls d8+4=10
Kristen - FilikiBoV spymaster2021-04-18 5:04:268
requesting *edit* of previous order -- instead of haunting Felix & friends, spymaster's focus should be obscuring contact between chairwoman and the Serene Doge. hoping I can keep that previously-rolled 10.
Kristen - FilikiBoV2021-04-18 5:15:468
8 BoV 1/6 Liquidate some Thalranese assets "A losing investment": Declare Bank has lost faith in the Prince Gunnot's leadership and withdraw as much investment as possible. Admin 6
8 BoV 2/6 Hit Thalranese econ again, covertly Under cover of exiting assets, use Economic Sabotage to sacrifice all Thalranese earnings and proportionately reduce Thalranese economy. Admin: 12+10=22, Intel: 6.
8 Filiki 1/4 Assist Thalranese econ sabotage Finance & econ: d10+4=12
8 BoV spymaster 2/1 Assist Thalranese econ sabotage Espionage d8+4 = 8+5+4 = 17
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-18 23:20:538a couple of delarman theater orders
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-18 23:29:588Security sweep on Marivan Do a military intel roll to check for interlopers in our shipyards and at our pyramid (roll d12 == 10)
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionPersonal action2021-04-18 23:47:038
Recruit and organize a small cadre of trusted advisors and military officials into the FSB (Fialta Security Bureau), kept on retainer to the emperor to supplement Thornhill's activities and the intelligence of my personal guard [Management 13]
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-18 23:48:147
Attached are 15 Aeldrum Orders. Econ spent is denoted, and will be tallied at the end of turn and sent separately. Also included is a Personal Action from Remy Amazigh, Esq. for terms with the Saldanese ether project.
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionPersonal action2021-04-18 23:48:318Task the FSB with investigating Neptos' relationship with relevant generals, as well as Felix (given the admiral's recent intelligence) [deception 11]
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-18 23:48:527
forgot to send the orders... LOL
> Attached are 15 Aeldrum Orders. Econ spent is denoted, and will be tallied at the end of turn and sent separately. Also included is a Personal Action from Remy Amazigh, Esq. for terms with the Saldanese ether project.
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-18 23:50:248Troop Recruitment Stealth Recruit troops directly into stealth troop status (at nominal additional cost). Roll results: 1d8 = 8 exploding + 4 == 12
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-18 23:51:438Secure Neptos and the Emperor Also maybe doesn't need a full action? Put a non-visible security team on Neptos and the Emperor. We don't want repeats.
Craig - Halifax NovascotiaKnights of Adarnum2021-04-18 23:55:168Knights of Adarnum Orders - Turn 8

Faction Bonus Actions (6 total):
1. Attempt to get advanced information on the actions of the Fialta Imperium (intel roll = 20, die roll exploded) (max roll = 20)
2. Establish KoA chapter in the Presidential Republic of Delarma

Marivan Covert Chapter Actions (1 total):
1. Intervene in attempt to get advanced info on actions of Fialta Imperium (intel roll = 1) (max roll = 20)
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-19 0:02:448the usual raft of Alusian orders - waiting on lux to see whether the Empress needs to do training or can pick up the Supply chain integration
πŸ‘‘Sarah | Empress Theoboda KataphShantine Government2021-04-19 0:04:078
Public, state with intervention of Bishant diplomacy officer: encourage Shantine nobility to mechanize some of their serf labor force (state 1d12+1=9+1=10, officer 1d12+3=9+3=12)
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFialta Imperial Government2021-04-19 0:04:308*note to DMs: make this occur at the same time as the start of the invasion* - Secretly arrest Felix for involvement in bomb plot [deception 10]
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-19 0:05:078extraction for Arianne and friends, as many as we can get out: intel roll capped at 10
πŸ‘‘ Nathaniel aka Emperor AsterionFSB2021-04-19 0:06:198
Set up a cordon to try and catch jumpy royalists, military folks, etc. that might try and flee or otherwise upon hearing of the invasion attempt or Felix's arrest [15 management, 10 deception - take your pick]
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-19 0:06:208Take Tar"Thalran From Marican: 20 stealth recruit warships with 20 HG units. 25 elite stealth with full bomber fighter complement.
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-19 0:06:308
From Marivan: 9 stealth recruit warships with the 9 HG units plus 10 recruit stealth warships and 5 elite stealth warships (both with full compliment of fighter/bombers) to attack and take half of Firhbank.
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD|Erato2021-04-19 0:06:588Investigate meetings between Emperor and mysterious advisor (played by Christophe) to see if we can learn what's being discussed (Roll Intel: 7 + 4 =11)
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-19 0:11:408oh and cut the rebel funding of course
πŸ‘‘ Tom aka Illyana cer AlusiaAlusian Government2021-04-19 0:17:0581 admin supported by excomm - 13 result, expand the number of domestic factory orders
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-19 0:20:228Obfuscate BoV investments in Alusia: 12 (roll of 10+4, capped at 12).
Matt - G.Adm. TenebriusFialta Imperial Government2021-04-19 0:28:588based on karl's speech send a backup fleet of 5 stealth ships loaded with HG to each of Firhbank and TarThalran
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-19 0:41:2171 Action: Create Pharma Conglomerate (BP Meds – Big Pharma Meds)
Econ Spent: 2960 EU on 0% Loan from Industrialists (running total: 15 Actions, due to exploded State Tech roll)
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-19 0:46:298
The Marches Did It! A domestic and foreign public relations campaign accuses senior leadership of the Marches (including Gunnot and Korenis) for orchestrating the assassination of Claudius (Morale: 11 + 1 =12)
Elisabeth aka KMAeldrum DnD2021-04-19 1:34:498test
Elisabeth aka KMAeldrum DnD2021-04-19 1:35:358Intel check for how did that null bomb get there? 11
Intel check for secret Saldanese projects (not on public board) 4
Intel check onto the attack on claudius and who was responsible 17 (exploding dice)
Seth aka Monsieur Manuel EmiirAeldrum Government2021-04-19 1:46:4071 Action: Raise Units
Intervention by Trent Callis
(8) Morale: 1d8 = 7, Callis ROLL LOGISTICS = 8 (1d6+3) (capped at 8)
(running total: 16 Actions)
Just Dan - Kirvan ChurchKirvan Church2021-04-19 1:48:268
- Jan the Baptist action - Gives an impassioned speech via onlyflames condemming recent Fialta aggression and arguing that Fialta aggression is a threat to Kirvans everywhere. Empress Theoboda will defeat the Fialta aggressors and free all remaining Kirvan slaves through this military effort. Kirvans in all worlds are called upon to urge their governments to join the war effort against the Fialta and engage in civil disobedience until they do.

Oratory 1d12 + 9 result 17
Elisabeth aka KMAeldrum DnD2021-04-19 1:50:218intel check on pattern of life for new fialta successor 12, task justin long with characterizing and finding vulnerabilities in the fialta comms network
Vince aka Guillarme du MontrealAeldrum Government2021-04-19 1:55:327Reorient all naval forces to border with Imperial Space - prepped to move on Mir'Thalran
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)CoD2021-04-19 2:25:008
**We Have Been Lead Astray** Release anti-Asterion propaganda criticizing his numerous failures of leadership in recent years including the humiliating defeats in the Marches and 200K dead at our gate while he was more concerned about changing the traditions that made us great [Morale: 9 + 1 = 10]
Bakken Alia- Fialta (Daniel)Bakken2021-04-19 2:25:428Assist with **We Have Been Lead Astray** [Persuasion: 4 + 4 = 8]
πŸ’ Zanrick || Lavrency BeriakLavrency Beriak2021-04-19 2:29:598Spend one influence point to rebuild the Secret Police
Elisabeth aka KMAeldrum DnD2021-04-19 2:41:218test
Craig - Halifax NovascotiaKnights of Adarnum2021-04-19 2:42:288Knights of Adarnum Orders - Turn 8

Faction Bonus Actions (6 total):
3. the null bomb thing (intel roll = 8)
4. Covert Recruitment in Zanevuela theater (intel roll = 8) (max roll = 8)
5. Covert Recruitment in Hybern theater (intel roll = 6) (max roll = 6)
6. Covert Recruitment in Firhbank theater (intel roll = 5) (max roll = 5)

Zanevuela Covert Chapter Actions (1 total):
1. Intervene in covert recruitment (intel roll = 4) (max roll = 8)

Hybern Covert Chapter Actions (1 total):
1. Intervene in covert recruitment (intel roll = 2) (max roll = 6)

Firhbank Covert Chapter Actions (1 total):
1. Intervene in covert recruitment (intel roll = 2) (max roll = 5)
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-19 3:05:598Send 2 spies to break try to steal Fialta miltech - 1 to digger any traps and get caught, 1 to actually try to steal the tech: 12 (roll of 8+4, capped at 12).
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-19 3:06:038Attempt to befriend patriarch of Ahlam: 19 (roll of 10 explosion!, roll of 7 + 2)
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisShantine Ambassador2021-04-19 3:06:078Find Highveldt sympathizers in Bishant: 8
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:06:168Raise Aeldman Officers (1 action, 2 influence) in exchange for 115 econ
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisShantine Ambassador2021-04-19 3:06:228Promote chessboxing world championship and find sponsors
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:06:408Establish Alusia-Saldan Mercantile Trade Network (1 action)
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:07:008Raise Aeldman Officers (1 action, 2 influence) in exchange for 115 econ
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:07:268Raise Alusian Officers (1 action, 2 influence) in exchange for factories
Bruce aka Giannis PolitisAlusian Government2021-04-19 3:08:048Talk to patriarch of Ahlam about information we've found about KoA - request for them to get their house in order: 12
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:08:058Build Academies on Alusia (1 action, 1 influence) result is 12 in exchange for factories
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:09:088RSA Development (1 action, 1 influence, 78 econ) result is 12 in exchange for factories
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:09:338Help Build Ethernet in the Union (1 action, 1 influence) result is 12 in exchange for factories
Lux (Saldan, Ashleigh Hab)Saldan2021-04-19 3:09:558Secret Ethernet Security Research for the KM (1 action, 1 influence) result is 10 in exchange for 2 influence points