A | B | C | |
1 | Group | Command | Description of usage |
2 | Jayel | !jayel | About Jayel and their part in Oneshi |
3 | !commissions | where you can commission Jayel | |
4 | !links | Jayel and Oneshi's link-trees | |
5 | !save | Reminds Jayel to save if it's been a while | |
6 | !facecam | Reminds Jayel to switch from Facecam back to Art mode | |
7 | !uptime | Shows how long Jayel's been streaming for | |
8 | !break | Suggests jayel consider taking a break | |
9 | !unmute | Let's jayel Know that he is still muted | |
10 | |||
11 | Oneshi | !oneshi | Link to Oneshi Press website |
12 | !patreon | Link to Oneshi Press patreon | |
13 | !store | Link to Oneshi Press store | |
14 | !submit | Link to Oneshi Press Submit page | |
15 | !dreamfuel | Link to Oneshi Press free comics mailer signup | |
16 | !unexpected | Link to free Unexpected Anthology | |
17 | !themesongs | Link to Oneshi Theme Songs Playlist by NextArc Studios | |
18 | |||
19 | Projects | !cog | Info and link to COG website |
20 | !pack | Info and link to PACK website | |
21 | !tracy | Info and link to Tracy Queen website | |
22 | !mrguy | Info and link to Mr. Guy website | |
23 | |||
24 | Socials | !socialjayel | Jayel's social links |
25 | !socialoneshi | Oneshi's social links | |
26 | !socialcog | COG's social links | |
27 | !socialpack | PACK's social links | |
28 | !socialtracy | Tracy's social links | |
29 | |||
30 | Chat | !magics <target> | Cast magics at the target (could be anyone or anything) |
31 | !hugs <target> | Hug the target (could be anyone or anything) | |
32 | !describe <target> | Describe the target (could be anyone or anything) | |
33 | !summons <target> | Summons the target (could be anyone or anything) | |
34 | !rps | Rock, Paper, Scissors (requires two players) | |
35 | !me | The bot describes You, sort of | |
36 | !lurk | Announce that you have to go into lurk mode | |
37 | !unlurk | Announce that you have returned from lurk mode | |
38 | !quote | Displays random quote | |
39 | |||
40 | Bots | !8ball <question> | Ask the 8ball a question, get an answer, maybe |
41 | !coinflip <call heads/tails> | Flip a coin about something let fate decide, probably | |
42 | !d20 <state parameters> | Roll the dice and take your chances | |
43 | |||
44 | Mods | !so <username> | [Moderators Only] Shout out the username (no @ symbol) |
45 | !quote add <text> | [Moderators Only] Adds quotes | |
46 |