A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | |
1 | Title | Objectives | Geographical Coverage | Areas of integration | Target groups | Start | End | Website | Funding | |||||||||||||
2 | Venner Viser Vej (Friends Show the Way) | The aim is to match volunteers and people with refugee backgrounds and their families in pairs of friends and families of friends. | Denmark | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority) |Civic participation|Education and training|Employment and related training|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Sports/leisure/arts|Welfare and social work | Refugees, Resettled refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status, Family migrants, Youth, Children | 2016 | Ongoing | https://www.rodekors.dk/venner-viser-vej | Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration | |||||||||||||
3 | Salam: Promotion of intercultural and interreligious coexistence and prevention of intolerance based on religion | The aim is to build spaces for interreligious and intercultural participation and coexistence; to strengthen awareness-raising in the prevention of religious discrimination; to train key agents for the prevention of intolerance and religious discrimination; and to generate spaces for openness and encounter between religious communities and citizens. | Spain | Civic participation|Education and training|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | Asylum seekers, Refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status, Irregular migrants, (permanent) labour migrants, (temporary) labour migrants, Students, EU citizens, General population/non-migrants, Youth, Faith groups, Racialized minorities/BPoC | 2017 | Ongoing | https://www.lamercedmigraciones.org/proyectos-con-la-sociedad/salam/ | NGO funding | |||||||||||||
4 | “Ruiseñor” (Mockingbird) | The aim is to strengthen the autonomy and personal development of migrant students through established relationships with university mentors and the expansion of their social network, future prospects and social and emotional capacities. | Spain | Education and training|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia) | Student, Youth, Children | 2014 | Ongoing | http://mugak.eu/menores-jovenes-y-educacion/ruisenor-urretxindorra-proyecto-de-mentoria | City council of Donostia, the Kutxa Foundation and private and public donations | |||||||||||||
5 | MigraCode | Migracode acts as a bridge between the demand for skilled people in the tech sector and people with a migration background who are eager to work in the tech industry. | Spain | Education and training|Employment and related training|Sports/leisure/arts | Unaccompanied minors/ Youth between 18 and 23 years old, Men, Women, Youth, Elderly, Faith groups | 2019 | Ongoing | https://migracode.openculturalcenter.org/ | Diverse range of funding: EU, CSR, Local, National, Awards and more. | |||||||||||||
6 | KIDEAK (Colleagues) | The aim is to promote the integral development of young migrants through methodologies based on accompaniment and social mentoring. | Spain | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Civic participation|Education and training|Employment and related training|Gender and gender relations|Identity and belonging | Unaccompanied minors/ Youth between 18 and 23 years old, General population/non-migrants | 2021 | 2023 | https://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/actualidad/2021/02/01/kideak-programa-atencion-integral-jovenes-2170661.html | Financed with REACT-UE FUNDS | |||||||||||||
7 | Praxiserprobung für geflüchtete Jugendliche (Practical Learning for Refugee Youth) | The main goal is to offer a targeted way of preparing students with a refugee background for their transition into vocational training and work. | Germany | Education and training|Employment and related training|Health|Identity and belonging|Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers, Refugees, Resettled refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status, Students, Unaccompanied minors, Youth | 2018 | Ongoing | https://iple.de/pe-gefluechtete.html | Ministry of Education Berlin | |||||||||||||
8 | Grandhotel Cosmopolis | The aim is to build a multi- functional establishment which offers the owner a reasonable interim solution that will be non-commercial; creates a place of exchange for people engaged in culture in the city; provides a limited number of asylum seekers with accommodation for a specific period of time and the opportunity to become involved in the project. | Germany | Civic participation|Housing and settlement|Sports/leisure/arts|Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers, EU citizens, General population/non-migrants, Men, Women, Youth, Children, Elderly | 2011 | Ongoing | http://www.grandhotel-cosmopolis.org/ | Various funding streams: project funding; funding through foundations; income generation through hotel, restaurant, Kiosk-coffee and (online) shop | |||||||||||||
9 | Freund statt fremd (Friend instead of stranger) | The aim is to assists refugees and asylum seekers with their integration in Bamberg and the surrounding areas. | Germany | Civic participation|Education and training|Employment and related training|Health|Housing and settlement|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination|Sports/leisure/arts|Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers, Refugees, Resettled refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status including toleration (suspension of removal), Irregular migrants | 2011 | Ongoing | https://freundstattfremd.de/ | Bavarian Government (Bavarian Ministry for Work, Social Affairs, Family and Integration), City of Bamberg, Donations, individual projects and activities funded by German Government and Foundations | |||||||||||||
10 | Bydelsmødre (Neighbourhood Mothers) | "Neighbourhood mothers" are resourceful women in social housing areas who volunteer to receive a basic education consisting of 15 modules concerning family life, women's lives and life in society, and how to support other women in the best way. | Denmark | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Civic participation|Education and training|Family relations marriage and children|Gender and gender relations|Health|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Welfare and social work | Refugees, Resettled refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Family migrants, (permanent) labour migrants, (temporary) labour migrants, EU ctizens, Women, Elderly women | 2011 | Ongoing | https://bydelsmor.dk/ | The programme's main donors are SIRI (The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration), Velux Foundation, Copenhagen Municipality and Bikuben Foundation. The secretariat is Fonden for Socialt Ansvar | |||||||||||||
11 | BABA - because Dad is important | It aims to strengthen fathers' participation in children's lives. Through the effort, volunteer fathers are dressed to motivate other fathers to participate in children's lives. | Denmark | Crime (perpetration & victimization)|Education and training|Family relations marriage and children|Gender and gender relations|Identity and belonging | Refugees, Resettled refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Family migrants, (Permanent) labour migrants | 2014 | Ongoing | https://baba.dk/ | Most funding comes from the Danish state and private foundations | |||||||||||||
12 | All-in-one 4 HER Fast-track integration of highly educated refugees | It aims to develop a fast-track integration model for Highly Educated Refugees into the Flemish labour market. | Flanders, Belgium | Employment and related training | Refugees | 2018 | 2021 | https://all-in-one4her.eu/ | European Social Fund and Flemish government | |||||||||||||
13 | Action research | The aim is to create access to formal and informal (healht)care for people with a refugee background in the Netherlands | Netherlands | Health | Refugees | Ongoing | https://www.openembassy.nl/en/ | Municipalities and philanthropy | ||||||||||||||
14 | Migrant and Refugee Fund | The aim is to help member states of the fund address the challenges linked to migrants and refugees. | States that are members of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), i.e. 42 countries in Europe and Caucaus | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Education and training|Employment and related training|Gender and gender relations|Health|Housing and settlement|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | German speaking countries such as: Germany, Switzerland and Austria | 2015 | Ongoing | https://coebank.org/en/donors-and-trust-funds/migrant-and-refugee-fund/ | 22 CEB member states have contributed to the MRF. The CEB and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have also provided funding | |||||||||||||
15 | NexSM – Social Media for Migration and Society | The aim is to build an exchange and education platform to counteract the new digital gaps and to strengthen the participation of migrant (self-)organisations with scientific and social discourse with the focus on social media. | German speaking countries such as: Germany, Switzerland and Austria | Civic participation|Education and training|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia) | Migrant organizations and migrant communities | 2022 | Ongoing | https://la-red.eu/portfolio/nexsm/ | Robert Bosch Stiftung | |||||||||||||
16 | Promoting better access to the labour market | The aim is to utilise migrant women's skills and facilitate leadership opportunities such as being board members and working in self managing teams. | Dublin, Ireland | Employment and related training|Gender and gender relations|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia) | Care workers, people who require care services due to frailty, illness or old age | 2020 | Ongoing | https://www.thegreatcarecoop.ie/ | ESF, Rethink Ireland (Philanthropy funding), Dublin City Council and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Council | |||||||||||||
17 | Enter to Transform | The aim is to increase entrepreneurship capacity of recognised refugees and the capacity of institutions dealing with them. | Germany, The Netherlands, Irland, France | Education and training|Employment and related training | Recognized Refugees in North West Europe | 2020 | Ongoing | https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/enter-to-transform-transformational-entrepreneurship-hubs-for-recognized-refugee-re-starters/ | Interreg NWE | |||||||||||||
18 | Neighborhood revitalization | The aim is to promote harmonious and enriching coexistence between the residents of the city's neighborhoods and to generate a sustainable and visible network of mutual support among the neighbors, favoring channels for overcoming existing needs and problems in the neighborhood itself, and link to municipal resources. | Madrid | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Civic participation|Gender and gender relations|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination|Sports/leisure/arts|Welfare and social work | General population, paying special attention to vulnerable groups such as women, youth, older people, unemployed people | 1970 | Ongoing | https://aavvmadrid.org/ | Council grant for some of the actions such as neighborhood revitalization service. Membership fees of associations and FRAVM. | |||||||||||||
19 | Diverse community: social and intercultural mediation | The aim is to raise awareness among the civil society favouring an inclusive dialogue. | Spain | Civic participation|Education and training|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | General population; third country nationals; schools and university community; families, neighbors and grassroots movements; public administrations, public and private institutions | 2021 | 2022 | https://diaconia.es/comunidaddiversa/ | Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, co-financed by AMIF | |||||||||||||
20 | SHUBH Project | The aim is to promote socio-economic autonomy of beneficiaries of international protection in the local context. | Italy | Employment and related training|Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers | https://progettoshubh.it/ | Funded by AMIF | |||||||||||||||
21 | Creating dignified living conditions for returnees through intensive socio-economic support in order to achieve sustainable reintegration and improve reintegration mechanisms in three cities in Serbia | The aim is to enable retunees having access to education and social and health care system. | Republic of Serbia | Education and training|Employment and related training|Housing and settlement|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Welfare and social work | Returnees under Readmission Agreement and Roma population | 2020 | Ongoing | https://idcserbia.org/en/projekti/novi-pazar-for-new-jobs/ | Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) through the German Office for International Cooperation in Serbia – GIZ, German Developed Bank (KFW) | |||||||||||||
22 | Local Inter-ethnic Relations Committees | The aim is to enable the involvement of all minority communities in local decision-making that affects everyone. | The Republic of North Macedonia | Civic participation|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | Migrants and asylum seekers | 2022 | Ongoing | https://komz.cdi.mk/ | European Commission | |||||||||||||
23 | Movement for Peace –MPDL- Legal Services for Migrants | The aim is to improve legal situation of migrants and undocumented people | Spain | Civic participation|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | Vulnerable migrant population and applicants for International Protection, victims of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin (or potential victims), and women working in domestic services and care. | 2022 | 2022 | http://www.mpdl.org/espacios-mpdl/asesoria-juridica#sthash.c18YXV46.dpbs | Ministry of Social Rights, Spanish SG for Agenda 2030 and Regional Governments | |||||||||||||
24 | BEST (Boosting Entrepreneurial Skills as Tool of Integration of migrants to labour market) | The aim is to implement social entrepreneurship trainings in each partner-country and establish effective cooperation with public key-stakeholders such as Chambers of Commerce and Employment Service. | Slovenia | Employment and related training | TCNs including labour migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented migrants. Also employers, social entrepreneurs and local stakeholders such as the Employment service and Chamber of Commerce. | 2019 | 2021 | https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/integration-practice/boosting-entrepreneurial-skills-tool-integration-migrants-labour-market-best_en | Funded by AMIF | |||||||||||||
25 | Brasov Multicultural Day festival | The aim is to promote and encourage intercultural dialogue, communication and cooperation among people from different cultures. I | Romania | Civic participation|Education and training|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | Migrants | 2019 | 2019 | https://migrantbrasov.ro/en/brasov-multicultural-day/ | Funded by The City Hall of Brașov, through the Cultural Projects funding line. | |||||||||||||
26 | Grigri Pixel | Grigri Pixel is a program of residences, workshops and seminars that wants to explore the practices of cultural cooperation and citizenship between Africa and Europe, by manufacturing grigris or magical objects to protect and reenchant urban spaces through artistic practices and digital manufacturing, collaboratively and experimentally from both continents. | Countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America | Civic participation|Education and training|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | General public and, specifically, migrant people in irregular situation | 2016 | Ongoing | https://grigriprojects.org/ | AECID (Spanish Cooperation Agency), FfAI (Foundation for Arts Initiatives), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030, Medialab Prado Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso, Las Naves Valencia, etc. | |||||||||||||
27 | Supporting people in need with hot meals, fresh fruits and vegetables in Thessaloniki | The aim is to generate inclusion through social synergies and collective actions that reflect the needs of the community; and to offer training and non-formal education to anyone who is interested in participating in the joint activities of the group, related to food processing, cooking, gardening and beekeeping. | Thessaloniki - Greece | Civic participation|Education and training|Employment and related training|Health|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia) | People in need | 2019 | Ongoing | https://www.facebook.com/PervolaridesThessalonikis | Lush company and FundAction | |||||||||||||
28 | Feeling Italian, Feeling Global | The overall objective is to stimulate mutual understanding in the Italian multicultural society by rising people’s intercultural sensitivity and by developing intercultural and global competencies. | Italy | Education and training|Employment and related training|Identity and belonging | People with migration background | 2022 | 2022 | https://www.sietar-italia.org/feeling-italian/percorso-formazione/ | London Stock Exchange Group Foundation | |||||||||||||
29 | UNIVERBAL - A social interpreting service led by migrants | The aim is to value the skills of many migrants in languages and valorize the potential of migrant workers. | Belgium | Employment and related training|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination | Social interpreters working with migrants | https://projetuniverbal.wordpress.com/ | With the support of the European Social Fund (in 2016) – AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) | |||||||||||||||
30 | TIP Adult (Transferring Innovative Practices for Adult Education) | The aim is to promote the professional development of adult educators by gathering best practice expertise from partner institutions in TIP Adult project and to foster the competences of Adult educators, particularly on knowledge transfer as well as in gaining experience in international cooperation. | Latvia, UK, Slovakia, Turkey, Switzerland, Spain and Austria | Education and training | Adult education organisers; Adult educators; Developers and managers of adult education programs | 2019 | 2022 | http://www.tipadult.eu/ | Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme | |||||||||||||
31 | Community Sponsorship Ireland | The aim is to provide services and support for people seeking protection and people recognised as refugees in Ireland and advocate for humane and dignified protection procedures and responses to people fleeing persecution. | Republic of Ireland | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Civic participation|Education and training|Employment and related training|Health|Housing and settlement|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination|Welfare and social work | Refugees and people seeking international protection | https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ | Various (State, direct donations, philanthropic organisations) | |||||||||||||||
32 | Communication et accompagnements interculturelle en langue d'origine (Communication and intercultural support in the native language) | The aim is to reduce the barrier for migrants and provide information on different topics | Switzerland - Geneva | Attitudes (both mainstream/minority)|Civic participation|Crime (perpetration & victimization)|Education and training|Employment and related training|Family relations marriage and children|Gender and gender relations|Health|Housing and settlement|Identity and belonging|Intergroup relations and contact (including racism and xenophobia)|Rights and legal status as well as non-discrimination|Sports/leisure/arts|Welfare and social work | Migrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) arriving in Switzerland and Geneva with and without legal status. | 2008 | Ongoing | http://www.apdh.ch/ | State and city of Geneva, Foundations etc. | |||||||||||||
33 | Women’s Meeting Club | The initiative aims to bring together representatives of two disadvantaged groups – women with refugee or migration experience and Polish women from rural areas in Lublin region. | Poland | Employment and related training |Education and training | Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers, Refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status including toleration (suspension of removal), Irregular migrants, Family migrants, Labour migrants, Students, Unaccompanied minors, EU citizens, General population/non-migrants, Women | 2015 | Ongoing | https://dlaziemi.org/wlaczone-embraced/ | Various project funding, fundraising | |||||||||||||
34 | Welcome Home | The main goal of the programme is to achieve basic self-reliance by refugees participating in the programme, so that they no longer rely on social assistance. | Poland | Housing and settlement | Employment and related training | Education and training |Health | Welfare and social work | Intergroup relations and contact | Family relations | Asylum seekers, Refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Other protection status including toleration | 2016 | Ongoing | https://witajwdomu.org.pl/ https://ocalenie.org.pl/nasze-dzialania/pomagamy/witaj-w-domu | During the preparatory phase – BNP Paribas and private individuals, since 2017 – donations from private individuals and institutions, including donations through the projects website. | |||||||||||||
35 | Multicultural Centre in Warsaw | The Multicultural Centre in Warsaw is a place that supports intercultural dialogue and the integration of foreigners, national and ethnic minorities and the host community, including the social and civic activation of foreigners. | Poland | Employment and related training | Education and training |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination |Civic participation |Sports/leisure/arts |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants Family migrants Labour migrants Students Unaccompanied minors EU citizens General population/non-migrant | 2009 | Ongoing | https://centrumwielokulturowe.waw.pl/ | Budget of the City Hall of Warsaw | |||||||||||||
36 | Immigrant Council | The aim is to serve as an consultative and advisory body to the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk in the implementation of the Gdańsk policy on integration and migration. | Poland | Civic participation |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants Family migrants Labour migrants Students Unaccompanied minors EU citizens General population/non-migrant Women Men | 2016 | Ongoing | https://bip.gdansk.pl/prezydent-miasta/gdanskie-rady/I-Kadencja-2016-2018,a,62141 | Council members act as volunteers; they do not get paid for their work. | |||||||||||||
37 | S.A.L.U.S. SPACE | The aim is to support a long-term integration with a new model of integration. | Italy | Housing and settlement |Employment and related training |Rights, legal status, non-discrimination | Civic participation |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Family migrants Labour migrants Students General population/non-migrants Men Women Children | 2017 | 2021 | https://saluspace.eu/# | ERDF Urban Innovative Action | |||||||||||||
38 | Synergies between integration and local development in rural inner areas | The national reception system is composed of two parallel programs: the first coordinated by Prefectures (CAS), the second (SAI) managed by municipalities and NGOs. A decentralised reception and integration model is also promoted in rural inner areas. | Italy | Employment and related training |Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Family migrants General population/non-migrants Men Women Elderly | 2019 | Ongoing | https://piamonlus.org/en/home_en/ | Resources of national reception and integration system SAI Private bank foundations | |||||||||||||
39 | PartecipAzione | PartecipAzione is a network of refugee associations made up of associations led by refugees who took part in the program in one of the various editions and who continued to actively participate in the activities in subsequent editions. | Italy | Employment and related training |Education and training |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination |Civic participation |Sports/leisure/arts | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection General population/non-migrants | 2018 | Ongoing | https://www.partecipazionerifugiati.org/ | UNHCR | |||||||||||||
40 | INTERSOS: Pandemic, health and marginalized people: a Community Base Intervention for vaccination | The aim is to involve with improving health conditions of most marginalized people and to provide information on COVID prevention and medical assistance in contexts of social exclusion, particularly in informal settlements. | Italy | Health | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants Family migrants Labour migrants General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Children Elderly Sexual minorities Racialized minorities/BPoC | 2020 | 2021 | www.intersos.org | Private funds | |||||||||||||
41 | CIAC: Tutoring migrants and supporting more effective integration | The aim is to support migrants in widening their network. | Italy | Civic participation |Sports/leisure/arts |Intergroup relations and contact |Identity and belonging | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Students Unaccompanied minors General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Children Elderly | 2015 | Ongoing | https://ciaconlus.org/it/facciamo/generare/tutor | European fund/voluntary work/internal resources | |||||||||||||
42 | Young Entrepreneurs Succeed: “YES!” project | The aim is to promote entrepreneurship among underserved youth. | Greece | Employment and related training | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth | 2018 | Ongoing | https://youngentrepreneurssucceed.com/ | The EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment: Fund for Youth Employment | |||||||||||||
43 | Support for mentally challenged refugees | The aim is to contribute to the integration of refugees suffering from mental strain into the public psychotherapeutic care system. | Germany | Education and training |Health | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Men Women Youth Elderly | 2017 | Ongoing | www.vivo.org | Financial support from district and municipalities, private donations, funding from Lions Club ‘Zur Katz’ Since 2020: Asylum, Migration and Intergration Fund (AMIF) | |||||||||||||
44 | Patenschaftsprogramm (Buddy-Programme) | The aim is to facilitate the arrival and adjustment of newcomer (migrant and refugee) students to the new situation and culture in Germany through personal interactions with peers. | Germany | Employment and related training |Education and training |Welfare and social work |Sports/leisure/arts |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact |Identity and belonging | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Youth Children | 2016 | Ongoing | https://www.stiftungbildung.org | Federal Programme Menschen stärken Menschen (“People strengthen people”) of the Federal Ministry of Family and Youth (BMFSFJ) | |||||||||||||
45 | E.x.T To You : Network for the Empowerment, the social and labor inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults | The aim is to facilitate the early identification of trafficked foreign minors, ensure sustainable solutions and prevent the risk of further exploitation and to provide help and support to trafficked persons, e.g. through psychological workshops and counselling. | France | Employment and related training | Health | Asylum seekers Refugees Women Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection | 2020 | 2022 | https://www.ensa-network.eu/nexttoyou/ https://www.france-terre-asile.org/nos-actions/projet-n-e-x-t-to-you | Funded by AMIF | |||||||||||||
46 | Mam’Ayoka | Mam’Ayoka is a restaurant and catering company that offers refugee women work placements in order to facilitate French learning, develop skills and get a first job experience in France. | France | Employment and related training | Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection | 2019 | Ongoing | https://mamayoka.fr/ | Annual funding from the regional prefecture of Ile-de-France (Paris region) allocated to refugees integration projects, and from the city Hall. Operates on own funds obtained from the income generated by the catering services. | |||||||||||||
47 | HOPE : Hébergement, orientation parcours vers l’emploi | The aim is to provide access to housing and employment for beneficiaries of international protection. | France | Housing and settlement |Employment and related training |Welfare and social work | Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection | 2016 | Ongoing | https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/le-ministere-en-action/pic/parcours-hope-pic | Multi-funding: private funding, funding from the Skills Investment Plan, funding from the Ministry of the Interior, and from the Public Employment Service. | |||||||||||||
48 | Caracol | The objective is to foster the integration of refugees through access to housing in intercultural cohabitations (shared houses and flates) and overall social support from social workers. | France | Housing and settlement |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection General population/non-migrants | 2019 | Ongoing | https://caracol-colocation.fr/ | Private or public funding; The social support of the beneficiaries is financed by the government; and fees (share in the rent of the co-tenants). | |||||||||||||
49 | JRS Jeunes (Jesuit Refugee Service Youths) | The JRS Jeunes program allows young asylum seekers, refugees or locals to meet and get to know each other through common and creative activities that are co-organised. The members are in turn participants or facilitators and thus actors of a programme that they build together. | France | Civic participation |Sports/leisure/arts |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection General population/non-migrants Youth | 2015 | Ongoing | https://www.jrsfrance.org/jrs-jeunes-9/ | The program is co-funded by the project "Fai'R"; La Fondation Notre Dame (Catholic Charity Association); and private donors. | |||||||||||||
50 | Startup Refugees | Startup Refugees offer asylum seekers, refugees, and other immigrants support in finding employment, skills development, and starting a business. | Finland | Employment and related training |Civic participation |Attitudes | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees (temporary) labour migrants General population/non-migrants Men Women | 2015 | Ongoing | https://startuprefugees.com/ | The majority of the funding of Startup Refugees comes from public funding. The state of Finland and the EU are the biggest financiers, and different Finnish cities offer funding to some projects. In addition, Startup Refugees receives donations from different foundations, companies, private individuals, and also sells their services on a small scale. | |||||||||||||
51 | Sirkuksesta siivet elämään (Wings to Fly – Social Circus Empowers) | The aim is to empower immigrant youth, encourage language use, improve social skills and social life trough pedagogical social circus methods. | Finland | Education and training |Sports/leisure/arts |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact |Identity and belonging |Gender and gender relations | Student, Youth, Children | 2018 | 2020 | https://www.nuori.fi/toiminta/sirkuksesta-siivet-elamaan/ | European Social Fund; Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment; cities of Lappeenranta, Vantaa and Tampere; The Children and Youth Foundation; Sorin sirkus, Kulttuurikeskus PiiPoo; Sirkus Magenta, Taidekoulu Estradi, Finnish Youth Research Society and Finnish Youth Research Network . | |||||||||||||
52 | Arki sujuvaksi (Make everyday life smooth) | Objective of the practice is to improve participants’ day-to-day management, practical skills in home economics, confidence in their own skills and support learning the local language. | Finland | Housing and settlement |Health | Asylum seekers Refugees Family migrants Labour migrants Students EU citizens General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Elderly | 1997 | Ongoing | https://www.martat.fi/martat/marttajarjesto/kotitalousneuvonta/kohdennettuneuvonta/arki-sujuvaksi/ | Arki Sujuvaksi is funded by STEA (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations), other funding for the practice varies based on the local office. Funding of The Martha Organization consists of membership fees, public funding, services, investments, fundraising, and funding from other sources. | |||||||||||||
53 | Katto-toiminta [Roof program] | Objectives of the practice include reducing and preventing homelessness among migrants, providing easily accessible information and help on housing-related issues and living in Finland, offering training for professionals working with migrants, and identifying and reducing structural issues and racism. | Finland | Housing and settlement |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination|Intergroup relations and contact, | Asylum seekers Refugees Irregular migrants Family migrants (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants Students EU citizens | 2016 | Ongoing | https://moniheli.fi/en/katto/ | Raha-automaattiyhdistys (RAY), Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (from 2019) | |||||||||||||
54 | Use of potential and qualification of migrants at the Czech labour market | The portal gathers information on the recognition of foreign education and qualifications in one place and guides the visitor through the entire process of recognition of education and qualifications for study, employment and business purposes, including the process of document verification. | Czechia | Employment and related training |Education and training | (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants Students EU citizens General population/non-migrants | 2012 | 2014 | https://nostrifikace.mkc.cz/cz/ | European Social Fund | |||||||||||||
55 | Increasing the intercultural permeability of public institutions in the City of Brno | The aim is to offer support to foreigners and public institutions in mutual contact (e.g. at offices, in educational and medical facilities, in social services and others). | Czechia | Education and training |Welfare and social work |Civic participation |Intergroup relations and contact | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Family migrants (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants Students EU citizens General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Children Elderly | 2017 | 2019 | https://socialnipece.brno.cz/sluzby-mesta/integrace-cizincu/ | European Social Fund | |||||||||||||
56 | Development of counselling provided by the Labour Office for Foreigners | The project was aimed at increasing and deepening the qualifications of the staff of selected regional branches of the Labour Office and at the same time at modernising and expanding the services provided in the field of foreign employment and mediation and counselling for foreigners. | Czechia | Employment and related training |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination | (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants EU citizens | 2013 | 2015 | http://www.pracevceskerepublice.cz/ | ||||||||||||||
57 | Center for Foreigners in Ústí nad Labem | The Centre serves as a regional centre for the integration of foreigners in the Ústí nad Labem Region. | Czechia | Employment and related training |Education and training |Welfare and social work |Family relations | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Family migrants (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants Students General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Children Elderly | 2009 | Ongoing | https://centrumcizincu.cz/ | AMIF, state budget, corporate and private funding | |||||||||||||
58 | SIRIUS SCHOOL | The aim is to develop IT skills among immigrants, and transform them into employability skills to foster the participant’s socio-professional integration. | Belgium | Employment and related training |Education and training |Welfare and social work | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants Family migrants (permanent) labour migrants (temporary) labour migrants General population/non-migrants Men Women Youth Elderly Specific ethnicity/languages Racialized minorities/BPoC | 2017 | 2022 | https://sirius-hub.be | Digital Belgium (FPS Economy) | |||||||||||||
59 | HOMELANDS Places of Belonging | The aim is to provide immigrant newcomer artists the opportunity to take their place in society and develop their career by co-creating and sharing their knowledge with the local community and eventually act as intercultural mediators. | Belgium | Employment and related training |Education and training |Sports/leisure/arts |Intergroup relations and contact |Identity and belonging | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Men Women Youth Racialized minorities/BPoC | 2018 | Ongoing | https://www.thehomelandsproject.com | National Bank of Belgium Fondation Engie Fonds Jean Praet KANAL – Centre Pompidou Ixelles Municipality Flemish Community Commission | |||||||||||||
60 | Co-housing and case management for Unaccompanied young adult Refugees in ANTwerp (CURANT) | The aim is to support the social integration of youth (17-25) newcomer refugees by offering opportunities of cohabitation with a local flatmate (buddy), and providing individualised guidance and training. | Belgium | Housing and settlement |Employment and related training |Education and training |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection General population/non-migrants Youth | 2016 | 2019 | https://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/antwerp | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Commission/UIA | |||||||||||||
61 | UNDOK: Drop-in Center for Undokumented Workers | The aim is to provide support for undocumented workers with free, multilingual information and counselling on labour and social rights considering migration and residency laws. | Austria | Employment and related training |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination | Asylum seekers Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants (temporary) labour migrants | 2014 | Ongoing | www.undok.at | Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz), Chamber of labour (Arbeiterkammer Wien) and labor unions: GBH, Pro-GE, Vida, GPA-djp | |||||||||||||
62 | Queer Base | Queer Base helps and supports lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, intersex and queer/questioning people (LGBTIQ) who have fled to Austria through counselling related to legal matters, social aspects and coming out as well as networking with the community and support for medical and psychological concerns. | Austria | Housing and settlement |Employment and related training |Education and training |Health |Welfare and social work |Rights, legal status and non-discrimination |Civic participation |Sports/leisure/arts |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact |Family relations |Crime |Identity and belonging |Gender | Asylum seekers Refugees Resettled refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection Other protection status including toleration Irregular migrants Sexual minorities | 2014 | Ongoing | www.queerbase.at www.friends.queerbase.at | Crowd funding, later on public funding by Municipality of Vienna, cooperation with other NGOs, corporate sponsors, donations from individuals and associations | |||||||||||||
63 | Magda’s Hotel | Training and integration for recognized refugees through the first social business hotel in Austria with a creative toch through artistic upcycling of old buildings and furniture | Austria | Employment and related training |Education and training |Attitudes |Intergroup relations and contact | Refugees Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection | 2015 | Ongoing | https://www.magdas-hotel.at/en | 57,306 euros from a crowdfunding campaign and a five-year loan from Caritas in the amount of 1.5 million euros; income created from hotel | |||||||||||||
64 | Kicken ohne Grenzen (Football without borders) | The objective is to enable young people form disadvantaged communities to participate in society. | Austria | Education and training |Health |Sports/leisure/arts |Identity and belonging |Gender | Youth | 2015 | Ongoing | https://www.kicken-ohne-grenzen.at/ | Donations (€ 10.720,63), Foundations: the SOL Foundation, UEFA Foundation for children, Western Union Foundation, Laureus Foundation, Common Goal (€ 171.995,33) Public funds: Austrian Football Association -ÖFB and Austrian Federal Ministry, Sport Division (€ 63.000,00) | |||||||||||||
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