Club NameStaff AdvisorDescription of the ClubMeeting Day and TimeMeeting Location
American Cancer Society LeaymWe are improving the lives of people with cancer and their families as the only organization combating cancer through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Tuesday/once a month 2:15-3:15Leaym's room 2434
Amnesty InternationalK Sweeney after school - once a monthYES Center mobile
ArchitexSweeney"Craft & Construct"
Club Description: In this club, we will be making architectural models and designing products that will give people interested in Architecture and Design careers experience with the field. Moreover, we will be practicing drawing houses and making designs so people without prior experience can learn and enjoy this amazing field.
Meeting Dates: Once or twice a month on Wednesdays
alternating Wednesdays after schoolYES Center mobile
Art ClubSue NieskeAfter school art workshopsEvery other Wednesday as postedSue Nieske Art Room 2432
Asian Student Association (ASA)Shaunna MortonASA aims to promote unity and diversity among the students of Cox Mill High School. Our goal is to embrace different cultures and incorporate it into our school. We also host several events to promote and showcase Asian cultures. We plan on hosting cultural events like Garba, Lantern Festival, Culture Fair, etc. Together we can create a more inclusive environment. Mondays or Thursdays after school 2:15 - 3:00Ms. Morton's Room 2304
Battle of the BooksWright & CoccaroStudents read titles from the state list, then compete against other high schools in the county to answer questions about the books. Competition date is 2/28/25. TBDMedia Center
Beta ClubCathy Aylward and Grace LloydAs the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America, National Beta is dedicated to leading by serving others. Our four pillars are the perfect summation of the core of National Beta. The Beta community recognizes high academic achievement, rewards and nurtures worthy character, fosters leadership skills, and encourages service to others.

Being a Beta means being a part of a community of leaders who are positively impacting the world.
Last Thursday of every monthCafe or auditorium
Bharatanatyam ClubCrystal Brewington The Bharatanatyam Dance Club will focus on introducing students to the rich cultural heritage of India through the classical dance form of Bharatanatyam. The club will provide a space for students to learn and practice this ancient art form, focusing on both the technical aspects of the dance, such as postures, expressions, and rhythms, as well as its deep storytelling tradition. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, this club aims to foster a love for dance, culture, and creativity in a supportive environment.1 meeting a month on Thursdays Brewingtons class room
BiolympiadLauren BurgessExpanding our understanding of knowledge and preparing for the nationwide competition with group study sessions and prepared lectures and activities.Mondays at 2:30Burgess's room - 1638
Black Student Union (BSU)Chandra Hester/Veronica Stallings (temporary)To create a space for students of color to engage in conversations around diversity, provide information on colleges and careers, provide volunteer opportunities, and collaborate with BSU members at other schoolsMonday 2:30-3:30 (monthly)Media Center
Black Study UnionHester and LigonA social club promoting diversity and unity amongst the black community.Monday's 2:30Media Center
Calligraphy ClubCoccaroA calm and relaxing club for students who want to chill and get creative after school while working on the art of hand lettering and calligraphy. Our president, Shreya Thakral, has been practicing for years and teaches every student different styles of hand lettering and calligraphy. We have several activities and crafts planned for this semester, already! After working on building this club for several years, Calligraphy Club currently has a full leadership team and is welcoming new members! Every other Friday at 2:202418 - Coccaro’s Room
Cars and CoffeeRedmondStudents show off their cars and talk all things cars in my room or in the student parking lot.TBDStudent lot after school or room 2403
Charger AmbassadorsCorlCharger Ambassadors work with the Guidance Department and Registrar to give tours to new students who enroll at CMHS. They will plan events to give new students opportunities to meet other students like a "Come sit with me at [insert event name]. varies1601
Chess ClubKaren Conlan
We meet to play chess together
Tuesdays 2:15 - 3: 15Room 2111
CIVIL DISCOURSEKAKAVITSASCivil Discourse is a club to: discuss realistic solutions to current problems by taking multiple perspectives into account; promote independent thinking and avoid group-think mentalities; develop a sense of respect and understanding for different opinions; exchange knowledge on policy, civic participation, political structures, & political processes; and encourage development as a citizen & competition of ideas.FRIDAY, 2:20-3:15PMMR. K, #2445
Colors of CultureCharlotte TaylorA club designated to unite and discover different cultures while advocating for diversity.Wednesdays 2:15-3:00Taylor's room (and off site as needed)
Competitive Speech and DebateCeresa, BrianThis is a club that branched from recreational debate. Although competitive and recreational debate work together, they will complete separate tasks. So, we have completed two different club forms for each. We look forward to participating in numerous speech and debate events and tournaments in this club around this district. By next year, we are hoping to take our club to Speech and Debate nationals! Normally, we would teach students good public speaking skills and prepare them for competing in tournaments. Specific events we are looking to compete in are- Humorous Interpretation, Original Oratory, Congressional Debate, and Declamation. Every Monday afterschool from 2:20 to 3:15pmMr. Ceresa's room
Cox Mill Pickleball ClubCrystal BrewingtonWe will focus on both fun and competitive pickleball play. Welcoming anyone interested to learn or play matches with their friends! This is still being worked on but we are aiming to do twice a month. Most likely the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month Play in the Commons
Culture FairCharlotte TaylorThis will be the 3rd annual Culture Fair, where students of all cultures come together to display their heritage in a culminating Culture Fair in February.Undecided but once a month Sept.-December, then twice in January and twice in February before the scheduled event.Taylor's Room, 2306
Debate ClubBrian CeresaRecreational (non-competitive): An informal arena for students interesting in practicing skills related to speech and debate. Students meet bi-weekly to debate on current events while practicing skills such as vetting sources, supporting claims with evidence, backing evidence, offering rebuttals, and avoiding logical fallacies.Every other Monday. 2:25-3:25 p.m.Mr. Ceresa's Room (2313) on the English hallway.
DECAFinely and HesterWe prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for college and careers in Marketing and Business.Mondays or as needed 2:301616 or 1614
DECAAllyson Finley, Chandra HesterA CTSO that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Tuesdays/2:20Auditorium
Dungeons & DragonsMacomberWe provide an inviting and inclusive space, for new and veteran players alike, to develop and participate in character creation and campaigns.Fridays 2:30 - 4:30PM1626
Elementary Outreach ClubSinclairThe description of the club is that our club focuses on helping our local elementary school, CMES, by supporting students and staff in a variety of ways. Our mission is to build a better elementary experience for students and teachers in our community by volunteering and donating throughout the year. third MoThird Monday of every month at 2:15 MU 8
Environmental ClubLaurie BlockerRaise awareness of environmental issues and promote and participate in activities that better the environment. TBDRoom 1632
FFANoah Tate/Sarah PhillipsFuture farmers of america: Promote premier leadership, personal growth and career successTBDTate/Phillips Room
FIRST RoboticsErin WilliamsSTEAM club that pushes students into leadership, creativity, and community through the construction, programing, marketing, and designing of a competition robot.Wednesday 2:20pm1633
Future of FashionAllyson FinleyFuture of Fashion is a club that encourages inclusivity, creativity, and style. Fashion design workshops, style self exploration, learning about the history and culture of fashion, along with community service events such as fashion shows and clothing drives to provide clothes for those in need and raise awareness. Wednesday 2:20Room 1616
Girls Who CodeHesterGirls Who Code has worked with legislators to close the gender gap in tech in K-12 classrooms. Our Policy Agenda outlines four recommendations designed to increase girls participation in computer science.Wednesday Afterschool1614
GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance)Brian CeresaA safe space for LGBTQ+ students and allies to discuss current events related to the queer community and to offer support to one another as they navigate school life.TBD: Likely every other Friday 2:25-3:25 p.m.Mr. Ceresa's room 2313 on the English hallway.
Humane Society ClubChurchPromote and raise money for animal careTBAMrs. Church's Classroom 2419
Humanitarian ClubAllison ChurchThe purpose of the Humanitarian Society is to provide an open environment which encourages new ideas and creates opportunities to positively impact and connect with our community and school through selfless acts, the promotion of human welfare, and kindheartedly practice ‘service above self.’TBA2419- Mrs. Church's Room
InteractCorlInteract is a service club for young people ages 12-18 who are passionate about making a difference while learning about the world and themselves-And having fun! Interact club will be expected to organize at least two projects every year: one that helps your school or community and one that promotes international understanding. (Sponsored by the Concord-Afton-Sunset Rotary)varies1601/Media Center
International Thespian SocietyGreleckiTheatre Honor SocietySecond Thursday of the Month- 2:30-4:301204
Key ClubSarah Harwooda student-led organization that provides high school students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, build character, and perform serviceFirst Wednesday of every month, 2:152402 (Harwood's Room)
knitting and crochet clubKaren ConlanWe meet to knit and crochet together for mental health and socialization, but also knit for the community.Each Thursday 2:15 - 3:15Room 2111
Literacy ClubRachel PrillA Literacy Club is a group dedicated to fostering a love for reading and writing among its members. Participants engage in activities like book discussions, writing workshops, and community outreach to promote literacy. The club creates a supportive environment where members can share their passion for literature and improve their skills.TBD (Monthly meetings)Ms. Prill's classroom
MediLink ClubJessica ParkerThe purpose of this club is to empower students looking to go into public health and financial management careers in the medical field through a unique blend of healthcare and economic perspectives. This club will provide students with opportunities for learning, leadership, and community service. Monthly TBDRoom 1630
Mock TrialDavid CornettClub that will run simulations of real courtroom trials. Students take on the roles of attorneys, witnesses, etc., preparing and presenting their cases before a judge and jury. Every other Thursday 2:20 pmRoom 2401
Model UNK. Sweeney Tuesdays after school YES Center mobile unit
Mu Alpha thetaLeah CameronMath Honors SocietyTuesday Sept 10thMrs. Cameron's classroom 2114
National Art Honor Society (NAHS)LeaymThe NAHS program is designed by NAEA to support and recognize students who have shown outstanding abilities in art. The NAHS program supports student members in their goal of attaining the highest standards in visual arts, and bring visual arts education to the attention of the school and community.2nd Wednesday of each month 2:15-3:15Leaym's room 2434
National English Honors Society (NEHS)Rachel Prill The National English Honor Society (NEHS) is an organization that honors high school students for their excellence in English and their passion for literature. Members participate in activities that promote literacy and engage in service projects related to the ELA. NEHS also offers opportunities for recognition, celebrating students' achievements in English.Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 (Monthly)Ms. Prill's Classroom
National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA) Lindsay BlackburneNHSDA is a program dedicated to recognizing dance students for their outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in the field of dance2:30-4:30, first Monday of the Month: 9/9, 10/7, 11/4, 12/2, 1/6, 2/10, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5Room #1126, Dance Classroom
NC Trailblazers Outdoor ClubNoah Tate Jaquline DooleyBring students closer and develop a love and admiration for the outdoorsDepends on the monthTate/Dooleys Room
Neuroscience ClubAndrew ThatcherThis club is going to explore the brain and its nervous system.3rd Thursday of each month 2:202110
Psychology ClubKellie SchweinfestMeets once a month to discuss psychology themes with an emphasis on mental health Most likely first Thursday of every month from 2:15-3Room 2405
SAACTPhilip BelfromSAT and ACT tutoring.Monthly every 3rd WednesdayRoom 2104
SAACTPhilip BelfromSAT and ACT tutoring for students.Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month2104
Science ClubLauren BurgessHaving fun doing experiments and expanding our understanding of science. We will also spread our enthusiasm for science through outreach at school/community events and hosting STEAM night at CMHS. Thursdays at 2:30Burgess's Room (1638)
Science National Honor SocietyJessica ParkerThe Cox Mill High School Chapter of the Science National Honor Society organization. Quarterly - TBDRoom 1630
Science OlympiadLaurie BlockerParticipate in STEM related competitions. First Tuesday of the month right after schoolRoom 1632
SkillsUSAJacob ApplingA career and technical CTSO for drafting and other trades/ job skillsThursday 2:30 biweekly Room 2205
STEM CLUBSHAUNA WARDThe club's mission is to introduce students to STEM opportunities, with a focus on technology and engineering. I have also secured commitments from professionals at Lenovo and Wells Fargo to serve as guest speakers, which will provide valuable real world insights to the students involved. Additionally, we’ll explore hands-on projects and mentorship opportunities to help inspire more students.N/ADOCC
Student GovernmentJessica SchieldsStudent Government works with staff and administration as a tool of communication between students and staff. These officers will attend leadership conferences, host fundraisers and spirit events, and begin to learn the mechanics of holding a leadership position.Second Tuesday of each monthRoom 2314
Students for Senior CitizensJenny SinclairOur mission is to support senior citizens in our community by organizing initiatives and services that improve their quality of life, all led by dedicated high school students.1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 2:20MU 8 (Sinclair's room)
TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION (TSA)KAKAVITSAS"The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national non-profit career and technical student organization (CTSO) of middle and high school students engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Today, over 300,000 students participate in TSA’s competitions, intracurricular activities, leadership opportunities, and community service."FRIDAYS, 2:20-3:15MR. K'S ROOM, #2445
TechNovaShaunna MortonA fundraising club chapter of nonprofit TechNova) advocating raising money for healthcare research/tech innovations through fundraising campaigns and events. Tuesdays from 2:20-3:152304
The American Red CrossMr. SenecalImagine hanging out with your closest friends and helping your community at the same time – you’ll be able to do just that when you start a Red Cross Club! A Red Cross Club is an extension of a local Red Cross region or Service to the Armed Forces (SAF) Station where you’ll be able to serve the community with your friends. Along with training and leadership development opportunities, you can choose mission-related activities in your community, while delivering lifesaving services of the Red Cross. You’ll plan and implement projects that can save hundreds of lives from blood drives to disaster preparedness education.Tuesdays after school every other week for about 1 hourRm. 2442
The Menstrual MovementSturgiesPeriod poverty awareness, inequity, suppliesAlternating Mondays 230-3151627
Trailblazers ClubDooley and TateGetting students engaged in the outdoors in a fun and safe way. Staff will take the students to different locations to expose them to different challenges and team building activities. Varies, we meet twice a month with dates scheduled around trip dates.2303 or MU 5
Tri-M Music Honor SocietyJennifer Cook & Drew CarterTri-M provides students who excel both academically and musically with leadership opportunities to make a difference in their community through music-based service projects.1st Wednesday of the month at 2:20pmChorus Room
VEX RoboticsMacomberWork collaboratively to design, program, and compete in this season's VEX objective utilizing the full engineering process.Days vary by team. Time is 2:30 - 4:00PM1626 and Masonry Room
Wishing CraneMelissa AustinWe make paper origami cranes and greeting cards for healthcare workers and hospital patients.1st Wednesday of each month, 2:15-3:151641 Mrs. Austin's room on science hall
YCI - Youth Commission InternationalCorlYouth Commission International (YCI) is an organization focused on proclaiming Christ on middle and high school campuses by identifying, training, resourcing and commissioning students to reach their campus for Christ. YCI works to identify and develop student leaders to lead Bible clubs on their school campuses. Through our student led clubs, our goal is to establish a visible Gospel community in every middle and high school across the nation.TBDTBD
Young Investors SocietyKenya BordersYoung Investors Society (YIS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides leadership and investment management experience for high school aged youth. It’s programs are taught by some of the best investors and university professors in the industry. YIS gives high school students a unique opportunity to learn fundamental, long-term investing in an exciting and interactive way.Tuesday 2:20 pm - 3:20 pmRoom 2416
Young Investors Society ClubKenya BordersYoung Investors Society (YIS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that gives high school students a unique opportunity to learn fundamental, long-term investing in an exciting and interactive way. Tuesday 2:20 pmRoom 2416
Creative Writing ClubJesus Marciglia
The objective of this club is to develop creative writing skills and express your imagination through words. Everyone will contribute by writing a short story or poem that will be put together to be a book full of these pieces of creative writing by the Cox Mill community.
January 8th , 2025 at 2:15 pm - Right after school
Mr. Marciglia's room - Room #2440
Health and Fitness ClubJoseph Aldridge
This club is dedicated to helping students learn how to support and improve their overall well-being, both mentally and physically. We provide education on healthy lifestyles, focusing on nutrition, disease prevention, and proper exercise routines. Members will also have access to opportunities for outdoor activities and fitness challenges. Together, we will motivate and support one another, setting personal goals and encouraging growth.
Monthy, 2nd Wednesday at 2:30 to 3:00
Mr. Aldridge’s Room - Room 1631
Space ClubPhilip Belfrom
Students will participate in competitions dealing with Physics and Mathematics. They meet up to practice for competitions.
Thursdays from 2:15PM to 3PM