ActiveCampaign Resources
This document describes each of the resources available in the Looker data connector for ActiveCampaign by Find My Insight. It lists all of the resources currently available with descriptions of fields and recommend fields that can you used as join keys for blending with other resources.
This document is Updated regularly so please check back.
Last UpdatedThursday, August 24, 2023
CategoryResource NameHas Totals Check BoxParametersResource Description
AccountAccountsYesList of all Accounts (organisations) in your ActiveCampaign subscription. Recommended join key "id" (Account Id)
Account Custom Field ValuesYesResource storing all custom account (organisations) from your ActiveCampaign subscription. Recommended Join key "accountid"
Account Custom FieldsYesResource for storing meta data associated with your Account (organisation) custom fields. Recommended join key "id"
AssociationsYesList of Contacts associated with Accounts (Organisations). Includes contact id and job descriptions- Recommended Join keys "account" (Account id) and "contact" (Contact id)
AdminAddressesYesResource for storing all of the addresses you create within your ActiveCampaign subscription settings.
BrandingsYesResource with all the metadata associated with branding and customisation of your ActiveCampaign subscription
CalendarsYesAll calendars associated with your ActiveCampaign subscription
ConnectionsYesThis resource lists all of the services that you have integrated with your ActiveCampaign subscription. This is particularly useful for Ecomm. Recommend Join key "id" (Connection id).
FormsYesResource with all of the meta data associated with the form your users can create in your ActiveCampaign subscription
ResponsesYesResource listing of all your saved responses in your ActiveCampaign subscription.
Tracked EventsYesResource with list of all the events that are tracked within your ActiveCampaign Subscription
White Listed Site Tracking DomainsYesResource with list of all white listed domains for your ActiveCampaign subscription
UsersYesResource listing all of the users currently set up inside of your ActiveCampaign subscription.
GroupsYesResource with all of the permissions for each group that you create for your users in your ActiveCampaign subscription
Webhook eventsYesResource listing all of the webhook events associated with your ActiveCampaign subscription
WebhooksYesResource listing of all the endpoints that have been fired with your ActiveCampaign subscription
AutomationsAutomationsYesSummary of all automations in your ActiveCampaign subscription. Recommended join key "id" (automation id)
Automation CampaignsNoThis resource provides all of the summary statistics and meta data associated with Campaigns (Broadcasts) associated with a particular Automation. The fields are the same as those of Campaigns
Contact AutomationsYesResource capturing each contact and summary statistics for when they enter into an automation. Recommended Join keys include "contact" (Contact id), automation (Automation id)
CampaignsCampaignsYesThis resource provides all of the summary statistics and meta data associated with Campaigns (Broadcasts). This includes those occur as part of an automation). Recommended Join Keys "id" (campaign id), "automation" (automation id)
Links for All Campaign YesResource with summary metrics for all Campaigns. Recommended Join key "campaign id" and "message id"
Links of One Campaign NoResource with metrics for a single Campaign. This end point requires you to enter a single Campaign Id as a parameter. Recommended Join key "campaign id" and "message id"
Campaign MessagesYesResource with all of the campaign messages in your ActiveCampaign subscription. Possible join keys are campaignid and messageid.
Campaign ListsYesResource with all of the campaign lists in your ActiveCampaign subscription. Possible join keys are campaignid and listid.
MessagesYesResource with all of the messages and the content in your ActiveCampaign subscription. (This includes versioning). Possible join key is Name. However you would need to get the correct ed_Version to avoid duplicate rows in your blend
Campaign Report Open List **NoResource listing of all the contacts on certain campaign. IMPORTANT: this is API v1, an old version. ActiveCampaign has no plan to sunset it at this time and if they ever do, they will provide plenty of advance notice.
ContactsContactsYesFull table of all contacts in your ActiveCampaign Subscription. Includes summary statistics about your contacts. Recommended join keys "id" (contact id) and "orgid" (organisation or account id) . This end point also have parameters that allow you to filter the result by the following. contact id,
email address (containing any given string), form id, contact id (greater than any value you have entered), contact id (less than any value you have entered), names, Segment id, automation id, status, tag id, wait id, creation date, updated date.
You can only enter one value for each parameter, however you can enter more than one parameter type. The contact end point is the cornerstone of many great insights. If you have a large contact database it is important to use parameters to limit the size of your API call. This also improves performance and speed of your dashboards in ActiveCampaign.
Contact Custom FieldsYesResource listing all of your custom contact fields and associated meta data. Recemmended Join key "id" (Custom field id)
Contact Custom Field OptionsYesResource which captures all the meta data in relation to custom contact fields that are of the type "dropdown, checkbox, listbox, radio" it lists all the options of the custom field. You are required to submit a custom field id as a parameter for this to work. Recommended join key "field" (field id)
Contact Custom Field ValuesYesResource capturing all the values of your contact custom fields. This is an excellent end point to blend with your contacts end point. It can created excellent dashboards for segmentation insight. Recommended Join keys include contact (cContact id)
Contact ListsYesResource listing all the lists of all contacts or one contact in your ActiveCampaign subscription
Contact TagsYesContact ID (digits ONLY), Offset (digits ONLY, min 0), Max Amount of Data (digits ONLY, min 1, max 30000)Resource listing all the tags of all contacts or one contact in your ActiveCampaign subscription
ListsYesResource containing all of the meta data and rules created for each of your ActiveCampaign contact lists.
ScoresYesResource listing all scores as created in your ActiveCampaign Subscription
Score ValuesYesResource listing all score values as created in your ActiveCampaign Subscription
SegmentsYesResource listing all of the segments that have been created in your ActiveCampaign subscription. Segments are used to created more targeted groups for sending campaigns to.
TagsResource summarising the performance of all the tags in your ActiveCampaign subscription
DealsDealsYesResource of your deals and deal metrics summarised. You can use a parameter to limited to number of deals returned. The parameters include title, contact, and org. Recommended join keys include "contact" (contact id), "account" (Account id),
PipelinesYesResource detailing all of the stages that make up the sales pipelines you have created inside of you ActiveCampaign subscription. Recommended join keys include "id" (Pipeline id) and "stages" (Stage id)
StagesYesThis resource lists all of the deal stages you have created in your ActiveCampaign Subscription. Recommended join key "id" (Stage id)
Deal Custom FieldsYesThis resource lists all of the deal custom fields you have created for your ActiveCampaign subscription. Recommended join key "id" (Custom field id)
Deal Custom Field ValuesYesThis resource contains all of the values as entered into the deal custom fields on each deal. Recommended join key "dealid" (Deal id) and "customfieldid" (Custom field id)
Secondary Contact, aka contact dealsYesThis resource lists any secondary contacts associated with a deal. Recommended join keys "deal" (Deal id) and "contact" (Contact id)
TasksYesThis resource captures the details of all the tasks created inside of your ActiveCampaign subscription. Tasks can be be either deal or contact related. Recommended join keys include "relid" This can be either contact id or deal id. This end point also utilises parameters which can be useful for blending. Selectable parameters include Title (partial or full string search), Relationship (contact or deal), Contact id, Deal Id, Status, Note (use a string search), Task Type Id (type of task), User id, Assigned user Id. This is a great way to segment your data.
Task TypesYesResource listing all of the tasks used in deals.
EcommecomCustomersYesResource that allows you to bring customer summary sales and order information from your ecomm system. Recommended join key "email"
ecomOrdersYesResource that contains all of the orders created in your external ecomm site. Recommended Join key "email"
ecomOrderProductsYesResource containing all of your order product information in your external ecomm system. Recommended join key "ecomOrder"