A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Based on 85% of Market Basket Measure for 2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Capital CMA | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) with $80,000 earned (15% Income-Testing Model) | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) with $160,000 earned (15% Income-Testing Model) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | |||||||||||
5 | St. John's | $21,645.68 | $30,611.61 | $37,491.41 | $43,291.35 | $48,401.20 | $9,645.68 | $18,611.61 | $25,491.41 | $31,291.35 | $36,401.20 | $6,611.61 | $13,491.41 | $19,291.35 | $24,401.20 | |||||||||||
6 | Charlottetown | $21,689.03 | $30,672.91 | $37,566.49 | $43,378.05 | $48,498.13 | $9,689.03 | $18,672.91 | $25,566.49 | $31,378.05 | $36,498.13 | $6,672.91 | $13,566.49 | $19,378.05 | $24,498.13 | |||||||||||
7 | Halifax | $22,286.58 | $31,517.98 | $38,601.48 | $44,573.15 | $49,834.29 | $10,286.58 | $19,517.98 | $26,601.48 | $32,573.15 | $37,834.29 | $7,517.98 | $14,601.48 | $20,573.15 | $25,834.29 | |||||||||||
8 | Fredericton | $21,672.88 | $30,650.07 | $37,538.52 | $43,345.75 | $48,462.02 | $9,672.88 | $18,650.07 | $25,538.52 | $31,345.75 | $36,462.02 | $6,650.07 | $13,538.52 | $19,345.75 | $24,462.02 | |||||||||||
9 | Québec | $19,299.68 | $27,293.86 | $33,428.02 | $38,599.35 | $43,155.38 | $7,299.68 | $15,293.86 | $21,428.02 | $26,599.35 | $31,155.38 | $3,293.86 | $9,428.02 | $14,599.35 | $19,155.38 | |||||||||||
10 | Toronto | $23,486.35 | $33,214.71 | $40,679.55 | $46,972.70 | $52,517.07 | $11,486.35 | $21,214.71 | $28,679.55 | $34,972.70 | $40,517.07 | $9,214.71 | $16,679.55 | $22,972.70 | $28,517.07 | |||||||||||
11 | Winnipeg | $21,650.35 | $30,618.22 | $37,499.51 | $43,300.70 | $48,411.65 | $9,650.35 | $18,618.22 | $25,499.51 | $31,300.70 | $36,411.65 | $6,618.22 | $13,499.51 | $19,300.70 | $24,411.65 | |||||||||||
12 | Regina | $21,717.93 | $30,713.78 | $37,616.55 | $43,435.85 | $48,562.75 | $9,717.93 | $18,713.78 | $25,616.55 | $31,435.85 | $36,562.75 | $6,713.78 | $13,616.55 | $19,435.85 | $24,562.75 | |||||||||||
13 | Edmonton | $23,470.63 | $33,192.48 | $40,652.31 | $46,941.25 | $52,481.91 | $11,470.63 | $21,192.48 | $28,652.31 | $34,941.25 | $40,481.91 | $9,192.48 | $16,652.31 | $22,941.25 | $28,481.91 | |||||||||||
14 | Vancouver | $23,683.98 | $33,494.20 | $41,021.85 | $47,367.95 | $52,958.98 | $11,683.98 | $21,494.20 | $29,021.85 | $35,367.95 | $40,958.98 | $9,494.20 | $17,021.85 | $23,367.95 | $28,958.98 | |||||||||||
15 | Whitehorse | $25,127.70 | $35,535.93 | $43,522.45 | $50,255.40 | $56,187.24 | $13,127.70 | $23,535.93 | $31,522.45 | $38,255.40 | $44,187.24 | $1,127.70 | $11,535.93 | $19,522.45 | $26,255.40 | $32,187.24 | ||||||||||
16 | Yellowknife | $28,471.18 | $40,264.32 | $49,313.52 | $56,942.35 | $63,663.48 | $16,471.18 | $28,264.32 | $37,313.52 | $44,942.35 | $51,663.48 | $4,471.18 | $16,264.32 | $25,313.52 | $32,942.35 | $39,663.48 | ||||||||||
17 | Iqaluit | $50,484.48 | $71,395.83 | $87,441.68 | $100,968.95 | $112,886.71 | $38,484.48 | $59,395.83 | $75,441.68 | $88,968.95 | $100,886.71 | $26,484.48 | $47,395.83 | $63,441.68 | $76,968.95 | $88,886.71 | ||||||||||
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20 | Based on 85% of Market Basket Measure for 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Capital CMA | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) with $80,000 earned (15% Income-Testing Model) | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) with $160,000 earned (15% Income-Testing Model) | MINIMUM INCOME (GLBI) with $240,000 earned (15% Income-Testing Model) | * Ontario | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Persons not in economic families | 2 persons | 3 persons | 4 persons | 5 persons | Compared to 2018 GLBI Rate | |||||
23 | St. John's | $22,540.73 | $31,877.40 | $39,041.68 | $45,081.45 | $50,402.59 | $10,540.73 | $19,877.40 | $27,041.68 | $33,081.45 | $38,402.59 | $7,877.40 | $15,041.68 | $21,081.45 | $26,402.59 | $3,041.68 | $9,081.45 | $14,402.59 | 133% | |||||||
24 | Charlottetown | $22,570.05 | $31,918.87 | $39,092.47 | $45,140.10 | $50,468.16 | $10,570.05 | $19,918.87 | $27,092.47 | $33,140.10 | $38,468.16 | $7,918.87 | $15,092.47 | $21,140.10 | $26,468.16 | $3,092.47 | $9,140.10 | $14,468.16 | 133% | |||||||
25 | Halifax | $23,360.55 | $33,036.81 | $40,461.66 | $46,721.10 | $52,235.78 | $11,360.55 | $21,036.81 | $28,461.66 | $34,721.10 | $40,235.78 | $9,036.81 | $16,461.66 | $22,721.10 | $28,235.78 | $4,461.66 | $10,721.10 | $16,235.78 | 138% | |||||||
26 | Fredericton | $22,697.13 | $32,098.58 | $39,312.57 | $45,394.25 | $50,752.31 | $10,697.13 | $20,098.58 | $27,312.57 | $33,394.25 | $38,752.31 | $8,098.58 | $15,312.57 | $21,394.25 | $26,752.31 | $3,312.57 | $9,394.25 | $14,752.31 | 134% | |||||||
27 | Québec | $20,574.95 | $29,097.38 | $35,636.86 | $41,149.90 | $46,006.99 | $8,574.95 | $17,097.38 | $23,636.86 | $29,149.90 | $34,006.99 | $5,097.38 | $11,636.86 | $17,149.90 | $22,006.99 | $5,149.90 | $10,006.99 | 121% | ||||||||
28 | Toronto | $24,450.68 | $34,578.48 | $42,349.81 | $48,901.35 | $54,673.37 | $12,450.68 | $22,578.48 | $30,349.81 | $36,901.35 | $42,673.37 | $450.67 | $10,578.48 | $18,349.81 | $24,901.35 | $30,673.37 | $6,349.81 | $12,901.35 | $18,673.37 | 144% | ||||||
29 | Winnipeg | $22,552.20 | $31,893.63 | $39,061.56 | $45,104.40 | $50,428.25 | $10,552.20 | $19,893.63 | $27,061.56 | $33,104.40 | $38,428.25 | $7,893.63 | $15,061.56 | $21,104.40 | $26,428.25 | $3,061.56 | $9,104.40 | $14,428.25 | 133% | |||||||
30 | Regina | $22,662.70 | $32,049.90 | $39,252.95 | $45,325.40 | $50,675.34 | $10,662.70 | $20,049.90 | $27,252.95 | $33,325.40 | $38,675.34 | $8,049.90 | $15,252.95 | $21,325.40 | $26,675.34 | $3,252.95 | $9,325.40 | $14,675.34 | 133% | |||||||
31 | Edmonton | $24,369.93 | $34,464.28 | $42,209.95 | $48,739.85 | $54,492.81 | $12,369.93 | $22,464.28 | $30,209.95 | $36,739.85 | $42,492.81 | $369.92 | $10,464.28 | $18,209.95 | $24,739.85 | $30,492.81 | $6,209.95 | $12,739.85 | $18,492.81 | 143% | ||||||
32 | Vancouver | $26,957.75 | $38,124.02 | $46,692.19 | $53,915.50 | $60,279.36 | $14,957.75 | $26,124.02 | $34,692.19 | $41,915.50 | $48,279.36 | $2,957.75 | $14,124.02 | $22,692.19 | $29,915.50 | $36,279.36 | $2,124.02 | $10,692.19 | $17,915.50 | $24,279.36 | 159% | |||||
33 | Whitehorse | $26,443.50 | $37,396.76 | $45,801.49 | $52,887.00 | $59,129.46 | $14,443.50 | $25,396.76 | $33,801.49 | $40,887.00 | $47,129.46 | $2,443.50 | $13,396.76 | $21,801.49 | $28,887.00 | $35,129.46 | $1,396.76 | $9,801.49 | $16,887.00 | $23,129.46 | 156% | |||||
34 | Yellowknife | $29,874.95 | $42,249.56 | $51,744.93 | $59,749.90 | $66,802.42 | $17,874.95 | $30,249.56 | $39,744.93 | $47,749.90 | $54,802.42 | $5,874.95 | $18,249.56 | $27,744.93 | $35,749.90 | $42,802.42 | $6,249.56 | $15,744.93 | $23,749.90 | $30,802.42 | 176% | |||||
35 | Iqaluit | $51,761.18 | $73,201.36 | $89,652.98 | $103,522.35 | $115,741.50 | $39,761.18 | $61,201.36 | $77,652.98 | $91,522.35 | $103,741.50 | $27,761.18 | $49,201.36 | $65,652.98 | $79,522.35 | $91,741.50 | $15,761.18 | $37,201.36 | $53,652.98 | $67,522.35 | $79,741.50 | 305% | ||||
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