Staff Litter 2021Artist List:
Aaron✦, Anouki, Anover, AquilaFuga, Berricuda,
Burrito Bunny, Celozon, Dama, Desmond, Dia., Doglike,
Emberwolf, Fiery Gatoh, Kazin, Koikee, Lacuna,
Metallic Dragon, Nadine, Pi., Raire, reynard, Saikiyo,
Schnuffel Bunny, Schuyler, Seasonal, Shy, Sixbane, Solloby,
Vampiric, xem, Yağmur, Yugi and Zeena
ArtistsInteresting InformationHintsLinks
Aaron✦Was former General Helper, so check the July cat outcomes

- Do you have a favourite pup?
I actually tried quite hard not to look so I could be surprised throughout the month!

- How long did it take you to design yours?
I posted my first draft in April, and my final at the end of August. I knew what I wanted to do quite quickly, it was just a case of getting it down!

- Does your pup remind you of yourself?

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Any designs similar to this one? No, this is my first... "dog" >:)
- Age: 30ish age
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: None, please don't offer it any D:
- Any unique traits/edits on their face? Yes, mine has facial lineart edits.
- Grown at least once? Yep!
#1 - 355477563 (hidden between the answered Questions)
#2 - Number from #1 leads to a staff pup that grew on day 1 with a pickaxe item
#3 - Another two staff pups with items:
1st one has the red A item on it's left side
2nd one has balloons with numbers on it's left side 13 1 12 10 7 2

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 20 (Text in transparent)
#2 - Staff Pup with item

#3 - Discussion Thread - PG 46 (post by Deercan)

Answered Questions for Outcome:
Anover- Don't wanna bug y'all with extra detective work so I haven't hidden any clues this year, mine should be pretty clear! :3c

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- CLAIMED! their outcome

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- x x v x spacing in signature is NO hint

- CLAIMED! their outcome
Berricuda- Do you have a favourite pup?
Koikee's, Yugi's, and Celozon's pups <3

- How long did it take you to design yours?
I finished mine in April, with final tweaks made in August haha. I get vry excited with staff litter and like to finish it asap

A few days... probably like two or three? Followed up by a few hours of me making final tweaks last month lol

- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
Mine was actually based off of how I play a certain game with Nadine 👀
So yes, it does remind me of myself a little haha

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- How many days will it take to grow? An amount of days :3c
- Any designs similar to this one? Depends on who you ask lol, but in my opinion: nope, I haven't! I personally think my pup is unique to what I've done previously but tbh, it might look similar to the others haha
- Main color on outcome: One of the colors :3c
- Personality of outcome: Stoic and brave are my two top choices to describe them! They'd def be the "ugh, do I have to do everything around here???" type but lowkey loves helping.
- I don't really have hints except for the ones I've already hidden,
I will claim mine on my cat's birthday :3c:


#1 - Didn't wanna.. ghost you guys so here I am. Might answer more, either specifically for me or general questions 👀👀
#2 - Nadine, Berricuda and Reynard all updated their interests:
Nadine: one.
Reynard: two
Berricuda: three, dammit.

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 17 (First Post)
#2 - Discussion Thread - PG 26 (Interests updated)
Burrito Bunny- Is this your favorite staff pet or is one from the past your favorite?
This isn't my favorite, but the design has grown on me.
I wish I had more story behind it but unfortunately I don't this year.

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- CLAIMED! their outcome
Celozon- Do you have a favourite pup?
I think Anover's, Shy's and Yağmur are really cool!
- How long did it take you to design yours?
I had the idea since we got the pallet, but as the master procrastinator I am I didn't actually finish till like, right before the deadline. not a good idea I know but I never learn.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
idk man I was just like, 'this would be cool' and then I drew it.

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- How many days will it take to grow? Depends how often you water it I guess
- Any designs similar to this one? Yeah
- Main color on outcome: I'll just say its different than my norm
- Personality of outcome: Enigmatic
- Day- or Nighttime: Night
- Age: Age isn't really a concept they understand
- Others describe outcome as: Enigmatic (sorry for using the same answer twice but, eh, its true)
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: They have no opinion on food in general
- Prefered piece of clothing: They also have no opinion on clothing. Personally though I think some sparkly stickers are just what they need C:
- Collect / hoard any items? Probably like, collecting the bones of their enemies? (jkjk, but really they pretty minimalist and don't really collect things they don't have a direct use for)
- Any Powers? Probably, but they refuse to show me :C
- Where they live: I'm also not invited to their house :C
- Friends with previous Staff Dogs of you? They hang with at least a couple of my previous staff pets. They do fun bonding stuff, but I'm never invited :C (starting to think they did not appreciate that sparkly sticker I put on their face)
- Do they like Halloween? I'd say they would like Halloween
- Would they venture out into scary places without fear? definitely no fear.

- Any line edits? My outcome does have lineart edits.
- Nose color: hmm, dark grey.
- I usually like to leave the details of my staff pets up to the imagination so these might be a bit vague.
read: I just draw what I think looks cool and don't actually have a background or story for them

- I just want to clarify I never said that my outcome has a magic theme. It may or it may not, I never confirmed or denied that.

#1 - … though I'll probably end up repeating themes eventually like this year, it would likely just be partially robotic.
#2 - … the repeating theme/s only applies to my previous staff pets, so you can ignore the other few pets I've designed.

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread PG 83 - in size 1
#2 - Discussion Thead PG 104

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛋ (hidden in Signature, translates to RUNES)

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Signature (transparent text in rune font)


Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Great Eyesight: Yes
- Can see better durinig day / night: Either

- Does it have to do with a biblical occurance?
No. I'm never going to do anything tied into the Bible or any other religion. ^^;;
I wasn't raised religious, and there's so much variation that it's soon easy for me to mess up and offend people. ...... It's a reference to a much more recent occurence.
NOT yet sure if it's a hint or not.....
- Let's see how sharp you guys are (PG 2)

#1 - The first day echoed around the world. The second was important only to me.
#2 - Respond to a previous guess: You picked out the right hints and are applying them in ways that are close-ish, if not mostly correct. You're in a good direction.
#3 - What kind of event reverberates (echoes)?

- Direct quote from the Discussion Thread:
So we know that there are two days. One was an event that reverberated/echoed around the world. It happened recent-ish - much less than 100 years. (It's also not referring to 9/11). The second is something that means anything really only to me. We also know that this second date has not passed yet, and that it does refer to when my outcome grows.

If the second date refers to when my outcome grows, there is a logical conclusion about what the first date may indicate.

And then here's something new: I'm careful with my diction. I used 'echo' very purposefully, because it's one of my favorite words to indicate a desolate mood.

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - New Interests entry
#2 - Discussion Thread - PG 40
#3 - Discussion Thread - PG 40
Dia.- How long did it take you to design yours?
My outcome's been done for months haha I don't like submitting them under the wire.

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Day- or Nighttime: No lol
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: My outcome's favorite food often seems to be found in people's garden.
- Is your outcome going to have antlers this year? AntlerS? No.
- Will it have wings or be based off of an Anime Character? No and No
- Color of their nose: A lighter shade of grey c:
- CS tag black and white or colored: I never touch the CS tag. ^^
- Eye color:
A. Green
B. Red
C. All of the above
- Most interesting thing ybout your pup? AntlerS?
Or maybe LEAF or eYeS?
- Caught like a deer in your headlights (per usual, I'm never subtle about the creature that inspired my outcome).
However! This knowledge might not help you identify my outcome's second stage in a lineup. Might be a good idea to try some other approaches next time I offer to answer questions!

#1 - …my dog has one tail
#2 - Newborn Stage Dressup Scene Text: Oh deer!
#3 - Fawn Item addition in Siganture
#4 - yes, my pup is an adolescent! (Day 7)
# - Final Hint: They're ready to see you now. Visit forest and take a look. You'll find them.

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 9
#2 - Dressup Scen
#3 - Signature Update - PG 1
#4 - Discussion Thread - PG 5
# - Discussion Thread - PG

CLAIM: In Discord / DT post by catmother4
DoglikeHmm.... coming back to that later... <.<
- I'll go ahead and answer four questions, two for each ;) - PG 29

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - My siblings think thrice, or sometimes forever
But we prefer to depend on two
The Illiad, Prometheus, heroic endeavors
Scales of magenta, viridescent, and robin egg blues

(I will say don't think too hard about the Prometheus hint, it's not the most relevant of the two tales told... ;) )

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 69
EmberWolf- Hid Hints in older artworks in the past!!!

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - I will try to check in for all the fun now and then, but I didn't have time to leave any hints. or did I?

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 9 (in transparent)
Fiery Gatoh

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- CLAIMED! their outcome
Kazin- NEW Staff Member

Answered Questions for Outcome:
Koikee- Do you have a favourite pup?
My top 3 favorites are Emberwolf's, Doglike's, and Celozon's. :3
- How long did it take you to design yours?
Around the end of April, then I changed my mind completely around the middle of July.
Completed the idea around the time, and finished adding little tweaks right before September.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
Uhh.. maybe a little? I always love fluffy things, so yeah. I guess so!

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- How many days will it take to grow? More than a week, less than a month. It's could really be any day, now.
- Any designs similar to this one? For myself? Yeah. For CS, no. Regarding the colors? No, not at all.
- Main color on outcome: None of them, really. They'll all be evenly distributed.
- Personality of outcome: Hmm, I'd have to say bubbly and fun!
- NEW Staff Member

#1 - Newborn Dressup with hidden message: ps.. the dress-up has nothing to do with my outcome <:
#2 - I always love fluffy things, so yeah. I guess so!
#3 - I guess I can throw you guys a bone and finally say that my dog is a PPS, they have not grown yet lol

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Dressup Scene
#2 - Discussion Thread - PG 22 (in transparent)
Lacuna- Do you have a favourite pup?
- How long did it take you to design yours?
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- How many days will it take to grow? Hard to know. We expect time to pass in a linear fashion: seconds, hours, days... but it's just a well-crafted illusion. Out here... anything goes.
- CS tag black and white or colored: You can definitely figure out some things looking at my past outcomes. This might even be one of them!
- Favorite Season: What are seasons?
- My pup will definitely make a big change this year... will the adult even be the same species?

#1 - I might answer some questions, but I did leave you a hint. Can you find it? Are you listening?
#2 - C22162178214Q2622571223I26152121 - Bold Numbers are 17 4 22 712
#3 -
#4 - I'll answer some questions if you make any progress at all on my hint(s)! do you have them all?
#5 - Hmm, if you guys are up for decoding… my hints are lonely out there.
#6 - Post update: Iyleen and -731
#7 - Adding up #s from #2 = 755, subtracting 731 from that is 24!
#8 - You have everything you need to figure out which pup belongs to me.
Hints are fun, but unnecessary, when the truth is plain to see.
#9 - “Are you listening?” was a hint, but it helps solve the code, not a reference to the outcome’s appearance.

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 7 (in transparent)
#2 - ★ [ Guide to Lacuna Pets - Staff Dogs ] ★ - 2021 Info
#3 - Discussion Thread - PG 7 (in transparent writing)
#4 - Discussion Thread - PG 26 (in transparent)
#5 - Discussion Thread - PG 47
#6 - ★ [ Guide to Lacuna Pets - Staff Dogs ] ★ - 2021 Info
#8 - Discussion Thread - PG 5
#9 - Discussion Thread - PG 51
Metallic Dragon- Do you have a favourite pup?
I like Burrito Bunny's outcome a lot, and Zeena's
- How long did it take you to design yours?
Not long, as soon as I saw the palette I knew what I wanted to do
My pup was done in April. Adult was mostly done then too, but I updated some stuff on it last month because I didn't like it.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Day- or Nighttime: Neither
- Age: About 8 years old.
- Others describe outcome as: A little chilly, decisive, but also can be fun to be around.
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: If they can find it, they will try to eat it
- Prefered piece of clothing: Yes
- Favorite holiday: Is there a holiday where everyone brings them snacks?
- Does Halloween count? Halloween is too much effort for the snacks xD
Though if they did participate they'd be all-in winner winner chicken dinner
- Great Eyesight: Yeah pretty good
- Can see better durinig day / night: No
- Will your pup have a bowtie? No bowtie c:
- No elaborate hints from me this year, once they start growing feel free to ask some questions and I'll answer some probably. (PG 5)

#1 - Respond to post of Bridgy1234 on PG 25
Oh it's me again, hello. I was playing dinosaurs last night and forgot to check this thread. But rest assured I am back on the prowl and open to answering more questions
^Look a fantastic, 100% correct guess

- CLAIMED! their outcome

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Favorite Season: Probably fall, the spookiest time of year
- Full of energy or more a mellow personality? I'd say pretty mellow, though I guess it really depends on what's going on. cough cough Berri's pup tormenting mine cough cough
- omnivore, carnivore or herbivore: My pup likes anything tasty
- Do they like to cuddle or prefer to be left alone? Cuddling, definitely cuddling

- most interesting thing about your pup: Hmm, probably my pup's ears are interesting this year
Interesting Information:

#1 - Added Day 1 Panda pup dressup to Signature

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Signature update

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - Dressed up a Day 2 pup with a Rainbow and lovehearts
saying: YES
Pup was also added to Signature and name is also Yes.
#2 - Just going to drop in and say my pup shouldn't be too hard to find :)

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Staff Pup with item
#2 - Disucssion Thread - PG 36

Raire- Do you have a favourite pup?
Aarons, Koikees and Fiery Gatohs!
- How long did it take you to design yours?
Couldn't pull off my first idea, so I had to switch it... most of the design stayed, but I had to think about some other details and it took me quite long to decide what to do. Let's just stay I started back in April und only finished it shortly before the deadline. OTL
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Any designs similar to this one? Not at all.
- Main color on outcome: Mh, that is a good question... do you want to know what is the most used or the most important colour? Choose wisely. =)
- Personality of outcome: Faithful and calm, a very friendly and trusting soul.
- Age: Old, so very old... hundreds of years...
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: They simply... don't.
- Prefered piece of clothing: No clothes at all, that just looks silly.
- Likes to troll me with weird directions and updates Hints all the time. They won't always stay!

- CLAIMED! their outcome

reynard- Do you have a favourite pup?
Burrito Bunny, Xem, Dama, and Celozon's are all some of my faves this year.
- How long did it take you to design yours?
I had it in mind for a few months and consulted some friends about my idea, but actually put thoughts and concepts to paper in early August and was able to finish over two drawing sessions.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
You could say that.

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Main color on outcome: Unlike the apple palette year, I actually used all the colors this year lol.
- Personality of outcome: Heart on its sleeve.
- Age: Bright-eyed and fresh to the real world.
- Others describe outcome as: Not sure actually. Chaotic?
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: Artichokes or Blue Claw Crab.
- Prefered piece of clothing: Band Merch, quarter zips, and cozy hooded sweatshirts. Also rocks the backward baseball cap a lot.
- coloration of their nose: It certainly does have a nose.
- Previously Bel Racat, back from hiatus. (Did Staff Dogs in 2014 - 2016)
- I have a track record to maintain I planned ahead! (Quoting Discord Message)
- When y’all figure out which dog is mine, you’re going to look back and be like “ohhhhhhh”.
- can confirm, because I picked my outcomes growth date.

#1 - this year, I gave you my heart.
#2 - my pup is not a PPS
#3 - <3 y'all didn't expect me to make this all easy did you? I have a reputation to uphold!

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 4 (in transparent)
#2 - Discussion Thread - PG 52
#3 - Discussion Thread - PG 53 (in transparent)

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- CLAIMED! their outcome
Schnuffel Bunny

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- NEW Staff Member

- CLAIMED! their outcome
CLAIM: PG 45 (Screenshot of Discord Claim)
Schuyler - Do you have a favourite pup?
My favorites are Doglike's, Metallic Dragon's, and Kazin's!
- How long did it take you to design yours?
A few hours a day/night over 2-3 days. My usual design process is "try something random, don't like it, undo, try something random, don't like it, undo ..." Rinse and repeat until I accidentally myself into something I think looks cool and roll with that. :'D
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
Nah, not really.

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Will your outcome be a pps? Nope
- Leaves, books, reptiles, fairytale, fall/autumn, cat, crystal, sword, stone...
is the theme amid these words? (or from an older comment by someone that i havent read yet lol)? Yep :3
- Favorite season: Definitely fall!
- energy bundle or mellow personality: More mellow and serene for sure.
- likes to cuddle or prefers to be alone: I think they'd love to cuddle.
- Most interesting things about your pup? The pup.
- Favorite word? They have one, but they made me promise not to tell. :c
- Favorite weather? Cool and sunny or partly cloudy
- Favorite color of this years palette? I like the blue-green.
- As usual I won't be confirming mine until it's fully grown, but someone has guessed the correct theme. :3
- There are no hints in my signature.

#1 - Y'all notice it yet?
#2 - Are you sure you've seen everything there is to see regarding the scene?
#3 - Have fun!
Tip 1: 1 item/pet = 1 thing
Tip 2: Everything follows a single theme.
#4 - There is no theme to the scene. Again, y'all want to look more into it than the big picture. ;)
#5 - but wings are not the theme to look for.
#6 - The 8 in the scene title has been deciphered correctly to mean that you're looking for 8 things in the scene that follow a common theme that relates to my pup. Nothing more to it than that. ;)
#7 - Mine will probably be much easier to identify once fully grown!

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 55 (in transparent)
#2 - Discussion Thread - PG 59 (in transparent)
#3 - Scene Description - (in transparent)
#4 - Discussion Thread - PG 61
#5 - Discussion Thread - PG 64
#6 - Discussion Thread - PG 95
#7 - Discussion Thread - PG 103 (found hidden text)

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - Newborn Stage Dressup Titel: Let's keep it simple

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Dressup Scene
Shy- Do you have a favourite pup?
My faves this year are from EmberWolf and Burrito Bunny.
- How long did it take you to design yours?
It took me an unnecessarily long time to decide how to use the colors in the palette... so definitely a few hours.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
I'd have to say no on this one :')

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Favorite season? they definitely prefer winter, most temperatures are too warm for them.
- NEW Staff Member
- Confirmed that they would leave hints around the site. - PG 9

#1 - Have you seen ▓▓▓▓▓▓ lately? - (Picture with TV Static)
#2 - Picture was added on:
He was eager to learn, though. There was even speculation – could there be ▓▓▓▓▓▓? Have you seen ▓▓▓▓▓▓ lately?
#3 - Hidden picture link:
The Atom: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Volume 6 Number 2 February 1969 Paperback –
#4 - Found in 1969 feb issue of the atom: "There was even speculation-could these be visitors from Mars? Have you seen a green light lately?"

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Signature update
#2 - Hidden Picture link
Sixbane Answered Questions for Outcome: - Any designs similar to this one? Don't think so! The inspiration for it is something I haven't done before, though it wont be out of line with one of my theme vibes - Personality of outcome: He's pretty grouchy! Probably because he's not really from around here, but he's certainly got some sharp edgesHints:
#1 - Dressup Scene from the 01.09.21 - spacey

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Dressup Scene

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - 0100100001100101011011000110110001101111001000000101011101101111011100100110110001100100
- Means: "HELLO WORLD" translated
#2 - 0101101001111010011110100111101001111010
- Means "Zzzzz" in binary

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread PG 4
#2 - Discussion Thread PG 20

Answered Questions for Outcome:
#1 - You won't hear a peep out of me :)

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - New Interests entry

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Grown at least once? they have had one growth so far.
- Does it have blue eyes? yes!
- What's your favorite thing about your pup or final outcome? probably their expression, and something else that will blatantly stick out in their adult growth that will confirm it’s mine lol
- Favorite word? "Spotlight"
- Favorite month? December
- Favorite weather? Light rainy days
- Favorite color from this years palette? Gray
- CLAIMED! their outcome

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- CLAIMED! their outcome
Yugi- Do you have a favourite pup?
I genuinely love them all and appreciate their uniqueness 😭
- How long did it take you to design yours?
I finished them back in April. I was actually very excited about this year's color palette lol, I had already jotted down some design ideas >m<
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
Well uh, she's repping my current hairstyle if that counts? B)
- Favorite color of this years palette:
My absolute favorite has to be the teal, though my outcome would probably enjoy all of the bright colors present lol

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Personality of outcome: She's pretty shy, but once she grows on you, she definitely radiates confidence. Overall, she's a go getter, and will stop at nothing to get what she sets her mind to!
- Age: She's an adult
- Others describe outcome as: Based on her appearance, people would probably think that she's bubbly and naïve
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: Would have to be instant shrimp ramen and for her drink, it's instant coffee with cream
- Prefered piece of clothing: Mechanic jumpsuits, as she appreciates the extra pockets to store her many tools :,)
- Favorite hobbies: mechanics
- Collect / hoard any items? She hoards snack packets unknowingly B,) She tends to do work at home, whether it be at her desk or her small "workshop" area, so she often snacks when she's working on projects which leads to packets accumulating. She could be a whole lot better at keeping tidy, but she gets too tied up in focusing on her work to really mind it lol
- Any Powers? Mmmm.... perhaps not powers in the sense that most people often think? She's got a bit more strength in her limbs than what the average person is born with.
- Where they live: She lives in the city!
- Great Eyesight: While not exactly the absolute best, she does have the ability to zoom in.
- Can see better durinig day / night: She can see better during the day!
- Favorite word: Hope Though she does prefer to use emoji over words :3c
- Favorite month: April
- Favorite weather: Warm breezes and overcast skies
- Additionally, some of the hints may only be noticeable when she's fully grown if that helps any!

#1 - Though, some may say my dog's a pretty skilled techie!

- CLAIMED! their outcome
#1 - Discussion Thread - PG 4 (in transparent)
Zeena- Do you have a favourite pup?
Really adore Doglike's and Emberwolf's outcomes!
- How long did it take you to design yours?
It took me a while! I don't have a tablet or anything, all my pets are made with a laptop mouse trackpad lol so any pet I design takes a decent amount of time for me to work on.
- Does your pup remind you of yourself?
I guess in a way? I always add something to my staff dogs that are hints of things I enjoy, and this year probably has a slightly heavier hint to it c:

Answered Questions for Outcome:
- Age: Very old :p
- Others describe outcome as: Might appear a bit cold at first but they're super relaxed and really enjoy being social with others since they generally don't get a lot of social time
- Favorite food / drink / consumable: Has a preference for exotic fruits
- Prefered piece of clothing: They adore shawls and gowns
- CLAIMED! their outcome