A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Greenbrae Property Owners Association - Useful Links and Contacts | www.greenbrae.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | If you have any more updates, edits or additional links, please email them to webmaster@greenbrae.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Site | Phone Number | Web Link | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Safety / Emergency Resources | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Nixie Community Notification Sign Up - Marin | - | https://local.nixle.com/county/ca/marin/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Marin County Sherrif Alert Sign Up | - | https://member.everbridge.net/index/453003085612554#/signup | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Sign up for Alert Marin Notifications | - | www.marinsheriff.org/services/emergency-services/alert-marin | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Central Marin Police Authority | (415) 927 5150 | http://centralmarinpolice.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Marin County Sheriff's Office | (415) 479 2311 | https://www.marinsheriff.org/about-us | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Neighborhood Response Groups | - | www.nrgmarin.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Marin Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) | - | www.readymarin.org/cert | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Marin Medical Reserve Corps | - | www.marinhhs.org/marin-county-medical-reserve-corps | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Marin Interagency Disaster Coalition | - | www.midcpartners.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Emergency Preparedness Tips | - | www.readymarin.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | PG&E Wildfire Alerts | (866) 743 6589 | http://pge.com/mywildfirealerts | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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17 | Fire | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Central Marin Fire Department | (415) 927 5077 | https://centralmarinfire.org/contact | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Kentfield Fire Protection District | (415) 453-7464 | https://www.kentfieldfire.org/contact | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | How to become a Firewise USA site | - | https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/By-topic/Wildfire/Firewise-USA/Become-a-Firewise-USA-site | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Cal Fire - Ready for Wildfire | - | http://www.readyforwildfire.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | CalFire Personal Home Survey | https://www-calfirecloud.msappproxy.net/DSpace | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | National Fire Protection Association | - | https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/By-topic/Wildfire/Preparing-homes-for-wildfire | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Fire Safe Marin Site & Newsletter | - | https://www.firesafemarin.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority | - | https://www.marinwildfire.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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27 | County of Marin | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Marin County Supervisor Katie Rice | (415) 473 7331 | https://www.marincounty.org/depts/bs/district-2/home | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Marin County Parks | (415) 473 6387 | https://www.marincountyparks.org/about-us/contact-us | |||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Marin County Public Works | (415) 473 6528 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Marin County Community Development Agency | (415) 473 6550 | https://www.marincounty.org/depts/cd | |||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Marin County Email Newsletters Updates | - | https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAMARIN/subscriber/new | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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34 | City of Larkspur | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Larkspur City Council | (415) 927 5007 | http://www.ci.larkspur.ca.us/114/City-Council | |||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Larkspur Planning Commision | (415) 927 5038 | http://www.ci.larkspur.ca.us/120/Planning-Commission | |||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Larkspur Public Works | (415) 927 6746 | http://www.ci.larkspur.ca.us/Directory.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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39 | County Service Area No. 16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | County of Marin, CSA#16 Details | (415) 473-3639 | https://apps.marincounty.org/bosboardsandcomm/boardpage.aspx?BrdID=18&return=default.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | CSA #16 Adisory Board Overview, Minutes and Agendas | - | https://www.marincountyparks.org/about-us/boards-and-commissions/csa16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Members of CSA #16 | - | https://apps.marincounty.org/bosboardsandcomm/mbrlistpublic.aspx?BrdID=18&return=search.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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44 | Local Works/Project Information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Corridor Rehabilitation (Highway 101 to Ross) | - | https://www.marincounty.org/depts/pw/divisions/projects/engineering/sfd-rehabilitation-project | |||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Upgrade teh Drake Website | - | http://www.upgradethedrake.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Marin Ramp Metering Project Northbound US-101 (2019-2020) | - | http://www.dot.ca.gov/d4/101marinrampmetering/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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49 | History | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Kentfield-Greenbrae Historical Society | (415) 484 5447 | https://www.kghs.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Marin Nostalgia | - | http://www.marinnostalgia.org/greenbrae/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Kentfield-Greenbrae Historical Society Facebook | (415) 484 5447 | https://www.facebook.com/kentfieldgreenbraehistoricalsociety | |||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Catenary Video Porductions | - | http://catenaryvideo.com/nwp.html | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Marin History Museum | - | https://www.marinhistory.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Hooked on Marin - Trains in Marin: Past, Present and Future | - | https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2835&v=pIh50CuHYgs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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57 | Sudden Oak Death Resource List | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Steve Swain, Environmental Horticulture Advisor | (415) 473 4204 | http://cemarin.ucanr.edu/contact/Staff_and_Volunteers/?facultyid=3071 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | ASTRO Insecticide | (800) 321 1362 | http://www.fmcprosolutions.com/LawnCare/Products/Insecticides/AstroInsecticide.aspx | |||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | UC Davis Cooperative Extension Marin County: | (415) 473-4204 | http://cemarin.ucanr.edu/index.cfm | |||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Tree Care Professionals Trained to Identify SOD: | (707) 445-7351 | http://www.suddenoakdeath.org/about-sudden-oak-death/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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63 | General Information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Marin Maps | - | http://www.marinmap.org/dnn/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Sales tax | - | https://www.avalara.com/taxrates/en/state-rates/california/cities/greenbrae/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | City of Larkspur Map | - | https://www.ci.larkspur.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/472/City-of-Larkspur-General-Plan-Land-Use-Map?bidId= | |||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | Marin County School Directory | - | https://www.marinschools.org/domain/150 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
68 | Go Marin - About Greenbrae CA | - | https://gomarin.com/greenbrae-ca/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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70 | Local Representation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Assembly Member Marc Levine | - | https://a10.asmdc.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Congressman Jared Huffman | - | https://huffman.house.gov/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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