The idea of the project was to create a personal narrative digital story showing an important event/moment in my life and the meaning of that event using the layers of voice, image, and sound to enhance the effect. Using Sony Vegas, a video editing program, I strung together pictures both from my life and the internet to help tell a story about my Aunt Diane's death, and how it affected me. Writing the script, editing the video, and recording the voiceover(using Audacity, an audio editing program) altogether probably took me around 8+ hours of work.The Death of Diane DorflerAndrew DorflerMrs. Hunter

TEC.9-12.3.8: use a variety of applications to plan, create, and edit a multimedia product (e.g., model, webcast, presentation, publication, or other creative work)

FAM.9-12.H5.2: Affirm individual, social and cultural diversity.

FAM.9-12.H7.3: Recognize individual responsibility and the needs of family to manage and adapt to change.

FAM.9-12.H9.3: Predict impact of changes related to family, work, school, and community roles.

FAM.9-12.H2.3: Demonstrate skills necessary in the physical, social, and emotional care and nurturing of family members.
Pudding StoryAndrew EsserMrs. Berry
This is a student-made project for my high school English class. We were to create a 'slice-of-life' video and incorporate a moral into the story. I used my iPhone to film and Final Cut Pro to edit. From the acting, voicing, and drawing characters, to overall editing, I spent 52 hours on this project. Over the Rainbow - A Digital Story Anne Renee CorpusMrs. Klusendorf
This is a student-made project about my daily routine. I used my iPhone to film videos and Final Cut Pro to edit. From creating a story board, translating it to French, acting out the scenes, to overall editing, I spent approximately 32 hours on this project.

Please turn on English Subtitles as this whole video is in French.
French Project: Ma Routine QuotidienneAnne Renee CorpusMrs. Elkins
My Digital Story was one of the most personal forms of communication I created for a school project. It was a required component in my Narrative Portfolio for College Writing. Honestly, editing this video, which was created on iMovie, was really difficult. I spent about 20 hours asking for advice from Mrs. Hunter, finding the perfect background music, adjusting the volume, and searching for pictures. Although it was a excruciating process, mentally and physically, I enjoyed creating the digital story the most in all of my assignments.
A Special 23Chaelynn LeeMrs. Hunter
Digital Story Assignment: To create a personal narrative digital story showing an important event/moment in my life and the meaning of that event using the layers of voice, image, and sound to enhance the effect.

Stranger Among the Descents of the Qing DynastyCharvi ChhatwalMrs. Hunter
The assignment was to create a personal narrative digital story showing an important event/moment in my life and the meaning of that event using the layers of voice, image, and sound to enhance the effect. I used WeVideo and worked on it over the course of about 3 weeks. My grandpa is very important to me and he's recently been diagnosed with multiple health concerns, I just wanted to let him know that I will be there for him.WalnutsChelsea GlissonMrs. Hunter
I created it by using iVideo. I was an assignment for my Foods and Nutrition class. I spent about 4 hours recording my own voice, collecting original photos, and portraying my thoughts thoroughly.New Years Eve w/ Nono Chloe Russell Mr. Berry
I created a digital story using WeVideo. The assignment was to show an emotion connection to a food. I spent about three hours on this assignment. Courtney's Digital StoryCourtney FarrishMrs. Rooker
My project is a digital narrative that I made with Movavi video editor. The assignment was to present a lesson or story that you have learned in your life. I spent approximately five hours in total on this project, some spent on writing the script, some on recording audio, and some on editing the photos used.UnextraordinaryEleanor SanfordMrs. Hunter
I created this digital story through WeVideo for my college writing second quarter portfolio. I spent a great amount of time on this piece, probably two or three nights, so I could capture my message well and to show much competitive cheer meant to me.The Blue MatErin ScanlonMrs. Hunter
This project stemmed from our Narrative Unit in College Writing. Part of our assignment was to tell a personal story digitally. Because band allows me to enrich my learning, experience new things, and form lasting friendships, I knew that I wanted to create my project about band. Firstly, we had to write the script to the digital story, making sure to include specific details and powerful language. After multiple revisions, we moved on to aligning pictures with the script for maximum impact. Finally, we added music and transitions. I used Windows Movie Maker to assemble the pictures and music. To record narration, I used the Voice Memos on my iPhone. To transfer my personal photos to my computer, I used Google Photos. In total, I probably spent 30 hours on this project.Bonded By BandGabby HardyMrs. Klusendorf
My story about a Mac & Cheese competition.Digital Story 2017Jason DellayMrs. Berry
This project is a digital story for my Foods and Nutrition's class, and the assignment was to present to the class about a special food, recipe, tradition, etc. that meant a lot to you. I created my digital story by using an online video creator called WeVideo. I also used my phone to make a voiceover for the video. In my estimation, I spent about 4 hours on this project, but not all at once.
Here are some things I think yo should know:
1. I used a variety of applications to plan, create, and edit a multimedia product (e.g., model, webcast, presentation, publication, or other creative work)
2. Affirm individual, social and cultural diversity.
3. Recognize individual responsibility and the needs of family to manage and adapt to change.
4. Predict impact of changes related to family, work, school, and community roles.
5. Demonstrate skills necessary in the physical, social, and emotional care and nurturing of family members.
My Digital Story -- By: Jayda WhiteJayda WhiteMr. Berry
The purpose of this digital story project was to create a personal narrative about a specific event in my life that ultimately changed me and shaped a new way of thinking. The objective of this assignment was to convey the meaning of this personal event using tools that appeal to the viewer's senses. Layers of sound, voice overs, environmental audio, animated images and music were all effectively incorporated into this project to enhance how I delivered my message. These features, of course, required select computer programming to achieve.
I first composed a digital story script to read aloud of and record my voice. Since thoughtful revision was a mandatory component of the assignment overal, my script took over a weak and a half to finalize. Personally, I wasn't satisfied with my script until I completed the 5th and final draft of it. Once it was thororughly revised, I was ready to move on. All of my writing took place on Google Docs.
Secondly, I searched for audio effects and music to compliment my voice recording. All sound effects and music were spliced together and modified on Audacity, an audio editing computer program. The environmental sound effects were downloaded from I then managed to convert music videos from into audio files using Once I was satisfied with the audio recordings and sound, I merged it into a complete file that could be processed and saved as mp3.
The final portion of the project took place in Movie Maker, a hands on visual editing program that offers a variety cinematic video effects and textual editing. The visual component of my digital story consisted of GIFs and images- mostly GIFs. A GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) is a lossless format for image files that supports animated and static images. GIFs are basically animated images that show looping movement. Since Movie Maker can't process these GIFs as bare files, I had to convert each individual GIF into a video file using the application, GIF Editor. This was a somewhat tedious process considering that my project consisted of over 50 GIFs. Nonetheless, it was worth it all! I went into Movie Maker and aligned all of my GIFs and images chronologically; according to the plot of my script. I then opened my audio file I'd constructed in Audacity into Movie Maker and strategically aligned it with the GIFs and images. Narration, along with metaphors, symbolism and description are the main aspects that develop my digital story.
The ultimate message is targeted towards those who may second guess their decision to remain sexually abstinant until marriage- people like me. I want to influence them to stay strong minded. I used this assignment as an opportunity to voice one of the biggest struggles of this decision, criticism. In my story, I describe my encounter with a guy who was eager to take my virginity. I found myself targeted. Since he felt entitled to the rights of my body, he grew impatient and tried to make me feel ashamed of myself. I repeatedly used visuals of a vulture to characterize him (hence the title, "The Virgin and the Vulture"). I want my audience to grasp the understanding of self assurance. I want them to know that you shouldn't feel obligated to comply with those who find your moral decisions inconvenient. Sexual abstinence until marraige is a big decision to commit to. But it also can be very spiritually and emotionaly rewarding. My purpose is to empower those who've made the same choice as me.
In the end, this project was a very rewarding challenge. It took a matter of weeks rather than hours to complete. (This assignment took students a month to finish). It shaped me as a writer, enabled me to express my writing in ways I've never previously considered. When Mrs. Hunter allowed us to display our digital stories to the class, I, at first, felt nervous. Although I'm not ashamed of my decision, it does isolate me from the vast majority of my age group. Most people my age can't wait to lose their virginity and I happened to chose a different route. Exposing this personal decision to the student body may have a few drawbacks. I may have more attention drawn to me, but at least I'll be able to reach out to more people. Overall, I am splendid to have the oportunity to have my work showcased by the Technology Festival. This gives me a further sense of accomplishment and allows people to know more about my character.
I appreciate all of your judgement and thank you for considering my project! Enjoy.
"The Virgin and the Vulture"--for mature audiencesJazmeane RushingMrs. Hunter
I created this project by using wevideo. I used a combination of my pictures and pictures online to tell the story of my family and how we can peaches. The assignment was to create a digital story about a family tradition that was important to you. I spent about 10 hours on the project. Canning PeachesKara LehnerMrs. Berry
This is a digital story telling the story of my family reunions up north. I used we video. It was an assignment for my Foods and Nutrition class. I spent about 7 hours on it. Weekends Up NorthLauren HokansonMrs. Berry
This is a digital story I made for my College Writing class. I used iMovie and Audacity while creating this piece. The assignment was to create a story to show a realization I made in my life. I spent approximately 11 hours on this project. Celebrity Name GameLyndsay WhiteMrs. Klusendorf

I read the book "Me Before You" by JoJo Moyes for english class and to explain a major theme in our book we got to create a podcast that we would then present in class. I used iMovie to create it so I could add some picture and make it more interesting for my classmates. It took me about 4 hours outside of class time to create this,I had to write up what I was going to say, interview some classmates and teachers, then edit their parts in. I wanted to show how their are both sides for Assisted Suicide and how much the main character in the book had to deal with a lot trying to figure out what to do.

Works Cited
The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
Film Music Reporter. Web. 16 Apr. 2017.
"Film Music Reporter." RSS. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
Moyes, Jojo. Me before You. New York, NY: Pamela Dorman /Viking, 2012. Print.
Assisted SuicideMaggie LearDr. Culver
This project is my digital story I created using wevideo in my college writing class. The topic of this project was to create a personal narrative digital story showing an important event/moment in my life and the meaning of that event using the layers of voice, image, and sound to enhance the effect. For my video I chose to talk about my struggles with depression when I came to the high school.

I would estimate I put in around 15 hours into this project. Between writing narrative drafts, recording myself, finding music, finding images, and trying to get everything to line up perfectly.
My Solution to DepressionMitchell OlesonMrs. Hunter
I created my digital story using WeVideo, the tools I used included photography and voice over. The assignment required students to write a script and then show their cultural diversity in a video through a family recipe. In total I think it took me about 4 hours to make from start to finish. Grandma's Pecan PieNadia MunizMrs. Berry
This assignment was created using WeVideo and the purpose was to describe and recreate a family food recipe. We worked for about a month on this project.Foods Digital StoryNoah HaydenMrs. Berry
This project was for foods class about a dish that you have a personal connection with. I spent about 3/4 hours total on this project.TteukgukPaul MoonMr. Berry
This is my Digital story for Food and Nutrition. I used iMovie to create this project of a family recipe that I love. It took me an hour to create and finish.Red Raspberry JellyRosie WuerfelMrs. Berry
This is a digital story project made by using wevideo. It was an assignment for Mrs. Berry's foods and nutrition class in which we had to describe one food that involved family tradition and meant something special to each individual. This project took about a month to complete, due to the fact that we had to gather pictures and artifacts and record our voice. All of the pictures and videos in the project are original and therefore there is no works cited. Simi Kaur digital storySimerjit KaurMrs. Berry
The original assignment's purpose was to design a project concept, using an organized structure and a strong idea as the foundation. My project was created with the intent of exploring motivation and what powers people to accomplish things, but later became a story of how technology has affected society, specifically the younger people of my generation. I was inspired, quite literally, from looking through my camera. As I videoed my friends, I noticed a common trend: Almost every clip I had taken featured someone with their face shoved in a screen. I realized that far too many people in today's world were wasting their lives in an online fantasy, myself included. Hoping to make a statement and change the way others see technology, I created this video, spending in total around 12 hours, including videoing my friends and editing. TechnologySky StocktonMr. Culver

P.S. When watching, please make sure the quality is set to 1080p!
Thanks, Sky :)
The project I am submitting is my college writing digital story. The assignment was to take a personal narrative and turn it into a 3-5 minute digital piece. I used WeVideo to create the project, but took photos from the internet to fill it in (includes a work cited slide). The music was also from WeVideo. I spent roughly 8 hours from start to finish to write the script, fin images, piece them together, and add finishing touches. From Alexis to TylerTyler MastersonMrs. Klusendorf

I created this film using clips from my travels Russia while visiting my family this summer. In short, the main purpose of this short is to promote understanding and tolerance between cultures. From my experience, people are often prejudged in terms of nationality and country of origin. This goes for all nations. However, these countries are not the government or politics, but the millions of people underneath. Culturally Distant Vera Tikhonova Mr. Culver