You'll notice a lot of tabs at the bottom. "1_lines", "2_lines", "3_lines", and "e_lines".

The tab(s) your character appears in are listed above their image.

Also: the scripts are best viewed on a 16:9 display.
Also also: I am very aware that this title and story are cheesy as hell.
The narration in this story is created with ElevensLabs, using samples from Librivox and Wikimedia Commons.
Your voicelines will not be sampled for speech synthesis in any way.
Please see this document for more information!
1_, 2_, and 3_linesReimu -- Kristin Black
Everyone's favorite shrine maiden! Everyone except for whoever pissed her off this week.

That is to say, she sorta runs the gauntlet between "the quirky and loveable slice-of-life protagonist!" and "no-nonsense incident-solver who Hates Mondays". The events of this script lean toward the latter. Whenever a youkai (note: weeb term for "monster") is up to no good, guess which single person in this entire magical land of goofy scrimblos gets straddled with nearly all of the responsibility? That's right! Her and maybe Marisa. If Marisa feels like it. And if there's something "in it for" Marisa-the-treasure-hunter.

All of the girls are at least 20something. Reimu likely falling into the "early-mid 20s" bracket alongside Marisa, Sakuya, Sanae, and Youmu. Out of the bunch, Reimu is the midpoint. She isn't kick-back relax like Marisa or Sanae, but she also doesn't have a stick up her ass like Sakuya or Youmu. She's a responsible young adult with a strong moral compass.
I hate to say it... but the voice I read all her lines in sounds like a grumpier, less "Friendship is Magic™️!" version of Twilight Sparkle, lol. It is what it is. Less nasally and slightly deeper in pitch too.
1_linesMeiling -- Mervah2_linesEirin -- Aurora Nightigale3_linesMima -- EmpressBlue
She’s the gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and a master of hand-to-hand combat. She can easily punch a boulder hard enough for it to crack apart. In terms of physical stength, she's one of the strongest!

...unfortunately, this isn't a very useful skill in a world where most conflicts are settled by "who can fling the most pretty-colored projectiles at the other" competitions. That doesn't stop her from trying, of course!

Middling to deepish voice. Despite her obvious disadvantages, she takes her job very seriously.
Gensokyo's end-all-be-all when it comes to medical and chemical historia. Her immense wisdom makes her an immediate suspect for any incidents, though it is revealed that she's actually working diligently to find a solution.

1500 years old by the way. For purposes of voice acting however, aim for something around the 40-50 year old range. Her personality is less threatening than the image makes her out to be I promise lol

(But she's still very serious. Make no mistake.)
Mima's existence in canon is the subject of a long-running fandom joke. She hasn't appeared in a main series game since Mystic Square (1998), and with every new game's release comes a wave of "SHE'LL BE IN THIS ONE FOR SURE GUYS!!"-type banter. Additonally, PC-98 characters as a whole tend to have even less characterization than most Windows-era characters. Mima's boils down to little more than "evil spirit".

That said... I think you could play the "evil" part up, at least. Go for a sort of quirky "I'm so much smarter and better than you ohoHOH!" villain feel. Pitchwise, aim for somewhere middling-to-lower.
Maybe like Ritsuko Akagi in intonation, but deeper?Maybeeeee something like Rulue (but deeper)?
1_linesSakuya -- Mako-chii2_linesMokou -- Yaddle3_linesYoumu -- Mako-chii
She’s the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. This comes with both a strict sense of obedience to her master, and a stricter sense of authority to everyone she's placed in charge of.

Probably middling to sliiiightly lower in pitch, should sound very formal in all of her interactions.

I've included her in my stories before, but I'm not quite sure the other VA quite captured the personality I was going for. She almost sounded too monotone, frankly. She's a servant, but not lifeless.
An immortal hobo with an eternal grudge against an equally-immortal princess-of-the-moon. It's a long story, but the short of it is that they have more than enough free time to kill each other repeatedly. It's a similar dynamic to Spy vs Spy, but with cute girls.

She's very aware of her lack-of-mortality. As a result, she's suicidally smug. She still feels a little pain every time she gets speared in the head or has her entire skeleton crushed, but it's nothing more than an inconvenience. Snarky, nonchalant. Direct contrast to the aforementioned pretty-girl princess. Middling pitch.
Her disposition is similar to Sakuya. Instead of serving Remilia Scarlet and the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Youmu serves Yuyuko Saigyouji and the Netherworld. She uses two twin swords and extreme speed to blitz all those in her way.

As opposed to Sakuya, however, Youmu should be louder and more direct. She speaks like a knight, rather than a maid.

Her voice should also be a fair bit higher, since she's smaller in stature (though still firmly in that "somewhere in her early 20s" age bracket).
2_linesTewi -- LewdHeart3_linesSanae -- LewdHeart
A suspiciously-lucky Earth rabbit. She doesn't really have much in the way of wall-crushing building-collapsing powers. She's just lucky. And a bit of a mischevious little shit.

...mostly the "mischevious little shit" part. That's the main aspect you should play up. The person who originally wrote this story described her as "Danny DeVito (but not 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' DeVito)", which I agree with. High-pitched, kinda sleazy.
Sanae is Reimu's counterpart, even moreso than noted tomboy Marisa down there. Whereas Reimu is extremely focused on problem-solving, Sanae just kinda goes with the flow and ~vibes~. Some people headcanon her as a stoner, some less-savory headcanon her as a slut. Can you imagine that? Taking someone innocent like Sanae and using her for porn? Couldn't be me.

...regardless. She should have a bit of a wavery "la-ti-da" tone to her. Carefree, lighthearted. Similar pitch to Reimu (that being middling).
e_linesMarisa -- Mervah
It wouldn't be a Touhou story without Marisa! The voice notes for her little side-story are down here since it was kiiind of a last-minute thing I had thought of. The "e" in e_lines stands for "extra"!

Spunky and energetic, medium-to-slightly-high pitched voice. Definitely higher than some of the other roles I've given you, at least.

A lot of her dialogue is sassy and tomboyish. In stark contrast to Reimu, her more formal and by-the-numbers friend. Marisa's main means of solving incidents is to fire really big lasers at things until she gets what she wants. REALLY big lasers. Like, lasers big enough for you to go "are you compensating for something?".

Of note: this is a character I've included in my stories before, but I'm not able to recast the VA due to her having run into health issues. I wish her well 🙏

I've included her recording below- you can use it. You can also not use it. Up to you, really! Touhous don't have canon voices.
For reference, if you so choose.
e_linesPatchouli -- Kristin Blacke_linesNitori -- Yaddlee_linesYuyuko -- EmpressBlue
Shut-in obsessed with reading books and gaining knowledge. Her full name is literally "Patchouli Knowledge". It's true. Check the wiki. Did you also know she suffers from physically-debilitating anemia? You do now!

She generally sounds very... disinterested in just about everything. Not totally monotone, but pretty close. Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa is a good frame of reference, maybe a little lower in pitch though.

I've included in one of my stories before, but the VA has since dropped off the face of the earth. 😔
"She should sound middling in pitch and a bit 'nerdy'. Just a bit nasally. You know the type of girl I'm talking about: competent, but overly formal and pushes up her glasses (if she had any) whenever she gets embarassed. Some of that vibe to her would be good, I think."

I think an aspect of this character that I missed last time is her "gremlin"-ness. She'll happily sell you whatever dumbass gizmo she crafted up last week, but will flinch or scurry off at the slightest sign of threat. She's only slightly less of a rat than Tewi is. Keep this in mind.

...anyway. She's sort of similar to Sanae in that she's very laid back and "lol whatever" about things. Carefree. Charming. This is the perfect sort of very-disarming personality for her to have, considering her main ability is to kill whoever she wants on the spot.

Clocking in at 1000 years, this poltergeist rivals Eirin in age. She's a little "younger" however, so aim for late 30s, early 40s. Daresay, perhaps even a little "ara ara" (as much as I hate the term).
For reference. But I'd lean toward Kyoko, personally.Also, you've done this character before.