Editing NotesCharacterContextsecVocal SFXNarration/Dialogue
Written by COOLY52, edited and nitpicked by Nametaken.
The narration in this story is created with ElevensLabs, using only public domain samples from Librivox and Wikimedia Commons.
Your voicelines will not be sampled for speech synthesis in any way.
- When recording, pay attention to the Dialogue and Vocal SFX columns.

- Your lines can be easily found by searching (CTRL + F) the
first three letters of your character's name. Though, I would recommend reading the narration for further context.

- Whenever voice references are given (typically for canon characters), you don't need to mimick them exactly. Mainly aim to capture their personality/"schtick".
Frieren -- TabsVO (wiki link)
Fri306 words, 0 seconds of vocal SFX
FriAn elf who has plenty of experience in the fields of adventuring and questing. Prior to the events of the "Beyond Journey's End" series, she (and a party of other heroes) defeat the Demon King and bring peace to the lands. Unfortunately though, elves live far longer than humans, meaning she eventually outlived those party members. Hence, the series revolves around her just kinda spinning her wheels in place and tying up whatever loose ends her first journey left... sort of like how you'll probably miss a few sidequests in an RPG game your first time around.

Aura, below, is one of those loose ends. She served under the Demon King and persisted by herself after his downfall. Demons are played straight in this series- not one of those "oh they're just misunderstood quirky little guys!!" tropes but instead just evil and harmful to humans. Frieren is normally easy-going (if a bit enigmatic), but with a demon? A capital-d Damned capital-h Hell spawn? It's serious time.

It's a running gag in the series for her to be called an "old hag"/"granny"/etc by certain characters (mostly Stark), and they're kind of right. That hair isn't just a "Wacky Anime" color- it's genuinely grey. In elf years, 1000 is probably like 60 or something. Voicewise though, probably aim for an upstanding woman in her 40s.
FriVoice reference & the reason you see so many memes of her going "KILL YOURSELF" when image-searching :V
Aura -- HeartLewd (wiki link)
Aur192 words, 199 seconds of vocal SFX
AurAs stated above, 🫵you🫵 are one of the Demon King's underlings who lingered around after his death, like a living stain. If you're not sold on the whole "demons are evil" thing, she has an army of headless zombies. They're headless because she cut their heads off. Herself. Not cool of her, gotta say. She's able to do this using Auserlese (the scales in her hand, otherwise known as the "Scales of Obedience")- if her enemy has less soul/mana than her, she takes control of their body and mind. This also works in reverse!

Voicewise, she's slightly higher-pitched than Frieren and clocks in at 500 years (i.e. probably like 20-25 in terms of human years). Look at that smirk, she's real cocky about slipping away from the heroes all those years ago. This high-and-mighty attitude gradually slips away into desperation as her situation becomes more dire. Keep this in mind as you go through the script. Also of note, around line 90ish (give or take), you'll want to "husk" your voice a bit. Lower it, squish your cheeks together a little, make it sound like you're talking between two big jowls.
AurVoice reference (& spoilers if you haven't seen the series yet)
AURcalling, almost cooing

(this is pronounced "Ous-er-lease". see also: Auserlesen)
Once Aura spoke... a small flame, a pure-white orb of life essence materialized from Frieren's chest. It travelled from the elf to the demon, resting on a pair of scales the latter held.

Despite such a display of dramatics, Frieren remained stoic as ever.

Many years ago, the Demon Lord was fallen by Frieren and her crew of heroes. Aura, a subordinate of His, escaped to the Nothern City and spent the proceeding handful of centuries reorganizing an army of zombified soldiers. Crafted by her own hand, all victims of her scales, beheaded to ensure no thoughts of an uprising entered their minds. This type of cunning was what enabled her to linger on for so long.

("aura" is pronounced similarly to "Ar-uh")
You seem elated, Aura... do you truly believe this to be just another exhange?
AURupward inflection! rises in pitchAh, you will seeee!
Both of their souls rested on the scales... for whoever's soul weighed heavier with wisdom would win out. The person whom scales tipped in favor of, would gain control of the loser for eternity.

Aura was in possession of a fairly standard sword, but she rarely swung it for this very reason. Her experience and magical prowess far surprassed what any MORTAL could hope to reasonably achieve...

With the scales edging toward Aura, she billowed.
AURsharp, spiteful.

"Frieren" is pronounced something like "free-ren" or "free-rin". source: random video by a german guy I found on youtube. source 2: white guy video essay
Frieren the SLAYER... you may have lived a plentiful life, but the results of your growth don’t say much, do they? Have you grown rusty during this time of peace? Perhaps put your skills to work in other fields…?
Frieren stood silent, unphased.
AURhigh confidence- cocky!Whatever your excuse may be… you’re no match for-
light metal ringing
Aura's expression shifted, much as the scale shifted in its balance... both souls returned to being equally matched.
pause for further light metal ringing
And, eventually, in Frieren's favor.
FRIstern, frankYou lost this confrontation the moment you placed my soul on the scales, Aura.
AURslightly bewilderedWh... What? What do you mean?
FRIcontinuedI've been suppressing my true mana output this entire time. Perhaps even longer than you've been alive- it's become as natural to me as breathing.
AURmore bewildered...Gh-?!

That's... insanity! I've been alive for five HUNDRED years... you're nothing more than a SHADOW in my presence!
FRIwhen she calls aura a blight, she means itHm. Your blight on this world has been impressively long. But... it pales in comparison to the thousand years of knowledge that a mage possesses.
metal clangThe fireball representing Frieren flared to an inferno, SLAMMING the scale down. The other end launched Aura's soul meters into the air, before landing with a disappointing sputter into the mud.
AURMORE bewildered!This- this can't be!
FRIstern, "talking down"For years... you've tried forcing your way into the northernmost city. No doubt to ransack its people, hoard their supplies to yourself, proclaim victory for demonkind...

I could make your fate quick. A swift slice to the neck, like you've done to so many others... but I'll grant this one mercy. A chance to get 'what you've always wanted', in a certain sense.
AUR10light breaths, 10 seconds. she should sound petrified- literally! she's lost control of her body
FRIpause is her leaning in toward aura, menacinglyTravel into the city. I will inform them that you are to be treated as royalty. They will grant you all the food you desire. And then, Aura...


...gorge until you burst.
AUR5give me a few "nnHH-!!"s to use for "a sharp, hungerous pain in your middle". something like 5 total?
A sharp pain stabbed Aura in the stomach, as though she hadn't eaten in weeks. Years. Millenia, even.
AURdramatic shout!Frieren... FRIEREN THE SLAYERRR!!
Aura screamed directly into Frieren's face. Aura didn't move, for she was unable to. No matter how much she tensed her legs and arms to do so, they didn't budge.

Frieren also didn't move... because she knew Aura couldn't.
AUR5light breaths, stressed. 5 seconds
scene transition. wintery wind whoosh
The city's ruler was initially put off by Frieren's proposal. Such a method was criticized for being "sadistically extravagant" and "borderline wasteful". But- if it meant the permanent disposal of the city's biggest threat, there was little reason not to follow along.
kitchen ambiance. metal clanging, people talkingCooks, bakers... even those not in those types of fields chipped their fair share in. Assembling the biggest pile of food across the land, Aura arrived just as contributations began to dry up.
FRIdryImpeccable timing... just as I instructed. Your feast is ready.
She extended an arm forward with her fingers spread apart, then lowered it. Aura was lowered to her knees in perfect sync.
AURscoffing confidently. "schadenfreude" is pronounced like thisHmph... you're the actual demon here, you know that? Such a frivolous command... you're just engaging in your own schadenfreude!
FRIcont. dryI'm aware. I greatly look forward to seeing a demon like you... finally see karma.
Frieren grabbed a piece of pie from behind her. It was simple, but oh-so enticing...
AUR2nervious, audible "gulp"
hungry stomach rumble
AURteeth gritted, very bitterDamn you...
AURyou LUNGE your shoulders and neck forward, biting at a piece of pie dangling in front of your face. maintain your bitterness, this is not out of your own volition30BIG initial bite, then various biting and chewing noises. 30 seconds total
Without a hint of elegance, she began to tear the pie apart. Her prior sophistication and superiority both completely dissolved as Aura tore the slice- and then the rest of the pie- apart. She attacked it like a piranha smelling fresh chum.
AURyou finished the pie. this would normally be "enough" for most people, but you're being controlled to eat more10"haah, haah..." type heavy breathing, 10 seconds
Her face was plastered in apple fragments and sugary goo, small bits dripping off her chin.
AURshe says this "Willingly", but it should be pretty clearly not her will saying this, if that makes sensehff... more... and don't stop...
All of the townspeople- and some of her own soldiers she had ever-willingly brought along, each took turns shoving handfuls into her mouth. Aura’s mind fractured with every bite of meat and every slurp of stew... humanity's offerings were dense with flavor, but only seemed to make her HUNGRIER...!
growling beginsAURlow-ish in volume. this should also serve as a good transitioning point to the "husky voice" i had mentioned in the direction30weary moaning and groaning, 30 seconds
camera "pans" away, making aura's sounds quieter
For a moment, she wondered if demon physiology was different than humans, elves or dwarves... but after an hour of feeding, Aura's flat stomach rounded out to a paunch, another hour saw her arms thickening from branches to tree trunks, another widened her thighs, and yet another granted her at least a few extra chins...
94 demons can grow fat, it would seem.
AURswinging back and forth between immense pleasure and immense hate(Mnffh... glmffh... HUFF-) So... you're just going to sit there and watch? Stop pretending this isn't just for your sick pleasures!
AUR10cont. biting and chewing, 10 seconds
FRIneutral. the use of the term "sacrifice" here is somewhat ironic- this whole ordeal is not for some greater good, but instead because she just really hates aura/demonsEvery experience is something one can learn from. This is no different. Your sacrifice will provide valuable information for future generations.
AURstrain, clutching selfUrgh... gh-
AUR"vocalize" a belch. you could also try to for-real belch, but don't force yourself obviously lol. I have plenty of samples/SFX to use here"BUAAARP!"
AURshe's interrupted by her stomach growling in hunger. it conveniently happening mid-sentence is implied to be frieren's doingSacrifice, pah... I'd like to see you eat even a fraction of...


ng... more... I... I need more food...!
AUR30cont. biting and chewing, 30 seconds. slightly more ravenous?
FRIa small smile appears on her face :)That's more like it. Keep up the good work.
The piles never seemed to diminish, and everyone was more than eager to keep this up for however long was needed.
popping of stitches. riiiping and teaaaring of clothesHer outfit began to rip and tear around her swelling body. Her thigh-high boots creaked along her thickening legs, her gloves stressed along her growing arms, her necklace stretched along her blubbery face... and her mammoth stomach could only TRY mitigating the flow by fattening the rest of her up. Regardless of who was in control, this would be a futile task in any circumstance. It bloated to mammoth proportions, stretching up toward the sky.
AURshould be slightly 'slurred' to read something like: "fashter… s-shtill… sho hungry…!". assume all your lines are like this from hereon out. VERY important!(hfff… haaah…) f-fashter… S-Still… so hungry…!
FRIsharpYour speech has grown more unintelligable than an ogre's. At least they have the brawn to justify such a fact...
AURincreasingly wearyShut... upppp... nnnhhh...
AURa gag. it should sound "gaggy" (tense up your throat)HGK-!
A wet belch escaped her throat, containing some digest that hadn't particularly agreed with her. Yet when presented with another plate of roasted boar and fried greens, she lapped it up.
AUR30slower, more intense chewing. like 40-50% speed. 30 seconds.
Swallowing made her entire being pulse. Immensely overfilled, never satisfied. The feeling of her skin stretch tight made her eyelids harshly shut.
AUR"bhff" is another gag, "BLEUGH" is her wet-belching another ball of foodgoopCurse... youuu... (bhff- [...] blEUGH-!)
FRIsome excitement in her voice! of course, this is only to taunt auraDon't worry. I'm sure your comrades will love to hear of the royal treatment you received. Their jealousy will ring out through the spirit world!
The irony wasn't lost on her. She was but a subordinate to the Demon Lord, through and through. The last thing she would want is to be "royalty".
AURincreasingly more difficult to speak with each line. remember to make it slurred!Torturer... (hfffmmngh… hfff… HURLPK!!...)

you... monster...


m... more...
Grilled chicken and potatoes gurgled in her throat.
AUR"tooo" as in "to"So... close tooo...
She tried to say something, but immediately forgot. Double vision blurred her sights, she couldn't even discern what was going into her maw. Nor could she fully swallow it at this point- her throat made the motions, but her shoulders and ribs creaked under duress. She sat utterly engorged, an irritated bomb. The townspeople had long since evacuated, leaving only Aura's soldiers... and Frieren.
footstepsAURtry to shut the back of your throat to acheive some really gutteral sounds. it should feel a little gross!30misc "gurgling" and gagging, 30 seconds
Frieren, who hadn't fed the demoness since the beginning of this ordeal, finally approached her once more. Aura recognized a white blot against the night backdrop, and behind the flabby muffs covering her ears, a voice:
FRIthis is serious. When you reunite with your Demon Lord, I want you to tell him how much better this world is without his rule. Without any of you...
She placed the end of her delicate index finger on the cube of indistinguishable foodstuff attempting to squeeze out of her mouth, pushing it back in.
AURrising "squeal"G.... GLMNGK-!
leather creaking & digestive buildupAura's face squealed, her eyes rolling up and widening a mile.
AUR7rapid lethargic huffing, 7 seconds
AURF-Frieren the Slayer… N-No wonder…
The elven mage turned and walked, not listening to whatever Aura was choking out.
AURweary acceptanceNo wonder we fell...
A thick, dark-beige mist erupted in the town center. The headless soldiers formerly belonging to her dropped to the floor, limp, freed.

Another demon successfully slain. Another open-ended chapter brought to a close.
walking fades back inAs for Frieren, she had other things to tend to now. Aura’s existence was no longer worth recognizing. The stains on the ground and nearby buildings firmly marked it as "past-tense".

Such was the life of a touted adventurer- always moving, lest their enemies catch up.