2021 Municipal Civil Election Responses
NameQ.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Brad Field My strength is leadership. I am a leader with a proven track record of getting things done in my business. This is in part because I have always been collaborative; I like to get to know my teams and I value listening to their ideas. I’m an expert at changing and setting culture because I know how to work effectively with people. I have experience setting goals, bringing teams together, training and supervising, keeping our collective eye on the ball, and bringing projects in successfully on or below budget. I’m not always the smartest guy in the room, but I know how to bring smart people together to achieve goals.I’ve always been supportive of Calgary’s amazing non-profit sector. Helping charities that help people energizes me. I’ve been part of many organizations in varying capacities, including: the Terminator Foundation that supports youth with addictions and mental health challenges (I’m the former Chair), Business Fore Calgary Kids (BFCK) that gives donations to various children’s charities (I’m on the board), Young Entrepreneurs, and Homes for Hope. Most recently, I golfed in the BFCK tournament on Sept 13. Over 16 years, we have raised more than $3 million for non-profit organizations that support local children in need. This year the foundation will make contributions to NSTEP, Between Friends and the Distress Centre FundMy friend, Perry Berezan. He is one of the most positive people you will ever meet. You can’t walk away from an interaction with Perry without feeling good about yourself and life.
Ward 1 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Ward 2 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Francis AranhaI know my ward at a grassroot level. from being a dishwasher, to uber driver I have done it all. Still use the public transport. completely understand what my residents need to thrive and succeed. Communicating and Governance are my key strengthsIm a volunteer by passion! from Food bank, city clean up drives, Drop-in centers, Helping the Indigenous people, saving lives by administering Naloxone- have done it all!Our Youth, they are very eager to learn and just need the direction, 38% of my ward population sis in the ages of 14-26. On the other end our seniors, I volunteer at the Senior homes, where i gain great wisdom and inspiration to do better.
Ward 3Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Ian McAnerinExtensive experience in turnaround situations and governanceThe Northern Hills in Ward 3. I have volunteered extensively - Northern Hills Connect, Creating Coventry, and Mural Project. As well, I founded the Night Market North, and was until recently the President of the Northern Hills Community Association. Moraig McCabe is a tireless community advocate that is the driving force behind Creating Coventry.
Mr Kumar SharmaMy passion to serve and to service the needs of Calgarians, I stand for transparency, accountability, sustainability and strong ESG policies as forms of leadership qualitiesI have been a broadcaster with in my Ethnic Community organizing both social and cultural events. I participant as a members of the communities within Ward3Each person meet in the communities inspires me to do better and to serve
Brent TrenholmI am a very organized person. I bring many attributes to city hall. I am a recovering athlete, played many sports, most notably hockey and triathlete. I am a certified personal trainer, who has trained many athletes, who also taught a course at a collage in northern Alberta.
I am a journeyman Millwright and welder and can build or fix just about anything. I have traveled around the globe and have been in many corners of not so nice of places. These trips involved week long instructing courses for workers on how to run and maintain oilfield equipment, installing computer systems. I also managed a service department for the western hemisphere and Russia. I dealt with organizing and sending equipment and people all over the world. I created and implemented the first service scheduling system for these areas as well. I have managed a few companies in my time in various industries. My job was one of an efficiency expert, as I would basically be hired to work with broken structures and systems and create productive stable facilities and environments. I did that by empowering staff and creating working standards to help create quality and results. This resulted in every department or facility that I managed lowering its operating costs while building proud and productive cultures.
I have coached and ran a few organizations over the last 30+ years.
I spent 10+ years in the political system in BC. I served on many committee and commissions. In 1993 I was elected to city council where I learned a lot of political structures and attitudes. My biggest strength is working in complex environments of all sorts. I have little fear and take action and always create positive results. I am married, have 3 kids and 6 grandchildren so know first hand about parental ears and raising a family, going to school, holding down a full time job and being elected all at the same time. I am a workhorse with a history of creativity and compassion.
I live in Hidden Valley. I served on the community association in a couple rolls and just recently built a 2' x 3' library.There are many people that I aspire to. As a leader I enjoy conversations from every perspective. The value of collaboration is truly the only way to solve simple and complicated problems.
Ward 4
Ward 5
Tudor DincaMy curiosity ; I've been fortunate enough to have a high degree of curiosity since I was a young kid. I've always had questions for most topics, kept an open-mind that I could be wrong since I am not an expert on multiple topics but most importantly, I just wanted to learn and better understand why everything around me is the way it is.When I was younger, I used to identify heavily with the Romanian community (since I am ethnically Romanian). However, in my young adulthood, I realized this is a shallow approach and today I gravitate towards people who are critical thinkers, that try their best to be logical and self-reflective. I know this is not a specific community but having more individuals in a community with these type of traits brings added value towards making that community better.This is a tough one because I am more inspired by ideals, goals or models than I am inspired by people. This is not to say that I can't be inspired by individuals, I've certainly been but in my opinion, it is a goal, it is a vision that brings a community together and motivates it to move forward towards its betterment.
Ward 6
Ward 7 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Terry Wong30 years of City Hall managerial experience, 6 years as a community and cultural leader.Chinatown as the Executive Director of the Business Improvement Area and Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill as Community Association President.In Chinatown, I admire Ms. Alice Lam, a young lady to inspires people to volunteer and give back to the community, especially, those less fortunate.
Ward 8 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Monique AuffreyHello, my strength is my kindness and ability to connect with people.I noticed you are affiliated with carya . I was CEO of carya for 6 months last year, Discovery House for 6 years and Family SOS in Halifax for 6 years. I'm a social worker by profession. This is one of the multiple communities I belong to. As a CEO, a social work professor at Dalhousie University and a volunteer on the board of directors for the Commonwealth Organization for Social Work for more than 10 years- I show up every single day for people! I serve people and communities by walking along side people and their communities to move actions forward and create positive change. I'm a connector, a mobilizer, a listener and my political platform pillars are based on competence, compassion and courage.My neighbours in Sunalta and now in Killarney have inspired me. I am a Calgarian by choice, having moved here in 2012 from Halifax. Calgarians are deeply caring people. When the floods of 2013 occured the children and parents organized care packages for community based organizations like carya and Inn from the Cold. Together we are creating a city where everyone has a place at the table. carya's Village Commons is an excellent example of that.
Ward 9 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Omar M'keyoThe sense of togetherness in diversity.Forest Lawn. Most of the time I help different people move out or in the community, I help translate, offer to drive individuals to and from appointments, I also help babysit so that a single parents can attend her appointment. I also volunteer with other charities in the area. ..the list goes on.Many people inspire me on a daily basis, for the simple fact that they everyday try to do something nice for their neighbors or to people they don't even know thus creating that sense of belonging.
Ward 10 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Esther SutherlandI am reliable, committed, hardworking candidate. We work evenings 6 days a week, working to pay our living expenses. On the top of that during the day we are distributing campaign brochures and placing lawn signs every where. Following Health care guidance to use mask and to keep distance. As well, we do philanthropic work, helping to a Christian Pastor to distribute humper to needy people in many communities.Forest Lawn and Pineridge communities. How I have meaningfully shown up for this community? We do philanthropic work, we distribute humper to needy people in Forests Lawn, Pineridge, Communities. We notice that in forest Law communities hundreds of people are surviving in food banks. Many Canadians low income are searching, applying for jobs, difficult for them to get a job. Because monopoly of jobs exist in Calgary. Many Canadians need affordable housing. Some people are homeless, looking food, bottles and cans in garbage containers. Welfare DENIED for them. Some homeless people are in temporary lodge in Dropping Centers, When the temporary lodge finish, welfare cuts the services for them. The unstable services by welfare giving to them, is affecting to homeless people morally, mentally and physically. IN ALBEERTA, HOMEELS PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE FREE MEDICATION TO CURE THEIR ILLNESS. Social and economic issues affecting to each community to look at, for good solutions for everyone's well being, motivated me to be a candidate to work on behalf of people who has being left behind and neglected by society.We are Christians followers of Jesus Christ principles of righteousness, to serve others. At church in our community we learn many good thinks to apply, while we have life in this earth. Applying our talents, gifts, and good skills with morality that we have and learned. As well my parents' wisdom to give to me, good education to be a professional, to be financial independent, to be able to purchases properties, to create belongings, and to share with others in need. My back ground: I am a former nurse, I worked for Health Care Institutions in Calgary, and Foothills Hospital, UNIT 42 Medical Short State. Former SAIT Polytechnic Alumni, Office administration program and worked at Talisman Energy, Geothech Exploration as a technician in Records management, codification and multitasking duties.
Ward 11 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Kourtney BranaganConnecting people! I like when I can tap into my internal rolodex and match people to needs/gives. I love being able to see relationships flourish this way. It's like matchmaking, only for community development.In my run for office my current community is other candidates across the city. Right now that means being available by phone, text, or email to help problem solve some of the clarity around election rules, sharing success stories from door knocking or engagements, or sharing visions candidates in other wards have with friends and family in those areas of the city.The relentless volunteers who have been giving time to both federal and municipal campaigns. Their heart and passion is what supports candidates getting elected and I wouldn't be here without their time, talent, and energy. They've uniquely brought their own values and perspectives to my campaign and have supported building a network of inspired Calgarians as a result.
Rob, WardBringing people together to accomplish a goal. I am a very detail oriented person with an excellent ability to collaborate with others, get buy-in, and get people working together to a common goal. This is aided by my strong communication skills, both written and verbal, and relentless pursuit of a better way to do things.I identify with our local non-profits and the outstanding work they do in our communities. As a committee member for the Willow Park Charity Classic I have helped raised over $11.6 million dollars for local charities. I have seen the impact this money has made on these organizations as well as the communities which they serve. It is a very rewarding experience and it is incredible to see businesses, individuals, and volunteers come together to raise massive amounts of money to help our community.Currently: volunteers. Anyone who volunteers their time is someone that inspires me. Time is our greatest asset, so to share that with someone else is very meaningful to me.
Ward 12 Q.1 What is your stength? Q.2 What community do you identify with? Tell us a time about how you have meaningfully shown up for this community? Who in your community inspires you? How have they shown you what it means to create belonging?
Evan SpencerCo-creation / AlongsiderMahogany / Connected neighbours through a grass-roots block building and connecting initative.Holly Davidson / She is constantly making friends in the neighbourhood and connecting people along lines of common interest and recreation. She brings her immediate neighbours together to build relationship.
Michael Streilein
My strength is in my ability to learn about new subjects quickly, dissect problems, and then find creative or unique solutions to address those problems.
I identify with Calgary as my community. I actively donate to causes within the community - private ones, support for home fires, and several food hamper initiatives.
Rae from Copperfield inspires me. She opens her heart and her home to people on her street. She actively goes out of her way to help people, asking literally for nothing in return. It is incredibly rare to see someone so generous with her time and energy.
Ward 13
Ward 14