Original textsClarityAccuracyConsistencyCompletenessConcisenessUsefulnessCommentsImprovement proposalArguments for proposed changes
Is the text clear and easy for users to understand?Does the text accurately reflect the nature and purpose of the information?
Is the text used consistently across the platform?
Does the text provide sufficient information about the nature and content?Is the text brief and direct, without unnecessary words?Is the text useful to users by clearly indicating the type of information they will find?
Display NameExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentDisplay name is a fairly clear and concise title for field, in general it is quite understandable, however public name is a good option if you want to emphasize that the name is visible to other users.
Public Name
LTI Application InformationFairFairExcelentFairFairGoodLTI Application Information can be a bit ambiguous because it does not specify what type of information is expected, and for users who do not know the LTI environment very well it may not be very clear what information to add. Description is concise and simply specifies the type of information expected in that field.
LTI VersionExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentIt is clear, concise and useful for the user to understand that they can select options-
LTI IDThis field will not be used in the new redesign
LTI URLExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelent"LTI URL" meets all the criteria of the UX Writing evaluation matrix. It is clear, precise, consistent, complete, concise and useful for users.
Tool Launch URLGoodExcelentExcelentGoodGoodExcelentIt is accurate and useful, although it could be slightly improved in terms of clarity and concision. However, this term is global so it should be kept as is to maintain consistency with the rest of the platforms.-
Registered Redirect URIsNeutralExcelentExcelentGoodGoodExcelentRegistered redirect URIs get high marks for accuracy and consistency, but could be improved for clarity, conciseness, and usefulness. Valid redirect URIs seem to be a solid option and is complemented by the description of that field.
Valid Redirect URIs
Tool Initiate Login URLGoodGoodExcelentExcelentFairExcelentThe term “Tool Login URL” is clear and specific in its purpose. However, it can be more specific to cover the different terms that are used.
Tool Login URL - OIDC
Tool Public Key ModeExcelentGoodExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentAlthough it may be a term that is not very clear to some users, it is a term that must be maintained to be consistent with outsourced platforms since it is a global term.
Tool Public KeyGoodExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentAlthough both are somewhat technical terms that not all users master, a tooltip with details will be added to make it clearer.
Tool Keyset URLGoodGoodExcelentExcelentGoodExcelent-
Enable LTI NRPS - Enable LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services.
FairGoodExcelentFairExcelentFairIt lacks conciseness and clarity, and could be improved to be more precise and useful to users.
Listing and Retrieving Student Info with LTI-NRPS
Deep linkingGoodGoodExcelentFairExcelentGoodIt is clear, precise, consistent, concise and useful for users, although it could improve in terms of clarity for those who are not familiar with the concept.-
Deep Linking Launch URL
LTI Assignment and Grades ServiceExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentFairExcelentIt is clear however it could be more concise.LTI Assignments & Grades
Custom ParametersExcelentGoodGoodGoodFairGoodIt is clear, however it must be supported with additional information so that users can understand how to use it.
LTI Launch TargetFairGoodExcelentFairGoodFairIt is not so clear to understand, it can be improved to imply that they are visualization options supported by additional information in the proposed tooltip
LTI Display Options
Button TextExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentThe terms are quite clear, precise and useful for users.
Inline HeightExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelent-
Modal HeightExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelent-
Modal WidthExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelent-
ScoredExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentExcelentIt is clear, precise, consistent, concise and useful in indicating the nature of enabling or assigning scores in the LTI component. However, completeness could be slightly improved by providing more details on how this action is performed.
Enable score
WeightFairGoodFairFairExcelentGoodWeight may be accurate, however it should be clearerPoints
Hide External ToolExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentIt is very clear, precise and complete about the action.
Accept grades past deadlineExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentIt is very clear, precise and complete about the action.
Send extra parametersFairFairGoodFairGoodExcelentIt is not clear what type of parameters are going to be sent, it can be improved so that they do not have to read the tooltip to understand the context. The proposal is a little longer, but more explicit.
Send Additional Information
Descriptions > tooltips
Display Name:
Enter the name that students see for this component. Analytics reports may also use the display name to identify this component.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentOverall, the text is clear, precise, concise, and helpful to users by informing what action to take and how the information entered will be used.
LTI Application Information:
Enter a description of the third party application. If requesting username and/or email, use this text box to inform users why their username and/or email will be forwarded to a third party application.
FairFairFairFairFairFairThis description can be improved to be clearer since this information is not seen by students.Describe your LTI tool. Provide additional details about its function, content, or purpose. This description will help other course creators better understand the purpose of the tool. 1. Clearer purpose: Directly states that the description helps other instructors understand the tool's purpose.
2. More focused: Avoids mentioning unnecessary details like username and email forwarding.
LTI Version:
Select the LTI version that your tool supports. The XBlock LTI Consumer fully supports LTI 1.1.1, LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage features.
GoodExcelentExcelentFairGoodFairAlthough it is short and precise about the options that users can choose, it is not so clear about the differences, so perhaps for some users it may not be so clear which version to choose.
Choose the LTI version that works for your tool:
LTI 1.1: Widely compatible, easy to set up, but has security limitations.
LTI 1.3 (recommended): Latest version, more secure, offers advanced features.
For more details, consult our documentation.
1. Clear Options: Presents LTI versions as choices without technical jargon.
2. Simple Explanations: Briefly explains the pros and cons of each version in plain language.
3. Actionable: Encourages users to consult documentation for further details.
Enter the URL of the external tool that this component launches. This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False.
See the edX LTI documentation for more details on this setting.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentFairExcelentthe text provides clear instructions on entering the URL of the external tool and indicates the condition under which this setting is applicable. However, it could be more concise without losing essential information.Link to launch your LTI tool and access its content.
For more details, consult our documentation.
1.Clear Action:
Uses "Link" which is more intuitive than "URL."
Highlights the purpose - launching and accessing content.
3.Simple Language:
Avoids technical jargon like "Hide External Tool."
Tool Launch URL:
Enter the LTI 1.3 Tool Launch URL.
This is the URL the LMS will use to launch the LTI Tool.
GoodExcelentExcelentGoodGoodGoodAlthough it is a clear text, a proposal with a more complete description is proposed based on the Open edx documentation.
This is the link to the external tool that will be launched when using this component. It's sometimes referred to as the Redirect URL in some tools.1. Simpler Explanation:
Instead of focusing on technical jargon like "LTI 1.3 Tool Launch URL," it explains it as the "link to the external tool that will be launched." This directly relates to the user's action and is easier to grasp.
2. Familiar Terminology:
It uses the term "Redirect URL" even though it technically isn't accurate in LTI 1.3. However, this term might be more familiar to some users compared to "Tool Launch URL."
3. Contextualization:
It adds context by mentioning "when using this component" which clarifies the purpose of the URL within the platform.
While the first description is technically accurate, the second version uses more user-friendly language and provides additional context, making it easier for the user to understand and complete the task. It avoids unnecessary technical jargon and focuses on explaining the purpose and usage of the URL in a simplified manner.
Registered Redirect URIs:
Valid urls the Tool may request us to redirect the id token to. The redirect uris are often the same as the launch url/deep linking url so if this field is empty, it will use them as the default. If you need to use different redirect uri's, enter them here. If you use this field you must enter all valid redirect uri's the tool may request.
GoodExcelentExcelentGoodGoodGoodIt has the necessary information and can be clear, however a description is proposed reducing very technical words without losing valuable information that can guide the user with clear instructions.
This URL is provided by your LTI provider. It's a secure link where the LTI tool can receive the user identification token.

These redirect URIs are often the same as the launch URL or deep linking URL.

If this field is left empty, it will automatically use them as the default. However, if you need to use different redirect URIs, please enter them here.

Remember, if you use this field, you must include all valid redirect URIs that the tool may request.
1. Simpler Language:
It avoids technical jargon like "id token" and "registered redirect URIs". Instead, it uses the simpler term "user identification token" and replaces "registered redirect URL" with "secure URL".
2. Clearer Structure:
It uses bullet points to break down the information into more manageable chunks.
It starts with a clear statement about the purpose of the field, "Secure URLs where the LTI tool can receive the user identification token."
3. Actionable Instructions:
It uses clearer instructions like "If you need to use different redirect URLs, enter them here." instead of "If you use this field you must enter all valid redirect uri's the tool may request."
4. Reduced Redundancy:
It avoids the repetitive sentence "the redirect uris are often the same as the launch url/deep linking url." This information is already implied in the first bullet point.
Tool Initiate Login URL:
Enter the LTI 1.3 Tool OIDC Authorization url (can also be called login or login initiation URL).
This is the URL the LMS will use to start a LTI authorization prior to doing the launch request.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentThe text is clear and precise.Please input the LTI 1.3 Tool OIDC Authorization URL (also known as login or login initiation URL).

This link is provided by your LTI provider and serves as the URL the LMS will utilize to initiate LTI authorization before proceeding with the launch request.
Tool Public Key Mode:
Select how the tool's public key information will be specified.
FairFairExcelentFairGoodFairThe information should be more complete so that users understand which mode they should use
Choose how to provide the tool's public key information:

Public Key: Is a specific key used to verify digital signatures,
Keyset URL: Provides a complete set of public keys for token verification.

Remember: The public key is necessary for verifying LTI tool signatures.
1. Simpler Language:
It avoids technical jargon like "Tool Public Key Mode." Instead, it uses the simpler term "tool's public key information".
2. Clearer Explanation:
It directly explains the purpose of choosing a method: "how to provide".
It offers brief definitions of "Public Key" and "Keyset URL" in plain English.
3. Actionable Options:
It uses clear and concise options: "Public Key" and "Keyset URL".
4. Reduced Redundancy:
It removes the unnecessary reminder about the purpose of the public key, as this is already implied by the context.
Tool Public Key:
Enter the LTI 1.3 Tool's public key.
This is a string that starts with '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----' and is required so that the LMS can check if the messages and launch requests received have the signature from the tool.
This is not required when doing LTI 1.3 Launches without LTI Advantage nor Basic Outcomes requests.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodFairGoodThe text is relatively clear and direct, although it could be more concise to keep the user's attention.
What is it? A special code that the LMS uses to verify that messages and launch requests come from the correct tool.

How do I identify it? It starts with "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----".

When do I need it? If you want to use LTI 1.3 Advantage features or send basic outcome requests.
Your tool provider provides you with this key.
1. Simpler Language:
It avoids technical jargon like "LTI 1.3 Tool's public key". Instead, it uses the term "special code".
2. Clearer Explanation:
It focuses on the benefit for the user: "verify that messages come from the correct tool".
It explains how to identify the key with a clear example.
It clarifies when the key is needed in simple terms.
3. Actionable Information:
It tells the user where to find the key (tool provider).
Tool Keyset URL:
Enter the LTI 1.3 Tool's JWK keysets URL.
This link should retrieve a JSON file containing public keys and signature algorithm information, so that the LMS can check if the messages and launch requests received have the signature from the tool.
This is not required when doing LTI 1.3 Launches without LTI Advantage nor Basic Outcomes requests.
GoodExcelentExcelentGoodGoodGoodThe text is clear, precise, and helpful in describing the function and purpose of the LTI 1.3 Tool Keyset URL, as well as the expected content of the URL and its usefulness to the LMS. However, you could be even more concise in describing the situation where the keyring URL is not necessary.
JWK Keysets URL It's a web address containing multiple public keys used for signing messages, like a secure key ring for the tool.

Why use it?
Helpful for managing long or frequently updated public keys. The LMS accesses this URL to verify messages and launch requests.

Where to find it?
Provided by your LTI tool provider.

Not required for basic LTI 1.3 launches. Consult your provider or platform administrator if unsure."
1. Simpler Language:
Avoids technical terms like "LTI 1.3 Tool's JWK keysets URL".
2. Clearer Explanation:
Briefly explains the concept using an analogy ("secure key ring").
3. Actionable Information:
Provides context for usage and where to find it.
Additional Considerations:
4. Bullet Points:
The use of bullet points improves readability and highlights key information.
5. Conciseness:
The explanation is shorter and avoids unnecessary repetition.
Enable LTI NRPS:
Enable LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services.
FairFairExcelentFairFairFairIt is not clear what it enables and there is a lack of information; However, it maintains consistency and coherence in the documentation.
The Names and Roles Provisioning service (LTI-NRPS) helps you quickly view a list of students enrolled in your course, along with their names and email addresses (if available). This information is helpful for understanding your audience and tailoring your teaching approach.

Note: This service only retrieves basic information with student consent.
For more details, consult our documentation.
1. Clearer Explanation:
It explains the service's purpose and benefits in plain language.
2. Actionable:
It avoids technical jargon like "Enable" and focuses on the user's action of viewing student information.
3. Benefit-Oriented:
It highlights how the information helps with understanding students and tailoring teaching.
4. Transparent:
It mentions that the service retrieves basic information with student consent.
Deep linking:
Select True if you want to enable LTI Advantage Deep Linking.
FairFairExcelentFairFairFairIt is not very clear what it refers to for users who are not familiar, it could be improved by adding more context
Enable deep linking to facilitate direct access to specific content within the tool. Availability of deep linking depends on whether the external tool offers this feature.
For more details, consult our documentation
1. Simpler language:
It avoids technical jargon like "LTI Advantage Deep Linking."
2. Benefit-oriented:
It starts with the benefit of adding direct access to specific content.
3. Clear call to action:
It tells the user what to do to enable the feature
Deep Linking Launch URL:
Enter the LTI Advantage Deep Linking Launch URL. If the tool does not specify one, use the same value as 'Tool Launch URL'.
GoodExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodGoodOverall, the text is clear, precise, and helpful in describing the action of entering the LTI Advantage deep launch URL. However, it could be clearer by providing a brief explanation of what "deep launching" is for users unfamiliar with the term, and more complete by providing more information about its relevance to the user.
Enter the LTI Advantage Deep Linking Launch URL.
For example, you could create a link that takes students directly to a specific quiz or assignment.
If the tool does not specify a Deep Linking Launch URL, use the same value as the 'Tool Launch URL'.
1. Benefit-Oriented:
Starts with a concrete example of how deep linking helps users.
2. Actionable:
Tells the user what the URL is used for.
3. Clear Instructions:
Provides guidance on what to do if the tool doesn't offer a deep linking URL.
LTI Assignment and Grades Service:
Enable the LTI-AGS service and select the functionality enabled for LTI tools. The 'declarative' mode (default) will provide a tool with a LineItem created from the XBlock settings, while the 'programmatic' one will allow tools to manage, create and link the grades.
GoodExcelentExcelentFairGoodFairAutomate grading and save time.
Choose how grades are managed:
- Declarative (default): The platform creates grade items based on your tool settings.
- Programmatic: The tool has more control over grade creation and management.
1. Simpler Language:
It avoids technical jargon like "LTI Assignment and Grades Service" and "Enable the LTI-AGS service."
2. Benefit-Oriented:
It starts with the benefit of automation and saving time.
3. Clear Options:
It presents the two choices for managing grades in plain language.
The new text focuses on the user's needs and avoids technical overload, making it easier to understand the functionality.
Custom Parameters:
Add the key/value pair for any custom parameters, such as the page your e-book should open to or the background color for this component. Ex. ["page=1", "color=white"]
See the edX LTI documentation for more details on this setting.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodGoodExcelentThe text is clear, precise, and helpful in describing the action of adding custom parameters. However, it could be more complete by providing additional examples or explanations of its use in different contexts.
Send additional parameters required for the remote LTI tool. The parameters you send depend on the specific LTI tool you're using.

Adding them is not mandatory; it all depends on the LTI. To find out if it requires custom parameters, consult your provider or check your tool's documentation.

Provide a key and a value for each custom parameter in the following format: {key}={value}

Think of them as labels with descriptions (e.g., "page number" and "5"). To open an ebook on page 5, you would use "[page]=[5]."
1. Simpler Language:
It avoids technical jargon like "key/value pair."
2. Benefit-Oriented:
It starts by explaining the purpose of the setting.
3. Clear Example:
It provides a relatable example to illustrate the concept.
LTI Launch Target:
Select Inline if you want the LTI content to open in an IFrame in the current page. Select Modal if you want the LTI content to open in a modal window in the current page. Select New Window if you want the LTI content to open in a new browser window. This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentThe text is clear, precise, and helpful in describing the options available for LTI release destination and when each applies. In addition, it is complete and concise, making it easy for users to understand and use.
Select how you want the tool to be displayed within your unit:
- Inline: Shows the tool within the current page.
- Modal: Opens the tool in a separate window on top of the current page.
- New Window: Opens the tool in a completely new browser window.
1. Simpler Language:
The avoids technical terms like "IFrame" and "Modal window."
2. Active Voice:
It uses active voice ("open the tool") which is easier to the user selects the display option.
Button Text:
Enter the text on the button used to launch the third party application
ExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentExcelentOverall, the text is clear, precise, and helpful in describing the action to be taken. It is concise and consistent with the platform's style, although it could be more complete by providing additional details about the context.
Enter the text for the button that launches the LTI tool.

This button will appear in your course content and allow students to access the LTI tool.
1. Simpler Language:
Avoids technical terms like "third party application."
2. Clear Purpose:
States the purpose of the button more clearly.
3. Conciseness:
Uses fewer words to convey the same meaning.
4. Contextualization:
Provides additional context about where the button appears and what it does.
Inline Height:
Enter the desired pixel height of the iframe which will contain the LTI tool. This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False and LTI Launch Target is set to Inline.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentFairExcelentIt is clear and precise, but a proposal is made to eliminate the information that is left over.
Enter the height (in pixels) of the iframe containing the LTI tool.1. Simpler Language:
The description does not repeat the word "iframe."
2. Conciseness:
The description is shorter and uses fewer words.
Modal Height:
Enter the desired viewport percentage height of the modal overlay which will contain the LTI tool. This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False and LTI Launch Target is set to Modal.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentFairExcelentIt is clear and precise, but a proposal is made to eliminate the information that is left over.
Set the height of the LTI tool window (as a percentage of the screen).

1. Removes unnecessary information:
Omits details about other settings as they might not be relevant to understanding the height concept.
2. Focuses on core functionality:
Clearly states the purpose of entering the height.
Modal Width:
Enter the desired viewport percentage width of the modal overlay which will contain the LTI tool. This setting is only used when Hide External Tool is set to False and LTI Launch Target is set to Modal.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentFairExcelentIt is clear and precise, but a proposal is made to eliminate the information that is left over.
Set the width of the LTI tool window (as a percentage of the screen).Conciseness: The description is shorter and uses fewer words.
Select True if this component will receive a numerical score from the external LTI system.
GoodExcelentExcelentGoodGoodGoodThe text provides basic information about the action to take, but could be more complete by providing additional details.
Let the LTI tool send your students' scores directly to your gradebook.
Enable this if:
-The tool has quizzes or assignments.
-You want to track student performance..
1. Clearer benefit:
Starts with the benefit of allowing the LTI tool to send grades directly.
2. Actionable:
Uses clear verbs like "Let" and "Enable."
3. Contextual information:
Provides when to enable/disable the feature with real-world examples.
Enter the number of points possible for this component. The default value is 1.0. This setting is only used when Scored is set to True.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentIt is clear and precise, but a proposal is made to eliminate the information that is left over.
Specifies the maximum achievable score for this LTI tool, with a minimum of 1.0 point.1. Simpler language:
Uses simpler words like "score" instead of "points".
2. Sentence structure:
Uses a more active voice, making it easier to understand.
Hide External Tool:
Select True if you want to use this component as a placeholder for syncing with an external grading system rather than launch an external tool. This setting hides the Launch button and any IFrames for this component.
GoodGoodExcelentFairGoodGoodThe text is clear and consistent with the terminology used on the platform. However, you could be more complete by providing additional details on how this affects the functionality of the component, making it easier for users to understand and use.
Controls whether the LTI tool appears on the course page
- Turn on: Hide the tool if you're using it for syncing grades with another system.
- Turn off: Show the tool if you want students to interact with it.

1. Clearer Wording:
Uses plain language like "show" and "hide" instead of technical terms.
2. Actionable:
Tells the user directly what happens when they enable/disable the option.
3. Benefit-Oriented:
Explains the purpose of hiding the tool (syncing grades).
Accept grades past deadline:
Select True to allow third party systems to post grades past the deadline.
ExcelentExcelentExcelentExcelentGoodExcelentprovides sufficient information about the action to allow third-party systems to submit grades after the stated deadline.
Allow external tools to submit grades for this assignment even after the set deadline. 1. Simpler language:
Uses simpler words like "external tools" and "grades" instead of "third party systems" and "post grades".
2. Sentence structure:
Uses a more active voice, making it easier to understand.
Send Extra Parameters:
Select True to send the extra parameters, which might contain Personally Identifiable Information. The processors are site-wide, please consult the site administrator if you have any questions.
GoodExcelentGoodGoodGoodGoodThe text is clear, precise and useful to users by informing about the function that the configuration performs. However, you could improve clarity and completeness by explaining the term "site-level processors"
Sharing additional user data:

This option allows external tools to access your students' names, emails, or grades.
Important: Consider the potential risks and consult with your site administrator before enabling this.
1. Clearer language: Uses simpler words like "shares" instead of "send" and "user information" instead of "extra parameters".
2. Highlights potential risks: Directly mentions "PII" (Personally Identifiable Information) and clarifies what kind of data might be shared.
3. Provides a clear warning: Emphasizes the importance of consulting the administrator with a separate "Important" section.