A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | |
1 | To increase capacity, we created a new page for adding new labs to our list. If you would like to add a new lab to this list -> use this form. If you are looking for a list of labs -> use this link | |||||||||||
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4 | Name | Research Focus | PI or Lab website | Possibility of Funding? | City, State | Country | Type of Lab | Email Contact | ||||
5 | Spencer Williams | Organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry | https://williams.chemistry.unimelb.edu.au/ | Yes | Melbourne | Australia | Academic lab | Sjwill@unimelb.edu.au | ||||
6 | Phill CASSEY | Invasion Science & Wildlife Ecology | www.cassey-invasion-ecology.org | Adelaide | Australia | Academic Lab | phill.cassey@adelaide.edu.au | |||||
7 | 15 PIs, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science | Microbial Ecology, Ecosystem Research, Environmental Geosciences, Computational Systems Biology | https://dmes.univie.ac.at/ | Yes | Vienna | Austria | Academic lab | zentrum.cmess@univie.ac.at | ||||
8 | Marie-Theres Hauser | plant developmental genetics | https://boku.ac.at/en/dagz/hauser | office space and computer | Vienna | Austria | Academic lab | marie-thers.hauser@boku.ac.at | ||||
9 | Silvia Ramundo | Plant biology (genetics, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry) | https://www.oeaw.ac.at/gmi/research/research-groups/silvia-ramundo | Yes (Intern, Master, PhD and Postdoc positions) (you can bring your own project) | Vienna | Austria | Academic | silvia.ramundo@gmi.oeaw.ac.at | ||||
10 | PIs of the Gottfried Schatz Research Center | Metabolism, signaling and ageing | https://www.medunigraz.at/en/research-centers-and-institutes/gottfried-schatz-research-center | Yes | Graz | Austria | Academic lab | michaela.majcenovic@medunigraz.at (coordinator) | ||||
11 | Maarten Vanhove | Aging, mental illness, neuroimaging, substance use disorders | https://biodiversity.bitelab.be/lab-members/maarten-vanhove/ | No; possibility to support application of competitive travel grants & fellowships | Diepenbeek, Limburg | Belgium | Academic lab | maarten.vanhove@uhasselt.be | ||||
12 | David Alsteens | Biophysics, Single-molecule, force spectroscopy, virology, mammalian cells | https://perso.uclouvain.be/david.alsteens/ | Yes | Louvain-La-Neuve | Belgium | Academic lab | david.alsteens@uclouvain.be | ||||
13 | Renaud Ronsse | Robotics, biomechanics, machine design - I can also serve as contact point for the whole Institute of Mechanics, Materials, and Civil Engineering @ UCLouvain | https://perso.uclouvain.be/renaud.ronsse/ and https://uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/immc/ | Not yet, but this might change quickly and depends | Louvain-la-Neuve | Belgium | Academic lab | renaud.ronsse@uclouvain.be | ||||
14 | Alessandro Parente | Fluid mechanics, combustion, atmospheric flows and air pollution, renewable energy | https://burn-research.be | Yes, for travel, accommodation and research. Can support application to scholarships as well | Bruxelles | Belgium | Academic lab | alessandro.parente@ulb.be | ||||
15 | Jelle Matthijnssens | Viral Metagenomics | https://rega.kuleuven.be/cev/viralmetagenomics | Yes | Leuven | Belgium | Academic lab | jelle.matthijnssens@kuleuven.be | ||||
16 | Dennis, Alice | Molecular ecology, Evolution, Genomics, Molluscs | https://researchportal.unamur.be/fr/persons/alice-dennis | No, but possible to support applications | Namur | Belgium | academic lab | see web page | ||||
17 | Simon Kuhn | microreaction engineering, process intensification, flow chemistry | https://cit.kuleuven.be/process/research/transport_phenomena_and_multiphase_systems | yes | Leuven | Belgium | Academic Lab | simon.kuhn@kuleuven.be | ||||
18 | Filipe Victoria | Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Stress Biology, Antartic mosses | https://sites.unipampa.edu.br/neva/ | Maybe | São Gabriel, RS | Brazil | Academic Lab | neva@unipampa.edu.br | ||||
19 | Matt Anderson-Baron | Drosophila genetics, cell biology, protein biochemistry | www.futurefields.io | yes | Edmonton, AB | Canada | Startup | matt@futurefields.io | ||||
20 | Andrew Hendry | evolutionary ecology | http://www.andrew-hendry.ca/ | Yes | Montreal, QC | Canada | academic lab | andrew.hendry@mcgill.ca | ||||
21 | Robert I. Colautti | Ecological Genetics (plants, ticks) & Data Science/Quantitative Biology | https://ecoevogeno.org/ | Yes | Kingston, ON | Canada | Academic lab | |||||
22 | Edel Perez Lopez | Plant Pathology, genomics, diagnostics | https://edelabcriv.com/ | Yes, PhD student | Quebec City | Canada | academic lab | edel.perez-lopez.1@ulaval.ca | ||||
23 | Christian Landry | Evolutionary systems biology; Yeast genetics and genomics | https://landrylab.ibis.ulaval.ca/ | Yes | Québec City, QC | Canada | Academic lab | landrylaboratory@gmail.com | ||||
24 | Sara Beck | water disinfection, water reuse, water treatment | https://civil.ubc.ca/faculty/sara-beck/ | Yes | Vancouver, BC | Canada | Academic Lab | sara.beck@ubc.ca | ||||
25 | John Soghigian | phylogenomics, comparative genomics, population genomics, veterinary/public health entomology | https://www.soghigian-lab.net/ | Yes | Calgary, AB | Canada | Academic lab | john.soghigian@ucalgary.ca | ||||
26 | Augusto Gerolin | Mathematics, Quantum Chemistry and machine learning | https://mysite.science.uottawa.ca/agerolin/openpositions.html | Yes, two PhD and one research scientist | Ottawa, ON | Canada | academic lab | agerolin@uottawa.ca | ||||
27 | Elemir Simko | Honey Bee Diseases | https://wcvm.usask.ca/departments/pathology/pathology-people/elemir-simko.php#research_areas | Yes, MSc and Postdoc | Saskatoon, SK | Canada | Academic lab | elemir.simko@usask.ca | ||||
28 | Adelaine Leung | Neurobiology of behaviour using fruit fly as a model system | https://research-groups.usask.ca/leunglab/ | Maybe graduate student | Saskatoon, SK | Canada | Academic Lab | adelaine.leung@usask.ca | ||||
29 | Stephen I. Wright | Plant evolutionary and population genomics | https://wright.eeb.utoronto.ca/ | Yes (postdoc, graduate student, research associate) | Toronto | Canada | Academiclab | stephen.wright@utoronto.ca | ||||
30 | Oleksandr Voznyy | machine learning for materials discovery, optoelectronics, photovoltaics, Li-ion batteries, catalysis | http://cleanenergy.utoronto.ca | hopefully. postdoc, (PhDs only for Fall 2023) | Toronto, Ontario | Canada | academic lab | o.voznyy@utoronto.ca | ||||
31 | John Trant | medicinal and synthetic organic chemistry | trantteam.ca | yes | Windsor, Ontario | Canada | academic lab | jtrant@uwindsor.ca | ||||
32 | Eric Kennedy | Disaster & Emergency Management; Human Factors in Disasters; Emergency Decision-Making/Policy; Disaster Research Methods; Wildfire; COVID-19 | https://www.cemppr.org/ | Possible short-term stopgap funding available; funded degree programs through uni; happy to support in developing longer-term funding opportunities | Toronto, Ontario | Canada | Academic Lab | ebk@yorku.ca | ||||
33 | Victor Kuperman | Linguistics, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics, reading | https://kupermanreadlab.humanities.mcmaster.ca/kupermanreadlab/ | visits for 3-6 months for multple students or faculty. Possibility of funding and sponsorship. | Hamilton, ON | Canada | Academic lab | vickup@mcmaster.ca | ||||
34 | Luca Pellegrini | Cell biology and biochemistry | www.pellegrinilab.com | Yes, to PhD students and postdoc. Travel and scholarship are all included. Details are on the lab website | Quebec City | Canada | Laval University | luca.pellegrini@fmed.ulaval.ca | ||||
35 | Elias Orouji | Cancer epigenomics | genomics | www.EpigenomeLab.com | Yes (short term - few months) | Toronto | Canada | elias.orouji@uhnresearch.ca | |||||
36 | Jian Zhang | Macroecology, Biogeography, community ecology | Macroecology, Biogeography, community ecology | yes (postdoc, grad student) | Shanghai | China | academic lab | jzhang@des.ecnu.edu.cn | ||||
37 | Sho Goh | RNA modifications, RNA biology | https://gohlab.org/ | Yes (postdoctoral fellow) | Shenzhen | China | Academic Lab | shogoh@szbl.ac.cn | ||||
38 | Krunoslav Užarević | Green chemistry, mechanochemistry, porous materials, prebiotic chemistry | https://www.lascrbi.com/ | Yes. We currently have post-doc opening. More possibilities in the future. Short-term scientific internship possible as well as professional training. | Zagreb | Croatia | Academic lab | krunoslav.uzarevic@irb.hr, tomislav.stolar@irb.hr | ||||
39 | Petr Svoboda | RNA biology, oocytes, molluscs, genomics | https://www.img.cas.cz/research/petr-svoboda/ | Yes (postdoc/PhD student) | Prague | Czech Republic | academic lab | svobodap@img.cas.cz | ||||
40 | Julie Dobrovolná | Environmental Physiology, stress, adaptation, AI, adipose tissue, proteomics | https://www.recetox.muni.cz/en/research/principal-investigators/prof-julie-dobrovolna | Yes, postdoc for 1 year | Brno | Czech Republic | Academic lab | julie.dobrovolna@med.muni.cz | ||||
41 | http://czexpats.org/en/about-us/our-team/ | Both life sciences/social sciences/industry | http://czexpats.org/en/clanek/czexpats-statement-on-russian-occupation-of-ukraine/ | efficient network to all major universities and research institutions in CR | Prague (operates nation wide) | Czech Republic | Both life sciences/social sciences/industry | http://czexpats.org/en/contact/ | ||||
42 | Jozef Šamaj | Plant cell biology and biotechnology | https://kbt.upol.cz/en/ | yes for PhD students | Olomouc | Czech Republic | academic lab | |||||
43 | Petr Kovaricek | organic chemistry, materials, Matlab | https://uoch.vscht.cz/research-groups/kovaricek-en | yes, postdoc | Prague | Czech Republic | academic | petr.kovaricek@vscht.cz | ||||
44 | Vladimíra Petráková | Plasmonics, superresolution microscopy, DNA origami | http://petrakova-group.eu/ | yes, up to 4 years funding for postdocs and PhD students, housing available | Prague | Czech Republic | Academic lab | vladimira.petrakova@jh-inst.cas | Accomodation available! | |||
45 | Tomáš Slanina | Organic chemistry, Photochemistry | Redox Photochemistry | Tomáš Slanina Group (uochb.cz) | yes, possible funding and lab space | Prague | Czech Republic | academic | tomas.slanina@uochb.cas.cz | ||||
46 | Daniel Petrash | Microbial Ecosystem Research,Environmental Geosciences | https://soilwater.eu/services/laboratories/ | Yes. Short-term funding for postdoc and help sponsor applications for longer term: https://gacr.cz/en/support-for-ukrainian-scientists-and-students/ | Ceske Budejovice | Czech Republic | Academic Lab | daniel.petras@bc.cas.cz | ||||
47 | Matyáš Fendrych | plant cell biology, microscopy, image analysis | https://cellgrowth-lab.weebly.com/ | yes, postdoc | Prague | Czech republic | academic lab | fendryc1@natur.cuni.cz | ||||
48 | Poul Nissen | structural biology, membrane proteins | https://dandrite.au.dk/people/group-leaders/nissen-group | yes, limited - and support for visiting research applications | Aarhus | Denmark | Academic | pn@mbg.au.dk | ||||
49 | Anders Lund | RNA biology, cancer biology | https://www.bric.ku.dk/research-groups/Research/lund_group/ | Maybe | Copenhagen | Denmark | Academic Lab | anders.lund@bric.ku.dk | ||||
50 | Josefin Stiller | Evolutionary Biology, Systematics, Biodiversity Genomics | josefinstiller.com | Maybe | Copenhagen | Denmark | Academic lab | josefin.stiller@bio.ku.dk | ||||
51 | Fernando Racimo | Population and evolutionary genetics, ancient DNA | www.racimolab.net | yes, for 3-4 months & can support applications for ext. | Copenhagen | Denmark | academic lab | fracimo@sund.ku.dk | ||||
52 | Owen Jones | population biology, matrix population models, life history evolution, evolution of aging, demography (animal and plant) | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=W5kTQvoAAAAJ&hl=en | Possibly for a couple of months. Can provide office space, computing facilities and travel. Can support applications. | Odense, Southern Denmark | Denmark | Academic Lab | jones@biology.sdu.dk | ||||
53 | sameh magdeldin | oncoproteomics, metaproteomics, cancer metabolomics | www.57357.org/proteomics-unit | maybe | Cairo | Egypt | academic research program | Sameh.Magdeldin@57357.org | ||||
54 | Lauri Laanisto | Human genomics | https://genomics.ut.ee/en/content/estonian-genome-centre | yes | Tartu | Estonia | academic lab | lili.milani@ut.ee | ||||
55 | plant ecology, biogeography, macroecology | https://laurilaanistolab.wordpress.com/ | Yes, for 1 year | Tartu | Estonia | academic lab | laanisto@ut.ee | |||||
56 | Aveliina Helm | Landscape ecology, community ecology, ecological restoration, agroecology. | landscape.ut.ee | Yes | Tartu | Estonia | Academic lab | aveliina.helm@ut.ee | ||||
57 | Claudius Kratochwil | evolutionary biology, evo-devo, fish biology | http://www.intevobio.fi/ | yes | Helsinki | Finland | Academic Lab | See web page | ||||
58 | Alan Schulman | Plant genomics; faba bean & barley | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/plant-genome-dynamics | office space, computer, some experimental resources | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | alan.schulman@helsinki.fi | ||||
59 | Minna Palmroth | Space physics | helsinki.fi/vlasiator | Yes, some | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | See web page | ||||
60 | Anne Duplouy | Microbial symbiosis, Ecology evolution | www.anneduplouy.net | couple of months, can support grant applications too, offer safe office space | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | anne.duplouy@helsinki.fi | ||||
61 | Oscar Brück | Image analysis, deep learning, hematology, software development | https://www.oscarbruck.fi/hematoscope/ | Yes | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | oscar.bruck@helsinki.fi | ||||
62 | Anna-Liisa Laine, Marjo Saastamoinen, Jarno Vanhatalo | Ecology, Community ecology | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/research-centre-for-ecological-change | For some months | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | heidi.blom AT helsinki.fi | ||||
63 | Mart Saarma | Neurotrophic factors:signalling and biological functions; research area: Molecular biology/Strcuture biology/Biochemistry/Drug development | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/neurotrophic-factors-and-regeneration | Yes; Funding for PhD students, Masters students | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | mart.saarma@helsinki.fi | ||||
64 | Esa Pitkänen | Machine learning, cancer genomics | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/machine-learning-in-biomedicine | Possibly | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | esa.pitkanen@helsinki.fi | ||||
65 | Craig Primmer | Ecological and evolutionary genomics, quantitative genetics | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/evolution-conservation-and-genomics | Yes, for some months | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | See web page | ||||
66 | Markku Varjosalo | Systems Biology, Systems Pathology, Proteomics, Cancer, immunedeficiencies | https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/molecular-systems-biology | Yes, for some months | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | See web page | ||||
67 | Petri Ala-Laurila | Systems neuroscience, Retina, Visually guided beahvior | http://ala-laurila.biosci.helsinki.fi/ | Yes, some | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | See web page | ||||
68 | Petri Ala-Laurila | Systems neuroscience, Retina, Visually guided beahvior | http://ala-laurila.biosci.helsinki.fi/ | Yes, some | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | See web page | ||||
69 | Tâm Mignot | Molecular and Cellular Microbiology | https://lcb.cnrs.fr/ | To be determined | Marseille | France | Academic Lab | tmignot@imm.cnrs.fr | ||||
70 | Thierry Charlier | Neuroendocrinology, steroids, neurogenesis | currently small stipend available, but possibility to apply for funding at first local housing, labspace | Rennes | France | Academic lab | thierry.charlier@univ-rennes1.fr | |||||
71 | Rafael Gramage-Doria | transition metal catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, organometallics | https://gramagedoria-lab.com/ | Space, lab supplies, equipment, limited funding, help of funding application/housing | Rennes | France | Academic lab | rafael.gramage-doria@univ-rennes1.fr | ||||
72 | Claudia BONFIO | organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biological chemistry, membrane biophysics | https://isis.unistra.fr/laboratory-of-supramolecular-biochemistry/ | Yes | Strasbourg | France | Academic lab | bonfio@unistra.fr | ||||
73 | Paul Villoutreix | Computational biology, bioinformatics, machine learning | http://bioml.lis-lab.fr/ | yes | Marseille | France | Academic lab | paul.villoutreix@univ-amu.fr | ||||
74 | Felix Rico | Biophysics, cell mechanics, single molecule force spectroscopy | https://sites.google.com/view/fm4b-lab/home?authuser=0 | Yes | Marseille | France | Academic Lab | felix.rico@inserm.fr, mar.eroles@inserm.fr | ||||
75 | Luisa Di Stefano | Chromatin, Epigenetics, Transcription, Transposable Elements, Drosophila | https://cbi-toulouse.fr/fr/equipe-di-stefano | Yes, for master students and short-term funding for postdoc, support in getting funding for PhD students | Toulouse | France | Academic Lab | luisa.di-stefano@univ-tlse3.fr | ||||
76 | Simon Krause | Metal-organic frameworks, molecular machines | http://simonkrause-chem.de/ | Yes (PhD candidate) | Stuttgart | Ger | Academic Lab | s.krause@fkf.mpg.de | ||||
77 | Ulrike Endesfelder | Biophysics, molecular microbiology, fluorescence techniques, super-resolution microscopy | https://www.ifmb.uni-bonn.de/forschung/math.-nat.-fakultaet/ag-prof.-endesfelder-1/ | yes | Bonn, NRW | Germany | academic lab | endesfelder@uni-bonn.de | ||||
78 | Daniel Durstewitz | Theoretical Neuroscience, machine learning, data analysis, computational psychiatry | https://durstewitzlab.github.io/ | Need to see what I could do | Mannheim/ Heidelberg | Germany | Academic lab | daniel.durstewitz@zi-mannheim.de | ||||
79 | Rumiana Dimova | Membrane biophysics, synthetic biology, microscopy, membrane nanotubes, giant vesicles | https://dimova.de/ | yes - PhD, for postdoics see https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/bewerben/foerderprogramme/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Potsdam/Berlin | Germany | Academic lab | rumiana.dimova@mpikg.mpg.de | ||||
80 | Hanh Vu | Developmental Biology | https://www.embl.org/groups/vu/ | yes | Heidelberg | Germany | academic lab | hanh.vu@embl.de | ||||
81 | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | Metabolomics, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics | https://www.embl.org/groups/alexandrov/ | Yes | Heidelberg | Germany | Academic lab, startup | theodore.alexandrov@embl.de | ||||
82 | Wolfgang Huber | Computational biology, statistics, machine learning | https://www.huber.embl.de/ | yes. also guest house | Heidelberg | Germany | academic | wolfgang.huber@embl.org | ||||
83 | Marcus Jahnel | biophysics, biomolecular condensates & phase separation, protein-RNA interactions, optical tweezers | https://physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de/en/research/core-groups/jahnel | Yes | Dresden | Germany | Academic lab | marcus.jahnel@tu-dresden.de | ||||
84 | Bettina Keller | Computational and Theoretical Chemisty | https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/chemie/chemie/forschung/PhysTheoChem/agkeller/index.html | Yes (PhD) | Berlin | Germany | Aceademic lab | bettina.keller@fu-berlin.de | ||||
85 | Helge Ewers | Single molecule cell biology | https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/chemie/biochemie/research-groups/ewers-group/research/index.html | yes, local application | Berlin | Germany | Aceademic lab | helge.ewers@fu-berlin.de | ||||
86 | Sutapa Chakrabarti | Molecular and structural biology and biochemistry | https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/chemie/biochemie/research-groups/chakrabarti-group/index.html | Yes, for student assistant jobs (Bachelors/Masters students) and paid internships for upto 6 months | Berlin | Germany | Academic lab | chakraba@zedat.fu-berlin.de | ||||
87 | Ute Hellmich | Protein Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Chemical Biology, Parasitology | www.hellmich-group.de | yes (PhD), also happy to help with application to https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative#h14792 | Jena | Germany | Academic lab | yes (PhD), also happy to help with application to https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative#h14792 | ||||
88 | Andreas Hejnol | comparative genomics, developmental biology, evolution, phylogenomics | yes | Jena | Germany | Academic lab | andreas.hejnol@uni-jena.de | |||||
89 | Julien Bachmann | Chemistry of thin film materials | https://www.chemistry.nat.fau.eu/ctfm-chair/research-topics/ | yes | Erlangen | Germany | Academic | julien.bachmann@fau.de | ||||
90 | Rainer Böckmann | Structure and dynamics of biological membranes, MD simulation; theoretical and computational membrane biophysics | https://www.biomemphys.nat.fau.de | yes | Erlangen | Germany | Acadmic | rainer.boeckmann@fau.de | ||||
91 | Guido Grossmann | Cell and Interaction Biology | https://www.icib.hhu.de/en/ | yes | Düsseldorf | Germany | Academic Lab | guido.grossmann@hhu.de | ||||
92 | Wolf B Frommer | Molecular Physiology | www.molecular-physiology.hhu.de/en/ | AvH fellowship | Düsseldorf | Germany | Academic Lab | frommew@hhu.de | ||||
93 | Michael J. Bojdys | Chemistry | http://bojdyslab.org/ | Yes, 12 months PDRA | Berlin | Germany | Academic Lab | michael.janus.bojdys@hu-berlin.de | ||||
94 | Roland Dittmeyer | Chemical process engineering, process intensification, micro process engineering, flow chemistry, power-to-X, synthetic fuels, additive manufacturing for process engineering | https://www.imvt.kit.edu/english/index.php | Yes, visits of Ukrainian scientists, details to be discussed | Karlsruhe | Germany | Academic lab / research center | roland.dittmeyer@kit.edu | ||||
95 | Olivia Roth | Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology | https://www.marevol.uni-kiel.de/en | yes - bridging money to support joint applications | Kiel | Germany | Academic lab | oroth@zoologie.uni-kiel.de | ||||
96 | Claudia Waskow | Immunology, hematopoietic stem cell biology, humanized mice, macrophages | https://www.waskowlab.com | yes | Jena | Germany | academic lab | claudia.waskow@leibniz-fli.de | ||||
97 | Timo Niedermeyer | Natural product chemistry, pharmacognosy, cyanobacteria, bioactivity assays, structure elucidation, imaging MS | https://ag-bioarznei.pharmazie.uni-halle.de/?lang=en | Postdoc, funding most likely available for 2 years full position | Halle (Saale) | Germany | Academic lab | timo.niedermeyer@pharmazie.uni-halle.de | ||||
98 | Yuko Ulrich | Ecology, evolution, behaviour | https://www.ice.mpg.de/273646/social-behaviour | yes | Jena | Germany | academic lab | yulrich@ice.mpg.de | ||||
99 | Daniel Haun | Developmental psychology, comparative psychology, cross-cultural psychology | https://www.eva.mpg.de/comparative-cultural-psychology | yes | Leipzig | Germany | Academic Lab | haun@eva.mpg.de | ||||
100 | Bret Beheim | evolutionary cultural dynamics, behavioral ecology, evolutionary demography | babeheim.com | Yes (postdoc) | Leipzig | Germany | Academic Lab | bret_beheim@eva.mpg.de | ||||
101 | Igor Iatsenko | Infection biology, insect immunity, host-microbe interactions | https://www.mpiib-berlin.mpg.de/1946812/Genetics-of-Host-Microbe-Interactions | yes | Berlin | Germany | academic lab | iatsenko@mpiib-berlin.mpg.de | ||||
102 | Nicole Dubilier | Marine microbiology, marine ecology & evolution, host-microbe interactions, symbiosis, all 'omics', population genetics | https://www.mpi-bremen.de/en/Department-of-Symbiosis.html | yes | Bremen | Germany | academic lab | ndubilier@mpi-bremen.de | ||||
103 | Matthew Kraushar | Neuroscience, RNA/protein/ribosome biochemistry, bioinformatics | https://www.molgen.mpg.de/kraushar-lab | Possibly (several grants in review); willing to support for funding, such as: https://www.molgen.mpg.de/guestprog ; https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/announcements_proposals/2017/info_wissenschaft_17_17/ | Berlin | Germany | academic lab | matthew.kraushar@molgen.mpg.de | ||||
104 | Jochen Guck | Biophysics, biophotonics | www.gucklab.com | Yes | Erlangen | Germany | Academic lab | jochen.guck@mpl.mpg.de | ||||
105 | Iain Couzin | Collective behavior, biophysics, evolution, animal behavior, complex systems | https://www.ab.mpg.de/ | Yes | Konstanz | Germany | Academic | icouzin@ab.mpg.de | ||||
106 | Meg Crofoot / Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin | Animal behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Social behavior | https://www.ab.mpg.de/crofoot | Yes | Konstanz | Germany | Academic Lab | astrandburg@ab.mpg.de | ||||
107 | Edda Schulz | Epigenetics, Embryonic stem cells, Systems Biology | https://www.molgen.mpg.de/schulz-lab | yes | Berlin | Germany | Academic lab | edda.schulz@molgen.mpg.de | ||||
108 | c/o Benjamin Schiffer | Quantum Optics, Quantum Computation, Quantum Simulation | https://www.mpq.mpg.de/ | Munich | Germany | academic lab | benjamin.schiffer@mpq.mpg.de | |||||
109 | Sonja Herres-Pawlis | Bioinorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry, polymerisation catalysts, theoretical chemistry, chemoinformatics | https://www.bioac.ac.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/tqdls?#aaaaaaaaaatqdiq | yes, postdoc and PhD student (immediately) | Aachen | Germany | academic lab | sonja.herres-pawlis@ac.rwth-aachen.de | ||||
110 | Bastian Etzold | heterogeneous catalysis, electrocatalysis, reaction engineering | http://www.etzoldlab.de | yes (hosting AvH funding https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative; probably Postdocs/PhD students short term funding) | Darmstadt, Hessia | Germany | Academic Lab | bastian.etzold@tu-darmstadt.de | ||||
111 | Ulrike Kramm | electrocatalysis, electrochemistry, Mössbauer spectroscopy, inorganic chemistry, iron, fuel cells, CO2 reduction | https://www.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de/ekat/ | yes (hosting AvH funding https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative; probably Postdocs/PhD students short term funding) | Darmstadt, Hessia | Germany | Academic Lab | ulrike.kramm@tu-darmstadt.de | ||||
112 | Vera Krewald | computational / theoretical / quantum chemistry applied to molecular inorganic chemistry, magnetochemistry, computational spectroscopy, photochemistry (no laboratory work, all projects are entirely computational!) | https://www.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de/krewald/ak_krewald/index.en.jsp | yes (postdoc or PhD candidate), happy to discuss details and duration; hosting AvH funding https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Darmstadt, Hessia | Germany | academic lab | vera.krewald@tu-darmstadt.de | ||||
113 | Marcus Rose | heterogeneous catalysis, renewable resources, biomass conversion, porous materials, adsorption | https://www.rosegroup.de | yes (hosting AvH funding https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative; probably Postdocs/PhD students short term funding) | Darmstadt, Hessia | Germany | Academic Lab | marcus.rose@tu-darmstadt.de | ||||
114 | Oskar Hallatschek | Soft Matter, Biophysics, Population genetics, Evolution | https://hallatscheklab.berkeley.edu | yes, postdoc | Leipzig | Germany | academic lab | ohallats@berkeley.edu | ||||
115 | Thomas Clavel | Gut microbiome | www.clavel.ukaachen.de | Yes | Aachen | Germany | Academic lab | tclavel@ukaachen.de | ||||
116 | Tim Gollisch | Computational Neuroscience, Retina, Electrophysiology | https://www.retina.uni-goettingen.de/ | Yes | Göttingen | Germany | Academic lab | tim.gollisch@med.uni-goettingen.de | ||||
117 | Laura König | Health psychology, public health | https://phn.uni-bayreuth.de | No, but happy to support applications; housing support available | Kulmbach (near Bayreuth) | Germany | Academic Lab | laura.koenig@uni-bayreuth.de | ||||
118 | Björn Grüning | Computational Biologie | https://galaxyproject.eu | Yes (graduate student / postdoctoral fellow) | Freiburg, DE | Germany | Academic lab | bjoern.gruening@gmail.com | ||||
119 | Veronica Witte | neurology, neuroscience, population neuroimaging | https://www.cbs.mpg.de/departments/neurology/aging-and-obesity | yes | Leipzig | Germany | Academic lab | witte@cbs.mpg.de | ||||
120 | Tatjana Tchumatchenko | Computational Neuroscience, neural and behavioral data analysis, protein dynamics in dendrites | www.tchumatchenko.de and https://twitter.com/TTchumatchenko | Yes | Mainz | Germany | Academic lab | tatjana.tchumatchenko@uni-mainz.de | ||||
121 | Guillaume Delaittre | Polymer Chemistry; Nanoparticles; Enzymes; Surface Chemistry | https://orga-funct-macromol.uni-wuppertal.de/en | 24-month Postdoctoral fellowship from Humboldt Foundation (Philipp Schartz Initiative); possibly one to two postdoc funding in Summer | Wuppertal | Germany | Academic lab | delaittre@uni-wuppertal.de | ||||
122 | Amelie Heuer-Jungemann | DNA Nanotechnology, biophysics | https://www.biochem.mpg.de/heuer-jungemann | yes, for a few months internship | Munich | Germany | Academic lab | heuer-jungemann@biochen.mpg.de | ||||
123 | Martin Kaltenpoth | Insect Symbiosis | https://www.ice.mpg.de/94941/insect-symbiosis | Humboldt initiative and internal funds for a couple of months | Jena | Germany | info@ice.mpg.de | |||||
124 | Christian Paetz | NMR, ecologically relevant low-molecular weight secondary metabolites from plants and other organisms | https://www.ice.mpg.de/95096/nmr | Humboldt initiative and limited internal funds | Jena | Germany | Academic lab | info@ice.mpg.de | ||||
125 | Sarah O'Connor | Plant secondary metabolites, alkaloids, biochemistry | https://www.ice.mpg.de/112195/natural-product-biosynthesis | Humboldt initiative and internal funds for a couple of months | Jena | Germany | Academic lab | info@ice.mpg.de | ||||
126 | Peter Benner | Computatioanl Sciences, Applied Math, Process Engineering | https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de | Yes: research fellowships on all levels, housing. | Magdeburg | Germany | Academic lab | benner@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de | ||||
127 | Inga Hänelt | Membrane Biochemistry, Microbiology | https://www.biochem.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?id=294 | Short-term fellowships for internships (Postdoc/PhD students),housing for master students, lab space & consumables, also happy to help with Humboldt application | Frankfurt am Main | Germany | Academic | haenelt@biochem.uni-frankfurt.de | ||||
128 | Yulia Oganian | audition,speech, language neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science | https://www.cin.uni-tuebingen.de/research/research-groups/research-groups/oganian-y-cognitive-neuroscience-of-human-verbal-communication/research-directions.html | possibly | tubingen | germany | academic | yulia.oganian@uni-tuebingen.de | ||||
129 | Anna Matuszyńska | Computational biology, bioinformatics, mathematical modelling | https://rwth-aachen.de/go/id/shxwa | yes, immidiate fund for 2 postdocs for min. 1 year, also willing to help with Humbold application | Aachen | Germany | Academic lab | anna.matuszynska@rwth-aachen.de | ||||
130 | Multiple PIs | Astronomy | https://www.mpia.de/en | yes | Heidelberg | Germany | Academic | kreidberg@mpia.de | ||||
131 | Gabriele Pradel | Molecular Parasitology | www.zai.rwth-aachen.de | Lab space and consumables | Aachen | Germany | Academic | pradel@bio2.rwth-aachen.de | ||||
132 | Jens Michaelis | Single-molecule biophysics, live-cell imaging and super-resolution optical microscopy | www.uni-ulm.de/biophys | Yes | Ulm | Germany | Academic | jens.michaelis@uni-ulm.de | ||||
133 | Pavlo Potapenko | Materials Theory, Modeling and Simulation, II Data Analysis and Machine Learning, III Concepts and softwaretools for research data | https://fz-juelich.de/ias/ias-9/EN/Home/home_node.html | Yes, PhD | Aachen | Germany | Academic | p.potapenko@fz-juelich.de | ||||
134 | Susanne Boll | Computer Science, Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems, Human Computer Interaction | https://uol.de/medieninformatik and our HCI Network Project: https://scalableinteractionparadigms.uni-oldenburg.de/blog/ | Yes different opoortunities, short term like internships and research visits up to open positions as PhDs and Post Docs. Just get in touch | Oldenburg | Germany | Academic | susanne.boll@uol.de | ||||
135 | Priya Chudasama | Structural genomics, functional genomics, cancer biology | https://www.dkfz.de/en/praezisions-sarkomforschung/index.php | Intern, BSc or MSc thesis, wet lab and dry lab, funding available for PhD/postdocs with computational biology/bioinformatics background | Heidelberg | Germany | Academic | priya.chudasama@nct-heidelberg.de | ||||
136 | Andre F. Martins | Molecular Imaging, Oncology, cancer biology, AI imaging, metabolism, metabolic imaging, biochemistry, organic/inorganic chemistry, cell engineering-gene reporters | http://www.isct.uni-tuebingen.de/wsic/andre-martins-lab/advanced-preclinical-metabolic-imaging-and-cell-engineering | Yes, PhD, PosDocs, labspace https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Tuebingen | Germany | Academic | andre.martins@med.uni-tuebingen.de | ||||
137 | Victor Sourjik | Microbial Networks | https://www.mpi-marburg.mpg.de/sourjik | Graduate student and postdoc funding | Marburg | Germany | Academic | victor.sourjik@mpi-marburg.mpg.de | ||||
138 | Birgitta König-Ries | Distributed Information Systems, Semantic Web, FAIR Data and Code, Research Data Management, Reproducibility Biodiversity Data | https://fusion.cs.uni-jena.de/fusion/ | yes, at least for 6 months for PhD student or Postdoc | Jena | Germany | University | birgitta.koenig-ries@uni-jena.de | ||||
139 | Björn Usadel | Plant ontologies, Plant Data Managment, Plant Pangenomics | usadellab.org; https://www.fz-juelich.de/ibg/ibg-4/DE/Home/home_node.html | YES open positions in data managment and via https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Jülich and Düsseldorf (2 sites) | Germany | Government Academic (Jülich) University (Düsseldorf) | b.usadel@fz-juelich.de | ||||
140 | Ulrich Schurr | Plant Phenotyping, Plant Physiology, crop, digital agriculture, agriculture; sensor development, image analysis, computer vision, biorefinieries, satellite imaging, photosynthesis, robotic | Forschungszentrum Jülich - Plant Sciences (IBG-2) (fz-juelich.de) | yes, dependent on qualification, postdoc positions and PhD positions might be available | Jüilch | Germany | Government Academic (Jülich) University (Düsseldorf) | u.schurr@fz-juelich.de | ||||
141 | Benjamin Friedrich | Theoretical Biological Physics | https://physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de/en/research/core-groups/friedrich | yes | Dresden | Germany | Academic | benjamin.m.friedrich@tu-dresden.de | ||||
142 | Konstantinos Stellos | Vascular biology, RNA biology, cardiovascular disease | www.StellosLab.com | yes | Mannheim | Germany | academic | konstantinos.stellos@medma.uni-heidelberg.de | ||||
143 | Andreas Schaeffer | Environmental sciences | www.bio5.rwth-aachen.de | Yes (did already) | Aachen, NRW | Germany | Academic | andreas.schaeffer@bio5.rwth-aachen.de | ||||
144 | Robert Tampé | Cellular Biochemistry, Cell and Structural Biology, Immunology, Chemical and Synthetic Biology | https://www.biochem.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php?id=10 | Yes | Frankfurt am Main | Germany | Academic lab | nold(at)em.uni-frankfurt.de, pott(at)em.uni-frankfurt.de | ||||
145 | Ingolf Kühn | terrestrial ecology, biodiversity research (biol. invasions, impact of Global Change) | https://www.ufz.de/index.php?en=38918 | https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative | 06120 Halle | Germany | academic lab (federally funded research centre) | ingolf.kuehn@ufz.de | ||||
146 | Christoph M. Hammers | Autoantibodies, autoimmunity, antibody generation and characterization, translation (all in the setting of skin diseases and dermatology) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-m-hammers-md-phd-mrsb-2067224b/ | Possibly yes, help with grant proposals | Luebeck | Germany | Academic wet lab | christoph.hammers@uksh.de | ||||
147 | Rüdiger Simon | plant genetics and development | www.devgen.hhu.de | yes | Düsseldorf | Germany | Academic Lab | ruediger.simon@hhu.de | ||||
148 | Britta Tietjen, Oksana Buzhdygan | theoretical ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and all ecological modelling topics | https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/biologie/arbeitsgruppen/botanik/ag_tietjen/index.html | No own funding for research, but apply here for post doc funding for scientists at risk: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/bewerben/foerderprogramme/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Berlin | Germany | Computational lab with some field work as well | oksana.buzh@fu-berlin.de | ||||
149 | Wojciech Kopec, Bert de Groot | Molecular Dynamics simulations of proteins, free energy calculations, computational drug design, computational chemistry | https://www3.mpibpc.mpg.de/groups/de_groot/bgroot.html | yes | Goettingen, Lower Saxony | Germany | Academic Lab | wkopec@gwdg.de | ||||
150 | Martin Egelhaaf | navigation in insects, experiments and modeling | https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/biologie/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/neurobiology/ | https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/hilde-domin-programm/ https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/bewerben/foerderprogramme/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Bielefeld | Germany | Academic Lab | martin.egelhaaf@uni-bielefeld.de | ||||
151 | metabolism of infection | https://www.pernaslab.com/ | yes | Cologne, NRW | Germany | Academic Lab | pernas@age.mpg.de | |||||
152 | Christoph Scherber | Statistics, Biodiversity research, Ecology, nature Conservation | https://bonn.leibniz-lib.de/en/zbm | Yes | Bonn | Germany | Academic lab | C.scherber@leibniz-lib.de | ||||
153 | Linda Hammerich | Tumor immunology and immunotherapy | https://hepatologie-gastroenterologie.charite.de/en/research/tumor_immunology_and_immunotherapy_of_gi_tumors/ | yes | Berlin | Germany | Academic lab | linda.hammerich@charite.de | ||||
154 | (several departments and groups) | biogeosciences, ecology, climate change, soil sciences, atmospheric science | https://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/index.php/Main/HomePage | YES | Jena | Germany | Academic lab | contact@bgc-jena.mpg.de | ||||
155 | Karla Feijs | Biochemistry, cell biology, posttranslational modifications | www.fezalab.com | Can apply for DFG support for refugee scientists, PhD student position in summer. | Aachen | Germany | Academic lab | Kfeijs@ukaachen.de | ||||
156 | Graziana Gatto | Neuroscience, Motor Control, Spinal Circuits | https://www.gattolab.com/ | yes, for PhD or visiting scientist. Plus availability as host for https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/philipp-schwartz-initiative | Cologne | Germany | Academic lab | graziana.gatto@uk-koeln.de | ||||
157 | Lutz Becks | Ecology, Evolution, aquatic systems | https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/ | Some funding available, labspace, consumables | Konstanz | Germany | Academic | lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de | ||||
158 | Francesco Maurelli | robotics, autonomous systems, AI | can offer stipend to PhD students for a few months. possibly postdoc as well. lab space, potentially living space as well | Bremen | Germany | academic | f.maurelli@jacobs-university.de | |||||
159 | Theodora Katsila | Translational biomarkers; ADMETox; Multi-omics; 3D cell models | http://www.eie.gr/nhrf/institutes/ibrb/programmes/BiomarkerDiscovery_TranslationalResearch_en.html | Limited funding; Help of funding application/housing | Greece | Academic lab | thkatsila@eie.gr | |||||
160 | Zsofia Horvath | community ecology, aquatic ecology, metacommunities, plankton | metacomlab.com | Possibly for a few months. Accommodation. Lab and office space. | Budapest | Hungary | Academic lab | horvath.zsofia@ecolres.hu | ||||
161 | Guilherme Testa Silva | Electrophysiology and transcriptome of the Human retina | Botond Roska | Yes, fully funded | Budapest | Hungary | Academic Lab | jobs@ophtha.hu | ||||
162 | Attila Andics | comparative cognitive neuroscience, ethology, speech perception, dog EEG/fMRI | http://etologia.elte.hu/en/neuroethology-of-communication/ | yes | Budapest | Hungary | academic lab | attila.andics@ttk.elte.hu | ||||
163 | Smruti Sarangi | Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, VLSI Design, Embedded Systems | https://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~srsarangi/ | Masters students, PH.D students, and Post-docs | New Delhi | India | Acadmic lab | srsarangi@cse.iitd.ac.in | ||||
164 | Dimitra Psychogiou | RF microwave communications, antennas, RF components | https://advancedrftechnologies.com/ | Yes | Cork | Ireland | Academic lab | DPsychogiou@ucc.ie | ||||
165 | Amiyaal Ilany | Zoology, Social behavior, Social networks | https://ilany-lab.netlify.app/ | Yes | Ramat Gan | Israel | Academic Lab | amiyaal@gmail.com | ||||
166 | Maxim Rubin-Blum | Marine microbial ecology | https://www.mrblab.org/ | Yes | Haifa | Israel | academic lab | mrubin@ocean.org.il | ||||
167 | Yizhaq Makovsky | Marine gosciences, geophysics, deep sea research, seafloor gechemical fluxes | https://sites.google.com/marsci.haifa.ac.il/amel | Some funding available | Haifa | Israel | Academic lab | yizhaq@univ.haifa.ac.il | ||||
168 | Tristan Weddigen | Dep. Italian art in a global context | www.biblhertz.it | yes | Rome, Italy | Italy | academic lab | tristan.weddigen@biblhertz.it | ||||
169 | Renzo Luisi | Green chemistry - Synthetic Chemistry | www.renzoluisi-lab.com | yes | Bari | Italy | Academic lab | renzo.luisi@uniba.it | ||||
170 | Marco Giovannetti | arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, plant nutrition, calcium signaling | https://www.biologia.unipd.it/people/?tx_wfqbe_pi1%5Baccount%5D=marco-giovannetti | maybe | Padova | Italy | Academic lab | marco.giovannetti@unipd.it | ||||
171 | Mariagrazia Grilli | neurogenesis, neural stem cells, astrocytes | https://labgrilli.wixsite.com/home | Yes | Novara | Italy | Academic Lab | mariagrazia.grilli@uniupo.it | ||||
172 | Matteo Cereda | Cancer genomics, RNA biology, bioinformatics | http://www.ceredalab.com/ | yes : research fellowship till end of 2022 | Turin | Italy | Academic | matteo.cereda@iigm.it | ||||
173 | Francesco Pasqualini | Cardiac tissue engineering, mechanobiology, coarse-grained particle dynamics | https://www.syntheticphysiologylab.com/ | Available bridge funding, we'll figure out the rest | Pavia (close to Milan) | Italy | Experimental and computational lab | francesco.pasqualini@unipv.it | ||||
174 | Laura Marzetti, Vittorio Pizzella | neuroscience, functional connectivity, M/EEG, machine learning, computational neuroscience | https://mambolab.wixsite.com/home | Possibly | Chieti | Italy | Academic Lab | laura.marzetti@unich.it | ||||
175 | Fyodor Kondrashov | evolutionary genomics, synthetic biology | https://ist.ac.at/en/research/kondrashov-group/ (new lab page coming soon) | Yes, PostDoc, Staff Scientist | Okinawa | Japan | academic lab | fkondrashov@gmail.com | ||||
176 | Algirdas Toleikis | Biochemistry and biophysics of DNA motors (including CRISPR) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/algirdas-toleikis-phd-16724541/ | yes | Vilnius | Lithuania | Academic Lab | algirdas.toleikis@gmc.vu.lt | ||||
177 | Patrick Pausch | CRISPR, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Genome Editing | pauschlab.org | Yes | Vilnius | Lithuania | Academic lab | patrick.pausch@gmc.vu.lt | ||||
178 | Maria Avila Arcos | Ancient DNA (humans and their pathogens) | www.liigh.unam.mx | Can fund postbaccalaurates and support graduate program applications. For everyone: Office space and some access to wet lab. | Queretaro | Mexico | academic lab | mavila@liigh.unam.mx | ||||
179 | Anna Moore | Imaging of cancer and Image-guided Cancer therapy | https://precisionhealth.msu.edu/ | Yes | East Lansing | Michigan | Academic Lab | moorea57@msu.edu | ||||
180 | Simon Groeblacher | Quantum Physics | https://groeblacherlab.org | Yes | Delft | Netherlands | Academic Lab | s.groeblacher@tudelft.nl | ||||
181 | Willem Frankenhuis | The development of enhanced human abilities in adverse conditions | https://www.uu.nl/en/research/deep-lab | Yes, we can support a visit, but not a position | Utrecht | Netherlands | academic lab | w.e.frankenhuis@uu.nl | ||||
182 | Oliver Plümper | earth sciences; geology; petrology; mineralogy | https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/oplumper | limited funding; potential postdoc position; visiting scientist | Utrecht | Netherlands | Academic lab | o.plumper@uu.nl | ||||
183 | Cristina Paulino | structure function of membrane proteins, cryo-EM | https://paulinolab.com/ | Yes, postodc (at least till end of 2022) | Groningen | Netherlands | Academic | c.paulino@rug.nl | ||||
184 | Simon Fisher | Genetics of speech, language and reading; brain imaging genomics | https://www.mpi.nl/department/language-genetics/2 | Possibly | Nijmegen | Netherlands | Academic | simon.fisher@mpi.nl | ||||
185 | Jarosław Stolarski | Paleontology, evolutionary studies | http://www.paleo.pan.pl/# | Yes (for at least one person) | Warsaw | Poland | academic lab | adam.rytel@twarda.pan.pl | ||||
186 | Michał Komorowski | Cell-to-cell heterogeneity of cytokine signaling, cancer organoids | http://sysbiosig.org | Yes | Warsaw | Poland | Academic lab | m.komorowski@sysbiosig.org | ||||
187 | Jacek Kolanowski | Different areas! | https://amu.pan.pl/en/ | YES | Different cities | Poland | Academic Lab | mail.amu.pan@gmail.com | ||||
188 | Jacek Kolanowski | Different areas | https://amu.pan.pl/en/ | Yes | Poland | Academic Lab | mail.amu.pan@gmail.com | |||||
189 | Daniel Wójcik | Computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics, electrophysiology, data analysis | https://neuroinflab.wordpress.com/ | we have a postdoc opening in electrophysiology with Mark Hunt [to be announced soon, funding in place]. Until then we can come up with bridge funding | Warsaw | Poland | Academic Lab | d.wojcik@nencki.edu.pl, m.hunt@nencki.edu.pl [inquiries re postdoc] | ||||
190 | Artur Góra | Bioinformatics, protein chemistry, drug design | http://www.tunnelinggroup.pl/ | yes/more in few months | Gliwice | Poland | Academic Lab | a.gora@tunnelinggroup.pl | ||||
191 | Agnieszka Kloch | population genetics, parasitology | https://klochlab.eu/ | Yes for few months. Lab expenses covered. | Warsaw, Poland | Poland | Academic lab | a.kloch@uw.edu.pl | ||||
192 | Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Pawłowski | Theoretical Physics: Quantum Information, Bose-Einstein condensate, Electrodynamics, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravitation | www.cft.edu.pl | Yes, min two positions, more if needed | Warsaw | Poland | Academic Lab | pawlowski@cft.edu.pl | ||||
193 | Ewa Szczurek | Machine learning and computational biology | https://mimuw.edu.pl/~szczurek/ | yes, 2 postdoc positions (full time work contract), timeframe to be agreed | Warsaw | Poland | Academic Lab | szczurek@mimuw.edu.pl | ||||
194 | Przemysław Gaweł | Organic chemistry, materials science | gawel.edu.pl | support in getting funding | Warsaw | Poland | Academic lab | pgawel@icho.edu.pl | ||||
195 | Agnieszka Kloch | parasitology, population ecology | klochlab.eu | Scharship available | Warsaw | Poland | academic lab | a.kloch@uw.edu.pl | ||||
196 | Cláudia Almeida | Alzheimer's disease, endocytic trafficking | https://www.nms.unl.pt/en-us/Research/Research-Groups/Details/investigationgroupid/2487 | yes, post doc, PhD student | Lisbon | Portugal | Academic | claudia.almeida@nms.unl.pt | ||||
197 | Manuel Souto | Molecular Materials | Yes | Aveiro | Portugal | Académica lab | manuel.souto@ua.pt | |||||
198 | Chulhong Kim | Medical imaging and device | http://www.boa-lab.com/index.html | Yes, graduate student and postdoc | Pohang | S. Korea | Academic lab | chulhong@postech.ac.kr | ||||
199 | Matic Lozinsek | Inorganic chemistry, crystallography, extreme conditions | http://eccl.ijs.si | yes | Ljubljana | Slovenia | academic lab | matic.lozinsek@ijs.si | ||||
200 | Darren Martin | Molecular evolution/Bioinformatics/covid cellular immune resposes/genomic surveillance of pathogens | http://www.idm.uct.ac.za/ | Postdoc/researcher salary funding until end of 2022 | Cape Town | South Africa | Academic lab | darrenpatrickmartin@gmail.com | ||||
201 | Jesus Campos | Organomerallic Chemistry | jcamposgroup.iiq.us-csic.es | yes | Sevilla | Spain | Academic Lab | jesus.campos@iiq.csic.es | ||||
202 | Daniel Castellano | Biomarkers of GU Tumors | Yes, maybe | Madrid | Spain | Academic lab | daniel.castellano@salud.madrid.org | |||||
203 | Albert Poater | Computational Chemistry | https://albertpoater.wordpress.com/ | Funding under revision (September starting). Possibility to host PhD or postdocs, as well | Girona | Spain | Academic Lab | albert.poater@udg.edu | ||||
204 | Nuria Lopez-Bigas | Computational Cancer Genomics | http://bbglab.irbbarcelona.org | Yes | Barcelona | Spain | academic lab | nuria.lopez@irbbarcelona.org | ||||
205 | Manuel Valiente | Cancer metastasis | https://valientelab.com/ | yes | Madrid | Spain | academic lab | mvaliente@cnio.es | ||||
206 | Tomás Gómez Alvarez-Arenas | Ultrasound, sensors, transducers, piezoelectricidity, NDT, soft and porous materials | www.us-biomat.com | yes, maybe | Madrid | Spain | Academic lab | t.gomez@csic.es | ||||
207 | Alex Arenas | Complex systems, mathematical epidemiology, synchronization processes | https://alephsyslab.com | Yes, for some months | Tarragona | Spain | Academic lab | alexandre.arenas@urv.cat | ||||
208 | Eduard Porta | Cancer genomics, single-cell, spatial transcriptomics | https://www.carrerasresearch.org/en/cancer-immunogenomics_143241 | Yes | Barcelona | Spain | Academic lab | eporta@carrerasresearch.org | ||||
209 | Sara Sdelci | cancer metabolism, chromatin/nuclear metabolism, epigenetics, drug screening, omics | https://sdelcilab.crg.eu | Funds may be available for postdoc, PhD student, master student. Funds for research are available | Barcelona | Spain | Academic | sara.sdelci@crg.eu | ||||
210 | Javier Brumos | Plant moleclular genetics and development | https://ibmcp.upv.es/en/personal/javier-brumos-fuentes/ http://plasticity.ibmcp.csic.es/ | Funding for master and possibly PhD students | Valencia | Spain | Academic Lab | jbrumos@ibmcp.upv.es | ||||
211 | Eva Maria Novoa | RNA Biology, computational biology | https://www.crg.eu/ca/programmes-groups/novoa-lab | yes | Barcelona | Spain | Academic Lab | eva.novoa@crg.eu | ||||
212 | Erdinc Sezgin | Biophysics, membrane biology, imaging | www.csi-nano.org | Yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic Lab | erdinc.sezgin@ki.se | ||||
213 | Ana Teixeira | Biophysics, nanotechnology, biology | https://ki.se/en/mbb/ana-teixeira-group | Maybe | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic Lab | ana.teixeira@ki.se | ||||
214 | Ujjwal Neogi | Pathogenesis of RNA viruses (HIV, SARS, CCHFV), Immune aging | https://ki.se/en/labmed/the-systems-virology-lab | Yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic Lab | |||||
215 | Gilad Silberberg | Neuroscience | https://ki.se/en/neuro/silberberg-lab | temporary yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic | gilad.silberberg@ki.se | ||||
216 | Gunnar Schulte | receptor pharmacology, WNT signaking, structural biology | https://ki.se/en/fyfa/schulte-lab | maybe | Stockholm | Sweden | acedemic lab | gunnar.schulte@ki.se | ||||
217 | Gerald McInerney | Virology | www.alphavirus.org | Maybe | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic Lab | gerald.mcinerney@ki.se | ||||
218 | Simon Elsässer | Epigenome Profiling, Epigenetic Drug Toxicity, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology | www.elsaesserlab.org | temporary yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | simon@elsaesserlab.org | ||||
219 | Björn Högberg | We do DNA nanotechnology, but interested in all fields of science | www.hogberglab.net | Maybe | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | bjorn.hogberg@ki.se | ||||
220 | Katja Petzold | RNA structural biology, biophysics, RNA biochemistry, NMR, structural dynamics | http://petzoldlab.com | yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | katja.petzold@ki.se | ||||
221 | Luca Jovine | Structural biochemistry of fertilization and antibacterial proteins | http://jovinelab.org | Yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | luca.jovine@ki.se | ||||
222 | Erik Lindahl | Molecular simulation, Advanced GPU/C++ programming, membrane protein structure/function | http://www.biophysics.se | Yes | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | erik.lindahl@scilifelab.se | ||||
223 | Berit Olofsson | Organic chemistry | www.organ.su.se/bo | support for lab & office space & running costs. Can help out with funding applications | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | berit.olofsson@su.se | ||||
224 | Samuel Flores | RNA structure prediction (incl. by deep learning), computational structural virology, protein-protein interactions | https://www.slu.se/cv/samuel-coulbourn-flores/ | Computer, likely office, and lab space. Can support grant and stipend applications. | Uppsala | Sweden | Academic lab | samuel.flores@slu.se | ||||
225 | Jonas Barandun | Structural Biology, Infection Biology, Fungal Genetics | www.barandunlab.org | yes, maybe | Umeå | Sweden | Academic lab | jonas.barandun@umu.se | ||||
226 | Benedicte Albrectsen | Plant biotic stress responses; Solanum, Populus, Arabidopsis, | https://www.umu.se/personal/benedicte-albrectsen/ | yes, maybe | Umeå | Sweden | Academic lab | benedicte.albrectsen@umu.se | ||||
227 | Alizée Malnoë | Photosynthesis, plant photoprotection | https://malnoelab.com/ | Yes | Umeå | Sweden | Academic lab | alizee.malnoe@umu.se | ||||
228 | Martin Weih | Plant ecology, agricultural sciences | www.slu.se/weih | Can be discussed | Uppsala | Sweden | Academic lab | martin.weih@slu.se | ||||
229 | Karin Ljung | Plant biology, metabolomics | http://www.upsc.se/karin_ljung | Space, lab supplies, equipment, limited funding, help of funding application | Umeå | Sweden | Academic lab | karin.ljung@slu.se | ||||
230 | Aleksej Zelezniak | Computational biology, bioinformatics, machine learning | http://zelezniaklab.org/ | Yes (1 year postdoc position), internships | Gothenburg | Sweden | Academic lab | aleksej.zelezniak@chalmers.se | ||||
231 | Martin Högbom | Structural biology/biochemistry | https://www.su.se/english/profiles/hogbom-1.182464 | Yes for certain positions | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | hogbom@dbb.su.se | ||||
232 | Andreas Barth | Experimental and computational infrared spectroscopy of proteins | https://www.su.se/english/profiles/abart-1.181843 | Limited | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic lab | barth@dbb.su.se | ||||
233 | Sara Linse | Peptide self-assembly and protein interactions | https://www.cmps.lu.se/biostruct/ | Yes (1 year post doc stipend) | Lund | Sweden | Academic lab | sara.linse@biochemistry.lu.se | ||||
234 | Courtney Stairs | Microbiology, protist, anaerobic metabolism, symbiosis, bioinformatics, evolution | thelabupstairs.online | Limited funding for salary, but research funds available | Lund | Sweden | Academic | courtney.stairs@biol.lu.se | ||||
235 | Mika Sipponen | Lignin-based materials, lignin chemistry and applications | https://www.su.se/english/profiles/misi6261 | Yes (a postdoc position and a PhD student position), likely more later in 2022. | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic | mika.sipponen@mmk.su.se | ||||
236 | Jiayin Yuan | porous carbon for electrochemical energy application | www.yuan-group.com | postdoc via a scholarship | Stockholm | Sweden | academic | jiayin.yuan@mmk.su.se | ||||
237 | Niklas Hedin | Adsorbents for CO2 capture or CO2 reduction, solid-state NMR | https://www.su.se/english/profiles/nhedi-1.187310 | One postdoc position open currently | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic | niklas.hedin@mmk.su.se | ||||
238 | Zhehao Huang | Inorganic chemistry; metal-organic frameworks; heterogeneous catalysis; electrochemistry | https://www.zhehaohuang.com/ | Labspace; research funding; limited funding for salary | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic | zhehao.huang@mmk.su.se | ||||
239 | Arne Elofsson | Protein Bioinformatics | https://bioinfo.se/ | Postdoc funding, possible PhD funding | Stockholm | Sweden | Academic | arne@bioinfo.se | ||||
240 | Prof. Björn Åkermark and Dr. Biswanath Das | Sustainable production of Hydrogen from Water | http://www.organ.su.se/research/groups/?group=15; https://www.su.se/english/profiles/bida3182-1.504348 | We are advertising a two-year postdoctoral position on stipend and will be happy to have masters/bachelor students. We are also open to supporting grant applicatiuons. | Stockholm | Sweden | University | Bjorn.Akermark@su.se; biswanath.das@su.se | ||||
241 | Alyona Minina | Plant molecular biology, cell biology, plant autophagy | https://www.alyonaminina.org/ | Yes, we have funding for a 2 years project for a postodocral stipend | Uppsala | Sweden | Acdemic Lab | alena.minina@slu.se | ||||
242 | Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede | Protein biophysics, amyloids, metalloproteins, in vitro | Wittung-Stafshede's Protein Biophysics lab | Chalmers | grad students, postdocs and researchers, temporary funding can be worked out | Gothenburg | Sweden | Academic Lab | pernilla.wittung@chalmers.se | ||||
243 | Panagiotis Moschou | Protein phasing and catabolic processes in plants | https://pmoschoulab.wordpress.com/ | Computer, likely funding | Uppsala | Sweden-Greece | Academic lab | panagiotis.moschou@slu.se; panagiotis.moschou@imbb.forth.gr | ||||
244 | Meredith C. Schuman | Spatial genetics and ecological chemistry of plant communities | https://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/sg.html | Yes (support available from University of Zurich/Switzerland, https://www.uzh.ch/cmsssl/en/about/global/solidarity-with-ukraine.html and University Research Priority Program on Global Change and Biodiversity) | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic lab | meredithchristine.schuman@uzh.ch | ||||
245 | Kristy Deiner | environmental DNA, biodiversity science, conservation | https://environmental-dna.ethz.ch/ | Yes | Zurich | Switzerland | academic lab | kristy.deiner@usys.ethz.ch | ||||
246 | Melanie Blokesch | bacteriology; genetics | https://www.epfl.ch/labs/blokesch-lab/ | Yes (postdoc, PhD students) | Lausanne | Switzerland | Academic Lab | melanie.blokesch@epfl.ch | ||||
247 | Camilo Perez | Mechanistic biology of membrane proteins (Cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, Biophysics, Biochemistry) | https://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/research/research-groups/research-groups-a-z/overview/unit/research-group-camilo-perez | Yes | Basel | Switzerland | Academic Lab | camilo.perez@unibas.ch | ||||
248 | Ana Marija Jakšić | Drosophila genetics, behaviour, evolutionary biology | www.jaksiclab.com | Space (office, flyroom), lab supplies, equipment, Masters students stipends, limited funding for salaries, perhaps for a PhD student | Lausanne | Switzerland | Academic lab | ana.jaksic@epfl.ch | ||||
249 | Andreas Moor | tumor microenvironment, cellular interactions, single cell tech dev | https://bsse.ethz.ch/lsp | Yes | Basel | Switzerland | Academic lab | andreas.moor@bsse.ethz.ch | ||||
250 | Robert Finger | Agricultural Economics | https://aecp.ethz.ch/ | Yes, first for some months | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic Lab | rofinger@ethz.ch | ||||
251 | Rachael Garrett | Environmental Policy; Land System Science; Conservation | https://epl.ethz.ch/ | Yes | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic lab | rgarrett@ethz.ch | ||||
252 | Susanne Ulbrich | Animal Physiology, Reproductive Biology | https://ap.ethz.ch/ | Maybe (internship) | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic lab | seu@ethz.ch | ||||
253 | Arpat Ozgul | Population Ecology, Biodemography | www.popecol.org | Yes, can host a visiting researcher | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic lab | arpat.ozgul@uzh.ch | ||||
254 | Florian Altermatt | Freshwater Ecology, Biodiversity Sciences, environmental DNA | www.altermattlab.ch | Yes, for some months | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic Lab | florian.altermatt@ieu.uzh.ch | ||||
255 | Andreas Boland | Structural Biology / Cell cycle regulation / Signal transduction | https://www.bolandlab.org | yes | Geneva | Switzerland | Academic lab | Andreas.Boland@unige.ch | ||||
256 | Owen Petchey | Community ecology | http://thetrophiclink.org/ | Yes | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic Lab | owen.petchey@ieu.uzh.ch | ||||
257 | Stefan Lüpold | Evolutionary biology, reproduction, behavior | http://www.lupoldlab.net/ | Unfortunately very limited right now, but willing to sponsor or help figure something out (e.g. application) | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic Lab | stefan.luepold@ieu.uzh.ch | ||||
258 | Maarten Eppinga & Hanneke van 't Veen | Earth System Science, Geography Department | https://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/ess.html | Posibility to stay at our apartment in the living room, desk space, basic needs cover | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic lab | hanneke.vantveen@geo.uzh.ch | ||||
259 | Isabel Günther | Economics, focus global poverty and inequality | www.dec.ethz.ch www.nadel.ethz.ch | yes | Zürich | Switzerland | Academic lab | isabel.guenther@nadel.ethz.ch | ||||
260 | World Food System Center, Martijn Sonnevelt | Competence center representing different research groups at ETH Zurich working on research accros the food system (environmental, agricultural and food sciences) | https://worldfoodsystem.ethz.ch | yes, possibly | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic labs | msonnevelt@ethz.ch | ||||
261 | Biomedical Data Science Lab, Catherine Jutzeler | Data Science, Machine Learning, Biology, Medicine | https://hest.ethz.ch/en/department.html | yes, for 6 months. Can provide office space, computing facilities and travel. Can support applications. | Zurich | Switzerland | Academic and computational lab | catherine.jutzeler@ethz.ch | ||||
262 | Giovanni Ciriello | Cancer Genomics & Computational Biology | ciriellolab.org | possibly | Lausanne | Switzerland | computational lab | giovanni.ciriello@unil.ch | ||||
263 | Sara Marks | Drinking water treatment | https://www.eawag.ch/en/aboutus/portrait/organisation/staff/profile/sara-marks/show/ | Project support available, can support applications for tuition support | Dübendorf | Switzerland | Research Institute | sara.marks@eawag.ch | ||||
264 | Inge Herrmann | Medical Materials, Nanotechnology | nse.ethz.ch | yes | Zurich or St. Gallen | Switzerland | Academic lab | ingeh@ethz.ch | ||||
265 | Piyasan Praserthdam | Catalysis, Photocatalysis, Electrocatalysis, Biorefinery, CO2 Conversion, Solar Energy Storage | http://catalyst.eng.chula.ac.th/ | Yes, For PhD students and Postdocs | Bangkok | Thailand | Center of excellence. Research Lab | piyasan.p@chula.ac.th | ||||
266 | Omer KOZ | Organic Synthesis, Natural Product Chemistry, | https://sayfam.btu.edu.tr/site/dil/1/index.html | not now but possible after approx. 5-6 month | Bursa | Turkiye | Academic Lab | omer.koz@btu.edu.tr | ||||
267 | Burak V Kabasakal | Structural Biology, protein crystallography, cryo-EM, membrane protein complexes | https://burakveli.wixsite.com/bvklab | Possibly | Ankara | Türkiye | Academic lab | bvkabasakal@tarla.org.tr | ||||
268 | Alex Bond | Birds, conservation, museums, ecology, evolution | https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/departments-and-staff/staff-directory/alex-bond.html | No, unfortunately | Tring | U.K. | Museum | a.bond@nhm.ac.uk | ||||
269 | James Murray | Autophagy, ageing diseases | https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/medicine-health-life-science/medicine/biomedical-sciences/murray-j-t/ | Will support applications for funding, visa applications and may be able to help with accommodation for internships | Swansea | UK | Academic lab | j.t.murray@swansea.ac.uk | ||||
270 | Ryan MacDonald | Neuroscience, Retina, Vision, Developmental Biology | http://zebrafishucl.org/macdonald-lab | Yes | London | UK | Academic Lab | ryan.macdonald@ucl.ac.uk | ||||
271 | Leon Danon/Ellen Brooks-Pollock | Infectious disease mathematical modelling/ health data analytics | Yes | Bristol | UK | Academic Lab | l.danon@bristol.ac.uk | |||||
272 | Rosana Collepardo | Multiscale modelling, biomolecular simulations, coarse-graining, phase separation, chromatin structure modelling | Yes | Cambridge | Uk | Academic lab | rc597@cam.ac.uk | |||||
273 | Georgios Giamas | cancer cell signalling, extracellular vesicles, tumor microenvironment | http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/giamaslab/ | Yes, for some months | Brighton | UK | Academic lab | g.giamas@sussex.ac.uk | ||||
274 | Leon Lagnado | Neuroscience (experimental and computational, studying vision) | https://lagnadolab.com | Yes (PhD/postdoctoral) | Brighton | UK | academic lab | l.lagnado@sussex.ac.uk | ||||
275 | Laurence Pearl | Structural Biology; chaperones and DNA repair; drug discovery | http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/pearllab/ | Yes - Postdoc | Brighton | UK | academic lab | laurence.pearl@sussex.ac.uk | ||||
276 | Tom Baden | Systems Neuroscience, Retina, Visual Ecology, Evolution | www.badenlab.org | Yes (postdoc / technician). PhD more difficult administratively, but could try generate an internship instead | Brighton | UK | Academic lab | t.baden@sussex.ac.uk | ||||
277 | David Adams | Cancer Genetics, bioinformatics, genetic screens | https://www.sanger.ac.uk/person/adams-david/ | Bioinformaticians/grad students. Potential funding. Can also help engagement with other Sanger faculty or PIs in Cambridge. | Cambridge | uk | academic lab | da1@sanger.ac.uk | ||||
278 | Marko Hyvonen | Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Drug discovery | https://hyvonen.bioc.cam.ac.uk | Internships, placement, lab space, support with visa application, housing | Cambridge | UK | Academic lab | mh256@cam.ac.uk | ||||
279 | Rafael Carazo Salas | Human stem cells, cell biology, quantitative bioimaging and machine learning | www.carazosalaslab.org | Yes, possiblly funding for 6 month internship/placement, maybe more, for PhD student or postdoctoral scientist | Bristol | UK | Academic lab | rc16805@bristol.ac.uk | ||||
280 | Maarten Zwart | Neuroscience, microscopy, computational neuroscience | www.zwartlab.com | Yes, PhD, internships, lab space | St Andrews | UK | Academic | mfz@st-andrews.ac.uk | ||||
281 | Christiane Schaffitzel and Imre Berger | Synthetic Biology, Structural Biology (X-ray, Cryo-EM), Molecular Biology, Synthetic Vaccines | https://www.linkedin.com/in/imre-berger-7a0a6a50/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiane-berger-schaffitzel-a36178159/ | Yes, possiblly funding for 6 month internship/placement, maybe more, for PhD student or postdoctoral scientist | Bristol | UK | Academic lab | ib14525@bristol.ac.uk | ||||
282 | Prof. Dan Parsons | Geosciences (all) | www.hull.ac.uk/eei | yes | Hull, Yorkshire | UK | academic lab / Institute | d.parsons@hull.ac.uk | ||||
283 | Michael J. Bojdys | Chemistry | http://bojdyslab.org/ | Yes, 3 months PDRA | London | United Kingdom | Academic Lab | michael.bojdys@kcl.ac.uk | ||||
284 | Yuval Silberman | neuroscience, stress, and addiction | https://sites.psu.edu/silbermanlab/ | yes | Hershey, Pennsylvania | United States | Academic Lab | yus72@psu.edu | ||||
285 | Sapun Parekh | Molecular imaging of protein networks, biophysics of cancer | https://www.parekhlab.org/ | yes | Austin, Texas | United States | Academic Lab | sparekh@utexas.edu, alexandra.paul@utexas.edu | ||||
286 | Oscar N. Ventura | Computational Chemistry | https://sites.google.com/view/ccbgroup | limited, lab space and supplies, equipment, unlimited computer time, eventually living space | Montevideo | Uruguay | Academic | Oscar.N.Ventura@gmail.com | ||||
287 | Benjamin tenOever (NYU) | Virology, evolution, virus-host interactions | https://tenoeverlab.com/ | Yes, at all levels | New York, NY | USA | Academic lab / Industry | benjamin.tenOever@nyulangone.org | ||||
288 | John McCutcheon | endosymbiosis, organelles, insects, bacteria, intracellualr infections | www.mccutcheonlab.org | Yes | Tempe, AZ | USA | Academic Lab | john.mccutcheon@asu.edu | ||||
289 | Mariano Alvarez | Plant genome/machine learning/population genetics | https://www.avalo.ai | Yes (funding is easier than sponsorship) | Durham, NC | USA | Startup | m.alvarez@avalo.ai | ||||
290 | Trevor Caughlin | Remote sensing, land cover change, plant ecology, restoration | https://caughlinlab.com | yes | USA | academic lab | trevorcaughlin@Boisestate.edu | |||||
291 | Fay-Wei Li | Plant evolution, genomics, systematics, symbiosis, photosynthesis, cyanobacteria | http://www.fernway.net | Yes | Ithaca, NY | USA | Academic lab | |||||
292 | Avital Rodal | Drosophila, cell biology, neurobiology | https://www.rodallab.org/ | space, supplies, equipment | Waltham MA | USA | academic lab | arodal@brandeis.edu | ||||
293 | Jeff Bailey | Computational biology, population genetics | http://www.baileylab.org/ | Yes | Providence, RI | USA | Academic Lab | |||||
294 | Alexandra Deaconescu | structural biology, biochemistry, microbiology, X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy | https://www.deaconesculab.com | yes, postdoc | Providence, RI, USA | USA | academic lab | alexandra_deaconescu@brown.edu | ||||
295 | Wafik El-Deiry | Cell death and drug resistance in cancer, Cancer drug discovery, #eldeirylab | https://vivo.brown.edu/display/weldeiry | yes | Providence, RI | USA | academic lab | wafik@brown.edu | ||||
296 | Joseph Parker | Evolution, Genetics, Behavior, Neuroscience, Genomics, Chemical Ecology | https://www.beetles.caltech.edu/ | Yes | Pasadena | USA | academic lab | joep@caltech.edu | ||||
297 | Ho Yi Wan | Spatial Ecology. Big data. GIS. Machine Learning. Wildlife habitat, connectivity, landscape genetics. | hoyiwan.com | Yes | Arcata, California | USA | Academic lab | hw83@humboldt.edu | ||||
298 | Deanne Taylor | computational biology, bioinformatics, knowledge graphs, programming and application development, cancer research, metabolic modeling, Python, R, single cell | https://www.med.upenn.edu/apps/faculty/index.php/g275/p8820417 | yes | Philadelphia PA | USA | academic lab | deannetaylorphd@gmail.com | ||||
299 | Michael Hickerson | Macro-Genetics, Phylogeography and Population Genetics | https://hickerlab.wordpress.com/ | Space and housing in the city | Manhattan | USA | Academic lab | mhickerson@gmail.com | ||||
300 | Peter Koo | Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Gene Regulation | http://koolab.cshl.edu | flexible | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | USA | Academic Lab | koo@cshl.edu | ||||
301 | Oliver Hobert | C.elegans genetics | hobertlab.org | yes (postdoc) | New York | USA | ||||||
302 | Brent Stockwell | chemical biology | www.stockwelllab.org | yes | New York | USA | academic lab | bstockwell@columbia.edu | ||||
303 | Laura Landweber | ciliate molecular biology, comparative genomics, any bioinformatics | biochem.cumc.columbia.edu/research-labs/landweber-lab | yes, especially postdoc | New York, NY | USA | academic lab | laura.landweber@columbia.edu | ||||
304 | Richard Mann | Development Biology, Neuroscience | themannlab.org | Yes | New York, NY | USA | ||||||
305 | Anthony Fitzpatrick | Biophysics, Neuroscience | https://www.fitzpatrick-lab.org/ | Yes | New York, NY | USA | Academic lab | Anthony.Fitzpatrick@columbia.edu | ||||
306 | Franck Polleux | Neuroscience | https://www.polleuxlab.com | Yes | New York, NY | USA | Academic Lab | fp2304@columbia.edu | ||||
307 | Saeed Tavazoie | Systems biology; computational biology | https://tavazoielab.c2b2.columbia.edu/lab/ | Yes | New York, NY | USA | Academic lab | st2744@columbia.edu | ||||
308 | Guy Sella | Evolutionary, population and quantitative genetics | https://sellalab.biology.columbia.edu | Yes | NYC, NY | USA | Academic lab | gs2747@columbia.edu | ||||
309 | Molly Przeworski | Human Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Computational Biology | https://przeworskilab.com/ | Yes | NYC, NY | USA | Academic lab | mp3284@columbia.edu | ||||
310 | 2D carbides and nitrides - MXenes | nano.materials.drexel.edu | Yes | Philadelphia | USA | Academic Lab | yg36@drexel.edu | |||||
311 | Adam Gracz | adult stem cells, gastrointestinal biology, epithelium, chromatin, transcription | https://www.graczlab.org | yes (research specialist/staff scientist, potential for postdoc) | Atlanta, GA | USA | academic lab | |||||
312 | David Basanta | Mathematical oncology | https://lab.moffitt.org/cancerevo/ | yes, postdoc | Tampa, FL | USA | academic lab | |||||
313 | Elizabeth Olson | neuroscience, psychiatry, neuroimaging (mood/anxiety disorders) | no, but possible to support applications | Boston, MA | USA | academic lab | eaolson@mclean.harvard.edu | |||||
314 | Rachelle Gaudet | Structural Biology of transport and signaling across biological membranes | https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/gaudetlab/home | Short-term funding for postdoc and help sponsor applications for longer term | Cambridge, MA | USA | Academic lab | gaudet@mcb.harvard.edu | ||||
315 | Zeynep H Gumus | Computer Science/ Data Visualization/ Genetics | https://labs.icahn.mssm.edu/gumuslab/ | yes | New York City | USA | academic lab | zeynep.gumus@mssm.edu | ||||
316 | Chanh Kieu | Atmospheric dynamics, numerical weather prediction, tropical cyclones | https://earth.indiana.edu/directory/faculty/kieu-chanh.html | Yes | Bloomington, IN | USA | Academic lab | ckieu@indiana.edu | ||||
317 | Brian Yanites | Geomorphology, landscape evolution | https://geomorphology.earth.indiana.edu/profiles/yanites-brian.html | Yes | Bloomington, IN | USA | Academic lab | byanites@indiana.edu | ||||
318 | David Polly | Paleobiology, quantitative morphology | https://pollylab.indiana.edu | Maybe | Bloomington, IN | USA | Academic lab | pdpolly@indiana.edu | ||||
319 | Juergen Schieber | Sedimentary geology, petroleum geology | https://shale-mudstone-research-schieber.indiana.edu | Maybe | Bloomington, IN | USA | Academic lab | jschiebe@indiana.edu | ||||
320 | Leonie Moyle | Evolutionary genetics (plants, flies), reproduction | https://moylelab.sitehost.iu.edu/ | Possible to sponsor | Bloomington, Indiana | USA | Academic lab | |||||
321 | Christopher Lapish | Computational neurosicence, decision-making, addiction neuroscience | www.lapishlab.com | Postdoctoral funding available | Indianapolis, IN | USA | Academic lab | lapishc@gmail.com | ||||
322 | Nichole Broderick | insect-microbe interactions, microbe-microbe interactions | https://brodericklab.com | yes (postdoc) | Baltimore, MD | USA | academic lab | nbroder1@jhu.edu | ||||
323 | Buck Samuel | host-microbiome interactions, genetics and genomics, C. elegans | https://www.bcm.edu/people-search/buck-samuel-30114 | Maybe | Houston, TX | USA | academic lab | buck.samuel@bcm.edu | ||||
324 | Jan Claesen | Microbiology, microbiome, small molecules, natural products | claesengroup.org | yes | Cleveland, Ohio | USA | academic lab | claesej@ccf.org | ||||
325 | Yu-Chieh (Jack) Wang | Stem cell biology, cancer biology, organoids, and glycoenzymes | https://www.mcw.edu/departments/dermatology/research/wang-laboratory | Yes (Postdoctoral Researcher) | Milwaukee, WI | USA | Academic lab | yucwang@mcw.edu | ||||
326 | Shyam Saladi | Molecular diagnostics (PCR, NGS), bioinformatics | www.neelyx.com | Yes, all levels (BS research tech, PhD postdoc, MS/PhD staff scientist) | Chicago, IL | USA | Clinical lab | shyam.saladi@neelyx.com | ||||
327 | Malaika Ebert | plant-microbe interactions, plant pathology | yes (MSc/PhD) | Fargo, ND | USA | academic lab | malaika.ebert@ndsu.edu | |||||
328 | Randall Hughes | community ecology, evolutionary ecology | https://hugheslab.squarespace.com/ | Boston, MA | USA | academic lab | rhughes@northeastern.edu | |||||
329 | Greg Schwartz | Retina, mouse, visual system, computational neuroscience, electrophysiology | http://schwartzlab.feinberg.northwestern.edu | Yes, PhD and Postdoc | Chicago, IL | USA | academic lab | greg.schwartz@northwestern.edu | ||||
330 | Matt Rockman | evolutionary genetics, C. elegans and relatives, annelids | https://rockmanlab.bio.nyu.edu/ | we can figure something out | New York, NY | USA | academic lab | mrockman@nyu.edu | ||||
331 | Karim-Jean Armache | gene regulation, biochemistry, structural biology | https://armachelab.med.nyu.edu | yes | New York | USA | Academic Lab | karim-jean.armache@nyulangone.org | ||||
332 | Christine Thomas | inorganic chemistry, synthesis, organometallics, catalysis | https://u.osu.edu/thomaslab/ | yes | Columbus, OH | USA | academic lab | thomas.3877@osu.edu | ||||
333 | Donald Miles | Evolutionary Ecology, Ecophysiology | www.diapsida.org | Space, Supplies, potential funding | Athens, Ohio | USA | academic lab | urosaurus@gmail.com | ||||
334 | Jeremy Goecks | Computational biology and cancer data science | https://goeckslab.org/ | Yes (PhD level, postdoc level) | Portland, OR | USA | Academic Lab | goecksj@ohsu.edu | ||||
335 | Taal Levi | wildlife ecology, population ecology, DNA metabarcoding, eDNA | https://agsci-labs.oregonstate.edu/levit/2021/03/10/taal-levi/ | Yes | Corvallis, OR | USA | Academic lab | taal.levi@oregonstate.edu | ||||
336 | Maciej Boni | computational epidemiology, population genetics | http://mol.ax | funding available | State college, PA | USA | Academic Lab | mfb9@psu | ||||
337 | Kateryna Makova | Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics | bx.psu.edu/makova_lab/ | Yes | State College, PA | USA | Academic lab | makovakateryna@gmail.com | ||||
338 | Shaun Mahony | Regulatory genomics & computational biology | https://mahonylab.org/ | Yes | State College, PA | USA | Academic lab | see website | ||||
339 | Jean-Paul Armache | Structural biology/Cryo-EM of chromatin-associated complexes | https://www.armachelab.psu.edu | Yes | State College, PA | USA | Academic lab | jza449@psu.edu | ||||
340 | Santhosh Girirajan | Human Genetics, Drosophila, mouse, iPSC models, bioinformatics | https://autism.bx.psu.edu/ | Yes | State College, PA, USA | USA | Academic lab | sxg47@psu.edu | ||||
341 | Brock Harpur | entomology, evolution, genomics, bees | beemolevo.com | yes | west Lafayette | USA | academic lab | honeybee@purdue.edu | ||||
342 | Arek Kulczyk | Cryo-EM, single-molecule, DNA replication, DNA repair | http://kulczyk-lab.cryoemcorp.com/ | Yes | New Brunswick | USA | Academic lab | arek.kulczyk@rutgers.edu | ||||
343 | Andrew Su | Computational biology, bioinformatics, building and mining knowledge graphs | sulab.org | yes | San Diego, CA | USA | academic lab | asu@scripps.edu | ||||
344 | Eric Lai | mechanisms/genomics/biology of small RNAs and alternative mRNA isoforms | https://www.mskcc.org/research/ski/labs/eric-lai | yes | New York, NY | USA | academic lab | laie@mskcc.org | ||||
345 | Adam Durbin | Pediatric cancer epigenetics, transcription, chemical biology | https://www.stjude.org/research/labs/durbin-lab.html | Yes | Memphis, TN | USA | Academic lab | adam.durbin@stjude.org | ||||
346 | Heike Daldrup-Link | Radiology and Molecular Imaging Research, Cancer Imaging, Arthritis Imaging | https://daldrup-link-lab.stanford.edu/ | yes, postdoc level, cannot directly hire masters and PhD students | Palo Alto CA | USA | Academic lab | heiked@stanford.edu | ||||
347 | Jason Thanh Lee | department-wide molecular imaging program, instrumentation and biomarker development research | https://mips.stanford.edu | can help identify possible opportunities or lab openings in our program | Palo Alto, CA | USA | academic program | jsntlee@stanford.edu | ||||
348 | Ellen Yeh | protist biology (diatom, algae); endosymbiosis and evolutionary cell biology; genetics and genomics of non-model organisms | yehlab.stanford.edu | yes (at least postdoc level; cannot direct hire masters or PhD students) | Palo Alto, CA | USA | academic lab | ellenyeh@stanford.edu | ||||
349 | Molly Schumer | Evolutionary Genetics | schumerlab.com | yes at postdoc level, cannot direct hire PhD students | Palo Alto, CA | USA | academic lab | schumer@stanford.edu | ||||
350 | Capucine Van Rechem | Cancer epigenetics, direct roles in mRNA translation | https://vanrechemlab.com/ | yes, at least postdocs (can't direct hire PhD students) | Palo Alto, CA | USA | Academic lab | cvrechem@stanford.edu | ||||
351 | Joanna Wysocka | Craniofacial development, Enhancer dynamics, Mobile DNA elements, Anything and everything cranial neural crest. | Wysocka Lab | Chemical Systems Biology | Stanford Medicine | YES, Short term funding is absolutely available, long term funding is possible | Palo Alto, CA | USA | Academic lab | aadams18@stanford.edu | ||||
352 | Chi-Kuo Hu | Dormancy, Aging, and Development with the African killifish | https://dormantbiologylab.org/ | yes | Stony Brook, NY | USA | academic lab | chi-kuo.hu@stonybrook.edu | ||||
353 | Heidi Hehnly | Cell and Developmental Biology | http://www.hehnlylab.com | yes (postdoc, lab tech, maybe grad) | Syracuse, NY | USA | Academic Lab | hhehnly@syr.edu | ||||
354 | Carlos Castaneda | ubiquitin biology, phase separation, biochemistry, biophysics | https://cacastan.expressions.syr.edu/ | Yes (postdoc, lab technician, possible grad) | Syracuse, NY | USA | academic lab | cacastan@syr.edu | ||||
355 | Lin Zhu | Public health, cancer, chronic disease, health disparities, behavioral intervention, epidemiology | https://medicine.temple.edu/departments-centers/research-centers/center-asian-health | Yes, research coordinator, research associates and postdocs | Philadelphia, PA | USA | academic lab | lin.zhu@temple.edu | ||||
356 | Anton Nekrutenko | Genomics, Evolutionatry Biology, Computational Biology | https://nekrut.bx.psu.edu | Yes | State College, PA | USA | Academic lab | anton@nekrut.org | ||||
357 | Alessandro Gardini | cell and molecular biology, genomics, gene regulation, bioinformatics | https://wistar.org/our-scientists/alessandro-gardini | Recruiting for a postdoctoral position | Philadelphia, PA | USA | Academic lab | |||||
358 | Kern / Ralph colab | Population and Evolutionary Genetics | https://kr-colab.github.io/ | Yes | Eugene, Oregon | USA | Academic lab | adkern@uoregon.edu | ||||
359 | Rodrigo Almeida | ecology of emerging plant diseases | https://nature.berkeley.edu/almeidalab/ | Berkeley, CA | USA | Academic lab | rodrigoalmeida@berkeley.edu | |||||
360 | Nicole King | Evolution, evo-cell biology, host-microbe interactions, genomics | kinglab.berkeley.edu | Yes | Berkeley, CA | USA | Academic lab | nking@berkeley.edu | ||||
361 | Ksenia Krasileva | genomics, plant-microbe interactions, fungi | https://krasilevalab.org | yes | Berkeley, CA | USA | Academic lab | kseniak@berkeley.edu | ||||
362 | Cecilia Martinez-Gomez | microbial physiology, methylotrophy, lanthanide biochemistry, biometallurgy | https://ceciliamartinezlab.wixsite.com/cmlab | Yes (postdoc, lab technician, graduate students) | Berkeley, CA | USA | academic lab | cecimartinez@berkeley.edu | ||||
363 | Rasmus Nielsen | Population genetics, phylogenetics, genomics | https://nielsen-lab.github.io | yes | Berkeley, CA | USA | academic lab | rasmus_nielsen@berkeley.edu | ||||
364 | Graham Coop | Population genetics | gcbias.org | yes | Davis, CA | USA | academic lab | gmcoop@ucdavis.edu | ||||
365 | Kieran Samuk | Evolutionary Genetics | samuklab.com | Yes | Riverside, CA | USA | Academic lab | ksamuk@ucr.edu | ||||
366 | Russ Corbett-Detig | Evolutionary Genomics | https://corbett.ucsc.edu/ | Yes | Santa Cruz, CA | USA | Academic Lab | rucorbet@ucsc.edu | ||||
367 | Vijay Ramani | chromatin; gene regulation; methods development | https://kamakshi.ucsf.edu | Yes | San Francisco | USA | academic lab | vijay.ramani@ucsf.edu | ||||
368 | Hiten Madhani | Gene expression, host-pathogen interactions | http://madhanilab.ucsf.edu | Yes | San Francisco | USA | academic lab | hitenmadhani@gmail.com | ||||
369 | Hani Goodarzi | Systems Biology | goodarzilab.ucsf.edu | yes | San Francisco, CA | USA | academic lab | hani.goodarzi@ucsf.edu | ||||
370 | Oliver Rando | Genomics, epigenetics, reproduction | https://www.umassmed.edu/randolab/ | Yes | Worcester, MA | USA | academic lab | |||||
371 | Rebekah Rogers | Structural variation and genetic novelty | evolscientist.com | None known; space only; could sponsor for fellowships | Charlotte NC | USA | Academic lab | Rebekah.Rogers@uncc.edu | ||||
372 | Elisabetta Babetto | Axon degeneration and glia metabolism | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisabettababetto/ | Yes | Buffalo, NY | USA | Academic lab | ebabetto@buffalo.edu | ||||
373 | Paul Carini | Microbiology, microbial ecology, cellular & Molecular biology, Systems biology terrestrial & marine habitats | carinilab.com | Tucson, AZ | USA | academic lab | paulcarini@arizona.edu | |||||
374 | Mike Barker | Plant evolution, genomics, bioinformatics | https://www.barkerlab.net/ | Possible to sponsor | Tucson, AZ | USA | Academic lab | msbarker@arizona.edu | ||||
375 | Alicia Byrd | enzymology (helicase mechanisms), replication stress response | https://medicine.uams.edu/biochemistry/faculty/primary/alicia-k-byrd-ph-d/ | yes (postdoc) | Little Rock, AR | USA | academic lab | [see group website] | ||||
376 | Priya Moorjani | Evolutionary Biology, Population genetics, Computational Biology | https://moorjanilab.org/ | Yes | Berkeley, CA | USA | Academic lab | moorjani@berkeley.edu | ||||
377 | Denis Titov | Metabolism, Systems Biology | https://denistitovlab.org | Yes | Berkeley, CA, USA | USA | Acedemic Lab | titov@berkeley.edu | ||||
378 | Artyom Kopp | Developmental and Evolutionary Genetics | https://kopplab.ucdavis.edu/ | Not available in spring 2022; can sponsor/support applications | Davis, CA | USA | ||||||
379 | Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk | aging and age-related eye diseases | https://www.faculty.uci.edu/profile.cfm?faculty_id=6745 | postdoctoral and PhD positions, also possible shorter scholarships | Irvine, CA | USA | academic lab | dorotasklab@gmail.com | ||||
380 | Shaheen Sikandar | breast cancer, cancer stem cells, normal epithelial stem cells | www.sikandarlab.com | yes, postdoc | Santa Cruz, CA | USA | academic program | ssikanda@ucsc.edu | ||||
381 | Ann M Hirsch | Plant Microbiology, PGPB | https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=_sFl-OoAAAAJ&hl=en | Maybe, grad student/postdoc | Los Angeles | USA | Academic lab | ann_m_hirsch@me.com | ||||
382 | Sebastian Schreiber | Theoretical and mathematical population biology | https://schreiber.faculty.ucdavis.edu | no, but possible to support applications | Davis, CA | USA | academic lab | sschreiber@ucdavis.edu | ||||
383 | Ramen Saha | Neuroepigenetics of experience-dependent gene transcription | https://sites.ucmerced.edu/rsaha3 | Yes (until May 2023) | Merced, California | USA | Academic lab | |||||
384 | Daniel Koenig | Plant evolutionary genetics | https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/koeniglab | Yes | Riverside, CA | USA | Academic lab | dkoenig@ucr.edu | ||||
385 | Kira Poskanzer | Circuit/cellular neuroscience, astrocytes and neurons | https://kiraposkanzerlab.org/ | Yes | San Francisco, CA | USA | Academic lab | kira.poskanzer@ucsf.edu | ||||
386 | drug discovery | yes | San Francisco, CA | USA | academic lab | bshoichet@gmail.com | ||||||
387 | Yuriy Kirichok | Mitochondria, bioenergetics | Welcome To Kirichok Lab! | Yuriy Kirichok Lab (ucsf.edu) | Yes | San Francisco, CA | USA | academic lab | yuriy.kirichok@uscf.edu | ||||
388 | Holly Ingraham | Hormones and Neurocircuits in Female Physiology - CNS and Gut | https://ingrahamlab.ucsf.edu | Yes (Postdoc) | San Francisco, CA | USA | academic lab | holly.ingraham@ucsf.edu | ||||
389 | Holly Moeller | community ecology, mathematical ecology, marine microbial ecology, plant-fungal mutualism | moellerlab.org | Yes (postdoc) | Santa Barbara, CA | USA | academic lab | hvmoeller@ucsb.edu | ||||
390 | Aaron Turkewitz | ciliate cell biology | https://voices.uchicago.edu/turkewitzlab/ | yes (postdoc) | Chicago | USA | academic lab | apturkew@uchicago.edu | ||||
391 | Anna Di Rienzo | human population and functional genomics | http://genapps.uchicago.edu/newlabweb/ | yes (postdoc) | Chicago, IL | USA | academic lab | dirienzo@bsd.uchicago.edu | ||||
392 | John Novembre | Population genetics (computational) | http://jnpopgen.org | Yes | Chicago, IL | USA | Academic lab | jnovembre@uchicago.edu | ||||
393 | Dan Bolnick | Evolutionary ecology, genetics, immunology of stickleback fish | https://bolnicklab.wordpress.com | Yes | Storrs, CT | USA | Academic lab | email: daniel.bolnick@uconn.edu | ||||
394 | CJ Tsai | poplar functional genomics and genome editing | http://aspendb.uga.edu/ | Yes | Athens, GA | USA | academic lab | cjtsai@uga.edu | ||||
395 | Paul Hohenlohe | evolutionary and conservation genetcs/genomics | http://hohenlohelab.github.io | No but willing to sponsor | Moscow, ID | USA | academic lab | hohenlohe@uidaho.edu | ||||
396 | Birthe Kjellerup | Environmental engineering/microbiology | https://cee.umd.edu/clark/faculty/274/Birthe-Kjellerup | Yes | Washington DC/Baltimore | USA | Academic lab | Bvk@umd.edu | ||||
397 | Nathan DeYonker | computational chemistry, biophysics, enzymology, astrochemistry | https://www.memphis.edu/chem/faculty-deyonker/index.php | yes | Memphis, TN | USA | Academic lab | |||||
398 | Regina Baucom | Ecological genetics, plant adaptation, evolutionary genomics, evolutionary ecology | https://baucomlab.wordpress.com/ | Yes | Ann Arbor, MI | USA | Academic lab | rsbaucom@umich.edu | ||||
399 | Luis Zaman | Experimental Microbial Evolution/Digital Evolution | https://zeeelab.com | yes | Ann Arbor, MI | USA | academic lab | zamanlh@umich.edu | ||||
400 | Nils Walter | RNA, single molecule analysis, riboswitches, RNAi, splicing, ribozymes, transcription | https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/walter-lab/ | yes, visits of Ukrainian scientists, details to be discussed | Ann Arbor, Michigan | USA | academic lab | nwalter@umich.edu | ||||
401 | Catherine Eichhorn | Structural biology / chemistry, regulatory RNA-protein complexes | eichhornlab.com | Yes (graduate student / postdoctoral fellow) | Lincoln NE | USA | Academic lab | ceichhor@unl.edu | ||||
402 | Cancer Genomics, Computational Immunology | pirl.unc.edu | yes | Chapel Hill, NC | USA | academic lab | alex.rubinsteyn@unc.edu | |||||
403 | Dan Schrider | Population and Evolutionary Genetics | https://schriderlab.org | Yes | Chapel Hill, North Carolina | USA | Academic lab | drs@unc.edu | ||||
404 | Ann Loraine | Bioinformatics, data visualization in genomics, software development | https://lorainelab.org | Yes, postdoc or research scientist (post-PhD). | Charlotte, NC | USA | academic lab | aloraine@uncc.edu | ||||
405 | Laura McKnight | chromatin remodeling and transcriptional regulation in yeast | https://mcknightlab.uoregon.edu/ | Yes (but only until June 2023) | Eugene, OR | USA | Academic lab | lmcknigh@uoregon.edu | ||||
406 | Joshua Plotkin | Evolutionary theory, population dynamics, collective decision-making, polarization, mathematical modelling | https://mathbio.sas.upenn.edu | yes | Philadelphia, PA | USA | academic lab | |||||
407 | Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter | Materials science, soft matter, nanotechnolgy | https://www.lrsm.upenn.edu/ | Yes (PD, Research Scientist) | Philadelphia, PA | USA | Academic Lab | stach@seas.upenn.edu | ||||
408 | Vera Moiseenkova-Bell | Structural biology, biophysics, cell biology | https://moiseenkova-lab.com/ | Yes | Philadelphia | USA | Academic Lab | vmb@pennmedicine.upenn.edu | ||||
409 | Ian Ehrenreich | Synthetic genomics, Genetics of Complex Traits, Host-Pathogen Interactions | https://dornsife.usc.edu/labs/ehrenreich-lab-at-usc/ | Yes | Los Angeles | USA | Academic Lab | ian.ehrenreich@usc.edu | ||||
410 | Serghei Mangul | Bioinformatics and genomics | https://mangul-lab-usc.github.io/ | Yes; postdocs and also visting scolars for current PhD in Ukraine | Los Angeles, CA | USA | Academic lab | serghei.mangul@gmail.com | ||||
411 | Carolyn Phillips | C. elegans small RNA silencing, germline gene regulation | https://dornsife.usc.edu/labs/phillips | yes (post-doc) | Los Angeles, CA | USA | academic lab | cphil@usc.edu | ||||
412 | Kelly Zamudio | population and conservation genomics, disease ecology, adaptation | zamudiolab.org | Yes (PhD or post-doc) | Austin, TX | USA | Academic lab | kelly.zamudio@austin.utexas.edu | ||||
413 | Arbel Harpak | Population Genomics, Statistical Genomics | http://www.harpaklab.com | Yes | Austin, TX | USA | Academic lab | arbelharpak@utexas.edu | ||||
414 | Nels Elde | Evolutionary genetics, host-pathogen interactions | cellvolution.org | yes | Salt Lake City, UT | USA | academic lab | nelde@genetics.utah.edu | ||||
415 | Raphael Franzini | Medicinal chemistry, bioorganic chemistry | https://franzini-research-group.squarespace.com/ | yes (postdoc) | Salt Lake City, UT | USA | academic lab | raphael.franzini@utah.edu | ||||
416 | Gabrielle Kardon | Muscle development, regeneration, recovery from viral infection | http://www.kardonlab.org/ | yes | Salt Lake City, UT | USA | academic lab | gkardon@genetics.utah.edu | ||||
417 | Bryan William Jones | Retinal circuitry / neuroscience | https://marclab.org | yes | Salt Lake City, UT | USA | academic lab | bryan.jones@m.cc.utah.edu | ||||
418 | Rosana Risques | Early cancer detection, somatic evolution, cancer genomics, aging | risqueslab.org | yes (postdoc, grad student, bioinformatician) | Seattle, WA | USA | academic lab | rrisques@uw.edu | ||||
419 | Joseph Boll | Microbiology, antimicrobial resistance | Bolllab.org | Yes (postdoctoral, graduate student, technician) | Dallas/ft.worth | USA | Academic lab | Joseph.boll@uta.edu | ||||
420 | David Corey | RNA Biology/oligonucleotide therapeutics | https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/labs/corey/ | Yes | Dallas | USA | Academic lab | |||||
421 | Jian Zhou | Computational biology, genomics, machine learning | https://zhoulab.io | Yes (PhD and postdoc) | Dallas, TX | USA | academic lab | jian.zhou@utsouthwestern.edu | ||||
422 | Wenhao Zhang | Theoretical and computational neuroscience | www.zhang-cnl.org | Yes (PostDoc/PhD) | Dallas, TX | USA | academic lab | wenhao.zhang@utsouthwestern.edu | ||||
423 | Bo Li | Cancer genomics, computational immunology, cancer-immune interaction | https://www.lilab-utsw.org | Yes, all levels | Dallas, TX | USA | Academic lab | bo.li@utsouthwestern.edu | ||||
424 | Gaudenz Danuser | cell biology, live cell imaging | https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/labs/danuser/ | Yes (postdoc level) | Dallas, TX | USA | Academic lab | Gaudenz.Danuser@UTSouthwestern.edu | ||||
425 | Gaudenz Danuser | computational biology (no biological background needed); causal inference in time series | https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/labs/danuser/ | Yes (postdoc level) | Dallas, TX | USA | Academic lab | Gaudenz.Danuser@UTSouthwestern.edu | ||||
426 | Zbyszek Otwinowski | CryoEM, X-ray crystallography, NGS, evolution, software and hardware development | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oeDqUksAAAAJ | Yes | Dallas, TX | USA | Academic lab | zbyszek@work.swmed.edu | ||||
427 | Kevin Dean | Optics, Microscopy, Mechanical Engineering | www.dean-lab.org | Yes | Dallas, TX | USA | Academic Lab | kevin.dean@utsouthwestern.edu | ||||
428 | Kathleen DelGiorno | Diseases of the pancreas | lab.vanderbilt.edu/delgiorno-lab/ | yes | Nashville, TN | USA | Academic lab | kathleen.delgiorno@vanderbilt.edu | ||||
429 | Andreana Holowatyj | cancer biology/genetics, survivorship, disparities, epidemiology | https://medsites.vumc.org/holowatyjlab/home | Yes | Nashville, TN | USA | Academic Lab | |||||
430 | Noah Snyder-Mackler | functional genomics, comparative genomics, behavior, neurogenomics | https://smack-lab.com/ | University | Tempe, AZ | USA | Academic lab | nsnyderm@asu.edu | ||||
431 | Michael Olivier | genomics, proteomics, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, bioinformatics | https://www.wfcenterforprecisionmedicine.org/new-page-1 | yes | Winston-Salem, NC | USA | Academic lab | molivier@wakehealth.edu | ||||
432 | Joanna Kelley | evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, population genetics | http://labs.wsu.edu/genomes | Yes | Pullman, WA | USA | Academic lab | joanna.l.kelley@wsu.edu | ||||
433 | Omar Cornejo | genomics, bioinformatics, population genetics, microbiome | https://labs.wsu.edu/populationgenomics/ | no, but possible to support applications | Pullman, WA | USA | academic lab | omar.cornejo@wsu.edu | ||||
434 | Rohit Pappu | Computational biophysics, intrinsically disordered proteins, phase separation | http://pappulab.wustl.edu | Yes | St. Louis | USA | academic lab | pappu@wustl.edu | ||||
435 | Ben Garcia | protein PTMs, epigenetics, proteomics | https://hosting.med.upenn.edu/garcialab/ | yes | St. Louis | USA | Academic lab | bagarcia@wustl.edu | ||||
436 | Francesca Luca | Functional genomics, Human Genetics | https://lucalab.org/ | Yes | Detroit, MI | USA | Academic lab | fluca@wayne.edu | ||||
437 | James Beck | Plant systematics and evolution | http://becklaboratory.com/James/Beck%20Lab/home.html | Yes | Wichita, KS | USA | Academic lab | james.beck@wichita.edu | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jGFCqP2kj1ZAN6xy6EoRN1bozaggk9VEsbzYaIkkYcQ/edit#gid=0 | |||
438 | Mathieu Bakhoum | Cancer Biology, epigenetics | www.bakhoumlab.org | Yes (postdoc) | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic lab | mbakhoumlab@gmail.com | ||||
439 | Richard PIerce | Endothelial dysfunction | New Haven | Yes, post-doc | New Haven, CT | USA | academic lab | richard.pierce@yale.edu | ||||
440 | Jennifer (Jenn) Coughlan | evolutionary genetics (mostly plants) | https://jenncoughlan.weebly.com/ | Yes* note that I don't start until July 1, which may be too late to be helpful | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic lab | email: coughlanjenn@gmail.com | ||||
441 | James Noonan | Genetics and genomics | noonanlab.org | Yes | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic lab | james.noonan@yale.edu | ||||
442 | Steven Reilly | Genomics, Evolution, Human Genetics | www.reilly-lab.com | Yes | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic lab | steven.k.reilly@yale.edu | ||||
443 | Rosemary Braun | Computational & mathematical biology, network science, bioinformatics | https://sites.northwestern.edu/braunlab/ | Yes (postdoc & data scientist; cannot directly hire students) | Chicago, IL | USA | Academic lab | rbraun@northwestern.edu | ||||
444 | Cell biology, neuroscience, hearing loss, microscopy, deep learning | manor.salk.edu | Yes | San Diego | USA | Academic lab | umanor at salk.edu | |||||
445 | Dmitry Korkin | Bioinformatics, computational biology, computational genomics, machine learning | http://korkinlab.org/ | Yes (a Ph.D. position), possibly (a postdoc in a near future) | Worcester, MA | USA | Academic lab | dkorkin@wpi.edu | ||||
446 | Anindita (Dia) Das | Nanomaterials, inorganic chemistry, catalysis | https://people.smu.edu/daslab/ | Yes (PhD student), maybe (Postdoc) | Dallas, Texas | USA | Academic Lab | aninditad@smu.edu | ||||
447 | Martha Muñoz | Evolutionary Physiology, Ecophysiology, Behavioral Ecology, Thermal Biology, Herpetology, Organismal Biology | www.marthamunoz.com | yes | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic | martha.munoz@yale.edu | ||||
448 | Kristen DeAngelis | environmental microbiology, microbial ecology and evolution, soil microbiology, lignocellulosic biofuels | https://kristendeangelis.net | yes, possible funding and lab space | Amherst, MA | USA | Academic | deangelis@microbio.umass.edu | ||||
449 | Janine LaSalle | Epigenetics of autism, environmental health, health disparities | https://mmi-lab.ucdavis.edu/ | yes | Davis, CA | USA | acadmic | jmlasalle@ucdavis.edu | ||||
450 | Alex Shalek | Single cell genomics, Infection biology, Cancer, Tech development | https://shaleklab.com/ | Yes | Cambridge, MA | USA | Academic lab | shalek@mit.edu | ||||
451 | Eric Song | immunology, neuroimmunology, brain tumor, ophthalmology | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NMhFhawAAAAJ&hl=en | Yes (Post doc) | New Haven, CT | USA | Academic | eric.song@yale.edu | ||||
452 | Degui Zhi | Computational biology, AI, EHR, population genetics | https://zhigroup.github.io | Yes | Houston, TX | USA | academic lab | degui.zhi@uth.tmc.edu | ||||
453 | Brian J Enquist | Macroecology and plant physiology | https://brianjenquist.wordpress.com/brian-j-enquist/ | Possibly | Arizona, USA | USA | Academic lab | benquist@email.arizona.edu | ||||
454 | Ralph R. Isberg | Intracellular bacterial pathogens; drug resistance evolution | https://medicine.tufts.edu/people/faculty/ralph-isberg | Yes | Boston, MA | USA | Academic wet lab | ralph.isberg@tufts.edu | ||||
455 | Dima Kozakov | Bioinformatics, Physics aware deep learning; Structural systems biology; | https://abcgroup.cluspro.org | yes | Stony Brook (New York) | USA | Academic Lab | midas@laufercenter.org | ||||
456 | Seth Finnegan | Marine paleobiology and paleoclimate | https://finneganlab.org | maybe | Berkeley, CA | USA | Academic lab | sethf@berkeley.edu | ||||
457 | Daniel Herranz | T-cell Leukemia, cancer metabolism and enhancers | www.herranzlab.org | yes | New Brunswick, NJ | USA | Academic lab | dh710@cinj.rutgers.edu | ||||
458 | Paul Schmidt | Evolutionary biology | paulschmidt.bio.upenn.edu | yes | Philadelphia, PA | USA | academic lab | schmidtp@upenn.edu | ||||
459 | Rudy Behnia | Neuroscience, vision | http://behnialab.neuroscience.columbia.edu/ | yes | New York | USA | academic lab | rb3161@columbia.edu | ||||
460 | Glenn Simmons Jr | Cancer Biology, immunology, tumor microenvironment, 3D Bioprinting | Www.simmonslab.vet.cornell.edu | Yes for short term post doc | Ithaca, NY | USA | Academic lab | glenn.simmons@cornell.edu | ||||
461 | A-Andrew D Jones, III | Biofilms, cardiovascular infections, water quality, 3D biorprinting | seel.pratt.duke.edu | Yes for short term post doc | Durham, NC | USA | Academic Lab | andrew.jones3@duke.edu | ||||
462 | Bishoy M. Faltas | Cancer genetics and cancer evolution | https://faltaslab.weill.cornell.edu/ | Yes (postdoc) | New York, NY | USA | Academic lab | bmf9003@med.cornell.edu | ||||
463 | C. Brandon Ogbunu | protein evolution, epidemics, microbial evolution mathematical biology, population genetics | medium.com/geeqslab | Yes | New Haven, CT | USA | Academiclab | |||||
464 | Markus Rinschen | Kidney, physiology, proteomics, metabolomics, nephrology, medicine | https://biomed.au.dk/laboratory-of-kidney-omics-and-metabolism/ | |||||||||
465 | Sue Rhee | Plant Systems Biology | rheelab.org | Yes (starting the fall 2022) | Stanford, CA | |||||||
466 | Jacob G Scott | cancer evolution, microbial evolution, mathematical biology | https://www.lerner.ccf.org/thor/scott/lab/ | |||||||||
467 | Claudio Joazeiro | Proetin quality control, E3 ligases, neurodegeneration | https://www.zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de/Joazeiro/default.shtml | |||||||||
468 | Brea Perry, Bernice Pescosolido, Anne Krendl | |||||||||||
469 | Eve Seuntjens | developmental neurobiology | https://bio.kuleuven.be/df/es/ | |||||||||
470 | Benjamin Neel | Cancer biology and signal transduction | https://theneellab.com/ | |||||||||
471 | Uri Manor | Molecular biology | ||||||||||
472 | Eugenia Piddini | Mammalian Cell Biology/Drosophila Developmental Biology | https://piddinilab.org | |||||||||
473 | Maria Rebolleda-Gomez | Microbial ecology and evolution | https://mrebolleda.github.io/ | Yes (easier if it is PhD level, but it can work at other levels) | ||||||||
474 | Isabel Reche | Microbial ecology | http://wpd.ugr.es/~ireche/ | Yes, for some months | ||||||||
475 | Celia Schunter | marine genomics/adaptation | https://www.schunterlab.com/ | yes | Hong Kong | academic lab | schunter@hku.hk | |||||
476 | Alice Telesnitsky | Retrovirus genetics and RNA biology | https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/the-telesnitsky-lab/ | |||||||||
477 | Betul Kacar | evolutionary biochemistry, bacteriology, origins of life | ancientbiology.org | |||||||||
478 | Paula Bos | Tumor microenvironment, Metastasis | https://pathology.vcu.edu/research/research-labs/bos-lab-research/paula-bos-phd.html | |||||||||
479 | Daniel Colón Ramos | molecular biology, neuroscience, c. elegans. Currently in sabbatical at MPI in Dresden too | https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/colon_ramos/ | |||||||||
480 | Konrad Förstner | Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Text Mining, Software developemt (Discovery Service) | www.ciceco.ua.pt/manuelsouto | Maybe | ||||||||
481 | Mario Kumekawa | |||||||||||
482 | Eric Cascales | |||||||||||
483 | Denis Jabaudon | developmental neuroscience | ||||||||||
484 | ||||||||||||
485 | Xiaodong Zou | Structural chemistry; Electron crystallography; Data analysis methods and machine learning; Zeolites and MOFs | http://www.mmk.su.se/zou | Yes | ||||||||
486 | Zuzana Burivalova | Tropical forest ecology and conservation, bioacoustics, conservation effectiveness. May be relevant to Ukrainian scientists and African / international scientists from tropical forest countries who cannot stay in the Ukraine. | www.soundforestlab.org | Yes (visiting graduate student, postdoc, research intern, lab manager) | Madison, Wisconsin | USA | Academic lab, with ties to conservation NGOs. | burivalova@wisc.edu | ||||
487 | Ya-Chi Ho | HIV single cell genomics, bioinformatics, T cell biology, mechanisms of HIV persistence and latency | https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/yachiho/research/ | Yes (postdocs) | New Haven, Connecticut | USA | academic lab; HIV research; single cell genomics; bioinformatics | ya-chi.ho@yale.edu | ||||
488 | Johannes Frasnelli | smell, taste, psychology, pathology, physiology | https://oraprdnt.uqtr.uquebec.ca/pls/public/genw050.afficher_fiche_perso?owa_cd_secteur=2900&owa_cd_fonction=46&owa_no_personne=675365&owa_contexte=$1313-73 | yes, PhD student, postdoc | Trois Rivières, Québec | Canada | academic lab | johannes.a.frasnelli@uqtr.ca | ||||
489 | Jeremy Van Cleve | Evolutionary theory, mathematical biology | https://vancleve.theoretical.bio/ | No | Lexington, Kentucky | USA | Academic lab | jvancleve@uky.edu | ||||
490 | Georgios Skiniotis | Structural biology of membrane proteins, GPCRs, cryoEM, drug discovery | https://med.stanford.edu/skiniotislab.html | Yes | Stanford, California | USA | Academic lab | yiorgo@stanford.edu | ||||
491 | Piotr Rzymski | environmental biology, medical biology, covid, epidemiology, experimental in vitro, cyanobacteria | envmed.ump.edu.pl | Accomodation, phd student, lab. We will work something out, don't worry. | Poznań | Poland | Academic lab | rzymskipiotr@ump.edu.pl | ||||
492 | Piotr Klimaszyk | lakes restoration, analyses of water, hydrobiology | http://zow-wp.home.amu.edu.pl/ | Accomodation, phd student, lab. We will work something out, don't worry. | Poznań | Poland | Academic lab | pklim@amu.edu.pl | ||||
493 | Magda Krzymowska | plant-microbe interactions, type three effectors | www.ibb.edu.pl | Two postdoc positions | Warsaw | Poland | Academic lab | krzyma@ibb.waw.pl | ||||
494 | Andreas Liese | Biocatalysis / Bioprocess Engineering / inline Analytic NMR or FTIR / Dissemination in STEM | https://www2.tuhh.de/itb/ | yes, PhD student or PostDoc + family including accomodation | Hamburg | Germany | Academic lab | biocatalysis@tuhh.de | ||||
495 | Harald Schwalbe | Structural biology (NMR, Xray), biochemistry and chemical synthesis of proteins, RNA and small molecules | http://schwalbe.org.chemie.uni-frankfurt.de/ | yes | Frankfurt am Main | Germany | Academic Lan | ferner@nmr.uni-frankfurt.de | ||||
496 | Haydn Kissick | Tumor Immunology, Basic Immunology | https://www.emory.edu/home/index.html | Yes | Atlanta | USA | Academic Lab | haydn.kissick@emory.edu | ||||
497 | Amy Gladfelter | Cell Biology, RNA, cytoskeleton, micorscopy | https://gladfelterlab.web.unc.edu | Chapel Hill, NC | USA | Academic Lab | amyglad@unc.edu | |||||
498 | Michał Tomza | atomic physics, molecular physics, quantum chemistry, optics, ultracold physics | http://quantmol.uw.edu.pl/ https://camop.uw.edu.pl/ | Yes. We can cover scholarships and accommodation for next 3-6 months for scientists working on topics related to the AMO physics and quantum chemistry. | Warsaw | Poland | Academic lab: Quantum Molecular Systems, action within the Excellence Initiative – Research University Program: Centre AMO | michal.tomza@fuw.edu.pl camop@uw.edu.pl | ||||
499 | Meelis Pärtel (MacroecologyUT group) | Macroecology, functional ecology, biodiversity research | https://macroecology.ut.ee/en/ | yes | Tartu | Estonia | Academic Lab | meelis.partel@ut.ee | ||||
500 | Łukasz Kaczmarek | zoology, tardigrade, taxonomy | http://ztez.amu.edu.pl/pracownicy/pracownicy-naukowi/22-dr-lukasz-kaczmarek | We will work something out. | Poznań | Poland | Academic Lab | kaczmar@amu.edu.pl | ||||
501 | Eduardo Pérez-Valera | Soil microbial diversity, bacteria, antibiotic resistance | https://www.upb.cas.cz/en/ | Yes | Ceske Budejovice | Czech repulbic | Academic Lab | eduardo.perez.valera@upb.cas.cz | ||||
502 | Sarah Butcher | structural virology, cryoEM, computation, bioinformatics | https://blogs.helsinki.fi/butcher/introduction/ | Accomodation, salaried PhD or postdoc for several months - 2 years | Helsinki | Finland | Academic lab | sarah.butcher@helsinki.fi | ||||
503 | Anna Chiara De Luca | BioPhotonics, Raman and Sers imaging, correlative microscopy, cancer, biosensors | https://bandi.urp.cnr.it/doc-assegni/documentazione/12246_DOC_IT.pdf | post doc position for 1 year renewable up to 3 years | Napoli | Italy | academic lab | annachiara.deluca@cnr.it | ||||
504 | Lindsey Seldin | Epithelial stem cells, plasticity, transcriptomics, cancer | seldinlab.com | Yes | Atlanta, Georgia | USA | Academic lab | lseldin@emory.edu | ||||
505 | Anna Mechler | Electrocatalysis, Electrochemical Engineering | https://www.avt.rwth-aachen.de/cms/AVT/Forschung/~jiybu/Elektrochemische-Reaktionstechnik/?lidx=1 | Yes, PostDoc & Support for humboldt-Application | Aachen | Germany | Academic lab | secretary.ert@avt.rwth-aachen.de | ||||
506 | LabFam Labour Market and Fetility | fertility, automatization, labour market, demography, economics, social sciences | https://labfam.uw.edu.pl/ | Post-doc, PhD student; salary/ scholaship is possible - to be discussed | Warsaw | Poland | Academic lab | ejarosz@wne.uw.edu.pl | ||||
507 | Gergely Szollosi | Biological Physics, Molecular Evolution, Mathemtaical Biology | http://ssolo.web.elte.hu | Computer use, office space, postdoc possibility | Budapest | Hungary | Academic lab | ssolo@elte.hu | ||||
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509 | Allan Rasmusson | Plant biology, plant paleobiology, fungal interactions | https://portal.research.lu.se/en/persons/allan-rasmusson | Yes | Lund | Sweden | Academic lab | allan.rasmusson@biol.lu.se | ||||
510 | Julia Fischer | Primate Behaviour, Statistics, | https://www.dpz.eu/en/unit/cognitive-ethology/about-us.html | Some bridge funding (stipend) available | Göttingen | Germany | Academic lab | jfischer@dpz.eu | ||||
511 | Alexander Gail | Primate Neurophysiology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroprosthetics | www.dpz.eu/smg | tbd | Göttingen | Germany | Academic lab | |||||
512 | Michaela Salcher | Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Microbial Cultivation and (meta)genomics | https://www.hbu.cas.cz/en/structure/ame/michis-page/ | https://www.nfneuron.cz/novinky/pomoc-mladym-ukrajinskym-vedcum | Ceske Budejovice | Czech Republic | Academic lab | michaelasalcher@gmail.com | ||||
513 | Stefan Pöhlmann | Virology, SARS-CoV-2 | Deutsches Primatenzentrum: Über uns (dpz.eu) | probably | Göttingen | Germany | Academic lab | spoehlmann@dpz.eu | ||||
514 | Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond | Computational bioloigy, evolution, software, bioinformatics, SARS-CoV-2, genomics | lab.hyphy.org | Yes | Philadelphia | USA | Academic lab | spond@temple.edu | ||||
515 | Rob Unckless | Immune evolution, genetic conflict | https://www.uncklesslab.com/ | TBD | Lawrence, KS | USA | Academic lab | unckless@ku.edu | ||||
516 | Julia Ostner | Primate Behavioral Ecology, Endocrinology | https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/153624.html | possibly bridge funding to support applications | Göttingen | Germany | Academic lab | jostner@gwdg.de | ||||
517 | Axel Brunger | Structural biology | https://atbweb.Stanford.edu | Possibly | Stanford, CA | USA | Academic lab | brunger@stanford.edu | ||||
518 | Jagan Srinivasan | Neuroscience, chemical biology, molecular genetics, C. Elegans | Http://labs.wpi.edu/srinivasanlab | Postdoctoral for 2 years | Worcester MA | USA | ||||||
519 | Alex Dammermann | Cell biology (C. elegans, D. melanogaster) | https://www.maxperutzlabs.ac.at/dammermann | Yes | Vienna | Austria | Academic lab | alex.dammermann@univie.ac.at | ||||
520 | Jernej F. Kamenik | Theoretical particle physics | http://web-f1.ijs.si/research/theoretical-physics-of-nuclei-particles-and-fields/ | Yes | Ljubljana | Slovenia | Academic lab | jernej.kamenik@ijs.si | ||||
521 | Sizun Jiang | Systems Biology, Technology Development, Cancer, Virology, Computational Biology | https://cvvr.hms.harvard.edu/lab-member/sizun-jiang/ | Yes | Boston, MA | USA | Academic lab | sjiang3@bidmc.harvard.edu | ||||
522 | Arne Brataas | Condensed matter physics | https://www.ntnu.edu/quspin | Living expenses, housing, travel, friendly and stimulating environment (around 3 months) | Trondheim | Norway | Academic lab | Arne.Brataas@ntnu.no | ||||
523 | Daria Mochly-Rosen | Chemical Biology, Mitochondrial dynamics | https://mochlyrosen.stanford.edu | Yes | Stanford, CA | USA | Academic Lab | mochly@stanford.edu | ||||
524 | Travis Meador | Geochemistry, stable isotopes | https://soilwater.eu/people/meador-travis/ | yes | Ceske Budejovice | Czechia | research institute (academy of sciences) | travis.meador@bc.cas.cz |
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