RecipientAmountProjectCauseAction Category
Accalia Chandler Jay£1,200The founding of a Critical Thinking Society at Cambridge University that will provide rationality discussion workshops to Cambridge students. If this work goes well, they are considering having Cambridge students run rationality workshops at other schools and creating an evidence base for teaching rationality skills in the classroom. Effective Altruism CommunityPublic outreach
Adam Shriver£20,000A systematic review of pain researchers’ and philosophers’ attempts to define and explain the unpleasantness of pain, resulting in a publication and a detailed empirical research plan for resolving central questions.Effective Altruism CommunityAcademic research
Amanda Askell£28,630A comprehensive monograph on the ethics and risks of artificial intelligence, co-written with Hilary Greaves at the University of Oxford. She believes that this monograph could be the foundation of graduate-level courses on AI ethics for computer scientists, and that it would both popularize and provide a solid theoretical foundation for work on the topic.Long-Term FutureAcademic research
Beatrice Fuchs£3,680A template/model for doing a "quick and dirty" assessment of an organization's impact. She aims to help the long tail of organisations that are good or great but can’t show impact, like large NGOs (like AMF), either through lack of resources for studies or from running a program around which it is hard to design a study. Global Health and DevelopmentIndependent project
Ben Pace£5,150Work on in-person and/or online community infrastructure for the rationality and EA communities. This will primarily take the form of helping to develop the new version of the rationality forum LessWrong, with others projects, like Europeans workshops encouraging long-term collaboration between EAs, under consideration.Effective Altruism CommunityPublic outreach
Brian Tse£662Research into EA messaging tactics and career options in China. He hopes to facilitate bringing others in China into the space, using the lessons learned by EA groups in other regions.Effective Altruism CommunityIndependent research
David Denkenberger£20,960Writing two papers on alternative foods that could be scaled up in time to feed everyone in the case of a global catastrophe. This research is predicated on there being an ~80% chance this century of a 10% global food shortfall, and a ~10% chance of agricultural collapse.Long-Term FutureAcademic research
Duncan Sabien£44,120The development of a rationality, agency, and EA-values education program for promising 12-14 year olds, either in a three-week camp format or as a year-long curriculum to be tested in a private or charter school. Early work available here: Altruism CommunityIndependent project
Eric Gastfriend£8,825The Philanthropy Advising Fellowship, run by Harvard University Effective Altruism Student Group. They recruit and train Harvard grad students to advise philanthropists on how to have the most impact with their charitable dollars.Effective Altruism CommunityIndependent project
Finan Adamson£14,710Nine months of community building via the Seattle EA group. This includes doing workshops, presentations, events, and operations, as well as doing writing and research as a means of connecting the Seattle community with EA organizations.Effective Altruism CommunityPublic outreach
Girish Sastry£6,180A project-oriented approach to machine learning self-study. The goal is to learn key areas of ML relevant to technical AI safety, to directly work with AI safety researcher in the short-run and to better contribute to the field formally in the long-run.Long-Term FutureIndependent studies
Gregory Lewis£15,000Research into biological risk mitigation with the Future of Humanity Institute.Long-Term FutureAcademic research
Jade Leung£8,000Accelerated learning experiences to fill personal knowledge gaps, specifically in global governance, international cooperation theory, and the necessary interactive expertise in AI safety research.Long-Term FutureIndependent studies
John Salvatier£27,575Research on the underlying models and methods he uses to resolve disagreements between individuals with large inferential gaps. He will develop lessons to transfer these to test students, and see what skills are transferred and what skills still lack.Effective Altruism CommunityIndependent research
Katja Grace£18,385Empirical research on AI forecasting with AI Impacts. This grant will cover an additional part-time employee.Long-Term FutureInstitutional (non-academic) research
Kelly Witwicki£14,710Research on moral circle expansion. The work will take place at the Sentience Institute, and serve as a proof-of-concept of the cost-effectiveness of such research. Research agenda available here: Altruism CommunityInstitutional (non-academic) research
Matthew Gentzel£17,650Research modeling risks and writing policy/strategy posts. His work will be based at the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute. He will also do self-study based on recommendations from the likes of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and 80,000 Hours' syllabi.Long-Term FutureInstitutional (non-academic) research
Oliver Habryka£58,825Development of the new version of the rationality forum LessWrong. He and a partner will improve its moderation system, codebase and design, as well as incentivize top contributors to post on the new platform.Effective Altruism CommunityIndependent project
Rebecca Raible£4,710Research and writing on wild animal suffering. She will explore intervention ideas using existing research, as well as writing a shallow cause investigation or a long-form, accessible introduction on the topic.Animal WelfareIndependent research
Theron Pummer£45,242Two or more of the following: (1) a 250 page research book on the road from Parfit’s metaphysics to impersonal ethics, (2) a 125 page intro-level textbook on EA and ethics, (3) two articles on pro-EA non-consequentialist views, (4) several popular pieces on EA. The grant will cover a teaching buyout and a research assistant to help expedite his work.Effective Altruism CommunityAcademic research;
Media writing;
Book writing
Zac Kenton£5,710Initial research in Machine Learning undertaken at the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms and publication of these results.Long-Term FutureAcademic research