A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | |
1 | Colfax Mayfair Business Improvement District | BID | Hilarie Portell | hilarie@colfaxmayfairbid.com | 720-810-3906 | https://colfaxmayfairbid.com/coronavirus-local-state-and-federal-business-assistance-programs/ | Facebook, Instagram, e-newsletters | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Downtown Boulder Partnership | BID | Terri Takata-Smith | terri@downtownboulder.org | 303-449-3774 | LoveTheLocal.com | COVID Resoure Page | Boulder SBDC Resources | Boulder Chamber Page | Slack How To | Retail Example | DBP Survey | |||||||||||||||
3 | Alameda Corridor BID | BID | Tom Quinn | tom@alamedaconnects.org | (303)717-8862 | www.alamedaconnects.org | Facebook page- Alameda Connects | e-newsletter (subscribe on website) | Resource 4 | Resource 5 | Resource 6 | Resource 7 | Resource 8 | Resource 9 | Resource 10 | ||||||||||||
4 | Downtown Grand Junction | BID/DDA | Brandon Stam | brandon@downtowngj.org | 970-255-4924 | https://downtowngj.org/covid19/ | Social media | ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Five Points Geoplanning LLC | Consultant | Eric Ross | fivepointsgeoplanning@gmail.com | 720-334-1747 | Professional GIS, analytics, planning, and policy | Works closely with public health and NRDC | Background in public safety | https://fpgp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=cc01eacded574163bdb42e26d6463f7c | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Greeley Downtown Development Authority | DDA | Bianca Fisher | bianca@greeleydowntown.com | 970-356-6775 | DDA Business Promotion & Updates | DDA Business Resources | East Colorado SBDC | Greeley Chamber | City of Greeley | Upstate Colorado | Employment Services of Weld County | |||||||||||||||
7 | Longmont Downtown Development Authority | DDA | Kimberlee McKee | kimberlee.mckee@longmontcolorado.gov | 303-651-8483 | https://longmont.org/covid-19/ | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqXzF_VF67-bKOn5ede0ASPfVR4uUWvS2k59MUSjnIYPcRlg/viewform | https://www.downtownlongmont.com/dine-and-shop/downtown-gift-card/2020-gift-card-incentive-program | We do weekly zoom calls with different business sectors (restaurant/bev; retail; personal services | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/COVID19-31820 | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Nederland Downtown Development Authority | DDA | Hope Jordan | ndda.ed@gmail.com | 443-455-0605 | https://www.nederlanddowntown.org/covid-19-community-resources/ | https://www.facebook.com/NederlandDDA/ | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dPLa05pXo-alxCZnSbJpZDVFZz9TvqTwXCl3TxV-qRI/edit?usp=sharing | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R6GHDVF | ||||||||||||||||||
9 | Sysco Denver | For Profit | Dr. Peter Wilms | wilms.peter@den.sysco.com | 303-585-2177 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | DOLA | Government | Gayle Langley | gayle.langley@state.co.us | 720-498-0563 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Colorado Northwestern Community College | Higher Education | Sasha Nelson | sasha.nelson@cncc.edu | 970-629-5138 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Loveland Downtown District | LDP/DDA/DBA | Fawn Floyd-Baltzer | ffloyd@lovelandpartnership.org | 970-541-4337 | https://downtownloveland.org/news/covid-19 | https://www.facebook.com/DowntownLoveland/ | https://downtownloveland.org/dba | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Local Government | Tim Walsworth | timw@downtowndurango.org | 970-749-1157 | https://www.downtowndurango.org/supportlocal | https://www.downtowndurango.org/onlinestore | Daily (or close to it) communications with business owners | leading a group of economic development organizations who are focussed on disseminating accurate and timely info, performing advocacy, and understanding funding resources for businesses | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Arvada, City of | Local Government | Izabela Petrykowska | ipetrykowska@arvada.org | 720.737.5356 | https://arvada.org/business/tools-for-business/arvada-emergency-business-recovery-initiative | https://arvada.org/residents/resilient-arvada/coronavirus-covid-19 | https://www.arvadachamber.org/our-response-to-covid-19/ | Weekly newsletters | Business postcards with resources | Arvada Chamber partnership - business toolkit | Arvada Resiliency Taskforce (City, Chamber, and Non-Profit/Business Leaders) | Arvada Recovery Taskforce (City staff) | Exterior Improvement Grant | PPE Distribution to Businesses | ||||||||||||
15 | Centennial, City of | Local Government | Stewart Meek | smeek@centennialco.gov | 303.754.3410 | General City Support Page | City Business Resources Page | DSEDP Resource Hub | DSEDP Business Input Page | Centennialco.gov/thinklocal Restaurants To Go Page | Manufacturer's Edge Live Business Disruption Survey | ||||||||||||||||
16 | City of Canon City | Local Government | Rick Harrmann | rlharrmann@canoncity.org | 719-276-5279 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/244523006687524/?ref=group_header | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10WTn-S_MjZMx5PXQnISHlPCZVMJX2P1M980Blw1KEFg/viewform?edit_requested=true | https://www.32auctions.com/royalgorgeousdeals | Weekly Newsletters | Business Hotline | Online Auction: https://www.32auctions.com/royalgorgeousdeals | #MyFremontCounty initiative | CaƱon City COVID-19 Business Leader Taskforce | ||||||||||||||
17 | City of Fountain | Local Government | Kimberly Bailey | kbailey@fountaincolorado.org | 719-322-2056 | https://www.fountaincolorado.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=6004447&pageId=16651230 | https://www.fountainvalleychamber.com/our-community-is-open.html | https://pikespeaksbdc.org/what-we-do/programs/disaster-relief/ | https://admin.elpasoco.com/economic-development/enterprise-zone-contribution-projects/ | BIAP grant program launched June 1st (see link) | https://www.fountaincolorado.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_6004363/File/Home%20page/CIty%20of%20Fountain%20COVID%20Impact%20Business%20Grant%20Application_fillable.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
18 | City of Northglenn | Local Government | Debbie Tuttle | dtuttle@northglenn.org | 720-315-8141 | https://www.northglenn.org/biz/business_news/covid-19_(coronavirus)_business_resources.php | Social Media,e-newsletter and personal emails. | https://www.northglenn.org/news_detail_T17_R316.php | https://www.northglenn.org/news_detail_T17_R314.php | https://northglennthornton.whatsopenhere.com/ | |||||||||||||||||
19 | City of Rocky Ford | Local Government | Shannon Wallace | shannon.wallace@ci.rocky-ford.co.us | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Craig, City of | Local Government | https://www.ci.craig.co.us/ | May be sending a business pulse survey | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Durango, City of | Local Government | Alex Rugoff | alex.rugoff@durangogov.org | 970-375-4855 | SW CODA | Durango COVID Updates | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Firestone, Town of | Local Government | Paula Mehle | pmehle@firestoneco.gov | 303-531-6265 | https://www.firestoneco.gov/593/COVID-19-Business-Resources | https://www.firestoneco.gov/594/Support-Local-Businesses | ||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Florence, City of | Local Government | Wade Broadhead | wade@florencecolorado.org | 719-371-5914 | Florence Community Assistance Network (FLO-CAN) | https://www.facebook.com/Flo-CAN-101827461462995/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Glenwood Springs, City of | Local Government | Matt Nunez | matt.nunez@cogs.us | 970-384-6424 | http://cogs.us/542/5231/COVID-19-Business-Dashboard?activeLiveTab=widgets | https://glenwoodchamber.com/takeout-delivery/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Golden, City of | Local Government | Robin Fleischmann | rfleischmann@cityofgolden.net | 303-384-8080 | https://www.cityofgolden.net/live/covid-19-economic-assistance/business-economic-assistance/ | https://goodtobegoldenco.com/ | https://www.visitgolden.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | Hayden, Town of | Local Government | https://haydencolorado.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Lafayette, City of | Local Government | Brittni Ehrhart | brittni.ehrhart@cityoflafayette.com | 303.661.1234 | Lafayette COVID-19 Resource Page | Lafayette, CO Business Pickup, Delivery, and Online List | Keeping Lafayette Strong Together-Business Facebook Group | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Lakewood, City of | Local Government | Vanessa Zarate | VanZar@Lakewood.org | 303-987-7514 | Lakewood.org/ResourcesForBiz | Lakewood Local Retail and Restauraut Map and Survey | How Can We Help Survey | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | Littleton, City of | Local Government | Denise Stephens | dstephens@littletongov.org | 303-795-3760 | https://www.go2littleton.com/open-for-business-during-covid-19/ | https://www.go2littleton.com/tag/covid19/ | Littleton businesses offering food delivery or takeout | Littleton retail and service business updates | City of Littleton COVID-19 Information | Getting Creative in the Times of COVID-19. | ||||||||||||||||
30 | Littleton, City of | Local Government | Nancy Buck | nbuck@littletongov.org | 303-795-3758 | see above | see above | see above | see above | see above | see above | ||||||||||||||||
31 | Louisville, City of | Local Government | Megan E. Pierce | mpierce@louisvilleco.gov | 303-335-4531 | Support Local | Business Resources | Biz Impact Survey | Thriving in Business Uncertainty Webinar Series | Emergency Solutions Grant Program | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Lyons, Town of | Local Government | Brianna Hoyt | bhoyt@townoflyons.com | 303-823-6622 | http://www.townoflyons.com/652/COVID-19 | https://www.lyonschamber.org/news-events | ||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Oak Creek, Town of | Local Government | https://townofoakcreek.com/ | (970) 736-2422 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Parachute, Town of | Local Government | Jessica Paugh | jpaugh@parachutecolorado.com | 970.665.6945 | www.parachutecolorado.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Rangely, Town of | Local Government | Lisa Peiring | https://www.colorado.gov/townofrangely | https://www.rbc.us/592/Coronavirus-Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Town of Bennett | Local Government | Lynette White | lwhite@bennett.co.us | 303-644-3249 | https://townofbennett.colorado.gov/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Town of Frisco | Local Government | Nancy Kerry | nancyk@townoffrisco.com | 970-406-2988 | www.ChooseFrisco.com | the page link on the left (Resource 1) links to employees and employer resources | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Town of Monument | Local Government | Madeline VanDenHoek | mvandenhoek@tomgov.org | 719-963-1524 | http://townofmonument.org/372/Business-Resources | We did an initial survey as well | https://www.trilakeschamber.com/business-resources.html | https://www.facebook.com/groups/233987211072977/ | https://www.facebook.com/groups/263636961307321 | |||||||||||||||||
39 | Town of Silverthorne | Local Government | Sydney Schwab | sschwab@silverthorne.org | 970-262-7390 | https://www.silverthorne.org/town-services/covid-19 | https://blog.silverthorne.org/silverthorne-restaurants-open-for-pickup-delivery-or-drive-thru/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Trinidad, City Of | Local Government | Wally Wallace | wally.wallace@trinidad.co.gov | 720.656.9387 | https://www.trinidad.co.gov/COVID19Information | https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Trinidad-Colorado-214530569387061/ | http://www.centerci.org/small-business-resources | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | City of Boulder | Local Government | Charles Ferro | ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov | 303-441-4012 | https://bouldercolorado.gov/newsroom/coronavirus-updates | |||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Employers Council | Member Association | Lorrie Ray | lray@employerscouncil.org | 303.223.5380 | https://www.employerscouncil.org/coronavirus-resources | the page link is for any employer | ||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Berthoud Main Street | Non-Profit | Tim Hardy | email@berthoudmainstreet.org | 970-690-4213 | http://berthoudmainstreet.org/search-result/?q&in_cat=51&in_loc=Select+a+location&search_by_rating&phone&sort=title-asc | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Brush Chamber Main Street | Non-Profit | Melody Christensen | brushchamberexecdir@gmail.com | 970-842-2666 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Downtown Business Association (Craig) | Non-Profit | Karen Brown | https://www.facebook.com/downtowncraigbusinesses/ | (970) 824-2151 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Greeley Creative District | Non-Profit | Pam Bricker | greeleycreativedistrict@gmail.com | 970-302-9102 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Hinsdale County / Lake City DIRT | Non-Profit | Kri | https://www.employerscouncil.org/coronavirus-resources | |||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Main Street Project 45 (Meeker) | Non-Profit | Stephanie Kobald | www.meekerchamber.com | (970) 878.5510 | https://www.townofmeeker.org/covid19-notice/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Old Colorado City | Non-Profit | Ashley Perry | director@shopoldcoloradocity.com | 620-794-1843 | https://www.shopoldcoloradocity.com/ | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Small Town Project (Rocky Ford) | Non-Profit | Duane Gurule | dgurule@smalltownproject.org | 720-746-8949 | https://www.smalltownproject.org/covid-recovery-project | https://www.facebook.com/thesmalltownproject | Business Impact Survey | |||||||||||||||||||
51 | Woodland Park Main Street | Non-Profit | Gail Wingerd | info@wpmainstreet.org | 719-339-3452 | http://wpmainstreet.org/category/covid-19/ | http://wpmainstreet.org/category/covid-19/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Colorado Lending Source | Non-Profit Lender | Lauren Kloock | lauren@coloradolendingsource.org | 303.657.0010 | https://www.coloradolendingsource.org/articles/small-business-emergency-loans | https://info.coloradolendingsource.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Radian | Non-Profit/Consultant | Critter Thompson | critter@radianinc.org | 206.940.5523 | https://www.radianinc.org | |||||||||||||||||||||
54 | King Commercial Real Estate | Private | Win King | kingcommercialre@gmai.com | 303-877-5889 | W Colfax BID Board Member | |||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Western Slope Consulting | Private | Matt Farrar | matt@coloradoplanning.com | 970-379-1669 | Our firm has a lot of experience working on the Western Slope. Happy to share/discuss ideas (at no cost) for no-tech/low-tech ways to engage folks in rural communities. | |||||||||||||||||||||
56 | RTD Small Business Office | Transportation District | Vivian Morales | vivian.morales@rtd-denver.com | 303-299-2141 | https://www.rtd-denver.com/business-center/dbesbe | |||||||||||||||||||||
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