Staff Litter 2016
Welcome to the Unofficially Official hint chart for this year's Staff Litter!
Here we'll try to list every little hint the artists leave about their pups and also keep track of each pup's growth.
[newborn pic]The artists who joined this year are: Atwood, Bentley, Berkshire, Bernouli, Coalchaser, Dia., DoctorDraca, Ethulai, Fiery Gatoh, Jack, Jadeghost, Lacuna, Lilian Nightshade, Metallic Dragon, Nadine, Pandle, Pluma, raey, Rainpelt, Saikiyo, Schuyler, Siberian, sketchi, sláinte, Solarizing, Solloby, Swiftalu, Vampiric, Verdana, and Yağmur.

That's 30 artists!

The color pallete is based on
To navigate on this chart, check the tabs on the bottom.

Hints - Hints and pups' names.
Pups - Growths, claims and denies.
Lost Items - Items left by the pups.
Contributors - Everyone that's working on this chart!
ArtistsHints so far:Pup's name
(given by the artist)
Atwood- "All of my staff pets have something in common, including the one this year" (in signature) [pg. 102]
- "Let's talk about that." [pg. 143] (A 'Good Mythical Morning' line) which led to their 'Assorted Characters' group, in which their Rhett and Link dogs (from GMM) are named 'Rhett says "F=6"' and 'Link says 'T=2632849"'. The numbers lead to this link , where the post is edited with, 'Looking for a clue? You might hear one through 4467'
- "If it helps, I used the flop eared lines to make my dog. ;3" [pg. 356]
- "1. Grapevine item
2. Confessions of a King
3. Birchii's post []
4. Yes, Virginia (no progress so far)
5. Still at the start (no progress so far)"
-"All of my hints refer directly to at least one specific physical feature on my dog.
My hints are not based on themes or locations.
None of my hints other than the Killers song tie in to media of any sort, so no movie references, no song references, etc.
The correct answers to all of my hints are in this thread already, posted by either me or others.
Flop-eared lines =/= flop eared dog.
The answer to 'Yes, Virginia' is closely related to one of the other hints." [pg. 626]
- "there is absolutely nothing visible of the original floppy ears on my adult dog apart from a single hair tuft that's at a sliiiiiiiightly different angle than the point/perk-eared lines." [pg. 634]
- "I used the flop-eared lines to make at least one stage of my dog, so if a pup hits adulthood without ever having those lines as a possibility, it can't be my pup." [pg. 678]

Bentley- "I've dropped so much, and then hinted that I've dropped so much so many times, I don't think I'll throw out any more tidbits until all of them are found or my outcome hits full-grown. They're not really hidden - I'll say it again: nothing useful for my outcome is in transparent text. It might help a little in the hint hunt, but nothing else." Which means we're missing a lot of stuff...
- "I've seen two very good guesses for me, and I love the detective work (you guys are rock stars at this!), but you guys are basing everything on my ridiculously fluid style(s) and my love of pie... which leaves all of the clue crumblies all over the floor, what a mess. :c d" [pg. 638]
- "A little something I've been collecting for about as long as I've been on CS...." with a link to a collection of pop tabs. [pg. 774]
- "Not Pepsi. Can't drink that stuff, bleh. But you guys might be onto something." in response to the tabs being labeled as Rockstar, Monster, and Pepsi tabs. [pg. 776]
Berkshire- A batch of newborns were all named after Steven Universe and 5 others are Batman related. This may
not be an actual hint.
- "I started the design just for fun, but gradually realized that it had a personal meaning to me." [pg. 177]
- "There is one little thing on here that my pup will have, hehehe"
- "There IS orange on my pet!" [pg. 238]
- "Mine lacks wings!" [pg. 701]
Bernouli-"I don't do hints. I'm too obvious for you to need any hints from me.. lol" [pg. 215]
- "No objects (raincloud etc)
Dark coloured nose
Similarities to previous staff pups
Significant change between pup and adult
No edits on the puppy stage
No warm-coloured eyes" [pg. 584]

Coalchaser- "but the eyes don't match my pup's" (referring to fan-art of the newborn pup which depicted it with red eyes) [p. 62]
- "my dog isn't very eco friendly" [signature] (he correct guess for the eco-friendly hint was made before Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:25 pm, CS time. It was guessed correctly exactly once. It was mentioned a second time, except that the guesser guessed the exact opposite of the meaning. pg, 584)
- "my pup doesn't have floppy ears" [pg. 374]
- "my pup does have cool-colored eyes though" [pg. 424]
- "no bobtail!" [pg. 535]
N/A but may make one up
Dia.- "I don't like designing with the color green c:" [pg. 123]
- "If you're asking me what my pupper's eye color is, it's not one of the palette colors, but it is similar." [pg. 150]
-"My pupper is still crying over the fact that his collection isn't complete. He's also hungry? At least I think that's what he's going on and on and on about. I don't really speak staff dog..." [pg. 226]
- "The little guy's sharp as thorns" [pg. 394 (referring to staff pup)]

DoctorDraca- "Just so you guys know. Me rambling about tiny hats is not a hint to my dog. I just really like tiny hats. c:" [pg. 229]
- "Not the same yet so familiar" [pg. 503, translated from binary in her signature]
- "Murphy's law" [in binary in her signature]
Ethulai- Announcement on their trade thread: "Tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping away" from Into the Void by Nine Inch Nails; if figured out, it will reveal their dog's name and something about him [pg. 107]
- "My pup has one thing in common with last years pup. I wonder what it may be?" [pg. 167]
- "Cryptozoology" [signature, pg. 180] (May not be a real hint)
- "खाली / रद्द" (on signature, translates to (I suppose): empty, devoid, hollow / cancelled, rejected)
- "Shiva the destroyer" [in sig; unscrambled]
खाली/Khali (void, devoid)
Fiery Gatoh- "Nah, I'm pretty confident that once my puppy grows up you'll all immediately know that it's mine. I'm afraid I'm rather predicable!" [pg. 575]
Jack- "Something very tiny changes when my dog matures." [pg. 23]
- "Bring on autumn and winter! Bring me the cold,any bring me pretty colour changing leaves, warm drinks,
and HALLOWEEN!" (Has hidden text throughout this post "I wonder if this is a hint?"; may not be a real hint) [pg. 53]
- "Green is my favourite colour." May not be a real hint. [pg. 141]
- "All of my staff pets-- including this one-- also have something in common! Figure it out and you'll know which one is mine." [pg. 142]--- follow-up post: "the thing my staff dogs have in common isn't an edit. ;)" [pg. 161]
- Ayawamat means 'One who follows orders.' in Native American, from the Hopi tribe. [pg. 200]
- Pup might have pale colored feet like his last two staff dogs. [pg. 201]

Jadeghost- "I was slightly more adventurous this year" [pg. 36]
- "I do seem to like those markings, don't I? [in transparent text] but who said my dog has even grown yet?"
(May not be a real hint.) [pg. 397]
- "my adult dog has a theme" [pg. 524]
- "keep on climbing though the ground might shake" [transparent small text in signature, potentially not a hint. 'Fly' song lyrics]
- "You might be getting warmer. My dogs do tend to have plant themes, don't they?" [pg. 542]
Lacuna- "C3
F2" (in signature- not a hex code [pg. 253])
- "none of my dogs really share any similarities. I like to do a totally new idea each year." [pg. 96]
- "I've named one of my [September] newborns the name I have chosen for my staff dog." [pg.187]
- (picture of Lacuna's painted nails) "Thought my staff litter inspired nail art might give you a clue.Or maybe not... who knows?" [pg. 305]
- "Neither does my dog! <3" (doesn't have orange eyes) [pg. 443]
- "ℎ" [signature; not italicised, different font]
- "I've also confirmed my hints are only connected to each other at most; I didn't team up with anyone else to make hints." [pg. 647]
- "There also /may/ be a tiny bit of Googling involved to solve my hints, but you should mostly be able to find all the answers on CS" [pg. 647]
-"my outcome does not have wings. I cannot draw wings lol." [pg. 725]
Lilian Nightshade- "There's no point in giving you hints about mine, you all know my style too well and so playing the guess game is pretty pointless XP." (Not necessarily a hint, but we won't miss Lilian's pet when it does grow!) [pg. 32]
- "he has a heavy influence from japanese folklore" [pg. 35]

Metallic Dragon- A user pointed out that the pups in their 'staff outcomes' group have one word names, of which are part of a scrambled message. There are seven sentences (corresponding with seven words ending with a "."); Metallic Dragon has given us the first word of five of the sentences (corresponds with the five pups with numbered items placed on them) [pg. 55 - 57]:
Five confirmed sentences: "Riddle me this." and "Good luck, you'll need it." [pg. 398] "Everything is deliberate" [pg. 548] "A track came out one year in June. It didn’t inspire my outcome but has something in common with it." [pg. 599]
When a user posted "Riddle me this. A track came out one year in June. It has something in common with my outcome but didn't inspire it. The year you seek is deliberate. Everything is not here, find it. You find me. Good luck, you'll need it.”, Metallic edited the post with "You're missing 2 words, but you've got at least one more correct sentence"
- Metallic edited a user's comment ("something in common with a pet from June this year?" "Good luck, you'll need it"), indicating this was on the right track [pg. 125], and later clarified that "my riddle doesn't refer to anything cs related that happened in june" [pg. 391]
- "the solution to the riddle will make my dog obvious" [pg. 127]
- confirmed solution to riddle (placed in sig after it was unscrambled): “Riddle me this. A track came out one year in June. It has something in common with my outcome but didn't inspire it. The year you seek is not here, but you can find it. Everything is deliberate. Find me. Good luck, you'll need it.” riddle led to this pet: who was on page 19 in their group and had an "8" on their body with a "2" birthday hat. These numbers combine to form the year 1982; the final confirmed hint track was Eye of the Tiger
- 'Tiny Hat Squad' (transparent in signature) May not be a hint; may refer to older staff pet which has a hat [pg. 132]

Nadine- "My pup has decided it's time for a to throw out a little hint. "Sometimes you have to wonder what's out there." Sorry, my pup is a bit of a brat and doesn't want to say much else for now." [pg. 316]
- "My pup has come back to give a little hint, I'm unable to get much out of them when I ask but they told me this: "I want to go stargazing, can you take me?" [pg. 516]
Pandle- " pup's lucky number is 8." [sort of hint; pg. 516]
Pluma- "Mine has something in common with two of my previous dogs~" [pg. 9]
- "The design of mine is based off a god/goddess from mythology and is also named after said god/goddess."[p. 106]
- "look at Egyptian, Greek and Norse mythology~" [pg. 106]
- "Mine has something in common with my 2013 dog." [pg. 171]
-"Darn those staff pups, dropping their personal items all over! Though I see you guys have already found some. Do wonder what the specific items with the notes could mean.." [pg. 189]
-"(gif of a man saying 'Maaaybee')" (In response to "did you make a pet based off of gaea..?") [pg. 232]
-"The items my pupper lost, is hints to help you figure out which is mine." (Confirmed reason of the items for all staff?) [pg. 330]
- "Mine is not based on an egyptian." [pg. 395]
- "You're looking for a goddess. Not a god." [pg. 549]
- "We're going to Greece ;p!" [pg. 555]

raey- "strawberries are awesome" may not be a real hint, repeated several times. IS A REAL HINT (she told me so -BR)
- Scavenger Hunt: [pg. 132-134] "up for a little scavenger hunt?" (transparent text in signature) Strawberry picture leads to:
Thread leads to: and there was yellow text:
"Once homeless. Left alone.
A new family we found.
The colour of hope in our face"
Leads to: and there are pets that spell out the following:
"Stars, pure and warm, Moon, calm and cold, Proud I wear them, As the queen of space and time." where there is also yellow writing:
"5 nights
I walked
Following my heart
four pages to turn
three stars to see"
Leads to: page 4 of raey's group 5.i.f. - Space Adventure, and found three star cats with the message ''strawberries are awesome'' in their names.
- "My dog does have edits^^" [pg. 135]
-"Hm...that is a good question actually. Oh well, I definitely used this colour on my dog: ▇▇▇▇ (supposed to be red) very strawberry-ish don't you think O.o" (Could be a troll) [pg. 227]
-"#TeamStrawberries" (Transparent text) [raey's signature]
-"writing. dreaming. music. and strawberries." (in raey's interests)
- "My pup has grown by now^^" [pg. 418- posted September 9th G.M.T.]
- Chloe - But I will not confirm or deny any ideas what the last hint is about^^ [pg. 510] (May be the name, Chloe came from scavenger hunt)

Etessia (dog) and Jack (butterfly)
Rainpelt- "I'm a big fan of cooler colors, so despite the palette, I had to fit one in somehow" [cycles on sig] (Could apply to eye colour?)
- "The origins of my username may lead you somewhere" [cycles on sig]
- In their 'Warrior cats' group, the first few pets spell out this message; "Well, Rainpelt is a warrior cat name so I'm not sure what you expected! It just so happens that I've always kind of had this fascination with flight... then again, who hasn't?" [pg. 122]
- "My pup radiates cool." [pg. 153] (Potential troll)
-107073 (Invisible text, edited to be "or, alternatively, 745.") [pg. 223]

Saikiyo- "My dog is orange" [pg. 137] Most likely trolling
- "My dog may be a chicken, or perhaps that's just another litter I made..." [pg. 276] possibly trolling

Schuyler- "Pretty bird" (transparent text in signature) Confirmed to be an actual hint [pg. 60]
- "an aspect of my dog follows a logical progression as it grows ... Make of that what you will." [pg. 74]
-"Fun fact 'bout Schuyler: I have to say the reds and orange were probably my favorite colors in the palette this year. They remind me of fire! :)" [pg. 225]
-"... No comment ..." (In response to "so we can safely say we might not see a ton of green in your pup ;)", relating to last hint.) [pg. 226]
- "My dog's eye color does not match the palette." [pg. 336]
-"103 & 2453783 - This by itself is not a hint, but rather the first step to finding a biggie. Stumped? Well, you could always try looking up for a start. Or should I say an end? Anyway, good luck!"
- ""wandering sun" is not a reference to any anime" [pg. 412]
- "I stand out from the rest of my litter in a way that might not be obvious from my pup stage" [unscrambled, found as transparent text in Wandering Sun page on their OC Weebly]
- BABFCABEE [found in transparent in one of their posts] = 21261255, which leads to The name of that pet is v=jofNR_WkoCE (???), which is a YouTube video code that plays the song "What Does the Fox Say?"
Siberian- "I'm thinking of something strong
enough to shake the earth but gentle
enough to catch the breeze" [transparent text in signature, italicised t, potentially the first letter of the answer?]
sketchi- "mine has loadsss of similarities with previous doges so I think I'll be found out pretty quick." [pg. 45]
(AKA bel racat)
- "also, want hints? look harder." [pg. 49] (referring to part of signature)
- "my hint is going to be that someone noticed my hint. ;)
who noticed and what the hint is, well, thats up to y'all..." [pg. 79]
- "Knowing my puppies name is pretty much a couple hints in one, as it says a lot about her." [pg. 145]
- A picture of a red goddess sash, may or may not be a hint for bel racat's pup. (Possibly referencing a "Red Aurora?") [pg. 196]
- "I will also confirm mine has grown by now." (day 11)
Solloby- "My dog is mischevious, I hope they don't get into any trouble!" [pg. 13] (Potentially not a hint?)
- "I like green as a colour, but I'm not really fussed on the green in the palette used personally. It's too... olive-ish almost? I'm more partial to emerald and turquoise shades." [pg. 112] (Potentially not a hint, but may be suggesting a lack of green on the pup?)
- "If I got my puppy from Professor Oak it wouldn't be a Bulbasaur." [pg. 166] (Reinforcing the idea of not using green?)
- "My dog has at least one thing in common with each of my past dogs." [pg. 168]
-"My puppy brought me a message but I don't get it" i i a u a o u a i e m t n d n f n c l k n h t [pg. 211]
- "Jeez guys I'm sorry, my puppy is so naughty this year." [pg. 214] (Referring the scrambled message, 'I think Lacuna found an item', of which had already been found)
- "My puppy isn't wearing a green outfit." [pg. 388]
- "My puppy doesn't have orange eyes." [pg. 443]
- "Validating input... done.
Loading log files... error, data corruption detected.
Unable to confirm date of stage 2 commencement.
Calculating estimate...
Day: [2,3,6,9,10,11]
Status: Offline" [pg. 515]
Swiftalu- [pg. 65-68] "A hint is on the loose about my pup! However you will have to find it via scavenger hunt.
First clue to finding this hint: You can find something if you are able to find my first feature."
Refers to this Oekaki piece:
There is a hint further down the page that states: "Good job guys! By following this you will find a hint: 235" (transparent text)
Searching 235 in her posts leads to: with
"You're almost there!" (transparent text)
Within the pet group that the previous dress-up pet is in, the names of some pets spell out:
"Two lies and one truth.
• My pup is based on something I like
• My pup doesn't use all colors
• My pup doesn't have edits"
-Answer to P Y P M U M S E I L S P I may be "My pup is simple" but the second part of that clue is "This is a troll message hahahaha" (Not confirmed) [pg. 245]
"By day 11, my pup has already grown."
Verdana- "My staff dog, which has at least one lineart edit." [pg. 114]
- "No, my puppy does not have purple eyes." [pg. 363]
- Does not have the regular straight tail [pg. 363]
- " should be pretty easy to use most items on my grown dog (except for one part of its body)." [pg. 418]
- their pup uses all the colours on the palette, "...but not evenly." [pg. 528]
- their pup will not be P.P.S. [pg. 528]

Yağmur- "My pup's gonna blossom into quite the adult! I can't help but look back at drawing her through rose-tinted glasses." [Yağmur's sig]
- "My pup's pretty simple, drawing the pup stage was a bed of roses." [Yağmur's sig]
- "Hint #3 I didn't come up with a name for my dog this year. It doesn't matter anyway, a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet!" [Late Night Sleepless Night in Gallery (edited first post; transparent text)]
- "My adult has something to do with roses" [pg. 682]