Timestamp RED=late and anything afterEmail AddressWhat is your name? Google Form ScoreSummary/utterance scoreOverall score out 1
A 5 year old visits the Computer History Museum and gets excited about everything computers can do. They ask their mother, "Mom, can computers solve every problem?"
A software engineer is developing a new operating system. The operating system has to make a decision when it sees an application taking a long time to finish executing an instruction. Should the operating system force quit the application, assuming it will run forever? Or can the operating system detect that the application will finish processing, if it has a bit more time?
The engineer does some research and discovers that this is an undecidable problem.
What is an undecidable problem? A decidable problem?
Describe the implications of undecidable problems in security-related tasks, such as virus detection in software. Discuss the challenges and limitations imposed by undecidable problems in developing foolproof security measures.
A security engineer is developing antivirus software that detects when downloaded programs look similar to known viruses. They would like the software to be able to detect viruses that it's never seen before, by predicting whether or not a program will ever execute malicious code.
After a bit of research, the engineer realizes that virus detection is an undecidable problem.
A software engineer at a mapping company is tasked with coming up with an algorithm to solve a new problem. The engineer is nervous about whether they'll be able to solve it. What is least likely to occur?
An online news website relies on in-page advertisements to make money. Their article pages have multiple slots for advertisements, and each slot can be used for a full-size ad or multiple smaller ads. Advertisers specify their size and desired display count per day.
A diagram of a webpage. Article text is shown alongside multiple advertising boxes on the page.
The news site uses a scheduling algorithm to determine which advertisements to display in each slot at each time of day. The algorithm's goal is to maximize money earned while not exceeding the display count per day, so it tries out every possible combination and picks the best one.
As the number of advertisers and articles increases, the news site realizes the scheduling algorithm is taking an unreasonable amount of time and costing them valuable server time.
What is the most promising way that they can improve the run time of the algorithm?
In proof by contradiction, what is the original assumption?Which pathway will lead to a contradictionWhat will the result of this code be?
How do many programming environments avoid running indefinite loops?
12/15/2023 10:20:02torindeanwolff@gmail.comTorin Wolff17.5 / 22n/a0.76/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem that can't be solved by any algorithm. A decidable problem can be solved by an algorithm.
A virus could get into the code and force a false loop to disguise its entry as a bug in the code which could lead to other vulnerabilities, there is no way to have 100% virus detection accuracy as virus' are constantly getting better.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The correct answer is "The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time". This is due to the undecidability of the problem, which means there is no algorithm that can solve all instances of the problem correctly.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The inverse of the statement is proven true
Green PathLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/16/2023 7:55:15alarai55903@stu.powayusd.comAlara Ipek17 / 221/10.85/1
There are some problems that current computers can't solve, but we hypothesize that more powerful computers in the near future will be able to solve them.
The problem is not solvable in any cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem with no algorithm to find a correct solution for all cases. A decidable problem is a problem with an algorithm to determine a correct solution for every case.
Undecidable problems in security make foolproof security measures difficult to make since there is no algorithm which considers every possible threat, making it difficult to guarantee detection and preventioon. Some limitations in predicting programs are vulnerability of undetected security threats, demonstrating the complexity of developing complete security.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Yellow PathLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/16/2023 13:47:40golparianitucker@gmail.comTucker Golpariani19/220.87/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is basically a problem that doesn't have an existing algorithm that can always provide an answer (or like correct/wanted answer) for all possible inputs. A decidable problem though is kinda the opposite: a problem for which an algorithm exists that CAN determine an answer for all possible inputs.
Undecidable problems, like the Halting Problem, create difficulties for foolproof security measures, mainly like in virus detection. The inherent challenge lies in not having a universal algorithm, leading to potential false positives and negatives.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Green PathLoop Indefinitely
With a HaltChecker, Time Out Feature, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected, Running code in a sandbox environment
12/18/2023 10:29:53sergi1207@gmail.comSergi Serpukhovitinov22 / 221/11/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a computational problem for which there is no algorithmic method to determine a correct yes-or-no answer for every possible input. In other words, no algorithm can decide the solution for all problem instances. On the contrary, a decidable problem (also known as a computable problem) is one for which an algorithm or computational procedure exists that guarantees a correct yes-or-no answer for every input. In simple terms, a decidable problem can be solved by a computer algorithm within a finite amount of time.
Undecidable problems pose challenges for security tasks, particularly in virus detection for software. The inability of algorithms to provide clear-cut answers for all inputs creates vulnerabilities, enabling sophisticated attacks that can bypass traditional detection methods. This dynamic security landscape demands constant adaptation and resource-intensive efforts to counteract emerging threats. The risk of both false positives and negatives adds complexity to developing foolproof security measures, impacting system efficiency. Addressing undecidability in security requires a comprehensive approach, integrating advanced technologies and continuous adaptation to protect against evolving threats.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/18/2023 10:30:53nitinsandiego@gmail.comNitin Balaji22 / 221/11/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
A problem is undecidable if there's no algorithmic way to provide a definite yes-or-no answer for every imaginable input. Essentially, no algorithm can universally solve it. Conversely, a decidable problem, or computable problem, has a guaranteed algorithm or computational procedure that yields a correct yes-or-no answer for any input. To put it plainly, a computer algorithm can solve a decidable problem in a finite amount of time.
Undecidable problems, like those in virus detection, challenge security efforts by creating vulnerabilities for sophisticated attacks. The dynamic security landscape requires constant adaptation to counter emerging threats, complicating the development of efficient and foolproof measures. Addressing undecidability in security demands a comprehensive approach integrating advanced technologies for protection against evolving threats.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/18/2023 10:40:09mw.mountaindragon@gmail.comMatthew Wakayama17/221/10.78/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem is not solvable in any cases.
An undecidable problem is like a problem where there is no one-size-fits-all method to crack it. There's no magic formula that works for all programs. On the flip side, a decidable problem is the type a problemw ith a clear-cut step-by-step solution that they can always follow to figure things out in a reasonable time.
While it is true that new types of antivirus software can emerge, there can never be a fool-proof security system or virus detection software as new virus's and exploits are constantly being created.
The problem is impossible. The engineer will never come up with an algorithm that will output a correct prediction for any downloaded files.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/18/2023 10:50:55tanujsain11756@stu.powayusd.comTanujsai Nimmagadda21 / 221/10.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem impossible to solve fully with an algorithm. A decidable problem is computationally solvable.
Undecidable problems result in possible security breaches and antivirus issues. there can be false answers that are misleading in situations. this could result in possible ways to be "infiltrated" or taken advantage of so you would need to hide the holes in algorithms.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/18/2023 10:53:09lcrowell637@gmail.comLincoln Crowell18 / 221/10.83/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem is not solvable in any cases.
Undecidable problems are those that cannot be solved by any algorithm, regardless of the computing resources or time available. In essence, there's no algorithm that can always provide a correct yes-or-no answer for every possible input within that problem's domain. Decidable problems, on the other hand, are the opposite—they can be solved by an algorithm. For every input within the problem's domain, there exists an algorithm that will always terminate and provide a correct yes-or-no answer.
undecidable problems pose inherent limitations in developing foolproof security measures. As a result, the focus shifts towards adaptive strategies, risk management, and a continuous cycle of innovation and response in the cybersecurity landscape.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/18/2023 10:54:08aditya7desai@gmail.comAditya Desai21 / 221/10.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a computational problem for which there is no algorithm (no computer program) that can always provide a correct answer. In other words, there is no general algorithm that can determine the solution (or non-solution) for all possible inputs within a finite amount of time. A decidable problem, on the other hand, is a computational problem for which there exists an algorithm that can determine the solution (or non-solution) for all possible inputs within a finite amount of time. A decidable problem, on the other hand, is a computational problem for which there exists an algorithm that can determine the solution (or non-solution) for all possible inputs within a finite amount of time.
Undecidable problems like the halting problem make it so that it is impossible to create a perfect algorithm that can determine wether or not something is completely clear of malicious intent. Malicious actors can leverage the undecidability of certain problems to create sophisticated evasion techniques as well.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 9:59:00ishancornick777@gmail.comIshan Cornick22 / 220.5/10.98/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
Decidable problem: A problem is decidable if there exists an algorithm that, when given any input instance, will eventually halt and correctly decide whether the input belongs to the set of instances that satisfy a certain property or condition. Undecidable problem: An undecidable problem, on the other hand, is a problem for which there is no algorithm that can decide, for all possible inputs, whether the input satisfies a particular property. In other words, there is no general algorithm that can determine a solution for every instance of the problem.
Undecidable problems in computer science, such as the infamous halting problem, cast a formidable shadow over security-related tasks, particularly in virus detection for software. These undecidable challenges fundamentally impact the development of foolproof security measures. The halting problem's assertion that there is no general algorithm to determine whether an arbitrary program will halt or run indefinitely has profound implications for identifying malicious code. The cat-and-mouse game between security professionals and malware authors intensifies as undecidability hinders the formulation of deterministic rules and fosters adaptability in malware. This adaptability, coupled with the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats, poses significant challenges for achieving perfect accuracy in distinguishing between benign and malicious software. Heuristic approaches, while widely used, are not foolproof, leading to the risk of false positives and false negatives. The undecidability of certain security-related problems permeates dynamic analysis, complicating efforts to predict the outcome of executing potentially malicious code. Despite these challenges, continuous advancements in security technologies strive to address the limitations imposed by undecidability and enhance overall resilience against the complexities of modern cybersecurity.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:03:24trevorhuangsd@gmail.comTrevor Huang22 / 221/11/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem which an algorithm can be used to produce a correct output no matter the input. An undecidable problem is a problem which no algorithm can solve every single time.
Undecidable problems in virus detection mean that it is impossible to create an entirely fool proof algorithm to detect malicious code/viruses. This can result in false negatives or false positives in virus detection and also allows malicious actors to take advantage of this uncertainty.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:07:17hanlunli.007@gmail.comHanlun Li16 / 22n/a0.7/1
There are some problems that current computers can't solve, but we hypothesize that more powerful computers in the near future will be able to solve them.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
a decideable problem is a problem in which a solution can be written to satisfy all cases, an undecided problem is a problem in which there is no possible answer that saisfies all cases
Some challenges virus detection systems in software face are the constant development of new viruses, and malicious code that can adapt to your system. This makes it impossible to write an antivirus problem that will always work and never need updates.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsHalt
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/19/2023 10:08:43kaydenl10800@stu.powayusd.comKayden Le18 / 221/10.79/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
undecidable problems lack a general algorithmic solution, while decidable problems have algorithms that can determine the solution for any given input within a finite amount of time.
undecidable problems in the context of security introduce inherent limitations and challenges. While it is impossible to achieve absolute security, a combination of proactive measures, ongoing research, and a robust risk management strategy can help organizations navigate the complex and dynamic landscape of cybersecurity.
The problem is impossible. The engineer will never come up with an algorithm that will output a correct prediction for any downloaded files.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:15:28khananiabdullah321@gmail.comAbdullah Khanani19 / 22n/a0.83/1
There are some problems that current computers can't solve, but we hypothesize that more powerful computers in the near future will be able to solve them.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
A problem that includes no algorithm to find a solution is an undecidable problem. A decidable problem can have an algorithm solution.
Some problems are viruses and security breaches. This limitation hinders the development of foolproof security measures, as there may be instances where the algorithm cannot provide a definitive answer.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:15:55lakshanya.sankaran@gmail.comLakshanya Sankaran20 / 221/10.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem an algorithm cannot solve correctly while a decidable problem can.
The implications could be that the security system is either nonexistent, incomplete, or vulnerable. The challenges posed my undecidable problems is that there is no 100% secure way of protecting software from malware, even if the effects can be limited.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsHalt
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/19/2023 10:16:39andrewk34321@stu.powayusd.comAndrew Kim22 / 221/11/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
A decidable problem can be solved in a finite amount of time. An undecidable problem cannot be solved in a finite amount of time as it recursively loops forever.
Undecidable problems in security related tasks show the limit of only using one language or style to solve a problem. This means that in order to achieve a more advanced form of security, you need more measures in using different methods in order to find errors. It is impossible to account for every single possibility meaning that an undecidable problem will always leave some sort of gap in your security.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:19:00luckydavid914@gmail.comDavid Lee20 / 22n/a0.87/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem where no algorithm can determine the correct answer for any possible input. A decidable problem if there is some algorithm that can determine a correct answer from a possible input.
Undecidable problems in a security-related task such as virus detection impact the development of foolproof security measures negatively. For example, the halting problem is a unsolvable problem where it's impossible to create a general algorithm that can determine whether a virus will halt or run indefinitely. Furthermore, viruses can leverage the undecidability of certain problems to create more adaptive malware.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:19:28matthewxpwang@gmail.comMatthew Wang22 / 22n/a0.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecideable problem is a problem that a computer/algorithm can never solve, no matter how long it is given. A decideable problem is a problem that can be solved using an algorithm that produces a correct result for all inputs.
If there are problems that aren't solveable by a computer in a security system, it will become much harder to keep computers safe. If undecideable problems are found, they may be exploited and used to bypass anti-virus software, allowing malware into your system. If undecideable problems are found and used, foolproof security measures will be imposible to develop.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:22:43vancer03650@stu.powayusd.comVance Reynolds21 / 22n/a0.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a computational problem for which there exists no algorithm that can determine a correct yes-or-no answer for all possible inputs. While a decidable problem is the opposite, something where an algorithm CAN be constructed to find a correct sollution.
Undecidable problems in security tasks, like virus detection, make it impossible to create a foolproof algorithm that can accurately identify all threats, leading to challenges such as false positives, incomplete security policies, and resource-intensive processes. The dynamic and evolving nature of cybersecurity threats further complicates the development of universally effective security measures.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 10:26:18gurshawnb20617@stu.powayusd.comGurshawn B18.5 / 221/10.85/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem that a computer can't find becasue it is infinite. A decidable problem is one where a solution can be found.
Undecidable problems in security, such as virus detection, make it impossible to create infallible measures due to inherent limitations in identifying threats, leading to increased false positives and the perpetual challenge of balancing security and computational feasibility.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 17:18:26varundeep.pillai@gmail.comVarun Manoj Pillai20 / 221/10.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem where no algorithm can be created to produce a correct answer for all possible inputs. A decidable problem is a problem where a algorithn can be created to produce a correct answer for all possible inputs 100% of the time.
Some of the challenges and limitations imposed by undecidable problems in developing foolproof security measures include: not being accurate 100% of the time and not being able to identify all possible threats
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Yellow PathLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/19/2023 18:18:44alishahussain1229@gmail.comAlisha Hussain19 / 221/10.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a question that has no simple decided answer. A decidable problem is a question where you can always figure out the answer with a clear method.
Undecidable problems in security, such as figuring out if software is harmful, make it hard to create really important security. This means there's no perfect way to catch all bugs or viruses, giving attackers a lot of opportunity to take advantage of the opeinings in the security.
The problem is impossible. The engineer will never come up with an algorithm that will output a correct prediction for any downloaded files.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Green PathLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/19/2023 18:46:59anikabhatnagar20@gmail.comAnika Bhatnagar 22 / 220.5/10.98/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem for which no algorithm can be constructed that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer. On the other hand, a decidable problem is one where there exists an algorithm that can always decide the correct yes-or-no answer for any input in a finite amount of time.
Undecidable issues, such as the halting problem, render it impossible to devise an infallible algorithm capable of discerning whether an entity is entirely free from malicious intent. Moreover, the inherent uncertainty in these problems allows malevolent individuals to develop advanced methods of evasion.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/19/2023 22:48:39sharonkodali1@gmail.comSharon Kodali18 / 221/10.83/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is one for which there is no algorithm that can always give a correct answer for all possible inputs. A decidable problem, on the other hand, is one for which an algorithm can determine the correct answer for any given input in a finite amount of time.
Undecidable problems in security, like predicting all possible ways a program may execute, pose challenges as there's no foolproof algorithm for virus detection in all cases. This limitation means that achieving absolute security is difficult, and security measures must rely on heuristics and best practices rather than a guaranteed solution for every situation.
The problem is impossible. The engineer will never come up with an algorithm that will output a correct prediction for any downloaded files.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/19/2023 23:08:24tara.sehdave@gmail.comTara Sehdave21 / 22n/a0.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
Computational problem where there isn't an algorithm that consistently provides solution. Decidable problem is computational problem where an algorithm exists to solve all possibilities.
Undecidable problems pose a lot of security related issues. For example, no perfect detection, algorithm, false positive, false negative, adaptive threats, resource constraints, risk management.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters, Automatically terminating the program when a loop is detected
12/20/2023 8:47:16ptleigh08@gmail.comPeyton Leigh20 / 221/10.91/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem where there is no algorithmic solution that can always determine the correct answer for all possible inputs. A decidable problem is a problem that does have an algorithm to determine a correct solution for any case.
Since there is no algorithm that takes into account every potential threat, it is challenging to ensure detection and prevention of undecidable security issues, which makes it impossible to create flawless security solutions. A few restrictions on program prediction include the susceptibility of unidentified security risks, which highlights how difficult it is to create total security.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may invent an algorithm that solves the problem correctly in polynomial time.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
With a HaltChecker, Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/20/2023 11:09:48nvallamkondu27@gmail.comNandan Vallamkondu22 / 22n/a0.87/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is a problem in which the computer won't give a definite answer. In an undecidable problem, an algorithm cannot be written to give a specific answer to the program. A decidable problem is when an algorithm can be written to give a promising output and a definite answer to a specific problem.
The implications of undecidable problems in security-related tasks is that it won't provide a definite answer to what virus is being installed on the software.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/20/2023 11:13:05akshayn1219@gmail.comAkshay Nagesh 22 / 22n/a0.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
An undecidable problem is one where no algorithm can determine a yes-or-no answer for all cases, like the Halting Problem. A decidable problem, however, can be solved algorithmically for every input, such as basic arithmetic operations. This distinction is fundamental in computer science, delineating the limits of what can be computed.
Undecidable problems in security, like virus detection, imply that no algorithm can detect every possible malware, presenting a fundamental challenge in creating foolproof security systems. This limitation means antivirus software may fail to recognize new or sophisticated threats, as malware developers constantly evolve their tactics. Consequently, security measures often rely on a mix of heuristic analysis, behavior monitoring, and regular updates, rather than on a single, all-encompassing detection algorithm.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/20/2023 11:14:31dante.atanassov@gmail.comDante Atanassov22 / 22n/a0.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
A decidable problem is one for which there exists an algorithm that can conclusively determine the solution for any given input in a finite amount of time. An undecidable problem, on the other hand, lacks such an algorithm, meaning no method exists that can always provide a definitive answer for every possible input.
Undecidable problems in security, such as virus detection, imply that no algorithm can identify all potential threats, leading to an ongoing struggle between evolving security measures and emerging malware. This inherent limitation necessitates a dynamic approach to security, where absolute protection is unattainable.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/20/2023 11:28:19saathvikgampa08@gmail.comsaathvik gampa22 / 22n/a0.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
Computational problem for which there is no algo metric method to determine a true or false answer. In other words no algorithm can decide the solution to all problem instances
These problems pose challenges for security tasks, particularly in virus detection in software. The inability of algorithms to provide answers for all inputs creates vulnerabilities.
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Loop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters
12/20/2023 11:38:20ashwinv22268@stu.powayusd.comAshwin Visvanath22 / 22n/a0.96/1
There are some problems a computer can't solve, no matter how much time they have.
The problem may be solvable in some cases, but no algorithm will solve the problem in all cases.
A decidable problem is somthing that has a solution while a undecidable problem will not have a solution
Undecidable problems in security such as virus detection, imply that no algorithm can detect potential threats
The engineer might come up with an algorithm that correctly predicts the execution of malicious code in some cases, but the algorithm will not be correct all of the time.
The engineer may discover that the algorithm is only solvable in a programming language that their company does not use.
Use a heuristic-based algorithm that suggests an advertisement schedule that is close to optimal
The statement is proven false
Both PathsLoop Indefinitely
Time Out Feature, Loop Counters