Hello- the link for the special education talk is not workingI just logged on and was able to get in? You can reach out to Ms. Gina Blake or Ms. Christina Anderson if you have any questions regarding our special education program.
does hoover have a magnet program?We do offer an accelerated and enriched program through our core academic courses and Chinese Immersion.
is Hoover a magnet school as mentioned on US News website?I saw that too. We are not a magnet school. We do have accelerated and enriched program and Chinese Immersion.
A few parents reported the link to the special ed didn't workThe presentation had a few people attending. I am not sure what the problem was. My presentation is at the end of this presentation. Please feel free to email me at
PTA Tea 9:00am on 01/26/24 is Friday, which means working hours for parents. is there any other options? Thanks.We plan to record the session and post it on our website. There will be many more Parent Teas scheduled for next year.
Hi. Is there any disadvantage of not doing 7 years of the same language? Would all students have the opportunity to take the same highest level of language if they started the language they intend to take in high school in 7th vs. 6th grade?Whether they start in 6th or 7th, they will have an opportunity to get to the AP level in language
May I know the info about math placement test?There currently is no math placement test. Students are recommended for their 6th grade math course based on their elementary course, assessment and grade data and performance. We do analyze student data during the first quarter to ensure students are placed effectively.
what happens if we register for hoover but decide to go to magnet school? or if register for a magnet school and want to come back to hoover?your child can come back to Hoover at any time - you would contact our school registrar.
Do Coldspring & Bayard Rustin students attend Hoover?A few come from coldspring but not a lot. Students who are in the Chinese Immersion program at Bayard Rustin come to Hoover
Wii you share this presentation with us? ThanksYes, it will be posted on our website
Are there student clubs after school like in high school? debate, chess, model UN, etc.?Yes, I believe we have a slide in the presentation about it
How does Chinese immersion in Hoover work?The Chinese Immersion program is for students who have previously been enrolled in one of the elementary Chinese immersion programs. Students are in cohort together as the progress through the three levels of Chinese in middle school.
Is there recess or outdoor time in middle school?Students have PE everyday but we do not have recess like elementary schools. When they are done with lunch, students have the opporutunity to go outside on Friday. Additionally, we have outdoor dining space in the media center which is open daily. Students get a pass in the morning to access.
What foreign languages are avaliable in middle school and is it daily?Spanish, French, and Chinese at Hoover. Yes, they will have the class every day.
What foreign languages are avaliable in middle school and is it daily?in addition next year, depending on interest we also are offering an option for one quarter of Korean
Is there advance English classes for kids who were in ELC in their elementary school?We offer Advanced English 6
Do the kids get any outdoor time during the day?Students have PE everyday but we do not have recess like elementary schools. When they are done with lunch, students have the opporutunity to go outside on Friday. Additionally, we have outdoor dining space in the media center which is open daily. Students get a pass in the morning to access.
Many thanks for organizing. Could you talk about the typical transition challenges that uprising 6th graders face and how we as parents can support them best?If you are able to come to the PTA sponsored tea this Friday we will be specifically addressing this issue
Do you have ESL classes?Yes
Can we have an open house for parents that is after the work day?We do have Back to School Night and each content team organizes learning showcases in the evening.
Are students who were in ELC classes automatically enrolled in Advanced English 6?yes
Durinmg the quater whre they have Health, do they have any excercise or time outdoors?Students have PE everyday but we do not have recess like elementary schools. When they are done with lunch, students have the opporutunity to go outside on Friday. Additionally, we have outdoor dining space in the media center which is open daily. Students get a pass in the morning to access.
I know foreign language classes appear on high school transcripts. How will the new rotational language work - because they are all 1 quarter each do they not appear on the HS transcript?They are not high school course and will not show up in the student's transcripts.
Does the school help organize or keep in contact with a lot of the STEM-themed competitions? Like robot, rocket, drone competitions? A bit difficult to organize teams on our own.We have Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, and Trout Patrol to name just a few of our science clubs. Also, we offer STEM classes at all grades such as Coding, CAD, Robotics, Marine Bio, Forensics and STEAM.
Does the school help organize or keep in contact with a lot of the STEM-themed competitions? Like robot, rocket, drone competitions? A bit difficult to organize teams on our own.Presently we have just the two competition based clubs, yet we are always open to new clubs and comps. Any after school sponsored club must have a faculty member as a sponsor, but parents can run the club. Feel free to contact me if you have some ideas how we can broaden our offerings/
If a child is accepted into the magnet program but decides to attend the local MS, is he/she automatically enrolled in advanced math, science, and english? Does the advanced math, science, and english continue into 7th and 8th grade?Each student takes the specific grade level Science Course. Science courses do not differentiate until High School.
If a child is accepted into the magnet program but decides to attend the local MS, is he/she automatically enrolled in advanced math, science, and english? Does the advanced math, science, and english continue into 7th and 8th grade?All students take Advanced English and Global Humanities (Advanced Social Studies), the math class is determined by the previous year's math that your child took
If a child is accepted into the magnet program but decides to attend the local MS, is he/she automatically enrolled in advanced math, science, and english? Does the advanced math, science, and english continue into 7th and 8th grade?The student is likely to be placed in the advanced math course if they were accepted into the STEM magnet. We only offer advanced English and history at Hoover.
What sports are offered at Hoover?For 7th and 8th graders we offer softball, basketball, and soccer. 6th graders can participate in intermurals but athletic begin in 7th grade.
Can students start with language at the 1B or higher leverl if they are already proficient but not fully fluent?No, 1B is second semester and they would need to be scheduled for a full year
What's the school's attitude towards AI? Is it somehow incorporated into instruction? Prohibited? Not addressed at all? Hard question to answer but just trying to get a feel for what's happening right now, thanks.Sometimes AI is helpful, but it is an issue when the ideas and analysis are AI generated rather than student generated. It can help students upgrade their word choice and clarify their sentences, but it shouldn’t be used to create written responses. We discuss the use of AI in our English classes and how to use it responsibly. It is ever-changing issue though!
What are the major impacts and challenges COVID created in child, social, and educational development that have been observed in middle school? What can parents and HHMS educators do to help bridge the gap? Thank you.There has been an increased focus on social emotional wellness across the board from county level to each individual school. We have a Wellness team comprised of administration, counselors, teacher leaders, psychologist, pupil personnel worker.
Can students take a test about their language level to take higher lever of Chinese when they are assigned into Chinese 1 A/B in 6th grade?All 6th graders will begin in Chinese 1A/B together. We will be monitoring and assessing students in the class as part of instruction and adjustments are made as needed.
How many years of language will they take in high school?Depends on the students. Many colleges would like to see at least two years during the high school years
Can a student who has already started to learn a language start in the advanced language class?All of our 6th grade students begin with the first level of the language. Teachers do build upon prior experience with the language through differentiation.
Do you have recording? I missed first half.The recording was not captured
Can Chinese Immersion select a 2nd language and still do the Chinese Immersion language class?Unfortunately no - students can only take one world language class each year
Which of the 6th grade courses are high school like what is being discussed right now? just world language?world language, Algebra and Geometry
Does that also apply to math grades? Regarding the gpa being helped or hurtAlgebra and Geometry, yes. AMP 6 and 7 are not high school courses
is chinese simplified or traditional?All the teaching materials along with lessons and assessments are taught side by side both with traditional and simplified. Students get to choose which they are more comfortable in and assess in that form.
Here is the curriculum from the site:
is chinese simplified or traditional?All the teaching materials along with lessons and assessments are taught side by side both with traditional and simplified. Students get to choose which they are more comfortable in and assess in that form.
Here is the curriculum from the site:
does that automated process apply to math as well as world language regarding the gpa? and are there any other courses that count for high school aside from world language or math?Algebra and Geometry are high school courses, so not 6th grade
I just read in the chat from Ms. Talib that ALL 6th grade students are enrolled in Advanced English. So is there no different course for students who were in ELC classes?Yes, that is correct.
Sorry joined late. Is this being recorded or when/where is ppt posted and shared?the presentation will be posted on our website
How do we register for the tea?Register here:
but for world language all the levels are considered high school level? so starting with 6th grade level 1A-B?yes-except the introductory rotation
but for world language all the levels are considered high school level? so starting with 6th grade level 1A-B?We also offer Full Year Spanish 1A which is the first semester of Spanish 1 over a full year. They would then take Full Year Spanish 1B in 7th grade
What is the difference between Spanish 2A and 2B? Are these different classes differentiated by ability of the students?First Semester is 2A and second semester is 2B. Spanish 2A and then Spanish 2B makes a full year of Spanish 2.
Is the Chinese language class in simplified or traditional chinese? (简体or繁体字)?All the teaching materials along with lessons and assessments are taught side by side both with traditional and simplified. Students get to choose which they are more comfortable in and assess in that form.
Here is the curriculum from the site:
for math, all kids in compacted 5/6 currently, can do amp7?Most do, but some students and families choose to do AMP 6 instead if they would like to slow the pace down before high schol classes. The child’s current teacher can provide feedback about which they think is best.
are the slides available right now for us to refer to? couldnt find on websiteThey will be posted after this presentation
Hello, could you explain what intermurals is?In the morning, before the school day begins, students have the option to participate in intermurals. There are a variety of activities, such as basketball, that students can sign up for.
what is the textbook for Chinese?live answered
Can you please provide the link where ppt and recording of tonight’s mtg will be posted?
link to Hoover website where all information for Rising 6th grade is posted, including the Google Registration form.
In the quarter when there is Health, when do the children get to expend energy during the day?Students move from class to class throughout the day. In addition to PE, students have the opportunity to join after school activities.
in math is there an AMP7 and an AMP7+? I thought i saw but wasn't sure -Just AMP 6+ and AMP 7+. We do not offer the AMP 6 or AMP 7 classes at this time.
in math is there an AMP7 and an AMP7+? I thought i saw but wasn't sure -Sometimes we just say “AMP 7” as a shorthand but we always mean AMP 7+
so for kids in compacted math 5/6 now, it is up to us which to choose, AMP 6 or AMP7?Most students who take 5/6 take AMP 7 but some families prefer to slow the pace a bit before the high school courses. You can consult with your current 5th grade math teacher for their recommendation and help make the decision.
can we do bothTHey must choose between instrumental music and electives rotation
Where can we find the registration form?It should be sent by the elementary school, it is also posted on our counseling website
How will the student learn how to play the instrument if no experience is required? Band is a group class so there wouldn’t be time, right?no experience is necessary
is chinese class simplified or traditional?All the teaching materials along with lessons and assessments are taught side by side both with traditional and simplified. Students get to choose which they are more comfortable in and assess in that form.
Here is the curriculum from the site:
Are there school buses for students who stay after school for extracurricular activities?yes
What time does the school day end?3:00
What is the math class for kids that have taken amp7+ in 5th grade?The course after AMP 7+ is Algebra
what time do buses for afterschool leave?3:05
Can student choose both language and music?Yes
do multiple teachers teach the rotating language class?yes-4 teachers
In the Unifies Arts, do students pick the electives they take?They will select Unified Arts. The rotation of 4 quarters is a predetermined set of 4 quarters.
If the elective to be an art/tech rotation for 6th grade, will the kid be able to join the instrumental music at 7th grade as a beginner?Yes they can
Sorry where are the links to the registration and this presentation?
Sorry where are the links to the registration and this presentation?On our website. The presentation will be online later this evening.
Will they do algebra with the 7th graders?Algebra is the course after AMP7+. So if your 6th grade is in AMP7+ then they will take Algebra in 7th grade.
What are the options for students that tool the excellerated English during 4th and 5th grade?All students take the advance English classes for each grade level (they are the only courses we offer)
can’t see link
Can a student take more than one world language?Not in middle school. They have more options to do so in high school
what are the textbooks and guidelines for the bilingual literacy?The test occurs in high school so you may should reach out to the content specialist for world languages at WCHS for the seal of biliteracy information.
Are children showering after PE?No
Can 6th graders take part in plays?Yes
Will there be opportunities to visit the school both to meet the faculty and learn about the facilities?Students will have 2 opportunities to visit June and August.
Thank you!Thank you for joining us.
Will these questions be part of what is posted? A lot of good info here.Yes
Thank you!
may I know about the registration errollment?I'm sorry I don't understand your question. You can go to the Hoover website to find the registration form.
Just to clarify, in 6th grade arts rotation, what are the options students can choose from?some options include studio art, theater, coding computer aided design
Not even one signle question from the chat was responded to!!Actually, most of the questions were answered. Is there a question you wrote earlier that may have been missed that I can try and answer?
Is there a buddy program at all where older kids show the 6th graders around and talk about the school?Great question! We have student ambassadors who help students navigate the building during the orientation and mini-day.
could you mind send the registration form again, sorry just miss it
Can the elective class be full?Yes-we ask students to have plan A and B in mind.
ok, got it
Thank you for the information!You're welcome
Can we attend the club any time of the school year? Or must at the beginning of school starts?Depends on the club. You can reach out to the club sponsor for more info
can a student choose only either instrumental music or art/tdch elective, but not both?One or the other.
Sorry could you let us know where the link is for registration? I am at:, where do I go next?counseling
So if a student picks studio art, does the student do that for the entire year?We only offer art on a semester basis as of this year. It may be quarterly but not full year
n/m got it
Are any elective classess filled on a first-come, first-served basis?not necessarily
Is guitar a band/orchestra option?I would think orchestra since its a string instrument but not sure. You can reach out to our instrumental music teacher, Ken Masaki.
I may have missed this but can a student choose their math track?Math classes are dependent on what they took in 5th grade at their elementary schools