Date TakenDisrict NameTeam Member NameTeam Member Role/Organization
SectionFeaturePossible Data SourcesScoring CriteriaTeam Member Vote (0, 1, 2):Suggested Actions
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.1 Leadership Authority: One or more members of the District Leadership Team has the authority to make key decisions (e.g., decision-making for budget, implementation, policy, data systems).District Organizational Chart
Team Roles & Responsibilities
0 = No members of the District Leadership Team have authority to make key decisions.

1 = At least one member of the District Leadership Team has indirect influence on key decision making within the organization.

2 = At least one member of the District Leadership Team has documented authority (e.g., organizational chart) to make key decisions.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.2 Team Membership: District Leadership Team has representation from range of stakeholders including at least: (a) families, (b) general education, (c) special education, (d) individuals with detailed knowledge about the current social-emotional-behavioral initiatives and (e) members of the local community that have investment in youth outcomes.· District Organizational Chart
Team Roles & Responsibilities
0 = District Leadership Team does not have representation from a range of stakeholders with investment in youth outcomes from the community.

1 = District Leadership Team has a diverse range of stakeholders on their team but not all the stakeholders listed in (a) - (e).

2 = District Leadership Team includes stakeholders from at least (a) - (e) and audits members annually.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.3 Team Expertise: District Leadership Team includes individuals representing P-12 with behavioral science expertise across the full continuum of behavior support (Tiers 1, 2, 3) to ensure fidelity of implementation of PBIS practices and systems in three domains: (a) training, (b) coaching, and (c) evaluation (e.g., special education, school counselor, school psychologist).District Organizational Chart
Teaming Protocols
Team Roles & Responsibilities
0 = District Leadership Team does not include individuals with behavioral science expertise across the full continuum of behavior support.

1 = District Leadership Team includes individuals with behavior science expertise across all three tiers, fidelity data is monitored across all three domains: (a) training, (b) coaching, and (c) evaluation but not used for decision making.

2 = District Leadership Team includes individuals with behavior science expertise across all three tiers; fidelity data is monitored across all three domains: (a) training, (b) coaching, and (c) evaluation.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.4 Team Leadership: District Leadership Team is led or facilitated by a coordinator(s) with: (a) designated time and (b) experience in data-based decision-making, and authority to implement team decisions.· District Organizational Chart
Teaming Protocols
Team Roles & Responsibilities
District Leadership Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes
0 = District Leadership Team does not have an assigned coordinator, does not use data regularly, and/or does not have a standard process for decision making.

1 = District Leadership Team has an assigned coordinator but with insufficient time or authority.

2 = District Leadership Team has an assigned coordinator with designated time, experience in data-based decision making, and authority to implement team decisions.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.5 Team Operating Procedures: District Leadership Team meets monthly, uses standard meeting agenda and problem-solving process (e.g., Team-Initiated Problem Solving or Data-Based Decision Making) with clearly defined operating procedures.District Leadership Team Agenda and Minutes
Team Roles & Responsibilities
Teaming Protocols
0 = District Leadership Team does not meet monthly, use a standard agenda, or problem-solving process.

1 = District Leadership Team has one of the three operating procedures, monthly meetings, standard meeting agenda or problem-solving process.

2 = District Leadership Team meets at least monthly, uses a standard meeting agenda, and has adopted a problem-solving process.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.6 Action Planning: District Leadership Team develops a 3 to 5 year action plan guided by the District Systems Fidelity Inventory (DSFI) results, district strategic plan, schools annual evaluation (e.g., Tiered Fidelity Inventory), and matches resources to needs based on student outcome data, especially for vulnerable populations. The team uses the action plan to develop agendas to guide team meetings.District Action Plan
Strategic Plan
0 = District Leadership Team meets without an action plan to guide the work.

1 = District Leadership Team has an action plan but it has not been updated in the past 12 months, is not derived from data, does not include the next 3 to 5 years or is not linked/aligned with the district’s strategic plans.

2 = District Leadership Team has a current 3 to 5 year action plan (updated in the past 12 months) that is linked to vision/mission statement and district improvement plan, inclusive of all populations, and is guided by data (DSFI results, implementation data, and student outcomes). District Leadership Team uses this plan to guide team meetings.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.7 Communication with Executive Leadership: District Leadership Team engages in regularly scheduled (e.g., monthly) and ongoing, two-way communication with executive leadership regarding implementation progress and outcomes related to student behavior goals and implementation of PBIS framework.Communication Plan
Teaming Protocols
District Leadership Team Agenda and Minutes
0 = District Leadership Team does not regularly communicate with executive leaders.

1 = District Leadership Team regularly updates (at least monthly) executive leaders regarding implementation progress and outcomes related to student behavior goals and implementation of PBIS framework.

2 = District Leadership Team regularly (at least monthly) updates and receives feedback and/or input from executive leaders regarding implementation progress and outcomes related to student behavior goals and implementation of PBIS framework.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.8 Communication with Key Stakeholders: District Leadership Team regularly (e.g., quarterly) uses two-way communication with other stakeholders (e.g., school boards, families, community organization leaders, politicians, youth) to solicit feedback on implementation progress and link to district outcomes.Communication Plan
Teaming Protocols
District Website
District Newsletters
District Leadership Team Agenda and Minutes
0 = District Leadership Team does not communicate progress or ask for input from key stakeholders.

1 = District Leadership Team communicates progress with some but not all key stakeholders and/or does not ask for input.

2 = District Leadership Team communicates progress with and seeks input from all key stakeholders connected to progress and linked to district outcomes.
Section I: Leadership Teaming1.9 Goal Identification: Promotion of positive school climate and student social-emotional-behavioral health established by organizational leadership as one of the top five permanent goals or priorities for the next 3 to 5 years.District Handbook
Strategic Plan
0 = The district does not have an action plan focused on social, emotional, and behavioral health.

1 = A 3 to 5 year action plan focused on social, emotional, and behavioral health exists but is not aligned with established priorities.

2 = A 3 to 5 year action plan focused on social, emotional, and behavioral health is established and aligned to district priorities.
Section II: Stakeholder Engagement2.1 Stakeholder Involvement: A written process is developed and deployed to actively involve stakeholders (e.g., school boards, families, community organization leaders, politicians, youth) in goal-setting and policy development.District Handbook
Strategic Plan
Teaming Protocols
Leadership Team Agenda and Minutes
Team Roles & Responsibilities
0 = No process exists to involve stakeholders.

1 = Stakeholders are on the team but active involvement is not monitored.

2 = A written process is followed to actively involve stakeholders in goal-setting and policy development.
Section II: Stakeholder Engagement2.2 Information Dissemination: The District Leadership Team, at least annually, develops one or more tools for communicating information, data and accomplishments.Communication Plan
0 = Information, data and accomplishments are not disseminated.

1 = Communication systems are developed to assist in disseminating 1 but not all 3 components (i.e., information, data and accomplishments).

2 = Multiple systems for communication are established to assist in disseminating information, data, and accomplishments at least annually.
Section II: Stakeholder Engagement2.3 Stakeholder Participation: Organizational leaders (e.g., superintendent, board of education) actively and visibly participate in PBIS events and activities (e.g., attend annual events, visit implementation sites, acknowledge progress) to engage stakeholders.Attendance
Event Agendas
0 = Organizational leaders do not participate in social, emotional, and behavioral activities.

1 = Organizational leaders actively participate in PBIS events but do not engage stakeholders.

2 = Organizational leaders actively participate in PBIS events and engage stakeholders.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.1 Budget Plan: A district budget plan with prioritized funding is developed to support operating structures and capacity building activities to implement PBIS framework.District Budget0 = No budget plan exists to fund operating procedures and/or capacity building activities.

1 = Operating procedures and capacity building activities are funded with short term funding.

2 = Initiative has transitioned from short-term funding to regular allocated budget line items.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.2 Community Agency Alignment: Procedures exist to ensure that all external community agency work is aligned to PBIS framework, evidence-based-practices, and organizational goals of the district.District Handbook
District Policy
Alignment/Leveraging Procedures
0 = A written/documented process for aligning external agency work within the PBIS framework does not exist.

1 = An informal process for aligning external agency work within the PBIS framework can be described but is not documented and/or the process is inconsistently applied.

2 = Written procedures are available, known, and consistently used to embed/align external agency work within the PBIS framework and to goals of the district.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.3. Alignment to District Outcomes:
Academic and social-emotional-behavioral frameworks are aligned with key district outcomes/improvement goals.
Strategic Plan0 = There are no clearly identified district outcomes/goals aligned to academic and social-emotional-behavioral frameworks.

1 = District outcomes/goals exist but alignment with the academic or social-emotional-behavioral frameworks are not evident.

2 = Academic and social-emotional-behavioral frameworks are directly aligned with one or more identified district outcomes/goals.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.4 Alignment to Initiatives: Clear description of initiative alignment (e.g., graphic organizer, organizational chart, conceptual map) displays integrated and/or collaborative implementation of PBIS with existing initiatives having similar goals, outcomes, systems, and practices.District Organizational Chart
Audit Spreadsheet
Graphic Organizer Displaying Initiative Alignment
0 = No description/document that shows alignment of existing initiatives is available/evident.

1 = Descriptions of individual initiatives (with similar goals, outcomes, systems and practices) are available, but some not all are fully aligned.

2 = Alignment of existing related initiatives (i.e., those with similar goals, outcomes, practices and systems) is clearly documented and readily available to relevant stakeholders (e.g., posted on district website).
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.5 Initiative Adoption Procedures:
Clear procedures are available and regularly followed for reviewing, prior to adoption, program indicators (i.e., evidence, usability and supports) and implementation site indicators (i.e., capacity, fit, & need) to promote adequate alignment and integration of potentially new initiatives with existing social-emotional-behavioral initiatives.
Recommended Procedures
Initiative Adoption Guide
0 = Clear procedures for reviewing new programs, prior to adoption do not exist.

1 = Procedures for review and adoption of new programs can be described but are not documented and/or inconsistently used and/or do not promote alignment and integration among existing initiatives.

2 = Clear procedures for reviewing programs are documented and regularly adhered to when considering new innovations and alignment with existing initiatives is determined prior to adoption of any new program.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.6 Options for Tiered Interventions: A formal district process is in place to select and support evidence-based Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions that are: a) matched to student need (e.g. behavioral function) and b) adapted to improve contextual fit (e.g. culture development level).Intervention Guidelines0 = No Tier 2 or Tier 3 district supported evidenced based interventions are identified

1 = District supported Tier 2 and Tier 3 evidence-based interventions are selected but no process exists at the district level to support the practices selected.

2 = A formal district process is used to identify and support Tier 2 and Tier 3 evidence-based interventions.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.7 Annual Alignment Review: Periodic formal review (e.g., audit, survey, resource mapping, alignment) of existing social-emotional-behavioral initiatives or programs to determine effectiveness, relevance, and fidelity of implementation is completed at least annually.· Audit Spreadsheet
Technical Guide for Alignment
0 = No review of social-emotional-behavioral related initiatives exists.

1 = Social-emotional-behavioral related initiatives are reviewed periodically but fidelity of implementation and effectiveness are not part of the process.

2 = Social-emotional-behavioral related initiatives are reviewed periodically and fidelity of implementation and effectiveness are part of the process.
Section III: Resource Alignment, Funding, & Allocation3.8 Operations for Tiered Interventions: Funding and organizational resources across related initiatives are assessed and aligned to sustain implementation.District Budget0 = Funding and organizational resources are not assessed.

1 = Funding and organizational resources across related initiatives are assessed, but not aligned to sustain implementation.

2 = Funding and organizational resources across related initiatives are assessed and aligned to sustain implementation.
Section IV: Policy & Systems Support 4.1 Vision/Mission Statement: A district vision/mission statement that includes a rationale and clear support for the importance of school climate is developed, articulated into long-term outcomes, and endorsed by lead district/school administrators.District Vision/Mission Statement
Informal Administrator Interview
0 = District does not have a vision/mission statement, or the district vision statement does not include the importance of school climate.

1 = District vision/mission statement includes a rational and clear support for the importance of school climate, but is not articulated into long-term outcomes or endorsed by lead district/school administrators.

2 = A district vision/mission statement that includes a rationale and clear support for the importance of school climate is developed, articulated into long-term outcomes, and endorsed by lead district/school administrators.
Section IV: Policy & Systems Support 4.2 Instructional Approach: District policies and procedures describe and emphasize proactive evidence-based strategies to support student social, emotional, and behavioral needs that are implemented consistently.· Discipline Policy
Student Handbooks
Code of Conduct
Informal Administrator Interview
0 = Documents contain only reactive and punitive consequences.

1 = District policies and procedures describe and emphasize proactive evidence-based strategies.

2 = District policies and procedures describe and emphasize proactive evidence-based strategies to support student social, emotional, and behavioral needs that are implemented consistently as monitored by fidelity tools (SAS, TFI, BoQ).
Section IV: Policy & Systems Support 4.3 Discipline Guides: Policy and procedural guides are posted and distributed at least annually.· Discipline Policy
Student Handbooks
Code of Conduct
Informal Administrator Interview
0 = Policy and procedural guides are not posted or distributed.

1 = Policy and procedural guides are posted, but not distributed.

2 = Policy and procedural guides are posted and distributed to key stakeholders at least annually.
Section IV: Policy & Systems Support 4.4 Discipline Policy Review: District Leadership Team regularly reviews and refines policies to enhance their effects on fidelity of implementation and social-emotional-behavioral and academic outcomes for all student groups.· Discipline Policy
Behavioral Screening Policy
Policies for Alternative Student Placement
Strategic Plan
Student Handbooks
Informal Administrator Interview
0 = Policies are not reviewed and refined annually.
1 = Policies are reviewed and refined annually but not to enhance their effects on fidelity of implementation.
2 = Policies are reviewed and refined annually to enhance their effects on fidelity of implementation and association with behavior and academic outcomes for all student groups.
Section IV: Policy & Systems Support 4.5 Transition Systems: Policy and systems exists to support student transitions in the district including processes for orienting to schoolwide expectations/routines and access to interventions.· Written Transition Plan0 = No policy or systems exist to support student transitions in the district.

1 = An informal system exists to support student transitions in the district, but is not consistent or documented in district policy.

2 = Policy and systems exist to support student transitions in the district including processes for orienting to schoolwide expectations/routines and access to interventions.
Section V: Workforce Capacity5.1 Personnel Selection Criteria: Leadership Team provides guidance on hiring criteria, recruitment, and selection for state/district/school administrators, coaches, and school personnel based on knowledge, skill, and experience implementing PBIS.· Recommended Policies0 = Hiring criteria, recruitment, and selection do not explicitly consider knowledge, skill, and experience implementing PBIS.
1 = Hiring criteria, recruitment, and selection consider knowledge, skill, and experience implementing PBIS at a cursory level.
2= Hiring criteria, recruitment, and selection explicitly name knowledge, skill, and experience implementing PBIS as critical for relevant administrators, coaches, and other personnel.
Section V: Workforce Capacity5.2 Job Descriptions: PBIS implementation activities (e.g., training, coaching) are embedded into job descriptions and dedicated time is allotted.· Job Descriptions0 = No PBIS implementation activities are embedded in job descriptions.

1 = PBIS implementation activities are assumed as part of the job descriptions, but are not formally included.

2 = PBIS implementation activities are embedded into job descriptions and time is allotted for them.
Section V: Workforce Capacity5.3 Performance Evaluation: Annual performance evaluations of administrators, teachers, and related instructional/support personnel assess knowledge and skills related to PBIS systems implementation as it relates to the specific job.· Evaluation Rubrics0 = Performance evaluations do not include assessment of knowledge or skills for PBIS systems implementation.

1 = Annual performance evaluations of some personnel, but not all, assess knowledge and skills related to PBIS systems implementation.

2 = Annual performance evaluations of administrators, teachers, and related instructional/support personnel directly assess knowledge and skills related to PBIS systems implementation.
Section VI: Professional Development6.1 District Professional Development Plan: District Leadership Team completes a 3 to 5 year professional development plan guided by school implementation data (e.g., TFI, SAS results) and linked to vision statement and measurable outcomes.Professional Development Plan0 = No professional development plan exists and/or social-emotional-behavioral systems are not included in the plan.

1 = A 3 to 5 year professional development plan that includes social-emotional-behavioral systems exists but is not derived from or directly aligned with implementation data and/or does not reflect district vision/mission/goals/outcomes.

2 = A 3 to 5 year professional development plan that includes social-emotional-behavioral systems exists, is guided by implementation data and linked to the district vision/mission/goals/outcomes.
Section VI: Professional Development6.2 District Professional Development Calendar: Dedicated professional development time and training plans (with clear scope and sequence) are scheduled for PBIS implementation and events are publicly posted to define and shape the goals and process of implementing PBIS (e.g., state-wide training calendar, district-wide master schedule).Professional Development Plan
District Professional Development Calendar
0 = No professional development calendar exists or a calendar exists but does not include training plans for PBIS.

1 = Professional development calendar is created but not publicly posted with defined goals to support implementation PBIS.

2 = Professional development calendar is created and publicly posted with defined goals to support implementation of PBIS.
Section VI: Professional Development6.3 Professional Development Alignment: PBIS professional development materials and professional development practices are aligned with other relevant empirically-supported district initiatives.Professional Development Materials0 = PBIS professional development materials/practices are not overtly (e.g., materials directly reference, describe, provide opportunities to discuss) aligned with other relevant district initiatives.

1 = PBIS professional development materials/practices are informally aligned with other relevant district initiatives (e.g., mention may be made but is not documented within written products).

2 = PBIS professional development materials/practices are overtly aligned with other relevant district initiatives.
Section VI: Professional Development6.4 Ongoing Professional Development: At least annually, PBIS is part of orientation with new staff and refresher sessions are provided with returning/veteran staff.Professional Development Plan0 = No PBIS orientation sessions are provided with new or returning staff.

1 = PBIS orientation session(s) are provided with new staff or with returning staff but are not implemented with both.

2 = On an annual basis, PBIS orientation sessions are implemented with new staff and refresher sessions are provided with returning/veteran staff.
Section VI: Professional Development6.5 Communities of Practice:
In-district and/or out-of-district peer networking opportunities focused on PBIS are available and regularly accessed by school and team leaders, district or school level coaches, and/or district/school level teams.
Professional Development Plan0 = Relevant leaders, coaches and/or teams do not regularly access peer networking opportunities.

1 = Some leaders, coaches, and/or teams access peer networking opportunities but all relevant personnel do not access or access is inconsistent.

2 = Peer network opportunities focused on the social, emotional, and behavioral framework practices and systems are scheduled for and regularly accessed by all relevant members/groups.
Section VI: Professional Development6.6 Internal Professional Development: District-wide, internal training capacity is established to build and sustain a PBIS framework.Capacity Building Plan0 = No internal training for PBIS exists in the district.

1 = Some internal training for PBIS exists within the district.

2 = A core group is established and regularly provides training within the district to build and sustain PBIS practices.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.1 Technical Assistance: Orientation materials (e.g., handouts, video, website, handbook) are developed and describe implementation rationale, readiness requirements, process, and outcomes.Orientation Materials
0 = Relevant, district specific materials and a strategic process for orienting personnel about the implementation rationale, readiness requirements, process, and outcomes are not available and/or not strategically provided to all staff/stakeholders.

1 = Some information about the implementation rationale, readiness requirements, process and outcomes are developed but are not district specific and/or are not strategically disseminated to all relevant stakeholders.

2 = Materials for orienting all internal and external stakeholders are available, include district specific information about the implementation rationale, readiness requirements, process and outcomes and are shared according to need (e.g. internal staff receive on-going professional development, external stakeholders are given overview level materials).
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.2 Coaching: Specialized instructional support personnel (e.g., special educators, counselors, school psychologists, social workers) at school and district levels have social-emotional-behavioral science expertise that aligns with general PBIS and across full continuum of behavior support (Tiers 1, 2, 3).Knowledge/Skills Assessment/Evaluations0 = School and district specialists have social-emotional-behavioral expertise, but it does not align to PBIS.

1 = School and district specialists have social-emotional-behavioral expertise aligned to PBIS but not across the full continuum of behavior support.

2 = School and district specialists have social-emotional-behavioral expertise aligned to PBIS across the full continuum of behavior support.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.3 Implementation Process: A written process is developed and followed for teaching all relevant staff how to implement each Tier 1, 2, 3 interventions that are in place and school sites can request assistance (e.g., coaching, technical assistance).· Assistance Form
Evaluation Plan
0 = No formal process.

1 = Either a written process exists to teach all relevant staff how to implement each Tier 1, 2, 3 interventions that is in place or a process for school sites to request assistance is available, but not both.

2 = A written process exists and is followed to teach all relevant staff how to implement each Tier 1, 2, 3 interventions that is in place and a process for school sites to request assistance is available.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.4 Differentiated Coaching Support: A plan for differentiated coaching supports is developed and based on phases of implementation, relevant tiers, and data-indicated need.Coaching Plan0 = A plan for differentiated levels of coaching is not documented and/or no coaching supports are consistently provided.

1 = A coaching plan is documented but is not differentiated according to phase or level of implementation or by data-indicated need and/or coaching supports are available but tend to be delivered with the same intensity for all or inconsistently across school sites.

2 = A plan for differentiated coaching is readily available (e.g., website) and indicated levels of support are consistently implemented across school sites in the district.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.5 District Coach Networks: Training and support (e.g., clear scope and sequence, technical assistance) are provided to district coaching networks to establish and sustain PBIS expertise and implementation.Professional Development Plan
Professional Development Participant Evaluations
0 = No process for support coaching exists.

1 = District coaches training process is informal.

2 = A written system is used to train coaches and provide access to coaching networks.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.6 Coaching Functions: Support emphasizes coaching functions (responsibilities and activities, not people or positions) for internal (school level) and external (district/regional level) implementation supports.Coaching Manual0 = No process for determining coaching functions.

1 = Process to determine coaching functions is informal.

2 = A written process exists outlining the coaching functions for implementation.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.7 Local Coaching Capacity: District has transitioned from outside/external to local/internal/in-district coaching capacity (e.g., core group identified and supported in leading efforts, embedded in job descriptions).List of District PBIS Coaching Personnel
Job Descriptions
0 = District has no local coaching capacity.

1 = District has informal local coaching capacity that does not include a core group of individuals identified to provide support and/or the related tasks are not embedded in job descriptions.

2 = District has local coaching capacity, including a core group of individuals that have been identified to provide support and have related tasks embedded in job descriptions.
Section VII: Coaching & Technical Assistance7.8 Classroom Implementation: District coaches review classroom implementation of Tier 1 features (school-wide expectations, routines, acknowledgements, in-class continuum of consequences) to verify that they are implemented with fidelity in classrooms and consistent with school-wide systems across the district.· Walkthrough Process
Classroom Data
Progress Monitoring Data
0 = Classrooms are not implementing Tier 1 features.

1 = Classrooms are informally implementing Tier 1 but no formal systems exists, OR less than 80% of classrooms in the district are formally implementing all core Tier 1 features.

2 = 80% or more of classrooms in the district are formally implementing all core Tier 1 features.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.1 Evaluation Plan: District Leadership Team completes a 3 to 5 year evaluation plan guided by district assessment schedule and school implementation data, social validity survey results, and important district outcomes.· Evaluation Plan
Action Plan
0 = District Leadership Team has no 3 to 5 year evaluation plan.

1 = District Leadership Team has an evaluation plan that is less than 3 to 5 years in length or does not include use of an evaluation process.

2 = District Leadership Team completes a comprehensive 3 to 5 year evaluation plan using an evaluation process. The plan includes: clearly identified assessments, evaluation questions, school implementation data, social validity survey results, and important district outcomes.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.10 Acknowledgement of progress: Outcomes and accomplishments are disseminated and acknowledged among stakeholder groups, at least quarterly.· Fidelity Tools
Student Outcomes
District Reports
School Newsletters
District Newsletter/Website/Social Media
0 = Outcomes and accomplishments are not disseminated or acknowledged among stakeholder groups.

1 = Outcomes and accomplishments are disseminated and acknowledged among stakeholder groups, at least once per year.

2 = Outcomes and accomplishments are disseminated and acknowledged among stakeholder groups, at least quarterly.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.11 Internal Evaluation Capacity: District has transitioned from external to internal evaluation and performance feedback capacity (e.g., the District Leadership Team has developed an assessment schedule and performance feedback activities and in district coaches support schools in administering assessments and analyzing results).· Assessment Calendar
Performance Feedback Activities Calendar
School fidelity scores (e.g., TFI, BoQ, SAS)
0 = There is no assessment or feedback about implementation and/or data about implementation is only provided through an external agent (e.g., consultant).

1 = Some assessment of implementation occurs but is partially or completely dependent on an external agent rather than administered by in district personnel.

2 = District has internal resources available to provide evaluation and performance feedback regarding implementation and does so according to a district devised plan/schedule/calendar.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.2 Data Collection Systems: District and school level data systems (e.g., data collection tools and applications) are in place to (a) promote consistent collection and entry of common data (e.g., team accomplishments, schools involved, fidelity, outcomes disaggregated by subgroup), (b) reflect a range of settings and stakeholders (e.g., community data, student and family perceptions), (c) identify schools or classrooms needing additional training and coaching support, and (d) enable continuous decision-making and feedback at all levels (i.e., district, school, classroom).· Data System Reports
PBIS Fidelity Data (e.g., TFI, BoQ, SAS)
Student Outcome Data (e.g., discipline, school climate)
District Reports
School/Community Demographic Data
0 = No data collection systems are in place or existing data systems do not allow easy access to information needed for evaluation of efforts and impact.
1 = Data systems are in place to collect common data that allow for continuous decision making, but data are not disaggregated by student group or aggregated into a district-level report for systems- wide decision making at all levels (i.e., district, school, classroom).
2 = Data systems are in place to collect common data that allow for continuous decision making, and data are both disaggregated by student group and aggregated for system-wide decision making at all levels (i.e., district, school, classroom).
Section VIII: Evaluation8.3 Evaluation Feedback Loop:
Data systems are used to provide feedback, according to a district determined schedule, that internal coaches share with school teams to use for problem solving and action planning.
· Data Decision Rules
Staff Professional Development Calendar
Staff Handbook
Team Meeting Minutes
0 = Data systems are not available to provide performance feedback.

1 = Data systems are used to provide regular performance feedback to school teams and coaches, but data is not used for problem solving and action planning.

2 = Data systems follow a written process to provide regular performance feedback to school teams and coaches for problem solving and action planning.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.4 Differentiated Supports: Data system is in place for identifying school teams in need of additional training and coaching support.· Data System Reports
Fidelity Data (SAS, TFI, BoQ)
District Reports
0 = No data system exists to identify schools in need of additional training and coaching support.

1 = A data system exists to identify schools in need of additional training and coaching support, but it is not utilized to make decisions.

2 = A data system exists to identify schools in need of additional training and coaching support and it is utilized to determine necessary supports.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.5 Assessment and Evaluation Process: Assessment and evaluation schedule and process is used at all implementation levels (e.g., student, classroom, district) for examining the extent to which: (a) teams are implementing PBIS, (b) PBIS implementation is improving student outcomes, and (c) the District Leadership Team’s action plan is implemented.· PBIS Self-Assessment Survey
Student Outcome Data
Walkthrough Data
Informal Surveys
0 = District does not have an assessment and evaluation schedule and process.

1 = District has an assessment and evaluation schedule and process that is used at all implementation levels and examines 1 or 2 of the items listed in (a) - (c).

2 = District has an assessment and evaluation schedule and process that is used at all implementation levels and examines all three of the items listed in (a) - (c).
Section VIII: Evaluation8.6 Student Identification Data: District written guidelines that include multiple sources of data (e.g., discipline events, screening scores, attendance, or nomination) are provided to inform school level identification of students who may need Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports; schools establish population specific data decision rules.· Multiple Data Sources Used
District Decision Rubric
Meeting Minutes
School Policy
0 = No written guidelines exist that include multiple sources of data are provided to inform school level identification of students who may need Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports.

1 = Written guidelines exist that include multiple sources of data are to inform school level identification of students who may need Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports, but it is not consistently followed or is used with only one data source.

2 = Written guidelines that include multiple sources of data are provided to inform school level identification of students who may need Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports (e.g., discipline events, screening scores, attendance, or nomination).
Section VIII: Evaluation8.7 Level of Use: A documented system is utilized to track proportion of students participating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports across the district and access is proportionate.· Tier 2 Enrollment Data
Tier 3 Enrollment Data
0 = District does not track number of students responding to Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports.

1 = A documented system is utilized to track proportion of students participating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports across the district, but fewer than 5% of students are enrolled at Tier 2 and/or fewer than 1% are enrolled at Tier 3.

2 = A documented system is utilized to track proportion of students participating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports across the district, with at least 5% of students enrolled at Tier 2 and 1% of students enrolled at Tier 3.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.8 Student Performance Data: District Leadership Team tracks proportion of students experiencing success and uses Tier 2 and Tier 3 outcome data and decision rules for system-wide progress monitoring and modification.· Progress Monitoring Data
Student Outcome Data
0 = Student data is not monitored.

1 = Student data is monitored but no decision rules are established to alter (e.g., intensify or fade) support.

2 = Student data (% of students being successful) is monitored and used at least monthly, with data decision rules established to alter (e.g., intensify or fade) district-level support, and shared with stakeholders.
Section VIII: Evaluation8.9 Annual Evaluation: Annual progress reports tailored to external stakeholders are created and distributed at least annually on the activities and outcomes related to PBIS fidelity of implementation and student behavior goals across all tiers of implementation.· Staff, Student, Family surveys
PBIS Handbooks
Fidelity Tools
School Policy
Student Outcomes
District Reports
School Newsletters
0 = Annual progress reports tailored to external stakeholders are not created.

1 = Annual progress reports are created and distributed on the activities and outcomes related to PBIS fidelity of implementation and student behavior goals across all tiers of implementation, but are not tailored to stakeholders OR are distributed less than annually.

2 = Annual progress reports tailored to external stakeholders are created and distributed at least annually on the activities and outcomes related to PBIS fidelity of implementation and student behavior goals across all tiers of implementation.
Section IX: Local Implementation Demonstrations9.1 Site Selection: Formal site selection processes (including readiness requirements and commitment procedures) and criteria are developed, adopted, and consistently used to select: (a) select initial pilot schools and (b) expand to new schools within the district.· Readiness Requirements
Commitment Procedures
0 = No formal site selection process exists for school participation in PBIS.

1 = Formal site selection processes (including readiness requirements and commitment procedures) and criteria are developed/adopted but not used to select: (a) initial (pilot) and (b) new (expansion, scaling) participating schools within the district.

2 = Formal site selection processes (including readiness requirements and commitment procedures) and criteria are developed/adopted and used to select: (a) select initial pilot schools and (b) expand to new schools at Tiers 1, 2, and 3.
Section IX: Local Implementation Demonstrations9.2 Model Demonstrations: Demonstration schools have annual data indicating sustained high levels of fidelity of implementation and visible activities, data, and products to serve as local examples of process and outcomes across tiers (1, 2, 3) and levels (preschool, elementary, middle, high).Case Studies
Site Descriptions
District Reports
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
0 = Demonstration schools do not report annual data.

1 = Demonstration schools have annual data, but it does not indicate sustained high levels of fidelity of implementation.

2 = Demonstration schools have annual data indicating sustained high levels of fidelity of implementation and visible activities, data, and products to serve as local examples of process and outcomes across tiers (1, 2, 3) and levels (preschool, elementary, middle, high).
Section IX: Local Implementation Demonstrations9.3 Scaling Up: Plan for additional demonstrations, including replication and scaling of PBIS across tiers and levels (preschool, elementary, middle, high) in the organizational unit, is developed and followed.· 3-5 Year Action Plan
Strategic Plan
0 = No formal plan exists for replicating and scaling PBIS within the district.

1 = Plan for further demonstrations, including replication and scaling of PBIS across tiers and levels in the organizational unit, is developed.

2 = Plan for additional model demonstrations, including replication and scaling of PBIS across tiers and levels in the organizational unit, is developed and followed.