No.Proposed Work ItemStatusNotes
1Complete ranking of Recs 1 [Diversity], 2.3 [Idemnity Standalone Items], and 3 [Framework for interpretation of Human Rights]
COMPLETEDCCOICI conducted a ranking of the recommendations. The results of this ranking where communicated to the CCG by the CCOICI Chair and GNSO Council rep to the CCG on 20 April 2022 (see
2Diversity Recs 1.1, 1.2 [Defining Diversity]

- Revisit Council's initial prioritization
- Confirm implementation status
- Discuss potential implementation of applicable ones
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 1.1 - "Not applicable for action" - this recommendation is within the scope of the ICANN community, SG/Cs and/or ICANN org to address, NOT the GNSO Council
- 1.2. - "Complete" - this recommendation is considered complete. See section 11.3 of the ICANN Bylaws ( Clear diversity language is included here with SG/Cs carrying the responsbility for ensuring diversity.
3Diversity Recs 1.3,1.4, 1.5 [Measuring and Promoting Diversity]

- Revisit Council's initial prioritization
- Confirm implementation status
- Discuss potential implementation of applicable ones
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 1.3: "Not applicable for action" - GNSO Council does not have this responsibility. It is up to the SG/Cs to select their representative.
- 1.4 - "Not applicable for action" - This is the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council.
- 1.5 - "Not applicable for action" - This is the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council.
4Diversity Recs 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 [Supporting Diversity]

- Revisit Council's initial prioritization
- Confirm implementation status
- Discuss potential implementation of applicable ones
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 1.6 - "Not applicable for action" - This is the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council.
- 1.7 - "Not applicable for action" - This is the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council.
- 1.8 - "Not applicable for action" - This is the responsibility of the SGs/Cs and not of the GNSO Council.
5Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct Recs 2.1.1, 2.1.2 [Petitions for Removal of Directors]

- Review staff assessment
- Discuss potential implementation of 2.1.2
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 2.1.1 - "Complete" - there is no restrictive language anywhere in the guidelines to say that such petitions must be for specific reasons, implying that the petitions for removal may be for any reason consistent with recommendation 2.1.1 (see section 4.2.2 of the guidelines for the requirements for a Nominating Committee Director Removal petition as well as requirements for an SO/AC Director removal petition)
- 2.1.2 - "Implementation Planned" - as noted in the staff assessment, section 4.2.2. of the related guidelines include the phrase "shall include at least the following" with respect to the requirements for such petitions. This phrase offers wide discretion for inclusion of other requirements, criteria, or material to be provided by the petitioner. Further, there is no restrictive language anywhere in the Guidelines to say that additional requirements for the petitions are prohibited or will not be considered. In other words, there is nothing preventing the petitioner from satisfying the WS2 requirements when following the process as outlined in the Guidelines. At the same time, the guidelines should draw specific and explicit attention to the additional mandatory requirements as outlined in WS2 Rec 2.1.2. The CCOICI agreed to recommend to the Council that the guidelines are updated as follows:
1) Update Section 4.2.2 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline [] and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline [] by inserting the following phrase between “...the Petition shall” and “...​​include at least the following” in the first paragraph: “in addition to satisfying the requirements set out in Recommendation 2.1.2 of the WS2 Final Report”.
2) Update the GNSO webpage [] which contains all the Guidelines by including a note that petitioners utilizing the Board Director Removal related Guidelines should also refer to the mandatory requirements outlined in the Recommendation 2.1.2 of the WS2 Final Report.
6Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct Recs 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 [Recommendations for Guidelines with respect to procedures for consideration of Board removal notices by SO/ACs]

- Review staff assessment
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 2.2.1 - "Complete" - Section 4.2.4 and Section 4.2.5 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline satisfy the “investigation” requirement. Section 4.2.4 requires that the GNSO Council holds a dialogue between the Director subject to the petition, the Chair of the Board (or Vice Chair of the Board if the Chair is the affected Director), the Petitioner, and the GNSO Representative on the EC Administration. Section 4.2.5 states that GNSO Stakeholder Groups (SGs) and Constituencies (Cs) be asked to provide feedback, opinion, or comments on the merits of the petition, which will be reviewed by the GNSO Council. The dialogue and the GNSO community feedback should help the GNSO Council investigate the situation and decide whether to support such a petition. Section 4.2.11 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and Section 4.2.8 of the SO/AC Director Removal Guideline satisfy the “reasonable time frames” requirement for investigation. The time tables in those sections set out the suggested deadlines for the GNSO Council to hold the dialogue (per Section 4.2.4) and to receive GNSO community feedback (per Section 4.2.5). The time tables were developed by following the timeline in the ICANN Bylaws with respect to the Director Removal Petition Period and taking into account other necessary administrative steps for processing the petition.
- 2.2.2 - "Complete" - Section 4.2.5 and Section 4.3.3 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline, as well as Section 4.2.5 of the SO/AC Director Removal Guideline include the expectation and the suggested time period for the wider GNSO community to review the petition and provide feedback on its merits. The GNSO community feedback is intended to help the GNSO Council make an informed decision on whether to support such a petition.
- 2.2.3 - "Complete" - Section 4.2.6 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline [] outline the method for the GNSO Council to decide whether to support or reject such a petition, as well as specifies the threshold needed to reach a decision in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws. In addition, Section 4.3.4 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline includes similar guidance regarding the voting method for the GNSO Council to decide whether to support a petition initiated by another Decisional Participant.
- 2.2.4 - "Complete" - Section 4.2.7 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline outline the method for informing the community, the other Decisional Participants, and the EC Administration the GNSO Council decision on the petition. The guidelines specify the required information to be included in the Petition Notice, such as the GNSO Council decision and the rationale for the decision. In addition, Section 4.3.5 the NomCom Director Removal Guideline includes similar guidance regarding informing the ICANN org, the other Decisional Participants, and the EC Administration the GNSO Council’s decision whether to support a petition initiated by another Decisional Participant. The guidelines specify the required information to be included in a written notice.
7SO/AC Accountability Rec 6.1 [Accountability]

- Review staff assessment
- Discuss potential implementation of 6.1.5 (pending template)
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 6.1.1: “Complete" – The GNSO Council has documented its decision-making methods in the GNSO Operating Procedures Chapter 4.0 Voting .
- 6.1.2: “Not Applicable for Action” -- A challenge process used for an election or formal decision is not envisioned in the GNSO Council Operating Procedures. The GNSO Council has its designated process and timeline to consider a decision or conduct an election. GNSO Councilors have a reasonable timeframe to provide input prior to a vote. There is an existing mechanism for Councilors to amend or defer a motion. Once a decision is made, it is final. See details in the GNSO Operating Procedures Chapter 4.0 Voting.
- 6.1.3: “Not Applicable for Action” – The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. Any challenge pertaining to membership eligibility should be addressed at the GNSO SG/C and NomCom level.
- 6.1.4: “Complete" -- The GNSO Council is known for having extensive procedures in its various areas of work, and this is reflected in the GNSO Operating Procedures, its annexes, and other procedures and processes as documented on this webpage []. The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Oversight and Implementation allows for the continuous scoping and execution of projects that are focused on GNSO structural, procedural, and process improvements. Forward looking, any additional unwritten procedures and customs that need to be memorialized can be addressed by the CCOICI. Since the GNSO Council already has a mechanism in place (i.e., CCOICI) to tackle further implementation work (if necessary), staff considered WS2.Rec 2.1.4 complete.
- 6.1.5: “Partially Complete” -- “Partially Complete” as materials currently exist to fulfill this recommendation that can be linked from a general accountability page.
- 6.1.6; “Complete" -- All GNSO Council decisions, including decisions submitted to the EC, are published on the GNSO website in the form of resolutions []. All communications from the GNSO Council to other entities, including the EC administration, other community groups, the ICANN Board, the ICANN Org, are published on the correspondence page [] of the GNSO website. In addition, the GNSO Council has a set of guidelines and templates that help the GNSO fulfill its role and obligation as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community (EC). These guidelines include requirement, process, and time frame for publicly disclosing decisions the GNSO Council submits to the EC. See the GNSO Council Procedures [] webpage for more detail.
- 6.1.7: “Not Applicable for Action” – This recommendation is pertaining to ICANN staff’s responsibility to include relevant links on the main website, hence not applicable for action by the GNSO Council.
8SO/AC Accountability Recs 6.2 [Transparency]

- Review staff assessment

Progress was also made on the following sections:

SO/AC Accountability Recs 6.3 [Participation]

- Review staff assessment
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 6.2.1: “Complete" -- Rationale: The current version of the GNSO Council Operating Procedures and its annexes are published on the GNSO Council Procedures [] webpage. Version updates are documented in the “Version Control” section of the Operating Procedures.
- 6.2.2: “Complete" – The list of GNSO Council members are published and maintained on this webpage [].
- 6.2.3: “Complete" – The GNSO Council leadership members are published and maintained on this webpage [].
- 6.2.4 “Complete" – Closed GNSO Council meetings have rare occurrences. In the event of closed meetings, the GNSO Chair informs the Councilors on the public Council list, noting the reasons for such closed sessions. One example is the closed Strategic Planning Session (SPS), and reason is noted as "Internal strategic planning whose disclosure would likely compromise the efficacy of the chosen course". This example is cited in WS2.Rec
- 6.2.5: “Complete" – Records of open GNSO Council meetings, including notes, minutes, recordings, transcripts, and chats, are published on the calendar [] page of the GNSO website. The calendar page also publishes records of the open sessions of GNSO Council managed groups, teams, and projects.
- 6.2.6: “Complete" – Records of closed meetings of the GNSO Council are typically sent to attendees through direct emails.
- 6.2.7: “Complete" – GNSO Council’s filed comments and correspondence with ICANN org are published on the correspondence page [] of the GNSO website. The correspondence page on also publishes them.
- 6.3.1: “Complete" – Rules of eligibility and criteria for members of the GNSO Council are outlined in Section 11.3 of the ICANN Bylaws and Section 2.1 [] of the GNSO Operating Procedures.
- 6.3.2: “Not Applicable for Action” – The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. The process of application and eligibility criteria for the GNSO Councilor position should be addressed by each GNSO SG/C and the NomCom.
- 6.3.3: “Not Applicable for Action” – The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. The process of appeal when application for the GNSO Councilor position is rejected should be addressed by the relevant GNSO SG/C and the NomCom.
- 6.3.4: “Complete" – Section 11.3(b) of the ICANN Bylaws and Section 2.1 [] of the GNSO Operating Procedures provides details regarding GNSO Council member term limits, as well as special circumstances that allow a Councilor appointed by a Stakeholder Group to serve one more term. This general term limits also apply to the GNSO Council leadership members (i.e., GNSO Chair and Council Vice Chairs). Leadership team members need to be confirmed on an annual basis, but there is no limit on the number of reappointments, as that is dictateGNSO Council mailing list archives and the mailing list archives of the GNSO Council managed groups, teams, and projects are published on this webpage [].
- 6.3.5: “Complete" – GNSO Council mailing list archives and the mailing list archives of the GNSO Council managed groups, teams, and projects are published on this webpage [].
9SO/AC Accountability Recs 6.4 [Outreach]

- Review staff assessment

COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 6.4.1: “Complete” -- Some of the GNSO Council managed working groups published newsletters [] to help non-members follow their progress. GNSO Council related updates are also published on ICANN’s monthly regional newsletters. These materials help promote the activities managed by the GNSO Council and indirectly provide insight into the “benefits” of being involved in the GNSO policy work.
- 6.4.2: “Not Applicable for Action” – Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies as well as the Nominating Committee appoint members to the GNSO Council. Therefore, those groups are in position to conduct and promote outreach events and opportunities.
- 6.4.3: “Not Applicable for Action” – Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. Outreach programs should be handled at the GNSO SG/C and NomCom level.
- 6.4.4: "Not Applicable for Action" - Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. Outreach objectives and potential activities are not applicable to be included in the GNSO Operating Procedures
- 6.4.5: "Not Appicable for Action" - Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. Outreach strategy should be developed at the GNSO SG/C and NomCom level.
11SO/AC Accountability Recs 6.5 [Updates to Policies and Procedures]

- Review staff assessment
COMPLETEDThe CCOICI has confirmed the following status:
- 6.5.1: "Complete" - There is an existing process in the GNSO Council for reviewing and updating the Operating Procedures. The "Version Control []" section of the GNSO Operating Procedure includes the revision records as an outcome of such review. In addition, there are additional mechanisms for the review of GNSO procedures, including the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Oversight and Implementation and the Holistic Review.
- 6.5.2: "Complete" - Any update to the GNSO Operating Procedures requires review and approval by the entire GNSO Council.
- 6.5.3 - "Complete" - The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Oversight and Implementation, which is a permanent structure in the GNSO Council, allows for the continuous scoping and execution of projects that are focused on GNSO structural, procedural, and process improvements. It provides a mechanism to conduct internal review of GNSO procedures based on specific issues and focuses. This recommendation is satisfied due to the existence of this mechanism.
12Human Rights Framework Rec 3

- Discuss potential implementation