Project name: Strong Spirit's Games.
Development of the field of sports rehabilitation of war veterans among partner countries in Europe.
Our concept involves the involvement of veterans and sports professionals in the process of sports rehabilitation through the Trenvet mobile application and the organization of offline events (forums and seminars), at the end of the project the organization of a comprehensive sports festival of adaptive sports for veterans "Strong Spirit's Games ".
Erasmus+ Youth&Sport Database of Ukrainian and EU organisations interested in cooperation within calls 2024
Programme Guide 2024 (do not forget to double-check eligible calls for third countries not associated to the Programme (Ukraine)
Sport actions (eligible for Ukraine)
Youth Actions (eligible for Ukraine)
*Please describe your interest means to include key information about priorities, main idea, objectives or/and acitivites within the project you are interested in.
Name and surnameWhat country do you represent?What is the name of organisation you represent?Website/Facebook page of your organisationContact e-mail*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Capacity Building in SPORT (ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-CB)*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in SPORT (ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-SCP.)*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Learning mobility in the field of YOUTH (KA152, 153, 154)*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Capacity Building in YOUTH (ERASMUS-YOUTH-2024-CB)*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in YOUTH (KA220-YOU)*Please describe your interest in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in the fields of Education and Training, and Youth submitted by European NGOs (ERASMUS-2024-PCOOP-ENGO)
Iaroslav GALANUkraine
Development of Team Spirit for the Implementation and Incorporation of EU Values in Ukraine
We are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Halyna PRYKHODKOUkraineRivne Applied College of Information Technology prykhodko.h.a@rcit.ukr.educationCreation of the Space for Gaming and Creative Industries
Olexii OleinikUkraineNGO "TURISTIC UKRAINIAN FAMILY" We actively involve Ukrainian families in sports and tourism. Our main sports are: kayaking, cycling, hiking, sapping.We are looking for an opportunity to help children start practicing one of these sports.we conduct training in tourist camps in the following disciplines: tourism, art therapy, cookingwe conduct training programs on tourism and art therapy for children from families who have lost their parents.We are looking for an opportunity to teach children in sports sections on tourism, cycling, rowing, art classes
Yurii VoloshynUkraineSTELLA would like to join KA-152 (YE) projectswould like to join project ideaswould like to join project ideaswould like to join project ideas
Vita SushkoUkraineKyiv Regional Higher Vocational School of Food Technologies and Restaurant Service State Educational Institution
dnzkovpuhtrs@ukr.netWe strive to develop non-Olympic sports (Dragon Boat Rowing and Powerlifting) at the educational institution in order to provide active and meaningful leisure time after school hours, self-realization of young people through participation in competitions of various levels and achievement of sports results.Establishment of a sports club at an educational institution to promote strength exercises, self-realization of young people through participation in competitions of various levels and achievement of sports results.We are ready to join as partners or as participantsWe are ready to join as partners or as participants
Olena ARUTIUNIANUkraineNGO "Kirovohrad Region Youth Center" youthcenterkr@gmail.comThe main mission today is to promote the creation of favorable social, financial and organizational prerequisites for life self-determination and self-realization of youth and young families from among IDPs, solving their urgent problems.We are looking for opportunities to help young people develop their individual interests and social inclusion in the communityWe constantly support the initiatives of young people: organized and held youth festivals and competitions, opened a modern youth open space in our Youth Center.Creating space for creative and social industriesWe are looking for opportunities to support youth initiatives and share youth practices
Zhanna KharkivskaPortugalASSOCIATION “DESCOBERTA DOS MOMENTOS” promote the development of the youth community of Ukrainians in Portugal.We are looking for projects to build bridges between young people who left Ukraine and those who remained. We want to accept active young people who will convey Ukrainian realities and understand the difficulties of those who left.
Volodymyr ChernykhUkraineThe State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky" for parnters for the development of projects in the field of utilizing sports as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation for children and adolescents affected by the consequences of war, including those with disabilities.Looking for parnters for the development of projects in the field of utilizing sports as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation for children and adolescents affected by the consequences of war, including those with disabilities.Interested in the field of virtual mobility. Interested in developing virtual educational environments utilizing AR and VR technologies.Looking for parnters for the development of projects in the field of utilizing sports as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation for children and adolescents affected by the consequences of war, including those with disabilities."
Tetiana SharovaUkraineРublic organization "Innovative Horizon of Ukraine" offer European partners to join the project in the direction of working with young people on issues of digitalization.We are looking for partners from the countries of Eastern Europe to join the project of the digital space of youth and the development of peaceful relations
Anzhela Fokina UkraineNGO United by sport for parnters with whom we can develop and implement projects in the fields of sports for children and youth.
We use sports as an important tool for socialization, rehabilitation and integration of children who have negative consequences caused by war.
We implement gender-equal sports projects, sports for children with disabilities and the development of physical culture teachers
Roman LysUkraineРublic organization "Football Centre "Kovel-Volyn"
Stanislav Kukhtyk, Anastasiia PylypchenkoUkraineApplied college Higher Educational Institution «Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University» , for parnters with whom we can develop and implement projects, encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity in third countries not associated to the Programme and promoting of common values, non-discrimination and gender equality through sport;
Khrystyna Lipianina-HoncharenkoUkraineDepartment for Information Computer Systems and Control,
West Ukrainian National University ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs ( The ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs ( The ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs ( The ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs ( The ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs ( The ICSC department of WUNU, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join the Consortium in the areas of IoT, AI, AR/VR, ML and Big Data. It has a Computer Science bachelor and master degree programs (near 80 graduates annually). It has experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ WORK4CE ( and ALIOT (; DAAD ViMacs (
Oleksandr NIKISHEVUkraine"The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation,
The international sports camps "Olympic Dreams" project.

The project was supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the NOC of Ukraine in Kyiv Region, the Judo Federation of Ukraine, the city councils of Irpin and Bucha, and a number of host country embassies.
uachildrenfund@gmail.comThe international sports camps Olympic Dreams project aims to support the country's Olympic reserve and provide young athletes from the war-affected regions of Ukraine with safe training in friendly neighbouring countries.
The project's training program results in numerous awards of Ukrainian young athletes, both on the national and international level.
We are looking for partners:
- to develop a project in the field of using sports as a means of physical and psychological support for Ukrainian children and adolescents affected by the consequences of the war and their harmonious development,
- for holding joint tournaments with young athletes from host countries,
- for assistance in organising accommodation, meals and training for Ukrainian athletes during a 2-3 week camp in such sports as judo, athletics, football, fencing, hockey, biathlon, skiing, judo, volleyball, gymnastics and many others.
Bohdana KorovaievaUkraineGorizont-17 Capacity Building in SPORTWe are looking for partners to develop projects in the field of using sports as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation of adults, children and youth affected by war, including disabled people.We constantly support civil initiatives: we organized and held festivals and competitions, open training sessions, and kengo jumping master classes. We want to open a modern sports hub.We want to share our progressive experience. We want to learn from the progesive experiences of others. We want to build partnerships and implement joint initiatives. We want to implement projects for the integration of sports and physiotherapyWe want to develop the potential of young scientists in the field of sports, create an innovative scientific base, and share our findings and achievementsWe want to learn and gain modern knowledge so that we can practice it later. We want to implement joint projects. We want to attend current internships.
Andriy OgnystyyUkraineScientific laboratory of physical education, sports and Olympic education «Socrates»
«Shuttle Time Ternopil National
Pedagogical University» of a valuable attitude to the own health of children and adults through training and playing badminton according to the BWF «shuttle time» international program
Kseniia PuravetsUkraineNGO "Dream in Action" aim to promote and develop sport and physical activities as effective tools for integration and social inclusion for disadvantaged groups, especially for people with dissabilities. Also we are interested in promotion of european values such as tolerance, non-discrimination and equality throught training and sport, such as BocciaWe are interested in: networking among organizations to prepare, develop, and implement education and training modules and activities in sports for everybody; identification, development, promotion and exchange of best practices of social involvment through sport, includig development of skills (though sport) needed to improve the social involvement of disadvantaged groupsWe would like to join KA152 and KA153 projects
Yurii NosUkrainePublic organization "Snow Queen" 25459@ukr.netAs a winter sports development organization, we are interested in promoting international cooperation and knowledge exchange to develop sports initiatives, especially in the context of activities related to the development of figure skating and hockey, and creating strong partnerships for the development of the sports community.Creation of conditions for hockey training and figure skating for children from low-income families, including families of internally displaced personsUnder our management, the arena hosted the 4th open All-Ukrainian figure skating competition "Snow Queen Cup Oleksandriya" among amateurs under the program of the International Skating Union. The Oleksandriya figure skaters won the competition and took prizes.Creation and support of a youth hockey team, support for girls engaged in figure skating, in order to provide these children with the opportunity to receive quality sports education, build a strong team and find support in a single community, contributing to their potential.Supporting the popularity of figure skating and ice hockey among young people.Supporting the promotion of figure skating and ice hockey can be a key factor for those with the potential and ability to play professional sports and for these children to reach the international arena.
Alina ShukhUkraineUkrainian Athletic Federation want to increase the number of people involved in physical activity in Ukraine by increasing the number of sports clubs. Our project is to tell people what a club is, to teach how to create a club and to support its successful activity. To provide information exchange between European Clubs and mentoring from European Clubs. And also provide support to everyone who wants to create a club: from legal experts, accountants, etcExchange of experience and information between Ukrainian and European owners of sports clubs. Mentoring from experienced managers of sports clubs. Conducting joint educational events and webinars on the topic of creation and management of sports clubs. Integration of educational achievements of Western colleagues in Ukraine and vice versa
Oleksandr BrykulskyiUkraineSports Committee of Ukraine between organizations that promote the ideas of building the clubs system in the country and provide consulting assistance on the opening and management of sports clubs. Creation of a European educational platform to support the activities of sports clubs.
Alina VinnichenkoUkraineUnion of Youth Organization of Vinnytsia region goal of the project is to promote the development of political activity of European youth by deepening their knowledge and skills in the field of political science and politics.
Iryna BARABUKH UkraineVarash City Council Про громаду відео ролик - Презентація громади - Creating an inclusive and innovative European sporting environment that promotes activity, diversity and equal opportunities for all participants, regardless of age, physical ability, social status or geographical location.Creating sustainable partnerships between sports organizations and communities in Europe to jointly develop sports initiatives and facilitate the exchange of best practices.
Improving the quality and effectiveness of youth education through the development of integrated educational mobility programs that promote personal development, intercultural understanding and innovative approaches.Transformation of youth premises into innovative and inclusive modern youth spaces that will promote active communication, critical thinking, leadership skills and entrepreneurship among young people, and facilitate their active participation in social and economic life.
Organizing youth exchanges, in particular with young people from partner countries, to promote young people's involvement in society and active participation in it with a special European dimension, exploring European identity, strengthening European values and breaking down prejudices and stereotypes.Organizing international youth projects, internships and exchanges to broaden horizons and integrate into European society.
Kateryna Danylenko UkraineKharkiv National Automobile and Highway University KhNAHU
Perlovskyi MykhailoUkraineNGO (CO) "100 % LIFE DNIPOV REGION",, kr_network@ukr.netDevelopment and implementation Comprehensive Model of Non-Formal Education Program for Youth from Liberated Territories and Internal Displaced Youth
Olena MariukUkraineAdvanced Software Solutions LLC and application of "The Online youth training course for demobilized (disabled) young servicemen with fewer opportunities under the age of 30 to master a new profession in the IT field". We need a partner who works with mental health, in the field of education, or support and assistance to Ukraine, or is registered as a charitable organization. We will be very happy to have partners and cooperate in a joint project for several years. The aim of the project is to help reintegrate into civilian life by involving young veterans in learning a new IT profession regardless of previous experience, education or location, which will help expand the rights and employment opportunities of servicemen with fewer opportunities.
Iryna MakarevychUkraineUkrainian Association of Football join the projects. We are looking for the partners who use sport, particular football as a tool of achieving goals. Our main priorities are next: 1. provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities 2. support of disabled people, social rehabilitation of disabled people through football (amputee and blind football) 3. support of IDPs and people affected by war 4. child safeguarding in football 5. gender equality projects in football 6. coach educationWill join the projects. We are looking for the partners who use sport, particular football as a tool of achieving goals. Our main priorities are next: 1. provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities 2. support of disabled people, social rehabilitation of disabled people through football (amputee and blind football) 3. support of IDPs and people affected by war 4. child safeguarding in football 5. gender equality projects in football 6. coach educationWill join the projects. We are looking for the partners who use sport, particular football as a tool of achieving goals. Our main priorities are next: 1. provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities 2. support of disabled people, social rehabilitation of disabled people through football (amputee and blind football) 3. support of IDPs and people affected by war 4. child safeguarding in football 5. gender equality projects in football 6. coach educationWill join the projects. We are looking for the partners who use sport, particular football as a tool of achieving goals. Our main priorities are next: 1. provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities 2. support of disabled people, social rehabilitation of disabled people through football (amputee and blind football) 3. support of IDPs and people affected by war 4. child safeguarding in football 5. gender equality projects in football 6. coach educationWill join the projects. We are looking for the partners who use sport, particular football as a tool of achieving goals. Our main priorities are next: 1. provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities 2. support of disabled people, social rehabilitation of disabled people through football (amputee and blind football) 3. support of IDPs and people affected by war 4. child safeguarding in football 5. gender equality projects in football 6. coach education
Iryna Shuliak, Oksana YaremaUkraineTernopil National Pedagogical University, oksana.yarema.05@gmail.comThe English Philology Department and Methods of English Language Teaching of Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join КА 151, 152 (Key Action – Learning mobility of individuals) in the areas of Education, Learning Languages, Language Policy, Youth Development, etc..The English Philology Department and Methods of English Language Teaching of Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, (, is interested to join Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions; Capacity building in the field of higher education, digital education and language training, and youth involvement to foster innovation in terms of scope, ground-breaking methods and practices. It has successful experience in research&educational projects at the international level: Erasmus+ KA2: Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration/MultiEd and other ongoing Erasmus projects. See:
Kseniia TiukhmenovaUkraineDnipro University of Technology
Kateryna PriazhnikovaUkraineNGO "Development and Initiative"
Mariia KotsiurbaUkraine"Active Youth Community" NGO are interested in joining KA152 and KA153 projects. We work with diverse topics, yet of special interest for us are the following: human rights and peacebuilding, democracy, active citizenship, environmental protection, healthy lifestyle, and mental well-being, digitalization, and youth work. Among others we also focus on disadvantaged groups and youth with fewer opportunities. Our organization has extensive local experience in organizing workshops, training courses and seminars using different non-formal education methods. The latest prominent initiatives that we organized locally were, first, a training course about Human rights for active young people from Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region taking place in Dnipro, and second, a training course about Peacebuilding for active young people from western regions of Ukraine taking place in the city of Lviv. The participants implemented local initiatives in their communities after the training; these follow-up activities included movie nights, debates on human rights, a debate session on human rights in the sphere of medicine, a workshop on barrier-free space in construction, a simulation game on human rights. We plan to continue developing in the sphere of youth and youth work as well as build new strong partnerships, so we are looking forward to new high-quality collaborations!

Serhii LehkyiUkraineNGO "We are the future"
Pavlo GaradzhiiUkraineErasmus Student Network Ukraine,, of the six values of our organization is health and well-being. Therefore, one of the main directions of our activities is engaging international students and Ukrainian youth in participating in sports events to promote a healthy lifestyle.We are ready for collaboration and see this as a chance to unite efforts to achieve common goals in the field of sports and healthWe are committed to promoting international youth mobilities and training programs for Ukrainian students and believe in the transformative power of Erasmus+ program.
Until now we have organised events sponsored by USAID and Upshift programs to help young people foster personal and professional development.
Now our organization actively seeks to partner with organisations working within Erasmus+ program, as we would like to start providing long-term growth and learning opportunities for young people with a variety of instruments offered by EU.
We are ready to partner to initiate projects of any format that promote intercultural exchange, skills development, and building a more cohesive and united European community.
As for the Capacity Building projects, despite being a newcomers in this field, our attention is focused on using the initiative to empower and guide our youth community within organisation to collaborate and learn from international partners.
We aim to promote intercultural dialogue and create a positive impact on society, strategic cooperation would strengthen our abilities to achieve lasting and meaningful change in the youth sector.
Our strong interest in Cooperation Partnership in YOUTH program includes fostering meaningful collaborations and partnerships that address key challenges and opportunities within the youth sector.
Through this initiative, we aim to build sustainable networks, share best practices, and develop innovative approaches to have a meaningful impact on youth development.
We would like to establish common points for creating synergies, sharing experiences and collectively contributing to the advancement of youth-related goals and initiatives.
As Education & Youth has always been our priority area, we are interested in continuing to work with European NGOs to develop effective projects that will help create new NFE education methods and ways of development of young people.
Through strategic partnerships, we aim to leverage our collective experience, share innovative practices, and solve common problems.
Our main goals also include promoting inclusiveness, diversity and excellence in our joint efforts to advance education and youth initiatives.
Kostyantyn KyrychenkoUkraineSumy State University
Mariia MakodzebaUkraineAssociation of Ukrainian are a girl's organization that conducts educational and environmental activities according to the scouting method.We are a girl's organization that conducts educational and environmental activities according to the scouting method.We are interested in various areas of youth development. We have experience in implementing projects in this direction.
Nataliia SabadashUkraineDepartment of Family and Youth Affairs of the Department of Social Policy of the Chernivtsi City Council are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Iryna Kravetc Ukraine Automobile Federation of Ukraine
Digital autosport ( simracing) corresponds to the all four horizontal priorities of Erasmus- diversity and inclusion: green planet, digital transformation and active society
Andrii CHOVHANUkraine Department of youth, sports and image projects of the Ternopil regional state administration
Kateryna OliinykUkraineSnovsk High Vocational School of Forestry , , are ready to join as partners and support any projects and ideasWe are ready to join as partners and support any projects and ideasWe are ready to join as partners and support any projects and ideasWe are ready to join as partners and support any projects and ideas
Oleg Bazylchuk, Ihor HrynykUkraineKhmelnytskyi National University, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University , Project name: «Establishment of a university sports medicine and rehabilitation clinic»
The main tasks of the "University Clinic of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation" center are: 1. Provision of medical and pedagogical control of athletes in the process of educational and training classes, meetings, competitions. 2. Organization and implementation of medical support for physical culture and health, sports events, educational and training meetings and sportsmen's competitions. 3. Injury prevention. 4. Organization and rehabilitation of persons after sports, military and household injuries and illnesses. 5. Creation of a sensory garden on the territory of the university as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation with the participation of nature. Goal: creation of a specially organized inclusive space, where safe and comfortable conditions are created for people of less mobile groups to communicate with the natural environment, for the purpose of their psychological, social and physical rehabilitation and leisure, holding sports events in compliance with the principles of: accessibility; orientation to a specific sense zone; equal use; psychoemotional direction.

Jointly achieve the set goals by implementing modern European trends
Andriy OkopnyiUkraineLviv College of Sports-" Головна "- Спортколедж Львів - Львівський фаховий коледж спорту (,, Lviv College of Sport (Lviv, Ukraine) is looking for partners for an Erasmus+ sports project. The college employs experienced coaches in various sports (boxing, canoeing, wrestling, cycling, water polo, handball, shooting, athletics, luge, archery, modern pentathlon, fencing, football and others). We are open to discussions and suggestions related to sports activities, exchange of experience between coaches, and training of athletes. As we are new to this field, we would prefer to join the project as partners. However, if we have the right partners and a feasible project idea, we can also write an application.We are ready to join as partners-
Volodymyr PetrenkoUkraine Громадська організація «ВІННИЦЬКА ОБЛАСНА ФЕДЕРАЦІЯ ВЕСЛУВАЛЬНОГО СЛАЛОМУ» - NGO ``Vinnytsia Slalom Federation``vincanoe@gmail.comAs an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
As an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
As an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
As an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
As an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
As an organisation that aims to promote canoe slalom and engage children and young people in sports and an active healthy lifestyle, we are interested in international cooperation and the development of canoe slalom, rafting, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding as joint sports in Ukraine. We are looking for partners.

We are striving to implement the project - ``Olimpic Hope`` , which will provide high-quality training for young people on artificial canals in Europe that do not exist in Ukraine. To hold joint events with clubs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Italy to share experiences and encourage communication between young people from our countries.

To improve the sporting image of our sport in the world and to acquire new skills.

To create conditions for safe and fruitful canoe slalom, rafting and kayaking activities for Ukrainian children and teenagers, and to integrate them into the European sports community. Joint training sessions, sports camps, and various events. Development and training of coaches for their professional growth. Assistance in the creation of a sports club that combines slalom, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, rafting, based on the experience of the best European clubs Joint sports activities, organisation of events, festivals, sports camps, participation of Ukrainian athletes in club and international competitions in Europe.

Active integration of Ukrainian sports youth into the European sports community, participation in international projects to introduce them to European values. Informal communication of young people and their active participation in the social life of the country. 'Sport as a means of achieving goals'.
Andrii BoliakUkraineUkraineActive Areas of activity:
Digitization of the educational process in physical culture.
Implementation of European standards and approaches to health and fitness activities.
Improving the physical and mental health of children.
Increasing the motivation of children and youth for physical activity.
Implementation of embodied learning and learning in motion.
Project ideas:
Embodied learning - act for health
Development and use of practical cases of teaching various subjects of the school curriculum based on Embodied learning.
Fitness competence for all
Formation of a permanent habit of physical activity throughout life in pupils, students, clients of fitness clubs based on interactive and digital technologies.
Digital physical culture
The application of digitization of the educational process in physical culture will increase the level of physical and mental health of pupils and students.
Sergiy GumenyukUkraineFaculty of Physical Education of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of inclusion via sport dance and mental fitness; developing tolerant and non-discrimination attitudes via football; promotion of balanced and healthy life style by the means of freestyle wrestling Promotion of inclusion via sport dance and mental fitness; developing tolerant and non-discrimination attitudes via football; promotion of balanced and healthy life style by the means of freestyle wrestling
Sergiy Konyushok Ukraine Ukrainian federation of strongman
Project name: Strong Spirit's Games.
Development of the field of sports rehabilitation of war veterans among partner countries in Europe.
Our concept involves the involvement of veterans and sports professionals in the process of sports rehabilitation through the Trenvet mobile application and the organization of offline events (forums and seminars), at the end of the project the organization of a comprehensive sports festival of adaptive sports for veterans "Strong Spirit's Games ".
We are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Tamara ChopUkraineTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical Universitytchop.tntu@gmail.comWe are looking for partners to implement a project to popularize STEM education among girls. The project can identify barriers and challenges that hinder women's participation in STEM and propose strategies to overcome them. By providing support and access to education, training, and resources, the project can empower more women to pursue STEM careers.
Kostrova OlenaUkrainePublic Organization Integral Education
Darya LegezaUkraineDmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University project aims to develop education enwironment for self-safety of students with using digital tools and physical training
Iryna KOHUTUkraineRESEARCH INSTITUTE of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport kogut_irina@ukr.netWe are interested in implementing projects focused on promoting physical activity and sports across diverse demographics, with a specific emphasis on inclusivity for war veterans, persons with disabilities, and IDPs. Our goal is to contribute to the development and integration of inclusive sports environments through collaborative initiatives.Our interest lies in fostering long-term collaborations to enhance sports-related initiatives. We aim to establish partnerships that promote social integration through inclusive sports environments, leveraging various sports disciplines, including emerging areas such as esports.We are keen on participating in learning mobility projects focused on youth development. Our interest includes engaging in activities that popularize physical activity and sports, foster social inclusion, developing skills through sports, and cultural exchange among young people.We seek to contribute to capacity-building initiatives in the youth sector, emphasizing projects that empower vulnerable youth and veterans through inclusive sports programs and educational interventions.Our interest in cooperation partnerships for youth revolves around developing sustainable collaborations to address social challenges faced by young people. We aim to create innovative projects that blend sports and education to promote social integration and personal development.
Hraban TetianaUkraineCF Golda Meir Institute of Civil Society Development project of cooperation with local schools and organizations to engage more children from the age of 12 who are forced to leave their homes due to the war and provide wider access to support and assistance. It includes: live communication (contact with peers); a space for children to ask questions, develop creatively and athletically, communicate with famous people, sports development), psychological support; attending special courses and trainings for teenagers to help them learn new skills and knowledge necessary for a future successful career, new acquaintances and a change of activity; rest from gadgets, etc. The project can become an incentive for the development of the public sector and the involvement of volunteers and other stakeholders in working with young people.
We have established long-term cooperation with state, regional, local authorities of Ukraine, higher education institutions, NGOs and non-profit institutions, we are interested in uniting young people and providing them with opportunities to engage and learn to participate actively in civil society. We are ready to create and conduct workshops, debates, simulations, outdoor activities, trainings, etc.
We are a non-profit, charitable organization that has a qualified team and focuses on improving, uniting, training, consulting and developing civil society in Ukraine by forming an organic and positive attitude of Ukrainians towards active social life. We have many years of positive experience in organizing training, cultural and volunteer activities, psychological and social assistance to internally displaced persons. We have established long-term cooperation with state, regional, and local authorities of Ukraine, higher education institutions, NGOs, and non-profit institutions. It has representatives and partners throughout Ukraine. In addition, it is the organizer of the social and cultural event for volunteers, philanthropists, NGOs, and charitable foundations called the Forum of Good Deeds.

It is important for us to provide young people with the opportunity to get involved in various spheres of social life and development. We would like to partner in the development of programs that promote active participation of young people in society. We are interested in projects that focus on different thematic areas, such as the inclusion of young people, including those with less opportunities, in political participation.
We have established long-term cooperation with state, regional, and local authorities of Ukraine, higher education institutions, NGOs, and non-profit institutions, and we are interested in uniting young people and providing them with opportunities to engage and learn how to actively participate in civil society. We are ready to create and conduct workshops, debates, simulations, outdoor activities, trainings, etc.
Our organization has many years of positive experience in organizing training, cultural and volunteer activities, psychological and social assistance to internally displaced persons. We have established long-term cooperation with state, regional, and local authorities of Ukraine, higher education institutions, NGOs, and non-profit institutions.
We are interested in partnerships with the Erasmus+ program in the field of education, training and youth to work together to develop new initiatives and increase the effectiveness of our programs at the international level.
Oleg BazylchukUkraineKhmelnytskyi National University of the sports building of the Khmelnytskyi National University
Nataliya BelyakovaUkraineVasylkiv City Council of Kyiv Region in cooperation with the public organization "Youth of Vasylkiv district" city council prioritizes the development of youth policy and sports. We have facilities that need to be renovated to improve the community sports network. We have ambitious plans to restore the stadium, convert the currently unused cinema space to create a sports and rehabilitation center for physical rehabilitation, and increase the number of sports grounds to encourage people of all ages to take up sports. We are looking for opportunities to restore the stadium, to convert the currently unused cinema space into a sports and rehabilitation center for physical rehabilitation, and to increase the number of sports grounds to encourage people of all ages to take up sports. We are looking for partners to implement the stadium renovation project, which has great potential for community development. The Vasylkiv City Council has a youth center called "Your Space" that aims to develop the integration of refugees into the social and cultural space of the community. Young people belonging to this category tend to be withdrawn and isolated. To involve such young people in the social life of the community, more personalized approaches are needed with the help of psychologists and rehabilitation specialists. We plan to join projects and implement this idea together with future partnerswe are looking for partners to jointly implement a project to integrate young refugees into the social, economic and cultural space of the communitywe are looking for partners to jointly implement a project to integrate young refugees into the social, economic and cultural space of the communityin cooperation with the public organization "Youth of Vasylkiv district" we want to introduce educational projects for young people living in the community to deepen their knowledge of the history of Ukraine, patriotism, involvement in public decisions, and the development of an active civic position. To achieve this goal, we are looking for partners with whom we can implement these ideas
Polina HombalevskaUkraineNGO "Ukrainian Association of Students" are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Vasyl OvcharukUkraineVinnytsia National Technical University. of the sports facilities and playgrounds of the Vinnytsia National Technical University.We are ready to join as partnersWe are looking for partners for the development of projects in the field of development of sports infrastructure of VNTU and implementation of sports technologies as a means of physical and psychological rehabilitation of students and the population of Ukraine.
Anna OsmolovskaUkraineEducational Academy "UAdvise" private educational institution is open for the cooperation with international stakeholders in the field of youth. We are ready to prepare and implement projects devoted to the informal education, trainings, development of soft skills for the different categories of youth, consulting services for the vulnerable categories of youth, IDPs, expertise, research and academic mobility projects. We have the opportunity to attract the prominent experts in the field of business, social entrepreneurship, HR, psychology, mental health, psychological rehabilitation, law, project management, grant writing, leadership, team-building, IT, cybersecurity, cryprocurrency etc. Our private educational institution is open for the cooperation with international stakeholders in the field of youth. We are ready to prepare and implement projects devoted to the informal education, trainings, development of soft skills for the different categories of youth, consulting services for the vulnerable categories of youth, IDPs, expertise, research and academic mobility projects. We have the opportunity to attract the prominent experts in the field of business, social entrepreneurship, HR, psychology, mental health, psychological rehabilitation, law, project management, grant writing, leadership, team-building, IT, cybersecurity, cryprocurrency etc.
Tetiana KronivetsUkraineVinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Iryna SemeniukUkraineMykolaiv regional development are interested in the maximum attraction of investments and grant programs for the restoration and modernization of buildings and social infrastructure in the communities of the Mykolaiv region, including those affected by armed aggression. We pay special attention to the development of youth and sportsWe are looking for opportunities to popularize sports in the Mykolaiv region, support and restore social infrastructure, including sports in the affected areas, and support internally displaced personsWe are looking for opportunities to popularize sports in the Mykolaiv region, support and restore social infrastructure, including sports in the affected areas, and support internally displaced personsWe are looking for opportunities to popularize sports in the Mykolaiv region, support and restore social infrastructure, including sports in the affected areas, and support internally displaced persons
Yana Bondar, Liudmyla FrigaUkraineTaras Shevchenko Lyceum, Kropyvnytskyi yanaivanova1409@gmail.comWe are interested in investments into sport facilities of Taras Shevchenko Lyceum to create opportunities for school children aged 13-17 to do sports activities so they could be physically and mentally healthy and be able to overcome war stress. We are looking for opportunities to widely involve senior school students, including refugees, into school, city and regional sport events and competitions, national sport challenges and projects.We are looking for opportunities to widely involve senior school students, including refugees, into school, city and regional sport events and competitions, national sport challenges and projects.We are looking for opportunities to widely involve senior school students, including refugees, into school, city and regional sport events and competitions, national sport challenges and projects.Organizing international youth projects, internships, webinars and exchanges to broaden horizons, learn and integrate best European practices and share Ukrainian ones.
Yevhen HulechkoNGO "Kyiv Floorball Club" We are looking for partners for the development and popularization of floorball, as well as the development of the club system, exchange of experience on how to properly manage a sports club.
Anna Nikolaenko UkraineChernihiv Center of Children and Youth Tourism, Local History and Patriotis centrdutkvpvchernigiv@gmail.comThe activity of our center takes place in the fields of ecology, tourism, orientation, youth scouts. We are interested in new methods of work and training with modern youth, international cooperation and the best experience of the EU in field of youth and sport Due to russia's military aggression on the territory of Chernihiv Oblast, we have forests and fields littered with explosive objects. Previously, we could hold our activities such as competitions, camping, environmental studies in nature, now it is very dangerous and moustly impossible. Due to war our young people lose time and opportunities to be fully engaged in sports and maintain social ties through sports. Our dream and goal is to connect the children of our center with the same children of similar institutions in EU countries by participating in joint competitions, camping, training, etc. We are looking for partners who can help the children of our center not to waste time during the war, but to continue to develop in the areas of ecology, tourism, orientation, scouts and be active members of society. Previously, we could hold our activities such as competitions, camping, environmental studies in nature, now it is very dangerous and moustly impossible due to explosive objects. Due to war our young people lose time and opportunities to be fully engaged in social ties through youth activites on the nature. Many of the center's children, due to social barriers, cannot travel either in Ukraine or to EU countries, as these are usually trips at their own expense, and many parents do not have funds due to the difficult economic situation due to the war. Our dream and goal is to connect the children of our center with the same children of similar institutions in EU countries by participating in joint youth activities such a camping, training, etc.Our center is a hub for many circles in such areas as ecology, tourism, orienteering, scouts. We are interested in providing our youth with the best opportunities for a good life and developmentWe want to be able to unite our youth with youth from EU countries through joint youth events
Yuliia KostiukUkraineTernopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Centre for Projects, Research and Technology faculties can contribute to a wide range of topics, including sustainable development, inclusion, cultural exchange, digitalised education, intercultural competence, media literacy, and many more.Our faculties can contribute to a wide range of topics, including sustainable development, inclusion, cultural exchange, digitalised education, intercultural competence, and many more.Our faculties can contribute to a wide range of topics, including sustainable development, inclusion, cultural exchange, digitalised education, intercultural competence, and many more.Our faculties can contribute to a wide range of topics, including sustainable development, inclusion, cultural exchange, digitalised education, intercultural competence, and many more.
Viktoriia MARYNYCHUkraineDepartment of Professional, Non-Olympic and Adaptive Sports National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

wikleon@ukr.netInterested in joint projects: sports + inclusion, digitization.
Target audience: coaches and athletes, esp. with fewer opportunities (people with disabilities, displaced persons, etc.) and other vulnerable groups (war veterans, etc.).
Types of sports: various, including esports.
Project focus:
- Exchange of successful practices and ideas for promoting inclusivity in sports.
- Social integration through sports and the development of sports and social skills.
- Advocacy for shared values, non-discrimination, and inclusivity in sports.
- Training professionals and building inclusive policies in Ukraine.
- Monitoring the physical and psychological health of athletes during training.
Expected events and intellectual results:
1) Organization of joint sports, educational, and scientific events.
2) Dissemination and implementation of modern methods, tools, and practices.
3) Development of materials and resources (guides, toolkits, courses, online platforms).
Interested in joint projects: sports + inclusion, digitization.
Target audience: coaches and athletes, esp. with fewer opportunities (people with disabilities, displaced persons, etc.) and other vulnerable groups (war veterans, etc.).
Types of sports: various, including esports.
Project focus:
- Exchange of successful practices and ideas for promoting inclusivity in sports.
- Social integration through sports and the development of sports and social skills.
- Advocacy for shared values, non-discrimination, and inclusivity in sports.
- Training professionals and building inclusive policies in Ukraine.
- Monitoring the physical and psychological health of athletes during training.
Expected events and intellectual results:
1) Organization of joint sports, educational, and scientific events.
2) Dissemination and implementation of modern methods, tools, and practices.
3) Development of materials and resources (guides, toolkits, courses, online platforms).
Interested in joint projects.
Priorities: in and through sports + inclusion, digitization.
Target audience: with a focus on Ukrainian young people with fewer opportunities (people with disabilities, displaced persons, etc.) and other vulnerable groups (war veterans, etc.).
Types of sports: various, including esports.
Project focus:
- Popularization of physical activity and sports.
- Social integration and skill development through sports.
- Promotion of positive values, non-discrimination, and inclusivity.
- Education of youth and improvement of the quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work.
Expected events and intellectual results:
1) Organization of joint sports and educational events (including informal education).
2) Dissemination and implementation of modern methods, tools, and practices.
3) Development of materials and resources (guides, toolkits, courses, online platforms).
Interested in joint projects.
Priorities: in and through sports + inclusion, digitization.
Target audience: with a focus on Ukrainian young people with fewer opportunities (people with disabilities, displaced persons, etc.) and other vulnerable groups (war veterans, etc.).
Types of sports: various, including esports.
Project focus:
- Popularization of physical activity and sports.
- Social integration and skill development through sports.
- Promotion of positive values, non-discrimination, and inclusivity.
- Education of youth and improvement of the quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work.
Expected events and intellectual results:
1) Organization of joint sports and educational events (including informal education).
2) Dissemination and implementation of modern methods, tools, and practices.
3) Development of materials and resources (guides, toolkits, courses, online platforms).
Interested in joint projects.
Priorities: in and through sports + inclusion, digitization.
Target audience: with a focus on Ukrainian young people with fewer opportunities (people with disabilities, displaced persons, etc.) and other vulnerable groups (war veterans, etc.).
Types of sports: various, including esports.
Project focus:
- Popularization of physical activity and sports.
- Social integration and skill development through sports.
- Promotion of positive values, non-discrimination, and inclusivity.
- Education of youth and improvement of the quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work.
Expected events and intellectual results:
1) Organization of joint sports and educational events (including informal education).
2) Dissemination and implementation of modern methods, tools, and practices.
3) Development of materials and resources (guides, toolkits, courses, online platforms).
Olena PshenychnaUkraine NGO Sport Tech Hub UA are interested in the program because there is a great demand for education in digitalization of sports, which is exactly what the organization is doing.
we provide trainings, consultations and looking funding for a large educational program.
areas of study: marketing, business development, mastery of presentations and promotion of a digital product, creation of a digital product in the field of sports and health.
our target audience is athletes who have an idea for a digital project, people who are passionate about sports and technology and do not have skills in the field of digitization of sports projects.
open for the partnerships
Halyna Vlasiuk Ukraine National University of Water and Environmental Engineering are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.We are looking for partners to develop and promote sport activities, sport culture and support youth initiatives, including youth festivals, competitions, provision of psychosocial support to vulnerable children and youth affected by war though sport activities, creation of a modern youth open space and inclusive sports spaces through collaborative initiatives. We are highly interested in mobility programs, including virtual ones.
Olesia SHEVCHUKUkraine NGO "Sport Club Grand-Elite"sc.grand.elite@gmail.comWe are interested in collaborating on projects with a strong emphasis on people with disabilities or facing social disadvantages. Our NGO aims to contribute to the development of inclusive sports environments and enhance diversity within the sporting community. We are keen to participate in initiatives that provide training for coaches and educators on inclusive practices and diversity awareness.Our NGO is eager to establish cooperation partnerships aimed at promoting inclusive sports programs for youth and athletes from diverse backgrounds. We are committed to fostering long-term collaborations to address social challenges through sports, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and diversity in sports development initiatives.We are interested in participating in learning mobility projects focused on youth, particularly those aimed at empowering young people with disabilities or from marginalized communities through sports. Our organization sees value in international exchanges that promote cultural understanding, leadership skills, and inclusive practices in sports.Our NGO is enthusiastic about contributing to capacity-building projects in the youth sector, with a focus on promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports. We aim to support initiatives that empower young people, including athletes, by providing training and resources to enhance their participation in sports and promote social integration.We are committed to collaborating on partnership projects that address social inclusion and diversity in youth development. Our organization seeks to establish partnerships that promote the integration of inclusive sports programs into youth initiatives, fostering cooperation among stakeholders to create sustainable solutions for social challenges.Our NGO is interested in partnering with European NGOs to advance inclusive practices in sports and education for youth. We are dedicated to leveraging our expertise in sports development to contribute to projects that promote diversity, inclusivity, and skill-building for coaches and educators working with young people.
amer.prykarpattya@gmail.comWe are looking for partners with whom we can implement projects on informal education for young peopleWe are looking for partners with whom we can implement projects on informal education for young peopleWe are looking for partners with whom we can implement projects on informal education for young peopleWe are looking for partners with whom we can implement projects on informal education for young people
Julia Miroshnikova UkraineNGO "OLEKSANDRIA YOUTH" olex.youth@gmail.comSearch for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.Search for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.Search for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.Search for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.Search for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.Search for partners for the implementation of sports activities in the city for children and youth. Helping the city's young athletes to realize their potential. International exchange of experience We support the initiatives of young people, conduct informal education in the city, organize sports competitions among young people in the city.
Maryna VoloshchukUkraineEducational and rehabilitation institution of higher education "Kamianets-Podilskyi state institute"marinabormv@gmail.comWe will be glad to find the partners for the development of Paralympic kindds of sport, as well as different activities for youth with disabilities. Parasport
Vadym GetmanUkraineIT-company LunApps main goal of the free Youfootball application created by us is to help Ukrainian refugee children in Europe and those displaced in Ukraine find each other to play. Ukrainian stars and philanthropists provided tasks for children to complete in order to receive prizes for their performance and physical activity, which is recorded in the application. We need partners in Europe and Ukraine to provide prizes to children, help in providing playing fields, media and other support.
Dimitriy NIKONOROVUkraineNational University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport interest lies in enhancing our institutional capacity, fostering international collaboration, and promoting sports development. Participation in this program enables us to strengthen our academic programs, collaborate with international partners, and contribute to the advancement of sports education and practice. Through joint projects, exchanges, and curriculum enhancements, we aim to enrich our educational offerings, expand our network, and make meaningful contributions to sports development in Ukraine and beyond.Our interest stems from our commitment to enhancing sports education and fostering collaboration on an international level. Participating in this program allows us to strengthen partnerships with institutions across Europe, exchange knowledge, and develop innovative approaches to sports education and practice. By collaborating on joint projects and initiatives, we aim to improve the quality of sports education, promote inclusive practices, and contribute to the overall development of the sports sector.We're interested in this program to provide our students with international experiences and enhance their skills in leadership and intercultural communication. Through youth exchanges, training courses, and volunteering activities, we aim to promote social inclusion, active citizenship, and lifelong learning among our students. Our participation reflects our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals and contributing to youth empowerment and social cohesion.Through collaborative projects, training activities, and knowledge-sharing initiatives, we aim to enhance our ability to address the diverse needs and challenges facing youth in today's society.
Furthermore, engagement in this program allows us to foster international partnerships and networks, enabling us to exchange best practices, develop new methodologies, and promote cross-cultural understanding.
By collaborating with organizations across Europe, we can leverage collective expertise to create impactful initiatives that empower young people and promote social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development.
Our participation in Capacity Building in YOUTH aligns with our university's mission to prepare students to become responsible, engaged citizens who can positively contribute to their communities. Through our involvement in this program, we strive to strengthen our capacity to support youth in realizing their full potential and becoming active agents of positive change in society.
Participating in Cooperation Partnership in YOUTH offers us a unique opportunity to collaborate with organizations across Europe to address common challenges and explore new approaches to youth empowerment. By joining forces with partners who share our commitment to youth development, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and networks to create impactful projects that benefit young people in our communities and beyond.
Through KA220-YOU, we aim to exchange best practices, develop innovative methodologies, and implement evidence-based interventions that promote the holistic development of youth. By focusing on areas such as education, social inclusion, employability, and civic engagement, we can empower young people to reach their full potential and become active participants in society.
Our interest in this program lies in collaborating with European NGOs to enhance education, training, and youth development initiatives. By partnering with NGOs, we aim to leverage diverse expertise, resources, and networks to address key challenges and promote innovation in these fields. Our participation reflects our commitment to fostering inclusive, impactful projects that benefit learners and young people across Europe. These partnerships may involve the exchange of experiences, joint projects, trainings, seminars, and other activities aimed at achieving common goals.
Constantine BaziloUkraineCherkasy State Technological University, Department of Physical Education and Human Health are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partners
Liliya Bedriy-FertsakUkraineIvan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Anton TominUkraineRenewal of Ukraine ICF
onovlenaukraina@gmail.comWe are seeking partners to implement a unique rehabilitation program aimed at children affected by military actions and women who have experienced gender-based violence. By harnessing the healing power of equine therapy, we strive not only to help them overcome psychological trauma but also to offer a new beginning through interaction with horses.

Additionally, we plan to expand the program to include support for veterans, providing them with the opportunity to rehabilitate through working with horses. Our goal is to create a long-term support system where equine therapy becomes an integral part of recovery and development, while also promoting the growth of equestrian sports as a means of sustainable rehabilitation and personal growth.

We are open to collaboration and partnerships with those who share our mission and are ready to contribute to creating a future where every survivor has the chance for full recovery.
We collaborate with a promising equestrian club, which serves as the base for our equine therapy program. This club provides the necessary infrastructure and specialists to conduct rehabilitation sessions involving horses. The club is actively expanding its capabilities and aims to become a leader in the field of equestrian sports and equine therapy.

However, to support its continued growth and ensure the sustainable operation of the program, the club requires sponsorship. Partnering with our project will not only help the club strengthen its material and technical base but also make a significant contribution to socially important initiatives aimed at rehabilitating children, women, and veterans.
This project offers young people unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. Through working with horses in the equine therapy program, they can develop essential qualities such as responsibility, patience, empathy, and self-confidence.

Additionally, the program provides the opportunity to train as equine therapists, opening new career prospects for young people. By learning the basics of equine therapy and equestrian sports, they can pursue careers in fields such as rehabilitation, sports, or animal-assisted therapy. This can be the first step toward a professional path focused on healing and supporting others through interaction with animals.

The project also fosters a healthy and positive environment where young people can develop teamwork skills, improve their communication abilities, and actively participate in socially important initiatives. Ultimately, this experience will help them become more engaged and responsible members of society, ready to contribute to the development of their community.
This project will play a key role in improving the therapy venue, making it more comfortable, safe and effective for all participants. Through sponsorship and partnership, we will be able to upgrade the infrastructure of the equestrian club, which is the base for our hippotherapy program.

First, improving the conditions of horse housing and care will create a more favorable and safe environment for the animals, which in turn will improve the quality of therapy sessions. Comfortable and modern stables, improved pastures and exercise areas will provide optimal conditions for the horses to work, which is important for achieving therapeutic goals.

Secondly, the project will upgrade and expand therapy equipment, including specialized fixtures and tools needed to work with different patient populations. This will allow sessions to be customized to meet the individual needs of each participant, making therapy more effective and accessible.

In addition, the project will create comfortable areas for rest and relaxation for patients and their caregivers, as well as improve the overall
The equine therapy project in Ukraine requires international partners for several key reasons:

Lack of Experience and Knowledge: Equine therapy as a rehabilitation method is still developing in Ukraine. Specialists working in this field often face limitations due to restricted access to advanced practices and techniques that are already widely used in other countries. International partners can provide additional training for Ukrainian therapists, improving the quality of care and introducing new, effective rehabilitation methods.

Limited Resources: High-quality equine therapy requires significant resources, including equipment, trained horses, specialized facilities, and infrastructure. Support from international partners can include not only financial assistance but also the provision of equipment, consultations, and help in creating modern equine therapy centers.

International Standards and Certification: To ensure Ukrainian equine therapy centers meet international standards, certification and alignment with global practices are necessary. International partners can facilitate this process by providing expert support and access to certification programs.

Network Development and Knowledge Exchange: International collaboration fosters the development of professional networks and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. This opens opportunities for Ukrainian specialists to participate in international conferences, workshops, and training sessions, which will help advance equine therapy in Ukraine to a higher level.

Therefore, engaging international partners is a crucial step in developing equine therapy in Ukraine, allowing for access to modern knowledge and techniques, and improving the quality of services for individuals affected by military actions and gender-based violence.
The equine therapy rehabilitation project can have a significant impact on the development of education in this sport in several ways:

Creation of Educational Programs: The implementation of the project will help identify the need for educational programs and courses focused on equine therapy. This could lead to the development of specialized training programs and certification courses for professionals in the field, such as therapists, trainers, and instructors.

Enhancement of Specialist Skills: The project will provide opportunities for the professional development of existing specialists and the introduction of best practices from international experience. This will result in a higher level of knowledge and skills among those working in equine therapy, thereby improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs.

Development of Educational Materials: The project may lead to the creation and implementation of new educational materials, guides, and methodological resources. These will aid in training future professionals and provide them with up-to-date knowledge and tools for effective practice.

Expansion of Internship and Practical Training Opportunities: Collaboration with international partners can open opportunities for internships and practical training abroad. This will allow Ukrainian specialists to gain experience in advanced equine therapy centers, which can then be utilized to enhance educational programs in Ukraine.

Establishment of Standards and Accreditation: The project can contribute to the development and implementation of quality standards and accreditation in the field of equine therapy. This will help establish uniform requirements for education and training, raising the level of professionalism in the field.

Development of Research Base: The project may stimulate research activities in equine therapy. This includes conducting scientific studies, developing new methods, and analyzing their effectiveness, which can also be incorporated into educational programs.

In summary, the equine therapy rehabilitation project will not only positively impact the development of rehabilitation services but also contribute to the advancement of educational infrastructure in this field, ultimately improving the quality of services and preparing qualified specialists.
Anna ArkhypovaFranceAssociation Écoute Ukraine
contact@ecouteukraine.frThe French Psychological Association plans to launch a new project that combines therapy with sports to provide a more comprehensive approach to mental health and rehabilitation.

Key aspects of the project include:

Integration of Sports and Psychotherapy: The project aims to use sports activities as an additional therapeutic tool. Research shows that physical activity can significantly enhance mental health by reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting overall psychological well-being.

Development of Specialized Programs: The association plans to develop specialized programs that blend elements of sports training with therapeutic methods. These programs will be tailored for various populations, including individuals with depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, and other psychological issues.

Training of Specialists: As part of the project, training will be provided for psychologists and coaches to effectively combine sports and therapeutic approaches. This includes the development of educational courses and workshops to help professionals integrate sports and psychotherapy practices.

Research and Effectiveness Evaluation: The association also plans to conduct research to assess the effectiveness of integrating sports and therapy. This will help identify which methods and approaches are most effective and provide evidence for further development and expansion of the project.

Building Partnerships: To ensure the success of the project, the association will collaborate with various organizations, such as sports clubs, medical institutions, and educational institutions. This will provide access to necessary resources and experts, as well as expand opportunities for practical application of the developed programs.

The project aims to improve the quality of life for individuals by helping them manage psychological challenges through active participation in sports, opening new horizons in the fields of psychotherapy and rehabilitation.
For the successful launch and implementation of the project combining sports and psychotherapy, we need to establish partnerships in the following areas:

Sports Clubs and Organizations: We need to forge partnerships with sports clubs and organizations to gain access to trainers, equipment, and facilities. Collaboration in this area will help create and implement specialized sports programs integrated with therapeutic methods.

Medical Institutions: It is important to establish connections with medical institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, and mental health centers. These partners can provide medical care, diagnostic services, and resources for monitoring and evaluating participants' progress, ensuring a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation.

Educational Institutions: Collaborating with universities and colleges that offer programs in psychology, sports science, and rehabilitation will assist in developing educational courses and training for specialists. Educational institutions can also participate in research and evaluation of the program's effectiveness.

Nonprofit Organizations and Foundations: We need to establish partnerships with nonprofit organizations and foundations specializing in mental health and rehabilitation support. These partners can provide financial support, resources, and help in recruiting volunteers, as well as disseminating information about the project.

Psychological Associations and Professional Associations: Building relationships with professional associations of psychologists and therapists will help in developing standards and protocols for integrating sports and psychotherapy. These organizations can also aid in enhancing the qualifications of specialists and spreading knowledge about the project.

Research Centers and Laboratories: Partnering with research centers and laboratories will support conducting research on the effectiveness of integrating sports and therapy. These partners can provide expertise in research and data analysis.

Government and Local Authorities: We need to engage with government and local authorities to obtain necessary permits, support initiatives, and ensure compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements.

Establishing strong partnerships in these areas will ensure the successful implementation of the project and help create an effective and sustainable sports-based therapy program.
Our organization is interested in implementing the project that combines sports and psychotherapy for the following reasons:

Improving Youth Mental Health: We see tremendous potential in this project for enhancing youth mental health. Sports and therapeutic activities will help young people manage stress and emotional challenges, which is especially relevant in today’s world.

Developing New Rehabilitation Methods: The project offers a unique opportunity to implement innovative rehabilitation methods that integrate sports and psychotherapy. We believe that such approaches can significantly improve the effectiveness of supportive therapy and enhance participants’ quality of life.

Increasing Accessibility and Quality of Services: Partnering in this project will allow us to expand access to high-quality psychotherapy and rehabilitation services for youth. We aim to create specialized programs and centers that are accessible to a broad audience, particularly those in difficult life situations.

Enhancing Mobility and Experience Exchange: The project promotes youth mobility by providing opportunities to participate in sports and therapeutic activities both domestically and internationally. We consider it important to engage youth in international exchanges and internships, which will help develop their personal and professional skills.

Building a Positive Image and Strengthening Reputation: Participation in this project will help us build a positive image and emphasize our commitment to social initiatives. This will strengthen our reputation as a responsible and innovative organization in the fields of mental health and youth policy.

Financial and Resource Support: We view the project as a chance to attract additional funding and resources needed for implementing our programs and initiatives. Partnerships with various funds and organizations will provide the necessary support for the successful execution of the project.

Engaging Youth in Active Activities: The project offers a great opportunity to engage youth in active activities, helping them discover new interests and hobbies while strengthening their physical and mental health.

We are confident that implementing this project will be a significant step forward in the fields of psychotherapy and rehabilitation, and we look forward to working towards its successful realization.
We are ready to join as partnersWe are ready to join as partnersThe project integrating sports and psychotherapy will have a significant impact on education and youth in the following ways:

Development of Educational Programs: The project will provide opportunities to develop and implement educational programs that combine sports and therapeutic methods. This may include courses and training in psychotherapy, sports science, and rehabilitation, contributing to the creation of new educational directions and expanding knowledge in these fields.

Enhancement of Specialist Qualifications: We will be able to create training programs for professionals working with youth. This will enable educational institutions and professionals to better prepare for working with young people by applying innovative methods that integrate sports and therapy.

Support for Youth Mental Health: Integrating sports and psychotherapy will effectively support youth mental health. Sports and therapeutic activities help reduce stress levels, improve emotional well-being, and enhance overall quality of life for young people.

Development of Life Skills: Participation in the project will help youth develop essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, time management, and stress management. Sports activities and therapeutic sessions contribute to building self-confidence and improving interpersonal skills.

Creation of Engagement Opportunities: The project will create new opportunities for youth engagement in active activities. Young people will be able to participate in sports and therapeutic programs, which will contribute to their personal and professional development.

Promotion of Social Integration: The project will promote social integration among youth, including those who may face isolation or difficulties. Sports and therapeutic programs will help create a supportive environment and strengthen social connections.

Support for Innovative Approaches: The implementation of the project will help educational institutions and organizations adopt and apply innovative approaches to learning and rehabilitation. This will contribute to the development and integration of new methods into the educational process, positively impacting education as a whole.

Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle: The project will play a crucial role in promoting a healthy lifestyle among youth. Regular sports activities and therapeutic methods will help young people develop habits that contribute to physical and mental well-being.

In summary, the project integrating sports and psychotherapy will positively influence the educational process and youth development, creating new opportunities for learning, growth, and mental health support.