CountryFaithDenominationInstitution NameType of InstitutionType of divestmentURLQuotes from leaders
AustraliaChristianCatholicJustice and Peace Office, Archdiocese of SydneyLay organisationFossil Free
AustraliaChristianCatholicSisters of Charity of AustraliaReligious orderFossil Free
Ireland Christian Catholic Archdiocese of Cashel and EmlyDiocese Fossil freeWe have reached a critical moment in human history. As a priest who has worked in mission lands I have seen the great need to act fairly and with justice towards our Sisters and Brothers in other parts of our world - divestment is one way of acting fairly and correctly. Kieran O'Reilly, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly
Ireland ChristianCatholicDiocese of MeathDiocese Full Divestment
Ireland Christian Catholic Diocese of Kilmore Diocese Full Divestment
ItalyChristianCatholicGruppo Missionario ArsegoLay organisation
ItalyChristianCatholicAssociazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIIILay organisationFull divestment
KenyaChristianCatholicCharles Mukururo/Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities Lay organisationFull Divestment
NepalChristianCatholicCaritas Nepal
Instituto de Desarrollo, Educación de Proyectos Andinos Sostenible Perú - IDEPAS PERÚ
Health InstitutionIn Process
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicThe Church of Joseph the BlindLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicThe Religious Order of St. Andrew of UGCCReligious order Fossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicThe Church of the Holy SpiritLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicChurch of the Transfer of the Relics of St. NicholasLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicThe Parish of the UGCC of the Holy SpiritLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicChurch of the Dormition of the Blessed VirginLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicParish of St. Michael the ArchangelLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicChurch of St. NicholasLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicChurch of the Nativity of the Blessed VirginLocal churchFossil free
UkraineChristianGreek CatholicChurch of St. DmitryLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicSt. Michael the Archangel ParishLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicUGCC Church of the Intercession of the Blessed VirginLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine Christian Greek CatholicParish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin of the UGCCLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicParish of St. John the TheologianLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine Christian Greek CatholicChurch of St. Michael the ArchangelLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicCathedral of the Blessed VirginLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicParish of the Epiphany of the LordLocal churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicChurch of Saints Joachim and Anna of the Ukrainian Local churchFossil free
Ukraine ChristianGreek CatholicChurch of the EpiphanyLocal churchFossil free
United KingdomChristianCatholicScottish Catholic Bishops' ConferenceBishops' ConferenceFull divestment Bishop Bill Nolan, Bishop of Galloway and Lead Bishop on the Environment for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Scotland, said: 'The world is full of voices decrying the environmental crisis that we face. The Scottish bishops added their voice in their pastoral letter issued at Pentecost this year. However speaking out is not enough, action is required. That is why the bishops pledged to take practical measures towards carbon neutrality and also to disinvest from fossil fuel companies. It has been argued that these companies are still necessary, as we transition to greener alternatives. There is some truth in that. But the bishops decided that disinvestment would show that the status quo is not acceptable and further, that given the harm that the production and consumption of fossil fuels is causing to the environment and to populations in low income countries, it was not right to profit from investment in these companies. Disinvestment is a sign that justice demands that we must move away from fossil fuels. The bishops also set up a Care of Creation Office to ensure that the words spoken in the pastoral letter did not just remain words but were put into action.'
United KingdomChristianMethodistThe Central Finance Board of the Methodist ChurchFund managers for the Methodist Church in Great BritainFull divestment Palmer, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church, said: 'The pace of change across the oil and gas sector has been inadequate and falls well below the targets set at COP21 in Paris. We hope that COP26 will refresh these targets and we look forward to joining other faith groups in Glasgow next month in calling for immediate action to address the climate emergency.'
United KingdomChristianPresbyterianPresbyterian Church of WalesNational ChurchFull divestmentRevd Evan Morgan, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, said: ‘Our General Assembly passed a resolution to divest from fossil fuels this year as part of our new green environmental policy as a denomination.

'We realise time is running out and to safeguard the planet and fulfil our role as stewards of God’s creation, the Church amongst other organisations must act. The time for words, however well meaning, is over and actions now are the order of the day and to be proactive in our response to the challenges of the climate crisis.’
United KingdomChristianPresbyterianPresbyterian Church of IrelandNational ChurchFull divestmentRt Revd Dr David Bruce, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, said: 'At its General Assembly on 5 October 2021, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland directed its trustees to employ a new strategy in relation to companies producing fossil fuels or deriving part of their turnover from their use. Specifically this will mean divesting from those companies that derive more than 10% of their turnover from oil and gas extraction and engaging with other companies which are major users of fossil fuels. We believe that our investment policies should be informed by the biblical understanding of creation that leads to a commitment to God’s world and to our global neighbours.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicArchdiocese of GlasgowArchdioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicArchdiocese of St Andrews & EdinburghArchdioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicArchdiocese of BirminghamArchdioceseFull divestment Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham, said: 'Our commitment to divestment in fossil fuels is a response both to the cry of the earth and of the poor, taking us one step further towards its consolation.
'We join many other faith organisations who are making the ethical choice to ‘shun companies that are harmful to human or social ecology… and to the environment’, as Pope Francis calls us to do in the Vatican’s manual Journeying Towards Care For Our Common Home. To see so many united in this aim gives me great hope for the future.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicArchdiocese of SouthwarkArchdioceseFull divestment Bishop Paul Hendricks, Diocesan Environmental Lead in the Archdiocese of Southwark, said on behalf of the Diocesan Trustees: 'God made the world and all that is in it. The world reflects God and therefore is beautiful and to be valued. Furthermore, the whole creation shares in the renewal flowing from the Lord’s Paschal Mystery, though it still awaits full liberation from corruption (cf. Rom 8:21) and the ‘new heavens and the new earth’ (Rev 21:1).

This is reflected in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Sì, calling for Christians to an ‘ecological conversion, whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world around them’ (§217).

This implies a respect and care for all of humanity and all creatures and aspects of the environment. Our actions have implications for other people and for the world that has been entrusted to us. Our behaviour therefore needs to be tempered to minimise adverse effects, even when that implies a change in our lifestyles.

Therefore, the Archdiocese of Southwark, has for some years been committed an ethical investment policy, including divestment from fossil fuels.

This is one of a range of commitments contained in our Environmental Policy Statement:'
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of AberdeenDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of Argyll and the IslesDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of DunkeldDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of GallowayDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of MotherwellDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of PaisleyDioceseFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicRC Diocese of PortsmouthDioceseFull divestmentBishop Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth Diocese, said: 'On October 26th our diocese will be joining in with the global fossil fuel divestment announcement. This decision, which has my full support, was taken by Diocesan Trustees recently, and reflects the commitment from both clergy and laity throughout Portsmouth diocese… to play our part in the search for a more equitable use of our mother earth’s resources… to “live simply” and in solidarity with the poor.

Pope Francis spoke in his Laudato Si' encyclical of St Francis of Assisi’s words:
Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us.
This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.

I am delighted that we today are joining with many other faith organisations to raise our voices prior to COP26 to bring attention to the urgent need for change in how we use our global resources.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicDiocese of BrentwoodDioceseFull divestment This is not just another environmental campaign; it is an integral part of our faith.
In making your personal pledges – in working to heal the planet, and in striving for justice for the poorest people in the world – you are a living witness to Jesus Christ: do not be afraid to tell people why you are doing whatever you choose to do.
For over thirty years Brentwood Diocese has firmly refused to invest in tobacco or weapons manufacturers.... Now we have divested completely from companies that produce or trade fossil fuel.
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandDiocese of Sodor and ManDioceseFull divestment Revd Peter Eagles, Bishop of Sodor and Man, said, 'Care for creation is central to the teaching of the Christian Church, and this commitment takes us on one further step to achieving our aim of net zero carbon emissions by 2030. With the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in October, it makes this announcement even more poignant.'
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandDiocese of TruroDioceseFull divestment Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans in the Church of England Diocese of Truro, said: ‘We are proud to be able to say we no longer invest in companies whose principal business involves the extraction, production or refining of coal, gas and oil. We know there is still a long way to go and we will be looking very closely at all our investments to try and divest wherever we find an indirect link to extraction but we are pleased to have taken this first, big step.’
United KingdomChristianMethodistBirmingham Methodist CircuitCircuitFull divestmentRev Dr Neil Johnson, Co-Superintendent of the Birmingham Methodist Circuit, said: 'In the wake of COP26, members of the Executive committee and ministerial team of the Birmingham Methodist Circuit committed to divestment in fossil fuels as a call for climate justice for all life on our planet.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicSt Mary's University, TwickenhamCatholic UniversityFull divestment Anthony McClaran, Vice-Chancellor of St Mary's University, Twickenham said: 'As Pope Francis has reminded us in his powerful encyclical Laudato Si', we all have a part to play in caring for our common home and building a greener, sustainable future. I am proud that we at St Mary's are making this commitment today.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicReligious of the Assumption - EnglandReligious OrderFull divestment Sr Jessica Gatty, Trustee of the Religious of the Assumption, said: 'The Religious of the Assumption – England are pleased to announce their divestment from fossil fuels. Those investments of theirs held by Epworth (Methodists) will also now be divested. We do not intend to invest in fossil fuels in the future.

'We are glad to be able to join with so many others in this act of witness as a way of responding to the climate emergency. We hope that this will help to increase pressure on governments and financial institutions to end the financing of fossil fuels at this crucial time for people and planet.

'We are aware of the practical and moral depth of the climate crisis and wish to do what we can to care for creation, its peoples and creatures, especially the most vulnerable. Delegitimizing the fossil fuel industry which continues to expand extraction and explore further sites, is an essential step to safeguarding our common home.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicThe Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, Province of Rosalie Rendu (Britain and Australia)Religious OrderFull divestment Sister Ellen Flynn DC, Provincial of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul said: 'As a Society of Apostolic Life dedicated to the alleviation of poverty we are deeply concerned about the effects of fossil fuels on those who already experience poverty and their human rights.'
United KingdomChristianCatholicSisters of the Cross and PassionReligious OrderFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicColumban Missionaries BritainReligious OrderFull divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicDaughters of the Holy Spirit (England and Ireland Province)Religious OrderFull divestment
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandSociety of St Francis (European Province)Religious OrderFull divestment
United KingdomChristianMethodistMethodist Central Hall, ManchesterLocal church Full divestment Revd Ian Rutherford, City Centre Minister at Methodist Central Hall, Manchester and Chair of the Methodist Zero Carbon Group, said: 'I am delighted that the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church has made the decision to divest from fossil fuels and am pleased to confirm that Methodist Central Hall, Manchester can make a clear commitment not to reinvest its funds in fossil fuels in the future.'
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandSt Thomas Church, Pendleton, SalfordLocal church Full divestment
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandHoly Angels Church, SalfordLocal church Full divestment
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandSt Aidan’s Church, Lower Kersal, SalfordLocal church Full divestment
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandSt Mary's Church - KellingLocal church Full divestment
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandSt Martin’s Church, LiskeardLocal church Full divestment Steve Morgan, Vicar of St Martin's Church Liskeard, said: 'Cherishing creation and cutting carbon is very much part of the church’s mission, and as such we are delighted to play our part by disinvesting, and staying disinvested, from investments in businesses involved in fossil fuel extraction.'
United KingdomChristianChurch of EnglandHoly Trinity Church, Much WenlockLocal church Full divestment
United KingdomChristianCatholicLaudato Si Group Jersey (Caritas Jersey)Lay organisationFossil Free
United KingdomBuddhistBuddhistCentre for Applied BuddhismFull divestment
United KingdomBuddhistBuddhistThe Network of Buddhist Organisations (Committee)Full divestment
United KingdomBuddhistBuddhistSoka Gakkai International - UKFull divestmentRobert Harrap, General Director of Soka Gakkai International - UK, said: ‘As a Buddhist organisation based on a philosophy of respect for the dignity of life and the non-duality of the individual and the environment, it is important to us that we invest sustainably and responsibly. Our trustees have decided to divest from fossil fuels because this is a key way to protect our precious planet and the people most at risk from the climate crisis.’
United StatesChristianCatholicUniversity of St. ThomasCatholic UniversityFull divestment The University of St. Thomas, led by President Julie Sullivan, is wholly committed to answering Pope Francis' call to care for our common home. As outlined in our strategic plan, St. Thomas 2025, every member of the St. Thomas community will engage in sustainable practices, and our students will be sustainability leaders. We will participate in global Catholic networks to care for our common home. A new sustainability hub will foster collaboration among students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners, supporting research, curriculum and practice to accelerate scalable and equitable solutions to global sustainability challenges. All students will be offered multiple pathways for engagement, skills development and professional experiences across academic disciplines, preparing them to advance sustainability in any career. The university will achieve an AASHE Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) gold rating by 2025, obtain a minimum of LEED silver certification for new buildings larger than 25,000 square feet, and reduce annual carbon emissions while working toward a goal of carbon neutrality by 2035. This divestment is just one way we are committing to living and working sustainably at St. Thomas.
United StatesChristianCatholicMidwest Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)Religious Order
Other partial divestment (80% of funds divested from FF)
We are committed to the Holy Father’s Laudato Si’ goals and the “journey to integral ecology” that he envisions. The gifts entrusted to us to advance our apostolic mission align with and promote the goal of a more just and sustainable tomorrow. Compelled by faith, our care for creation reflects the immense gratitude due to the Creator; it inspires in us greater simplicity of life, community engagement with others of goodwill, and a deepening awareness of the cry of the poor and of the earth.

We are reminded of Pope Benedict XVI’s reflection on the verse Genesis1:28, which reads, “Subdue the earth.”
Benedict said, “This does not mean Enslave it! Exploit it! Do with it what you will! No, what it means is: Recognize it as God’s gift! Guard it and look after it, as children look after what they have inherited from their father. Look after it, so that it becomes a true garden for God and its meaning is fulfilled so that for it, too, God is‘all in all.’"
– The Very Rev. Karl J. Kiser, SJ, Provincial of the Midwest Jesuits

The story - The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, are united in mission by our Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs). Our fourth UAP calls on us to collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation.

In addition to our ongoing shareholder engagement efforts and portfolio screening to ensure alignment to our Jesuit/Catholic values, the Midwest Jesuits have opted to tilt a portion of our investment portfolio to favor companies seeking to solve environmental challenges such as reducing carbon emissions. The Midwest Jesuits are committed to continuing to work toward a shared responsibility for our common home, both for today and for tomorrow.
United StatesChristianCatholicBenedictine Sisters of Erie, Inc.Religious OrderFull Divestment The climate crisis is an emergency. Divesting from fossil fuel is one way to decrease carbon emissions. The Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania make a corporate commitment to "be a healing presence and prophetic witness for peace and justice by actively addressing the climate crisis and the rights of women and children." We sign this pledge to make real our commitment.
United StatesChristianCatholicFranciscan Friars-Holy Name ProvinceReligious orderIn Process We just passed a divestment policy in our province as a part of our effort to more fully live the Gospel message as presented in Laudato Si. Over the next year we will remove what investments we have and starting next year, look at the market for investment in the renewable energy industry. The policy was recommended by the Investment Committee of the Finance Directorate and approved by the Provincial Council. Releasing the statement on behalf of the Province by Russell Testa, JPIC Animator.
United StatesChristianCatholicEmmaus MinistriesReligious orderFull divestmentThe movement to divest from fossil fuels aligns with the mission of Emmaus Ministries—to uphold the dignity of each human. We can only uphold the dignity of all when we uphold the dignity of the earth where we live. Signing onto this movement is an effective way to enflesh our values and advocate at the societal level." --Sister Anne McCarthy, OSB; Emmaus Ministries board member
ZambiaChristianCatholicChileshe KandetaReligious order Fossil free