NamePlayed ByAgeSexHeightWeightLevelMax HPCurrent InjuriesMoneyFancy PTU 1.05 Sheet - v. 1.4.1
Barry ToneBotDuo17M6'1"210358$600
StatBase StatsFeatsBonusLevel-UpTotalSkill BackgroundCurrent Team
HP10--414Name:Farm kid"Sitri" Turtwig Lv 8
ATK505I can grow anything...except most things.
DEF5--16Adept SkillPathetic Skills
SDEF5--5Novice SkillIntimidate
SPD5--611Pokémon EdStealth
Total APUsed APCurrent APLvl-Up1FeaturesEdges
AthleticsUntrained22d6MentorResearcher (Botanist/Pokemon Caretaking)Basic SurvivalGreen Thumb
CharmUntrained22d6Expanded HorizonsTop Tier BerriesAdept SurvivalBreeder
General EdUntrained22d6
Medicine EdUntrained22d6
Occult EdUntrained22d6
Pokémon EdNovice33d6
Technology EdUntrained22d6
IntuitionAdept44d6Pokémon Wishlist
PerceptionUntrained22d6Eevee (Breeder's Dream)Rowlett (Planter from lv 1!)
StealthPathetic11d6Tropius (Flight and planter)Comfey (Only non legendary with sprouter)
SurvivalAdept44d6Bonus Skill EdgesDitto (Breeder's Dream)
Training FeatureFocused Training2Mystic SencesLotad (Personal Fav)
Trainer Advancement BonusesMilestonesDex EXPMISC EXP6Nincada (For offense)
Bonus Features/EdgesLevelStatsAttSpAtt11512Shuckle (Rare candies!)
50Bonus Features / Edges From ClassesExeggcute (Abilities)
100Seed Bag 1
Physical DescriptionBackground
(Imagine the cow is a miltank and the corn are berrys. That's Barry in a nutshell)
Barry is a 6'1", 17 year old farm boy. Thick brown hair that is mostly unkept hidden under a worn straw hat. Though he weighs in at just under 210, his weight comes from the vast muscle from years of farm labor. His has a deep tan from all the field work on the farm but keeps most of it hidden beneath a red flannel shirt that almost always hangs open and a white T-shirt. He has dark blue jeans that are caked with patches of dried mud from constant use. His deep brown boots are all but hidden under layers of dust of mud as well. His eyes are a deep jade with hints of brown trying to poke through if the sun hit them just right.
Barry has spent his entire life on the farm. He's the only other assistant next to his father and the slew of pokemon the family has. The SolLuna Orchard specializes in fruits, berrys, and apricorns. Naturally, Barry has picked up his green thumb from his father and learned how to grow and cultivate the plantlife on the farm as well. He is the main caretaker of the farm pokemon as well. He grooms, feeds, watches, raises, and cares for all the different farm species. Species lines including Torterra (As planting boxes and groundskeepers), Tropius (as planters and harvesters), Aipom (As harvesters) and Flabebe (As gardeners) are abundant along the farm. He also is familiar with most rodent and bug lines (as well as general pests like most birds and common dogs (zigzagoon bidoof ect)) as he is constantly dealing with farm pests.

Other than the farm pokemon and general pests, Barry isn't well versed in general pokemon knowledge. He is so deep in work that he hardly takes vacations or goes anywhere. So the night of his 17th birthday was such a shock to him, that it basically changed his life. He was out late caring for a sick mareep. He heard a voice in his head calling for help but had no idea where it was coming from. After searching the farm for what seemed like an hour or more, he finally found what appeared to be a stone in the shape of a moon. Barry had never seen anything like it. This strange rock called to him for help. It was being attacked by a couple of zigzagoons. Barry managed to scare the zigzagoons away and save his new friend. This incident left Barry the ability to "read" a Pokémon and how it feels. Right after the zigzagoons left, a strange spirit emerged from the woods. It appeard to see the entire incident and spoke, "You are a friend of the forest. A warrior. Take the stone. It will guide you." and then vanished. Barry looked down and saw two rocks. One, a chip from the Lunatone after the attack, and the other, a crystal of some sort.

After informing his parents of the incident, they decided that it may be time to let Barry explore on his own. They were going to try and scrounge up the money, until they heard the offer from Professor Sequoia. It was then that they knew, this was the best chance Barry had to become an official trainer. Barry's parents presented him with a portable berry planter with some of the farm's soil and gave him Sitri as a traveling companion. Barry had hatched Sitri just recently, but the bond between them was clearly present. Barry packed up a few belongings and took a couple berrys from the recent harvest for rememberance as well as a jumpstart into his own mobile berry business.
PersonalityGoals / Dreams / Obsessions
Barry is a go getter when it comes to work but generally laid back. He doesn't shy away from labor when the harvest is ready or there's a sick pokemon, but he also enjoys nature and just taking in the moment. He's not the type to pick a fight but he will defend the helpless in a heartbeat. He keeps to himself unless you strike up a conversation about planting or cooking. Barry loves to tinker with foods and tries to find ways to get the most out of each berry harvested. He's taken a liking to any wild creature that is a good harvester or groundskeeper.Barry's goal is very simple. He wants to use the license to expand the farm by making a mobile berry store. Barry wants to travel and take in the sights of this region while promoting the farm and making a name for him and his family. He was glad that the professor's goals fell in line with his in the fact that he also wants to learn about the connestion between people and pokemon. Barry's focus though is to work on the business and work related side to that research though. All Barry thinks about is the next harvest and how he can grow more berrys. He constantly tinkers with plants and soil to make the optimal enviroment for growing. Barry's ideal team would be his Torterra (For ideal growing conditions and groundshaping), a Tropius (For more planting and to help harvest and deliver excess to his family), Florges (for the gardener ability and to help cultivate plants), and then a couple guards to defend him from wildlife. He has a small breeder history also so he would keep an eye out for anything that looked like good breeding stock and would love to find a ditto to all around help him out (by taking on the form of what he needs help with at the time). Barry also has a very small background in medicine as the farm caretaker and may want to look into persuing that as well.