A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Dept | Responsibilities | Lead Contact | Phone Extension | Support Contact | Phone Extension |
2 | Accounting | Bank Reconciliations | Crystal Timbes | 10549 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
3 | Accounting | Cash Receipts | Nicole Banister | 10548 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
4 | Accounting | Donations | Jessica Reyes | 10545 | Nicole Banister | 10548 |
5 | Accounting | Fundraisers/Sales | Nicole Banister | 10548 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
6 | Accounting | Hot Checks | Nicole Banister | 10548 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
7 | Accounting | Journal Entries | Jessica Reyes | 10545 | Crystal Timbes | 10549 |
8 | Accounting | Sales Tax | Nicole Banister | 10548 | Crystal Timbes | 10549 |
9 | Accounting | SHARS Cost Report | Jessica Reyes | 10545 | John Chase | 10501 |
10 | Accounting | Transportation Charge Backs | Crystal Timbes | 10549 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
11 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | 1099's | Sue Marcoe | 10542 | Michelle Delgado | 10543 |
12 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Asset Tags (non-IT) | Laressa Reese | 10552 | Kim Harvey | 10547 |
13 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Check Printing & Distribution | Michelle Delgado | 10543 | Shay Minter | 10541 |
14 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Check Requests & Reimbursements | Michelle Delgado | 10543 | Sue Marcoe | 10542 |
15 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | District Credit Card Check-out | Sue Marcoe | 10542 | Michelle Delgado | 10543 |
16 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Invoices and Payables | Michelle Delgado | 10543 | Kim Harvey | 10547 |
17 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Purchasing Q&A & Approvals | Jessica Allen | 10550 | Sue Marcoe | 10542 |
18 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Travel Questions | Sue Marcoe | 10542 | Michelle Delgado | 10543 |
19 | Accounts Payable and Purchasing | Vendor Setup | Jessica Allen | 10550 | Sue Marcoe | 10542 |
20 | Athletics | Admissions/Gates | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 | Neal Weaver, Kim Oliphant | 40046 |
21 | Athletics | Aquatic Facility Management | Carl Matthews | 32991 | Neal Weaver, Kim Olliphant | 10432 |
22 | Athletics | Athletic Contest Management | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
23 | Athletics | Athletic Devices and Tech | Head Coach, Athletic Secretaries | Andrea Henderson, Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 | |
24 | Athletics | Athletic Facebook/Social Media | Kim Oliphant | 10430 | Andrea Henderson, Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 |
25 | Athletics | Athletic Facility Rentals | Brian Weaver, Neal Weaver (UIL) | 10208 | Jacob Walker | |
26 | Athletics | Athletic Parent Communications | Head Coach | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 | |
27 | Athletics | Athletic Payables and Billing | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Andrea Henderson | 10430 |
28 | Athletics | Athletic Staff Hiring | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinators | 10432 |
29 | Athletics | Athletic Team Tryouts | Head Coach | Campus Athletic Coordinator | ||
30 | Athletics | Athletic Travel and Transportation | Head Coach | Campus Athletic Coordinator | ||
31 | Athletics | Athletic Website Coordination | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Head Coaches | 10432 |
32 | Athletics | Booster Clubs | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
33 | Athletics | Coach PD and Evaluations | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
34 | Athletics | Coaches' Handbook | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinators | 10430 |
35 | Athletics | Contest Scheduling | Head Coach | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 | |
36 | Athletics | DEC Membership, Sports Plans | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Andrea Henderson | 10430 |
37 | Athletics | Event Security Plan | Neal Weaver | 10431 | FISD Police, Kim Oliphant | |
38 | Athletics | Facilities Management | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 | Campus Athletic Coordinator | 40046, 43046 |
39 | Athletics | FISD Summer Camp Calendar | Neal Weaver | 10431 | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 |
40 | Athletics | Junior High League and Scheduling | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Whitney Wilkerson, Kim Oliphant | 10432 |
41 | Athletics | Letter Jackets and Awards | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 | Campus Athletic Coordinator | 40046, 43046 |
42 | Athletics | NCAA and NLI Issues | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
43 | Athletics | Officials Payments | Andrea Henderson | 10430 | Neal Weaver | 10431 |
44 | Athletics | Parent Communication Guide and Acknowledgement of Rules | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
45 | Athletics | Physical Education K-12 | Kim Oliphant | 10430 | Neal Weaver | 10430 |
46 | Athletics | Rank One Records | Richard English, Marissa Washington, Jeremy Gregory | 10431 | Neal Weaver, Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 |
47 | Athletics | Special Olympics | Jennifer Gillespie | 10326 | Neal Weaver, Kim Oliphant | 10432 |
48 | Athletics | Sports Fund Raising | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Andrea Henderson | 10430 |
49 | Athletics | Stadium Management | Jeff Pruitt, Stan Chen | Neal Weaver, Kim Oliphant | 10432 | |
50 | Athletics | Student Recognition Programs | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Campus Athletic Coordinator, Kim Oliphant | 10432 |
51 | Athletics | Summer Strength and Conditioning | Campus Athletic Coordinator | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 | |
52 | Athletics | UIL Compliance | Neal Weaver | 10430 | Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinators | 10432 |
53 | Athletics | UIL Records | Andrea Henderson | 10430 | Lesley Buntin, Katrece Clark | 40046, 43046 |
54 | Athletics | Weather and Injury Guidelines | Richard English, Marissa Washington, Jeremy Gregory | Neal Weaver, Kim Oliphant, Campus Athletic Coordinator | 10432 | |
55 | Communications | Advertising with the District | Robyn Cox | 10210 | Lori Rodriguez | 10210 |
56 | Communications | Board Relations | Susan Johnson | 10207 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 |
57 | Communications | Bond/Elections | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
58 | Communications | Community (Business) Involvement | Kristin Zastoupil | Susan Johnson | 10207 | |
59 | Communications | Crisis Communications | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
60 | Communications | Digital Forms & Surveys | Susan Johnson | 10207 | Robyn Cox | 10210 |
61 | Communications | Digital Marquees Design | Robyn Cox | 10210 | Graysen Reid | 10290 |
62 | Communications | Event Planning | Talana Morris | 10296 | Susan Johnson | 10207 |
63 | Communications | Forney Education Foundation | Justin Eatherly | 10294 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 |
64 | Communications | Graphic Design | Graysen Reid | 10290 | Kelly Juntunen | 10291 |
65 | Communications | Marketing | Susan Johnson | 10207 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10297 |
66 | Communications | ParentSquare | Graysen Reid | 10290 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 |
67 | Communications | Newsletters (District, Community, Smore) | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 | Graysen Reid | 10290 |
68 | Communications | OC Marketing | Susan Johnson | 10207 | ||
69 | Communications | Open Records Requests | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 |
70 | Communications | PTO/Nonprofit/Fundraising Assistance | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
71 | Communications | Public & Media Relations | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
72 | Communications | Social Media | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 | Graysen Reid | 10290 |
73 | Communications | Teacher of the Year | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 | Kristin Zastoupil | 10291 |
74 | Communications | Video Production | Juan Hernandez | 10295 | Graysen Reid | 10291 |
75 | Communications | Volunteer Management | Graysen Reid | 10290 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
76 | Communications | Website | Graysen Reid | 10290 | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 |
77 | Communications | Years of Service/Employee Awards | Kelly Juntunen | 10297 | Graysen Reid | 10290 |
78 | Construction | Architect Contact | Kim Morisak | 10201 | ||
79 | Construction | Construction Projects | Kim Morisak | 10201 | Seth Adams | |
80 | Construction | Land Purchases | Kim Morisak | 10201 | ||
81 | Engage & Higher Ed | AP 9-12 | Mel Harlan | 10342 | Lesley Edwards | 10351 |
82 | Engage & Higher Ed | Collegiate Academy | Romona Thomas | 10308 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
83 | Engage & Higher Ed | Dallas College Community/Staff Classes | Mel Harlan | 10342 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
84 | Engage & Higher Ed | Dual Credit | Romona Thomas | 10308 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
85 | Engage & Higher Ed | Engage Programs | Jake Walker | 10209 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
86 | Engage & Higher Ed | eSports | Jake Walker | 10209 | ||
87 | Engage & Higher Ed | Higher Ed Partnerships | Mel Harlan | 10342 | Sarah Smith | 10253 |
88 | Engage & Higher Ed | OC Junior | Sonya Bannister | Jake Walker | 10209 | |
89 | Engage & Higher Ed | OC Youth Sports | Jake Walker | 10209 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
90 | Engage & Higher Ed | SAT/ACT/TSI School Day | Mel Harlan | 10342 | Lesley Edwards | 10351 |
91 | Engage & Higher Ed | STEAM Camps | Jake Walker | 10209 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
92 | Engage & Higher Ed | Student Ambassadors | Sonya Bannister | Jake Walker | 10209 | |
93 | Engage & Higher Ed | TSI testing | Romona Thomas | 10341 | Mel Harlan | 10342 |
94 | Finance & Budget | Admin Deposits & Courier | Sheryl Rich | 10500 | Crystal Timbes | 10549 |
95 | Finance & Budget | Annual Budget Development | John Chase | 10501 | ||
96 | Finance & Budget | Audit Coordination | John Chase | 10501 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |
97 | Finance & Budget | Bond Refinaning | John Chase | 10501 | ||
98 | Finance & Budget | Budget Amendments | Sue Marcoe | 10542 | John Chase | 10501 |
99 | Finance & Budget | Employee Compensation Development | John Chase | 10501 | Tommy Riggs | 10422 |
100 | Finance & Budget | Monthly Budget Monitoring | John Chase | 10501 | Jessica Reyes | 10545 |