After completing the Turnaround Foundations tab, only complete one Turnaround Method tab.
School Improvement Turnaround Plan
District Commitment Theory of Action
In this section, describe the District Theory of Action and the District Commitments that will support the campus' essential actions found in the plan. The District Theory Commitment Theory of Action should address each of the Foundational Essential Actions and DDI.
The district will provide on going support for coaching of the campus leaders, protect their time in a way that aligns to instructional leadership roles and responsibilities, allow for sufficient control with the hiring process, support the campus in developing a mission and vision, support creating effective lesson plans and formative assessments, provide the tools and resources for curriculum and instruction, and provide the resources to protect the Professional Learning Community and Data Driven Instruction process. This support will allow the campus to be able to clarify the roles and responsibilities of their leaders, establish a strong school culture, create a data driven school culture and ensure teachers are using high quality lesson plans aligned to student learning objectives.
System and Capacity Building
In this section, describe the efforts the campus and district will make to build systems and capacity so that the campus can achieve and sustain the vision for each Essential Action shared on the Turnaround Foundations tab. You do not have to complete all rows in this section, but all of the six Essential Actions reviewed during the diagnostic must be included.
Describe areas in which you will build systems, skills, and capacity in district and campus staff.What potential program or partners will the campus/district work with in this area?
When will this be a focus?
Describe the scope and sequence of training and ongoing coaching efforts, including who receives the training/coaching.List the Essential Action(s) that this capacity building impacts.
We will strive to build capacity in all of our leaders and teachers this year through implementing an effective Data Driven Instruction process by training leaders and teachers on the Data Driven Instruction processes and incorporating consistent data meetings into campus practices. Instructional Leaders are tasked with building capacity in teachers by using the formative assessments, Data Driven protocol (creating Know & Show of standard, creating teacher/student exemplars), and backwards planning to help drive instruction. Engaging teachers through the Data Driven Instruction (DDI) process will help them determine the gap between the student work and the exemplar. The campus will give short cycle assessments according to the assessment calendar to monitor student learning and disaggregate the data to make necessary adjustments as we move forward. The campus will also work toward reteaching TEKS that are an area of weakness for the campus as determined by the Data Driven Instruction process. A re-teach plan will be developed to address the learning gaps or misconceptions and then posted on the calendar. The master schedule will continue to allow for teams of teachers to meet and collaborate using agendas to guide discussions and actions.Relay, DDI,2020The scope and sequence of the Data Driven Instruction training includes training campus leaders and Instructional Specialists on the Data Driven Instruction process and then having them model it for teachers during PLCs. Leaders and Specialists will lead the PLCs for a period of time and then begin to release the responsibility to the teaching team. The leadership team will combine professional development, coaching, facilitating, modeling, and observation feedback to provide ongoing support. The leadership team will continue to receive on-going Relay training to help build their capacity so they can work toward implementing the Relay practices at the campus level.1.1, 5.3
The district will build capacity in the Campus Leaders by developing their leadership and coaching skills using the criteria of the Essential Actions and establishing clear roles and responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities will be published and shared with leaders. The campus will also create tracking tools to track high leverage actions of leaders. Leaders will also be evaluated on performance goals that are measurable, written and agreed upon by them and the principal. Leaders will be responsible for building capacity in teachers through establishing clear roles and responsibilities, coaching, and documenting progress.Relay2020The campus principal and the Executive Director are training in the Relay coaching model. This allows for the Executive Director to coach the principal and the principal coaches the Assistant Principals and teachers to impact student performance. Campus instructional leaders also have clear roles and responsibilities that are documented and monitored. Campus leaders are developing and using tracking tools to track all areas of responsibility. Areas of focus are: Attendance at PLC's, Appraisals and walk-throughs, school-wide duties, professional learning, teacher coaching and student discipline and attendance.1.1
The district will build capacity in leaders and teachers by working collaboratively with teachers to provide support and training on using the Year at a Glance (YAG), Instructional Focus document and the lesson planning mat, and content based resources to ensure lessons are aligned to the TEKS. The campus leadership team will provide teachers with the necessary instructional support by creating time for PLCS in the master schedule and having Instructional Specialist lead the PLCs to build capacity in teachers. The Instructional Specialists train teachers on how to unpack a standard by using the Know and Show process, evaluating student exemplars, and lesson planning as a team. This process helps struggling or new teachers with how to use and implement instructional resources more effectively in their lessons. The campus leaders will also build capacity in teachers by training them on how to use assessments to drive instruction using the backwards planning design to plan effective lessons and re-teach.Curriculum Department2020The scope and sequence of aligning curriculum and assessment has been an on-going process from the district and the campus level. Teachers have been trained in the Data Driven Instruction process along with training on how to utilize resources during all district and campus professional development days. All training and Professional Learning Communities are documented on a calendar to ensure implementation. Instructional Specialist continue training and working with teachers on lesson planning and how to use the different documents for effective lesson planning aligned to the TEKS.4.1
The campus is building capacity in the leadership team to create a vision of the campus by providing training in Relay and CHAMPS to address school culture and routines. The Leadership team planned and scripted routines for 4 high leverage areas (morning arrival, lunch, transitions, dismissal) to train and practice with teachers before rolling it out to students. The goals are to establish procedures and routines that foster a safe learning environment for all students, and to establish teacher and student expectation for behavior.Relay, CHAMPS2020The leadership team is receiving training with Relay to identify strong school culture routines and procedures. The team then trains and practices with the teachers. Leaders and teachers were also trained on CHAMPS strategies and have received mini-Professional Development as necessary to support implementation in classrooms.3.1
The campus builds capacity in teachers during the hiring process by utilizing a teacher hiring committee to interview candidates as a way of finding the right fit for each position. The district builds capacity in leaders by utilizing executive directors to provide support in how to hire, support, coach and retain teachers. The Professional Learning Community process is a major part of the instructional support given to teachers, especially the new or struggling teachers. Campus leaders also work in conjunction with Human Resources and the substitute office to help find qualified candidates.Alternative Certification programs, job fairs,2020Principal will communicate with HR and substitute office regarding positions. Human Resources communicates with campus principal about possible candidates. The hiring committee will interview possible candidates and references will be checked. Once hired, the leadership team that includes the instructional specialist and the curriculum department will offer support and coaching in areas of curriculum and classroom management. Principal also communicates with alternative certification programs to look for possible candidates based on needs.2.1
The campus will build capacity in teachers to impact student outcomes by engaging teachers in training to write effective lesson plans. Campus leaders will be trained in the Relay lesson planning steps, and they will train teachers. Teachers will learn the following: how to write an effective lesson plan by aligning the objective of the lesson to the formative assessment (exit ticket); internalize the lesson by scripting and practicing the "I Do" part of the lesson; writing an exemplar of the student response; teach and foster habits of evidence; monitor aggressively; and analyze and use the formative assessments to drive the re-teach. All lessons will be aligned with the curriculum scope and sequence and all lesson objectives will be aligned to the standards.Relay2020-21The training will begin with campus leaders and Instructional Specialist this spring and next fall. Teachers will receive professional development at the beginning of the year along with district and campus training during professional development days throughout the year. Teachers will also receive support and coaching during PLCs.5.1
In this section, describe the critical implementation milestones (high-level description of actions that will be completed) that the campus and/or district will meet in each year of implementation in order to achieve the vision of full implementation of each Essential Action shared on the Turnaround Foundations tab. Milestones for the 2-3 high leverage focus areas identified in the ESF Diagnostic must be addressed first, as these are the campus' largest gaps in practice and systems (and will have the greatest impact on the implementation of other Essential Actions). The milestones listed here must be included in each year's Targeted Improvement Plan. Add rows as needed.
Pre-ImplementationEssential Action
Campus leadership team will attend the Relay training during the summer to improve their understanding of high leverage actions and their impact on student learning.1.1
District and campus leaders and teaches will train on district endorsed instructional programs during Leadership University in the summer.4.1
The campus leadership will outline the routines and procedures that will be rolled out to teachers and students at the beginning of the school year.3.1
The campus leader will review the applicant pool daily to prioritize hiring to ensure the campus is fully staffed before school starts.
The district and campus leaders will provide staff development before the beginning of year that addresses effective lesson planning and the effective use of formative assessments to drive instruction.5.1
Implementation Year 1Essential Action
Leadership team will plan the stages of training and implementation of Relay throughout the year to ensure a safe school culture, high expectation, alignment of curriculum and assessment (DDI). The leadership team members will be held accountable for conducting their roles and responsibilities through the TPESS process.1.1, 5.3
The District will continue to provide the campus with assessments that are aligned to the standards, lesson planning tools, and core instructional materials in order to facilitate teachers becoming more knowledgeable on the standards and the lesson planning process. The district will also provide an assessment calendar for campuses to do instructional planning for the year.4.1
The campus will re-evaluate the implementation of the previous year to plan a more effective roll out of campus wide routines and procedures to ensure the process is refined and embedded as part of the school culture. They will also utilize the Relay rubric to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the current routines and procedures and reset when necessary.3.1
The campus will plan additional activities to improve the recruiting and retention along with implementing Opportunity Cultures to increase the capacity and quality of the staff overall.2.1
The district and campus will train teachers on how to write an effective lesson plan by aligning the objective of the lesson to the formative assessment, scripting and practicing the "I Do" part of the lesson; writing a teacher exemplar, monitor aggressively; and analyze and use the formative assessments to drive instruction. All lesson objectives will be aligned to the standards.5.1
Implementation Year 2Essential Action
Leadership team will solidify the Data Driven Instruction process during Professional Learning Community meetings and release responsibility to department chairs and/or lead teachers. They will also ensure it is conducted with fidelity.5.3
The district and campus curriculum specialist will focus monitoring teacher lesson plans to ensure lesson rigor and alignment to state standard.5.1
The campus will revisit the vision, mission and values of the campus in order to align with the Essential Actions success criteria.3.1
The campus will hire applicants that best fit the job description and the needs of the campus to increase the quality of the teaching staff through the hiring process.2.1
The campus will remove all barriers to solidify the implementation of Opportunity Culture to ensure students are being taught by the highest quality teachers on the campus.1.1
Implementation Year 3 and beyondEssential Action
Milestones in this column can be focused on sustainability of systems implemented in years 1 and 2 of implementation.
A campus that is ordered to implement a turnaround plan may modify the milestones in this section once they receive two consecutive acceptable ratings.
Campus will continuously analyze and adapt the leadership roles and responsibilities to the needs of the campus.1.1, 5.3
Teachers will continue to plan data driven lesson plans aligned to the TEKS, and they will receive high quality feedback on lesson plans with time to respond to the feedback.5.1
The campus will retain high quality staff through the implementation of Opportunity Culture and compensate high performing teachers to teach more students.2.1
The campus will continue to protect the Professional Learning Community time through the master schedule and monitor the implementation of the DDI process during PLCs by requiring school leaders to attend and facilitate the PLC.5.3
Budget and Financial Resources
Funds outlined in the budget table should include any supplemental costs required to implement the turnaround plan for 2 or more years.
For example, salaries for teachers and principals should not be included; however, if the initiative calls for teacher stipends to cover extra duties, those costs should be accounted for in the table.
Payroll$280,000.00Additional staff to create block scheduling for 8th grade ELAR and 7th grade Math. 8th grade ELAR is the priority since reading scores are low.
Professional Development$36,000.00Additional staff training on Relay
Supplies and Materials
Other Operating Costs
Capital Outlay$120,000.00Remove lockers in the hall and create additional classroom space.