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1 | Country | Institution Name | Type of Institution | Type of Divestment | Additional Info | URL | Divestment Public Statement | Media Contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | 1) Austria | Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera | Financial institution | Full Divestment | Estimated total value of divestment: ~ 15 million Estimated total value of assets: 500 million | https://www.schelhammer.at/ | available here | Mr. Karsten Volker, Head of Sustainable Investments +43 1 534 34 2063 karsten.volker@schelhammer.at | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | 2) Bangladesh | Franciscan Friars TOR Society | Religious order | Fossil Free | http://www.franciscanstor.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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7 | 4) Belgium | Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network | Lay organization | Full Divestment | http://www.aefjn.org/ | available here | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | 3) Belgium | Sisters Clarissen of Ostend | Religious congregation | Full Divestment | http://www.clarissen.be/page/zusters-clarissen-oostende | available here | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 5) Belgium | Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary | Religious Order | Full Divestment | Estimated total value of divestment: USD 140.000,00; EUR 220,000.00 Estimated total value of assets: EUR 75.200.000,00 Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary is an international congregation with a membership of 1200 Sisters in 16 countries in the continents of Europe, Asia & Africa. Its main objective is to be at the service of the most vulnerable in the society through education, health care and social services. In its last general chapter (2017), the congregation has taken a decisive step to focus on those in the "periphery" and to take care of our "Common Home". | www.sistersofcharityofjesusandmary.org | available here | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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11 | 6) Canada | Artist caring environmentally/Artist Against Fracking | Lay organization | Fossil Free | Local canadian artists interested in protecting the enviroment & ending fracking & drilling for oil | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 7) Canada | Institut Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Montréal | Religious order | Fossil Free | Religious order memeber of Equiterre. | http://www.bonconseil.qc.ca/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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14 | 8) Fiji | Archdiocese of Suva | Archdiocese | Fossil Free | http://www.archdioceseofsuva.org/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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16 | 9) Germany | DKM Darlehnskasse Münster eG | Financial institution | Coal and tar sands | Special bank for catholic organisations and their staff. | www.dkm.de | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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18 | 11) India | Caritas India | Caritas Agency | Full Divesment | http://caritasindia.org | available here | Patrick Hansda Patrick@caritasindia.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 10) India | Indian Catholic Matters | Online Catholic Media | Fossil Free | Estimated total value of the asset: In terms of people resource, content, technology, etc. we would put our total value at US $ 50000 Indian Catholic Matters (www.indiancatholicmatters.org) is an online resource offering daily reflections and articles by Indian Catholic priests, religious and more importantly, the laity. Our focus has been on providing enriching and inspirational Indian content related to our beautiful Catholic faith. By the grace of God, we have grown and our reach has been truly global within a year's time. We are also linked to Conference of Catholic Bishops' of India (CBCI) website (http://www.cbci.in/Others.aspx) and provide content regularly to the CBCI website. We've also partnered with largest global catholic site Aleteia on a mutual content sharing agreement. Our sites touches closes to 5000 people everyday. | https://indiancatholicmatters.org | available here | Mr. Verghese Joseph Vadakkethala, Editor & Co-Founder editor@indiancatholicmatters.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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21 | 12) Ireland | Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference | Bishops' Conference | Full Divestment | http://www.catholicbishops.ie/ | available here | Martin Long, Director of Communications martin.long@iecon.ie | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | 13) Ireland | Mercy International Association | Religious Order | Partial Divestment | Mercy International Association is an organisation of the leaders of Mercy Congregations, Institutes and Federations throughout the world, founded to serve the Sisters of Mercy, their associates and colleagues in ministry. | www.mercyworld.org | available here | Sr. Mary Reynolds rsm, CEO director@mercyinternational.ie | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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24 | 14) Italy | Archdiocese of Palermo | Diocese | Fossil Free | http://www.diocesipa.it/ | available here | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | 15) Italy | Archdiocese of Vercelli | Diocese | Full Divestment | Estimated total value of asset: € 50.000,00 Estimated total value of divestment: € 20.000,00 | http://www.arcidiocesi.vc.it/ | available here | Michela Ferraris, Treasurer economo@arcidiocesi.vc.it | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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27 | 16) Kenya | Jesuit Conference of Africa - Justice and Ecology Office | Religious NGO | Fossil Free | https://www.jesuits.africa/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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29 | 17) Pakistan | World Apostolate of Fatima | Lay Organization | Fossil Free | www.wafpak.org | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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31 | 18) United States | Church Women United in New York State | Secular Religious organization | Fossil Free | 3,000 members in New York State | http://www.cwu-in-nys.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 19) United States | Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Religious Order | Partial Divestment | We are a community of approximately 325 religious sisters, primarily in the United States with missionaries in Ecuador and Ghana. Sisters live out the core values of freedom, education, justice and charity as they respond to critical human situations, especially among women and children. Many engage in ministry as educators, pastoral ministers, counselors, and advocates for the elderly and immigrants. Others work in social services, healthcare, and prayer ministry. Our commitment includes joining with others to work for justice and to care for Earth. | https://www.bvmsisters.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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