England Netball Rules FAQ - 2024 Rules of Netball v2
(includes up to date World Netball clarifications)
Rule HeadingsRule/Sub Rule NumberQuestionResponseWorld Netball Video Resource (if applicable)
OtherN/AWhen will it be possible to buy a hard copy of the new rule book please?Rules Books are available to buy from the England Netball Store on the following links.

Spiral Bound 2024 Rules Books £7 -

Glued Spine 2024 Rules Books £5 -
OtherN/AI missed the 2024 Rules of Netball update webinar hosted by Gary Burgess. Will I be able to access the video recording?The 2024 Rules of Netball Update Webinars will be happening throughout the summer. From 12th August a recording of one of the sessions will be released on the England Netball YouTube channel for participants to watch at their leisure. Hosted session will continue until October 2024 and attendees can register to gain a certificate of attendance for use at local level if required.
There is however no provision for those watching the recorded session to prove viewing so if this is required we would recommeded attending one of our hosted sessions or attending a local session hosted by our County Netball Associations.
OtherN/AI attended the Rules of Netball Webinar but cannot access the certificate of attendance.Attendees of the 2024 Rules of Netball Update Webinars hosted by England Netball are required to register their attendance prior to the start of each session. Registration opens 24 hours before the session.
During the session a Password will be shared by the presenter.
Toward the end of the session a second link will be required for attendees to enter their details and the password.
Both registrations and the correct password is required to be submitted for a certificate to be generated.
If an attendee fails to register their details and or if they submit an incorrect email address the certificate will not generate automatically.
Certificates are issued no later than 3 days following the session.

Any queries should be directed to or further information can be found on the link below.
Umpiring TechniqueN/AWhat different whistle rolls should be used by umpires and for what?Reference to different whistle rolls has been removed from the Rules Book because it is not a “rule” to use different whistles, but rather an umpiring technique. The only differentiating whistle needed is for holding time (where the roll is used) and all other whistles for decisions should be the same (unless sharpened or lengthened to change “tone” for purposes of communication/game management).
ForewordN/ADo the new rules apply to all Domestic/local League level? Yes. All netball in England should be played to the 2024 Rules of Netball from 1st September 2024.
1. Technical specifications1.9The rule states that only the on-court players and umpires are permitted in the field of play. But Rule 3.16.c and 10.11 refers to extreme circumstances where player safety is endangered a Primary Care person may enter the court while play is in progress and additionally 10.11 refers to the Independent Concussion Observer as well. Are the rules contradictory and could this represent a risk to the safety of everyone involved given the dynamic nature of the sport? The rule further states, umpires will immediately hold time. Wouldn’t this be awkward depending on where play is at the time?These provisions are intended to cater for exceptional cases where a player is considered by the relevant medical professional to be in imminent danger and immediate action is required. These considerations supersede “where play is at the time” as player safety is the paramount concern. In such circumstances, the umpire would be expected to react to the scenario by stopping play straight away, again bearing in mind player safety as the paramount concern.
We note similar mandates are provided in many other sports and these personnel operate in this way without issue. We also note, the co-umpire should see this occurring and should be able to stop play immediately and therefore minimise any additional risk.
3. Team3.16Rule 3.16e and 10.10 state ‘a primary care person (or an independent concussion observer 5.8c and 10.10) may advise the reserve umpire that they wish to stop play to facilitate the substitution of any on-court player due to a suspected concussion’. If it is a suspected concussion, aren’t critical seconds important in getting that player off the court and attended to? Wouldn’t there be a delay if the reserve umpire has to wait for the umpire to move near to her in order to get her attention and refer to Rule 4.1.4 how practical is it for the reserve umpire to advise the umpires In ordinary situations, it will be sufficient for the reserve umpire to alert the on-court umpire to hold time at the first practicable moment. In exceptional situations where there is imminent danger, 3.16(c) and 10.11 will apply to allow medical personnel to take immediate action. By applying the appropriate course of action to the scenario at hand, player safety will be adequately addressed.
The recommended process is that the next time the umpire is positioned in front of the reserve umpire, the reserve umpire will tap the umpire and advise them. This has been the previous process in some competitions around the world and has worked effectively.
3. Team3.2In the following scenario who stands out of play for the Penalty?

Rule 3.2 A minimum of five and a maximum of seven players from a team may be on court at any one time. If the additional player/s delay leaving the court, the umpire will penalise the team for delaying play.
As the infringing player/s in this instance is/are the additional player/s, no one is required to stand out of play. There is no "infringer" under Rule 6.4 rather an "infringing team" (both defined).
3. Team3.6In the following scenario who stands out of play for the Penalty?

Rule 3.6 If a team does not have five players present at the start of a period of play, the umpires will wait up to 30 seconds. If the infringing team takes the court within 30 seconds the team is penalised for delaying play.
As the delay is due to the lack of additional players, no one is required to stand out of play. There is no "infringer" under Rule 6.4 rather an "infringing team" (both defined).
3. Team3.7In the following scenario who stands out of play for the Penalty?

Rule 3.7 If a team delay taking the court after a stoppage when requested by the umpires
As the infringement involves the team and not an individual player (refer "Late Players" - Rule 3.8), no one is required to stand out of play. There is no "infringer" under Rule 6.4 rather an "infringing team" (both defined).
3. Team3.12Rule 3.12 What adornments are allowed?The key point to emphasise is that no adornment can be worn if it would endanger the safety of any player.
Any adornment worn must be securely covered with tape and / or padding.
3. Team3.13Rule 3.13.f – The on-court captain must wear identification as specified by the event organiser (for example an arm band or patch on their playing uniform). Are the dress/player numbers sufficient for identification purposes for the on-court captain considering the tactical changes and the need for speed of the process?The type of identification to be worn by the on-court captain is as specified by the event organiser (rule 3.13 f). The umpires must be able to visibly identify the on-court captain without stopping play and referring to the score bench. To this end, an arm band or a Velcro patch should not be problematic as it could be changed along with the bib. Dress/player number are not sufficient.
4. Match officials4.12Rule 4.12 If a sanction or action is awarded in the co-umpire's half, the co-umpire resumes control once the sanction or action has been set.
Does this mean that if an umpire advances a sanction into the co-umpire’s half, the umpire is responsible for ensuring the sanction is set?
Yes, that is correct.
If an umpire advances a sanction into the co-umpire’s half, the umpire is responsible for ensuring the sanction is set in the correct place. Once the sanction is set, the co-umpire then takes control.
5. Technical and event officials5.8Where does the independent concussion observer sit?The event organiser determines where the independent concussion observer sits and this must be within easy access to the playing enclosure.
5. Technical and event officials5.9Rule 5.9 In a local match if there is no event organiser can the umpire decide to abandon a match?Yes. In community netball where there is no event organiser present then the umpires may make the decision whether to abandon a match.
6. Sanctions and actions6.3When a GS is awarded a free pass in the goal circle, but uses that free pass to make an attempt at goal, is that action sanctioned? Is the sanction dependent on whether the goal goes in? If a sanction is given, is it a free pass?A player taking a free pass must not shoot for goal. In the example you have provided the umpire would penalise the infringement and award a free pass to the opposition, where the player was standing when she attempted to shoot.
6. Sanctions and actions6.10 - 6.14Conditions for Throw-In
Given a player is no longer required to wait for all players to be on court for a Throw In, can they choose to wait for players to be on the court? Such as an opponent who retrieves the ball from beyond the field of play, or will they be penalised for held ball, if all other conditions for the Throw-In are met [Rule 6.18].
The Throw-In is ‘set’ once the player is in position with the ball, so that is when the three seconds starts. They cannot choose to wait as this could be considered as delaying play.
6. Sanctions and actions6.16 & 6.17Are there effectively 2 types of possession now?Yes, possession is used in two different ways in the Rules book and may be for simultaneous and mutual infringements or for where opposing players collect the ball in quick succession.
6. Sanctions and actions6.16Rule 6.16 A possession call that's linked to simultaneous and mutual infringements does this require the umpire to blow the whistle and then award possession?
In the case of simultaneous and mutual infringements, the whistle will be blown and possession will be awarded to the team who last had possession of the ball immediately prior to that infringement, where the ball was when play stopped.
6. Sanctions and actions6.17Rule 6.17 Where opposing players collect the ball in quick succession, does the umpire just say possession, and there is no whistle?If two opposing players gain possession of the ball in quick succession during play, the umpire may allow play to continue by calling ‘possession’ and indicating the team and playing position of the player who gained possession first so they can play the ball. In this scenario there is no whistle.

Note: Rule 12.2. If two players from the same team gain possession of the ball in quick succession, the player who gained possession of the ball first must remain in possession and the hands of the player who gained possession of the ball second must be removed, otherwise this will be deemed a short pass.
7. Advantage7.1 - 7.5On the webinars, it was said that when playing the advantage, you can’t pass sideways or backwards. Why?The webinar and the rule do not say this. You can pass sideways or backwards if the team chooses to do so. Umpires need to decide if this is a tactical choice or whether the player was put under pressure to play sideways or backwards. In which case a whistle and a penalty pass may be more advantageous. Advantage must be played astutely to prevent wear down on players.
8. Centre pass8.5Rule 8.5 If both umpires are signaling the centre pass in the same direction but to the wrong team, what will happen?We have safeguards in the rules to cope with this scenario.
1. The scorers notify the umpires by electronic and/or audible means prior to the centre pass being taken.
2. On appeal from an on-court player prior to the centre pass being taken, the umpires will check with the scorers and confirm the correct team to take the next centre pass.
Note: Once the centre pass has been taken then no further action can be taken to correct any mistakes.
8. Centre pass8.5cRule 8.5.c An on-court player may appeal the centre pass. How would an umpire deal with excessive appeals should a team use it to slow down a quick re-start, particularly as the clock winds down. Delaying could be inferred, but it is not explicit.This could either be treated as delaying play (rule 19.2) or actions contrary to good sporting behaviour (rule 19.10) depending on the game context. The rule is not explicit for this reason.
8. Centre pass8.14 - 8.16Rule 8.14 and 8.16
Why is “untouched” used for the terminology when the ball has been touched or caught?
The ball must be touched or caught by a player who is standing wholly in, or has landed wholly in, the centre third. If the ball has not been caught or touched by a player in line with these requirements, it is considered “untouched”, hence the terminology. It is further noted that this is not new terminology, but was used in previous versions of the rules for this scenario.
8. Centre pass8.16Rule 8.16 b. If a player touches or catches the ball in the air then lands either wholly or partly outside the court in the centre third shouldn’t the sanction be a throw-in?The first infringement is the centre pass not being caught or touched by a player who is standing or who lands wholly in the centre third (refer Rule 8.14) and the sanction applied is the sanction applicable to that infringement which is a free pass in goal third by the transverse line where the player was in contact with the ground in the goal third.
9. Scoring a goal9.1 - 9.7Rule 9.1-9.7 Can a layup still be used?Yes, provided no contact is made with the goalpost.
Note: In addition, a player may not jump into the air and land on a stationary player who is defending from the correct distance.
9. Scoring a goal9.2Rule 9.2 At a shot at goal in the old rules there was difficulty for the umpire to decide whether the ball had completely passed through the ring. And we have now moved this judgement to the release of the ball. Does that make it any easier?This change was based on feedback from members that this amendment was necessary and preferred. This is more capable of accurate assessment in terms of release from the hands given that the umpire will be viewing this shot and viewing the defence of the shot, and viewing the players around the shot. It was felt that this is more capable of accurate assessment rather than looking up at the ball going through the ring.
10. Stoppages10.1Rule 10.1 Does the player requesting the substitution/team changes have to come off the court?In the case of injury/illness/blood there is no change here to the previous rule. A player who has injury/illness/blood must be substituted However, a player may request time to be held for another player in their team who has injury/illness/blood and it is the player who has the injury/illness/blood who must come off the court.
Note: For tactical changes no one is required to leave the court and players may change playing positions.
10. Stoppages10.2Rule 10.2 Tactical Change. Please provide guidance on the following situation:
For centrally timed matches at a grassroots level, holding time without time actually being stopped at the request for a ‘tactical change’, could happen within the last minute/seconds of a match. This could effectively mean the opposing team does not have an opportunity to score.
It is exactly this situation that is envisaged in providing that the umpire may decline a request made frivolously (and this would include a request made for reasons contrary to good sporting behaviour).
The rule allows both for the request to be declined if made inappropriately, and for any delay in making the changes to be penalised [Rule 19.1 and Rule 19.2]. For centrally timed competitions the organiser may wish to emphasise this to the teams and the umpires. A key reason for the tactical changes format is to allow teams to make multiple substitutions and/or team changes at the same time rather than having to make repeated changes to manoeuvre players into positions. A team can request tactical changes after a goal, meaning that a request received near the end of a period of play in a close game may require scrutiny as a time-wasting tactic, particularly in a centrally timed game (noting however that such requests may already be made in centrally timed games for injury or illness with the same effect). It must also be recalled (and reiterated) that all participants in the game, including coaches and players, have an obligation to play in accordance with standards of good sporting behaviour and to use the rules ethically.
10. Stoppages10.3Rule 10.3 If undue time is taken by either team to complete substitutions and/or team changes, the infringing team will be penalised for delaying play [Rule 19.1] and [Rule 19.2]. Who stands out of play? No one is required to stand out of play, as the infringing player/s in this instance are the additional players who must leave the court. There is no “infringer” under Rule 6.4, rather an “infringing team” (both defined).
10. Stoppages10.4Rule 10.4 However, if the number of requests for tactical changes becomes frivolous the umpires may refuse the request and/or penalise the infringing team for delaying play [Rule 19.1] and [Rule 19.2].
What does frivolous mean and is this down to the umpire judgement?
The use of the word frivolous means the plain English definition ‘not having any serious purpose or value’. The umpire decides if requests are frivolous.
10. Stoppages10.7aRule 10.7 a states: For a stoppage for injury, both umpires remain on their respective side lines. If the injury time is extended does one umpire move across to the other side line to assist in observing and managing the team benches?As per Rule 10.7 the umpires would remain on their respective side lines during an injury. If the stoppage time is extended then the umpires need to work together and in conjunction with the event organiser to decide where to stand to best manage the team benches.
10. Stoppages10.8dWhat replaces a toss up when an umpire isn’t sure of where the ball was when play stopped eg: stoppage for an injury This scenario is outlined in Rule 10.8 d and the definition for Mutual Infringements. For any Mutual Infringement the umpire will award possession to the team who last had possession of the ball immediately prior to the stoppage or infringement.
If the controlling umpire is unable to determine who had possession they will be required to briefly consult with their co-umpire.
10. Stoppages10.10Rule 10.10 If an independent concussion observer requests an extension of injury time for the concussed player to leave the court, do we treat this in the same way we do when it's the primary carer who asks for an extension?Yes, it is managed in the same way as for primary care person/s (which includes a team doctor) requesting an extension of injury time so the player can be safely removed from the court.
10. Stoppages10.22Rule 10 If a centre has left the court for injury and no substitution is made and the WD moved to play centre to allow the match to continue, Rule 10.22 states that at the next break in play the Centre, when ready, can go back into the Centre position and WD back to WD. Do they have to return to original positions or can the Centre go on in the WD position?Rule 10.22 states that the umpire will hold time so the player can return to the Centre position, which is mandatory language (“will” and “can” rather than “may). So yes, they must return to original playing positions.
10. Stoppages10.2510.25 If the court has moisture on it, shouldn’t the umpires have to stop play for the paramount safety of players? The rule refers to "incidental moisture", meaning moisture that does not materially interfere with play and does not pose a safety issue. If there is a genuine player safety concern, play can be stopped. A practice has developed of inappropriate holding of time in situations where it has not been requested by players, often when players have fallen over due to dangerous or reckless contact, as an alternative to formal game management which would be the proper course of action. The provision has been used to address this in light of the focus on player safety as paramount, as the failure to appropriately address late or reckless contact poses a far greater risk.
11. Playing the ball11.8With what parts of the leg can you 'kick' the ball? Foot, shin, knee, thigh, calf? What motion of the leg is required to constitute a 'kick'? No motion, motion towards the ball, any motion including away from the ball?As outlined in Rule 11.8, a player may not kick the ball. A player will be deemed to have 'kicked' the ball if they use a 'kicking' action whereby they deliberately move or swing their leg toward and make contact with the ball. If the ball hits a players leg which is stationary, there will be no infringement and play will continue.
12. Passing distances12.1Rule 12.1 Can a player still screen an opponent so they can’t get their hands to the ball?Yes. The rule is not trying to prevent legitimate tactical actions such as screening, provided that no other rules are infringed. As long as there remains sufficient space for any defending player (and not specifically the defending player being screened) to deflect or intercept the pass, it will be legal.
12. Passing distances12.1Short Pass off the post.
Although this is not between the hands of the thrower and the hands of the receive, is this action considered a pass with no opportunity to make a genuine attempt to defend and therefore is considered a short pass?
The interpretation of a short pass when the ball is passed onto the post by a player, and then caught by the same player, has not changed from the current rules (2020 edition) except for the definition of passing distance under the new rule 12.1. As the player is both passer and receiver, there must be sufficient space on the court (which is important to remember when this is used at a throw in) for an opposing player to be able to deflect or intercept the ball, as it moves from the hands, to the post, and back to the hands of the same player again. And Rule 15.8 the player must re-enter the court and have no contact with the ground outside the court before playing the ball.
13. Footwork13.3Rule 13.3 Should a player who is holding the ball and falls to the ground and then regains footing to pass within 3 seconds, be penalised for footwork, unless their landed foot stays in contact with the ground the entire time?Correct. The previous rule was confusing and inconsistent with all other aspects of the footwork rule related to grounded foot (which did not allow the player in possession of the ball to reground the grounded foot).
15. Out of court15.7Rule 15.7 A player having no contact with the ball, whether attacking or defending may move into the court surround provided this is solely for the purpose of repositioning back onto the court. Does this cover that if a player is defending someone whilst they are off the court they will be penalised? A player who leaves the court and defends an opponent who is out of court will be penalised under Rule 15.7 as they have not left the court for an authorised purpose. The situation of a player who leaves the court to defend a player who is on court, whether or not they have the ball, is separately addressed under Rule 15.10.
15. Out of court15.7Rule 15.7 Please confirm the following:

1. As long as the defending player remains on court, they can prevent an opponent from re-entering the court.

2. Was the intention to remove the ability to keep someone off court as long as the defender remained on court?

1. Correct

2. No this is not the intention of the rule
16. Obstruction16.2Rule 16.2 Lifted player.
Which player is required to stand out of play on the penalty? Is the infringer the opposing player whose nearer foot is in contact with the ground, or are both players infringing?
Under Rule 16.7, the infringing player in a lift situation could be:
• the player who is lifted if they are within 0.9m (as this would be an effort to deflect or intercept the ball, or defend the player with the ball)
• the player who does the lifting if they are within 0.9m
• both players, if they are both within 0.9m at the time of the lift.
It will depend on the circumstances, but any of these outcomes are possible.
16. Obstruction16.7Rule 16.7 Can the defender who is within 3 feet of the player with the ball, deflect or intercept the ball once it has left the throwers hands?Apart from the addition of the reference to lifting another player, Rule 16.7 does not represent a change to the previous Rules of Netball. Once the ball has left the thrower’s hands, the restrictions imposed by the rule no longer apply, and the defending player may attempt to intercept or deflect the ball.
16. Obstruction16.7If a GD or GK positions themselves facing towards goal in front of a shooter who is ready to take a shot, what is deemed as an 'acceptable' distance between before it interferences with the shooting action?A defending player may be positioned within 0.9m (3 ft) of an opponent provided there is no interference with the passing or shooting action of this player. Umpires will need to determine if the position of the player without the ball is interferring with passing or shooting action. This may mean that the player with the ball cannot extend their arms to shoot or pass or is prevented from standing upright if receiving the ball from a low pass.
16. Obstruction16.9Rule 16.9 If an opponent is obstructing a player not in possession of the ball by preventing movement, what is the correct terminology? Is it obstruction, or do we say preventing?The rules book now has green text listed for the infringement and that is the correct terminology to use. In this scenario the terminology would be Obstruction with Umpire Hand Signal 19 – player not in possession of the ball.
18. Game management18.13Rule 18.13 Is proactive advice different to a quiet word?Yes. Proactive advice is a clear and specific instruction given to a player to change their behaviour and is the first step in Game management actions. If a player fails to change their behaviour after proactive advice, the umpire will be expected to move to the next relevant stage of the Game Management ladder. Effective umpiring could see the umpire provide a player/s with phrases relating to the positioning of a sanction or action to maintain the momentum of play - 'GK beside the GS', ‘GD step forward please’. 'Inside the Goal Circle' when positioning a sanction etc. The use of a quiet word to alert a player to a potential escalation on the game management ladder is now no longer used and has been replaced by Proactive advice. A crisp whistle, clear voice and strong hand signals all contribute to sending clear decisions to players which should leave them in no doubt what they are being penalised for and what behaviour you would like them to change.
18. Game management18.13Do you give proactive advice for each infringement i.e. obstruction and then contact and then….No. Proactive advice is given only once. If a player needs to be spoken to specifically more than once then this is treated as repeated infringing and the Game Management action is a penalty pass which is advanced [Rule 18.16].
18. Game management18.17Are their any guidelines for umpire terminology when advancing a sanction? EG Blow, Obstruction GS Penalty Blue - Advance that up in line with me, would you add 'GS for any further foul play you'll be warned' (while players are moving up to the position?)Examples of potential wording used include but are not limited to;
Whistle - Repeated Contact Goal Defence, advance the sanction in line with me/or to the position you may be pointing to.
Whistle - Repeated Breaking WA, advance the sanction in line with me/or to the position you may be pointing to.
Whistle - Intentional Obstruction Centre, advance the sanction to under the goal post.

In all instances of advance, umpires should remember to ensure the penalised player comes to the new position or if this in an area not designated to their playing position, they should stand, out of play near to the edge of their playing area.

It is now only a requirement to inform a player of the next step on the Game Management ladder when Warning a player.
Whistle - WD Repeated Contact, I am issuing you with a Warning. WD any further instances of Foul Play you will be suspended.
18. Game management18.17Rule 18.17 What would happen where a sanction is to be advanced but the infringement was right under the goal post?If the infringement is under the goal post and should be advanced but there is not room to advance, then the umpire must make the player aware that Game Management action has been applied and they should inform the player of the type of unfair play being penalised and state that ‘this counts as an advance’.
18. Game management18.21Rule 18.21 What does multiple mean?
The rule talks about an individual player having multiple advanced and/or escalated sanctions and Rule 18.23 states that following proactive advice or an advanced and/or escalated sanction then a warning will be issued.

If the 2nd infringement was a different unfair play action (e.g. 1st was intentional 2nd was delay) what action should the umpire take?
Rule 18.21 provides that if an individual player has multiple advanced and/or escalated sanctions, the umpire must issue a warning. “Multiple” in plain English is read as “consisting of, including, or involving more than one.” Therefore, the next instance of unfair play requires that a warning be given.

The rule refers to an individual player having multiple advanced and/or escalated sanctions and does not state that these must be for the same type of unfair play. The next instance of unfair play would require that a warning be given.
18. Game management18.22Rule 18.22 If a team has cumulative and/or escalated sanctions, the umpire must issue a warning to the next infringer for that team where this game management action is required. What does cumulative advanced and/or escalated sanctions for a team mean? The plain English definition of cumulative is; ‘increasing by successive additions’.
This rule refers to a team rather than an individual receiving advanced and/or escalated sanctions. The application of this rule requires the umpire to consider both the number and type of infringements along with game context.
18. Game management18.23Rule 18.23 When applying Game Management does the umpire have to say what the next steps are? For example: when giving a warning, does the umpire have to say ‘and the next step will be a suspension’? When giving a Warning the umpire will advise the player that suspension will follow if the player continues to infringe any of the foul play rules (rule 18.6 c.). For suspension or ordering off, the umpire does not state the next steps.
18. Game management18.27Rule 18.27 If a player is suspended, when and where do they re-enter the court? How will the umpire know the time is elapsed? Does the umpire hold time if a player has moved to play centre and they need to move back to their original playing position?Once the suspension period has been completed, either the suspended player or a substitute may return to the court at the next break in play which is defined as ‘after a goal is scored, during a stoppage or interval or when a sanction or action is awarded’.
The reserve umpire will be informed by the timekeeper that the suspension time is completed and the reserve umpire will inform the player concerned.
The player concerned or a substitute may enter the court at a break in play. The umpire will need to hold time if a player has moved to play centre so they can move back to their original playing position.
18. Game management18.6What conditions apply for a suspended player during the suspension period? Are they able to speak, or would this be considered as taking part in play?A suspended player can take no part in play [Rule 18.6 d] other than to join their team at an interval [Rule 18.3]). They cannot take part in any play but they may rehydrate.
18. Game management18.38Do the same conditions apply to an ordered off player as for a suspended player, i.e. the ordered off player takes no further part in play [Rule 18.38] and does this mean they cannot speak during the ordered off period and when they return to the team bench?An ordered off player can take no further part in the match [Rule 18.6 e] other than to join a team at an interval [Rule 18.42]. During the
4-minute ordered off period the player sits at the umpire’s bench under the supervision of the reserve umpire and they cannot take any part in play including speaking but they may rehydrate. At the end of the 4-minute ordered off period the player reports to the appropriate team officials on the team bench and they may not enter the field of play. Once on the team bench the player concerned may not take any further part in play but the player may talk to others on the team bench.
18. Game management18.32 and 18.39Can a team use a tactical change under Rule 10.2 to fill the vacant position of a player who is suspended and/or ordered off?No. The position of a suspended or ordered off player must remain vacant for the duration of the period concerned.
18. Game management18.36 - 18.42Rule 18.36 If a player is ordered off, what is the procedure for a substitute taking the court at the end of the ordered off period?
Does the umpire hold time if a player has moved to play centre and they need to move back to their original playing position?
Once the ordered off period has been completed the reserve umpire will be informed by the timekeeper that the ordered off time is completed and the reserve umpire will inform the player concerned who will return to their team bench and take no further part in the match.
A substitute may take the court at the next break in play which is defined as ‘after a goal is scored, during a stoppage or interval or when a sanction or action is awarded’. The substitute takes up the original playing position of the ordered off player and any player who has moved to play as Centre during the ordered off period returns to their previous playing position.
The umpire will need to hold time if a player has moved to play centre so they can move back to their original playing position.
18. Game management18.36 - 18.42If a player is ordered off what is the process for that player at end of the 4-minute ordered off period?Once the ordered off period has been completed the reserve umpire will be informed by the timekeeper that the ordered off time is completed and the reserve umpire will inform the player concerned who will return to their team bench and take no further part in the match.
18. Game management18.36 - 18.42Rule 18.36 Can an ordered off player take any part in warm ups etc.No, an ordered off player cannot take any further part in the match. They can only be involved in team discussions during intervals.
18. Game management18.36 - 18.42At the end of the ordered off period if a substitute is being made who indicates to the umpires that a substitute is going to come on and how? Does the reserve umpire do this?The substitute will need to come to the side of the court and get the umpires attention before being allowed to take the court at the next break in play.
18. Game management18.44Rule 18.44 Discipline of Team Officials and Bench Players. The Sanction is Penalty pass to the non-infringing team taken where the ball was when play was stopped or where play was due to restart. If the ball was out of court the penalty pass is taken on court in line with where the ball was out of court. No player is required to stand out of play for the penalty pass. Why doesn’t a player have to stand out of play for the penalty pass?It is of benefit to the non-infringing team for inappropriate behaviour by bench players and/or officials to be addressed, particularly where it concerns the type of behaviour referred to in Rule 18.44(b), (c) and (d) which is off-putting and disruptive to play (and, where the encouragement of foul play is concerned and could cause potential injury to the non-infringing team). In addition, if the penalty is given in a situation where the infringing team is in possession of the ball, the non-infringing team has the benefit of gaining possession. The award of the penalty must also be seen in the context of potential additional game management action that may be taken under Rule 18.45 and 18.46 (warning/removal from playing enclosure). As was the case under the previous iteration of the rules, no one is required to stand out of play as the infringing involves the team bench (officials/players) and not an on-court player.
19. Foul play19.1Rule 19.1 Can an umpire hold time to advance a sanction for foul play - delaying, intentional, repeated, disputed, intimidation - particularly if this is used to gain a material loss of time i.e. near end of a quarter?Ordinarily time is not to be held to advance a penalty, however umpires may use their judgement in exceptional cases, remembering that time at the end of a quarter is no different to time at the start of the quarter. A practice has developed of time being held excessively and in situations where the proper course of action would be the application of formal game management procedures, and the provision has been introduced in the rules to address this, as it is undesirable and detracts from the game.
19. Foul play19.2Rule 19.2 If a sanction is against a team for delaying play or repeated infringements, the sanction is a penalty pass. Who stands out of play? Where repeated infringements by a team is penalised, it will be triggered by the penalising of a particular incident involving an individual player as a member of the team. It follows that the individual player will stand out of play in connection with the incident, and that the communication by the umpire will indicate that the basis for the decision to advance/escalate is the cumulative infringing by the team. For delaying play by a team, no one is required to stand out of play for the penalty pass as there is no specific infringer. Refer to the definition for infringer: ‘player who commits an infringement’.
19. Foul play19.11Rule 19.11 Dangerous play includes head or neck contact. Does this include potential head or neck contact?Dangerous play includes unnecessarily forceful, careless, reckless or dangerous play that could affect the safety of another player. In the situations of potential head and/or neck contact, dangerous play must be considered and if necessary appropriate action taken by the umpires.
19. Foul play19.11Rule 19.11 Is incidental contact to the head classed as dangerous? Example: two players are attempting a rebound from a missed shot, and one player in gathering the ball brushes the head of an opposing player. Would this be considered as dangerous play, invoking suspension or an ordering off?There must be an infringement before considering dangerous play. Incidental contact does not meet the threshold for interference, so there is no contact and the foul play rule is not applicable.
20. Simultaneous and mutual infringements20.1Rule 20.1 Two opposing players gain possession of the ball simultaneously and one lands out of court. What is the decision?The umpire will blow the whistle and award possession (to be taken on court) to the team who last had possession of the ball immediately prior to that infringement
20. Simultaneous and mutual infringements20.1 fWhat replaces a toss up when an umpire isn’t sure of where the ball was when play stopped eg: stoppage for an injury This scenario is outlined in the definition for Mutual Infringements. For any Mutual Infringement the umpire will award possession to the team who last had possession of the ball immediately prior to that infringement.
If the controlling umpire is unable to determine who had possession they will be required to briefly consult with their co-umpire.
20. Simultaneous and mutual infringements20.1 - 20.2 and 8.11Rule 20.1 d. Doesn't stipulate that the two opposing players enter the centre third simultaneously. So, if it is not simultaneous, shouldn't it be penalised as breaking? Rule 20.1 d refers to 2 opposing players who enter the centre third before the whistle and one or both touch or catch the ball. In this case the umpire will award possession of the ball to the team who last had possession prior to that infringement.
Rule 20.2 covers the situation where two opposing players enter the centre third simultaneously before the whistle is blown for a centre pass.
a. If neither player touches or catches the ball they are not penalised and play continues
b. If one umpire blows the whistle for a sanction and the other umpire indicates an advantage has applied, the sanction will stand
Rule 8.11 Covers the scenario where a player enters the centre third before the whistle has been blown to start play. A free pass would be awarded to the opposing team.