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1 | Pinball FX Reccomendation Sheet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Tables/Packs | Price, in USD (Sale Price as of 11/30/2024) | Reccomend | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Goat Simulator Pinball | 5.49 (3.84, -30%) | Soft Yes | Chaotic in a good way, fun table, but you might need to be in for the theming to fully enjoy | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | The Princess Bride Pinball | 5.49 (3.84, -30%) | Yes | Even if you're not a fan of the theming, its still a very well put together pinball table | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Super League Football | 2.99 (1.01. -66%) | Soft Yes | Table is good, even though its only $3 normally, can't reccomend playing full price, its not that good. Plus this was given away for free at a point | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Universal Pinball: TV Classics | 14.99 (10.49, -30%) | Soft Yes | Xena and Night Rider are generally good, Battlestar is fine, another situation of probably need to enjoy the theming for full enjoyment | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Pacific Rim Pinball | 5.49 (3.29, -40%) | Soft Yes | If this was part of a pack it would get a full yes, but it's a single table. It is good! It has Glados here, but yeah its just one table | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Charlie Brown Christmas Pinball | 5.49 (1.92, -65%) | Soft Yes | Tables good but its also a christmas table? Feels weird to play off season but if you don't mind playing Christmas themed pinball in April, go for it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Charity Pack | 4.99 (3.49, -30%) | ??? | Excalibur is a good, but tough table, while Epic Quest is fine but all proceeds from this pack goes to charities so feels bad to rank this pack low | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Game Night Pinball | 9.99 (5.99, -40%) | Soft Yes | Theming, Theming, Theming. All three tables are overall good but might be put out if you're not into any of these games these tables are based off of. Exploding Kittens is weirdly over saccrine and it bugged me but hey thats just me | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Star Trek Pinball | 14.99 (7.49, -50%) | Meh | DS9 Pinball is fine, but Discovery Pinball isn't all that fun and while I appreciate the unique layout of Star Trek Kelvin Timeline, it wasn't fun to play | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | South Park Pinball | 9.99 (3.99, -60%) | No | Even if you are a fan, South Park is just an assualt on the senses and the Butters table is just mid. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Stark Trek Next Gen | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | This table is very good, but it's tough and it has the debuff of being a big name licenced table so it has to be sold seperatly from the pack, reccomended when on sale. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Honor and Legacy | 9.99 (2.99, -70%) | Soft Yes | A Samurais Vengence is a fun, intermediate table, Verne's Mysterious Island feel like it has a bit too much going on, but I liked it. Good sale price pickup | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Williams: Whrilwind | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | This is not a table for beginners, its tough, and it's by its self. If you're looking for a challenging table you don't own, get this at sale price, otherwise pass on this one. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Homeworld Pinball | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Meh | I think if you're a fan of new Homeworld sure, but even being divorced from the theming I didn't think this all that fun but also just me. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Borderlands Pinball | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | No | The table sucks and Claptrap never shuts up. It's just an awful time all around also this is not in a pack. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Brothers in Arms Pinball | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Meh | The table its self is pretty competent, but I feel like not enough people are into Brothers in Arms/WW2 theming enough to justify buying this. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Universal Classics Pinball | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | E.T. and Back to the Future are very good, Jaws is good but a bit weird to play, overall soft yes even at full price. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Star Wars Thrill of the Hunt | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | No | Table theming is decent, but Classic Collectibles is just too much going on and too cluttered for anyone that isn't a pro, and Mandalorian is kinda mid. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Star Wars: Balance of the Force | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | I rather enjoy Starfighter but it is on the harder side of things, Episode VI is probably the best table based on the classic movies but its a bit of a mess, the Darth Vader table is funny, but a bit on the difficult side. If you want harder pinball, reccomended at sale price. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Secrets & Shadows | 14.99 (4.49, -70%) | Soft Yes | Curse of the Mummy is good, not a beginner table but not hard either, Pinball Noir is pretty good but it is difficult, Sky Pirates is just fun and is on the eaiser side. Big reccomend at sale price even for beginners. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Jurrasic World | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Yes | All three tables (Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem, and Jurassic World) are very good. The first one has some interesting design choices, but it's not a deal killer and frankly who doesn't like Dinosaurs. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Williams Universal Monsters | 6.99 (2.37, -66%) | Yes | I'll admit I'm bias because Monster Bash is my #1 pinball table, but its #1 for very good reason, and Creature From The Black Lagoon is also another extrmely good table. Hard reccomend this pack. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Williams Indiana Jones | 14.99 (5.09 -66%) | Soft Yes | The big licence debuff is stronger here (in terms of price), but see the Next Gen comments because they apply here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Williams Swords of Fury | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Soft Yes | The only reason this doesn't get a hard yes is because this is just a single pinball table. Get it at sale price/in the Williams Volume 7 pack | |||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Williams The Machine: Bride of Pinbot | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | No | Table is too boring to even justify spending sale price money for a single pinball table. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Williams World Cup Soccer | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Once again, only a soft yes because it's just a single pinball table, but its very good. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Williams The Addams Family | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Licence debuff prevents this to be in a pack, so its a soft yes because it's just a single pinball table, but damn if it aint good but it isn't novice friendly | |||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Williams Twilight Zone | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Giving this a soft yes hurts, but see above comments about Addams Family | |||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Dreamworks Pinball | 14.99 (5.09 -66%) | No | None of these tables are good enough, even at sale price. Trolls is so saccrine it hurts, How to Train Your Dragon is kind too busy for its own good, and Kung Fu Panda is all right but even the mass appeal can make these entertaining imo | |||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | World War Z | 5.49 (1.37, -75%) | Meh | Table is fine, it's based off the video game and not the movie, but the theming isn't for everyone and the table is more on the intermediate/pro side of things. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Garfield Pinball | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | This is peak Zen Mass Appeal table layout. This is good for some, boring for others, but its also dirt cheap on sale so if you don't mind extreme simplicity go for it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | My Little Pony | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Soft Yes | This is actually a very solid, very novice friendly pinball table, but you also have to be willing to deal with My Little Ponys deal. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Peanuts Snoopy Pinball | 5.49 (1.92, -65%) | Soft Yes | This is kinda in between Garfield and MLP in terms of quality. It's fine but only buy it at sale price. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Godzilla vs Kong | 14.99 (5.09 -66%) | Soft Yes | Soft yes only because Kong Pinball is a bit on the intermediate side, and not everyone is gonna be about Monkey and Lizard. GvK and Godzilla are both solid tables, fairly novice friendly | |||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Crypt of the Necrodancer | 5.49 (1.86, -66%) | Meh | This only gets a meh from me because this table feels like you really need to know the theming to get the most out of it. Otherwise its farly bare and has some interesting gimmicks that are sorta novice friendly but not a huge fan of suddenly losing my ball. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Grimm Tales | 4.99 (1.49, -70%) | Meh/No | This table is decent but it has a really nasty mandatory shot that is very offputting to novices, hell it was offputting to me. Rides too much on the theming, if you can deal with insane what were they thinking shots then sure? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Wrath of the Elder Gods | 4.99 (1.24, -75%) | Meh | Theming is neat if you are into lovecraft, but I feel like it has some shots that can fustrate novices and overall its just there. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Star Wars Pinball Hero Within | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Meh/No | At best Droids and Han Solo is okay, New Hope is too jank for a reccomend, Masters of the Force is too heavy on the left side for my tastes. Is part of two other bundles on steam at least. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Star Wars The Force Awakes | 4.99 (1.69, -66%) | Meh/No | Might of the First Order is fine, but once again theming might not be for everyone. Force Awakes Pinball I didn't have fun with. Part of two other bundles which is why it is meh/no instead of hard no. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Star Wars Unsung Heroes | 6.99 (2.37, -66%) | Soft Yes | I can say theming matters until I'm blue in the face, but putting that aside both of these tables are pretty good. Part of two bundles but fine as is. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Star Wars Last Jedi | 6.99 (2.37, -66%) | Meh/No | Basing a table off of the Ahch-To sequence in Last Jedi is silly and dumb but the table is pretty decent. Last Jedi is really meh, saved from the no pile because it's in two bundles. Also PORGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Marvel Original Pack | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | It's really the Blade table that makes this a soft yes because I think that table is kinda mid. Wolverene is decent but not the best, Spiderman and Iron Man are exceptional. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Star Wars Solo Pack | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | No | Solo sucks, Lando is okay but not good enough and Battle of Mimban just feels brain empty as a pinball table. If you get this in one of the two bundles sure? But overall it's not good. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Marvel Legends | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Meh | Fantastic Four is a good table but not novice friendly, Captain America is fine but some of the shots feel too hard to make, and I just don't care about Doctor Strange. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Marvel Vengeance and Virtue | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | Ghost Rider is the most extreme albatross around this packs neck. The Ghost Rider table is bad and it broke my OBS. Moon Knight is solid, Thor is also solid but its a bit of a visual nightmare, and X-Men also fine but not the most novice friendly. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Marvel Heavy Hitters | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | This hurts because Civil War is just that bad, yet another albatross on this pack. Venom isn't novice friendly but it does some very cool things, and Deadpool is another table that isn't novice friendly, but its legit funny and has some unique layout to it. Part of two bundles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Marvel Cinematic Universe | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | No | The tables are just fine, the theming of it being cinematic universe (Ant Man, Guarians and Age of Ultron) is weak and just eh. Part of two bundles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Marvel Avengers Chronicles | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Avengers (film) is just okay I think, Fear Itself is quite good, Infinity Gauntlet is also good but it is a HARD table. Worth it at sale price, also in two bundles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Marvel's Women of Power | 6.99 (2.37, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | Champions is a goofy pinball table with strange choice in sound effects, but it's entertainign. A-Force is just kinda there: Not the worst, not the best. This is in two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Castle Storm | 2.99 (.89, -70%) | Soft Yes/Meh | Table is just strictly okay, but its dirt cheap on sale and it is in a bundle so it's not an albatross if you get that bundle. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Carnivals & Legends | 6.99 (2.09, -70%) | Soft Yes | Adventure Land and Hecules are good tables, but they are more intermediate in difficulty so a novice player may bounce off, but its pretty cheap on sale. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | Core Collection | 9.99 (2.99, -70%) | Meh/No | For a core pack, they could of done better. Pasha is fineish, but its got some Art Decisions and some of the table elements aren't fun, Rome is pretty whatever, Biolab is also whatever because it only has a single shot as the crux of the table, Secrets of the Deep is good, but it is a hard table. Part of two bundles which keeps it out of hard no territory. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | Williams Pinball Vol 6 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes/Meh | Don't get me wrong, Funhouse is a good pinball table, but Space Station is kinda middle of the road, and Dr. Dude is a bit of an assult on the senses and isn't the most novice friendly. Part of two bundles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | Williams Pinball Vol 5 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Yes | No Good Gophers is good, but not stand out, but this pack has Arabian Nights and Cirqus Voltaire and those two tables rip. Probably not super novice friendly these tables, but they aren't hard enough to be off putting to novices in my opinion. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
58 | Williams Pinball Vol 4 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Hurricane is the only weak table in this pack, it kinda feels bare bones compared to the other two theme park tables that came before it. Red and Teds is good but its a widebody so its a bit on the harder side, and White Water is for Sickos (positive). part of two bundles | |||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | Williams Pinball Vol 3 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Soft Yes | Theater of Magic is good, but tough, Safe Cracker rides on the fact that its unique, semi-non traditional pinball and it rides that well, Champion Pub also fine but also tough. More of the niche side of things, if you like harder pinball this is for you. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
60 | Williams Pinball Vol 2 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Yes | Party Zone can go into the garbage for all I care, but Black Rose and Attack From Mars are so exceptionally good that it elevates this pack into a hard Yes. Part of THREE bundles woah! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
61 | Williams Pinball Vol 1 | 9.99 (3.39, -66%) | Yes | I really don't like Junkyard, I think its too hard for its own good, but much like the above pack, The Getaway and Medieval Madness are so good it elevates this into a yes. Part of two bundles. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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