A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | TeamWorks Sample Chart of Accounts for Worker Cooperatives in Cleaning and Related Service Industries | |||||
2 | This samle is for a co-op organized as a Limited Liability Company with a Corporate Member for holding permanent capital and member capital credits for distibution out of future year profits. For other legal structures such as cooperative corporations, it is easily adapted by making a few minor changes to how the equity account lines are set up. | |||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | Account | Type | Notes | |||
6 | Checking Account -- XYZ Bank | XYZ Credit Union | Bank | |||
7 | Petty Cash - Dinero para Gastos Menores | Bank | ||||
8 | [name of member] - Petty Cash - Dinero para Gastos Menores | Bank | ||||
9 | [name of member] - Petty Cash - Dinero para Gastos Menores | Bank | ||||
10 | Accounts Receivable - Cuentas Pendientes | Accounts receivable (A/R) | ||||
11 | Credit Card Receivables | Other Current Assets | ||||
12 | Micro Loans Outstanding - Micro Prestamos Pendientes | Other Current Assets | ||||
13 | [name of member]-loan -prestamo | Other Current Assets | ||||
14 | [name of member]-Loan -Prestamo | Other Current Assets | ||||
15 | [name of member] - loan- Prestamo | Other Current Assets | ||||
16 | Other Current Assets | Other Current Assets | ||||
17 | Prepaid Expenses - Gastos Prepagados | Other Current Assets | ||||
18 | Reimbursable Expenses - Gastos Reembolsables | Other Current Assets | to be reimbursed by clients | |||
19 | Undeposited Funds - Fondos sin Depositar | Other Current Assets | ||||
20 | Deposits - Depositos | Other Assets | ||||
21 | Multi-Period G & D | Other Assets | ||||
22 | Other Assets - Otros Recursos | Other Assets | ||||
23 | Accounts Payable - Cuentas a Pagar | Accounts payable (A/P) | ||||
24 | Business Credit Card | Credit Card | ||||
25 | Gift Certificates/Pre-Paid Service | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
26 | Kiva Loans | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
27 | Late-to-Meetings Fund - Fondo de Llegada Tarde a Reuniones | Other Current Liabilities | fee deducted from candiate pay and member distributions for being late to meetings | |||
28 | Member Distributions Payable | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
29 | Members' Voluntary Tax Witholding - Descuento Voluntario para Pago de Impuestos de Miembros | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
30 | [name of member] | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
31 | [name of member] | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
32 | [name of member] | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
33 | Misc. Payroll Deductions Payable | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
34 | Other Current Liabilities - Otros Pasivos Corrientes | Other Current Liabilities | Voluntary Tax Withholding | |||
35 | Payroll Tax Payable - Impuestos de Sueldos a Pagar | Other Current Liabilities | ||||
36 | Massena Fdn loan - prestamo - Peninsula | Long Term Liabilities | ||||
37 | Opportunity Fund - Peninsula Loan | Long Term Liabilities | loan taken over from TW-Peninsula cleaning | |||
38 | Current Yr. Capital Distributions - Distribuciones de Capital de Ano Actual | Equity | ||||
39 | ICA Distributions - Distribuciones de ICA | Equity | Qualifying advances made throughout the year against profits -- at the end of year, General Journal entries are made to allocate actual surplus ("profit") to cover these draws. | |||
40 | Interest Distributions - Distribuciones de Interes | Equity | Qualifying advances made throughout the year against profits -- at the end of year, General Journal entries are made to allocate actual surplus ("profit") to cover these draws. | |||
41 | PTO Distribution (vacation/sick) - Distribucion PTO (vacaciones/enfermedad) | Equity | Qualifying advances made throughout the year against profits -- at the end of year, General Journal entries are made to allocate actual surplus ("profit") to cover these draws. | |||
42 | Membership Contribution - Membrecia | Equity | ||||
43 | [name of member]-Membership Contribution -Membresia | Equity | ||||
44 | [name of member] - Membership Contribution - Membrecia | Equity | ||||
45 | [name of member]- Membership Contribution | Equity | ||||
46 | [name of member] -Membership Contribution-Membresia | Equity | ||||
47 | [name of member],Vicky-Membership Contribution-Membresia | Equity | ||||
48 | [name of member]-Membership contribution-membresia | Equity | ||||
49 | [name of member]Membership Contribution -Membresia | Equity | ||||
50 | [name of member] - Membership Contribution - Membrecia | Equity | ||||
51 | [name of member] - Membership Contribution - Membrecia | Equity | ||||
52 | [name of member] - Membership Contribution - Membrecia | Equity | ||||
53 | [name of member] - Membership Contribution- Membrecia | Equity | ||||
54 | [name of member]- Membership Contribution- Membrecia | Equity | ||||
55 | Opening Bal Equity | Equity | ||||
56 | Retained Earnings | Equity | ||||
57 | TW LA Perm. Capital, Inc. | Equity | ||||
58 | Individual Credits - Creditos Individuales ICA | Equity | Individual Capital credits: These are based on surplus ("profit") from a given year that members can withdraw in a future years -- generally after being vested for 2 years. | |||
59 | Flexible Credits | Equity | Flexible Credits: These are based on surplus ("profit") from a given year that members can withdraw during the following year for paid time off, and if not used are then paid out the following December. | |||
60 | Micro Loan Fund - Fondo de Micro Prestamos | Equity | funds allocated for micro-loan fund | |||
61 | Permanent Capital - Capital Permanente | Equity | ||||
62 | PTO Credits - Creditos de Descanso Pagados | Equity | Pait Time Off credits: These are based on surplus ("profit") from a given year that members can withdraw for qualifying sick leave and vacation pay. | |||
63 | Cleaning Income | Income | ||||
64 | Management Services - Servicios de Gestion | Income | income from providing bookkeeping, customer service, etc. to other co-ops/businesses | |||
65 | Misc Client Income | Income | ||||
66 | Unapplied Cash Payment Income | Income | ||||
67 | ||||||
68 | Cost of Services -- Costo de Servicios | Cost of Services is the same concept as Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), and many accounting software systems like Quickbooks Online the "account type" will show as COGS and can't be changed to (COS) | ||||
69 | Breakage & Complaints - Roturas y Quejas | Cost of Goods Sold | replacement client's property and refunds due to TW mistakes | |||
70 | Cleaning Supplies - Materiales de Limpieza | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
71 | ||||||
72 | Labor - Mano de Obra | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
73 | Employee Pay (Labor) - Pago, Empleadas (Mano de Obra) | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
74 | Insur. Workers Comp - Aseguranza Empleados | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
75 | Member Dist. (Labor) - Dist. a Miembros (Mano de Obra) | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
76 | Member Health Ins. (Labor) - Aseg. Medica (Mano de Obra) | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
77 | Payroll Taxes (Labor)- Taxes (Mano de Obra) | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
78 | Laundry - Cleaning Rags - Limpieza de Trapos | Cost of Goods Sold | Laundry-Cleaning Rags | |||
79 | Liability Insurance - Aseguranza de Responsibilidades | Cost of Goods Sold | Yes, we know that conventionally liability insurance is considered "overhead" and so would not be here under COS. We learned that our insurance carriers would request actual sales figures after a year of coverage ended and would adjust the premium accordingly. So for our financial analysis and planning it was helpful to plan that as sales increase our insurance cost will go up proportionately. | |||
80 | Mileage, cleaning - Millas, limpieza | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
81 | Misc. Expense, Cleaning - Gasto Misc., Limpieza | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
82 | Phones, field - Telefonos, campo | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
83 | Uniforms - Uniformes | Cost of Goods Sold | ||||
84 | ||||||
85 | General Expenses - Gasots Generales | Expenses | ||||
86 | Accounting & Legal Expense - Pagos a Contabilidad y Ayuda Legal | Expenses | ||||
87 | Bad Debts -- Deuda Incobrables | Expenses | ||||
88 | Co-Pay Reimbursements - Reembolso de Co-Pagos | Expenses | ||||
89 | Credit Card Processing - Procesamiento de Tarjetas de Credito | Expenses | ||||
90 | Employee Recognition - Reconocimiento Empleados | Expenses | ||||
91 | Permits, Local/State Taxes, & Dues - Cuotas, Permisos, Impuestos Locales/Estatales | Expenses | ||||
92 | Interest, External - Intereses, Externos | Expenses | ||||
93 | Management - Gestion | Expenses | ||||
94 | Contracted Management (1099) - Gestion Contratado | Expenses | work sub-contracted to another TW Co-op | |||
95 | Employee Pay (Management) - Pago Empl. (Gerentes) | Expenses | ||||
96 | Health Insurance (Management) - Aseg. Medica (Gestion) | Expenses | ||||
97 | Member Dist (Management) - Dist. a Miembros (Gestion) | Expenses | ||||
98 | Payroll Taxes (Mngmt) - Taxes de Sueldos (Gerentes) | Expenses | ||||
99 | Transfer Mngmt. expense to G&D - Transferencia Gestion a C&D | Expenses | ||||
100 | Meeting Expense - Gastos de Reuniones | Expenses | mtg room rental, refreshments, etc |