github_issuestatuscuration_noteslinkgenetic basischaracterized byiriobo_idparent_labelparent_curielabeldefdef_srcdef_typesyn_exactsyn_broadxrefsskos_exactskos_broadNamespacesc_axiom-INHERITANCEsc_axiom-ANATOMYsc_axiom-ONSETsc_axiom-SYMP
IDA oboInOwl:idSC %A rdfs:labelA obo:IAO_0000115>A oboInOwl:hasDbXref SPLIT=|>AI dc11:type SPLIT=|A oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym SPLIT=|A oboInOwl:hasBroadSynonym SPLIT=|A oboInOwl:hasDbXref SPLIT=|A skos:exactMatch SPLIT=|A skos:broadMatch SPLIT=|A oboInOwl:hasOBONamespaceSC 'has material basis in' some %SC 'disease has location' some %SC 'has material basis in' some %SC 'has symptom' some %
addeddisease being converted to PS because it lists more than one gene (TGM5 = PSS2; CSTA = PSS4) which are now subtypes (they also cut across ORDO defined subgroupings, so it doesn't make sense to make it a subgroup)
- not adding acral or generalized subgroups, or exfoliative ichthyosis (from ORDO) as there are discrepancies about which gene corresponds with each; most straightforward to follow OMIM and keep them as a single grouping
- remove existing ORDO, OMIM xrefs
- leave existing MESH = correct
- change ICD10CM xref to broadMatch
synonyms: add synonyms from ORDO/GARD/MESH
inheritance: all OMIM subtypes have autosomal recessive inheritance --> add here to grouping term
definition: remove mention of genes & GARD source (references acral skin peeling only)
- add NORD as source
hierarchy: described in numerous publications as an ichthyosis; while dry skin is a consistent feature, scaling is not; the primary phenotype is peeling --> do NOT move as child of DOID:1697, keep as child of 'skin disease'
DOID:0060283peeling skin disease|deciduous skin|familial continuous skin peeling syndrome|keratosis exfoliativa congenita|PSSOMIM:PS270300|ORDO:817|GARD:7347|UMLS_CUI:C1849193|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:724838009OMIM:PS270300|ORDO:817|GARD:7347|UMLS_CUI:C1849193|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:724838009autosomal recessive inheritanceskin peeling
4 is the only disease list as inflammatory or type B across all sources (add as exact synonyms)OMIM:270300homozygous mutation in the CDSN gene on chromosome 6p21.33.DOID:0070520DOID:0070520
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 1A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the CDSN gene on chromosome 6p21.33.url:|url: inference from journal publicationPSS1|peeling skin syndrome type B|inflammatory peeling skin syndrome|generalized inflammatory peeling skin syndromeOMIM:270300|UMLS_CUI:C5768235|UMLS_CUI:C5679693|ORDO:263553OMIM:270300|UMLS_CUI:C5768235|UMLS_CUI:C5679693|ORDO:263553disease_ontology
addeddecided not to use characterized by statement for simplicity and because it could also apply to other PSS types (4/5?); acral PSS is probably historical OMIM name, which is why it's added here (and only here); the name has become more of a grouping = broadMatch (see NORD additional_notes, also evident in publications)OMIM:609796homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the TGM5 gene on chromosome 15q15.2.peeling most apparent on the hands and feetDOID:0070521DOID:0070521
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 2A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the TGM5 gene on chromosome 15q15.2.url:|url:|url: inference from journal publication|curator inference from MedlinePlus encyclopediaPSS2acral peeling skin syndrome|localized peeling skin syndrome|APSSOMIM:609796|MESH:C536316|ORDO:263534|UMLS_CUI:C1853354|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:709416009|GARD:12863OMIM:609796|MESH:C536316|ORDO:263534|UMLS_CUI:C1853354|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:709416009|GARD:12863disease_ontology
addedgoing to create this disease with reservations
- only 1 family reported
- see OMIM_requests for publication suggesting the variant may not be pathogenic
xrefs: not including UMLS_CUI because only has ORDO mapping and ORDO is a broadMatch
OMIM:616265homozygous mutation in the CHST8 gene on chromosome 19q13.11.DOID:0070522DOID:0070522
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 3A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the CHST8 gene on chromosome 19q13.11.url: inference from journal publicationPSS3peeling skin syndrome type AOMIM:616265OMIM:616265ORDO:263548disease_ontology
addeddefinition: leave out characterized by -> early papers describe basal/suprabasal issues but second source suggests higher level (though still lower than stratum corneum); all linked to CSTA
- probable definition would include acral skin peeling (could be dorsal or palmar), leaving clearly denuded areas, aggravated by heat, moisture, and friction (last point may be true for most PSS)
- ORDO:289586 would be broad, links to UMLS_CUI:C1838440 for 'ICHTHYOSIS EXFOLIATIVA' which is linked to this OMIM and OMIM:146800 on DOID:0060877 (genetics suggest this is the same as IBS, see OMIM entry); ORDO/UMLS don't map to same OMIMs! SNOMED probably also broad --> since UMLS, ORDO, SNOMED multimap to DOIDs in inconsistent ways (likely exist due to phenotype/genotype or name confusion), I'm going to leave these off for now
- MESH:C564309 lists CSTA gene = exact
- add broad synonyms, might be used in search
- AREI is likely historical OMIM name (possibly prior to gene identifications) but has been used more broadly (at least including PSS5, full synonym anyway); acronym has only been used for this disease -> only include acronym here as broad, add full synoym here & PSS5
OMIM:607936homozygous mutation in the CSTA gene on chromosome 3q21.1.DOID:0070523DOID:0070523
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 4A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the CSTA gene on chromosome 3q21.1.url:|url: inference from journal publicationPSS4|ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens-likeautosomal recessive exfoliative ichthyosis|AREI|exfoliative ichthyosis|ichthyosis exfoliativaOMIM:607936|MESH:C564309OMIM:607936|MESH:C564309disease_ontology
addedsimilar comments to PSS4 (only 1 paper)OMIM:617115homozygous mutation in the SERPINB8 gene on chromosome 18q22.1.DOID:0070524DOID:0070524
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 5A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the SERPINB8 gene on chromosome 18q22.1.url: inference from journal publicationPSS5exfoliative ichthyosis|ichthyosis exfoliativa|autosomal recessive exfoliative ichthyosisOMIM:617115OMIM:617115disease_ontology
addedxref: UMLS not included for same reason as PSS3OMIM:618084homozygous mutation in the FLG2 gene on chromosome 1q21.3.DOID:0070525DOID:0070525
peeling skin syndrome
DOID:0060283peeling skin syndrome 6A peeling skin syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the FLG2 gene on chromosome 1q21.3.url:|url: inference from journal publicationPSS6peeling skin syndrome type AOMIM:618084OMIM:618084ORDO:263548disease_ontology
addedPLACK syndrome, proposed by original authors, is used in every subsequent publication --> make nameOMIM:616295homozygous mutation in the CAST gene on chromosome 5q15.peeling skin in association with leukonychia, acral punctate keratoses, cheilitis, and knuckle padsDOID:0070526DOID:0070526skin diseaseDOID:37PLACK syndromeAn skin disease characterized by peeling skin in association with leukonychia, acral punctate keratoses, cheilitis, and knuckle pads that has_material_basis_in homozygous mutation in the CAST gene on chromosome 5q15.url: inference from journal publicationpeeling skin with leukonychia, acral punctate keratoses, cheilitis, and knuckle padsOMIM:616295|ORDO:444138|UMLS_CUI:C4225381|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:1237509001OMIM:616295|ORDO:444138|UMLS_CUI:C4225381|SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:1237509001disease_ontologyautosomal recessive inheritance