A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Data Model (view only) | Datatype | Format | Required | Example | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | affiliateContext | Object | Context object which will be persisted along with an application and will be returned unmodified. This allows to store reference numbers or other context information from a partner system to Sherpa. PPI will be ignored and not persisted. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | affiliateId | string | ID provided by Sherpa | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | currency | string | alpha3 | Preferred Currency | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | language | enum | alpha2 | Yes | en | Preferred Language, defaults to en | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | defaultNationalityCountry | string | alpha2 | Default Nationality | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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8 | itinerary[0].originCountry | string | alpha2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | itinerary[0].originAirportCode | string | IATA Airport Code | MUC for Munich Airport, Germany | originCountry will be set based on originAirportCode. If originCountry set, but contradicts originAirportCode, both will be ignored. | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | itinerary[0].destinationCountry | string | alpha2 | 2 letter destination country code | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | itinerary[0].destinationAirportCode | string | IATA Airport Code | JFK for John F. Kennedy Airport, USA | destinationCountry will be set based on destinationAirportCode. if destinationCountry set, but contradicts destinationAirportCode, both will be ingored. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | itinerary[0].arrivalDate | string | YYYY-MM-DD | 2019-06-25 | Arrival Date to this country | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | itinerary[0].arrivalTime | string | HH:MM | 12:05 | Time of flight arrival | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | itinerary[0].arrivalTimezone | string | Timezone Date Name | America/Aruba | Timezone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | itinerary[0].departureDate | string | YYYY-MM-DD | If not set, defaults to Today | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | itinerary[0].departureTime | string | HH:MM | 12:05 | Time of flight departure | |||||||||||||||||||||
17 | itinerary[0].departureTimezone | string | Timezone Date Name | America/Aruba | Timezone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | itinerary[0].flightNumber | string | AB123 | Final flight number that arrives at destination | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | itinerary[0].carrierCodeIata | string | AC | 2 Letter IATA Code | ||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | travellers[0].countryOfBirth | string | alpha3 | Country Of Birth | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | travellers[0].dateOfBirth | string | YYYY-MM-DD | 43830 | Date Of Birth as appears on the Travel Document | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | travellers[0].displayName | string | This name will be used in the User Interface. Best practise is to use either first name if known or use "Traveller 1" | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | travellers[0].email | string | Contact Email | |||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | travellers[0].givenNames | string | Given Names as they appear on the Travel Document | |||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | travellers[0].surname | string | Surname as it appears on the Travel Document | |||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | travellers[0].sex | string | MALE | FEMALE | Sex, as it appears on the passport | ||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | travellers[0].passportExpiryDate | string | YYYY-MM-DD | Passport Expiry Date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | travellers[0].passportIssueDate | string | YYYY-MM-DD | Passport Issue Date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | travellers[0].passportIssuingAuthority | string | Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) | Passport Issuing Authority | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | travellers[0].passportNumber | string | Passport Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | travellers[0].passportIssuingCountry | string | alpha3 | D | Passport Country of Issue | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | travellers[0].nationalIdNumber | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | travellers[0].phoneCountryCode | string | alpha2 | AU | Alpha2 code for name of country | |||||||||||||||||||||
34 | travellers[0].phoneNumber | string | Phone Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | travellers[0].phoneType | string | enum | Work, Mobile, Home | Phone Type | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | travellers[0].placeOfBirth | string | Place Of Birth | |||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | travellers[0].residence.city | string | Residential Address City | |||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | travellers[0].residence.country | string | alpha3 | Residential Address Country | ||||||||||||||||||||||
39 | travellers[0].residence.postalCode | string | Residential Address Postal Code or Zip | |||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | travellers[0].residence.state | string | Residential Address State | |||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | travellers[0].residence.street | string | Residential Address Street Address Line 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | travellers[0].residence.streetLine2 | string | Residential Address Street Address Line 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | travellers[0].residence.streetNumber | string | Residential Address Street Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||
44 | travellers[0].residence.unit | string | Residential Address Unit | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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46 | accommodation.city | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
47 | accommodation.country | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | accommodation.fullAddress | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
49 | accommodation.name | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | accommodation.postalCode | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | accommodation.state | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
52 | accommodation.street | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
53 | accommodation.streetLine2 | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | accommodation.streetNumber | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | accommodation.type | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
56 | accommodation.unit | string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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