Welcome to the SY2022-23 Vendor Directory for College and Career Advising SAM Funding

This document contains a directory of vendors who provide school-facing support and resources aligned with the College and Career Advising School Allocation Memorandum (SAM #73), formerly known as the College Access for All - High School SAM.

Using this Directory:
Start with the "Services & Contacts" which includes the categories of services offered, contact information, capacity, and cost.

Color Code:
Red: Capacity building for Data-Informed Practice
Orange: Coaching and/or Technical Assistance for School counselors and other individual school staff or school teams
Yellow: Professional Development workshops for school staff
Green: 1:1 Student advising | Postsecondary Applications| Financial aid Support
Blue: Student-facing Career Exposure or Exploration events | Workshops | Curriculum
Purple: Student-facing Postsecondary Exposure or Explorations events | Workshops| Curriculum

The "Vendor Descriptions" tab provides an overview of each vendor, including the website.

The "Selection Considerations for Schools" tab contains important information about selecting a vendor, including considerations for alignment with schoolwide postsecondary goals and test prep vendors.

While this is not an exhaustive list of all vendors available in FAMIS, these vendors have been vetted to ensure they can meet the criteria of the SAM, with particular emphasis on supporting 11th and 12th graders.