A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | Dictionary | Description | Date Range Field | Start Date | Through Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Department of Human Services (DHS) Program Eligibility and Payments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Bridges_Eligibility | Bridges Eligibilty data for several programs by Eco_Id and Year Month | Elig_Month_Date | 9/1/2016 | 5/1/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Bridges_People | Person Table From Bridges Data | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | CCAP_Payment_Months | Payments data for the DHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) | 12/1/2019 | 8/1/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Rhode Island Department of Health | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | COVID_Cases_Hospitalizations | COVID Cases with a Hospizalization Indicator | Result_Or_Update_Date | 3/1/2020 | 7/7/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | COVID_Tests | COVID Tests | Result_Date | 3/1/2020 | 7/7/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
9 | COVID_Vaccinations | COVID Vaccination data | Date_of_Administration | 12/14/2020 | 6/29/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Medicaid_Enrollment_By_Band | Medicaid Enrollment by Analysis Category, from January 2018 to date. | Month_Start | 1/1/2018 | 6/1/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Over_Dose_Deaths | A listing of all Rhode Island residents, who have died of an overdose. | 12/1/2018 | 8/31/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Developmental Disabilities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | CD_Universal | Identifies information about the Developmental Disabilities population that is covered by a 2014 Consent Decree. This table is for use by that project only and is not updated. | First_Employment_Date | 1/1/2012 | 3/31/2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | DCYF_People | All people who were the placed child in the [DCYF_Placements] table or the Victim or Perpetrator in the [DCYF_Indicated_Allegations] table. Note that there are older data in this table, but reliability is confirmed only from 1997 forward. | 1/1/1997 | Up-to-date | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | DCYF_Indicated_Allegations | 1/1/1997 | Up-to-date | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | DCYF_Placements | 1/1/1997 | Up-to-date | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | DCYF_Summary_Year | 1/1/1997 | Up-to-date | |||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Accountable Entities Attribution Data Provided by EOHHS from the MMIS system via Gainwell Technologies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
20 | AE_Status | Accountable Entity provider plan information and member attribution | Enroll_Start_Date_DTL | 7/1/2007 | 5/31/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Medicaid Claims and Related Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | ADL_Score | Activities For Daily Living (ADL) Refence Codes | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | BH_BHDDH_CLAIMS_POPULATION | Identifies Medicaid enrollees who have Behaorial Health Claims for a given month, as defined by Department of Behavorial Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals (BHDDH) | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Date_Ref | Date Dimension, only for use with Medicaid claims | 1/1/2000 | 9/25/2025 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Diagnosis_Code | Ref table with diag codes and descriptions | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Diagnosis_Code_CCSR | Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) for ICD-10-CM Diagnoses | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Eco_ID_to_RE_UID_Map | A lookup table from Eco_ID to RE_UID, the Medicaid datawarehouse anonymous ID. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
28 | ED_Visits_NYU_Algorithm | Medicaid Emergency Department Visits, based on a library of diagnosis codes developed by New York University (NYU) | 7/1/2013 | 7/9/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Head_Of_Household_Xwalk | Rough approximation for Household links based on Medicaid Claims data. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | LTSS_Interim_Payments | Data regarding the recoupment of Interim Payments made to Nursing Homes | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | LTSS_Application_Backlog | A table used the EOHHS Medicaid Team to monitor LTSS Application backlogs. 5/4/2021 - Pending confirmation from Rebecca M. that this is still needed, before adding to the data dictionary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Medicaid_Birth_Codes | A set of Procedure and Diagnosis Codes that identify C Section and natural births. It is used to build the Medicaid Claims Table. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Medicaid_Chronic_Conditions | A member month table of Chronic Conditions, managed by Gainwell | 7/1/2015 | 11/1/2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Medicaid_CRG | 3M Clinical Risk Groupings (CRG) for the Medicaid Population by Calendar Year | Calendar Year | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Medicaid_Claim_Load_Lag | Data on the historical lag between Medicaid Claims date of service and Load to Ecosystem. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Medicaid_Continuous_Enrollment_Eco_ID | A simple Medicaid Continuous Enrollment table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Medicaid_Date_Reference | A simple date reference table with corresponding month, calendar year, and fiscal year. For use in reporting. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Medicaid_Inpatient_Readmissions | Medicaid readmission information. Generated internally based on claims data. | Index_Admission_Date | 7/1/2013 | 6/8/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | Medicaid_LTCSS_Claims | For EOHHS Medicaid Team - combines LTCSS Claims with Population Grid data, for clean, efficient reporting. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | Medicaid_Medical_Claim | Contains all Medical FFS and MC claims from HSDW tables | First_Service_Dt | 7/1/2013 | 7/9/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
41 | Paid_Dt | 7/10/2013 | 7/16/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | Medicaid_Medical_Claim_Diagnosis_Code | Pivoted (tall not wide) Diagnosis codes for each Medicaid Claim | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Medicaid_Pharmacy_Claim | Contains all RX FFS and MC claims from HSDW tables | First_Service_Dt_YearMo | 7/1/2013 | 7/1/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | Morphine Milligram Equivalents | List of Opiods by NDC with the morphine milligrams equivalents. Includes classes such as Muscle Relaxant, Stimulant, Benzo, Opiod | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Neighborhood_Risk_Index_Eco | Neighborhood Risk Index data by Medicaid enrollee, based on Risk Scores provided by Hassenfeld Institute. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46 | PCP_Attribution | Primary Care Provider table | Last_Date | 7/1/2013 | 7/6/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Procedure_Code | Includes ICD9 and ICD10 diagnosis codes with overlaps. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Public_Health_Access_Employers_By_Quarter | Supports State assessment on large employers with significant # of employees on Medicaid. | First_Day_of_Month | 4/1/2020 | 4/1/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Public_Health_Beneficiaries_Employer_Report_Enrollees | Supports State assessment on large employers with significant # of employees on Medicaid. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50 | Early Interventions Provided by EOHHS directly from the Welligent system | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
51 | Early_Intervention_Encounters | Early Interventions Encounters Details. | Service_Dt | 1/2/2010 | 4/9/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | Early_Intervention_Evaluations | Early Inverventions Evaluations Details | RBI_Date | 4/4/1997 | 4/9/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | Early_Intervention_Episodes | Early Interventions Episodes with Eligiblity and Enrollment information | Referral Date | |||||||||||||||||||||||
54 | Department of Labor and Training (DLT) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
55 | DLT_ABT | DLT Wage and Employer Data | Wage_Year_Quarter | Q1, 2010 | Q1,2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
56 | DLT_Unemployment_Ledger | DLT Unemployment Insurance (UI) | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
57 | DLT_Unemployment_Payments | DLT Unemployment Payments | Check_Date | 8/2/2017 | 12/31/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||
58 | REAL_Activity_Target | REAL Jobs, REAL Pathways, and REAL Skills Program Targets | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
59 | REAL_Participants | REAL Jobs, REAL Pathways, and REAL Skills Participants | Modified_Date | 1/1/2016 | 7/13/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
60 | REAL_Participant_Activity | REAL Jobs, REAL Pathways, and REAL Skills Activity | Start_Date to End_Date | 1/25/2016 | 5/24/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
61 | TDI_Master | DLT Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) and Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) Claim Master Record | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
62 | TDI_Payments | DLT Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) and Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) Payments | Payment_Date | 10/2/2017 | 12/31/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||
63 | Population Grid Generated by DXC based on enrollment data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
64 | Popuilation_Grid | A Medicaid Enrollment Member Month with one record per enrollee, per month | Year_Month_Date | 7/15/2013 | 6/15/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | Aid_Category_Code | Reference table that has information about Aid - description, funding etc. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
66 | KidsNet Data from DOH's Efforts to Outcomes system | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
67 | First_Connections_Referrals | First Connection program information based on referrals | Visit_Date | 7/9/1999 | 5/3/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
68 | First_Connections_Refusals | First Connection program information based on refusals | Refusal_Dt | 1/29/2001 | 7/15/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
69 | First_Connections_Visits | First Connection program information based on actual visits | Visit_Date | 7/9/1999 | 7/14/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
70 | Kidsnet_Child_Outreach | KidsNet Child Outreach Program Data | Initial_Screen_Date | 9/1/2014 | 7/14/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
71 | Kidsnet_Developmental_Screen | KidsNet Developmental Screening Data | Dev_Screen_Date | 10/2/2009 | 7/14/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
72 | ETO_Family_Visiting | Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) Family Visiting Data | Enrollment_Date | 7/30/2012 | 12/30/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||
73 | Kidsnet_Metatable | Rollup of Kidsnet Info to the Child Level | First_Prenatal_Visit_Dt | |||||||||||||||||||||||
74 | Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
75 | RI_Homelessness_Episodes | Rhode Island Homelessness episode (service) data | Homeless_Entry_Date | 1/1/2003 | 10/6/2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||
76 | RI_Homelessness_Interview_Answers | Answers to Interview questions of Rhode Islanders seeking homelessness services. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | HMIS_Client | HMIS Client | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | HMIS_Enrollment | HMIS Enrollment | Entry_Date | 1/1/2011 | 5/2/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
79 | HMIS_IncomeBenefits | HMIS IncomeBenefits | Information_Date | 1/1/2011 | 12/8/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
80 | HMIS_IncomeBenefits_Summary | HMIS IncomeBenefits_Summary | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | Vital Records from DOH's Rivers system. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | RIVERS_Births | Birth data | Child_Date_Birth | 1/1/1960 | 7/31/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
83 | RIVERS_Deaths | Death data | Date_Of_Death | 1/1/2010 | 7/31/2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||
84 | Rivers_Xwalk | Linkage of mother and father to child based on Births data | 1/1/1960 | 7/31/2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | Race and Ethnicity Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | Eco_Demographics_Full | A combined set of person-level demographics from a variety of Eco system data sources. | Depends on data source. | N/A | N/A | |||||||||||||||||||||
87 | RIQI_ | Race and Ethnicity Data, provided by the Rhode Island Quality Institute (RIQI). This table is keyed on ECO_ID and is for general use. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | RIQI_Race_Ethnicity_RE_UID | Race and Ethnicity Data, provided by the Rhode Island Quality Institute (RIQI). This table is keyed onRE_UID and is only for use by the EOHHS Medicaid Team. | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | Reference Tables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | Age_Categories | Categories for age | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | APCD_Hospital_Care_Category | Categories of Hospital Care, taken from the APCD database for use with Medicaid Claims | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | APCD_Provider_Master | Provider data, taken from the APCD database for use with Medicaid Claims | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | NPI_Alt_Address | National Provider Identifier (NPI) Alternate Address Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | NPI_National | National Provider Identifier (NPI) database | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | Redbook | Comprehensive Drug information from IBM Micomedex Red book, using the NDC codes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | Zip | Zip Code Related data such as Town, Long and Lat. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | Neighborhood_Risk_Index | Reference Table with Neighborhood Risk Index data, by GeoID, provided by Hassenfeld Institute. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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99 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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