PLEASE DON'T EDITJERICO-NEXT PUBLICATIONS PERIOD 2 (M18-M36) (March 2017 – August 2018) + September 2018 - May 2019
GO HERE--> link[1] Article in journal, Publication in conference proceeding/workshop, Books/Monographs, Chapter in books, Thesis/Dissertation
Type of publication[1]Title of the scientific publication mandatory DOI mandatoryISSN or eSSNAuthors mandatoryTitle of the journal or equivalent Number, datePublisher mandatoryPlace of publication mandatory Year of publication mandatoryRelevant pages Public and private participation YES/NO mandatoryPeer-review YES/NO mandatory Is/Will open access provided to this pubication (Green OA or Gold OA should be specified) mandatory
1JournalContaminants of emerging concern in the open sea waters of the Western Mediterranean10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.082Miroslav Brumovský, Jitka Bečanová, Jiří Kohoutek, Mireno Borghini and Luca NizzettoJournal of Environmental PollutionVol. 229, Oct 2017Elsevier2017976-983Yes
2JournalEddy-induced cross-shelf export of high Chl-a coastal waters in the SE Bay of Biscay10.1016/j.rse.2017.10.037Rubio A., Caballero A., Orfila, A., Hernández-Carrasco, I., Ferrer L., González M., Solabarrieta, L, Mader, J.Remote Sensing of
Vol. 205, 2017Elsevier2017YesYesno
3JournalHF Radar Activity in European Coastal
Seas: Next Steps Towards a Pan-European HF Radar Network.
Rubio A, Mader J, Corgnati L,
Mantovani C, Griffa A, Novellino A, Quentin C, Wyatt L, Schulz-Stellenfleth J,
Horstmann J, Lorente P, Zambianchi E, Hartnett M, Fernandes C, Zervakis V,
Gorringe P, Melet A and Puillat I
Front. Mar.
4:8, 2017Frontiers Media2017YesYesYes
4JournalOne hundred years of atmospheric and marine observations at Utö Island, the Baltic Sea, 2018.
Laakso, L., Mikkonen, S., Drebs, A., Karjalainen, A., Pirinen, P., and Alenius, P.Ocean Science14EGU2018617-632NoYesYes
5JournalMeasuring turbulent CO2 fluxes with a closed-path gas analyzer in marine environment, M., Tuovinen, J.-P., Laurila, T., Mäkelä, T., Hatakka, J., Kielosto, S., and Laakso, L.Atmospheric Measurement TechniquesEGU2018NoYesYes
6Publication in conference proceeding/workshopTrends of sea water column properties and meteorological variables based on more than 100 years of observations at Utö, L., Mikkonen, S., Alenius, P., Drebs, A., Pirinen, P.The 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress: ‘Living along gradients: past, present, future’.12-16 June 2017IOWRostock, Germany201791NoNoYes
7Thesis/DissertationAir-sea exchange of carbon dioxide at the island of Utö in the Baltic Sea, M.University of HelsinkiFinland2017NoNoYes
8JournalAn integrated open-coastal biogeochemistry, ecosystem and biodiversity observatory of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Cretan Sea component of POSEIDON system G. Petihakis, L. Perivoliotis, G. Korres, D. Ballas, C. Frangoulis, P. Pagonis, M. Ntoumas, M. Pettas, A. Chalkiopoulos, M. Sotiropoulou, M. Bekiari, A. Kalampokis, M. Ravdas, E. Bourma, S. Christodoulaki, A. Zacharioudaki, D. Kassis, E. Potiris, G. Triantafyllou, K. Tsiaras, E. Krasakopoulou, S. Velanas, and N. ZisisOcean ScienceEGU2018NoYesYes
9JournalADCP observations of migration patterns of zooplankton in the Cretan Sea Potiris, C. Frangoulis, A. Kalampokis, M. Ntoumas, M. Pettas, G. Petihakis, and V. ZervakisOcean ScienceEGU2018NoYesYes
10Chapter in BookAssessment of High-resolution Regional Ocean Prediction Systems Using Multi-Platform Observations: Illustrations in the Western Mediterranean Seahttps://doi:10.17125/gov2018.ch24Baptiste Mourre, Eva Aguiar, Mélanie Juza, Jaime Hernandez-Lasheras, Emma Reyes, Emma Heslop, Romain Escudier, Eugenio Cutolo, Simon Ruiz, Evan Mason, Ananda Pascual, and Joaquin TintoréGODAE Ocean-view. New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography2018Yes YesYes
11JournalDense CTD survey versus glider fleet sampling: comparing data assimilation performance in a regional ocean model West of Sardinia Hernandez-Lasheras and Baptiste MourreOcean Science14, 2018EGU2018YesYesYes
12JournalMulti-platform model assessment reporting the impacts of downscaling on the surface circulation and mesoscale activity in the Western Mediterranean SeaAguiar E., B. Mourre, M. Juza, E. Reyes, J. Hernandez-Lasheras, E. Cutolo, E. Mason and J. Tintoré et al. Ocean DynamicsSpringerGermany2019NoYesYes
13Thesis/DissertationDetection of picocyanobacteria and other algae containing phycoerythrin pigment in the Baltic Sea RytövuoriUniversity of HelsinkiFinland2017NoNoYes
14JournalMonitoring of the Algerian Basin through glider observations, satellite altimetry and numerical simulations along a SARAL/Altika track10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.11.006Giuseppe Aulicino, Yuri Cotroneo, Simón Ruíz, Ananda Pascual, Antonio Sanchez Roman, Giannetta Fusco, Joaquín Tintoré, Giorgio BudillonJOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMSVol 179, 2018ELSEVIER201855-71NoYesYes
15JournalGlider and satellite high resolution monitoring of a mesoscale eddy in the Algerian Basin: effects on the mixed layer depth and biochemistry10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.12.004Yuri Cotroneo, Giuseppe Aulicino, Simón Ruíz, Ananda Pascual, giorgio Budillon, Giannetta Fusco, Joaquín TintoréJOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMSVol 162, 2016Elsevier201673-88NOYesYes
16Thesis/DissertationMesoscale oceanic convergence and divergence: Quasi-geostrophic theory, analytical modelling and observationsDaniel Rodríguez Tarry Advanced Physics and Applied Mathematics at the UNIVERSITAT DE LES ILLES BALEARSLES ILLES BALEARS2018
17Publication in conference proceeding/workshopGlider and satellite high resolution monitoring of a mesoscale eddy in the Algerian basin: effects on the mixed layer depth and biochemistryeISSN 1607-7962Y. Cotroneo, G. Aulicino, S. Ruiz, A. Pascual, G. Budillon, G. Fusco, and J. TintoréEGU General Assembly Conference AbstractsVol 18, 4/2016201617779NoNoYes
18Publication in conference proceeding/workshopIntercomparison of numerical simulations, satellite altimetry and glider observations in the Algerian Basin during fall 2014 and 2015: focus on a SARAL/AltiKa trackeISSN 1607-7962G. Aulicino, Y. Cotroneo, S. Ruiz, A. Sanchez Roman, A. Pascual, G. Fusco, J. Tintoré, and G. BudillonEGU General Assembly Conference AbstractsVol 19, 4/201720177110NoNOYes
19Publication in conference proceeding/workshopAlgerian Basin Circulation Unmanned Survey –ABACUS: High resolution repeated glider missions to monitor Mediterranean water characteristics from basin- to mesoscaleeISSN 1607-7962Yuri Cotroneo, Giuseppe Aulicino, Simon Ruiz, Ananda Pascual, Antonio Sánchez Román, Giannetta Fusco, Marc Torner, Emma Heslop, Giorgio Budillon, and Joaquin TintoréEGU General Assembly Conference AbstractsVol 20, 4/201820188078NoNoYes
20JournalObservability of fine-scale ocean dynamics in the northwestern Mediterranean Seadoi:10.5194/os-13-13-2017Morrow, R., Carret, A., Birol, F., Nino, F., Valladeau, G., Boy, F., Bachelier, C., and Zakardjian, B.Ocean Sci.Vol 13, 2017European Geophysical union201713-29YesYes
21JournalFunctional trait variation and nitrogen use efficiency in temperate coastal phytoplankton. E., Christaki U., Bonato S., Didry M., Artigas L.F.Marine Ecology Progress Series.Vol 563, 2017Inter-Research Science Publisher201735-49Yes
22Publication in conference proceeding/workshopDistribution of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic SeaKarlson, B., Eilola, K., Johansson, J., Linders, J., Mohlin, M., Willstrand Wranne, A., Wåhlström, I.Proceedings of the 17thInternational Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful AlgaeVol 17, 2017International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae2017100-103YesYesYes
23Chapter in BookDesigning an observing system for early detection of harmful algal bloomsKarlson, B., Andersson, C.R., Coyne, K.J., Kudela, R., Sellner, K.G., Anderson, D.MHarmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Desalination: A Guide to Impacts, Monitoring and Management, IOC Manuals and GuidesVol 78, 2017Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCOParis, France201789-117YesYesYes
24Publication in conference proceeding/workshopTowards Chl-a Bloom Understanding by EM-based Unsupervised Event DetectionPoisson Caillault E., Lefebvre A.OCEANS17 MTS/IEEE A vision for sustaining our marine futures2017Aberdeen, Scotland2017Yes
25Publication in conference proceeding/workshopWhich DTW method applied to marine univariate time series imputation.Phan T.-T.-H., Poisson Caillault E., Lefebvre A., Bigand A.OCEANS17 MTS/IEEE A vision for sustaining our marine futures2017Aberdeen, Scotland2017Yes
26Publication in conference proceeding/workshopA novel approach for uncorrelated multivariate time series imputation.Phan T.-T.-H., Poisson Caillault E., Bigand A., Lefebvre A.IEEE International Worshop on Machine Learning for signal processing2017Tokyo, Japan2017Yes
27JournalHigh resolution in situ measurements of phytoplankton photosynthesis and abundance in the Dutch North Sea. H.M., Rijkeboer M., Lefebvre A., Veen A., Kromkamp J.C.Ocean Science2017COpernicus/EGU publications2017YesYesYes
28Chapter in BookStrengthening Europe's Capability in Biological Ocean ObservationsBenedetti-Cecchi L., Crowe T., Boehme L., Boero F., Christensen A., Grémare A., Hernandez F., Kromkamp J.C., Nogueira Garcia E., Petihakis G., Robidart J., Sousa Pinto I., Zingone A.European Marine Board Future Science Brief20182018Yes
29Publication in conference proceeding/workshopOptimized plankton imaging, clustering and visualization workflows through integrative data management and application of artificial intelligenceDebusschere Elisabeth, Mortelmans Jonas, Tyberghein Lennert, Artigas Luis Felipe, Creach Veronique, De Blok Reinhoud, Everaert Gert, Kromkamp, Jacco, Lizon Fabrice, Louchart Arnaud, Rijkeboer Machteld, Deneudt KlaasEGU General Assembly Conference AbstractsVol 20, 4/20182018NoNoYes
30JournalA new species of Chaetozone (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae) from the Bay of Biscay offshore France, together with a review of Chaetozone species from the North Atlantic and adjacent waters10.11646/zootaxa.4312.3.101175-5326Blake J.A., Lavesque N.ZootaxaVol 4312/2017Magnolia PressLongwood/USA2017565-579NoYesNo
31Publication in conference proceeding/workshopIntercomparison of instruments for carbonate system measurements (INTERCARBO)--Laakso, L., Honkanen, M., Kielosto, S., Laurila, T., Mäkelä, T., King, A., Sörensen, K., Bellerby, R., Marty, S., Seppälä, J., Rehder, G., Müller, J., Le Gall, C., Thomas, L., Delauney, L., Cantoni, C., Petersen, W., Gehrung, M., Bastkowski, F.,Proceedings of ICOS-MSA18-19 March 2019--2018YesNox
32Publication in conference proceeding/workshopA multiplatform intercomparison of FerryBox Data.--Frangoulis, C., Kalampokis, A., Sotiropoulou, Μ., Ntoumas, M., Pettas, M., Christodoulaki, S., Korres, G., Perivoliotis, L. and Petihakis, G.9th FerryBox Workshop, Genoa, Italy, 24-26 April 2019.24-26 April 2019--2019-NONo
33Publication in conference proceeding/workshop--Frangoulis, C., Ntoumas, M., Thyssen, M., Lips, U., and Ismail S.B. 8th FerryBox Workshop, M/S Color Fantasy, Oslo-Kiel-Oslo17-19 October 2017. --2017NoNo
34Publication in conference proceeding/workshopThe POSEIDON supersite observatory. A technological test-bed for the Eastern Mediterranean--Frangoulis C., Petihakis G., Perivoliotis L., Korres G., Ballas D., Pagonis P., Ntoumas M., Pettas M., Sotiropoulou M., Bekiari M., Kalampokis A., Ravdas M., Bourma E., Christodoulaki S., Zacharioudaki A., Triantafyllou G., Tsiaras K., Varotsou E. and S. VelanasMTS/IEEE OCEANS, Marseille17-20 June 2019. MTS/IEEE-2019NoYesYes
35Publication in conference proceeding/workshopThe POSEIDON system, an integrated observing infrastructure at the Eastern Mediterranean as a contribution to the European Ocean Observing System--Perivoliotis, L., Petihakis, G., Korres, G., Ballas, D., Frangoulis, C., Paris, P., Ntoumas, M., Pettas, M., Chalkiopoulos, A., Sotiropoulou, M., Bekiari, M., Kalampokis, A., Ravdas, M., Bourma, E., Christodoulaki, S., Zacharioudaki, A., Kassis, D., Potiris, M., Triantafyllou, G., Tsiaras, K., Krasakopoulou, E., Velanas, S., and Zisis8th EuroGOOS Conference, 3–5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway3–5 October 2017
36Publication in conference proceeding/workshopDiurnal cycle of the carbon dioxide in the Baltic SeaMartti Honkanen, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Tuomas Laurila, Timo Mäkelä, Juha Hatakka, Sami Kielosto and Lauri LaaksoThe 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Stockholm, Sweden19 - 23 August 20192019NoNo-
37Publication in conference proceeding/workshopSea-air exchange of CO2 at the island of Utö in the Archipelago Sea.-Martti Honkanen, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Tuomas Laurila, Timo Mäkelä, Juha Hatakka, Sami Kielosto and Lauri LaaksoThe 2nd Baltic Earth Conference, Helsingør, Denmark11 -15 June 2018--2018NoNo-
38JournalZooplankton diel vertical migration in the Corsica Channel (north-western Mediterranean Sea) detected by a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler10.5194/os-15-631-2019Davide Guerra, Katrin Schroeder, Mireno Borghini, Elisa Camatti, Marco Pansera, Anna Schroeder, Stefania Sparnocchia, Jacopo Chiggiato
Ocean Science
46, 22 January 2019Copernicus PublicationsGermany2019631–649NOYESGold OA
39JournalPermanent thermohaline staircases in the Tyrrhenian Sea10.1029/2018GL081747Durante, S., Schroeder, K., Mazzei, L., Pierini, S., Borghini, M., & Sparnocchia, S.Geophysical Research Letters46, 22 January 2019American Geophysical UnionUnited States2019NOYESGold OA
40JournalBiotechnological tools for the effective management of plastics in the environment10.1080/10643389.2018.1548862Paço A., Jacinto J, da Costa J.P., Santos P.S.M., Vitorino R., Duarte A.C., Rocha-Santos T.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology49, 27 December 2018Taylor & FrancisUnited Kingdom2019 410-441NOYESNO
41Publication in conference proceeding/workshopUnderwater acoustic slant range measurements related to weather and sea statedoi:10.1088/1742-6596/1065/5/052038I Masmitja, M Carandell, P J Bouvet, J AguzzI, S Gomariz and J del RioJournal of Physics: Conference Series, XXII World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO 2018)1065, 2018IOP PublishingUnited Kingdom2018YESYESGold OA
42JournalWind-induced variability in the Northern Current (northwestern Mediterranean Sea) as depicted by a multi-platform observing system10.5194/os-14-689-2018Maristella Berta, Lucio Bellomo, Annalisa Griffa, Marcello G. Magaldi, Anne Molcard, Carlo Mantovani, Gian Pietro Gasparini, Julien Marmain, Anna Vetrano, Laurent Béguery, Mireno Borghini, Yves Barbin, Joel Gaggelli, and Céline Quentin
Ocean Science
14, 2018Copernicus PublicationsGermany2018689–710NOYES
43JournalLinking sardine recruitment in coastal areas to ocean currents using surface drifters and HF radar: a case study in the Gulf of Manfredonia, Adriatic Sea10.5194/os-14-1461-2018Roberta Sciascia, Maristella Berta, Daniel F Carlson, Annalisa Griffa, Monica Panfili, Mario La Mesa, Lorenzo Corgnati, Carlo Mantovani, Elisa Domenella, Erick Fredj, Marcello G Magaldi, Raffaele D'Adamo, Gianfranco Pazienza, Enrico Zambianchi, Pierre-Marie PoulainOcean Science14, 2018Copernicus PublicationsGermany20181461–1482NOYES
44JournalImplementation and Validation of the ISMAR High-Frequency Coastal Radar Network in the Gulf of Manfredonia (Mediterranean Sea)10.1109/JOE.2018.2822518Lorenzo Corgnati, Carlo Mantovani, Annalisa Griffa, Maristella Berta, Pierluigi Penna, Paolo Celentano, Lucio Bellomo, Daniel F. Carlson and Raffaele D’AdamoIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineeringvol. 44, no. 2, 2019IEEE2019424-445NOYES
45JournalCurrent reversal and associated variability within the Corsica Channel: the 2004 case study10.1016/j.dsr.2018.12.004Roberta Sciascia, Marcello G. Magaldi, Anna VetranoDeep Sea Res. Part I144, 2019ElsevierNetherlands201939-51NOYES
46JournalTransport of floating marine litter in the coastal area of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: A Lagrangian approach using modelling and observations 10.1080/1755876X.2019.1611708Declerck, A., M. Delpey, Rubio, A., L. Ferrer, O. C. Basurko, J. Mader & M. Louzao, 2019Journal of Operational OceanographyYESYES
47JournalImpact of HF radar current gap-filling methodologies on the Lagrangian assessment of coastal dynamics.  10.5194/os-14-827-2018Hernández-Carrasco, I., Solabarrieta, L., Rubio, A., Esnaola, G., Reyes, E., Orfila, A.Ocean Sciences (JERICO-NEXT SI)14, 2018Copernicus PublicationsGermany2018224-247NOYESYES
48Journal Joint analysis of coastal altimetry and high-frequency radar data: observability of seasonal and mesoscale ocean dynamics in the Bay of Biscay.10.5194/os-2018-33Manso-Narvarte, I., Caballero, A., Rubio, A., Dufau, C, Birol, FOcean Sciences (JERICO-NEXT SI)14, 2018Copernicus PublicationsGermany2018NOYESYES
49Thesis/DissertationInfluence of (sub)mesoscale processes on the distribution of organic and inorganic particles in the South Eastern Bay of BiscayDávila, XabierMASTER MER UPC-U. SouthhamptonSeptember 2018Spain/UK2018
50JournalA comparison of Ferrybox data vs. monitoring data from research vessels for near surface waters of the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. Journal of Marine Systems 162:98-111 B, Andersson L, Kaitala S, Kronsell J, Mohlin M, Seppälä J, Wranne AWJournal of Marine Systems162, 2016Elsevier20169-111yesGold OA
51JournalDetermination of phytoplankton abundances (Chlorophyll-a) in the optically complex inland water - The Baltic Sea, D., Lavender, S., Muller, J-P., Walton, D., Karlson, B., Kronsell, J.Science of The Total Environment601–602, 2017Elsevier20171060-1074yesno open access
52JournalGlobalHAB: A new program to promote international research, observations, and modeling of harmful algal blooms in aquatic systems., E., R. Kudela, E. Urban, H. Enevoldsen, N.S. Banas, L. Mackenzie, M. Montresor, M. Burford, C.J. Gobler, B. Karlson, P.T. Lim, and K. Yin.Oceanography30, 2017The Oceanography SocietyRockville, MD, USA201770-81YESGold OA
53JournalAllochthonous matter: an important factor shaping the phytoplankton community in the Baltic Sea., J., Rowe, O.F., Schlüter, L., Legrand, C., Karlson, B., Andersson, A.J. Plankton Res.3923-34201723-34YESGold OA
54JournalThe Seasonal and Inter-Annual Fluctuations of Plankton Abundance and Community Structure in a North Atlantic Marine Protected Area,Fabio
Frontiers in Marine Science2019Frontiers2019214NO

Dynamic time warping-based imputation for univariate time series data.
doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.08.019
Phan T. T. H., Poisson Caillault E., Lefebvre A., Bigand A.
Pattern Recognition Letters,Elsevier2017ElsevierFrance2017NOYESYES

JournalHigh resolution overview of phytoplankton spectral groups and hydrological conditions in the eastern English Channel using unsupervised clustering.doi:10.3354/meps12781Lefebvre A., Poisson Caillault E. Marine Ecology Progress Series,608, 2019ElsevierFrance2019NOYESYES
Publication in conference proceeding/workshopMulti-level Spectral Clustering for extreme event characterization10.1109/OCEANSE.2019.8867261Grassi K., Poisson-Caillault E., Bigand A., Lefebvre A.OCEANS19 MTS/IEEEp1-7, 2019IEEEFrance2019NOYESYES
JournalEffect of small scale transport processes on phytoplankton distribution in coastal seas
Hernández-Carrasco, I., A. Orfila, V. Rossi and V. Garçon Scientific Reports8(1): 8613, 2018Springer nature2018
JournalImpact of HF radar currents gap-filling methodologies on the Lagrangian assessment of coastal dynamicsández-Carrasco, I., L. Solabarrieta, A. Rubio, G. Esnaola, E. Reyes, A. Orfila Ocean Sci. DiscussOcean Sci., 14, 827–847, 2018Copernicus/EGU Publications2018
Chapter in BookAssessment of high-resolution regional ocean prediction systems using muli-platform observations: illustrations in the Western Mediterranean Seadoi: 10.17125/gov2018.ch24
Mourre B ., E. Aguiar, M. Juza, J. Hernandez-Lasheras, E. Reyes, E. Heslop, R. Escudier, E. Cutolo, S. Ruiz, E. Mason, A. Pascual and J. Tintoré New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography. E. Chassignet, A. Pascual, J. Tintoré and J. Verron, Eds2018663-694
JournalDense CTD survey versus glider fleet sampling : comparing data assimilation performance in a regional ocean model West of Sardinia10.5194/os-14-1069-2018.Hernandez-Lasheras J. and B. Mourre Ocean Science14, 2018Copernicus/EGU Publications20181069-1084
JournalGlider data collected during the Algerian Basin Circulation Unmanned Survey, Y., Aulicino, G., Ruiz, S., Sánchez Román, A., Torner Tomàs, M., Pascual, A., Fusco, G., Heslop, E., Tintoré, J., and Budillon, GEarth Syst. Sci. Data11, 2019Copernicus Publicatins2019147-161
JournalIn Situ and Satellite Sea Surface Salinity in the Algerian Basin Observed Through ABACUS Glider Measurements and SMOS Enhanced Products
ISSN 2072-4292Aulicino G., Cotroneo Y., Olmedo E., Cesarano C., Fusco G., Budillon GRemote sensing11, 2019MDPI. Remote Sensing20191361
JournalObservations of a phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean'est du 2014!!!Olita, S. Sparnocchia, S. Cusí, L. Fazioli, R. Sorgente, J. Tintoré, and A. RibottiOcean Sciencevol 10 (4), 2014Copernicus/EGU Publications2014657-666
JournalFrontal dynamics boost primary production in the summer stratified Mediterranean sea10.1007/s10236-017-1058-zOlita, A., Capet, A., Claret, M., Mahadevan, A., Poulain, PM., Ribotti, A., Ruiz, S., Tintore, J., Tovar-Sanchez, A.,Pascual, AOcean dynamics67 (6)Springer2017767-782
JournalA Multiplatform Experiment to Unravel Meso- and Submesoscale Processes in an Intense Front (AlborEx)10.3389/fmars.2017.00039Pascual A., S. Ruiz, A. Olita, C. Troupin, M. Claret, B. Casas, B. Mourre, P.-M. Poulain, A. Tovar-Sanchez, A. Capet, E. Mason, J. Allen, A. Mahadevan and J. TintoréFrontiers in Marine Science4, 39Frontiers Media S.A2017
JournalModel-observations synergy in the coastal ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science10.3389/fmars.2019.00436De Mey-Frémaux P., N. Ayoub, A. Barth, R. Brewin, G. Charria, Francisco Campuzano, Stefano Ciavatta, Mauro Cirano, C. Edwards, Ivan Federico, Shan Gam, Isabel Garcia Hermosa, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Helene Hewitt, Lars Robert Hole, Jason Holt, Robert King, Villy Kourafalou, Youyu Lu, Baptiste Mourre, Ananda Pascual, Joanna Staneva, Emil Stanev, Hui Wang and X, ZhuFrontiers in Marine Science: Oceanobs19: An Ocean of Opportunity6, 436, 2019Frontiers Media S.A2019
JournalEddy induced cross-shelf export of high Chl-a coastal waters in the SE Bay of Biscay, A., Caballero, A., Orfila, A., Hernández-Carrasco, I., Ferrer, L., González, M., Solabarrieta, L., and Mader, JRemote Sens. Environ205, 2017Elsevier2018290–304
JournalThe role of an intense front on the connectivity of the western Mediterranean Sea: The Cartagena‐Tenes front] Hernández‐Carrasco, I., & Orfila, A.Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans123, 2018American Geophyical Union20184398–4422
JournalThe Global High Frequency Radar Network, H., Cook, T., Hazard, L., George, D., Harlan, J., Cosoli, S., Wyatt, L., Alvarez Fanjul, E., Terrill, E., Otero, M., Largier, J., Glenn, S., Ebuchi, N., Whitehouse, B., Bartlett, K., Mader, J., Rubio, A., Corgnati, L., Mantovani, C., Griffa, A., Reyes, E., Lorente, P., Flores-Vidal, X., Saavedra-Matta, K. J., Rogowski, P., Prukpitikul, S., Lee, S.-H., Lai, J.-W., Guerin, C.-A., Sanchez, J., Hansen, B., and Grilli, S.Frontiers in Marine Science6, 164, 2019Frontiers Media S.A2019
JournalThe seasonal intensification of the slope Iberian Poleward Current] Rubio, A., Manso-Narvarte, I., Caballero, A., Corgnati, L., Mantovani, C., Reyes, E., Griffa, A. and Mader, A.Journal of Operational OceanographyIssue 3, 12 (sup 1), 2019Taylor and Francis On line; Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report,2019
JournalSmall scale ocean weather during an extreme wind event in the Ligurian Seaunder reviewBerta M., Corgnati L., Magaldi M. G., Griffa A., Mantovani C., Rubio A., Reyes E., and Mader J.Journal of Operational OceanographyIssue 4Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report,2019
JournalMulti-platform model assessment reporting the impacts of downscaling on the surface circulation and mesoscale activity in the Western Mediterranean Se E., B. Mourre, M. Juza, E. Reyes, J. Hernandez-Lasheras, E. Cutolo, E. Mason and J. Tintoré et al.Ocean dynamics.2019Springer2019
Publication in conference proceeding/workshopIn situ-observations of environmental conditions during the 2015 cyanobacteria bloom in the Northern Baltic Sea2018EGUGA..20.7650PPUILLAT I., SEPPÄLÄ J., TAMMINEM T., RUOHOLA J., YLÖSTALO P., MAUNULA P., LAAKSO L., KAITALA S.,
Geophysical Research Abstracts
EGU2018-7650, Vol. 20, 2018European GEophysical Union
Thesis/DissertationCaractérisation de l'hydrodynamisme haute fréquence dans le Sud-Est français du Golfe de Gascogne à partir de mesures in situGauthier V.-2018
JournalJournalGlobally Consistent Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems F., Boss E., Waite A. M., Vogt M., Uitz J., Stemmann L., Sosik H. M., Schulz J., Romagnan J.-B., Picheral M., Pearlman J., Ohman M. D., Niehoff B., Möller K. O., Miloslavich P., Lara-López A., Kudela R., Lopes R. M., Kiko R., Karp-Boss L., Jaffe J. S., Iversen M. H., Irisson J.-O., Fennel K., Hauss H., Guidi L., Gorsky G., Giering S. L. C., Gaube P., Gallager S., Dubelaar G., Cowen R. K., Carlotti F., Briseño-Avena C., Berline L., Benoit-Bird K., Bax N., Batten S., Ayata S. D., Artigas L. F., Appeltans W. Frontiers in Marine Science6: 196, 25 April 2019FrontiersSwitzerland2019YESYESGold OA
[1] Article in journal, Publication in conference proceeding/workshop, Books/Monographs, Chapter in books, Thesis/Dissertation