Country nameStationary emissions (as reported under 1A5a) MtCO2eMobile emissions (as reported under 1A5b) MtCO2eGap in emissions reportingData accessibility scoreMilitary expenditure (2021), US$ millions GDP - US$ millionsGlobal military expenditure rank% of GDPLink to reportLatest national inventory report (NIR)In country reporting
Australia"Not occurring".0.947
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.31,753.721,542,659.90122.06NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military transport only. No civilian sources are reported under 1A5. Do not report separate data on 1A5a stationary. Military data not reported under bunker fuels and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Department of Defence Annual Report 2020-2021 (no GHG emission data)
Austria"Not occurring".0.033
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.3,825.33477,082.47510.80NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation, road and other mobile fuel use. No other civilian sources are included. Data on 1A5a stationary not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Sustainability Report 2021 of the Federal Ministry of National Defence
Belarus1.061"Included elsewhere".No comparison possible.Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.762.7868,218.82771.12NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from other civilian sources (including other solid fuel consumption). 1A5b is not reported separately, with military aviation included in 1A3a. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Belguim"Not occurring".0.105
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.6,311.49599,879.03341.05NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use. No other civilan sources are included. 1A5a stationary stated as not occurring. Military data not reported under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not available".
Bulgaria"Not occurring".0.013
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.1,216.5980,271.12711.52NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5a is not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Annual energy efficiency reporting only, 2022
Canada"Not occurring".0.295
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.26,449.161,990,761.61131.33NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation and naval fuel use. Military vehicle fuel use reported under transport 1A3, and military stationary under commercial 1A4. Military training reported as a cause of grass fires. Military data not reported under bunker fuels, and data on multilateral operations reported as "included elsewhere".National Defence (as part of Government of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory)
Croatia"Not occurring"."Included elsewhere".
"Not occurring".
No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.1,739.7567,837.79622.56NIR 2022Latest data from 2020 but no data provided under 1A5. Military aviation and navigation fuel use is reported under domestic sectors. Stated that since the fuel used for military purposes is negligible, it is not economically justified to report separately. No military data reported separately under bunker fuels, and data on multilateral operations reported as confidential.
Very significant gap in reporting.
Fair - data reported through the UNFCCC.517.5027,719.34871.87NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military fuel use. No other civilian sources are included. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".#Annual Report Ministry of Defence, 2021
Czechia"Not occurring".0.322Gap in reporting.Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.3,935.63282,340.85491.39NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation and land vehicles. 1A5 also includes emissions from search and rescue, private air transport and industry (construction, mining and minerals). Data on 1A5a stationary not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Denmark"Not occurring".0.250Gap in reporting.Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.5,391.22397,104.34411.36NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use and inland waterway transport. Data on 1A5a stationary included elsewhere under commercial/institutional plants. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as both 'not occurring' and "not estimated".Ministry of Defence Climate Accounts
Estonia"Not occurring"."Not occurring".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.763.9536,262.92762.11NIR 2022Latest data from 2020 but no data provided under 1A5. Military data is included in 1A4 and not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Ministry of Defence news article, 2022
Finland0.949"Included elsewhere."
"Not occurring."
No comparison possible.Poor - submitted data through the UNFCCC includes civilian sources.5,903.50299,155.24371.97NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for civilian aviation (helicopter use), non-specific fuel consumption and military vehciles. Data on 1A5b mobile not reported separately due to confidentiality. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Defence Forces Environmental Report, 2021
France1.487"Included elsewhere." "Not occurring."
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.56,647.002,937,472.7661.93NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 data includes military fuel use only. No other civilian sources have been included. Do not report separate data under 1A5b mobile. Military data not reported under bunker fuels but emissions from total multilateral operations reported at 0.00142 MtCO2e.Not located - refer to France National Assembly communication, 2021.
Significant gap in reporting.
Fair - data reported through the UNFCCC.56,017.034,223,116.2171.33NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. No other civilian sources reported under 1A5. Military data not reported under bunker fuels and multilateral operations reported as both "included elsewhere" and "not estimated". Sustainability Report 2021 of the Federal Ministry of
National Defence, reporting period 2018 - 2020
Greece"Not occurring".0.298
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.8,079.94216,240.59313.74NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use. Not known if other civilan sources are included elsewhere, or if data on 1A5a stationary included. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Very significant gap in reporting.
Fair - data reported through the UNFCCC.2,777.13182,280.52541.52NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation, and 1A5a stationary reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Ireland"Included elsewhere"."Included elsewhere".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.1,267.70498,559.58670.25NIR 2022Latest data from 2020 but no data provided under 1A5. Military data is included in 1A3 and 1A4 and not reported separately. Multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Italy"Not occurring".0.642
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.32,006.142,099,880.20111.52NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation and naval fuel use. No civilian sources are reported under 1A5. Do not report separate data on 1A5a stationary. Military data not reported under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not estimated".Ministry of Defence, environmental information
Japan"Not occurring"."Not occurring".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.54,123.554,937,421.8891.10NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. No disaggregated miitary data provided, and stated as included under 1A4. Military data not reported under bunker fuels and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Kazakhstan22.28"Included elsewhere." "Not occurring."No comparison possible.Poor - submitted data through the UNFCCC includes other civilian sources.1,617.79190,814.27630.85NIR 2022Latest data from 20209. 1A5 includes estimates from military and other civilian sources (including other solid fuel consumption). 1A5b not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and data on multilateral operations reported as "not available".
Latvia"Not occurring".0.0149
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.826.6338,872.55752.13NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military aviation and navigation. 1A5a is not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and data on multilateral operations reported as "not available".Ministry of Defence Annual Report 2021 (no GHG reporting)
Lithuania"Not occurring".0.028
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.1,240.5065,503.85701.89NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military aviation. No other civilian sources are included. 1A5a is not reported separately. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Luxembourg"Not occurring".0.0001
Very significant gap in reporting.
Fair - data reported through the UNFCCC.460.0386,710.80900.53NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military vehicles. 1A5a (described as stationary: building and plant site fuel powered machinery) reported as 'not occurring' from 2004 onwards. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and there are no multilateral operations reported for Luxembourg. Luxembourg Defense, 2021 - GHG estimate for 2019
Malta"Not occurring".0.004
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.84.9117,189.731290.49NIR 2022Latest data from 2019. 1A5 includes estimates from military aviation only. 1A5a is reported as 'not occurring'. Emissions from biofuel use in military vehicles are reported under 1A3b a. Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Netherlands"Not occurring".0.164
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.13,752.001,018,007.06191.35NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation and naval fuel use. No civilian sources are reported under 1A5. Military data is not reported under bunker fuels and data on multilateral operations reported as "included elsewhere".Ministry of Defense Annual Report and Final Act, 2021
New Zealand"Not occurring"."Not occurring".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.3,389.85249,991.51521.36NIR 2022Latest data from 2020 but no data provided under 1A5. Military data also not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Ministry of Defnce Annual Report 2021/2022
Significant gap in reporting.
Fair - data reported through the UNFCCC.8,251.72482,437.02301.71NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use. Military data is not reported under bunker fuels and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".The Defense Sector's Environmental and Climate Accounts for 2021
Poland"Included elsewhere". "Not occurring".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.13,710.68674,048.27202.03NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. No disaggregated miitary data provided, and stated as included under 1A3 and 1A4 due to national security. Military data is not reported under bunker fuels and data on multilateral operations reported as "not available".
Portugal"Not occurring".0.067
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.4,908.94249,886.46441.96NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military aviation only and assumed to be domestic. Data on other military fuel use included elsewhere under commercial/institutional plants (1A4). Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Romania0.650Included elsewhereNo comparison possible.Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.5,563.30284,087.56401.96NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use in Romania. Some other instiitutions are also included. Do not report separate data on 1A5b mobile, and stated as included in 1A5a. Military data is not reported under bunker fuels, and data on multilateral operations reported as "not available".
Russian Federation40.72Not availableNo comparison possible.Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.65,907.701,775,799.9253.71NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. Military emissions are included in "other emissions" under 1A5, together with other government agencies. There appears to be no other entries, e.g. under international bunker fuel and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - submitted data includes civilian sources.1,983.21114,870.71611.73NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military aviation, and also other civilian sources (compress and petrol stations, paint shops, wastewater treatment plants, crematory). Military data not reported separately under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Not located, but Ministry of Defence communication states that an internal report is produced which regularly monitors implementation
Slovenia"Not occurring".0.003
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.734.3961,526.33791.19NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates from military and police fuel use. 1A5a is not reported separately. Military fuel use on multilateral operations reported as 0.0004 Mt CO2e.
Spain"Included elsewhere". "Not occurring".0.439
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.19,544.471,425,276.59161.37NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 data includes military fuel use only. No other civilian sources have been included. 1A5a (stationary) data is not disaggregated for this inventory but notes that this is to be provided in the future (as stated in 2019). Military data not reported under bunker fuels. Overall data for multilateral operations given as 0.082 MtCO2e , which includes military activities for 2020.
Sweden"Not occurring"."Included elsewhere". "Not occurring".No comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.7,887.36627,437.90321.26NIR 2022Latest data from 2020 does not include military fuel use data under 1A5. This was given in 2019. Military fuel use for multilateral operations noted but reported as "not occurring". Armed Forces Sustainability Report, 2020
Switzerland"Not available."0.119
Significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.5,738.40812,866.93390.71NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use. No other civilan sources are included. 1A5a stationary stated as not occurring. Military data not reported under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Türkiye"Not available."Included elsewhereNo comparison possible.Very poor - no data reported through the UNFCCC.15,478.85815,271.75181.90NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. No disaggregated miitary data provided, and stated as included under 1A3 and 1A4. Military data not reported under bunker fuels and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".
Ukraine"Not available."0.450
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.5,942.78200,085.54362.97NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes estimates for military fuel use. No other civilian sources are included. Do not report separate data on 1A5a stationary. Proportion of 1A5 emissions under the energy sector reported as insignificant (~0.01%) prior to 2013, and then increases to 0.2% for 2014-2020. Military data is not reported under bunker fuels, and multilateral operations reported as "not occurring".Climate Damage Caused by Russia's War in Ukraine, Nov 2022
United Kingdom"Included elsewhere."1.419
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - disaggregated data not reported through the UNFCCC.68,366.403,186,859.7442.15NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5 includes military aviation and naval fuel use. No other civilian sources are reported under 1A5. Do not currently have separate data on 1A5a stationary. Military data not reported under bunker fuels and data on multilateral operations given as "not estimated".MOD Annual Report and Accounts 2021-2022
United StatesNot given.16.076
Very significant gap in reporting.
Poor - data submitted under 1.A.5 includes civilian sources and overall military fuel data reported through the UNFCCC is not clearly disaggregated.800,672.2022,996,100.0013.48NIR 2022Latest data from 2020. 1A5a include other civilian sources, e.g. from the incineration of waste, combustion and non-energy uses of fossil fuel. No military fuel use data is reported in 1A5a but is instead included in 1A3a. The figures quoted under 1A5a have not been included. The 1A5b given are those specifically allocated to military emissions. Data is also included on military international bunker fuels - 5.2 Mt CO2e - but is not required to be given in national totals. Data on multilateral operations reported as "included elsewhere".Department of Defense Report on Greenhouse Gas Level Emissions, 2021