NumberStandard (excerpt from AMTE, 2013)Activities
• What activities will I engage in and lead to exhibit evidence of my work toward this standard?
• What have I already done that I want to continue doing?
Timeframe for ActivityEfficacy Assessment
• How will I know my work is making a difference?
• How can I systematically collect evidence that illustrates the importance of the work?
III. Leadership Knowledge and Skills
Leadership. MS professionals must be able to:
III.ii.a.Engage in and facilitate continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice;Collaboratively plan for questions that deepen student understanding during work time and during whole group discussion.Mid- to Late-Februaryquestions to use when monitoring and during whole group discussion recorded on Orchestrating Discourse portion of tool

collect artifacts from grade-level team's implementation (e.g., google form, journal notes)
III.ii.b.enhance learning opportunities for all students’ and teachers’ mathematical knowledge development;Analyze upcoming unit for analyzing worthwhile tasks using Analyzing Level of Cognitive Demand Tool.Late January
III.ii.c.involve colleagues and other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders; andWork with paraprofessionals to understand Shifts in Classroom Practice our school is using. Late Februarycreate a tool box of questions for paraprofessionals to use
III.ii.d.advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.
III.iii.a.Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate professional development programs at the school and/or district level;Professional Learning Experience ProjectFebruary/Marchproject submitted and scored
III.iii.b.use and assist teachers in drawing upon resources from professional mathematics education organizations such as teacher/leader discussion groups, teacher networks, and print, digital, and virtual resources/collections; andWork with grade level team to plan for using the Mathematical Practices and Student Look Fors to look at student mathematical discourse, particularly during small groups work time.Late January
10 teachers in systematically reflecting and learning from practice.Bring Mathematical Practices and Student Look Fors data to grade level meeting for discussion. Examine trends in data and potential next steps.February 14-21evidence of data collection for student look fors

collect artifacts from grade-level team discussion (e.g., google form, journal notes)
III.v.a.Use mathematics-focused instructional leadership skills to improve mathematics programs at the school and district levels,Coaching and Mentoring ProjectJanuary/February project submitted and scored
III.v.b.e.g., serve as coach/mentor/content facilitator – providing feedback to colleagues to strengthen practice and improve student learning;Coaching and Mentoring Project

Use Mathematical Practices and Student Look Fors data to promt reflection and consider next steps.

February 14-21
project submitted and scored
III.v.c.develop appropriate classroom- or school-level learning environments;Work with paraprofessionals to understand Shifts in Classroom Practice our school is using. Late Februarycreate a tool box of questions for paraprofessionals to use
III.v.d.establish and maintain learning communities;Develop agreements with grade level team to prepare for productively reflecting on and using data to discuss shifts in our collective instructional practice.January 23
III.v.f.mentor new and experienced teachers to better serve students.Coaching and Mentoring ProjectJanuary/February project submitted and scored
16 from a repertoire of methods to communicate professionally about students, curriculum, instruction, and assessment to educational constituents—parents and other caregivers, school administrators, and school boards.Professional Learning Experience Project

Hold a family math night. Provide families with ideas about how to support students' math development at home, including questions they can ask when their child(ren) work on homework, play games, etc.

project submitted and scored

create a folder to house parent resources for family math night, ongoing communication, support at home, etc.
Plan for keeping supervisors informed of work and its impact.
My building based supervisor and I will meet 2 times during the term. Once to discuss my plan and course projects and a second time to complete the practicum evaluation. We will also brainstorm who I might work with for the coaching/mentoring project. We will discuss topics for the PL project and schedule the PL session(s). I will email both my course and building based supervisors midway through the practicum to provide an update on my progress and information on what is going well and where I could be supported.
For full list of MS Standards go to: