Decentralized Grants Pilot Program - This is a public community doc, all people will be able to see it
*PLEASE submit all names by Friday 30th June*
*This is a Stacks Foundation Members name list collection - for those interested to be involved in the Decentralized Community Grants Pilot Program*
*You CAN still apply for this grant even if you are a member on this list, but you will be recused from the voting /governance when it comes to your own application (this caveat is to be reviewed as we trial this program)
* Invite open to join the Stacks Foundation Membership Program (membership is free).
* Foundation Members will have the opportunity to actively engage in the early pilot of the decentralized grants pilot.
* They can contribute to the program’s design, review early applications, and play a vital role in shaping its governance.
* Their involvement ensures that the program benefits from diverse perspectives and grassroots input,
fostering a community-driven approach to architecting the program’s structure and decision-making processes.
Suggested requirement
* Passion for Stacks Community, who really care about the community
* Understands the wants & needs of the community, what needs to be supported
* Grassroots community mentality
* Time availability to meet only once a month to shape early design and piloting but need to keep up with discussions/written updates async
* Action & goal-oriented
* High integrity, no conflict of interest
* Not directly funded or employed by a big entity in Stacks ecosystem. If you are, you can still get involved as a non-members offering your passionate feedback
* Decentralization minded
No. of members
Name (can be anon)DiscordX/TwitterCategory/Specialization Which community you representHosted Twitter spaceCan you committee 2~4 hours a week?
Github ready?Field of expertiseWhat's your interests in this initiative, why do you wanna join, what can you bring to this initiativeWhat's your background, what have you done for the Stacks community in the past?Declaration of conflict of interests *MUSTEmail (optional) - *WILL BE PUBLIC If not email, what's the alternative form of contact do you preferLondon Bitcoin Unleashed
⭐ Community Governance Resident - general inquiry contact
0HeroGamerherogamer0001, Governance, Community, NFT* Passion in giving voices to the people.
* Want community to feel & act truly empowered. Not just lip service.
* Want to take actions to move the needle in governance. Facilitate, coordinate, goal-driven, action-orientated.
* Started from degening as a community with the 2021 Stacks NFT craze.
* Started getting involved supporting average community members onboarding them
* Built out the SIP governance process for decentralized blockchain decision making
* Faciliated Stacks 2.1 Upgrade voting and awareness campaign
* Carry out work for as part of Stacks Foundation's Stacks Resident program
* Helps out Xverse & ALEX from time to time
⭐ Community Grant Stewards
1TheArtisttheartist.btc building and management, back and front end development , art and design- Desire to make constructive change
- Want to be part of shaping the future of STX
- Passionate about the community and being a good representative of STX
Founder of The Guests and Procrastinate Pixels
Winner of most inspiring and favourite project at Stackie awards
Part of a team developing the back end tech behind numerous large STX projects
Worked closely with marketplaces to help onboard users
Founder of a project and company built on STXsamuel@procrastinatepixels.comN/AYes
2Mrkmrkmcknz, Smart ContractTo encourage passionate founders & projects get a chance to build on Stacks- Web2 startup experience
- Founder of Megapont, a bluechip NFT project on Stacks, which also has Ordinals on Bitcoin L1
- Founder of Apollo, web 3 tooling company
I am part of Megapont (NFT project on STX - probably largest entity outside of fucking ALEX) and Apollo (building tooling on Stacks)Twitter or discord.Yes
3GoodKittygoodkitty.btc & Fine Art Curation, Marketing, Networking, Community Building, Stacks NFTsI'm interested in building a fine art community on Stacks and onboarding artists and collectors to the space. I'd like to join beause I'm hoping to build an open community where artists can learn, connect, and collaborate. I also hope to bring collectors into the space who are keen on fine art and music NFTs and ordinals. Also interested in bridging NFTs to ordinals. Music management & Art Curation background, Founder Bitcoin Art Collective, building a community of artists and collectors. Passionate about Stacks NFTs and Stacks community and the growth of the space.Founder of Bitcoin Art Collective. Part of the Xverse educator program. thiskittyisgood@gmail.comN/ANo
4Longstreetlongstreet.btc, curriculum development, collaborationsI'm passionate about decentralized systems and helping create bridges to connect artists to new audiences. I also have been a regular user of Alex since it launched. I want to help the ecosystem grow, and bring in new artists and art enjoyers to Stacks. I want to help empower creators to discover new revenue streams and ways of maintaining ownership and protecting their IP.I have actively engaged with the Stacks community for two years and collaborated on NFTs with most of the most well-known communities and leaders in Stacks, including Project Indigo, Megapont, Nonnish, Satoshibles, Dr. Suss, Boozy, and Arno. As a multi-talented photographer, composer, and educator specializing in curriculum design, I offer a unique multidisciplinary perspective.I like everyonesean.longstreet@gmail.comN/AYes
5Dashdash8766 A&R, experienced in creative collaboration and entrepreneurship. Enthusiast of Bitcoin and STX.To help create a fair system for STX artists, creators and builders to recieve help and support. As an active community member since 2019, I will contribute insights and perspectives from someone directly involved in building NFT projects and working with NFT artists.Co-founder of two STX projects: ThisIsNumberOne and NarcotiX. Actively supporting as many artists and creators as possible. Offering support and guidance to many artists and new users entering the NFT space. Accumulated over 3000 STX NFTs.Co-founder of the ThisIsNumberOne marketplace and the NarcotiX NFT project, both built on the STX.dash@thisisnumberone.comDiscord: dash8766
60xdima950xdima95, DeFi buildersYesYesFull stack web developer, community advocate for Stacks/ordinals/bitcoin L2I believe we need Stacks and Clarity smart contracts in order to build out DeFi on Bitcoin. Stacks will play a crucial role in scaling out Bitcoin. I want to join because I'm a builder on Stacks, and know I could provide guidance on what is worthy for community funding. I can bring my developer experience to help determine what is feasible from a technical standpoint, as well as my experience with developing on the Stacks blockchain to provide perspective on potential grant applicants. Joined the Stacks community in March of this year with the intention of building SatScreener, a DEX transaction analytics platform. We've officially launched and our continuing to build and grow. We run our own Stacks node and are intimate with the various DEXs and communities on Stacks. I also take part in the weekly Purple Pill Stacks Twitter space, and am often in communication with community members.Co-Founder of SatScreener, DEX swap tracker for Bitcoin L2s/Stacksdima@stackscreener.ioTwitter/DiscordYes
7Raphabtcrapha Builders2YesYesCommunity"You will be long a community." I'm an artist communicator and proud contributor to zero authority DAO. My credentials include Clarity Camp + BTC Startup Lab, 100 Days of Clarity, React course by Mosh Hamedani, and creating the sBTC Call web app. I express ideas through art and value collaboration and transparency. Continuous learning fuels my growth as an artist communicator in the creative and tech communities.I'm hacking on a fully on chain order book of sBTC covered call options. I'm a super fan of DeFi protocols on Stacks (the main ones) and might be long their shitcoins. I'm a fan of the $aints NFTs by the one and only Dr. $uss. I've lost 1 Megapont, but still own 1 or 2. I'm a fan of NeoSwap and Gamma ofc. I've dabbled working with the team at DeepLake and I'm a big fan of their CEO who went to the same school as me back in France, although he is younger than me and thus respects me more than I respect him :P. I was a hedge fund EM co-founder for 5 years which is the reason why I made it to the US. I love the Stacks Fam but sometimes I hate them, you can say it's work in progress. I have Bitcoin days and Acid Hearts, two small but noble NFT projects for a total of 42 (21 each) NFTs. I'm a degen from the botttom of my soul. :P
8nikola4888nikola4888 Users/BuildersxYesCommunity support managementMain interest is learning more about how stacks can change the lives of its users, the impact it can have for the adoption of bitcoin. Learning from people with vision and goals. Want to get involved more with the community and find my place.I've been fascinated by stacks ever since i discovered it at 2021, although at first i was not actively participating the more i was learning about the idea that smart contracts can run on top of bitcoin the more i saw the potential change this could bring down the line and eliminate so much of the hurdles and complications that other chains have. Not to mention the significance of this being developed on the most secure network in existance. The idea of bitcoin and crypto as a whole being here to distrupt and change the status quo, remove the current power control and pave the way to a more fair society is something dear to me and i'm here to learn what i can do to contribute towards achieving that. I work as community support manager for ALEX.bgsmotan97@gmail.comN/ANo
DeFi, Stacks, Bitcoin, TradFi
2YesTradFi, Accounting, DeFi, GovernanceTradFi experience, Bitcoin Mass Adoption, establish truly free market tradeStacks Advocate since 2021, currently building on Bitcoin w OrdinalsStacks AdvocateFrederick.t.martinez93@gmail.comX / DiscordNo
10phillip.xck.appphillip.xck.app architecture, Dapps development and community developmentContribute to develop vision of the platform technologic evolution of StacksLong participant of the Blockstack, and Stacks community in many endeavours.Applied to a grant for the last call. Project Peers looking for trust in the digitalverseproe@paradigma.globalN/ANo
11BradBradBaker.btc, Identity?Yestech/protocolshelp steer the Stacks platform tech towards pragmatic, utility leaningfollowed/used Stacks since 2015, later investor, admined Telegram channels, participated in most eco channels, Twitter spaces host, etc.bradleybaker@proton.meN/ANo
12Jacquestrainfarb, Community, Governance1YesOnboarding, DAO Curriculum Design, Web Development, Operations Management, Product Design, Brand Strategy, Storytelling / Graphic Novels, Ecosystem Marketing, Publications, Proof-of-Work Protocol designI've developed a framework that empowers people to create Platform Ecosystems (DAOs), because I want to give people of any age the ability to easily turn their creative idea into a project that can transform their city. I'm passionate about helping people turn their ideas into a reality, so would love to offer up what I've created as a tool that helps people present their ideas to the community so builders can ensure their project is ready for funding and make it easier for people who review the grant applications to assess whether or not a project is viable.* The framework that I've created ( has been developed for Stacks Australia and The School of Bitcoin.
* My background is in civil engineering and construction management
* I have a passion for Platform Design Engineering, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Biomimicry
* Left my career in construction to create tools for nonprofit organizations after a volunteer abroad trip to Haiti. Interested in using Stacks as an engine to support nonprofit organiations related to agriculture and housing
Open Source contributor for Stacks Australiajacques@trainfarb.comDiscord, Twitter, Messenger PigeonNo
13Juliet Juliet.btc, Community, GovernancexYesYesBuilder, Community advocate, Expertise in Governance and legal frameworksI want to see a decentralized grant organization that is run by and for the community and am willing to contribute my experience toward this effortActive in community since 2019, Stacks Advocate, Gov CAB, Stacks Gov Resident, Co-Founder of, Dappity etc.Founder of Prompt, member of Governance CABjuliet.oberding@gmail.comDiscord: Juliet I PromptNo
14friedgerfriedgerNA (contact Discord)Developer/BuilerxYesYesClarity, Web3, techI want to ensure that the grant money is spent wisely. I can bring experience with app mining back in 2020I started contributing in 2018 and have been involved in many discussions on sip level, identity, clarity, etc. I ran a stacking pool and I'm reward admin of stacking pool "Fast pool". Partner at RyderMail@Friedger.deN/AYes
15Dylandylanft, DeFi1YesYesDeFi, Protocol Design
Support others who are trying to build DeFi protocols on Stacks and Bitcoin through the grants program and with feedback on protocol design
Completed grant for first stableswap protocol on Stacks, building Bitflow Finance (a DEX for Bitcoiners), mentor at Bitcoin Startup Lab, been active in the community on twitter and at conferences since Stacks 2.0 launch
Co-founder of Bitflow Financedylan@bitflow.financeN/AYes
16Overlord overlordbtc, DeFi, Wallets, and Operations.Encourage healthy and sustainable adoption of the Stacks and BTC ecosystem through the support of developers and projects and educating and protecting users.Background- DeFi, Wallets, Operations, Security Contribution to Stacks- co-founded first multisig for Stacks, Ordinals, and BRC20s. Asigna.ioCo-Founder multisig wallet for Stacks, Ordinals, and BRC20mike@asigna.ioTwitter or Email?
17sam-tlt.btctheliberalthumb, growth, engagement and management. Brand strategist, Content creation, Digital marketing & Tech supportTo gain adequate understanding of the pilot program and how it can be applicable and useful to onboarding new projects.
To support it's development and provide constructive opinion as a member of the stacks community.
Experience from other chains and valuable insight based on what regular community members expect of such initiative.
I joined stacks few months ago as a community buulder for stacks Australia and ever since I've been onboarding new talents into the ecosystem through various medium and providing an educative platform for newbies via hosting of twitter spaces. I am also a member of the stacks advocate and a passionate volunteer in the community as a moderator. Community builder,and twitter host for stacks Australia, stacks advocate, volunteering community moderator in Alex and Stacks.sam@stxaus.comEmail,Discord & TwitterNo
18sleepisleepic and selected parts of the law (and team management + productivity)growth of the stacks community through utility applications (can include NFTs), long time member who wants to keep stacks on the right track, through my opinions I want to let the people think furtheryears of interaction with different stacks teams Mo-SoI'm stacking (I'm not contracted/associated/liable to any team, I'm mainly representing the community perspective)zumtobi.btc@gmail.comN/ANo
19binayabinaya buidler. Background in Data Science and Physics. Leveraging large language model based AI tools for educationto become a voice that represents wider community towards pushing the development and adoption of stacks and bitcoin applications. Been in the Stacks ecosystem since the Stacks 2.0 mainnet launch. Minted every single rug NFT's in the ecosystem :) Coordinated with other citycoin miners in the early days on MIA mining and NYC mining which ended up spinning off as syvitamining. I attended both Bitcoin Unleashed 2022 and Bitcoin Builders 2023 in Miami which became high impact touch points to meet other builders in the ecosystem and collaborate. I have organized Bitcoin Builders metup in san francisco once . I organized educational program in Nepal recently for engineers in nepal to introduce them to web 3, smart contracts and building in the bitcoin ecosystem. Here to continue to build and grow community.Critical Bounty grant #860 recepient from Stacks Foundation. Consulting with cerulean marketplace.binayatripathi@gmail.comN/ANo
20Acrossfireacrossfire.btc Operations/Nodes, CommunityHelp build a stronger decentralized community around stacks and encourage the fundamental principals that inspired Bitcoin to develop further within StacksActive in community since 2021, SIP EditorHave contracted with stacks foundation. Invested heavily in stacks. Explored grants before but never did any formal work that creates a conflict of interestacrossfirebtc@gmail.comTwitter/DiscordNo
21Nat Cn.atlas, London1YesBuilder, Community, Biz Dev/Relations- Passionate about giving voices to the community, educating and learning
- Encouraging decentralization principles and use of BTC
- Want to ensure new founders and builders can get off to a good start
Joined the community in 2021, active since early 2022
Building two communities in Stacks ecosystem: NFT Clothing Club and STX:LDN (Stacks London Chapter)
Co-founder of NFT Clothing Club
STX:LDN (Stacks London/UK) Chapter Lead, part of the Stacks Foundation Chapters program
22AlgorithmAlgorithm.btc, Support, Smart ContractBuild the True Ownership of the InternetBlockstack to Stacks and still active Partner and Social Management at Xverse and Rydergodfreddonkor78@gmail.comX , DiscordNo
Total5 x NFT
4 x Defi
2 x BNS
2 x DAOs, Governance
2 x Developer/Builder
1 x Security
6 x Community
⭐ Non-Steward Contributors, Participants & Observers
1Natalie Crue
2Nicknicksainato @
4thelight.btcthelight.btc in finance/media etc.I am keen to support Stacks development. I can add a genuine voice from the community. (*I am not an IT expert or dev/coder)Being involved in Stacks from 2021. Interacting with stacks NFT projects and stacks defi protocols (Alex etc.). Doing my best to promote good Stacks projects through Twitter etc.I launched the "chronicled" stacks NFT project this year, which also includes ordinal series.Twitter or discord.No
5jim.btcjim.btc / tech innovationI want to help find ways to incentivise more innovation and creativity in this spaceBeen in service of Bitcoin since 2014 and in service of Bitcoin through Stacks since 2017. Co-founded This Is #1 in 2021 to bring attention to Stacks.Founder of This Is #1 an NFT marketplace built on Stacks.jim@thisisnumberone.comNo
6zonyzony.btc this point no :(TechReally to be part of the best L2 on BitcoinWorked on tech-side to launch MSA from MegapontNFT, support for Stacks on projectPart of and MegapontNFT teamsstefan.opariuc94@gmail.comAt this point no :(
8ReshResh#2515, Community Engagement/Management, Biz Dev/Relations/OperationsHave worked with 4 different web 3 projects built on stacks and would be able to bring perspective on what similarities and differences project experience and from experience how community can be better served.

Truly believe that Bitcoin network will grow rapidly in coming years as L2 speed issue is addressed and developers start appreciating why clarity is a far superior coding language.

I want Builders and supporters of Stacks to benefit from what we are building on L2 and I would love to support the growth in what ever way that I can.
Got involved in Stacks in 2020 once I read about Balaji and Naval Ravikanth were early stage investors in Blockstacks.

Have worked with DeFi projects on Stacks and currently building an NFT community with IRL utility through NFT Clothing Cllub.

Currently also operating in a Biz Dev role for Stacks chapter STX:LDN
Co-founder of NFT Clothing Club and leading Marketing and Partnership

Biz Dev for STX:LDN

Working with VelarBTC DeFi on Marketing and Collaboration
resh@stxldn.comTwitter: @Sureshsinghn / Discord: Resh#2515No
9pomeranian.btcpomeranian.btc wealth management in Tradfi.I'm a big Stacks supporter in time, money, and philosophy. I want to see it succeed.Been invested since 2021 and very vocally supportive since Feb 2021. Also published Proof of Research, a Stacks focused research Substack. Have helped onboard more than $1,000,000 in invested capital into the space since discovering it myself.Just a cartoon pomeranian operating in the tradfi space.grayson@cryptoresourcegroup.comnaNo
10Snazzysnazzy888 Naming Systems, Community, Partnerships & PromotionI am passionate about Web3 identities, and an active supporter of BNS and Stacks. I would love to help shape the future of the Stacks network by helping to fund new and exciting inititatives and development, especially those with BNS in mind.I've been in the Stacks community for a while having invested in BNS. I've been on the BNS Council since the beginning of May as I was not happy with how things were progressing with BNS. Since joining myself and the new council have been very proactive and instrumental in moving BNS forward for the community. We will hopefully have a very exciting partnership announcement coming soon that will further accelerate the adoption of BNS & Stacks. I hope to continue in my role on the council to really accelerate BNS & thus Stacks adoption through my work in engaging with and proactively seeking partnerships.I'm on the BNS Council and invested in BNS.snazzy888@protonmail.comNo
11Ragnarragnar.btc, Privacy
12Xenitronskullcoin am interested in this initiative because I believe in the power of gaming to drive cryptocurrency adoption by creating a new genre of games I have been a part of Blockstack since its inception and have personally onboarded more than 40 individuals to the Stacks ecosystem. I'm founder of Skullcoinnortinex@gmail.comNo
13Haroldharold.btc, GovernanceNoGovernance, Community Tools DesignLove working w/community, building together empowering designs and tools.
Sustainable system design > product design
Open source commons models > Closed extractive models
Governance Research Lab Resident 2022, Stacks Advocates since 2021, Governance working group 2020Governance Research Lab Resident 2022, Stacks Advocates since 2021, Governance working group 20202rowcorridor@gmail.comdiscordNo
14Eugene, Governance
15Mashal, Governance
16Simonsimonfuture2, Community, DeFi, NFTs, GovernanceAmbassador for now.Yes but changing to No for nowMentor Educator, Community Growth & Engagement, Onboarding, Development, Business/Project Management, Content Creation, Event Hosting/Presenting, Webinars, Nodes/MiningI want to help new people prepare themselves with web3 mindset, community growth and engagement to help create "sticky" community members that are lasting supporters, and not just momentum chasers. Bring representation to make sure we have a diverse community of voices, and to help with the macro vision and plan of web3/blockchain mass adoption. I have the time to support and work in the space, and would like to provide my knowledge, skills and abilities to Stacks on Bitcoin. Please see my online CV and webpage for more detailed information, however, ive gone through the process of creating a BRC-20 token already, used stacks and created a Hiro Wallet. I interact with the blockchain on a daily basis, and continue to gain more knowledge and skills through various web3 development workshops, tutorials, and web3 developer mentors. Learn more here: and : Conflict of Interest to the best of my knowledge. simon@w3mct.clubTwitter / Discord Yes but changing to No for now
17Dandantrevino @ Deeplake
18TerjeNjordhov, Builder, Community advocate, expertise in web3 technology and AI.Interested in a community built grant organizationActive in community since 2019, Technical CAB, Founder of; Clarity Tools etcFounder of Prompt, Clarity Tools, member of Technical CABterje@in-progress.comDiscord: Terje I njordhovNo
19tripnmonkeytripnmonkey, Builder, Product DefinitionNo
James_11| hodlstx.btc, Community, DAOs, DeFiAmbassador for now.
not at this point
Founder,Builder,Community, Tech
co-founder of Zeroauthority-dao, Cerulean Marketplace, was community manager for Arkadiko Twitternot at this point
21cirrocirroxyz, DeveloperNo for nowDeveloper, data, adsHelp the ecosystem to grow, learn and meet new peopleI got into crypto in 2016, but I got more involved during the pandemic. I looked at Stellar and Cardano, but ended up in the Stacks system. I joined StacksParrots (we are still active!) and left my job as a full-stack developer (web2) after 9 years and began my web3 journey with
Besides of being a low key supporter of Stacks, I’ve made a small contribution to Stacks: contributed to the clarity book!works @ | team @ stacksparrotsNo for now
gordoncrypto1770.btc Builder Stacks Australia is a portal for builders, developer and learners in the Bitcoin Ecosystem in Australia. We would assist projects in project applications, and are working on process for builders to provide structured documetnation and a procvess so their grant application can be assesed with ease.Currently the Chapter lead for Stacks in Australia working with a team of 10 community builders to grow Stacks in Australia. This invives enrolling devs into Clairty Camp, Onborading founders to the BTC Startup Lab, directing projects to the Bitcoin Frontier Fund and working with artists and creators to gorw their projects. Host of IRL and Twitter Spaces and speaker at Bitcoin events. Currently recipient of a Stacks Foundation Grant on behalf of the Digital Playhouse Foundation Ltd, a charity that manages Stacks Australias activities. gordon@stxaus.comNo
23axopoaaxopoa.btc, Tech
- I'm interested in this initiative because I believe in its purpose and potential.
- I want to join because I feel I can make a positive difference.
- My software engineering background helps me understand tech stuff.
- I'm good at making complex ideas easier to understand with graphics.
- I've got experience attracting and engaging users.
- I regularly test and give feedback on apps and products.
- I can create fun content that helps build a positive community.
I've been in the community since late 2016-2017. I started StackStrade and StacksPops to get more people interested in the Stacks ecosystem. I make graphics to help people understand complex ideas. I also test and give feedback on strategies, apps, and products regularly. My main job is to attract users and make things easier to understand. And for fun, I often post funny things on Twitter.Founder of StacksPops and StacksTradeaxopoa@gmail.comNo
24mpjmpj Engineering, Community, Project ManagementFor Grants program I can help with Project Managment, Software Engineering practices and community.Joined the community in 2021, active since early 2022
Building two communities in Stacks ecosystem: Hologram AI NFT and Stacks Indonesia
Mutiple grants recipients before. Chapter Lead for Stacks Indonesia and currently building a side project called Hologram AI NFT where we build community tools using NFT and / mpj#2095No
25cryptobeijingcryptobeijing for now.Yes but changing to No for nowBuilder, Educator, Advocator, TranslatorTranslate the stacks docs; brdige the gap between China and western world in the blockchain industryFirst Chinese Advocate of Stacks; Translate the Stacks whitepaper and sBTC whitepaper. Trying to introduce more products in the Stacks ecosystem to China nonefarmerlesheng@gmail.comYes but changing to No for now
26Angelangelesp Manager, Content Creation, Community Spread and expand the Stacks Ecosystem around Latinoamerican builders, creators and communities. I'm startup founder with experience as a product manager. I've been participating in Stacks Ecosystem since 2021, at the beggining just as a user (Megapont holder since day1), then I translated some Stacks docs to Spanish in Crowdin. At the beggining of this year I started creating content in Spanish about stacks under the name of @StacksLatam in Youtube, Twitter and Blogs. I'm also Stacks AdvocateI'm founder in my own startup, Coini, but it doesn't work with Stacks yet. In Stacks I'm holding some NFTs most of them asociated with MegapontNFT and some BNS.yo@angel.peTwitter or discord?
27TekeTekesticator Founder of Stackers pool , Developer Rust and blockchain engineer I am founder of stackers pool community on stacks and i represent a lot of africans and community memebers , i want to be active with this to ensure that there is tranparency for all , Also this is the best idea to get the community involved in grants , other blockchains are adopting this now and it only makes sense .Founder of Stackerspool and leader of stacks Nigeria , i got a grant from stacks foundation and implemented the blockchain hub in bayelsa nigeria, i have held over 6 Clarity bootcamps and 4 Hackathons for stacks , in my Community we house several talents like developers , calrity and rust , nft artist , writers etc i am current;y building ChessOnchain and several blockchains can connect and play chess , stacks is one of them Founder of stackers pool , advox DAO member and community builder georgeteke45@gmail.comDiscord Teke2.0No
28Art Of TomasArtOfTomas for now.NoEducator, Community building, content creation, marketing and communications, art, music, article writing, spaces hosting, podcasting, video creator, NFTsMy interest is because I'm building a communtiy that is aligned with Stacks and Bitcoin. I want to join because I want to be a part of the process and help guide it so that it is most effective in creating value for the ecosystem What I bring to the table is having been a part of the Ambassador program and similar initiatives in the Rootstock ecosystem and have been working in the Bitcoin/Blockchain/DeFi/NFT space for a number of years full time. Having interacted with many different systems, and learning what worked, what didn't, what to emulate and what to avoidI left Argentina because of the ecoomic situation, I understand the problems with inflation and the broken monetary system from first hand experience. In Argentina I was studying to become a Philospher and found Bitcoin which blew me away from it's philosophy of personal independence and sovergnty, but also as a way to fix the issues that has been affecting my country since (almost) it's entire history. When Covid happened and lockdowns brought an end to my artistic career I once again felt not in control and in order to cange that I decided to go all in studying and working on Bitcoin. Since then I've been community manager and content creation for the 2 biggest DeFi protocol on Bitcoin "Sovryn" and "Money on Chain" (over 80 million TVL each one) I was the first person to be recruited for the Rootstock Ambassador program and I've helped set their communities and grow them, I've also been an ambassador for IBEX (Lightning Network). At the moment I'm building a website dedicated to help people become more independent in their lives (Independent Academy) where Bitcoin (and Layer 2s) play a fundamental role. I was studying Stacks more closely as another interesting L2, and I found the Stacks Australia group. Since then I've been helping them whenever I have free time, with their spaces, publishing them on youtube and writign articles in both English and Spanish, then turning those into twitter threads and try to get more people involved. I've spoken recently with N.Atlas to get some feedback on how to set up a "Stacks Argentina" since I'll be returning there by the end of the year. I personally know a lot of people that would be very interested in participating in something like that and we could help Stacks grow in that part of the world, where these technologies are most needed and can do the most good. As a Rootstock ambassador I've also made a lot of connections with people woking with Bitcoin in Africa, which I think is another area were Stacks and Bitcoin based solutions could shine.I am currently still in my Rootstock Ambassador role (though the time is flexible and I can choose how much I contribute and when) - And I believe the L2 ecosystem should have more people involved in each other's ecosystem as collaobrations can benefit both. I'm still doing some content creation for the Money on Chain platform (although not as much at the moment, only part time). And lastly my "Independent Academy" project is going through the Rootstock Hackathon set to end on July 21st. I should say that I am an active community memeber from the Advox DAO and the Stacks Australia community.artoftomas@pm.meNo
29Isaac.btcBigDaddy#8044, LATAMYesCommunity building and project management, Networking,Moderation, Partnerships, Collaborationshave a IRL community. Building community since 2016 hosting more than 50 meetups, 15 workshops, 30 conferences all related to blockchain. I´ve been active in the derupts, bitcoin monkeys projects as a holder.Founder of Mr.Coin Academy a project to teach about bitcoin universe (Stacks, Ordinals, Bitcoin, LN)isaac@mrcoin.xyzTelegram: mrcoinmxYes
30Mistiffmistiff.btc Management, Moderation, Project Management, Partnerships, CollaborationsTo help innovative projects and new tech to be built on Stacks and help them get funded. Grants are the most pivotal part of the growth of Stacks ecosystem so I would like to help as much as I can in this domain.I have extensive experience managing online communities and a track record of success in creating and fostering them. With immense experience in social media and online marketing, I'm well-versed in what it takes to attract and keep a wide variety of consumers in the web3 space. I'm an outstanding communicator and problem-solver in addition to my knowledge of community administration. I'm currently managing multiple web3 communities inside and outside the Stacks ecosystem (BlockSurvey, Skullcoin, Vaping Ape Club). I'm also a Stacks advocate. I'm also a CM2 in the Stacks Discord.CM - BlockSurvey | Stacksmistiff.btc@gmail.comTwitter l Discord: mistiffNo
32Electra Frost DAO Accounting