A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Maintained by Ted Fickes & Edward Saperia | ted@brightplus3.com / Bright+3 / Blue Sky ed@newspeak.house / @edsaperia / @nwspk | ||||
2 | List / Site / Job Source | URL | Type | Geography | Notes | |
3 | 360 Group jobs list | https://jobs.crelate.com/portal/the360group | Job List | US | Philanthropy / Foundations / Related grantees and projects | |
4 | 50+ Digital Jobs for Progressives | https://docs.google.com/document/d/16y2TRz2W2mGQwcA73xPj7PCw7GQkddzfdlRZjMrRLnk/edit | Job List | US. Some Canada and International. | The old Bridgespan Group jobs board now points here. | |
5 | 80,000 Hours job board vacancies | https://airtable.com/shrD9UEKusc6BYWWc/tbl5zkv6T7WSivZ89 | Global | All kinds of tech related jobs. Unsure of origins, maintenance, accuracy. | ||
6 | 900+ impact employers | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1yQMo-1nI9vJj_OC5MZ-usBaFgX50ezjW/htmlview | ||||
7 | All Hands | https://jobs.all-hands.us/companies | Job List, placement support and Slack community | US | Jobs in climate, progressive tech, and pro-democracy (and pro-Democrat) organizations. Run by Cultivate. | |
8 | All Tech Is Human | https://alltechishuman.org/responsible-tech-job-board | Job Board | US | Responsible tech job site | |
9 | Andrew Hudson's Jobs List | https://andrewhudsonsjobslist.com/ | Job List | US (Colorado) | Nonprofit, comms, marketing, education, | |
10 | AngelList | https://angel.co/jobs | Job Board | Global and Remote | Jobs in startups | |
11 | Centre for Democracy | https://centrefordemocracy.org.uk | Jobs board and newsletter | UK | Democracy focused | |
12 | Changemaker Jobs | https://changemakerjobs.com/ | Job Bord | UK | UK NGOs. Organized by Full-time, Part-time, Freelance roles. | |
13 | Charity Jobs | https://www.charityjob.co.uk/ | ||||
14 | CharityComms Freelance Directory | https://www.charitycomms.org.uk/directories/freelance | ||||
15 | Chronicle of Philanthropy | https://www.philanthropy.com/jobs | Job Board | US. Some International. | Mostly fundraising and roles that support fundraising in large organizations, education, foundations. | |
16 | Civic Tech Field Guide | https://directory.civictech.guide/listing-category/job-boards?q= | List of Job Boards | International | A list of jobs boards, like this one! | |
17 | Climate Careers | https://climate.careers/ | Job Board | US + Canada | high-impact jobs solving the climate crisis | |
18 | Climate Designers | Description: Find impact-driven companies that need your expertise and start making a difference. | Job list / newsletter /community | US mostly. Global | Web, visual, product design. UX/UI. Creative director type roles. All climate action related. | |
19 | Climate Tech List | http://climatetechlist.com/ | ClimateTechList aggregates 20,000+ job openings from 600+ climate tech companies and updates them daily, presenting them in an easy-to-use search interface. Plus in-depth profiles on each company along with articles/resources for navigating the climate tech job search | |||
20 | Climatebase Jobs | https://climatebase.org/jobs | Job Board | US | List of websites helping you find jobs/companies working to solve the climate crisis | |
21 | Copyediting | https://www.careerwebsite.com/jobs/?site_id =502 | Job List | US | Copyediting/writing jobs. Basically the jobs list of https://www.copyediting.com/ | |
22 | CreativeGuild | https://creativemornings.com/jobs | Job Board | International | A gloabl directory of creative companies, jobs and professionals mostly in the tech industry | |
23 | Data Collective Jobs | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o-onWE1_u4QthMlY493-3dIFi2nMDVieZPKNaYFMNYk/edit#gid=0 | List of Jobs | UK | Jobs list in Charity sector | |
24 | Design Gigs for Good | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/design-gigs-for-good | Google group | US | Design, UX, creatives, design thinking. Some political. Progressive. Consulting | |
25 | Digital Rights Job Board (was Internet Freedom Job Board) | https://www.digitalrights.community/job-board | Job Board | International | Global jobs related to internet advocacy, privacy, security. Maintained by Internet Freedom Festival. | |
26 | Dovetail Network | https://dovetail.network/ | Agency listing | UK | Helps charities find Tech for Good agnecies. | |
27 | Effective Altriusm Jobs Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1062957250383195/ | Facebook Group | International | Effective Altruism Jobs | |
28 | Effective Altruism Jobs | https://twitter.com/effective_jobs?s=21 | ||||
29 | Effective Altruism Jobs | bit.ly/eatechjobs | ||||
30 | Effective Altruism List | https://80000hours.org/job-board/ | Job Board | Mostly US + UK | These positions focus on the global problems where we expect additional work to have the biggest impact. This list is particularly focussed on opportunities to positively influence the long-term future, especially by reducing existential risks. | |
31 | Enviro Work | https://enviro.work/ | Job Board | Mostly US | The best place to find and fill jobs that benefit the environment. | |
32 | Environment Job | https://www.environmentjob.co.uk/ | Job Board | UK | Environmental job site | |
33 | Escape The City | https://jobs.escapethecity.org/jobs/search?sort=published_at | Job Board | UK | Mostly jobs in ethical/unusual startups, with some innovative govt work | |
34 | Escape The City | https://www.escapethecity.org/search/jobs | ||||
35 | Ethical Jobs | http://www.ethicaljobs.com.au/ | Job Board | Australia & some international | ethical jobs in social work, youth, disability services, education and training, & mental health and counseling . | |
36 | Exponential Jobs | https://pallet.xyz/list/exponential-view-jobs/jobs | Job List | International | climate tech, energy, blockchain & Web 3.0, AI & automation, deep tech++ | |
37 | FairSay / eCampaigning Forum | http://fairsay.com/jobs | Job Board/Email List | International | NGO / nonprofit / campaign roles in Europe. Run by Duane Raymond/FairSay who also put on eCampaigning Forum. | |
38 | Fast Forward | https://www.ffwd.org/tech-nonprofit-jobs/opportunities/ | Online job board | US | Jobs, internships and contract positions in nonprofits and social startups. Mostly tech related or orgs that deal a lot with technology but also fundraising, comms, etc. | |
39 | Fast Forward Jobs Board | https://jobs.ffwd.org/jobs | ||||
40 | FOSS Jobs | https://www.fossjobs.net/ | Job Board | International | This is a job board exclusively for paid free & open source jobs: We only list jobs at organizations that improve and involve FOSS or open hardware projects. | |
41 | Fourth Estate | https://jobs.fourthestate.org/ | ||||
42 | Future Community job list | https://tinyurl.com/fcjobs-etech | Job List | International (mostly N America) | Interesting roles in content strategy and communications, journalism, foundations and progressive tech. Maintained by Ted Fickes / Bright+3. | |
43 | GIIN (Global Impact Investment Network) the | https://jobs.thegiin.org/ | Job Board | Global | Jobs in social good startups and impact investing. Everything from program manager at nonprofits to investment analysts. | |
44 | Global Charity Jobs | https://globalcharityjobs.com/ | Job List / site | International | Mostly fundraising and related marketing. Some digital director / leadership type roles. | |
45 | Google group affiliated with Gainpower.org, a political org "only for the Democratic & Progressive community." | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/social-enterprise-jobs | Google group | International | Job announcements related to social enterprise and social innovation only. | |
46 | Government Digital Service | https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/government-digital-service/about/recruitment | Job Board | UK | jobs at Govt' Digital Service | |
47 | Green Jobs | https://www.greenjobs.co.uk/ | Job Board | UK | Environmental job site | |
48 | Green Jobs Network | http://greenjobs.net/ | Job Board/Email List | US | Can't reach site | |
49 | High Country News | https://classifieds.hcn.org/ | Ads posted in print/online magazine | US (primarily western US) | Mostly senior jobs in western US environmental groups but other nonprofits, locations and roles will pop up. | |
50 | Higher Ground Labs | https://jobs.highergroundlabs.com/ | Job Board | US | Search for jobs and companies using technology to benefit politics | |
51 | Hold The Front Page | https://www.holdthefrontpage.co.uk/jobsboard/ | Job Board | UK | Journalism jobs | |
52 | Idealist | https://www.idealist.org/en/?type=JOB | Job List | US. Some International. | Wide cross section on nonprofit jobs | |
53 | Impact Opportunity | https://impactopportunity.org/welcome-bridgespan-job-board-visitors | Job Board | US mostly | Skews fundraising, orgs pay to post jobs | |
54 | Impact Workers | https://impactworkers.com/ | Job Board | International | Description: Find impact-driven companies that need your expertise and start making a difference. | |
55 | Impact Workers | https://www.impactworkers.com/ | Job Board | International | ||
56 | Inclusv | https://inclusv.com/ | Job matching project | US | Inclusv focuses on helping people of color find jobs in politics and advocacy. They also advocate with organizations and help them find/support people of color. | |
57 | Inside The Newsroom | https://insidethenewsroom.substack.com/p/how-to-subscribe-to-the-job-board | Job Board | US UK Canada | Access over 2,000 journalism jobs and internships in the U.S., UK and Canada. | |
58 | Institute for Nonprofit News | https://inn.org/jobs/ | Job Board | US mostly | Journalism. Some web, tech, social media. Description: The Institute for Nonprofit News publishes these job openings as a service to our 425+ member news organizations. | |
59 | Jobs that Are Left | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jobsthatareleft | Google group | US | Mostly Democratic political jobs in US | |
60 | Jopwell | https://www.jopwell.com/ | Online job search/matching platform | US | A career platform focused on Black, Latinx, and Native American students and professionals. | |
61 | Journalism Jobs | https://twitter.com/journalism_jobs | Twitter Posts | UK | Journalism jobs | |
62 | Journalism Jobs | http://www.journalismjobs.com/index.php | Job Board | US | Newspapers and media startups. Also nonprofit journalism and content roles that fit writers, journalists, multimedia production people. | |
63 | JournoResources | https://www.journoresources.org.uk/journalism-jobs-internships/ | Job Board | UK | Journalism jobs | |
64 | Koya Partners | https://koyapartners.com/open/ | Job List | US | US search firm for nonprofits, foundations, education, related leadership roles. Recently merged w/ CommonGood Careers so their jobs are in here now. | |
65 | List of other jobs boards that need adding to this list | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_DSH9RjIna-5_tt7FyYXEbejzQLLMyu6q1EzCLycblY/edit#gid=0 | Job Boards List | UK | Job boards used to find charity jobs in the UK | |
66 | Loti | https://loti.london/jobs/ | Job List | UK/London | data, digital, technology and innovation roles in London area local government. | |
67 | Luke Waterfield Jobs | https://tinyletter.com/lukemarshallwaterfield | Email List | UK | Odds and jobs that might change the world (mostly political/tech) | |
68 | Luke's Circle | https://lukescircle.com | Job Board/Email List | US. (Colorado) | Mostly for Colorado (esp Denver/Boulder) startup community. A lot of roles in food startups, outdoor companies. Some nonprofits and clever/innovative local government roles. | |
69 | MASSter List | http://jobs.massterlist.com/ | Job Board/Email List | Massachussets | Massachusetts-specific job board on which a wide variety of orgs, agencies, businesses post jobs. 16,000 subscribers. | |
70 | Matt Lockshin's Job Board | https://www.mattlockshin.com/job-board | Job Board | US mostly | Progressive campaign/movement jobs. Matt Lockshin provides job search and recruiting services. Well connected, sharp and empathetic human. | |
71 | Media, Advertising, Journalism Jobs Network | https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2259657/ | ||||
72 | National Peace Corps Association Jobs Board | ethical | Job Board | International | Job opportunities not just for return peace corps folks but work for those with international aspirations from likeminded organizations | |
73 | Nature Tech | https://naturetech.io/ | ||||
74 | NEON Jobs board | https://neweconomyorganisers.mobilize.io/main/groups/29767/lounge | UK Mostly | ??? | ||
75 | Nerdy Email | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nerdymail | Google group | US | Email jobs. | |
76 | New Public Jobs | https://newpublic.org/jobs | ||||
77 | New Science | https://newscience.org/interesting-jobs | ||||
78 | NTEN Job Board | https://www.nten.org/jobs/ | Job List | US | Lists jobs from NTEN network. Nonprofit leadership, digital, everything. Also RFPs and short term gigs | |
79 | PCDC (Progressive Communicators DC) | https://pcdc.groups.io/g/main | Online group + email list | US (Washington, DC) | Closed group for progressive Comms/PR people working in or linked to DC. Mostly networking / general work related stuff. Some jobs. | |
80 | Peer-to-Peer Professional Forum | https://www.peertopeerforum.com/marketplace/industry-job-board/ | Job Board | US mostly | Focused on peer-to-peer fundraising | |
81 | Philanthropy Northwest | https://jobs.philanthropynw.org/ | Job Board | US (Pacific Northwest) | Primarily fundraising, but some comms/marketing positions | |
82 | Poynter jobs list | http://www.careers.poynter.org/ | Online job database | US. Some International | Journalism and media, social media, related. Including PR, marketing, digital. Seems to tap into external job sites so get some stuff that doesn't match. | |
83 | Probably Good | https://www.probablygood.org/ | Career guidance | "We aggregate the best evidence, analysis and expert opinions to help you make informed career decisions that maximize your impact" | ||
84 | Progressive Digital Professionals Facebook group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/progressivedigiprofs/ | Facebook group | US mostly | Closed Facebook group that shares jobs, hosts discussions, answers questions, etc. | |
85 | Progressive Job Resources | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLbS5OerM2CyueB-yVdOxmtlzQbMm2Gky4Z_6m9LdiA/edit | List of Job Boards | US | A listing of national and state job boards curated by Allison Ehrich Bernstein of Allative Communications. | |
86 | Radical Engineers | http://radicalengineers.com/ | Community | UK (London) | Pairing hackers with radical organisations | |
87 | Reddit nonprofit | https://www.reddit.com/r/nonprofit/comments/sogz9g/how_do_i_find_non_profit_job_opportunities/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf | ||||
88 | Remote Impact Jobs | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1afBmpDm-viPx5cQSzkdkgEDATGSYK-9YUOJ6w9ZKapw/mobilebasic | Job Board | ??? | Mega list for impactful job sites | |
89 | Resources for Diversity in hiring | https://github.com/nkammah/diversity-in-hiring/blob/master/README.md | Resource (but does have a list of lists) | International? | Resources for hiring if you are serious about diversity and inclusion. | |
90 | Responsible Tech Job Board | https://alltechishuman.org/responsible-tech-job-board | Job Board | |||
91 | SDG.careers | https://sdg.careers/ | Job board | International | Sustainable Development jobs | |
92 | Skoll Community Job Board | https://skoll.org/community/jobs/ | Job list | Global | Some tech. Primarily roles in the NGO / Government and CSR space. Skoll grantees and the like. | |
93 | Social Coder | https://socialcoder.org/ | Volunteer Board | International | We connect volunteer programmers with charities for specific, goal-oriented projects. | |
94 | Social Impact Job Board | https://www.wordsparkconsulting.com/social-impact-jobs | Job Board | US | Jobs in nonprofits and social change orgs. All sorts of roles. Requires salary transparency. | |
95 | Social Innovation Jobs | https://www.facebook.com/groups/790305567745195 | Facebook Group | International | This is a group for jobs, projects and programs aiming to create social growth or change. | |
96 | Sonia Weiser - freelance writing email list | https://soniaweiser.wordpress.com/opportunities-of-the-week-newsletter/ | Freelance writing opportunities and resources | US. Some International. | Email newsletter sent about once a week. Lists open freelance writing opportunities as well as resources for freelance writers (lists of editors, how to pitch, etc.). This is a paid subscription though amount is very low. | |
97 | Source Jobs | https://source.opennews.org/jobs/ | Job Board | US | Job listings for people who design interactive features, write code, and work with data in newsrooms. | |
98 | Strength in Members (SIM) job list | https://groups.google.com/a/strengthinmembers.com/forum/#!forum/sim-gigs | Google group | US | Comms, fundraising, digital roles. NPTech type stuff. Low volume. Only jobs | |
99 | tbd* | https://www.tbd.community/en/jobs | Job Board | Mostly Germany + a few international | We’re a digital hub where people like you can find a job, hire the right team, discover workshops and courses, locate funding opportunities, connect with mission-driven companies, share best practices, or learn from others who are using their careers to make an impact. | |
100 | Tech for Good Global | https://techforgood.global/jobs | Jobs board | International | Tech for Good jobs board - not sure how often it's updated | |
101 | Tech for Good Highlights | https://global.us9.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=af7cd039fc171bd8f3e1f268d&id=a38e90c6fe | Newsletter | Global (mostly UK/US) | Tech for good jobs | |
102 | Tech For Good Newsletter | https://global.us9.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=af7cd039fc171bd8f3e1f268d&id=a38e90c6fe | Newsletter | UK | regular updates on all things #techforgood | |
103 | Tech Jobs for Good | https://www.techjobsforgood.com/ | Job Board/Email List | US | Roles at the intersection of tech and social impact. Coding and engineering as well as various jobs in orgs/companies providing tech services to NGOs. | |
104 | Tech.London Jobs | https://tech.london/discovery/jobs | Job Board | UK | Tech.London is a comprehensive online platform connecting and supporting London’s expanding entrepreneurship ecosystem. It includes all the latest information and resources that people in London need to access opportunities in the tech sector, connect with each other, and grow their businesses. | |
105 | Technology Association of Grantmakers | https://www.tagtech.org/networking/opening_search.asp | Job & discussion Board | US mostly | The Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) cultivates the strategic, equitable, and innovative use of technology in philanthropy. Our work builds knowledge, strengthens networks, and advances the social sector. | |
106 | Tekalo | https://www.tekalo.org/ | ||||
107 | Terra.do | https://terra.do/ | Job board and network | International | Climate jobs and network building | |
108 | The Channels Network Job Boards | https://thechannelsnetwork.substack.com/s/socialimpactcomms-jobs | Newsletter/Job Board | Global and Remote | Communications, policy and tech jobs in social impact organizations (or social impact in gov and tech). | |
109 | Tom Wein social purpose job boards | https://tomweinresearch.me/job-boards | List of Job Boards | International | List of lists | |
110 | Trade Union Congress Jobs | https://www.tuc.org.uk/jobs | Job Board | UK | Job ads from TUC affiliate unions and allied organisations | |
111 | TREC (Training Resources for the Environmental Community) | https://www.trec.org/jobs/ | Job List | US | Mostly environmental community jobs, mostly in western United States. TREC does capacity building traning and support. | |
112 | UnicornHunt | https://unicornhunt.io/ | Job Board | Europe | start-up job board | |
113 | Upwardly Global | https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/ | Job database / listing platform | US | Focused on helping refugees find jobs (and helping employers find qualified employees). | |
114 | USA Jobs | https://tech.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?cmco=TechToGov&p=1 | Job Board | US | US Government tech jobs | |
115 | W4MP | http://www.w4mpjobs.org/SearchJobs.aspx?search=alljobs | Job Board | UK | Primarily jobs in and around UK politics - but growing to include other political roles. | |
116 | Words of Mouth | https://www.wordsofmouth.org/ | Job Board/Newsletter | US | Weekly newsletter sharing opportunities for professional and creative development across design, the arts, education, information, and the built environment | |
117 | Work for a Union | https://unions21.org.uk/supporting-unions/work-for-a-union | ||||
118 | Work for Good (formerly Opportunity Knocks) | https://www.workforgood.org | Job Board | US | Previously called "Opportunity Knocks," Work for Good is a national job board on which nonprofits pay to advertise a wide range of positions. | |
119 | Work For Justice | https://www.facebook.com/groups/JusticeJobsInDigitalAge | Facebook group | ??? | Description: A place to share and find work organizing for justice in the digital age. Employers must be non-profits/NGOs/unions doing people-powered organizing. Although not required, employers are encouraged to provide salary and benefit information in the posting. To be posted here a job must seek some level of digital proficiency. | |
120 | Work on Climate | https://workonclimate.org/ | Jobs and startup community | ??? | Slack community sharing jobs, programs, support for people working in/around climate issues and tech. | |
121 | Fito Network | https://www.fito.network/opportunities | Job Board | International | ||
122 | Probably Good | https://jobs.probablygood.org/ | Job Board | ??? | ||
123 | Probably Good Jobs Boards | https://probablygood.org/resources/job-boards/ | List of Job Boards | |||
124 | EA Jobs | https://ea-internships.pory.app/ | Job Board | |||
125 | US Policy Fellowships | https://airtable.com/app3AlIYjrAVYhvIe/shr1dGfy6WQfJ5mei/tblD3ExDW2P8mtVlj | Job Board | |||
126 | Tech Jobs for Good | https://techjobsforgood.com/ | Job Board | |||
127 | Wellfound | https://wellfound.com/jobs | Job Board | |||
128 | Future Community Jobs | https://brightplus3.notion.site/Future-Community-Jobs-b794484aafca4de790574f476442dd33 | Job Board | |||
129 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UbFdnivPYt73rdabOsxGH9LeU04mJSBQzpuf7n1DJow/edit?tab=t.0 | |||||
130 | https://onthinktanks.org/jobsboard/ | |||||
131 | https://actbuildchange.com/opportunities | |||||
132 | Newspeak House Jobs | https://newspeak.house/jobs | ||||
133 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LPZTLRJU_PTQyPAE1ZndtjfunazMUxe4uOCRWdzVERg/edit | |||||
134 |