What did you think of the comic?
What was your favorite bit & why?
Please rate it out of 10Gender:Age:
What was your favourite joke, or affected you emotionally the most?
Anything else you wanna say?
7/19/2022 18:03:221Troll26-40
Nothing is good in this comic
You just ruined all the 9 comics by putting that fucking shitty space thing! You just wasted this comic and entire series by this space thing! Very disappointed
7/19/2022 20:35:3310Male18-25
7/19/2022 21:14:4010Male18-25
7/19/2022 21:41:13
Really enjoyed it seeing all those characters finally appearing together.
My favourite bit was when the two characters from Grace woke up, they reacted like marines, checking to see if they were in danger first. And once they were sure they were safe and perhaps rescued the relief and joy of being alive and rescued led to them acting on those feelings.
Who all the clothing charlie owns seems like it's made out of thin rice paper some how. Just find it wierdly amusing some how.
I wish i had money to give to you to support you man, I am thankful to your comics they really cheer me up. It's why I try to comment as often as I can on your deviant art page.
7/19/2022 22:28:03
As you said at the end, not enough Charlie & Jack messing about time. Also the other comments only deepen the mystery of Sindy Anna Jones
Charlie in 133 and Jack in 143. I don't know if I'd be up to the task if a woman looked at me like that
Shooting Mike. Hope he makes it back. Also Bob & Steph
The unconditional love that shines through for Jack & Charlie
7/19/2022 23:00:32
Yet again you manage to elicit such beautiful emotions and run the whole gamut of human emotions. Everything from awe and adrenaline from action, comedic uplift, dramatic tragedy, comfortable banter, self-reflective calm, and of course the yummy bits. I just absolutely love your work and have followed you religiously since I discovered "Project Bellerophon". Thank you so much for creating such beautiful stories both visually and literally! You genuinely enrich my life.
I'm very torn between the orbital dive starring Ix (with perfect audio accompaniment) and the chaotic four pronged attack featuring all of our favorite heroes! - honorable mention for Mike's death scene and Steph's grace in the moment, it just makes me sad and not as good as the other bits, even if it was an really powerful moment with a solid message.
How much did you take? All of it! *insane psychic energies being to roil*
Hmm, didn't know this bit was down here. I think I got it all off my chest in previous answers. Cheers!
7/19/2022 23:50:32Ok
I love your work, i think youre amazing in terms of humour & telling a sexy syory. Maybe #10 felt a little rushed, not the quality depth of the prior 9. Maybe too much space scenes, not enough more on our fave sblings.
Need to take longer to read it propetly
Our fave 2 are what its all about, the story arc in the prior episodes, feeling their depth, growing to kniw them both. I think this side lacked a bit in 10
7/20/2022 0:50:09It was...okay.
After everything was done and they were in the ship with Skylar
The dude who had his toast ruined
I felt that these last 2 were just "white noise" overall. I know it's your vision and you're going to do what you want to do, but I think it went too overboard on the chaos. It makes me happy that you enjoyed it but these last 2 were just kinda "meh" for me. I'm hoping that the story "returns to normal" with the next installment and dives a bit deeper into Jack and Charlie's life, what they're going to do, how they're going to live, what the next step is, because it's a MASSIVE one. They're asking Skylar to move in with them and then trying to still keep all this a secret??? THAT'S more what I would like to see and how things progress from there. can't wait for the next one! Been on this crazy rollercoaster since mid may of 2020 and have loved your stuff ever since!
7/20/2022 3:42:39
It was really really bad. Just completely chaotic and not enough sex scenes. It just did zero justice to the first 7 Lithiums.
the possibility of Charlie Jack and Skylar in a three-way... and Charlie giving Jack the blowjob in the bathroom
Nothing really... it was the first real comic you wrote that I actually wasn't aroused for the most of it. The jokes weren't funny, the plot was all over the place, it was so random that it took away everything that was built up in previous comics.
Just left with an overwhelming sense of disappointment... I should have stopped reading after Lithium 7 :/
7/20/2022 5:41:45
Like a Marx Brothers moving and fun, but makes little real-world sense.
Your "Angel of Death" that demonstrates what Carl Hopper called the paradox of tolerance. (If the tolerant are tolerant of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.)
Meetings between friends/lovers where each thought the other lost/dead,
Big Reveal, Iam a American living about an hour outside of London, voted for Trump and look forward to doing so again.
7/20/2022 6:44:30
Wowowowowowowowow! Stayed in character, stayed funny, stayed sexy and stayed on message! Absofreakinlootly awesome!
Mike. It's gonna be Mike till the end of time. And even after the end he's still learning and taking the message to even deeper to heart.
Stephie and Mike. then Stephie and Robert. So many feels...
I cannot wait to see what you do next! So excited!
7/20/2022 7:09:20ok3 some8Male
smaler titts (more realistic)
7/20/2022 10:32:44Decent.
Always the sx scenes between the brothers but the action was really well done.
7/20/2022 12:32:11
I have never had a spiritual hero, but Saingel Mike is mine.
The time Mike took to think at the end. To be offered whatever it was he was offered, and to ACTUALLY take the time needed to process what happened BEFORE taking that leap into the future. The fact a moment is not a defined thing that is short. It can last. I happened to have this playing on my readthrough, give it a try
Joke: the laser burned toast! Reminds me of cabbage. Affected me the most: the acnolagement that letting go of rage is hard, and takes repeated effort (the process of bringing Karen to justice, instead of vengeance).
I found the chaos in this one a bit jarring. Not sure if it was the chaos itself, or the fact I'm having a bad time of life right now, but I had trouble following it all. Couldn't keep it sorted. That said, your work puts my head right in ways I don't know how to describe. At the risk of TMI, I'm one of the many who cannot see their own worth. No matter how many lives I improve, save (literally), sacrifices I make for everyone (shortened life expectancy and guaranteed a bad death as a result) I have never been acknowledged as having value by anyone. I've never seen HOW to have self worth, so I have none. Your work convinces me I am worthy, intrinsically, because everyone is. You are, for lack of a better term (as I am not a believer), an angel. Thank you. All the fappable bits are sexy, lovely, squishy, (ahem) too!
7/20/2022 12:57:22
Incredible. It is not easy to find some life in porn. The story is as good as the boobies and willies 😀
Stephie and Mike's good bye was great.
Wasn't expecting Mike will die.
7/20/2022 13:34:20Awesome
The whole comic, every page, every scene
7/20/2022 14:18:19Keanu10Neither26-40the easter eggsit's too hot outside
7/20/2022 14:42:259Male26-40
7/20/2022 14:47:21Gotta read it first!The whole thing!10Male41-69
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
7/20/2022 16:01:06Cool!
How Jack holds Skylar in his arms on the way home. He tries not to grope Skylar's body, excited to be in such a vulnerable position with her.
Jack and Skylar at the end. Nice pictures.
I have to learn English, because I barely understand a third of it, and even with a translator, only half of it.
7/20/2022 17:56:05
the sex is hot but unfortunately i don't care much for other stuff than that. The graphic and dirty talk and sex are what make it hot. I just want all the pages to be dirty plot about incest sex.
sex between the brother and sister
7/20/2022 19:36:12
Loved it, only thing that would have been better is if we actually got that threesome at the end but was plenty of fun anyway :)
7/20/2022 21:20:23
amazing, both story and graphics, brilliant end to the series
bringing together all the characters from your other comics, plus all the sex
the tragedy of Mike's death
best web comics I've ever read, please continue making them, you rock!
7/20/2022 21:59:41.... Left me speechless...
The epilogue, nearly made me cry....
As I said, the epilogue, espicially the silent images while Mike isntaking his time. So touching !
I absolutely love your work. It's both childish, fun and SO mature. To be blunt, human and full of love. Thank you.
7/20/2022 23:39:33
Very epic! (but also kinda frustrating) The action sequences were beautifully designed and wonderfully over the top, and the sex scenes were as hot and as well-paced as ever. I do very much hope that this isn't the end of the story for Karen. It was hard to see her go from being increasingly vulnerable and pitiable in the previous comic to showing almost none of that in this one, especially after she accidentally kills her hate crush, Mike. I'm also disappointed that we didn't get any kind of Ix/Mike reunion at all. In fact, you shouldn't have killed Mike at all! *sniff* Truth be told, I wasn't in much of a mood to fap after that, even though the ending orgy was pretty cool. (I do wonder why we didn't get to see the curious blue girl get in on the action.) Also, the music almost never works for me if it has to sync up with the action. I don't like having to rush through the comic trying to keep up. I don't mean to sound like I don't appreciate all the hard work you put into this because it clearly shows, but those are just my thoughts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go cry in my shower now. Oh, Mike!!
The tenderness and closeness between the couples (Kip & Yun/Charlie & Jack/etc.) is what always draws me back to these comics.
Jack, running around, knocking people out with a helmet, yelling "Space BASTARD" is so silly that it makes me giggle every time.
I like the fact that your comics have a positive message, and I honestly agree with most of it, too. However, there are definitely moments in these comics that feel less like I'm reading a story about people and more like I'm reading a lecture, and it can undermine any sort of pathos or emotional attachment I feel to the characters. My advice (take it or leave it) is that you should use your stories to show your message in action, instead of having your characters repeatedly tell us the message and having other characters respond by saying, "Wow, you're wise!" or "Fucking hell!" It's what made the final chapter of Space Trek Fleet Wars kind of a chore (relatively) to get through, and what almost killed my enjoyment of OH,B, even though I agree with most of the ideas in both of them. In this comic, it basically took away all the pathos building up to Mike's death scene. Also, "got me in the feels" honestly made me upset. I get that Steph is supposed to be above it all like her father, and that you were making a point about Karen needing forgiveness as much as anyone else (again, I agree). I know I gushed about Mike before, but if the opposite happened, if Steph had died, and Mike had reacted the same way, I would still be just as mad. Maybe I'm just taking these comics too seriously, but I can't help but feel like the snark and the aloofness killed an emotional moment that had been building up for numerous comics.
7/20/2022 23:46:09
Really nice series and I almost can see the future with it.
Steph andMike of course.
My family rated pretty high on the shit o meter, so anything good with related or non related family is good.
The brevity of Stephanie and Mike's meeting but everthing was said. Anyhow, I think he'll be back.
7/21/2022 0:19:03That was excellent
I always love all the sexy incest.
10Male26-40I loved how love wins
You have a fan in Seattle. I recommend your work to.... well, not everyone. Only the best people.
7/21/2022 4:25:36
Great stuff!! G;ad to see a whole bunch pf your characters we've met before return!
Really liked seeing Charlie's suit come back to life again and surprise her - because it was so cool of course, especially for having been bought in a thrift shop if I remember right;)
Too many, I have a hard time picking out just one...
So how the heck did everyone manage to all converge on the Moon-moon at once?!
7/21/2022 6:06:53Liked itEverything. Amazing9Male41-69Star Wars stuff
Thank you for an amazing run of comics. I came for the art and stayed for the fun and your crazy mind. Thank you.
7/21/2022 8:16:41brilliantthe ending10Male41-69
7/21/2022 12:24:128Male26-40
7/21/2022 13:42:46Great!
The blowjob part, perfection!
More anal, more cumshots in the face!
7/21/2022 15:47:57
It was horrifying. Terrible ending to an amazing series. Just like GOT. You should be ashamed
Nothing 1Neither18-25Piss poor.
You ruined your own legacy
7/21/2022 15:52:16
Its great, it wraps up every thing together neatly!
Probably when the killing spree started, with the added music it really came together in a cool and energetic way.
Probably the one where all those guys just started listening in randomly into Charlie's horny speech.
Hmm... I'm not one to invoke my perversions on others... but... the amount of times Jack has creampied Charlie makes me wonder why she isn't pregnant yet. So if I had to request anything, it might be to show a little... impregnation (sounds really creepy when I say it,) otherwise though no complaints here.
7/21/2022 17:39:50
I felt it was quite messy compared to all your other previous comics, but it was still an interesting comic to read
all the sex scene. cause I am a horny boi.
When Bob sacrifice himself
Continue what you are doing. Your ideas are crazy, in a good way
7/21/2022 18:37:01
It was one big bag of fun, absolute mayhem. One thing I was missing big though was a romatic ending (sex) scene for Charlie and Jack, where they celebrate their new life in bed. Epilogue maybe? ;)
When all hell broke lose, jaguars and all.
It was a good closure to the general plot. Missing the romantic ending (see above) ^^
Good work. Pls continue the story about Charlie & Jack in some way, if possible. Thx a lot for your work.
7/21/2022 22:44:29Two words: Love it
The mayhem you made... in México we have a saying, "throwing all the meat to the grill" "Poner toda la carne en el asador", and you nailed it, all models, all effects, all of all! My machine would get infarted with only one frame!!! Hat off to you
The combat drug... jeeeez she was actually rolling thunders!
You are a crazy squirrel, do you see "Over the Hedge", Hammy, that energy drink oversaturated hyperactive squirrell? that's you... and i think i really like you
7/22/2022 4:30:04
Excellent. Needs some overarching PROLOGUE to tie up all the loose ends nicely, what is the job God gives to Mike?
Karen behind desk music meshed perfectly with song choice
Sad - Steph reunites with Mike as he dies :`(.
Does Steph find the rest of the crew, Eep et al? Ix crew were hands off. Fallout/life of Charlie/Jack. So many Qns!!!
7/22/2022 6:39:31
Briliant, Beautifull, Funny ... :) there are no words. I love it.
7/22/2022 7:26:02
Amazing.... One of the best yet
Stephie's reaction to her father's death. Everyone deals with loss in their own way, that makes it personal. I have always felt uncomfortable in how people treated my way of dealing with loss.... To cut a long boring story short... This felt refreshing and familiar.
The bit wrote above about stephie's reaction was my favorite bit. But seeing Mike contemplating his choice for an undetermined time, affected me the most emotionally. It was the calm after the storm. Nice...
I'm saving the charlie pinup for later...ifyaknowwaddimean
7/22/2022 9:53:17
Absolutely terrific. You have done a great and valuable thing in this comic.
The madness in Karen's eyes and then getting clocked with the golden helmet
the trooper trying to get his slice of toast. Mike's sacrifice and the reunion
I have just read Janina Ramirez little book about Julian which clarified where you are coming from
7/22/2022 11:51:03Chaotic but beautiful
The happy ending, because I like happy endings
8Male41-69Michael dying
I like the smaller boobies more than the bulbous ones
7/22/2022 12:06:54
Unforunately for me it was the worst comic from the Lithium series and a disapointing ending.
The bath scene recap. Most sexy part of it.
The hony guards on page 28.
7/22/2022 18:05:519Male26-40
7/22/2022 21:30:03mostly marvelous!
genuine affection between the characters
8Male41-69robots in love
some visuals so dark I could not tell what was going on
7/22/2022 22:08:33
I liked it but I was expecting more spicy scenes
Charlie, because she is a beautiful little vicious girl
An ass that knows how to shit is worth more than a mouth that only knows how to criticise.
The bad guys are always very dumb, unintelligent and aimless. I like insatiable, and manipulative with (big clit) bad girls.
7/22/2022 23:09:30Loved it
All the additional players making an appearence
The end, the wait with the passage of time.
Facialy Charlie and Jack look a wee bit too similar. I know the are related but ir jars me sometimes.
7/23/2022 1:58:54
Liked the first half or more better then the last few. The rating 1 to10 below will tell you when the story started loosing me. Hope to see you do more.
Loved the discovery between the two of them of each other.
When she thought she broke him and thought about cutting herself.
Let’s see. I washed my car today and then decided to go wild and vacuumed it as well. Half hour later it rained so now it has spots. Um, had chicken for supper with potato salad and asparagus. Oh and I finished the comic about ten minutes ago. Thanks for writing them. Hope you do more.
7/23/2022 2:33:06Meh4Male26-40
7/23/2022 5:42:43
Fantastic, loved the return of Stephie and Bob (and the gorgeous Ix).
Charlie and Jack's flashback, soooo sexy.
Seeing Bender fucking a droid. Mike dying in his daughter's arms.
You said in your blog that there are probably two more chapters but where can it go from here???
7/23/2022 16:08:06
Interstingly ... heavier ... than I was expecting ... this was a good thing.
Carlotte's expression - page 130 panel 2, page 133 - hints of a deeper consciousness? of her relationship with Jack - I spent more time looking at those two panels trying to work out where her thoughts of the future were going, and then she says "Right! Screw it!"
Fav Joke(s): all of the idiotic gameshow ideas - Most affecting: the final 8 panels
I am very intereted in what you might do next - meanwhile, I've got to go back to the start and re-read everything again. In terms of the material you have so far covered, having started my "out there" reading with Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" in 1971?, this is comfortably middle-of-the-road - I like happysex, which you have provided a lot of, I like character growth, fourth-wall breaking and ironic self-referencing. The porn is nice, or perhaps, I should say, the explicitness. I hate the coyness of mainstream media, and that there is such a gulf between mainstream media and hardcore porn. As to what makes your characters sexy? mindset - there's no ego involved when they enter into their relationships. Nuff saids
7/23/2022 18:04:51Really Good.
The conversation between IX and Charlotte about Skylar.
I wished the epilogue would have focused on Charlie and Jack than where it did, through I get if you were teasing another spin-off.
7/23/2022 20:40:049Male18-25Sex
I would love her to get pregnant
7/23/2022 22:27:12
Just - Wow... so many parts were just brilliant. "Ultimate Family Fiasco" - that suits.
The Moment when IX accompanied by her friends / crew / brother walks to the airlock, silently preparing for her epic entrance. Especially together with the music, one almost feels her deadly rage. Somewhat reminding me of STFW 8, when IX is prepared to save her brother. She is friendly and caring, highly intelligent, but the universe should know at that point already, that it is a death wish-level stupid idea to dare threaten someone she cares about let alone her family.
In Short, that was just Epic.

Also, in addition on "Position #2", all those moments, when the henchmen realize they have been on the wrong side - by choice. We all tend to hide uncomfortable truths from ourselves. And it painful to realize that - no matter if it his IXs Blade or Stephs sharp reply making you realize it.
apart from the already told part with IX, the moment when Steph finaly said goodbye to her father, after all of one human being - that one was particular touching. More than any joke in the whole chapter.
7/24/2022 0:37:26Absolutely loved it!
I love the relationship between the siblings.
When the guards said "Aaaand??"
You rule!
7/24/2022 14:22:11
Loved it! Sex felt a little less integrated and more shoehorned this time but it was a triumphant finale!
I mean, the two dongers thing was cool. And the shot! But had really been looking forward to Steph being reunited with Bob and Mike. So that was nice to see, even if the Mike thing was bittersweet..
9Male26-40The sandwich.
As always - this comic makes me wish it were polite to talk about pornographic comics with incest themes in polite company. It's weird and wonderful that you combine those things with something like literature.
7/25/2022 11:10:43Nice
Blowjob imagination, was funny.
7/25/2022 14:40:289Male18-25
7/25/2022 15:23:50
Not be a downer, but story wise, it is not the best that has been created by you. Overall, the comics was just a mash up of things happening to fast, mostly un-interesting things, for me that is.
I personally loved the development of the characters and their fun sexy relationship hijinks. It was sexy, funny, cool. The whole incest dynamic made it even better. I hope there is more of that type of work in the future. Keep up the amazing work!
7/25/2022 18:17:02
I loved it, as I have all your work. It's fun and hot without contributing to the worst bits of the world. It makes people think about their actions and why they care about what they do. It's a work of art.
"Favorite" is an oversimplifying word, but a standout bit was the Bob Dylan song with the mostly wordless montage - really felt like watching a movie. I also love everything about the Mike character, and very much identify with who he tries to be. The subtle, uncertain cupping of Skylar's breast towards the end was spot-on and unexpectedly hot.
The throwaway scene at the end about the two guards that didn't have radio contact was fun. Maybe they don't deserve to survive the leopards, but I hope they do.
The pokemon bit takes one out of suspension of disbelief a bit, but...bold move, really. I would like a to see a video of my facial expression when I saw that.
7/27/2022 2:30:36
Your work just gets better and better!
Skyler going full berzerker! Xi is another character I love and it makes sense that they are cousins. Ok so dual Penus, penii? not sure, hate english and latin. love the woman with pink glasses - maybe I was reading too quickly butt lover her. And tentacles,........and eggs!!!! I would like to rate this eleven or twelve.
Skyler's eyes and Mikes "death"
I love this story and as you say, there are so many twists and turns and plot lines to follow in the future stories.
7/27/2022 21:39:40Very good as usual9Male41-69
7/28/2022 20:06:11Briljant work once again
Pages as from total bloody mayhem
8Male41-69Fed Ex
When cooled down the monumental pages really proof the artistic quality of the comic and the storytelling is more than just hopping from scene to scene but has much wit and intelligence
7/28/2022 20:41:5910Male41-69
Don't stop - the emotions storeies and concepts are astonishing
7/29/2022 5:46:08
Absolutely hilarious and hawt……..maybe a bit too much chaos tho
The people running from the reporter and the people running from the cougars meeting up. I just loved the immediate shifting of threat assessment.
The combination irony and horny bomb. My god haven’t laughed so hard in ages.
Im sure a lot of the characters are from other series that you worked on but Ive only read OHB and Lithium along with your short works. So the sheer chaos of the situation plus all the random nekkid characters was a bit much for my brain to follow. Other than the over abundance of chaos making it hard to read the situation, the comic was great
8/1/2022 4:21:06Noice!
Mike sacrificing himself. Definitely the only way for his character to go out/continue. Set-up (telling the literal numbered men they matter) and pay-off (showing they mattered)
We're just normal men. We're just innocent men. Banger reference, cocker
Ngl, it was so chaotic it was hard to know wtf was goin. Not that it took anything from the plot, but it was hard to root for one specific encounter with everything so insane. Made it exciting though
8/1/2022 15:10:28juste parfaittous10Male26-40
l'approche émotionnelle des personnages
8/1/2022 15:57:47fantastic, it goes to 11humour, cause humour?10Male41-69
that two beings that don't speak the same language can get along better than those who do
8/4/2022 0:39:46awesome
2.5-some in cockpit near end; affection, hornyness, release, all relateable
9Male41-69Mike's death
Thank you! Hard to beat the ethics from early volumes, so relax, it's OK to not surpass those.
8/5/2022 13:49:27
Great, can’t wait to read the next episode
8/5/2022 16:53:55
If nothing else it makes you think about what you let go over, soon to be 72 in a couple of weeks, over the years. It would have been a lot of moments of fun.
The reference of past mixed with the present world events.
the one reference to Putin.
I saw a grate pic on YouTube of a small waste pole bin in a dog park with a sticker of Putin's face and labeled Poo Tin.
8/5/2022 20:31:029Male41-69
8/6/2022 20:29:58Perfect, incestHmmm10Male18-25🤔Dk what to say
8/9/2022 15:06:49Love itThe interaction 10Male41-69Everything Great artwork
8/18/2022 20:44:42
8/19/2022 11:27:30I love it10Male41-69
8/20/2022 15:44:47
I felt like this was incredibly rushed and you had so much going on that it was confusing at times. It seemed like this was very much a departure from your earlier, more well paced, works.
Honestly the best bit was the one at the end on the ride back to earth. Back to your excellent sexy time that is much closer to the quality of your previous works.
I liked Mike's sacrifice the most, though of all the fantastical things that have happened in these stories, I felt like he should have been saved.
I very much enjoy your stories and hope that we can continue to enjoy them for long to come.
9/1/2022 19:22:06
This whole series was amazing, but you outdid yourself with this finale. I'm looking forward to #11, but had this been the very end as I first thought, it would have been perfect on its own, I feel. Well done!
I have two and its the first two music cues with Masters of War and Canon in D Minor. Your music selections are inspired and always enhance the scenes, but these two really demonstrated your penchant for presenting cinematic scenes.
Favorite joke was the epilogue scene with the two troopers not aware of the prior battle. The fact that one of them is a furry and then is about to get attacked by the giant cats was hilarious and a wonderfully layered bit. What affected me most emotionally was the battle scene with the accompanying scores and just the nice existential quandries you pose both through the characters and your end card sign offs.
I have read a good many porn comics in time, some with entertaining plots, some with incredible sex scenes. You have managed to not only create a comic that does both, but transcends as well. The build up from comic to comic where I was finding myself crying out "When will these two finally give in?!" The tension and edging was palpable and all the better for it. The jokes and fourth wall breaks were nice releases during either tense or steamy moments, but they're never too much which takes skill. I do have one caveat, a trifle really, but I do tend to have a problem with timing the music to the scenes. You set them up so beautifully, but I found myself either not knowing where the music should crescendo or finish or that I had read through too slowly or quickly. I don't know if there's anything you can do on your end to mitigate this debacle, but I just want to be able to follow the scene as you designed it in order to get the best effect as you saw it. For example, having the lyrics faded but visible during Masters of War helped me readjust my speed so I knew that I was seeing the panels in time with the music. Other than that, this has been a treat to read and you should know that, to me at least, you have significantly raised the bar for porn comics and web comics in general. I cannot wait to see your next installments and projects.
9/3/2022 12:20:34
On the whole, very good (the whole series).
The banter between Robert and Skyler because it was funny and sexy.
It's a little bit of both. You throwing almost everything except for the kitchen sink for the finale.
9/10/2022 22:27:29It was AWSOME!
every time you used a cultural reference
the caracter talking with god was someting i was not expecting
the lithium comic was my first experience with +18 comics (to be honest i was looking for some incest content) but was trutly amazing. Also i'm sorry if you dont understand what im writing, thats because i'm from brazil and still learning english. Anyway, i really liked all your content and i you have a tallent for that. I'm big fan of your work, and a huge fan by now!!
9/28/2022 10:55:089Male26-40
9/28/2022 11:54:36good!
blowjob and anal because anal
9/28/2022 12:48:11it's cute.
charlie, jack and skylar becoming a throuple
10Male26-40everything skylar does
The throuple love grow...pregnancyyy?
9/28/2022 14:08:02Awesome
Shampoo time because bath time is always a great time
Not in this comic but Charlie breaking the 4th wall looking at the reader is awesome
Cum, because inside is cool but outside is fine as well
9/28/2022 16:18:03
Chill and funny. Not the best but good nonetheless.
“Did we just meet god?!?” Cause yeah of course thats how things would go.
The emphasis on how intimacy is always difficult. You open yourself up to be hurt and its nerve wracking.
You did me dirty by not including the 3some with Skylar. I think it would be a better end.
9/28/2022 18:32:15Very goodSkylar is back 😜8Male26-40
9/28/2022 18:34:19
Not bad. I like the length, the 100 pages length is very readable. A little bit missing the pool' after-after party, but I understand very difficult to manage too much humans and things.
Skylar and Cynthia (and Cynthia' secret penis). I don't like the silly people, but Skylar is very cute and adorable, I love much her. :-)
I wrote few days ago in the comment the 'Time not important..." reference, and very funny was read in the comic. Ok, I know it's not my credit, but it was still fun to read.
The timeline is little bit wicked. Few days ago was the first school day, and since then they don't learning or going to the school again. Ok, I know it's a first world problem, but I think the correct timeline is one small step for a mankind for the better world. :-)
9/28/2022 18:47:52Loved it
Skylar getting worried about the damage she had done moving the planet.
8Male41-69Best. Birthday. Present.
9/28/2022 20:05:51
One of the best of lithium yet. One criticsm.. it ended to soon, didnt want it to end.
Ok, i admit, suspender belt and back to their shy teasing best. Love that whole vibe.
10Mint aero.. a male one41-69
Too busy getting turned on
Just the 3 of them fucking, for the love of whoever you think is holy
9/28/2022 20:15:47Non stop funCharlies suspender belt9Male41-69I wish Mike wasn't dead.
9/28/2022 21:01:41
The siblings feel...grown up, i think. Trying to take care of someone, dressing up and teasing in a more indirect way, them getting caught reminding me more of parents that had their child walk in with Charlie's reaction and words...they're still clearly giddy and excited and scared and eager about the whole thing, but i can see they're trying to build something. Personally i think you wrote Jack about a few years too confident when introducing Skylar into the mix (not even twenty minutes earlier he was still repeating boobies whilst groping them, come on), but aside from that all good
Basically everything after Skylar woke up for realsies, that's where most of the dialogue and character interactions were, and i find that's something you manage to write quite well.
Although the shampoo scene deserves a mention as well, it was such a sweet cuddle (+extra) scene
Pissgirl reversing made me lose it, love this girl. There is not a single speck of thought in her head, just pure Id
You wrote about creating erotic works of some kind since the 90s. How much of your old work you reckon is around online, and how much is actually possible to find? The fact that you feel the need to change name with every project is a pain for cataloguing, but i guess it makes for good plausible deniability if the need for it arises. Still, i'm curious as to what you've made before STFW, that's about a dozen years of mystery!
9/28/2022 21:27:40
Awesome, in a silly kind if way
Skylar10Male41-69moving the planetthank you
9/28/2022 21:32:47
The bath scene with charlie & jack. Charlie with wet skin...oh pleeeease!
I laughed out loud at skylar jumping down the stairs shouting "chipeeeees!" Ha haaa, the pose was genius!
Thank you so much for all your amazing work cindy. I can't tell you how much i love your story telling & don;t even start me on your artistic talent! Staggering! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
9/28/2022 22:18:58
A bless since it dropped durring my time of the hurricane <3
9/28/2022 23:14:30
skylar moving in, hoping for a proper love polygon
9Meat popsickle26-40
9/28/2022 23:20:46Best one yet
The blossoming relationship between Charlie and Jack Almost out in the open
10Male70+can't pick just one
really enjoyable can't wait to see where you take it
9/29/2022 0:41:22Fun! Thank you. :)
The emojis of the genitals. They're unexpected and funny!
How they care for each other.
Playing with nipples is sexy!
9/29/2022 1:03:53perfect8Male26-40
please more jake and charlie sex
9/29/2022 1:16:01*sighs* *rubs* *sighs*
So many (really, really), buuut - Charlie and Jack in the tub, chatting, touching, sharing, fondling... You could FEEL how comfortable they are with each other, especially when exposed (literally and figuratively). If only everyone could experience that with another... *shivers just picturing it again*
"gyuhk, gyuhk, gyuhk... gylop, gylop" - all of your sounds are so, so memorable, but that... was an erotic, sensual, loving (and gooey) ball of unadulterated happiness!
Thank you sooo MUCH for sharing your superlative talents, intimate thoughts, and caring creativity freely with others. Truly, this series is the benchmark against which other erotica is compared. And being immutable is - nice 🙂