A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | |
1 | Timestamp | Please provide a link to the resource. | Overview of the resource. | Why do you think this resource is helpful? | Grade Level (s) for resource. | Topic(s) of resource. | Does this resource allow students to consume or create knowledge? | Twitter Handle if you want to network with others? | ||||||
2 | 4/8/2020 9:10:57 | https://learnathome.withyoutube.com/ | Learning at Home with YouTube | All | All | |||||||||
3 | 4/6/2020 22:37:16 | https://bestmoviesrightnow.com/homeschooling-with-netflix/?fbclid=IwAR39vLoPkO9H5Ufwp0rUCRZPO2ClR4wtYC_MwdJKqT-QiQ4O-t5nQ0Y35ls | 50 Titles for Homeschooling with Netflix | K-12 | All | |||||||||
4 | 4/1/2020 17:02:29 | http://www.nysed.gov/edtech/digital-content-resources | Clickable list of resources from the NY State Education Department | All | All | |||||||||
5 | 3/26/2020 8:44:00 | https://www.projectlooksharp.org/lessons-and-kits.php | Project Look Sharp Lessons and Activities | K-12 | All | |||||||||
6 | 3/21/2020 13:18:54 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqpuFFAWYhk&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3hQDRWU77kwA2_r7jgdIVo7SgAhohLRh3nAC-s8pOZvDGmLKCgrL0r0h4 | How to make lesson videos and screen recordings. | Help teachers make lesson videos and screen recordings. | All | All | ||||||||
7 | 3/21/2020 13:17:14 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/03/classroom-videos.html?fbclid=IwAR1q1ZbZLJGsx3g25Nv3n21qgepKpGGHoVNYEr7nfN-2OZtxFqmo6K5CgtQ | How to use Google Classroom | Overview and videos for teachers and parents to help with using Google Classroom | All | All | ||||||||
8 | 3/17/2020 8:46:13 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NGi3CzD0gY7Dq83dtX_Oa4LDVdU0qkew251N6LQk-Fw/htmlview?usp=embed_facebook&sle=true&fbclid=IwAR1bTwmNeAeEqri7i93US4JJ9_evdl6YPP30fj06KtZWNRTH1_hGPkwTCys | Virtual Field Trips! | Live Webcams, virtual tours, and virtual field trips. So much awesome in one place! | All | All | ||||||||
9 | 3/17/2020 8:40:57 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4lnkt456qIiloFUdx5kp26-HjHV3tzhpn6NIwCwBco/edit?usp=sharing | Long list of Science Resources | Multiple content areas and grade levels represented and many free resources to choose from! | All | All | ||||||||
10 | 3/16/2020 10:39:43 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSZhOdEPAWjUQpqDkVAlJrFwxxZ9Sa6zGOq0CNRms6Z7DZNq-tQWS3OhuVCUbh_-P-WmksHAzbsrk9d/pub | Khan Academy with Student Schedules | This resource gives an actual daily lesson play for students in all grade levels. | K-12 | All | ||||||||
11 | 3/16/2020 9:34:55 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TNxiUI6vcv9k7f3BV72U4_Jz1euMJIGmlkVcUQ4sOK4/edit#heading=h.fvopgocrq6dg | ELearning / Remote Learning Resources | Curated list of remote and eLearning solutions for schools and parents. | PK-12 | All | ||||||||
12 | 3/16/2020 9:29:02 | https://www.medinacsd.org/domain/508 | Grade Level Resources from Medina Central Schools | Individual Grade Level Resources for Teachers / Parents | K-8 | All | ||||||||
13 | 3/12/2020 16:41:18 | https://freerice.com/category | Use FREE RICE to interact with, play games with, and improve learning with many different topics. PLUS--correct answers generate donations of real rice to real people. Support your learning AND the world! | Gives students opportunities to practice what they are learning in multiple content areas. The program levels itself based on students' right answers so that students are working at their personal independent level. | K-8 | ALL | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
14 | 3/17/2020 8:53:20 | https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2020/03/the-cincinnati-zoo-launches-daily.html?fbclid=IwAR1UcrVDiqdNtR7QTr4EJPFosqhjqrV3QZDnmW9G1rSBeKtrRTzWg0b320g | Daily Virtual Zoo | The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden is closed to the public right now and thousands (millions?) of kids are home from school right now too. That's why the zoo has announced that they're hosting daily "Home Safaris" beginning today at 3pm ET. These Home Safaris will be broadcast live on Facebook. Each Home Safari will feature a different animal and a related at-home activity. Be sure to follow the zoo's Facebook page to be notified when the Home Safaris begin. | All | Animals / Biology | ||||||||
15 | 4/19/2020 12:30:16 | https://practicaledtech.com/2019/10/20/three-ways-for-students-to-create-their-own-apps-games/ | 3 ways for students to create their own Apps and Games | Apps / Games | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||||
16 | 3/16/2020 9:14:00 | http://www.openculture.com/2019/02/download-free-coloring-books-from-113-museums.html?fbclid=IwAR3oRSdF23uitDmbKRhO1ZihLVMESF3XmIBs30RJf0xhVyA8xAYZGMsq_-s | Downloadable Coloring Books | Download a whole bunch of coloring books from 113 museums from around the world! | All | Art | ||||||||
17 | 3/14/2020 12:33:56 | https://jarrettlerner.com/activities/ | Printable Activity Sheets and Comic Book Panels | Awesome art / writing activity | K-5 | Art, Writing | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
18 | 4/6/2020 22:36:21 | https://parade-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/parade.com/1019088/debrawallace/temple-grandin-tips-children-with-autism-coronavirus-quarantine/amp/?fbclid=IwAR1VL2PdzOH9yqZeOFd-GH0QMkka0R8vCNS36dZBaj2xKqc1PEC9h83802U | Temple Grandin Has Some Great Tips to Help Autistic Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Quarantine | K-12 | Autism / Special Education | |||||||||
19 | 3/23/2020 10:15:40 | https://www.geekwire.com/2020/whale-experts-launch-free-virtual-marine-biology-camp-entertain-inform-kids/?fbclid=IwAR03_cqUxI3zxV_jNYOIFH3EXA_v7C-Gc8HnMYzvHyEKrRH2fRrgVK7ui3Q | Whale experts launch free, virtual marine biology camp to entertain and inform kids | 9-12 | Biology | |||||||||
20 | 3/21/2020 13:30:44 | https://codewizardshq.com/coding-for-kids-free/?fbclid=IwAR2T9rsBF5cmUBy8kRcR-eXYQtqMa6RqInQGA4g-G23lLqp1ynkRcV4RP_A | Coding for Kids | Coding for Kids: Free Classes, Websites, and Apps | K-5 | Coding | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
21 | 3/12/2020 16:45:55 | https://www.scratchjr.org/ | Scratch Jr. | Learn to code! | K-5 | Coding | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
22 | 3/12/2020 16:45:24 | https://www.codecademy.com/ | Code Academy | Learn to code! | All | Coding | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
23 | 3/21/2020 22:43:14 | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflNxNM0jzbZJjUqOcXkwhGTfii4CM_CA3kCxImbY8c3AABEA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1mSsdCZcWbjfMEXWM1CuIe2kQxy2bqHM4azatWqoECqvrhC9xuma2NcU4 | Hogwarts Digital Escape Room | Novel way to use Google Forms to create a digital escape room! | K-12 | Creative Thinking | ||||||||
24 | 4/19/2020 12:37:20 | https://pz.harvard.edu/at-home-with-pz?fbclid=IwAR1uQIXyRgRIw1x5XEO0x9LkqIs65ZFXt2bjxqEIKZd_Zy_ySZGu8yigIQM | At home with Project Zero | Opportunities for inspiring discussion and thinking with students. | Critical Thinking | |||||||||
25 | 4/6/2020 22:30:51 | https://www.playgroundcentre.com/unstructured-vs-structured-play/ | Unstructured vs. Structured Play | PK-2 | Early Learning | |||||||||
26 | 3/12/2020 16:26:34 | https://earthengine.google.com/timelapse/ | Investigate Earth’s Changes over time with Google’s Timelapse tool. | Shows changes over time with Google's Timelapse tool, letting students see Climate Changes happening in timelapse. | 3-12 | Earth Science | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
27 | 3/16/2020 8:46:26 | https://storyboardthat.com To see samples. Teacher subscription is $10 for multiple classes | Create a “Storyboard” just like a comic story or from the newspaper with all the elements of plot - exposition, setting characters, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. | While covering all of the elements of plot in narratives, students create their own characters, background, place, time, point of view, conflict (rising, falling) and allows for creativity. | 6-8 | ELA - Elementa of Plot, Characteristics - how changes in the character(s) impacts a story | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
28 | 4/6/2020 22:42:43 | https://people.com/movies/j-k-rowling-launches-harry-potter-at-home-hub-for-kids-to-stay-entertained-at-home/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=peoplemag&xid=socialflow_facebook_peoplemag&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR0ArG8TOR5yELzIvXtYqGuvse4Zn8X3JVrcRMx7PDGl2xYxxXO-qlo_cHg | J.K. Rowling Launches 'Harry Potter at Home' Hub for Kids to Stay Entertained at Home | It's Harry Potter! | K-8 | ELA / Literature | ||||||||
29 | 3/14/2020 12:07:21 | https://pernillesripp.com/2020/03/14/picture-books-read-aloud-videos-for-lesson-use/ | Picture Books Read Aloud Videos | Lists of books being read out loud for students to listen to or follow along with! | K-3 | ELA / Reading | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
30 | 3/23/2020 10:36:04 | https://time.com/tfk-free/?fbclid=IwAR1KXT-dn8P5oouvjuEr50RrzRfEQ5QFVuR14ndiWDdfaBjJ89XS3_vZbnQ | TIME FOR KIDS DIGITAL LIBRARY FREE FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR | K-6 | ELA / SS / Science | |||||||||
31 | 3/12/2020 15:40:56 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/19bc97Q2Tje7w_PzX0ocAsLOeLUj5VxWqsxVe8Tq8HIQ/edit?usp=sharing | Publish your own book with Amazon Kindle Publishing Services (Supports learning in multiple content areas and invites opportunities for group edits and revisions and publishing a product of value that has an entrepreneurial angle.) | It allows students to publish their own books in the Kindle format or a traditional print text. | K-12 | ELA / Writing | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | |||||||
32 | 3/22/2020 22:44:50 | http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2020/03/ten_strategies_for_teaching_english_language_learners_online.html?fbclid=IwAR0rT_4Zt2IMEZ_Voqw-tG5vlGW52Y5aZdtlSqch0hKLFcuppcAehgbmkVQ | Ten Strategies for Teaching English-Language Learners Online | Working with ELL Learners Online | All | ELL | ||||||||
33 | 3/16/2020 9:01:37 | https://www.commonlit.org/ | Reading topics of interest, read aloud options, some with illustrations, graphs, charts, adapts to reading comfort level | reading comprehension and skills | 6-8 | fiction, non-fiction | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
34 | 4/19/2020 12:40:46 | https://www.commonsense.org/education/top-picks/virtual-field-trip-apps-and-websites?j=7741220&sfmc_sub=168596308&l=2048712_HTML&u=144751915&mid=6409703&jb=50&utm_source=edu_nl_20200414&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR1o-1pF74wsDZwXd_5w8sVHJGGywl8vfJmLLf6SOcE7XplJEyy0W-7WS-0 | Virtual Field Trips and Websites | Field Trips | ||||||||||
35 | 5/21/2020 23:22:09 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kt1exCdOvW85ZTa9pn_2SKSzJyK5-YZm/view?fbclid=IwAR33Kts3hGaisCoZXbTnq-OMvN1pHCKCp-nONI-Xb9Kkct3X4s-ZVAW2SqM | Online Board Games | Games | ||||||||||
36 | 3/26/2020 9:26:30 | https://earth.google.com/web/@17.90693717,-12.41937117,-34606.6327455a,57359668.97d,35y,0.00004064h,18.19296234t,0r/data=CjwSOhIgYmU3N2ZmYzU0MTc1MTFlOGFlOGZkMzdkYTU5MmE0MmEiFnNwbC14LXgteC1zcGxhc2hzY3JlZW4?fbclid=IwAR0t2rT-HK8-M4QntJk9OpnxYeIVFcMVAMjiH1KF9Ri1gqKghbUP0UvVlk8 | Where on Google Earth is Carmen Sandiego? | 3-7 | Geography | |||||||||
37 | 5/21/2020 23:19:06 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/04/meet-whiteboard-tools.html?fbclid=IwAR0nX9VEnFSHZUFbWoAmlqIcnPGO-4-25LpGBVkcanfQP-t3yKpfCavJjFo | Whiteboard Tools for Google Meet | |||||||||||
38 | 5/21/2020 23:17:38 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2017/05/classroom-cleanup.html?fbclid=IwAR2hp-Qs6KJK_CwqaagQN_Jao8DOmgQLB0L4J8KM83qVkrPIZO0l8LmzOiQ | End of Year Google Classroom Resource | |||||||||||
39 | 4/19/2020 12:46:34 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/04/meet-whiteboard-tools.html?fbclid=IwAR1pUxbjNhHOiVPv5Qnf7e6uDsnPAK8-Lq1EHLFZwM7PmDXScj1qXBAYCTM | Whiteboard tools for Google Meet | |||||||||||
40 | 4/19/2020 12:45:43 | https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/how-to-organize-assignments-in-google-classroom/?fbclid=IwAR2wd9tNDSrfYib3DGbPdGmchpFNx1fCp9qi1CRDdMIPHCMo3suOGjyR06Y | How to organize assignments in Google Classroom | |||||||||||
41 | 4/19/2020 12:42:59 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-GNlwtGqxk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2wd9tNDSrfYib3DGbPdGmchpFNx1fCp9qi1CRDdMIPHCMo3suOGjyR06Y | How to add backgrounds to Google Meet | |||||||||||
42 | 4/19/2020 12:38:35 | https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/how-to-create-drag-and-drop-activities-with-google-slides-suls027/?fbclid=IwAR0EZ1qz4_s0i6xvGr-UOTKJif-QktIDmnero-G_avOUh_uSduz3kbLglFA | How to create drag and drop activities with Google Slides | |||||||||||
43 | 4/19/2020 12:37:58 | https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/reach-all-learners-with-googles-accessibility-tools-suls049/?fbclid=IwAR2K-StZOfug1-ZO9Ol3c6tI5uWCWxhwUpXuEUa4Mg4LvXS9umayl_IqELQ | Accessibility tools for all learners in Google | |||||||||||
44 | 4/19/2020 12:27:41 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/04/no-join-meet.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR0A_Qs4e3DWI6_t3FrH4kSJCdTv2jQU0d63nuvapL3L9rxqWBDLm5yxV_I | Keep Students from Rejoining a Meet without you | |||||||||||
45 | 4/8/2020 9:18:12 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/04/no-join-meet.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR0A_Qs4e3DWI6_t3FrH4kSJCdTv2jQU0d63nuvapL3L9rxqWBDLm5yxV_I | Keep Students from Rejoining a Meet without you | |||||||||||
46 | 4/8/2020 9:07:48 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuH8n0UqpJU&feature=youtu.be | How to use automatic captions in Google Slides | |||||||||||
47 | 4/6/2020 22:39:55 | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/meet-attendance/nenibigflkdikhamlnekfppbganmojlg?fbclid=IwAR2iomMVF58yeFURt_rR-9DUFde0gn33PM-ThDWgt3VOXpruLotEmYNickg | Automatic Attendance in Google Meet (Add On) | |||||||||||
48 | 4/6/2020 22:38:58 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/04/classroom-quizzes.html?fbclid=IwAR10NoCuA9cTUc88jjnGE0RkqwT2cZeptloxDpweUJbGNDVpKhlHIyycI5k | Creating Quizzes in Google Classroom | |||||||||||
49 | 4/6/2020 22:30:05 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w90cW9sh3zs&feature=youtu.be | An Overview of Google Docs Accessibility Options | |||||||||||
50 | 4/6/2020 22:26:25 | https://practicaledtech.com/2020/04/03/how-to-create-videos-on-a-chromebook-without-extensions-or-apps/ | How to Create Videos on a Chromebook Without Extensions or Apps | All | ||||||||||
51 | 4/1/2020 17:13:06 | https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/03/meet-grid-view.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR3jpEAQDb1TxKzEddGjgy4B_Fv0KXhhvmCKU9LXQn9GntEhX2GEWlfXh0U | See Everyone with the Google Meet Grid View Extension | All | ||||||||||
52 | 4/19/2020 12:41:32 | https://nerdist.com/article/zoom-conference-backgrounds-star-trek-simpsons-seinfeld/?fbclid=IwAR1pUxbjNhHOiVPv5Qnf7e6uDsnPAK8-Lq1EHLFZwM7PmDXScj1qXBAYCTM | Backgrounds for Conference Calls | Google / Zoom | ||||||||||
53 | 5/21/2020 23:21:43 | https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/google-classroom-cleanup-tips-for-the-end-of-the-year/?fbclid=IwAR3SWVnLeRWNrrg6xu17KqJ5W5TRhvWmg6HHAdxWR5chSecZlGanO3OzCgA | Google Classroom Clean Up tips for the end of the school year. | Google Classroom | ||||||||||
54 | 5/21/2020 23:19:39 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0hjhyufms&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1sj8j9E2DWDclRdpF6PT3h2LJSVMj3YQnhImdTb84_aApAmGFHoyKOy44 | Parent's Guide to Google Classroom | Google Classroom | ||||||||||
55 | 3/26/2020 8:46:22 | https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2020/03/an-overview-of-how-students-view-and.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR2dz4NizU5uydzrS1NOaKbCYoFtZJerN3RxGjJXqZ5cNNS2r1vQ9JJV5nI | Student View of Google Classroom | K-12 | Google Classroom | |||||||||
56 | 3/24/2020 8:22:57 | https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/20-awesome-apps-that-integrate-with-google-classroom/?fbclid=IwAR3sgGiU_Q8JmD0USa8MxqUZ8yt5uYN-171l02MisXvG_8nw_uWcQ-3igNE | 70+ Apps that integrate with Google Classroom | K-12 | Google Classroom | |||||||||
57 | 3/15/2020 13:59:34 | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PDVZvie0DnFbFEVFB8U3j89o1mD5BCUXTE6ymbb9y_k/mobilepresent?fbclid=IwAR3QlguPesO9knJYgRcFLwW-mIOqWF7ioMi1nif7M-3bND4iv_zI88gn3KU&slide=id.g4f60ec15fb_1_0 | Parents guide to Google Classroom | Information for parents using Google Classroom | For Parents! | Google Classroom | ||||||||
58 | 3/21/2020 13:27:28 | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qb9bSclIy4jfIXModsNtyseW9JDw_6uheuLSu4-v8ec/present?fbclid=IwAR3hiHdLAHaqpxCVBe-M47fhf6d1D09eHda1A2WOqfsgV8PR0rKXa4gb36U&slide=id.p | Google Classroom Cheat Sheet | Google Presentation of clickable links to help with multiple Google Classroom Tasks | All | Google Resources | ||||||||
59 | 3/22/2020 22:48:44 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtXj0gB_rB0&fbclid=IwAR088bBMX1Y3foq2OD9aSqBWXGdxVxfi-ch3P3DlI7X_3zHCy2ijAKo0lLw | How to Teach Remotely with Google Slides | Teachers | Google Slides | |||||||||
60 | 3/17/2020 8:50:16 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9vA4JUnr1xFafSY5n7iF75eCb3fX2Azy_6rZOOzH_8/htmlview?usp=embed_facebook&fbclid=IwAR1PhtymSpTETR0sUDpz8UfmJtOcrTuZpj0-1mcghYomQnvGExH2lpr1iGg&sle=true | Live-Streamed Activities every hour Monday - Friday! | Many online options for live interactions that include content, arts, read-alouds, movement, etc. | K-3 | K-3 | ||||||||
61 | 3/12/2020 16:39:13 | https://www.smore.com/py5nz | Resources for Online Learning | This document shares multiple platforms on which learning can occur online. | ALL | Learning Platforms | ||||||||
62 | 3/12/2020 16:51:47 | https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ | National Geographic for Kids | Play games, watch videos, explore animals and more with National Geographic for Kids. | K-5 | Life Science / Biology | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
63 | 3/16/2020 10:01:25 | https://www.splashlearn.com/ | SplashLearn is a curriculum-aligned learning program that covers kindergarten to grade 5 math skills through engaging games. It’s available on iOS, Android and web. | Free services: By signing up for a SplashLearn free-for-life teacher account, you can ensure your students continue learning even when they are not in class. Any practice assignment or assessment you assign to your students can be accessed at home for free through laptops, iPads or smartphones. | K-5 | Math | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | jhawarmithun | ||||||
64 | 3/16/2020 9:29:52 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VteKUdAJ-cWgKkWT1upoX6HtsDmiSm0tgNIpChE9Qrw/edit?fbclid=IwAR3oRSdF23uitDmbKRhO1ZihLVMESF3XmIBs30RJf0xhVyA8xAYZGMsq_-s | Math Choice Menus | Math Choice Menus for Grades K-5 | K-5 | Math | ||||||||
65 | 3/12/2020 16:52:43 | https://www.funbrain.com/ | Fun Brain | Use FunBrain for learning math content or for reading / literacy. | K-8 | Math / ELA | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
66 | 3/16/2020 9:13:05 | https://entertainkidsonadime.com/2020/03/13/100-activities-to-do-at-home-during-school-closures/?fbclid=IwAR2ZzYmNxE-gGVuFJJam_V0tF6-OMlIQzDQRYVorRXTtm3Mfk_o-vPqd1bY | 100 Activities to do at home. | Many fun ideas for activities to do at home with supplies you probably have lying around already! | Multiple | Multiple | ||||||||
67 | 3/16/2020 9:11:41 | https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/135609/list-of-education-companies-offering-free-subscriptions/?fbclid=IwAR0rMdnlaySZIgCN5AZRMpuwpJ0_M7Ov2ju38KV_Bx8Oi8HjR30VW4AR_1g | List of Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions Due to School Closings | Massive list of resources all free for a limited time! | Multiple | Multiple | ||||||||
68 | 3/15/2020 13:58:30 | https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-prek-k.html?fbclid=IwAR3wvoh_bwyy9WSQGL__uDc2mMID3lUgc8qd9KrMQeE2TfaBr_MH6BadF2s | Scholastic Day by Day Learning Guide for PK-K | Loads of resources for day by day learning experiences. | PK-K | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
69 | 3/15/2020 13:57:07 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SvIdgTx9djKO6SjyvPDsoGlkgE3iExmi3qh2KRRku_w/preview?fbclid=IwAR20hqTuXq13mXH-iUg9xtLb9lO-LYTMJU9JqbcRUfV_LacRt5iKFB25ZlU&pru=AAABcQNi9-8*lMdSHJA-8qPN5Xx5cME0dg | Virtual Field Trips | Students cant take 30 different virtual field trips! | K-5 | Multiple | ||||||||
70 | 3/14/2020 11:56:54 | https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-share-article&utm_content=20200313&fbclid=IwAR1PX9GBbWsgHHLah4JML9JvMXIBfqBIpxbjQBKos4fAKzTiOMUtX-V8XsA | Virtual tours of 12 Famous Museums | Explore museums online instead of doing paper packets! | K-12 | Multiple | ||||||||
71 | 3/14/2020 11:54:13 | https://www.cves.org/online-learning-educational-resources/ | Online Learning and Educational Resources | Online resources from Champlain Valley Educational Services | K-12 | Multiple | ||||||||
72 | 3/12/2020 16:57:26 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NUKLZN7hGSu1Hzm70kfzBKs-lsSELaEMggS60Bi2O2I/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true&fbclid=IwAR2GXaVMARp4Fj1R1CgtdXpG3Q_yQQU4UEyQ9KJbI1YBj_pyZ0gp7_zz7bo# | Education Companies offering free services at the moment. | Multiple web-based resources in this Google Spreadsheet from Amazing Educational Resources. | K-12 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
73 | 3/12/2020 16:50:58 | https://ed.ted.com/lessons?content_type=animations&direction=desc&sort=publish-date&user_by_click=student | TED Education | Educational and Inspirational videos with ideas worth sharing. | K-12 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
74 | 3/12/2020 16:50:13 | https://www.khanacademy.org/ | Khan Academy | Educational Video resources on multiple topics. | K-12 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
75 | 3/12/2020 16:49:24 | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8FeuVh5AwwY5S5gkSN7Dw_tWpRneVdq1FhGyYvCO1N83cug/viewform?vero_id=athompson%40e1b.org&vero_conv=DkrC-H3AHXmsRWwMpvELr2j70qyK2t386-xE02qesmgc3q-aY_32DINEKUP411tvLt6_BaO98Z-6OmFqonmnb1Cd3jf0tJ88zw%3D%3D | KIDS DISCOVER | To help alleviate the burden schools face when closing, we have decided to offer schools and school districts special access to Kids Discover Online through the end of June, 2020. Schools and/or districts that have closed as a result of COVID-19 will be able to claim access to Kids Discover Online through the end of the school year, at no charge. | K-8 | Multiple | ||||||||
76 | 3/12/2020 16:48:23 | https://milton-web.wnyric.org/canit/urlproxy.php?_q=aHR0cHM6Ly9lZHVjYXRvcnMuYnJhaW5wb3AuY29tLzIwMjAvMDIvMTkvZnJlZS1icmFpbnBvcC1hY2Nlc3MtZm9yLXNjaG9vbHMtYWZmZWN0ZWQtYnktdGhlLWNvcm9uYS12aXJ1cy8%3D&_s=ZXJpZTE%3D&_c=f7b049c8 | BrainPOP | Recognizing the enormous impact this situation has on a school community, BrainPOP is offering free, unlimited use of BrainPOP to any school, anywhere, that is closed due to the coronavirus during the period of their closure. This is intended for schools that do not currently have a subscription. | K-8 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
77 | 3/12/2020 16:43:21 | https://en.e-learningforkids.org/math/ | E-Learning for Kids. | Visit E-Learning for Kids where you can learn about multiple topics on multiple grade levels! | K-8 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | |||||||
78 | 3/12/2020 16:25:00 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/13y172-dmlv1boxzyZ7Dsw24J-r-LX9WP7p_buoGpBOs/edit | Extended Closure Digital Learning Plan Brainstorm Document | Gives even more resources for schools to consider. | K-12 | Multiple | ||||||||
79 | 3/16/2020 11:51:23 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NGi3CzD0gY7Dq83dtX_Oa4LDVdU0qkew251N6LQk-Fw/htmlview | Link of resources for virtual field trips | Allows 360 field trips for kids to take from home | 6-8 | Multiple | Consume (This resource is good for research or accessing information) | @BenAHoneycutt | ||||||
80 | 3/21/2020 22:48:12 | https://nafme.org/music-teacher-resources-school-closures/?fbclid=IwAR1tCXR9L-qNvYN-wBytf-nacFSaAvt4pJhjPtaHEfQxCr1nP7AxDzbUYBQ | Music Resources | Music Teacher Resources for School Closures from the National Association for Music Education | All | Music | ||||||||
81 | 4/6/2020 22:32:04 | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17EIjJ0gfBkfNF3Y6ZVwcG4VoGVGMezojlts8VVvNrow/edit#slide=id.p | Workout of the day | Remote PE Plans | K-3 | PE / Phys Ed | ||||||||
82 | 3/21/2020 22:50:06 | https://www.playpennies.com/free-things-to-do/joe-wicks-is-the-nations-pe-teacher-with-free-daily-kids-workouts-on-you-tube-186068?fbclid=IwAR2umjeutmPJ-eQIcL_vOBUTrB8FmUnvhyVTPwmmmGuTdBytP1fqa-EyDdg | Kids Workouts on Youtube | PE Teacher leads workouts for students. | All | PE / Phys Ed | ||||||||
83 | 3/17/2020 10:16:57 | https://openphysed.org/activeschools/activehome | Online Physical Education Network | Tools and resources for creating an active home for physical activity and physical education. | K-2 | PE / PHYS ED | ||||||||
84 | 3/16/2020 9:36:13 | https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WhNkNsYGaqoUYBHcTlKFwpdE2FOJ67Ftmabl4EYjm4A/edit#slide=id.p | Workout of the Day | Physical Education you can do at home! | K-8 | PE / Phys Ed | ||||||||
85 | 3/17/2020 8:51:44 | https://preschoolinspirations.com/kid-yoga-videos/?fbclid=IwAR1Tvm44rLmeWq-G0KHs06blldvruPvDNCtKlSCLDbgEdh9KbcZDghFLZR4 | Kid Yoga Videos | Get your young kids moving with this menu of Yoga videos! | PK-2 | PE / Phys Ed / Yoga | ||||||||
86 | 4/19/2020 12:47:12 | https://www.boredteachers.com/inspiring/not-all-students-can-do-virtual-learning-and-we-need-to-cut-them-some-slack?fbclid=IwAR0-kbfA_sPqT7Doonx-Ljsu27RLv6Y94c8umlw_FT-K4YuBLWykaf-Z2Z8 | Not all Students can do Virtual Learning | Pedagogy | ||||||||||
87 | 4/19/2020 12:42:08 | https://www.edutopia.org/article/3-tips-humanizing-digital-pedagogy?fbclid=IwAR1H9rbmfCpkhOCXwGclGvYTB0DevZLKlvBJSZeKYWQtDXoY7E6F3__Uo-A | 3 Tips for Humanizing Digital Pedagogy | Pedagogy | ||||||||||
88 | 4/6/2020 22:38:22 | https://www.learningpersonalized.com/amplifying-student-voice-during-remote-learning-and-in-the-classroom/?fbclid=IwAR0nng8BbmseqD5sEiyPljbtw0oOmT72KTGIhRrG0garvSXdEccilqJFVFE | Amplifying Student Voice During Remote Learning and in the Classroom | Pedagogy | ||||||||||
89 | 4/6/2020 22:35:28 | https://esheninger.blogspot.com/2020/04/10-remote-learning-practices-to-avoid.html?fbclid=IwAR0BQAHaaRn8rSsb_r0L8A7MQ_JhqIuVIdT3nZlcDZkmdUtRV_QetkiEdW4 | 10 Remote Learning Practices to Avoid | All | Pedagogy | |||||||||
90 | 4/1/2020 17:14:15 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=sd_QN3Jcnao&fbclid=IwAR3PDYnpp3cP6rRGqIaUKAjg8kR6QqvXNhaHOYUQcqSHVMyC5ZkrePN07ak&app=desktop | Turn your PDF or hard copy worksheet into an editable digital worksheet! | All | Pedagogy | |||||||||
91 | 3/26/2020 10:56:22 | https://www.booksourcebanter.com/2020/03/18/guide-to-remote-teaching-resources-for-educators/?fbclid=IwAR2AYosLq17sbk3H9xFuRa900egKdl76iM8GrmMgL2MviyLXNbUwcopUTLA | A Comprehensive Guide to Remote Teaching Resources for Educators at Every Grade | K-12 | Pedagogy | |||||||||
92 | 3/26/2020 9:19:16 | https://www.edutopia.org/article/why-learning-home-should-more-self-directed-and-less-structured?fbclid=IwAR0Qo1lHOif-eGRUs2eixSV4bL_F7fVVRy0z6R-_EdFJPVj56_c59f93rTc | Why learning at home should be more self directed and less structured | K-12 | Pedagogy | |||||||||
93 | 4/8/2020 9:14:23 | https://www.ronritchhart.com/blog/blog-post-four-krf7w-baser?fbclid=IwAR1Bjj6PX8_WTM1BXhfY7utmGYoZ_0QPFI_sDwo1b1MjHWYcK3BlFO_PIv8 | Using Thinking Routines for Distance Learning | All | Pedagogy / Instructional Practice | |||||||||
94 | 4/19/2020 12:44:02 | http://www.hogwartsishere.com/ | Take courses and tour the library at Hogwarts! | Pedagogy, but with ghosts and magic | ||||||||||
95 | 3/18/2020 14:48:50 | https://awesomestories.com | 5,390+ robust, original stories based on primary sources and presented in various media formats: written, dramatized narrations, videos, images, maps, and more! | It presents an intriguing, self guided exploration source of hand crafted, curated non-fiction stories that are searchable, linked to CCSS, and Essential Questions to consider at the end of each story. | K - 16 | People, places, events from history and current events | Create (This resource allows for the creation of a product) | @awesomestories | ||||||
96 | 3/21/2020 13:22:32 | https://ymca360.org/ | From boot camp to yoga, YMCA launches 60 free online classes for people stuck at home. | Free YMCA classes... | All | Phys Ed / PE | ||||||||
97 | 4/6/2020 22:28:12 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrLRJlbNlRc | How to Enable Automatic Captioning of PowerPoint Presentations | All | Presentations | |||||||||
98 | 3/21/2020 22:54:03 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZvZQ&fbclid=IwAR2uh7Srom_bpagSSynrwI28H_fVl7xyakQL_0-_WetLR6CM-XKdIFgOrXQ&app=desktop | Zoom Conference Tutorial | How to video for those learning to use Zoom video conferencing and virtual meeting software / App. | Teachers | Professional Development | ||||||||
99 | 3/26/2020 8:45:31 | https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo-strong/niagara-county-deputies-using-youtube-to-read-books-to-your-kids?fbclid=IwAR23mOpZZJvEL3maghtZpq_1TyXmiigXnzECHfccjp-y3PEs9PCwcFMm7Jk | Niagara County Deputies reading stories to kids on Youtube. | K-5 | Reading / ELA | |||||||||
100 | 3/21/2020 22:46:35 | https://www.youtube.com/user/StorylineOnline/videos | Famous folks reading picture books | Storyline Online is a Youtube resource where famous people read picture books for kids. | K-5 | Reading / ELA |